Capitalizzare i risultati di SmartChain - ISEKI-Food E-learning
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«Capitalizzare i risultati di SmartChain nell’ottica di Horizon Europe e altre opportunità». SMARTCHAIN Workshop - Italy Rome, 31st of May 2021 Dr. Daniel Rossi EU Coordinator of National Food Technology Platforms - NFTPs Chairman of the Research & Innovation WP – Copa-Cogeca Delegate Research & Innovation – Confagricoltura Former Director General - Confindustria - Federalimentare
European Manufacturing Sectors FOOD MANUFACTURING SECTOR First sector of EU Manufacturing Accounts for about 15% of EU turnover and employment 4,2 million employees 285.000 enterprises Source: Data & trends of the European Food and Drink Industry 2018 (FoodDrinkEurope)
2018 EU BIO-ECONOMY EU bio-economy turnover of 3.062 billion € with 21,3 million employees. Sector Turnover Employees Source (Billion €) (million) Food & Drink Industry 1.343 4.2 FoodDrinkEurope Agriculture 482 10,8 COPA-COGECA Fisheries 17 0.5 FAO Paper, Leather etc. 480 1,9 CEPI Forestry 378 2,1 CEI-BOIS Others (build, textile, 260 1,4 CEFIC - CIVA seeds, breeds..... ) Bio-based materials 102 0,4 Chemistry 85 (est)* 0,15 (est)* USDA, Arthur D Little, Festel, McKinsey, CEFIC Enzymes 7(est)* 0,10 (est)* Amfep, Novozymes, Danisco/Genencor, DSM Biofuels 10 0,15 EBB, eBio Bruxelles, 2020 Total 3.062 21,3 Source: CE 2019
2011 (Bil €) 2015 (Bil €) 2019 (Bil €) FATTURATO (Valore) 124 (+2,3%) 133 (+2,4%) 144 (+2,5%) PRODUZIONE -0,3% -0,9% +0.5% (Quantità) 6.860 NUMERO IMPRESE 6.957 6.810 (con oltre 9 INDUSTRIALI (con oltre 9 addetti) (con oltre 9 addetti) addetti) NUMERO ADDETTI 408.000 405.000 402.000 21,1 27,1 33,2 EXPORT (+10,0%) (+6,9%) (+3,5%) 17,5 20,4 23,4 IMPORT (+9,8%) (+4,5%) (+1,8%) 4,6 6,7 9,8 SALDO (+7,0%) (+19,7%) (+26,2%) TOTALE CONSUMI 206 208 210 ALIMENTARI (Variaz. Reale + 1,0%) (Variaz. Reale -3%) (Variaz. Reale + 0,3%) POSIZIONE 2° posto (12%) 2° posto (14%) 2° posto (15%) NELL’INDUSTRIA dopo settore dopo settore dopo settore ❑ MANIFATTURIERA A c c ITALIANA metalmeccanico metalmeccanico metalmeccanico e s
ITALIAN FOOD & DRINK INDUSTRY REGIONAL TURNOVER AND EXPORT 2018 Fatturato (stima - Inc% fatt. reg./fatt. Export (miliardi di Inc% exp. Regioni miliardi di euro) tot. euro) reg./exp.tot. Inc.% exp./fatt. Piemonte 13,0 9,1 4,7 16,1 36,2 Valle d'Aosta 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,3 31,0 Lombardia 32,6 25,2 4,8 19,5 14,6 Liguria 1,7 1,3 0,3 1,3 18,8 Veneto 14,0 10,7 3,4 13,9 23,5 Friuli Venezia Giulia 2,3 1,7 0,5 2,2 23,8 Trentino 3,2 2,4 1,3 4,8 36,7 Emilia Romagna 27,8 21,3 4,1 16,0 13,7 Toscana 5,0 3,7 1,6 6,1 29,8 Umbria 2,2 1,6 0,4 1,3 18,2 Marche 2,1 1,6 0,3 0,9 10,0 Lazio 6,6 5,0 0,6 2,2 7,9 Abruzzo 2,5 1,8 0,5 1,7 17,4 Molise 0,7 0,5 0,1 0,1 6,0 Campania 6,8 5,1 2,3 9,1 32,3 Puglia 5,0 3,8 0,6 2,2 10,4 Basilicata 0,4 0,3 0,1 0,2 11,4 Calabria 1,3 0,9 0,2 0,4 8,3 Sicilia 3,7 2,7 0,5 1,7 11,8 Sardegna 2,0 1,4 0,2 0,1 5,6 Totale Italia 133,0 100,0 27,0 100,0 20,3
Lombardia or Emilia Romagna FDI Turnover: + 50% Austria + 200% Czech +30% Denmark +250% Finland + 150% Greece +230% Hungary + 10% Ireland +120% Portugal +70% Sweden
% TURNOVER COMPOSITION 2014 Billion € 8% 9% 18% 1% c Tradizionale classico 83,2 64% c Tradizionale evoluto 23,4 18% c Denominazioni protette (DOP, IGP) 10,4 8% di cui 3,5 ml d di export c Nuovi prodotti 11,7 9% c Biologico 1,3 1% 64% Totale 130 100% di cui 25 ml d di export % DIRECT EMPLOYMENT COMPOSITION ITALIAN FOOD & DRINK INDUSTRY
SMARTCHAIN in Italy • Smartchain/shortchain/fairchain/blockchain/e-commerce: • In Italia, l’agrifood in valore: • Fatturato alla produzione, 144 – 33 + 23 = 134 mld • Valore al consumo, 210 mld = 150 GDO + 60 Horeca • Di cui: Consumo catene corte e vendita diretta: 13,5 mld • Del quale: catene corte = 5,4 mld euro • Del quale: vendita diretta (+ e-commerce) = 8,1 mld euro • A vantaggio dell’agricoltore/smes = 3,78 mld euro • A vantaggio del consumatore = 4,32 mld euro • A vantaggio del retailer/risto/catering = 5,46 mld euro Titolo della Presentazione/Sezione 14
European long-term priorities of The European Technology Platform Food for Life ▪ A more competitive agri-food industry and chain in Europe; ▪ More innovation in farming and food processing: ▪ Farm for Tomorrow - Food Factory of the Future; ▪ Resource efficiency in the Circular Bioeconomy ▪ Improving added value of high quality foods, traditional and PGI ; ▪ Dietary needs of the elderly, in pregnancy, in others target groups; ▪ Early detection of chemical and microbiological hazards; ▪ Low cost and low scale processing, tech transfer and networks for SMEs; ▪ Impact of food and drink policies in Europe (VAT, excise, access, comm.).
Wide variety of products. Convenience, ready to eat. Authenticity, Origin, Territory, Landscape, Narrative. Attention to specific nutritional needs. Tasty products, texture, density, colour, portion, pack. Products affordable in price / quality ratio. Attention to specific needs: religious / ethnic / ethical . Attention to environment, sustainability, organic, naturalness, no waste , recovery. New occasions: brunches, aperos, happy hours, street food, catering, slow food, grazing, gastros.
Challenges and responses for Food Manufacturers Precision farming and sustainability; Scarcity in raw materials; Raw materials diversity; nutritional values Globalization to manage; Low cost technologies and downscaling Local food chains and markets enhanced; Resource and manufacturing efficiency to Buyers and Retailers concentration; improve; New ways of consumption; Horizontal Innovation to be incorporated: new mats., ICT, process, pack, low cost High stratification of consumption; technologies New glocal values: ethics, envi, ethnic, From old to young generation of authentic, natural …; entrepreneurs; New nutritional and diet values; Food Supply Chain and Collaborative Networks; New policies on food&drink: neo protect, neo prohibi, neo info; New distribution systems and business models; New trade policies: Europe, Efta, Nafta, Asian, Ttip, Med, Mercosur. Flexibility and differentiation to face new ways of consumption;
CONSIDERAZIONI DI SINTESI MINUS & PLUS PER L’AGRIFOOD ITALIANO ALL’ESTERO PLUS • Agguerrita concorrenza internazionale: nuovi produttori • Forte appeal della dieta sempre più specializzati e competitivi mediterranea e del Made in Italy nel mondo • Aumento spinte protezionistiche e delle barriere all’ingresso (non solo tariffarie) • Elevata differenziazione della produzione e dei prodotti • Elevati costi legati al «deficit» del esportati sistema Paese (trasporti, fisco, burocrazia, …) • Migliore posizionamento di prezzo medio dei prodotti italiani • Limitate dimensioni delle imprese: (formaggi, olio, salumi…) rispetto impatto negativo su competitività, ai concorrenti esteri derivante da investimenti, innovazione e presidio una diffusa percezione di qualità dei mercati esteri • Accordi di libero scambio • Assenza di GDO internazionalizzata MINUS Denis Pantini
Circular Economy:Global Challenges after 2008 crisis & 2020 coronavirus • Food & Nutrition security and climate change: sustainable food supply system (SDGs, SFSP-FAO UNEP ESIF EU S3 Platforms Food Kic PPP)); • Access to enough, safe and nutritious food : EU JPI FACCE and Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life and WANA; • A more resource – efficient agriculture, marine and food chain, in rural and urban dimensions:FAO Agrifood Task force and IPCC and CFP • Developing the human and social capital: High level panel of experts (FAO UNEP HLPE ERASMUS + ISEKI); • Land use and rural development strategy: CAP, OECD WP on rural growth and CIHEAM, PRIMA; • Long term strategy for the circular bioeconomy : EU biobased PPP – Green Economy and IAASTD and ETC group and Horizon Europe. • Long term strategy for renewable energies: BIOGAS, BIOMETHAN european development; BIOENERGIES (solar/eolic/geotermic…) • PRECISION FARMING (Ict,Space, Digitization, Big Data)
EU AgriFood and National Programs: • Food 2030 (October 2017 Bruxelles – June 2018 Plovdiv – BG, Octob.2019 EU) • Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe (WP 2018 – 2010 – 22° of June WP 2021/2022) • Intereg, Erasmus, Smes Fast Track, Food Kic, FDE R&I, Copa Cogeca WP RES …. • Food for Life National Platforms ( 29° Meeting in Bonn/Paris/Madrid Oct. 2021) • New CAP – Feasr, Fesr, Pon…. • S3 Regions for Europe (Tuscany and Piemonte and Emilia and Lombardia) • Cluster Agrifood ClAN+15 Cluster regionals (New Statute October 2019) • Sisters’Clusters: Plants for the Future, Spring – Green chemistry, Organic… • Calls National Ministries and regional calls (Apr. 2019 – June 2020 - Recovery F.) • Agri-Food Chains Agreements (National Authorities, Ministries) • Fiscal advantages /Industry - Investiments 4.0, Digital agenda …. • Education and Training on Agri-Food (Masters, PhD, Vocational, Erasmus..) • Prima Programme for the Mediterranean, North-South/East-West Cooperation. Fonte: Elaborazione e Stime Confagricoltura
Milestones so far 21
FOOD 2030 Research & Innovation for tomorrow's nutrition and food systems Massimo BURIONI F3 Unit - Agri-Food Chain DG Research & Innovation European Commission, Brussels Ecomondo, Rimini, 9 novembre 2017 1
Political Opportunity Juncker Priorities & Modern CAP Sustainable Development Goals COP21+ World Food Day 2017 IPCC 23
FOOD 2030 EU R&I Policy Framework to future-proof our nutrition & food systems Priorities • Need for a systemic approach to future-proofing food systems by structuring, connecting and scaling-up R&I • To provide evidence for policies and solutions (knowledge, methods, technologies, services, business models, etc.) addressing 4 24 priorities.
Working with the private sector European & National Technology Platforms • stakeholder fora (academia, research, authorities & industry) • mobilise stakeholders on agreed priorities, R&I agendas & roadmaps at EU/national level • ETP 'Food for Life', ‘Animal Farm & Breeding', 'Plants for The Future‘ , TP Organics, … Knowledge & Innovation Communities (KICs) • EIT Food • Missions: Soil Health…… • Public Private Partnerships (SusFoodSystems,AgroEcology,AgriData.. 25 • addressing innovation – education – business co-creation -training
HORIZON EUROPE FP 9 (COM 2018, 7 6 2018)
HORIZON EUROPE FP 9 (COM 2018, 7 5 2021) Budget 2021-2027 95,5 bilion • • Open Science: • Open Innovation: • ERA 16,0 b; • EIC 10,1 b; • Marie Curie 6,6 b; • European innovation ecosyst. 0,5 b; • Research Infrastructure 2,4 b. • EIIT 3,0 b. • Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness: • Strengthening the European Research Area: • Health 8,25 b; • Culture & Inclusive Society 2,28 b; • Sharing excellence 2,96 b; • Civil Security 1,60 b; • Reforming and enhancing the • Digital Industry & Space 15,35 b; European R&I System 0,44 b. • Climate, Energy & Mobility 15,12 b; • Euratom 1,98 b. • Food, Bioec.,Natural Resources 8,95 b; • InvestEU R&I 6,60 b. • Joint Research Centre JRC 1,97 b; • Missions (Soil Health & Food…) (9%). • Partnerships (Co-Programmed, Co-Funded, Institutionalised.)
Newsletter on Agriculture & Innovation | edition 61 | Sep 2018 View this email in your browser A nature-based approach for Mediterranean ecosystems A project in Portugal has been experimenting with ‘sown biodiverse pastures’. Pastures are sown with a high amount and high variety of seeds, including legumes. Among other benefits, this technique helps tackle climate change by improving carbon sequestration. Claudia Marques dos Santos, a participating farmer: “We see ourselves not only as farmers but also as providers of environmental services." Read on. Launching the Operational Group ‘Organic Asparagus’ in W ales, UK. Bioeconomy in the North The first call for proposals from the network ‘Bioeconomy in the North’ will provide a total of 5.5 million € to projects from the Northern part of Europe on: forest biomass production, lignocellulosic biomass conversion, as well as valorisation and governance strategies and policy instruments. The funding is available for applicants from Germany, Finland and Norway. Call closes 17 January 2019. More information. Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health Biodiversity and health are the focus of the new BiodivERsA call. It will support collaborative transnational research projects through 2 different actions: one to gather research teams to generate new primary data and the other to set up a working group using existing data sets. Call will open in October with a pre-proposal deadline in November. Read the details. Updated Horizon 2020 brochure – calls 2019 Just a reminder that the EIP-AGRI brochure on Horizon 2020 has been updated with details on the calls for 2019. Opportunities for agriculture and forestry appear in several parts of the work programme as Horizon 2020 works across many different areas to boost innovation. This brochure will help you navigate the most relevant calls and find the topics you are looking for. Download it here. Grazing for carbon The potential of grasslands as a carbon sink in Europe is large. The 20 experts in the EIP-AGRI Focus Group ‘Grazing for carbon’ shared knowledge and experience from different disciplines on the relationship between grazing systems and carbon sequestration. Read the report and fact sheet. Focus Group call - thank you to all applicants The latest call for experts closed on 10 September 2018. Many thanks to everyone who applied and to those who helped spread the call. We received 87 applications for ‘Non-chemical weed management in arable cropping systems’ and 47 for ‘Pests and diseases of the olive tree.’ The selected experts will be informed by 20 October. Did you know that EIP-AGRI is on social media? Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and stay up to date with all the latest info. #EIPagri Evaluators for the IoF2020 Open Call IoF2020 are looking for evaluators for the call we announced last month which is on Internet of Things (IoT)-technologies for the European food and farming industry. They are looking for independent evaluators able to assess the quality of the proposals. Evaluators must be available in October 2018. More info. Connecting farm demonstration activities in Europe NEFERTITI is a Horizon 2020 multi-actor project on farm demonstration activities. The project will set up networks on 10 selected themes, such as Grassland and carbon sequestration and Robust organic livestock systems, to stimulate innovation and improve peer-to-peer learning. The networks involve demo-farmers, advisers, NGOs, industry, education, researchers and decision makers. Read more. Cross-border cooperation to strengthen rural economies Agropol, pilot project supported by the European Commission, is holding a number of dissemination events in Autumn 2018. The project looked at how working with partners from other places with similar environmental and socio-economic challenges can offer innovative solutions and business opportunities and can also make the agro-food sector more sustainable. The events are free and will be held in Austria, Belgium and Portugal, find out how to register. Reinforcing the attractiveness of the sheep sector Since 2000, the number of sheep meat and milk producers has declined in the EU by 50%. The Horizon 2020 thematic network SheepNet aims to increase the productivity of sheep farms in a sustainable way. The network creates links between Operational Groups, collecting and spreading knowledge to encourage the use of innovative technologies and practices through their knowledge reservoir. Find out more. KATANA business accelerator The EU-funded project KATANA brings together farmers, food producers and technologists to address needs in agrifood, ICT and emerging industries. KATANA provides selected small or medium- sized enterprises with grants, training and support: “It creates an ecosystem connecting stakeholders from across Europe and provides key services to help develop innovation” explains project coordinator Alexandra Rudl. KATANA has led to the launch of 10 European businesses. Find out more. Romanian Rural Network 22 August 2018 Pe siteul și #EIPAgri a fost publicată versiunea în română a newsletterului EIP AGRI pe luna August. Link gustnews … * RO version of EIP Agri newsletter available online: gustnews … @EIPAGRI_SP #EIPAgri #PEIAgri #innovation
The European way – The Mind Map INNOVATIVE FARMERS & AGRI-COOPERATIVES • Enhanced Knowledge Exchange • - Farmers learning from farmers • - Farmers leading Innovation • - Links between conventional and organic systems • Green Growth; • - Efficient / Precision use of resources • - Active management of natural resources • - Climate change mitigation and adaptation • - Closing the yield gap/ sustainable intensification • - Improved agrifood system productivity • Fair and Competitive Value Chains • - Collaboration & Cooperation across all sectors in the chain • - New strategy for shorter value chains and new business models • - Digitization, ICT, Big Data management, Artificial Intelligence • Healthy Farming; • - Integrated pest management and soil/water health • - Dealing with emerging pests and diseases • - Enhancing biosecurity in housed livestock • - Plant and animal breeding for resilience and robustness – nbts/ngts
Circ. economy: the European Way - Industry Hot Topics • The food human axis: effect of ingredients, processing and way of consumption on human wellbeing; • Low Scale Low Cost new technologies (ict, pilots, niches, efficiency …) • High quality stable and fresh food ready to eat with packaging extended shelf life; • Consumer response to food price instability: from raw materials to retailers supplier; • Valorization of genetic resources and technological improvements to increase the nutra-functional values of processed foods; • New track systems and sustainable transportation and logistics, losses and waste reduction; • Markers identification , integrity of varieties used in the production of traditional materials and food and DOP/IGP • Sustainable production and new business models and value chains strategies
R&I statements and joint statements on priorities & methods: • FoodDrinkEurope R&I • ETP Food4Life – SRIA – Impl. Plan • ETP Plants 4 Future • ETP Organic • ETP Animal farm & Welfare • NFTPs • Copa Cogeca RES • ETP F4L – NFTPs EU • ETP F4L – Copa Cogeca • ETPs in Cluster 6 • Copa Cogeca – TechTask Force • EFFOST – NFTPs • EIT Food – NFTPs FIELDS Pact for Skills • SUSFOOD – ERANETs • JPIs – Health & Facce • SCAR – AKIS • National & Regional Authorities/S 3 • RTD/Agri/Growth/Job/Health/Envi…….
CL.USTER A.GRIFOOD N.AZIONALE - CL.A.N. Viale L. Pasteur, 10 - 00144 Roma Tel +39 06.5903855 – Fax +39 06.5903342 Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna Tel +39 051.639 – Fax +39 06.5903342 -
THE STRATEGY: ROADMAP FOR INNOVATION AND RESEARCH • CL.A.N. has developed a Roadmap for Innovation and Research: this task involved universities, public and private research bodies, food companies, district representatives, industry associations and training organisations, to prepare a shared strategic vision of prospective technology scenarios in the Food Industry. • The document is structured around six Technology Pillars which are true strategic development axes of the agrifood industry: 1. Health and well-being throughout the entire lifecycle 2. Food safety 3. Production processes for improved food quality 4. Sustainable and competitive food production 5. Machinery for the food industry 6. ICT in the agrifood industry and technology transfer tools Source: CLAN
DELEGHE A MEMBRI CDP 2021-2023 SU PAT LINEE DI ATTIVITA’ DEL AZIONI PROPOSTA PIANO DI AZIONE TRIENNALE DELEGHE PER 2021- 2023 1. SUPPORTO STRATEGICO AI POLICY MAKER 1.1.Consultazione e coordinamento degli attori della Ricerca Industriale M. FONTANA * Con il supporto costante e strutturato del Vicepresidente 1.2.Collaborazione strategica con i Policy maker Nazionali e Regionali M. FONTANA* 2. INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE 2.1.Supporto allo sviluppo di Parterariati Internazionali L. SCORDAMAGLIA 2.2.Supporto a Progetti di Ricerca e Innovazione Europei e Transnazionali P. BRIGIDI 2.3.Proiezione Europea e Transnazionale del Cluster M. IANNETTA 3.ANIMAZIONE E NETWORKING 3.1.Programma di sensibilizzazione E. MARCONI 3.1.Promozione di Reti lunghe di Cooperazione tra Territori D. ROSSI 4.COMUNICAZIONE E PROMOZIONE 4.1. Piano di Comunicazione e Digital Strategy P. BONARETTI 5.SOSTEGNO AI PROCESSI DI VALORIZZAZIONE RICERCA, 5.1.Sviluppo di Servizi di Supporto alle Imprese L. SCORDAMAGLIA INNOVAZIONE E TRASFERIMENTO TECNOLOGICO 5.2.Collaborazione Inter-Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali P. BONARETTI 6.SUPPORTO ALLA FORMAZIONE DEL CAPITALE UMANO 6.1.Formazione, Training e Sviluppo delle Competenze di Ricerca e E. MARCONI Innovazione 7.SVILUPPO DEI SISTEMI D GESTIONE CONOSCENZA 7.1.Supporto al Miglioramento delle capacità di Gestione della Innovazione D. ROSSI OGNI DELEGATO, OLTRE ALLA SEGRETERIA TECNICA, AVRA’ COME SUPPORTO UN TEAM DI SUPPORTO FORMATO DA DUE COMPONENTI DEL CTS/AREA E ALMENO DUE SOCI/AREA 1- COMPONENTI CTS: DEFINITI AUTONOMAMENTE ALL’INTERNO DEL CTS 2- COMPONENTI «SOCI»: INVIO DI UNA CALL CON DICHIARAZIONE DI INTERESSE PER 3 AZIONI/SOCIO, POI ANALISI E VALUTAZIONE IN BASE AL KNOWLEDGE DEL SOCIO E ALLA PRIORITA’ DELL’AZIONE
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