St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
                          7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823
                                 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                       January 19, 2020

                  Mission Statement/ Nuestra Mission
The Catholic Christian community of St. Charles Borromeo, having known the
Lord, wants to communicate through its celebrations, fraternal life, catechesis
and charity, the presence of the Risen Christ.
La comunidad Cristiana de San Carlos, habiendo conocido al Señor, quiere comu-
nicar a través de sus celebraciones, la vida fraterna, la catequesis y la Caridad, la
presencia de Cristo Resucitado.
Parish Office:
                                                   Catholic Faith Formation Office (CFF):
Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Monday-Friday)
(Lunch Break: 12:30pm—1:30pm)                      Director of Religious Education (English)
Tel: 916-421-5177 Fax 916-392-4831                 Sister Ma. Josielinda Tanudtanud, RVM
Priests:                                           916-421-7174 Ext.:540
Fr. Oscar Gómez-Medina, Pastor, Ext: 570           Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Thursdays-Off )
Fr. Dean J. Marshall, Parochial Vicar, Ext:. 560   (Lunch Break: 12:30pm - 1:30pm)
Office Staffs:                                     Director of Religious Education (Spanish)
Miriam De Leon, Office Admin., Ext: 500            Lupita Viña & Mariana Mora
Hedy Hocson, Office Admin., Ext: 510               916-421-1063 Ext.:530
Email:                     Hours: 2:00pm - 5:30pm (Wednesdays-Off )
Web site:
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa
Saturday / Sabado                                                              January 18—Jan. 24, 2020
Vigil Mass / Misa de Vigilia                                   Saturday
5:00 pm English
6:30 pm Spanish                                                8:00am– -
                                                               5:00pm– -Mae Tormis, †Manuel & Anita Pagdilao, †Jesus &
Sunday / Domingo
                                                               Natividad Tormis
English: 7:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:00nn & 5:00 pm
Español: 9:00 am, 1:30 pm & 6:30 pm                            6:30pm– †Daniel Ramirez Gonzalez, †Margarita Valencia,
                                                               †Maria & Elena Urquieta, †Virginia & Lupita Urquieta
Weekdays & Saturday
8:00 am Mass/Morning Prayer (Laudes)                           Sunday
                                                               7:30am- -Zack Sturm, †Taylor Barlow,
 Tuesday Evening /Martes por la Tarde
 6:00 pm Adoración                                             9:00am- -Reyna & Mauricio Sepulveda, †Leobarda Garcia,
 7:00 pm Misa en Español                                       †Alberto Sanchez, †Alejandro Peña, †Almas del Purgatorio
                                                               10:30am- -Aaron James Brillantes
Wednesday Evening / Miercoles por la Tarde
 6:00 pm Adoration                                             12:00nn– †Mercedes Pascual
7:00 pm English Mass                                           1:30pm– -Yareli Campos
Reconciliation / Confesiones                                   5:00pm– †Felix Bunac
Tuesday -Wednesday / Martes - Miercoles                        6:30pm-
 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm                                             Monday
Saturday / Sabado
                                                               8:00am- †Jose Felix Lucero
 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
                                                               8:00am- †George Biete
                                                               7:00pm– †Msgr. James Church, †Virginia Manzanido
                                                               Thusday -
                                                               8:00am– †Inez Nguyen

Saints & Readings For the Week
Sunday January 19
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 49:3, 5-6 / Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10 / 1 Cor 1:1-13 / Jn 1:29-34
Monday January 20
St. Fabian, Pope & Martyr / St. Sebastian, Martyr
1 Sm 15:16-23 / Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23 / Mk 2:18-22
Tuesday January 21
St. Agnes, Virgin, Martyr
1 Sm 16:1-13 / Ps 89:20-22, 27-28 / Mk 2:23-28
Wednesday January 22                                                      We ask the Lord to reward the
1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51 / Ps 144:1b-2, 9-10 / Mk 3:1-6               generosity of Our Giving Community.
Thursday January 23                                                 Previous Sunday’s Collection $10,161.00
St. Vincent, Martyr / St. Marianne Cope, Virgin                           The median of the past years’
1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7 / Ps 56:2-3, 9-13 / Mk 3:7-12                      operating expenses $619,000 which sets the
Friday January 24                                                          goal for each Sunday to $11,903.85
St. Francis De Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the Church                 Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad
1 Sm 24:3-21 / Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11 / Mk 3:13-19                            Dadivosa por su generosidad.
Saturday January 25, BVM                                           Colecta del fin de semana pasado $10,161.00
The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle                        Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,000 Objetivo de
Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22 / Ps 117:1-2 / Mk 16: 15-18        colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,903.85
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
Sts. Fabian and Sebastian January 20 -
                          Pope St. Fabian was the first laymen ever to be elected to the papacy. He was a humble and well respected farmer, before
                          entering into his pontificate in 236. While attending the council to determine who Anterus’ successor would be, a dove
                          suddenly appeared and descended upon the head of ‘Fabian as a clear sign of his divine election. Fabian was instantly cho-
                          sen as the next pope. He died a martyr’s death in 250 and was one of the first victims of the persecution under Emperor
                          Decius, who considered him a rival and personal enemy. He as buried in the Catacomb of Calixtus.
                          St. Sebastian a Roman martyr—is a young officer in the imperial army, who secretly dedicated himself to the spiritual and
                          temporal assistance of the Christians and martyrs. He exhorted Sts. Marcus and Marcellianus to constancy in the Faith and
                          inspired them with the courage to face their deaths when they began to waver under the pleas of their friends. Thus Sebas-
                          tian was condemned by Emperor Diocletian and delivered over to Mauritanian archers to death. Miraculously, he survived
                          and was nourished back to health by St. Zoe, a convert of his and mother of St. Marcus and Marcellianus. Sebastian con-
                          fronted the Emperor again for his harsh cruelty to the Christians. Thus he was clubbed to death and his body thrown into
                          the common sewer. It was privately removed, and he also was buried in the cemetery of Calixtus.
St.Fabian and Sst. Sebastian’s relics are both kept and venerated together in the Casilica of St.Sebastian in Rome.
                        St. Agnes (c. 292–c. 304) is one of the first women venerated in the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy of
                        saints. She was believed to have been martyred at the age of 12 because she refused to marry the son of a
                        Roman official, instead declaring herself committed to Christ during an era when Christianity was still an un-
                        derground religion. In the decades after her death, Agnes's tomb became a place of pilgrim age. She was mar-
                        tyred during the reign of Diocletian. She is the patron saint of virgins and her emblem is a Lamb (Latin Agnus).

                     Saint Vincent of Saragossa
                     Vincent of Saragossa (d. 304), deacon and martyr. Vincent served as deacon under Bishop Valerius of Saragossa and was mar-
                     tyred under Emperor Diocletian. According to tradition, as punishment for refusing to perform pagan sacrifice, Vincent was im-
                     prisoned without food, placed on the rack, and finally roasted on a gridiron. He is the patron saint of Lisbon.

                        St. Marianne Cope, Virgin           - Barbara Koob, born in Germany, immigrated with her family to the United States. The family
                         name became Cope. In 1862, Barbara entered the Third Order Regular of Franciscans and received her religious name, Sr. Mari-
                         anne. In 1883, she received a request from King Kalakaua in Hawaii for help in caring for leprosy patients. Though Fifty other
                         congregations declined the king’s plea, Mother Marianne responded at once: “I am hungry for the work and I wish with all my heart
                         to be one of the chosen Ones, whose privilege it will be to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the souls of the poor Is-
                         landers.” She and six sisters sailed for Hawaii to work establishing a hospital in Maui. Given the general fear of contagion and the
                         social stigma attached to those suffering from Hansen’s disease, the sisters’ dedication to their patients won wide respect. Eventu-
                         ally, Mother Marianne consented to move to the island of Molokai, where the most serious cases were confined. There, one of her
                         first tasks was to care for Fr. Damien de Veuster, the famous “Apostle to the Lepers,” who had succumbed to the disease during
                         his long years of service. She embraced her work with joy: “Should I live a thousand years I could not in ever so small a degree
thank Him for His gifts and blessings…. I do not expect a high place in Heaven—I shall be thankful for a little corner where I may love God for all eternity.”
Mother Marianne strove to create an atmosphere of beauty and peace, she transformed the barren landscape into a garden. Mother Marianne died of
natural causes on August 9, 1918. She was canonized in 2012.
                       Saint Francis de Sales was born in 1567 near Annecy, of noble and pious parents, and studied with brilliant
                       success at Paris and Padua. On his return from Italy he gave up the grand career which his father had destined
                       for him in the service of the state, and became a priest. When the duke of Savoy resolved to restore the
                       shattered Church in the Chablais, Francis offered himself for the work and set out on foot with his Bible and
                       breviary, accompanied by one companion, his cousin Louis of Sales. It was a work of toil, privation and danger.
                       Every door and every heart was closed against him. He was rejected with insult and threatened with death, but
                       nothing could daunt him or resist him indefinitely. And before long the Church blossomed into a second spring.
                       It is said that he converted 72,000 Calvinists. With Saint Jane Frances of Chantal, Saint Francis founded at
                       Annecy the Order of the Visitation nuns, which soon spread over Europe. Though poor, he refused provisions
                       and dignities, and even the great see of Paris. He died at Avignon in 1622.

                           Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle was the greatest of the early Christian missionaries. He first appears in the Acts
                           of the Apostles under the name of Saul. Saul was raised in the Jewish faith as a Pharisee trained in the strict observance of
                           God’s Law. Saul was upset by the early Christian Church, believing that the early Christian He believed had broken away
                           from their Jewish traditions. He actively persecuted the Church in Jerusalem. As the first Christian martyr Stephen was be-
                           ing stoned to death, Saul watched the cloaks of the persecutors (Acts 7:58).
                           Paul then traveled to Damascus to further persecute early Christians. On the road to Damascus Saul had an encounter with
                           the Risen Jesus Christ (Acts of the Apostles 9:1–19, Galatians 1: 13–14). Jesus asked, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting
                           me?” Paul replied, “Who are you, sir?” Jesus responded, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9: 4 – 5). Jesus then
                           sent Saul into Damascus to wait for further instructions. Saul was shaken and blinded by the experience. When a Christian
                           named Ananias came and baptized Saul, his blindness went away. As a result of this encounter Saul became a follower of
                           Christ. He was now convinced that fellowship with the risen Jesus Christ, not the observance of the Law, was all that was
                           needed to receive God’s promise of salvation. (Galatians 1:11–12; 3:1–5)
Saul, whose name now became Paul, went to Jerusalem to consult with Peter (Galatians 1: 18). After his first missionary journeys, Paul was called by
Jesus to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles. He spent the rest of his life journeying on his missions, establishing local churches, and writing to them
when he heard of their accomplishments and failures. Paul’s letters are the earliest records of the life and history of the early Church. As inspired by
the Holy Spirit Paul’s letters are part of the Canon of the New Testament. As a record of the happenings in the early Church they are in invaluable
record of the expansion of the Christianity.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
                                Mrs. Antoinette Perez, Principal
                             Phone (916) 421-6189 Fax (916)421-395
                              Office Hours 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                        SCB School News
                                 Open House - St. Charles Borromeo Parish School
                                 Sunday, January 26 * 12 pm - 1pm
                                 St. Charles Borromeo Parish School, Pre-K to 8th Grade
New Year Blessings to all our parish! The school community prays for peace, joy and good health
for all.
If you are searching for a safe, loving and successful school for your child, now is the time to dis-
cover St. Charles Borromeo Parish School. Our school gives students an environment where learning
the Catholic faith comes first. See for yourself how much your child will love school. Open House is
Sunday, January 26, from 12 to 1 pm. Start with lunch in the gym, then visit classrooms to meet
teachers and students. All are welcome.
Si Ud. busca una escuela segura, cariñoso y exitosa para su hijo, ahora es el momento de conocer
la Escuela Parroquial St. Charles Borromeo. Nuestra escuela les brinda a los estudiantes un ambiente
donde se aprende y practica la fe Católica cada día. Encuentre cuánto le encantará a su hijo asistir
a la escuela. Open House es el domingo 26 de enero de 12 a 1 pm. Comience con el almuerzo en
el gimnasio y pase a las aulas para conocer a los maestros y estudiantes. Bienvenidos a todos. Se
habla español.
                                                                         WALK FOR LIFE BUS REGISTRATION
                                                                                 JANUARY 2020
                                                                  Reserved your bus seats for the 16th Annual
                                                                  Walk for Life West Coast in San FrFor reserva-
                                                                  tion call Aancisco on Saturday, January 25. na
                                                                  Macias (916) 217-4391 or the parish office.
                                                    CAMINATA POR LA VIDA- ENERO 25, 2020
                                                    Reserva la fecha para el 16avo Año de la
                                                    Camita por la Vida in la Ciudad de San
                                                    Francisco. Para reservar su lugar en el
                                                    Bus favor de llamar a Ana Macias (916)
                                                    217-4391 o a la oficina de la parroquia.

                                                    Pro-Life Mass of Reparation: On Wednesday, January 22,
                                                    2020 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament a Pro-Life
                                                    Mass of Reparation will be celebrated by Bishop Soto at
                                                    12:10 pm in solemn recognition of the 47th anniversary of
                                                    the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which mandated
                                                    that abortion be legal throughout our country. All priests
                                                    are invited to concelebrate and all Catholics and others of
                                                    good will are encouraged to attend. For more information
                                                    call the diocesan Respect Life office at 916-733-0156.
                                                    Misa Pro-Vida de Reparación: Miércoles, 22 de enero
                                                    2020, 12:10 PM Catedral del Santísimo Sacramento (calles
                                                    11 y K) El miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020 en la Catedral del
                                                    Santísimo Sacramento, el Obispo Soto celebrará una Misa
                                                    Pro-Vida de Reparación a las 12:10 pm en reconocimiento
                                                    solemne del 47 aniversario de la infame decisión de Roe v
                                                    Wade en la cual el aborto se legalizó en todo nuestro país.
                                                    Todos los sacerdotes están invitados a concelebrar y todos
                                                    los católicos y todos los de buena voluntad están invitados a
                                                    asistir. Para más información, llame a la oficina de diocesa-
                                                    na de Respeto a la Vida 916-733-0156
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
* END-OF-THE-CALENDAR-YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS *                                    The Parish Office will be closed on January 20,
Many individuals will make charitable contribu-                               2020, Monday in observance of Martin Luther
                                                                              King holiday.
tions late in the calendar year to take ad-
vantage of tax benefits. In order to do so,                                   La Oficina de la Parroquia estara cerrada de
                                                                              Enero 20, Lunes en celebración de Martin Luther
checks must be dated and envelopes post-                                      King.
marked on or before December 31, 2019.
If you are in the position to make end-of-year
                                                                                             St. Vincent De Paul Society
contributions, please consider our parish as a
beneficiary of your support.                                                           Hotline Number 916-733-010
                                                                              If you're looking for something positive to get involved
                    Tienes necesidad de Oracion y                             with in 2020, please consider joining our St Vincent de
                                                                              Paul group here at St. Charles. We can use your help and
                    Sanacion esta es la oportuni-
                                                                              your hands! We make home visits as needed and we dis-
                    dad que estas esperando te
                                                                              tribute groceries every Monday morning to those who
                    invito a que asistas al Taller de                         come to us for food. Please come to one of our meetings
                    Oracion y Vida que se impar-                              to learn more about us and how you can contribute. Help-
tira aqui en la parroquia de San Carlos Borro-                                ing those in need, working with pleasant, hardworking
meo el miercoles 22 de enero del 2020 de 7:00 -                               volunteers, and finding Jesus in every person you serve is
9:00 p.m. Para mayores informes llama o manda                                 a gift back to you! We meet on the third Monday of every
un texto al cel: (916) 692 6095 con Jose Carrillo.                            month at 7pm in the Monsignor Poole Room in the recto-
                                                                              ry. Please come check us out! Thank You!
                             Clase de Quinceañera
                  Este Día, tu día, es muy especial, porque Dios te                  MINISTERIO de CONSOLACIÓN PARA EL DOLIENTE
                  llama a ser un ejemplo para otros de honestidad,                                    Febrero 2020
                                                                                                   Comprensión del Duelo
                  apertura, amistad, paciencia. Has sido llamada para
                                                                              Estas sesiones son para personas quienes han pasado por la pérdida
construir los corazones de otros para traer esperanza, fe, y amor”            de su pareja, hijo/a, hermano/a, u otro pariente. También, un divor-
Para todas las jovenes que tendran su misa de quinceañera este                cio, pérdida de empleo, una amistad de largo tiempo, etc. - todo esto
año les invitamos a que participen en la clase de preparacion                 produce el duelo. El más grande de estos es la pérdida de un ser
para quinceañeras. Enero 20-24 (Lunes a Viernes) de 6:00–                     querido. El duelo es un proceso que nos ayuda aceptar nuestra pérdi-
8:00pm en el salon #8 de la Escuela de San Carlos Borromeo.                   da. Si tiene preguntas, favor de comunicarse con George Alvarado
                                                                              916-747-1960 o la oficina parroquial, (916) 421-5177.
                                                                              *Sesión 1.   Introducción/Sentirse Perdido es Normal lunes feb. 03
                  Para las parejas que recivirán el Sacramen-                 *Sesión 2.    Etapas del Duelo                         lunes feb. 10
                                                                              *Sesión 3.    Sobreviviendo el estrés                 lunes feb. 17
                  to de Matrimonio este año la platica pre-
                                                                              *Sesión 4.    Sentimientos de Negación/Remordimiento lunes feb. 24
                  matrimonial sera está semana del Martes                     *Sesión 5.    Ira/Depresión                          lunes mar. 02
                  21 a Viernes 24 de Enero en el salon multi-                 *Sesión 6.    El Valor de las Memorias                lunes mar. 09
                                                                              *Sesión 7.    Rito Memorial                          lunes mar. 16
                  usos del Centro Parroquial. Para mas infor-                                  REUNIONES SE LLEVARÁN A CABO EN EL SALÓN
                  mación puedes llamar a la oficina 916-421-                                      MULTIUSOS DEL CENTRO PARROQUIAL ,
                                                                                                      POR FAVOR ACOMPÁÑANOS
5177 o Catequesis en español 916-421-1063.                                                    Horario de Sesiones: 07:00 pm – 08:30 pm

                                                                                 DIOCESAN NEWS
                                World Marriage Day Mass 2020 - Join us as we honor marriage and salute the beauty of faithfulness, sacri-
                                  fice and joy in married life. During this Mass, there will be a special blessing for sacramentally married couples
                                  and an opportunity for them to renew their marital commitment. An informal reception will follow for couples
                                  and their families. Special certificates will be distributed at the reception honoring couples celebrating milestone
                                  anniversaries (10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 50+). If you have questions, call the Office of Family and Faith Formation
at (916) 733-0133. Sponsored by the Diocese of Sacramento, World Wide Marriage Encounter & Encuentro Matrimonial. If you plan to attend,
please register at: / Si está planeando asistir favor de inscribirse en:
Dia Mundial del Matrimonio: Únase a nosotros para honrar el matrimonio, la belleza de la fidelidad, sacrificio y la alegría en la vida matrimonial.
Durante la misa, habrá una bendición especial para las parejas casadas sacramentalmente y la oportunidad de renovar su compromiso matrimo-
nial. Después de misa habrá una recepción informal para las parejas y familiares. En la recepción, se entregará un certificado especial a las pare-
jas que celebran un aniversario significativo (10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 50+). Si tiene alguna pregunta favor de llamar al Oficina de Familia y For-
mación en la Fe al (916) 733-0133.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020 St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020 St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church - 7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2020
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