A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE - 2018-2020 Action Plan - Gouvernement.fr

Page created by Shawn Figueroa
2018-2020 Action Plan
2018-2020 Action Plan

The bioeconomy encompasses the whole range of activities          the convention on biological diversity, the national strategy
linked to bioresource production, use and processing. The         for the sea and coastal areas, and so on. The action plan
purpose of those activities is to provide a sustainable           deliberately does not cover topics already addressed in
response to the need for food and to part of society’s requi-     those documents. In particular, the action plan does not
rements for materials and energy, while at the same time          address anything relating to the circular economy such as
preserving natural resources and guaranteeing the provision       biowaste recycling.
of high-quality environmental services.
                                                                  The bioeconomy will not develop without the involvement
The bioeconomy therefore brings with it major changes for         of local regions. The action plan is focused on the national
our society with a transition in usage from fossil to biologi-    framework and tools likely to encourage the deployment of
cally sourced products, transformation of the economic            the bioeconomy in the regions. Government can support the
systems that supply the materials concerned, a focusing of        regions in implementing local policies for the benefit of the
activity on agricultural and forestry production and industrial   bioeconomy and ensure a satisfactory link-up between
processing methods aligned with a philosophy of sustaina-         national and regional strategies.
ble management of water, soil and biodiversity based on
cascaded and closed-loop types of exploitation.                   The action plan represents the outcome of a broad-based
                                                                  consultation process involving government and stakehol-
In order to support the development of the bioeconomy,            ders. It has benefited from input from reflection during the
France has put in place a strategy tabled in the French Coun-     French National Food Conference, in particular the procee-
cil of Ministers on 18 January 2017. It is the outcome of work    dings of Workshop no. 3 “Developing the bioeconomy and
done by the ministries responsible for agriculture, the envi-     the circular economy”, which was part of the conference
ronment, the economy and research, in addition to input           work area on reinvigoration of the creation of value and
from all stakeholders (upstream and downstream economic           ensuring its fair allocation. Some actions derive however
agents, public bodies, researchers, civil society, and so on).    from sector plans drawn up by interbranch bodies at the
                                                                  request of the President of the French Republic. Indeed, cer-
The French bioeconomy strategy lays down a framework for          tain interbranch organisations promote the exploitation of
sustainable development of the bioeconomy consistent with         agricultural, forest and agrifood co-products, notably for
our national territory’s resources and needs while avoiding       energy-related purposes, along with the development of
excessive exploitation. The present action plan translates        new commercial applications – in bio-based industries, for
this strategy into distinct actions in order to ensure an ope-    example.
rational roll-out of the bioeconomy across France in 2018,
2019 and 2020. The plan deliberately focuses on the non-          The action plan translates the overall bioeconomy strategy
food component of the bioeconomy in 2018. It does not             into operational actions under five broad headings:
address food-related exploitation of biomass, since this is        Extending knowledge;
covered by specific policies.                                       Promoting the bioeconomy and its products to the gene-
                                                                     ral public;
The French bioeconomy strategy is consistent with the other        Creating the conditions for matching supply with
national strategies relating to the production of biore-             demand;
sources, their mobilisation, their use and environmental             Sustainable  bioresource production, mobilisation and
goals and issues: the plant protein plan, the agroecology            processing;

project for France, the national low-carbon strategy, the          Removing obstacles and providing funding
national biomass mobilisation strategy and regional biomass       The actions defined are listed below. The table provides a
schemes, the roadmap for a circular economy, the national         description and specifies lead entities, deliverables (expec-
biodiversity strategy, the multiyear energy programme, the        ted outcomes) and a due date for each action. Each action is
“4 per 1000” programme, the national forest and wood pro-         then detailed in a datasheet describing its background, set-
gramme,                                                           ting targets to be achieved, suggesting a timetable for
                                                                  implementation and specifying an indicator for its monito-
                                                                  ring progress and/or results.

2 • A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan
FOCUS 1  Extending knowledge

     ACTION                                   DESCRIPTIF                                  LEAD            DELIVERABLES       DUE DATE
     Hold a scientific conference every        This conference will provide a basis    MESRI, MAA,         Holding of a        2019
 1   other year on the bioeconomy in          for steering bioeconomy research.       MTES, INRA,         biannual
     order to stimulate the research                                                  IRSTEA              scientific
     community.                                                                                           conference on

     Raise the profile of and strengthen       The ONRB is a major source of data      FAM, MAA,           Scientific           2018
 2   the ONRB (national biomass               for industry and regional authorities   MTES                and Technical
     resource observatory) by                 that make use of bioresources.                              Committee
     underpinning it with a Scientific         Underpinning it with an STC is one                          established
     and Technical Committee.                 of the actions planned in the
                                              national biomass mobilisation

     Conduct a survey of the existing         Reflection on this will begin with a     MAA, MTES,          Foresight           2019
 3   situation and a foresight analysis       survey of the existing situation with   Ifremer, IRD,       analysis study
     of the environmental potential           regard to scientific research in the     Min. Defence,       of the “blue
     and impacts of using bioresources        area and the products already           Brittany/Atlantic   bioeconomy”
     derived from aquatic, marine             available.                              maritime
     and freshwater environments                                                      centre
     (e.g. for fisheries, sustainable
     aquaculture, macro- and
     microalgae) for the bioeconomy.

     Enhance the methods for life cycle       These life cycle analyses will be       ADEME, INRA,        Completed           2020
 4   analysis of bioeconomy products          supplemented by work on the             IRSTEA, INERIS,     life cycle
     and sectors, taking into account         environmental, societal and             AFB, ANSES          analyses of
     the environmental services               economic impacts, with a                                    bio-based
     rendered.                                comparison to non-bio-based                                 products
                                              solutions using the same methods.
                                              The regional level will be taken into

     Disseminate the bioeconomy               Training programmes must include        MAA, MESRI,         Inclusion of        2020
 5   concept in initial and continuous        the bioeconomy both in school           MEN, regional       the
     training courses and school              education and specialist vocational     government          bioeconomy
     programmes in partnership with           courses (schools of agronomy,           authorities         in courses
     the Ministry of Education                chemistry and biology courses,
     and regional government.                 INFOMA, IUTs, agricultural teaching,
                                              school education).

     Form multidisciplinary teaching          Since the bioeconomy includes           MAA, MTES,          Multidiscipli-      2020
 6   and research organisations on the        economic and social goals and           MESRI               nary and com-
     bioeconomy (e.g. a “convergence          issues, a multidisciplinary approach                        bined
     institute”, professorships), including   is vital.                                                   organisations
     societal and economic issues.                                                                        in place

     Assess bioresource potential             This assessment will provide            Overseas            Study of            2020
 7   in French overseas territories           a better grasp of the ways in which     territory           bioresources in
     (sustainable production                  bioresources are used in order          authorities,        French over-
     and mobilisation), notably under         to reflect on new applications.          MAA, MTES,          seas territories
     regional biomass schemes. Identify                                               MOM, FAM,
     endemic species with potential                                                   INRA, CIRAD,
     for biotechnology, especially marine                                             IRD, ADEME

     Assess the effect of the bioeconomy       This assessment will provide an         MAA, MTES,          Study of the        2020
 8   on value-added creation                  evaluation of the impact of new         ADEME               effect of the
     in the agricultural sector (farmers’     applications for bioresources,                              bioeconomy
     income, competitiveness of               notably in non-food sectors, on                             on the agricul-
     agricultural sectors).                   income and the competitiveness                              tural sector
                                              of food-related sectors.

                                                                         3 • A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan
FOCUS 2  Promotion of the bioeconomy and its products to the general public

       ACTION                                   DESCRIPTION                                   LEAD           DELIVERABLES     DUE DATE
       Launch a communication campaign          This campaign will be directed            MAA, MTES,         Completed          2019
  1    to showcase bioeconomy products.         at the public as key actors               MEF, Trade         communication
                                                in the bioeconomy – as consumers          federations        campaign
                                                and citizens aware of environmental
                                                and regional goals and issues.

       Implement an officially recognised         The definition of biologically sourced     MEF, MEAE,         Official             2019
  2    “bio-based product” label at EU level,   content is based on EU standard           MAA, MTES,         approval for
       based on biologically sourced            CEN/TC/411. A minimum threshold           ADEME              the “bio-based
       content.                                 will be set for each product family                          product” label
                                                above which the product will be
                                                considered genuinely bio-based.
                                                Environmental performance will be
                                                taken into account.

       Promote databases listing bio-based      The IAR competitive cluster has           IAR                “Agrobiobase”      2019
  3    products.                                developed a database listing all          competitive-       database
                                                available bio-based products.             ness cluster,      completed
                                                This information resource will receive    MAA, MTES,         and shared
                                                input from trade federations and be       ADEME
                                                shared with consumers.

       Set up a sustainable bioeconomy          The portal will take the form of a        MAA, MEF,          Web portal on      2020
  4    portal to gather together basic          website intended for the general          MTES, IAR          line
       information, highlighting a large        public and a trade audience. It will      competitive-
       number of examples and listing R&D       link up with other websites and           ness cluster
       and R&I projects on marine               applications on bioeconomy-related
       biotechnologies and their                topics.

       Design a mobile exhibition to            This exhibition will take the form of a   MAA, IAR           Presentation       2019
  5    showcase the bioeconomy in day-          reconstructed habitat built with and      competitive-       of the
       to-day life.                             supplied with energy exclusively from     ness cluster       completed
                                                bioeconomy products.                                         exhibition at
                                                                                                             the 2019 Paris

       Create a “Bioeconomy Trophy” to          Designated projects will be presented     MAA, MTES,         Bioeconomy         2020
  6    reward projects, regional schemes        on the bioeconomy portal (cf. Action      MEF, local         Trophy in
       and private enterprise.                  2-4). Government will support             government,        place
                                                decentralised departments and             non-profit
                                                agencies in identifying projects          associations,
                                                eligible for the trophy.                  private
                                                                                          trade unions

       Set up discussion forums in the          These forums will take the form of        MAA, MTES,         Forums in          2020
  7    regions for a conversation with the      web platforms, physical meetings          elected            operation
       general public on development            and bioeconomy conferences. They          representatives,
       of the bioeconomy                        will allow the public to gain             Prefects (MI),
                                                ownership of the bioeconomy and           non-profit
                                                foster stakeholder convergence.           associations

       Encourage the generalisation             By facilitating direct discussions        MAA, MEF,          Completed          2019
  8    of regular “open days” in companies      between company managers and              trade actors,      Open Days
       active in the bioeconomy.                project promoters (agricultural           including unions
                                                holdings, processing firms,
                                                biorefineries, etc.) on the one hand,
                                                and the general public on the other,
                                                open days will also facilitate their
                                                acceptance by society. They can be
                                                grouped together under a
                                                “Bioeconomy Week” umbrella event.

       Take advantage of the construction       Construction of the Olympic Village       MAA, MTES,         Bio-based          2020
  9    of the Olympic Village for the 2024      in bio-based materials (wood, hemp        MEF, MCT,          materials
       Games to make French excellence          concrete, flax and hemp fibre               Ministry of        showcased in
       in the forest-wood and plant fibre        insulation, etc.) provides an             Sport, trade       the Olympic
       sectors plus French construction         opportunity to showcase these new         federations,       Village
       industry expertise into a spearhead      materials and techniques.                 interbranch
       for promotion.                                                                     trade bodies

4 • A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan
FOCUS 3  Creating the conditions for matching supply with demand

     ACTION                                 DESCRIPTION                                 LEAD            DELIVERABLES      DUE DATE
     Conduct technical information          These campaigns will be backed by       Trade               Completed           2020
 1   campaigns for each broad family        technical datasheets to highlight       federations         campaigns
     of bio-based products (e.g. hygiene,   their functionalities, specific          for which bio-
     construction, clothing) for            characteristics and environmental       based materials
     downstream actors in supply chains.    information.                            are relevant
                                                                                    (e.g. composites,
                                                                                    chemicals, plant
                                                                                    fibre insulation,
                                                                                    lumber), IAR

     Provide support to downstream          Several tools can be used for this:     MEF, MAA,           Support             2020
 2   industry for the use of bio-based       Tools of networked technological      MTES,               provided to
     products, notably based on the         services (PTR) type as defined by        Bpifrance,          companies
     creation of industrial standards and   Bpifrance.                              insurers,
     ensuring their insurability.            Demonstration platforms.              AFNOR, IAR
                                             Living laboratories.                  competitiveness
                                             The “European Technology              cluster, ADEME
                                            Verification” programme under
                                            ADEME management in France, to
                                            highlight their environmental

                                            Feasibility studies can encourage
                                            industry to adopt bio-based
                                            products. The creation of industrial
                                            standards for these products fosters
                                            trust in companies throughout the
                                            value chain.

     Organise business conventions          Such upstream/downstream contacts       IAR                 Completed           2018
 3   involving bioresource producers and    will allow manufacturers to gain a      competitive-        business
     industry.                              better understanding of the             ness cluster        conventions
                                            resources they can use and
                                            producers to become more aware of
                                            the requirements for satisfactory use
                                            of their products.

     Implement collective action in the     The aim here is to ensure               MAA, MEF,           Charter             2020
 4   various sectors of the bioeconomy in   the existence of knowledge              MTES,               setting out the
     order to define and disseminate         of the resources on all sides           agricultural        requirements
     good practice in upstream /            (technical specifications, including     professionals       and constraints
     downstream relations.                  sustainability) and to clarify                              of each party;
                                            upstream/downstream relations                               model
                                            (for emerging biomass uses) based                           contract.e
                                            around the sectoral plans produced
                                            during the French National Food

     Initiate dialogue with the retail      Raising the profile of bio-based         MEF, MAA,           Meeting held        2019
 5   sector to ensure that it showcases     products and their externalities with   MTES,               with retail
     bio-based products.                    retail companies will enable them       trade               sector
                                            to offer more of them to consumers.      federationss

     Organise a supply chain for            In its sector plan, the interbranch     Sheep industry      Sector              2020
 6   commercialisation of sheep wool and    body for the sheep industry             interbranch         relaunch
     skins.                                 proposes to create a supply chain       body, MAA, MEF
                                            for the commercialisation of sheep
                                            wool and skins.

     Organise a supply chain for            As a first step, this requires           Cattle industry     Sector              2020
 7   commercialisation of French calf       improvement in the quality of calf      interbranch         relaunch
     leather..                              leather and implementation of skin      body, leather
                                            traceability.                           manufacturers,
                                                                                    MAA, MEFF

                                                                        A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan • 5
FOCUS 3  Creating the conditions for matching supply with demand

       ACTION                               DESCRIPTION                                 LEAD         DELIVERABLES     DUE DATE
       Strengthen the animal industry       Co-products from slaughtered            Animal           Arrival on       2018-2020
  8    sectors involved in processing       livestock are a major source of         industry         market of
       the “fifth quarter”.                  usable biomass.                         interbranch      new animal
                                                                                    bodies,          co-products
                                                                                    MAA, MEF,
                                                                                    MTES, Réséda

       Expand and promote activities        Use of straw and flax/hemp fibre,         Plant            Arrival on         2020
  9    linked to the use of plant fibres     most notably, will be increased.        interbranch      market and/
       and co-products.                                                             bodies,          or increased
                                                                                    MAA, MEF,        market share
                                                                                    MTES, ADEME,     for innovative
                                                                                    companies, IAR   products
                                                                                    competitive-     based on
                                                                                    ness cluster     straw, plant
                                                                                                     fibre and

       Encourage the introduction of        French overseas départements and        MAA, MTES,       New local          2020
 10    complete biomass supply chains in    territories possess major bioresource   MOM, Overseas    applications
       French overseas territories.         potential, but few manufacturers        interbranch      for biomass
                                            make any use of it.                     bodies           produced in
                                                                                                     the overseas

6 • A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan
FOCUS 4  Sustainable bioresource production, mobilisation and processing

     ACTION                                 DESCRIPTION                                  LEAD        DELIVERABLES     DUE DATE
     Ensure that biomass production         Biomass production and mobilisation       MTES, MAA,     Guides for         2020
 1   and mobilisation adhere to             must be sustainable. Development of       MESRI, ADEME   policymakers
     sustainability and biodiversity        knowledge of the conditions required                     on assessment
     protection objectives.                 for sustainable primary production is                    of the
                                            necessary. This action will be                           sustainability
                                            conducted in adherence to the                            of projects
                                            recommendations of the SNMB                              and sectors
                                            and the core focuses of the French
                                            National Research Strategy.

     Support and guide innovation           The Investment Programme for the          MAA, MESRI,    Support            2018
 2   in the area of equipment for biomass   Future (PIA 3) will cover innovation in   MEF, MTES,     provided for
     production, harvesting                 equipment and systems, notably for        ADEME          innovation in
     and processing.                        management of the digital data                           equipment
                                            produced by each sector actor and                        and systems
                                            the adaptation of tools to match the                     in PIA3 3
                                            conditions to be met for sustainability
                                            of primary production

     Support the development                In addition to their advantages           MAA, MTES,     Increased          2019
 3   of intercrops, including               for soil cover, intercrops are an extra   ADEME          production of
     intermediate energy crops.             source of biomass that can be used                       intermediate
                                            for bio-based products or bioenergy.                     energy crops
                                            Technical pathways will take into                        in France
                                            account the economic performance
                                            and environmental impact of the
                                            crops concerned (agroecology
                                            methods, input limitation, etc.).
                                            The detailed arrangements for
                                            supporting these intercrops can be
                                            examined during consideration of
                                            the post-2020 CAP.0.

     Promote the use of sustainable         Forms of bioenergy used in France         MAA, MTES,     Suitable           2020
 4   bioenergy.                             must adhere to a European set of          MEF, ADEME,    communication
                                            sustainability criteria                   AFB            on bioenergy
                                            (reduction in greenhouse gas                             sustainability
                                            emissions, soil preservation, etc.).

                                                                         A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan • 7
FOCUS 5  Removing obstacles and providing funding

       ACTION                                 DESCRIPTION                                 LEAD       DELIVERABLES DUE DATE
       Establish national governance          Bioeconomy governance will be            MAA, MEF,     Gouvernance             2018
  1    for the bioeconomy in order            based on the following bodies at         MTES, MESRI   instaurée
       to coordinate and monitor              national level:
       its development
       and implementation                      A policy steering body bringing
       of the action plan                     together concerned stakeholders,
                                              including representatives of civil
                                              society, to be tasked with monitoring
                                              bioeconomy development and
                                              coordinating implementation of the
                                              action plan.

                                               Specific comitology hosted by
                                              FranceAgriMer and defined as part of
                                              the renewal of the agreement on
                                              targets and performance (COP). This
                                              will notably cover agricultural
                                              methanisation, biofuels and bio-
                                              based products. It will bring together
                                              upstream producers, downstream
                                              industrial actors and government.

                                                Where applicable, thematic
                                              “bioeconomy” leadership in the CNI,

                                              the French national council for
                                              Government can provide support to
                                              local regions wishing to drive local
                                              bioeconomy dynamics by building
                                              regional bioeconomy strategies, for

       Embed bioeconomy strategy in law.      It is desirable to embed the             MAA, MTES     Suitable           Depends on
  2                                           bioeconomy in both legislation and                     legislative or     available
                                              regulations in order to guarantee                      regulatory         vectors but no
                                              recognition of the bioeconomy                          provisions in      later than 2020
                                              strategy and its application.                          place

       Draft a partnership agreement          A framework partnership agreement        MAA, MTES,    A signed                2018
  3    between ADEME, AFB, MAA and            was signed in 2009 between ADEME         ADEME, AFB    partnership
       MTES.                                  and the ministries of agriculture and                  agreement
                                              the environment. This agreement will
                                              be renewed. It will define shared
                                              strategic targets, most notably where
                                              the bioeconomy is concerned.

       Issue an implementing decree           A decree of this kind will foster        MTES, MEF     Published               2018
  4    for the law on ecological transition   systematic use of bio-based products                   decree
       and green growth concerning the        by official departments and agencies
       need to consider the bio-based         and in public-sector organisations,
       character of products in connection    hospitals and schools. The decree will
       with public procurement..              need to be supplemented by official
                                              orders laying down minimum
                                              percentages of biologically sourced
                                              content for each product family.

       Consider arrangements to enhance       One of the obstacles to market           MAA, MTES,    A completed             2018
  5    the competitiveness of bioeconomy      penetration of bio-based products is     MEF           foresight
       products.                              their cost. A number of tools can be                   analysis report
                                              considered to highlight the                            on consideration
                                              bioeconomy’s positive externalities.                   of the positive
                                                                                                     of the
                                                                                                     by CGAAER,
                                                                                                     the French
                                                                                                     High Council
                                                                                                     for food,
                                                                                                     agriculture and
                                                                                                     rural areas.

8 • A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan
FOCUS 5  Removing obstacles and providing funding

     ACTION                                  DESCRIPTION                                      LEAD          DELIVERABLES     DUE DATE
     Support tools capable of benefiting      A number of CAP schemes can be               MAA, MTES,        Inclusion of       2020
 6   the bioeconomy in the context of        deployed to benefit increased                 MEF               the bioeconomy
     discussion of the post-2020 CAP.        sustainable use of biomass and                                 in the 2020
                                             development of innovative                                      CAP
                                             bioeconomy sectors (e.g. exploitation
                                             of intermediate crops, coupled
                                             support payments).

     Raise awareness in industry of the      Bio-based products are not                   MTES, MAA,        Awareness-         2019
 7   need for end-of-life management of      necessarily suitable for recycling or        MEF, ADEME        raising
     bio-based products and promote          composting. Manufacturers must look                            campaign for
     products that take this aspect into     at the fate of these products at the                           industry
     account.                                end of their useful lives (e.g. recycling,
                                             return to the soil).

     Remove regulatory obstacles to          The development of methanisation is          MAA, MTES         Removal of         2018
 8   agricultural methanisation..            being held back by the complexity of                           obstacles
                                             official procedures and difficulties
                                             relating to the spreading of farm
                                             A number of avenues to possible
                                             solutions have been identified:

                                              small anaerobic digesters not
                                             subject to public enquiry

                                              new mandatory specifications for
                                             digestates derived from
                                             methanisation, suitable for new
                                             methanisation processes, plus an
                                             expanded list of input materials;

                                              inclusion of the digestate
                                             spreading issue in farm
                                             methanisation in the roadmap for
                                             the circular economy;

                                               limitation of the period for appeals
                                             against official permits for on-farm

                                             anaerobic digesters.

     Facilitate investment in farm           The cost of installing an anaerobic          MAA, Bpifrance,   Grand              2018
 9   methanisation.                          digester and access to bank loans are        MEF, MTES,        Investment
                                             the main obstacles. Investment can           ADEME             Plan in place
                                             be encouraged by financial tools such
                                             as zero-collateral loans for farmers.

     Raise investor awareness (e.g. banks,   It is vital to encourage investors to        MAA, MTES,        Holding of a       2018
10   “business angels”, insurers, pension    make bioeconomy goals and issues             MEF               meeting
     funds, investment funds,                part of their investment strategies.                           between
     crowdfunding schemes)                                                                                  government,
     of bioeconomy sectors in order                                                                         banks,
     to encourage the provision of                                                                          insurers,
     finances.                                                                                               investment
                                                                                                            funds and

     Organise an annual seminar to           BBI is a tool that provides funding for      MAA, MESRI,       Annual             2020
11   present the EU “Bio-Based Industry”     bioeconomy projects. Raising its             MEF, MTES,        seminar held
     (BBI) funding assistance tool to        profile will enable as many French            Sully Club
     research and industry actors with a     actors as possible to benefit from it.
     view to encouraging them to make
     use of it.

                                                                            A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan • 9
FOCUS 5  Removing obstacles and providing funding

       ACTION                                    DESCRIPTION                                    LEAD         DELIVERABLES DUE DATE
       Promote the bioeconomy in                 Mapping these tools can guarantee          MAA, MEF,        Inclusion of the    2018
 12    innovation support schemes (the PIA       their mutual complementarity and           MTES, CGI,       bioeconomy in
       and other tools for supporting            help energise project promoters. For       ADEME,           the Investment
       industrial innovation) and research       each such tool, details will be            Bpifrance, CDC   Programme for
       programmes..                              provided of the ultimate                                    the Future (PIA),
                                                 technological maturity of the projects                      research pro-
                                                 it targets..                                                grammes by
                                                                                                             ANR and other
                                                                                                             lead entities,
                                                                                                             and formal
                                                                                                             agreements on
                                                                                                             targets and
                                                                                                             signed with

       Support innovation and investment         Grants, notably provided through the       MAA, MEF,        Support             2020
 13    relating to advanced biofuels.            PIA, can be allocated to projects.         MTES, ADEME      provided for
                                                                                                             biofuels in

       Facilitate the use of totally bio-based   Fuels containing no fossil carbon          MAA, MTES,       Numbers of          2018
 14    sustainable fuels in captive vehicle      require special engines and are for        MEF              vehicles in the
       fleets.                                    that reason particularly well-suited                        relevant
                                                 to captive fleets.                                           captive fleets

       Support local government for              It is crucial to deploy the bioeconomy     MAA, MTES,       Support             2020
 15    programmes to develop the                 in local regions, especially with a view   MEF, ADEME,      provided to
       bioeconomy.                               to making their economies more             competitivenes   local
                                                 dynamic. Dialogue should help foster       s cluster,       government
                                                 social acceptability (cf. action 2-7).     maritime
                                                                                            s clusters

       Enhance collaboration with other          France will consult with other             MAA, MESRI,      Collaboration       2018
 16    Member States in order to drive new       Member States with a view to               MEF, MTES        established
       proposals on the European stage.          promoting a common position in the                          with other
                                                 context of the review of EU strategy                        Member
                                                 on the bioeconomy.                                          States

       Develop certification of usable            The non-uniform nature of                  MAA, MEF,        Bioresource         2020
 17    bioresources in order to facilitate       bioresources tends to hold back their      ADEME,           certification in
       their exploitation by downstream          utilisation. This can be resolved by       Trade            place
       processors.                               appropriate certification.                  federations

       Bring entrepreneurs, researchers          This organisational effort will be          MTES, CEEBIOS,   A survey of the     2020
 18    and institutions together around          conducted by the European centre           local            current status
       sustainable bio-inspired approaches       for excellence in biomimetics              government,      of biomimetics
       for R&D notably focused on bio-           (CEEBIOS) and will essentially involve     laboratories,    initiatives in
       based materials.                          raising the awareness of economic          private          the regions; a
                                                 and institutional actors to                enterprise       roadmap for
                                                 biomimetics as a tool for sustainable                       bio-inspired
                                                 innovation, the sharing of feedback                         research
                                                 from entities that have already
                                                 adopted the approach, and jointly
                                                 building a roadmap for concerted
                                                 development of bio-inspired R&D.

10 • A BIOECONOMY STRATEGY FOR FRANCE 2018-2020 Action plan

ADEME : agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie / French environment and energy management agency
AFB : agence française pour la biodiversité / French biodiversity agency
AFNOR : association française de normalisation / French industrial standards agency
ANSES : agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail / National agency for
food, environmental and occupational health & safety
CDC : caisse des dépôts et consignations / French public-sector financial institution
CEEBIOS : centre européen d'excellence en biomimétisme de Senlis / European centre for excellence in biomimetics
CGAAER : conseil général de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et des espaces ruraux / High Council for food, agriculture and
rural areas
CGI : commissariat général à l'investissement / National investment commission
CIRAD : centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement /
Centre for International cooperation in agronomical research for development
CIVE : culture intermédiaire à vocation énergétique
CNI : conseil national de l'industrie / National council for industry
COP : contrat d'objectifs et de performance
CST : comité scientifique et technique comité scientifique et technique / Scientific and technical committee
FAM : FranceAgriMer / French agriculture and fisheries agency
IFREMER : institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer / French research institute for exploitation of the sea
INERIS : institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques / National institute for industrial environment and risks
INFOMA : institut national de formation des personnels du ministère en charge de l'agriculture / National training
institute for Ministry of Agriculture staff
INRA : institut national de la recherche agronomique / National institute for agricultural research
IRD : institut de recherche pour le développement / Institute of research for development
IRSTEA : institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture / National research
institute of science and technology for environment and agriculture
IUT : institut universitaire de technologie / University institute of technology
MAA : ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation / French ministry of agriculture and food
MCT : ministère de la Cohésion des territoires / French ministry for regional cohesion
MEAE : ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères / French ministry of foreign and European affairs
MEF : ministère de l'économie et des Finances / French economy and finance ministry
MEN : ministère de l'éducation nationale / French ministry of education
MESRI : ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation / French ministry of higher education,
research and innovation
MI : ministère de l'Intérieur / French ministry of the interior
MOM : ministère des Outre-mer / French overseas territories ministry
MTES : ministère de la Transition écologique et solidairere / French ministry for the ecological and inclusive transition
ONRB : observatoire national des ressources en biomasse / National observatory of biomass resources
PAC : politique agricole commune / Common agricultural policy
PIA : programme d'investissements d'avenir / Investment programme for the future
Pôle de compétitivité IAR : pôle de compétitivité Industrie et Agro-Ressources
R&D : recherche et développement / Research and development
SNMB : stratégie nationale de mobilisation de la biomasse / French national biomass strategy

Ministry of Agriculture and Food
February 2018
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