St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019

Page created by Jamie Harrington
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
The Catholic Faith Community of

                                         St. Daniel the Prophet
                                           “All are welcome in this place.”

St. Daniel the Prophet Catholic Church                          Fourth Sunday of Easter
5300 South Natoma Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60638                                                   May 12, 2019

                         St. Daniel the Prophet Parish
                          Confirmation Class of 2019
    Pedro Aguila                           Eliot Gierat           Nathan Melendez
    Samantha Alcala                        Grace Gniech           Jayden Molina
    Genesis Araujo                         Raymond Gorz           Daniel Molloy
    Aidan Baker                            Robert Granat, Jr.     Daniel Munoz
    Daniel Batiz                           Colin Griffin          Michael Munoz
    Julian Bernal                          Mallory Hervieux       Natalia Nalepa
    Samuel Bertucci                        Maximilian Hudyka      Alexis Navarro
    Thomas Bischoff                        Julia Jetel            Caroline Olchawa
    Carolynne Blum                         Rachel Julian          Emma Ortega
    Ethan Bocanegra                        Tyler Kaminski         Sofia Ortega
    Gavin Bowen                            Jack Kevin             Annie Palider
    David Bubienczyk                       Joseph Koch            Steve Parrales
    Juliana Burgos                         Caitlin Kochan         Nia Pena
    Fiona Burke                            Mia Kowalsky           Valeria Perez
    Natalia Canino                         Kylie Kopac            Joanna Pietura
    Giovanna Casale                        Vincent Krettek        Brooklyn Ramaglia
    Jakub Chodak                           John Kurysz            Ariel Sandoval
    Alexander Codamon                      Marco Lara             Conrad Sandrzyk
    Grace Comer                            Anna Lavorata          Jacob Sellers
    Leona Conry                            Leila Leodoro          Alex Sitko
    Andrew Corral                          Kayla Lopez            Emily Szymczyk
    Isabella Cortes                        Noah Loy               Brandon Tapia
    Samantha DeLaurentis                   Lilliana Magana        Adam Tencza
    Franco Donato                          Lukas Marmol           Nadxieli Valencia
    Alexander Flood                        Itzel Martin           Angelo Vazquez
    Diego Flores                           Rosalie Maze           Gabriel Villa
    Anthony Garcia                         Megan McNicholas       Sophia Villarreal
    Isabella Garza                         Graciella Medina       Cristian Viramontes
    Zadia Garza
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Page 2                                          Fourth Sunday of Easter                                      May 12, 2019
                                                                6:00 John Tybor
                                                                Monday, May 13
Saturday, May 11                                                7:30 Bruno & Emily Cwiak, Florence Podlasek, Margaret
5:00 Nick Zabrinas, Leonard Musich, Bernice Gorz, Lorraine              Ferrara, Frank Cacucci, Barbara Scarpetti (3 ann)
       Pauls, Richard Sullivan, Mae Gilewski, Agnes             Tuesday, May 14
       Jedlowski, Dolores Romatoski (5th ann), Alice Smoot,     7:30 Rev Jozef & Stefan Zapala, Sr Mary Brendan, Petra
       James & Arlene Vaughan                                           Perez, Martha Wehner
Sunday, May 12                                                  Wednesday, May 15
6:30 Parishioners                                               7:30 Florence Podlasek, Hildegard Moermel
7:30 Joseph & Mary Szymusiak, Albina & Stanislaw                6:00 Polish Intentions
       Szwejnos                                                 Thursday, May 16
9:00 Agnes Volk-Opila, Corrinne Otowski, Fred & Elsie           7:30 Jan & Katarzyna Marszalec
       Mondt, Dennis Redmond, Frank & Antonia Bruno, John,      Friday, May 17
       Walter & Lottie Tkachuk, Stanley & Eleanor Lubert,       7:30 Purgatorial Society, Anna Keim
       Audrey Gasparas, Virginia & Nancy Lewandowski, Lisa      Saturday, May 18
       Chudzik, Elizabeth Ferret, Virginia Nowak, Steve         7:30 James McKinley, Anna Celosky (7 ann), James Prunty
       Virostek, Joanne & Bernice Dusek, Alice Homerding,               (14 ann), Sr Mary Brendan
       Jeanette Seperich, Joseph Sepulveda, Anna Keim, Rita     5:00 Nick Zabrinas, Leonard Musich, Richard Sullivan,
       Bowbal, Patricia Kjos, Rafael Mendoza, Cecilia                   Lenora Welko, James, Anna, Jimmy & Helen Collins,
       Wegrzyn, Amy Kosowski (hlth & blsg), Lori Fron (hlth             Chester Marczak, Alice Smoot, James and Arlene
       & blsg), Sue Ticzkus (hlth & blsg), Anne Kasprak, Mary           Vaughan, William Hancock, Danny & Andrea Phillips,
       & Valaria Skowronek, Mary & Irene Bejnarowicz, Rose              Anna Michalak, Deacon Al Malec, Deborah Piraino-
       & Mae Kolbus, Emily Trzesniak, Antonia, Marge,                   Green, Edward Zemon, Lucas Family, Johnny Macurine
       Roseann & Alice Kosowski, Mary & Sister Martha           Sunday, May 19
       Wyzkiewcz, Magdalene Digangi, Anna & Colleen             6:30 Parishioners
       Michalak                                                 7:30 Jan and Katarzyna Kapusciarz, Jan & Marianna Gorz,
10:15 Jim Ellis Jr., Lillian Noga, Anna Kulaga, Harriette               Jozef Idziak, Jozef Marszalek (hlth & blsg), Katarzyna
       Novak, Chesterine Szeniawski, Rosemary Waliczek, Val             Zieba, Anna & Stanislaw Sieczka
       Morgan, Hannah Boland, Helen Koszyk, Chris               9:00 Matthew Dusek, Agnes Volk-Opila, Joan Collaro, Fred
       Mullaney, Philip Handzel (9th ann), Eileen Block,                & Elsie Mondt, Joseph Sepulveda, Kazimierz Leja (7
       Florence Parciak, Blanche & Chris Hrgich, Sophie,                ann), Don Kotrba, Eugene Connors
       Frank & Ralph Wantroba, Lucy Padilla,                    10:15 Anna Celosky, Tony Niemyjski, Florence Haduch,
11:45 Tommy Forkin, Joshua Swibel, Antoinette Senjanovich,              James Ellis Jr., Vincent Morawski (13th B-Day), Ann
       Helen Cunico, Della Pasierb (20 ann)                             Quealy
1:00 Janina Kurc, Aniela Ciepielewska, Jan Wroblewski,          11:45 Helen Sklenar, Bridget O’Leary
       Anna & Stanislaw Sieczka, Stella & Henry Ostrowski,      1:00 Deacon Chester & Joan Golab
       Marie Pakula                                             6:00 Deacon Albert Malec

                  The Tabernacle Candle is lit this week in loving memory of Philip Handzel

                                                                           Society of St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                         St. Daniel the Prophet Conference

May 18                                                                     Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday”
5:00 Fr. John Noga assisted by Deacon Robert                               where we reflect on the care and love of Jesus for
May 19                                                                     us.
6:30 Fr. John Noga assisted & preaching by Deacon Adam                     Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will
7:30 Visiting Priest                                                       show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus, the
9:00 Fr. Richie Mercado assisted by Deacon Robert                          Good Shepherd, as it will bring your love to those
10:15 Fr. Richie Mercado                                        who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread.
11:45 Fr. Joseph Stoba
1:00 Visiting Priest                                            If you know of someone who is in the hospital, nursing home or
6:00 Fr. John Noga assisted & preaching by Deacon               homebound and would like a visit from one of our St. Vincent
Adam                                                            de Paul Vincentians, please call us at 312-608-6517.

           Pray for the Sick of our Parish

                Mark Wrobel, Rachel & Alice Dusek,
                Catherine Malec, Walter & Josphine
                Ogiela, Wladyslawa Choragwicki, Mary                         Pray for those who have died:
                Mrugala, Edward Robertson, Alice
                Kosowski, Sue Lewis, Patricia Pawlak                          Jeffery Piwnicki, Atalo Leyva
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Date 12, 2019
May                                                   Fourth Sunday of Easter                                                  Page 3
                                                                                                                               Page 3

Health Quest- Women’s Health.                             St. Daniel the Prophet Celebrates D.A.R.E. Graduates
May brings Mother’s Day
                                                         On Friday, March 29, 2019, the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Educa-
and National Women’s
                                                         tion) graduation ceremony was held
Health Week
                                                         for the 5th grade students and their par-
(May 12 - 18, 2019). The
                                                         ents at St. Daniel the Prophet School,
latter weeklong observance
                                                         5337 S. Natoma Avenue.
reminds women to make
their health a top priority.
                                                         Over the past several months, Officer
It also encourages women
                                                         Zahlmann and Officer Hernandez from
to take the following steps
                                                         the 8th Police District instructed the
to improve their physical and mental health and
                                                         students on the effects of drugs,
lower their risks of certain diseases:
                                                         alcohol and tobacco on the body, tech-
                                                         niques on how to handle peer pressure,
* Visit a health care professional to receive regu-
                                                         and strategies to make healthy choices.
lar checkups and preventive
* Get active.
                                                                                        The students wrote an essay on the
* Eat healthy.
                                                                                        importance of the D.A.R.E. training and the
* Pay attention to mental health, including getting
                                                                                        reasons they felt it was important to stay
enough sleep and
                                                                                        drug, violence, and gang free. One essay
managing stress.
                                                                                        from each class was selected as an award
* AVOID unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking
                                                                                        winner. The three winners received a medal
and not wearing a seatbelt
                                                                                        in recognition of their essay and were al-
or bicycle helmet, and texting while driving.
                                                                                        lowed to read their essay at the ceremony.
HAPPY MAY to all mothers, daughters, wives,
                                                         Congressman Lipinski and Alderman Tabares were also in attendance and
grandmothers, godmothers, sisters, aunts . . .
                                                         addressed the students and parents. The ceremony was followed by a recep-
You are SO IMPORTANT to us!
                                                         tion sponsored by the St. Daniel Parent’s Club. We encourage the students
                             Your Parish Nurses
                                                         to remain faithful to their
                                                         pledge to stay Drug, Vio-
 During the month of May the                             lence and Gang Free.
 Rosary will be recited in the
 Adoration Chapel at 7:00PM,                             St. Daniel School thanks
 Tuesday’s through Sunday’s.                             Officer Zahlmann, Officer
     On Monday’s it will be                              Hernandez, Congressman
  recited in the church during                           Lipinski, and Alderman
   the regular & Benediction.                            Tabares for their commit-
        All are welcome!!                                ment to the safety and
                                                         education of our students.
  I place my trust and confidence in you, dear
     Blessed Mother, and I pray that God’s
 blessings of mercy, grace and gentle goodness                                     THE CALL TO PRAYER
    will bring happiness to my life, now and
                 always. Amen.                           Let us pause to take time out for a few minutes of prayer.
                                                         The Lord be with you.
                  QUEEN OF HEARTS                        And with your spirit.
             Help support St. Daniel the Prophet
                     Parish and School.                  A reading from the holy Gospel according to : John
                 Queen of Hearts fundraiser              Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I
                     at Bobby G’s Bar                    give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out
                  6843 W. Archer Avenue                  of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and
                                                         no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”
Tickets are 6 for $5.00 and can be purchased at
Bobby G’s Bar, and at the 5 PM Mass on                   Reflection Question:
Saturdays and the 9, 10:15 and 11:45 AM Masses           How do you listen for the voice of the God Shepherd in your daily life?
on Sundays.
                                                         Group Discussion or Meditation:
On Friday, May 3, #28 was pulled, the Joker.             Say the Our Father
The current Jackpot is $8,076.00. When the
Joker is pulled the game starts over with ALL            Concluding Prayer:
numbers available (1-54) and the winner gets             Almighty ever-living God, lead us to a share in the joys of heaven, so that the
$100.00. Congratulations Cecilia Guerrero!!              humble flock may reach where the brave Shepherd has gone before. Who
                                                         lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, on God, for ever and
   Applicable taxes apply to prizes over $600.           ever. Amen
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Page 4                                                FourthChurch
                                                                    of Easter                                  May 12, 2019

                                                                        WEEKLY CALENDAR
                                                                                       Monday, May 13
                                                                            7:00 PM Rosary/Benediction; Church
                                                                 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Society; Kelly Parish Center 1
 FUNDRAISING DAY AT PEPES                                               7:00 PM Parent Club Meeting; Brennan Hall
                                                                                      Tuesday, May 14
                                                                   6:00 PM Legion of Mary; Kelly Parish Center Room 2
          Thank you for Suppor ng the                      7:00 PM School Board Fund Raising Committee; Kelly Parish Center 1
                                                                          7:00 PM School Spring Concert; Church
             St. Daniel Parents Club                                                 Wednesday, May 15
                                                                                   6:00 PM Polish Novena
           Date: Thursday, May 23rd                             7:00 PM Holy Hour Prayers for Vocations; Adoration Chapel
                                                                    7:00 PM New School Parents Meeting; Brennan Hall
                                                                       7:00 PM Knitting Guild; Kelly Parish Center 1
          Time: 1:00 pm un l 9:00 pm                                    7:30 PM Al-Anon; St. Vincent de Paul Room
                                                                                      Thursday, May 16
        10% of all proceeds go directly to                               2:45 PM Children’s Choir Practice; Church
                                                                              4:30 PM Music Director; Church
               your organiza on!                                                4:30 PM Parish Choir; Church
                                                                                       Friday, May 17
                                                                                    Spring Concert; Church
     Please bring a hard copy when placing                                  Walk-A-Thon; Gym and Brennan Hall
                   your order.                                                        Saturday, May 18
      Only HARD COPIES will be accepted.                          9:00 AM Catholic Men’s Ministry; Kelly Parish Center 2
                                                                               9:00 AM Polish School; School
              PEPE’S                                                        9:00 PM Polish School Mass; Church
                                                                      6:30 PM Pancake Breakfast Set-up; Brennan Hall
       7026 W. Archer Avenue                                     7:30 PM Polish Family Ministry; St. Vincent de Paul Room
                                                                                       Sunday, May 19
           773-586-5405                                                  7:00 AM Pancake Breakfast; Brennan Hall
                                                                           10:15 AM Scout Family Mass; Church
                                                                             7:00 PM AA; Kelly Parish Center 1

                       It’s not too early to start
                    thinking about Summerfest.
                    This year’s Summerfest will
                    take place June 20th through
                    June 23. Donations of baskets
                    and unopened liquor bottles
                    for Summerfest can be
                    dropped off at the rectory.
Your generous donations will be used to create
liquor baskets raffled off at this year’s Fest. If
you have any questions about the Summerfest
email Christine at

    We are in need of
volunteers! If you would be
able to give even a few
hours of your time for one
of the days of the
Summerfest, it would really
help us out and we would be
very grateful for your help!
If you would like to volunteer, please call the
rectory at 773-586-1223, Monday thru Friday
between the hours of 4:30 - 7:30 pm and give
the dates and times and the area that you would
like to help out at. This is our biggest fundraiser
and we need your help to make it a success!
Thank you!
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Date 12th, 2019
May               FourthChurch
                                of Easter   Page 5
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Page 6                                              Fourth Sunday of Easter                                            May 12, 2019

                                       Come join me for a wonderful trip to South America!

This all-inclusive 12-day trip to South America beginning September 22nd, 2019 and ending October 3, 2019, is a trip of a lifetime!
This journey features:

•   Round Trip Air Transportation from Chicago
•   3 and 4 Star Hotels
•   Land Transportation - via deluxe, private motor coach
•   Taxes Fuel Surcharge included
•   Professional English Speaking Guide
•   Entrance Fees to all sites on itinerary
•   Breakfast and Dinner Daily
•   Daily Masses

Our trip will begin in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil where we will enjoy a tour of the city
including a cable car trip to the iconic Sugar Loaf, mass at the mountain shrine of
Christ the Redeemer, the Copacabana Beach, an authentic Brazilian style Barbeque
called Rodizio, an all you can eat service with waiters bringing endless rounds of
food, a visit to the famous Stern Jewelers and explore various semi-precious stone
jewelry. Dinner will include a Ginga Show, a multicultural show that brings the
different cultures of Brazil to the stage.

From there we will travel to the new city of San Paulo on our way to Buenos Aires, Argentina where we will tour the various
architectural sites of Italian, French, Spanish and Greek influences along with the many Basilicas showing the role of the Catholic
church in the life and history of Argentina. We will also experience entertainment at dinner with a Tango Show.

From Argentina, we will fly to Peru where we will explore the great sites of the Inca Indians at Machu Picchu and tour the various
artistic and cultural areas. From there, we will travel by train to Lima, Peru to visit the famous religious and cultural sites including
the shrine of St. Martin de Porres and St. Rose of Lima.

If you are interested, please stop by the rectory for a brochure.

Fr. John Noga
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Maj 12, 2019   I V NIEDZIELA WIELKANOCNA                                           Page 7

                                        Jubileusz 25 lat kapłaństwa
                           Wdzięczny Panu Bogu za łaskę powołania i 25 lat posługi
                        w Kościele świętym (w tym 15 lat w Parafii Św. Daniela Proroka
                        w Chicago), w minioną niedzielę złożyłem Bogu dziękczynną ofiarę
                        Mszy świętej za dar Chrystusowego kapłaństwa. Dziękowałem Je-
                        zusowi i Matce Najświętszej za wszelkie dobro, jakiego dokonali
                        w sercach ludzkich przez moją kapłańską posługę.
                           Jeszcze raz pragnę wyrazić wdzięczność Bogu za wszystkich obec-
                        nych kapłanów, szczególnie Fr. John Noga proboszcza tejże parafii,
                        których postawił na mojej drodze. Bardzo wdzięczny jestem mojemu
                        przyjacielowi Ks. Ryszardowi Miłkowi, proboszczowi par. Św. Kon-
                        stancji, za piękne kazanie o roli kapłana w życiu Kościoła i to, że
                        ksiądz uczestniczy nie w swoim, lecz w Chrystusowym kapłaństwie.
                            Ogromną radością było widzieć tak wielu parafian i gości, któ-
                        rzy przybyliście na tę uroczystość, i którzy także towarzyszycie mi
                        w radosnych chwilach kapłaństwa i w trudach codziennego życia.
                            Wielki wkład w organizację naszego święta parafialnego miały
                        grupy: Liturgiczna Służba Ołtarza - lektorzy, ministranci, dzieci
                        komunijne, panowie organiści, Polonijna Orkiestra, grupy osób
                        zrzeszonych przy Związku Podhalan Ameryki Północnej: Koła gó-
                        ralskie z ich zarządami i prezesami, Chochołów, Szaflary, Poronin,
                        Zespół „Siumni”, Zespół Góralski „Wirchy”, Kapela Góralska.
                           Na sali o miłą atmosferę zadbali DJ Andrzej Lenart z pięknym
                        prowadzeniem i oprawą muzyczną, o wystrój sali zadbała Polska
                        Szkoła im. Mikołąja Reja, P. Wanda Fiedorczuk. Ciepły posiłek
                        sponsorowała Restauracja „Mabenka”, donacje przekazały także
                        „Peaches & Pears”, Banquet „Mayor's Mansion”, Daszek - wędliny
                        P. Opacian i Koło Chochołów, Maria Chodak, Leopold i Franciszka
                        Lacek. Wielki wkład miały również osoby dbające o ciepły posiłek
                        oraz o wystrój Sali i organizację całego przyjęcia: Wanda Fiedorczuk,
                        Marianna Koc; Zofia i Aleksander Kiernoziak; Anna Gabalewicz,
                        Anna i Józef Zoń, Zofia Kukulska, Helena Pradziad, Janina Strus,
                        Stefania, Józef Kowalski, Tadeusz Żegleń, Krzysztof Stromidło.
                            Słodki stół - Zofia i Aleksander Kiernoziak, Kazimiera Musiał
                        i wielu indywidualnych darczyńców, których nie jestem w stanie
                        wszystkich wymienić. Bóg zapłać wszystkim za ogrom życzliwo-
                        ści, serdeczności, wspaniałych życzeń i przy tym złożonych ofiar.
                           Niech Pan Bóg udzieli wszystkim szczególnych łask i swojego bło-
                        gosławieństwa za wszelkie dobro, jakiego doznałem i doznaję pośród
                        Was. Wszystkich noszę w swoim sercu, a we Mszach św. będę Was,
                        Wasze rodziny polecał Bożej Opatrzności i opiece Matki Najświętszej.
                            Przy tej okazji proszę o modlitwę, abym nigdy nie ustał
                        w gorliwości i świętości posługując w Kościele Chrystusowym.
                                                                Ks. Sławomir Kurc.
                                        ~        ~       ~       ~        ~
                            Rozpoczęliśmy Miesiąc Maj, codzienne Nabożeństwo Majo-
                        we (czyli pieśni Maryjne i Litania Loretańska) śpiewane będą w
                        Kaplicy Adoracyjnej przy ulicy Natoma o godz. 6:15 PM.
                           W środy Majówka w kościele przed Nowenną do Matki Bożej
                        Nieustającej Pomocy, która jest o godz. 6:00 PM.
                                    ~        ~       ~       ~        ~
                               Dziś 12-ty maja, w tradycji amery-
                        kańskiej obchodzimy Dzień Matki

                                             W drugą Niedzielę Miesiąca maja, w ame-
                                          rykańskiej tradycji obchodzimy Dzień Matki.
                                          To właśnie z tej okazji w dniu dzisiejszym
                                          pragniemy modlić się i uhonorować nasze
                                          Mamy za wszystko co dla nas czynią, za ich
                        miłość i troskę o nas. Szczególnie pragniemy wyrazić naszą
                        wdzięczność składając naszym Mamom serdeczne życzenia
                        zdrowia, radości, spełnienia marzeń, sił, pociechy z dzieci oraz
                        specjalnej opieki Matki Bożej na każdy nowy dzień.
                           Tym, które już odeszły od nas składamy wdzięczność za ich
                        prace i poświęcenie tu na ziemi oraz prosimy o nagrodę i radość
                        wieczną w niebie. Wieczne odpoczywanie racz im dać Panie, a
                        światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci na wieki wieków, niech
                        odpoczywają w pokoju. Amen.
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
Page 8                                          Fourth Sunday of Easter                                     May 12, 2019

      Our Stewardship Collection                             Parish Staff
                                                             Pastor: Rev. John Noga
                         5/5/19                              Associate Pastor: Rev. Slawomir Kurc
                                                             Deacon Rudolf Hess (Patricia)
Collection: $9,508.91                                        Deacon Adam Danielewicz ( Annette)
                                                             Deacon Robert Montelongo (Lili)
Goal: $15,000.00                                             Business Manager: Gale Voytas
Difference: -$5,491.09                                       Director of Music: Debbie Creamer
                                                             Religious Ed Director: Deacon Adam Danielewicz
                                                             School Principal: Cynthia Zabilka
                                                             Lay Ministers: Catherine Malec, Patricia Bruton
                Wedding Banns                                Parish Secretary: Alice Dusek
Third Call                                                   Business Hours
Shane O’Connell and Michelle Basic                           Monday - Friday 9:00 AM -8:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
                                                             Phone Numbers
                                                             Rectory: 1.773.586.1223
                                                             Fax: 1.773.586.1238
                      Weddings                               Email:
             Saturday, May 18, 2019                          Religious Ed: 1.708.275-3491 or
                                                             School: 1.773.586.1225
                                                             Fax: 1.773.586.1232
   3:00 PM Shane O’Connell and Michelle Basic                Polish School: 1.773.582.9463
                                                             Weekend Masses
                                                             Saturday: 5:00 PM; Sunday: 6:30 AM, 7:30 AM (Polish), 9:00
                                                             AM, 10:15 AM, 11:45 AM, 1:00 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
                  Altar Servers                              Weekday Masses
                                                             7:30 AM
                                                             Holy Days
                                                             7:00 PM (Vigil); 7:30 AM, 11:00 AM (Polish), 5:30 PM (Polish),
                                                             7:00 PM
                                                             Adoration Chapel
May 18                                                       Daily 5:00 AM until 10:00 PM (Kelly Parish Center)
5:00 C. Morelli, E. Ortega, A. Ostrowski, J. Manfre
May 19                                                       Rosary/Benediction
6:30 A. Parrales, F. Burke, V. and A. Ramos                  Monday: 7:00 PM in church
9:00 M. Ramirez, M. Ronczkowski, J. Salinas, E. Seropian     Baptisms
10:15 J. Sellers, M. and N. Sanchez, A. DeLaurentis
11:45 J. Mullaney, B. Trujillo, Z. Zamora, E. Sliwka
                                                             Arrangements for baptisms and baptismal preparation can be
6:00 V. and N. Villa, I. Wagner, C. Villa                    made by calling the rectory. Baptismal preparation is held the
                                                             second Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM in the Kelly Parish
                                                             Center. Baptisms are held in English every second & fourth
                                                             Sunday at 2:30 PM and in Polish every first Sunday at 2:00 PM.
                                                             Saturday: 4:00-4:45 PM
                                                             Arrangements are to be made through one of the priests at least
                                                             six months prior to your wedding date. Pre-Cana is a Marriage
                                                             Preparation Programs required at our parish.
                                                             Call the rectory for sacraments of Anointing, Reconciliation,
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Confirmation Class of 2019
St. Daniel the Prophet #912010
  0     Natoma Ave
Chicago, IL 60638


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