Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church

Page created by Brenda Schroeder
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
December 2018

                      “It’s like someone is tearing away the love gift that God wraps us
                       up in.” -Toby Schmidt

           Happy Holidays! Holy-days!
                                          (Luke 2:1-21)
                                              by Toby Schmidt, Pastor

   It’s Advent, and we’re entering the Christmas           piano recitals, kids’ concerts, and office or school
season. As I think about how this is supposed to           parties to attend. Add to that, family celebrations
be a time of reflection and holiness, I can’t help but     near & far. In the midst of running here, there, and
be overwhelmed by all the busyness that can often          everywhere, the reflection and holiness we crave
overshadow us during this season.                          and hope for, that time and love with friends and
   We have get-togethers galore. We still have             loved ones…it all tends to get pulled away from us.
sports and activities, and work or school. On top          It’s like someone is tearing away the love gift that
of that we have end of the year tournaments,               God wraps us up in.
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
Yes, most of those activities are important, even       Fight to stay wrapped up in the Christmas story.
last minute shopping runs. But keep your eye on          Fight to keep each day a Holy-day. Because when
the manger. Remember the love and holiness we            we are wrapped up in God’s love and holiness, in
celebrate, the love and holiness in which God            His comfort and peace, from the inside out, we’re
enfolds us.                                              so much more able to share God’s gift of love with
    I’m challenging myself and you this holy-day         the world. We more faithfully reflect how the birth
season. Take a little time each day to grab a warm       of God’s Son, love in flesh, who changed the world
beverage, a warm blanket, and your Bible or an           over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, is still changing
Advent devotional, and spend time entering the           the world today.
story of Christmas. Ponder, pray, and get wrapped           Oh, and greet everyone you see with “Happy
up in God’s love and holiness; let it flow into you.     Holy-days” (… or Merry Christmas).

                                                                                Saturday, Dec. 8
                                                                                10 am - 12 NooN
                                                                               FREE EVENT!
                                                                            OPEN TO EVERYONE!

                                                                              Live Animals
                                                                                    at the Manger
                                                                            Nativity Story | Costumed Characters
                                                                                   Refreshments | Crafts

                                                                                                                   US POSTAGE
                                                                             6645 McCauley Trail W., Edina, MN 55439
                                                                               952-941-1094 www.crossview.netTWIN CITIES, MN
                                                                                    Like us on Facebook:         PERMIT NO. 4354
     6645 McCauley Trail W., Edina, MN 55439
       952-941-1094 www.crossview.net

    CHRISTMAS                                                  HOLIDAY
  You’re Invited to
  Cross View!                                                OFFICE HOURS
  Christmas Eve: December 24                              Closed Dec. 24, 25 & 26
  3:00 PM      Contemporary Worship                       Open Dec. 27 & 28
  5:00 PM      Traditional Lessons and Carols
                                                          Open Monday, Dec. 31, 9:00 AM - 12 Noon
  Christmas Day: December 25
  9:30 AM      Traditional Worship with Holy Communion    Closed January 1, 2019

  Every Sunday
2 | Cross View Clarion
  8:15 AM      Traditional Worship
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
Cross View’s Third Decade

A Spirit of Service
In each issue of the Clarion from October to February, we will look back at Cross View’s journey
from our humble beginnings to our development and growth into the Church we are today.

                                                   Cross View’s congregation remained a close-knit group throughout the
                                              church’s first 20 years. A spirit of service to others unified the congregation.
                                              By 1989, there were 551 confirmed members of the church, and whether
                                              it involved building homes in Minneapolis or restoring churches in
                                              Appalachia, members focused on myriad ways to serve others. On Palm
                                              Sunday of that year, 19 Stephen ministers were commissioned, marking
                                              the conclusion of their training as lay care givers. Pastor Nadasdy led an
                                              evangelism conference in Portland, Oregon, and several members joined
                                              him for the week.
                                                   In 1991, Cross View families celebrated a Festival of Marriage Renewal,
                                              which included a service of renewal at the church, followed by a reception
                                              (with a wedding renewal cake), dinner and a dance at a nearby hotel. 1992
                                              marked the first Thanksgiving Dinner event at Trinity First Lutheran Church
                                              in Minneapolis. The event was a blessing for all involved, and it remains
                                              one of the most anticipated events on the church calendar more than 25
                                              years later.
                                                   Faced with insufficient space to meet the needs of a growing church,
                                              Pastor Nadasdy and the congregation began a capital campaign in 1992.
                                              It was called “Building on Blessings”, and just as we had done before, the
                                              members of Cross View put their trust in God and answered the call with
                                              enough pledges to proceed with the expansion project. A groundbreaking
                                              for a new educational wing and pipe organ took place in May 1993. By
                                              the end of the year, the building was completed and the organ was in
                                              place, with the St. Olaf College Cantorei, 80 voices strong, on hand for a
                                              stirring musical dedication. More than 700 confirmed members attended
                                              Christmas worship services in 1994.
                                                   Cross View began a three-year ministry campaign in 1995 called
                                              Advancing the Mission. As part of the Interfaith Hospitality Network, 60
                                              volunteers gathered at Cross View to host the homeless inside the church
                                              for a week in April, September and December. Importantly, air conditioning
                                              was installed for the first time in July 1995. Hallelujah! Cross View’s spirit
                                              of service was evident even on New Year’s Eve, when members of the
                                              congregation joined Community Emergency Services to serve dinner to
                                              the needy in Minneapolis.
                                                   In 1996, Pastor and Susie Nadasdy led 37 people on a trip to Eastern
                                              Europe as the 450th anniversary of Luther’s death is observed in Germany.
                                              In June of that year, Christian Bode was ordained into the Holy Ministry
                                              and installed as Cross View’s first Assistant Pastor.
                                                   After 16 years of service, Pastor Dean Nadasdy stepped down as
                                              Cross View’s pastor in 1997 as he accepted a call to become Professor of
                                              Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. A decade and a half of solid
                                              pastoral leadership was coming to an end, but Cross View was now a large,
         Top to Bottom: New Platform
                                              thriving congregation. As the year drew to a close, the congregation was
          Construction (1992), Building
                                              preparing to meet with Pastors from Minnesota, Kansas and Washington,
     Addition Construction (1993), New
      Pipe Organ (1993), Installation of
                                              resulting in the call to Rev. Gerald (Gerry) Coleman in May, 1998. Important
      Christian Bode (1996), Installation     decisions lay ahead, but even amidst the transition, members gathered at
               of Gerry Coleman (1998).       the church to host the homeless and provide meals to needy families in
                                              Minneapolis. The spirit of service was alive and well.

                                                                                                                3 | Cross View Clarion
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
4.0 Building Update
                                             Momentum for a Spring 2019 building project ground
                                          breaking continues to grow. Your prayers, suggestions,
                                          and questions support project goals of enhancing Early
                                          Childhood Center security, remodeling ECC classrooms,
                                          expanding fellowship and youth areas, and increasing multi-
                                          purpose classroom venues.

   Sunday, Dec. 2, 12 Noon                Recent accomplishments include:
       Fellowship Hall                      • Edina City Council Conditional Use Permit approval.
                                            • Members reviewed design renderings on display since early October.
   Light lunch & childcare provided
   Topic: vote on the debt required         • Town Hall meetings provided a virtual building tour, reviewed design
    to finance our 4.0 Building for           changes, and members asked questions and suggested design
    Generations expansion project.            enhancements.
                                            • 4.0 Building for Generations capital campaign pledges increased to
                                              $3.9 million. Actual donations total $1.3 million cash. There is still time

    2019 Altar Flower
                                              to make a 2018 donation. Contact Renee Kirchner, Director of Church
                                              Administration, at 952.941.1094 ext. 204.
                                              Members are encouraged to attend the noon December 2 Voters’ meeting.
    Altar flowers are given to Cross      A light lunch and childcare will be provided. The agenda includes approving
View to beautify our worship space.       anticipated loan arrangements for the debt required to finance the $6.64 million
You may designate a particular            project. Financial projection estimates include:
occasion or remembrance in the              • $1.60 million in Donations pledged to be on hand by December 31, 2018.
bulletin for which you have given           • $2.30 million Short Term Bridge Loan until remaining pledges are
the flowers. A 2019 flower signup is          received from our $3.9 million campaign.
posted on the bulletin board near           • $2.7 million Long Term Mortgage shared between Cross View ($2.3
the kitchen. Flowers may be ordered           million) and Early Childhood Center ($0.4 million)
through Cross View’s regular florist or
provided by you personally.                  The updated project cost estimate of $6.64 million represents a 10% increase
                                          over the prior estimate and is based on pre-construction pricing. Formal sub-
     2018 Year-End                        contractor bid process happens over the next 60 days. Our Building Steering
                                          Committee will then align design and budget. The project will require increased
   Offerings Deadline                     congregational donations to pay higher ongoing costs including: utilities,
                                          insurance, janitorial costs as well as interest and principle loan payments. Updated
    IRS regulations make it very clear
                                          financial information will be presented at the December 2 Voters’ meeting.
that for a contribution to be credited
                                              The Cross View Building Steering Committee thanks you for continued
to the 2018 tax year, it must be
                                          support. Below is our 2019 building schedule timeline:
received on Cross View’s premises
                                             • Sub-contractor bid pricing (December – January)
by December 31 or postmarked no
                                             • Close loan agreements (January – February)
later than midnight on December 31,
                                             • Adjust scope to budget (Ongoing)
2018. Dropping it off in January with
                                             • Break ground (March – April)
a December date on the check does
                                             • Project completion (Christmas 2019)
not qualify. The church office will be
open Monday, December 31, from 9
                                          Please direct questions to Lynn Pahl, President, Scott Douglas, Building Chair,
A.M. to noon for final contributions.
                                          Erik Kelly or email grow@Crossview.net.
Thank you for your attention to this
important detail.

  View & Print the Cross View Monthly                  Our web calendar is updated throughout the month

  CALENDAR                            ON THE
                                                       and always contains the most current information.
                                                       Go to www.crossview.net/calendar. (Or just click here!)

4 | Cross View Clarion
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
Christian Education
RIGHTNOW MEDIA LAUNCH                                           Please note – We will not have education classes on
    We’re excited to announce that we now have access to        Sunday, December 23 or 30 in celebration of Christmas
an extensive, new digital library called RightNow Media! It’s   and New Year’s. Regular Sunday classes will resume
like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and has a HUGE        Sunday, January 6.
selection of faith-based videos you can access whenever
and wherever you want - on your phone, iPad, computer,          KIDSTITUTE UPDATE
or at home.                                                        It’s been a wonderful fall studying the end of the life of
    As a church staff, we’re always looking for ways to help    Jesus, His resurrection and appearances to the disciples
you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that          before His ascension. Kids age 3 to 6th grade join together
RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live          each week to learn of a new aspect of Jesus’ life, and how
out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood.       we can apply it in our daily living.
RightNow Media has resources for everyone - children,              Dates to know for December & January:
youth, parents, small groups, married couples, college            • Wed., December 5 – No Kidstitute due to the Christmas
students, single adults, working professionals - all aimed at       program rehearsal.
helping you grow.                                                 • Wed., December 12 & 19 – Regular Kidstitute
    With the upcoming build and need for space at Cross             programming.
View, we thought it would be the perfect time to transition       • Wed., December 27 and January 2, no Kidstitute for
to an online database while keeping a few select resources          holiday celebrations
and studies we already had. The best part is that RightNow        • Wed., January 9 – Kidstitute resumes after the holidays.
Media is a FREE subscription for ALL Cross View Members.
    The week of December 9 you will receive an official         WINTER MIDWEEK ADULT BIBLE STUDY
invitation email to give you FREE access to RightNow                On December 5, we’ll start into the Acts of the
Media. If you don’t receive it, please check your mail filter   Apostles. Please sign up at the Connection Center and
(because it will come from the RightNow system, it may          join us as we gather to study how God moved in and
get caught there). Once you find the email, simply click the    through the early believers, and how He is still moving in
link, sign up for an account, and you’re all set to explore     and through us today. Questions? Contact Pastor Toby
more than 20,000 videos. We pray that RightNow Media            (toby@crossview.net).
will be a blessing over the Christmas season for you and
your family!                                                    ADULT EDUCATION : WISDOM FROM PROVERBS
                                                                   Join us from November 25-December 16 (4-Weeks)
CHRISTMAS IS COMING!                                            as we look at some of the major themes from the book
THE CHILDREN ARE PREPARING!                                     of Proverbs. We’ll study and talk about how this ancient
Sunday School children are excited to share the Christmas       counsel is still relevant today. Together we’ll learn how to
Gospel with family and friends! Please join us for these        move towards adopting these principles in our daily lives.
special performances:

“God’s Promise Came True”
Preschool-1st Grade Program
Sunday, December 2; 9:30 AM
“Star Search”
2nd-6th Grade Program
Sunday, December 9; 10:45 AM

Families of 2nd-6th Graders: Rehearsals
for the program are during the opening
of Sunday School. We will also have two
dress rehearsals
   • Sunday, December 2; 12:15-2:15 PM
     (During the voter’s meeting – a light lunch will be
     served at 12 noon)
   • Wednesday, December 5; 6:30-8:00 PM
Please contact Christine Eid at Christine@crossview.net if
you have any questions.
                                                                                                          5 | Cross View Clarion
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
Outreach & Missions
     Join us December 8, 10:00 AM – Noon for our annual all-
church outreach event. Inside, families will hear the Christmas
story from Biblical characters, take part in crafts and activities,
snack on delicious refreshments. Outside at the stable we’ll
have a petting zoo. Putt this great family outreach event on your
calendars now! Don’t miss this fun, free Christmas celebration
for the whole family! Oh, and be sure to bring some friends!
(If you’d be willing to volunteer, click here to help).

    Cross View has adopted about 30 American veterans at
the Minneapolis Veterans Home. This is a great opportunity
for your family to help make a veteran’s Christmas holiday
happier and more blessed. (Check out the green bulletin
board by Christine Eid’s office.) Bring your gifts or Christmas
cards to church by December 12. (Spending limit: $30-$35.)

Thank you to all who helped with Trinity First Thanksgiving.
Over 70 volunteers helped serve 330+ plates of food! Thank
you for being the hands and feet of Christ, and supporting
the ministry of our brothers and sisters at Trinity First
Lutheran Church and School. A special thank you goes to
Judy Larson and Edie McGurgan for their leadership of this
successful event.

 Early Childhood Center
ECC PACKS A BUSY NOVEMBER                                                 Conferences were held throughout the month of November.
    November was a very busy month with fundraisers, conferences      This is a time where the teachers and parents have a chance to
and a mission project. Our fundraisers included the Scholastic        connect and discuss the progress of their child(ren). Conferences
Book Fair (50 books purchased for our classroom) and Night Owls       are held twice a year and are vital for the success of the children.
(where we raised over $600.00). We also received over $600 in             The ECC families had a chance to donate supplies and
Scholastic dollars which will be used to purchase educational         money for Operation Christmas Child. We were able to pack 17
items for the classrooms. The monies raised from Night Owls will      shoe boxes for children around the world. We look forward to
be used towards purchasing the Tadpoles technology.                   seeing what countries the children live in who receive our boxes.
    During our Night Owls event, we had the children participate          Also in November, as is tradition, every child in the 3-4
in a mission project. The children put together energy bags for       year old class received The Beginners Bible. This is an outreach
police officers, which included an energy drink, beef jerky, hand     opportunity for the center, making sure each child has a Bible
sanitizer and a card from the children. These will be distributed     at home so the children can share Bible stories with their family.
to the Edina Police Department.                                       They also enjoyed refreshments with their parents after chapel.
6 | Cross View Clarion
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
Twelve21                    Women’s Ministries
    Twelve21 will be starting a new
study in January on the book Joining      FILL YOUR CUP WOMEN’S EVENT
Jesus by Greg Finke. If you are               On November 11, over 70 women joined together for a delightful array of
interested in joining the group or need   appetizers and desserts, a time of fellowship, and talking about how to “Fill
to be added to the Facebook group,        Your Cup for the Holidays”. The holidays can be so busy, and it’s not always
let Jonathan Zellar know. This group      easy to take care of yourself. Panelists Barb Reichert, Emily Hawkins and Lynn
meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of         Pahl shared some ideas of how they put meaning back into the holidays with
each month. Our next meeting is           their families and friends. Special thanks to Margaret Garrison for leading our
6:30 PM, December 11 at the Flying        discussion, and the planning team led by Jana Poppe.
Dutchman distillery in Eden Prairie.

         C RO S S V IE W

       CARDS          AND

   NO meeting in December;                BOOK CLUB POTLUCK
      resume in January.                      Women’s Book Club will hold a Christmas potluck on Monday, December
                                          17, 12 Noon. Carla Schumacher has selected A Redbird Christmas by Fannie
    2nd Friday, Sept – May:
                                          Flagg for us to read and discuss following the potluck. New members are always
    Connect with Cross View               welcome. Feel free to contact Marcy Nordhus at mpnordhus@gmail.com if you
     members and friends
 (adults of all ages) for several         have any questions.
  hours of fun and fellowship
    by participating in cards
   and games of your choice.              WOMEN’S DINNER OUT
       New participants                   Thursday, January 24
        are welcome!                      Fireside Foundry
                                          Find details in Sunday Bulletins

 Senior Adult Ministries
    Cross View veterans were honored on Veterans Day
in both Sunday worship services. Each veteran shared his
branch of the military and where he served. A map of these
locations displayed the far-reaching service of our veterans
to their country. Thank you!

Thursday, Dec. 13
Sign-up at Connection Center
Details in Sunday bulletins

Tues., Jan. 15
“Caring for the Caregiver” by Lukus Zuker

                                                                                                       7 | Cross View Clarion
Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
 Developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ along life’s journey
                                                                                          CROSS VIEW
                         Rev. Steve Wheeler, Senior Pastor
                           ext 203, steve@crossview.net                                   SUNDAY WORSHIP
                       Rev. Toby Schmidt, Associate Pastor
                                                                                          8:15 am Traditional
                           ext 206, toby@crossview.net                                    10:45 am Contemporary
                         Christine Eid, Children’s Ministry
                         ext 215, christine@crossview.net                                 SUNDAY EDUCATION
                                                                                          9:30 am
                Jonathan Zellar, Youth & Young Adults MInistries
                       ext 207, jonathan@crossview.net
                                                                                          OFFICE HOURS
               Stacey LaMere, Director of Early Childhood Center
                        ext 222 • stacey@crossview.net                                    Tues.-Fri., 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                                                                          Closed Monday
                Renee Kirchner, Director of Church Administration
                         ext 204 • renee@crossview.net
                                                                                          See Holiday Hours on Pg. 2

                   Rebecca Waller, Music & Fine Arts Ministries
                        ext 210, rebecca@crossview.net
                                                                                          Cross View’s most current
                   Margaret Garrison, Administrative Assistant                            calendar is always available
                       ext 200, margaret@crossview.net
                                                                                          on our website at
                        Claire Oie, Administrative Assistant                              www.crossview.net/calendar
                          ext 200 • claire@crossview.net

                                                                                          CONNECT WITH
                       Jason Paulson, Contemporary Music

                             Russell Draeger, Organist
                                                                                          CROSS VIEW
                                Lynn Pahl, President                                      6645 McCauley Trail West
                                                                                          Edina, MN, 55349-1076
                        Nadar & Georgette Alaraj, POBLO

             Todd & Kim Roeske, Evangelistic Missionaries in Alaska                       952-941-1094 (Office)
                                                                                          952-941-5513 (FAX)
                  Rev. Dr. Harry Wendt, Crossways International
                                                                                          952-941-0009 (ECC)
The Clarion is published monthly by Cross View Lutheran Church. Items for inclusion may
    be dropped off in the church office or sent via email to rebecca@crossview.net.


Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church Happy Holidays! Holy-days! - (Luke 2:1-21) - Cross View Lutheran Church
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