St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online

Page created by Adrian Bryant
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
W    E L C O M E          T O

                      St. Patrick               ELKHORN, WI

                MARCH 27, 2022 •
                 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
   107 W. Walworth - Elkhorn, WI                  Saturday, March 26, 2022
                                                   5:30 pm The Parish                                                 (Elaine)
                                                  Sunday, March 27, 2022
  Phone ...................... 262-723-5565
                                                   7:30 am
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
Remember in your prayers all parish members and friends who
are ill, in nursing homes, home-bound or hospitalized. May they
continue to receive the Lord’s blessings.
Lisa Amburgey Liz Gudeman              Jenell Casciaro                                   THE WEEK AHEAD
Wayne Vogt          Marcia Dujardin    Lee Werner                                        Monday, March 28
Margaret Konrath
                                                                                         6:30 pm Rosary
                                                                                         ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
             We are a faith community, a family. Remember, you are part of our           Tuesday, March 29
             St. Patrick’s family. Please, tell us how can we pray for you. Email us     10:30 am Staff Meeting
             at office@ or call our prayer line at                 6:00 pm Confessions @ St. Andrew
             262-723-7644. You can use your name or it can be anonymous, but             6:30 pm Finance Council
             let us pray with you. The power of prayer cannot be overstated.
                                                                                         ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
                                                                                         Wednesday, March 30
                         Lord, also hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect        ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
                       them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the
                        selfless acts they perform for us. We ask this through Christ    Thursday, March 31
                                               our Lord. Amen.                           ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
                                                                                         Friday, April 1
                                                                                         5:00 pm Soup & Sharing
Pastoral Council Nominations – Would you consider joining Fr. Oriol in a role of         6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
leadership for the parish? This position entails a three-year commitment. Being a        6:00 pm Confessions
Pastoral Council member is both very challenging and very rewarding. The                 ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
Pastoral Council works closely with Fr. Oriol, as pastor, on every pastoral aspect       Saturday, April 2
of parish life, giving direction to the parish and overseeing its pastoral activity to   ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
fulfill the mission of the church. To be successful, a Pastoral Council member must
be a big-picture thinker who is passionate and dedicated to our community,               Sunday, April 3
willing and able to volunteer their time, and can handle all matters in a                8:00 am RCIA
professional, respectful, private, and thorough manner. A Night of                       10:15 am Wisdom Weekend
Discernment will be provided on April 5 at 6 pm at St. Patrick Parish.                   ** Men’s Homeless Shelter
Please, consider joining us to discern if this could be a good fit for you.

It has been a great start to our registration
for the 2022-2023 school year. We have                                        Scripture for the week of March 27
over 15 new students joining St. Andrew                                      (Lecturas de la semana 27 de marzo)
Parish School next year. The deadline to                            Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [9a]/2
register for the Wisconsin Parental Choice                          Cor 5:17-21/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Program is April 21st.                                              Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a
                                                                    and 13b/Jn 4:43-54
Please call the school office for a tour and more details.          Tuesday: Ez47:1-9, 12/Ps46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/Jn5:1-16
                                                                    Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-
                                                                    18/Jn 5:17-30
Scrip will be available after the 5:30 and 10:30 Masses the first
                                                                    Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23/Jn
weekend of the month. Look for us in the Gathering Area on April 2
& 3. Scrip is also available in the office Monday through Friday.   Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21
                                                                    and 23/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Walking the Way of the Cross with Survivors                         Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12/Jn
Awake Milwaukee invites you to join us for a powerful Lenten prayer 7:40-53
opportunity hosted on Zoom on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30pm. This     Next Sunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1
unique event will combine personal reflections from abuse survivors -2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Phil 3:8-14/Jn
with the traditional Lenten Stations of the Cross devotion. Please  8:1-11
RSVP at to participate live or to
receive the event recording via email.

                                                                               You Belong Here To Pray, To Grow, To Serve l 3
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
Join us this Lent:                PARISH NEWS
               Daily Mass              
     Tuesday 8am @ St. Andrew
     Friday at 8am @ St. Patrick
  *Confessions every weekday mass
               during Lent*
            Pray the Rosary
         Mondays at 6:30PM
        Eucharistic Adoration
  Every Thursday from 8:30am-7pm
  Or stop by church any day during
     Lent. Sitting in a quiet, empty
   church is a beautiful experience.
          Just YOU and GOD
         Stations of the Cross
   Fridays, 6pm Stations in English;
    This Friday Soup & Stations is
       hosted by The Hispanic
           6:30PM in Spanish
      Pray, Reconcile & Rejoice
    Lenten day of Reconciliation
          Tuesday, April 5th
              8am-8pm                  Human Concerns & Community Outreach
  St. Charles Borromeo - Burlington
                                       Thank you SO much for your almsgiving for the Lenten reverse collection. Many of
      In addition, there will be       your donations have already been delivered and our partner organizations are
  confessions every Tuesday 6pm        again overwhelmed by our parish community's generosity! The folks in the office
  at St. Andrew and every Friday       at Twin Oaks actually jumped up and down when they saw the truck bed full of
          6pm at St. Patrick           donations. We are so grateful for your participation!
                                       We continue to see steady usage at our Blessings Box and appreciate your
    God of Goodness and Mercy,
                                       support. Watch the bulletin for a late April community education event presented
   Hear my prayers as I begin my
      Lenten journey with you.         by Ann Ward about Afghani culture and language so we are better able to
  Transform me, give me strength       welcome our new Elkhorn neighbors hosted by Sugar Creek Lutheran Church. Our
  to commit myself to grow closer      next meeting is Monday April 11th at 6pm, all are welcome!
       to you each day. Amen           Spirit of Hope Men’s Shelter: We will be hosting the Men’s Shelter at the Trinity
                                       Center starting this Sunday March 27th thru Sunday April 3rd. There are still
                                       opertunities to volunteer for chaperoning (5pm to 9pm) and staying overnight
                                       (9pm to 7am), please go to the white board located in the gathering center for
                                       sign-up. Assistance with meals and provision of shelter resident employment
                                       transportation is also much needed.

                                         MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR TICKETS FOR
                                            THIS YEAR'S MUSICAL, SISTER ACT!!
                                              TICKETS ARE SELLING QUICKLY!
                                         This show is hilarious, high energy, and the
                                                     kids are amazing!!!
                                                          Show Dates
                                                   April 7 & April 8 at 7pm
                                                    April 9 at 2pm & 7pm
                                                       April 10 at 2pm.
                                                Tickets can be purchased at:
                                                         All Seats $14

4 l St. Patrick Parish • Elkhorn WI
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
                   Lent is a great time to strengthen your relationship with Christ.
                   There are many great ways to do this. One way is to help our
                   young Catholics learn about God. If you are interested in
                   helping us help families teach about God, please contact Ray
as soon as possible. There are behind-the-scenes opportunities for those who do
not want to directly teach the children. It takes a village and God is the leader!
Please consider using your own gifts from God to help us.
Are you a Catholic who has been baptized and regularly receives the Holy
Eucharist but has yet to enjoy the joys of Confirmation? If you are an adult, 21
years old or older, and wish to be confirmed, please contact Ray as soon as
possible. You may qualify to be confirmed at our special Pentecost celebration on
May 23. Please email for more information.                          This weekend’s Reflections -

                                                                                           First Reading: Josh. 5:9a, 10-12
                                                                                            Rejoice! We have reached the
                                                                                             promised land. The mana that
Did you know when a couple gets engaged and wants to get married in a                      sustained us in the desert is given
Catholic Church they have to go through a few meetings with a Facilitator and the           first fruits of the Lord’s harvest.
ministry is called Foccus?
St. Andrew and St. Patrick Parishes are looking for married couples who would               Second Reading: 2 Cor. 5:17-21
enjoy mentoring engaged couples and join the Foccus Ministry.                               God gave us Christ that we might
"Foccus is designed to help engaged couples appreciate their unique relationship,          be reunited with God through him.
learn more about themselves, and discuss topics important to their lifelong                Through the gift of Christ within we
marriage". This is not a large time commitment. 2-3 Meetings with couples lasting                      find union.
1-2 hours long are recommended prior to the wedding day and you'll have a big
impact on the Catholic Marriage Covenant. What a beautiful ministry. Pray about
it and email the office ( for more information.

 The Knights of Columbus Council 3464 Saint Patrick Elkhorn will
  be collecting donations for their annual Intellectual Disabilities
Fundraiser (Tootsie Roll Drive) on Friday April 1st, and Saturday
April 2nd at the following locations, Franks and Walgreens and
                Sunday April 3rd after all Masses.
  Your donations will benefit Lakeland School and VIP Services
     programs that help educate and provide services to local
                 students and citizens with “intellectual disabilities.”
                               PLEASE BE GENEROUS!
  Thank you to all Saint Patrick Parishioners for your past support, let’s make this
   the best year ever! Please contact Mike Cartina @ 715.892.2469 if you are
                     interested in donating and/or volunteering.

                      In the near future St. Pats will resume the ministry of funeral
                      luncheons. A lot has changed in the past few years so this is
                       a good time to update our information. Whether you have
                         helped in the past, would like to join or have questions
                        please call. We would like to know if you could help the
                        day of, bake or make a salad. We rotate the list so the
                           more help we have the better. Your help is greatly
                          appreciated. Please call Jan Pappa 262-745-3061,
                                 Marianne Jefferson 262-723-3875 or
                                     Bev Puralewski 262-215-0252

                                                                               You Belong Here To Pray, To Grow, To Serve l 5
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
                                                        IV Domingo de Cuaresma
    que sueltes las cadenas injustas,
                                              «¿No es este el que se sentaba a pedir limosna?»
   que desates las correas del yugo,
                                                                (Juan 9:1-41)
    que dejes libres a los oprimidos,
                                         ¡Curación de un ciego de nacimiento!
        que acabes con todas las
                                         El evangelio de hoy, narra el encuentro de Jesús con el
   opresiones, que compartas tu pan
                                         ciego de nacimiento. Jesús se encuentra con este
  con el hambriento, que hospedes a
         los pobres sin techo, que       hombre, que está marcado por la sociedad. El pueblo
   proporciones ropas al desnudo y       judío Creía que algunas enfermedades eran la forma
                                         de espiar el pecado de la persona portadora o de sus padres, y por ello solían
     que no te desentiendas de tus
                                         marginar a quien la tuviera.
  semejantes. Entonces brillará tu luz
                                         Pero Jesús que conoce bien el amor de Dios, sabe que este hombre es uno de los
      como la aurora y tus heridas
      sanarán en seguida, tu recto       predilectos del Padre y solo quiere liberarlo de esta enfermedad.
     proceder caminará ante ti y te      Jesús untó saliva y barro en los ojos de este hombre y lo envió a lavárselos en la
                                         piscina de Siloé.
       seguirá la gloria del Señor.
                                         El ciego le hace caso y a partir de ese momento, de ese encuentro con Jesús
  Entonces invocarás al Señor y él te
                                         recupera la vista. Su vida da un cambio radical. Ya no será indigno, un excluido
   responderá; pedirás auxilio y te
            dirá: «Aquí estoy».          de la sociedad.
              (Isaías 58:6-12)           El ciego al creer en Jesús, colabora en su curación. Su fe ha obrado el milagro.
                                         Está tan contento que a todos comenta que la curación ha sido cosa de Jesús.
                                         Pero los fariseos rechazan, dudan de Jesús, que ha curado en sábado, día de
                                         precepto para el pueblo judío.
                                         Cuando Jesús le pregunta al ciego si cree en el hijo del hombre, él le contesta:
                                         ¿Quién es para que yo crea en Él? Jesús responde: «Está delante de ti, te está
                                         hablando». El ciego respondió: «Creo Señor».
                                         Pasamos de aquellas personas que practican una religiosidad distinta a la nuestra,
                                         de las que no tienen trabajo, de las que son de otra escala social, de las que
                                         padecen una adicción que los aparta de familiares y amigos, de los enfermos que
                                         necesitan nuestra compañía, acogida, cariño; de los presos que por distintas causas
                                         cumplen condena y a los que no los visitamos, ni acompañamos en esos momentos,
                                         de los jóvenes desorientados etc. Ahí está Jesús y nosotros pasamos de largo.
                                         Lo buscamos continuamente, pero ¿Dónde buscamos? Dios está en el perdón, en la
                                         acogida, en el amor, en la entrega generosa y sobre todo en amar a los
                                         excluidos de la Iglesia y de la sociedad. Graduémonos la vista, volvamos a la
                                         claridad y seremos testimonio auténtico del Evangelio.
       Pascua para Jóvenes de:
                                         ¡Una linda semana a todos!
        Edad: de 13 - 18 Años
  Cuándo: 14,15 y 16 de Abril 2022       Para reflexionar:
           Donde: San Patricio           1- ¿De qué forma concreta escogí la luz y rechacé las tinieblas esta semana?
    107 W Walworth St. Elkhorn

       Viernes 1 de Abril: - La
   tradicional Sopa a las 5:pm, y el
       Vía Crucis Bilingüe 6:pm,
          ¡QUE NADIE FALTE!

  «Señor, eres nuestro Padre, nosotros
   somos la arcilla, y tu eres nuestro
   alfarero; ¡todos somos obra de tus
                 (Is 64,7)

6 l St. Patrick Parish • Elkhorn WI
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
PARISH DIRECTORY— 262-723-5565 /
CLERGY                                                                                            PARISH COUNCIL
Rev. Oriol .............................................. (262) 723-5565 #114                     Brian Schopf (Chair) 723-4437;
                                                                       James Banta - Mike Cartina - Robin Sawyers
Rev. Josegerman, Associate ................ (262) 723-5565 #116                                   Connie Poggensee - Amy Block - Antonio Dondiego
                                                                                                  Humberto Cambray -
Deacon Phil Kilkenny ........................................ (262) 903-4263                      TRUSTEES
PARISH OFFICE                                                                                     Tim Lockwood -
DRE, Ray Henderson ....................................... 723-5565 #119                          Pat Romenesko
M. Hispano, Sr. Graciela Paredes, Mfj ....... 723-5565 #113
Parish Secretary, Kris Parker ......................... 723-5565 #110                             Parish Organizations
Bulletin, Sindy Morales .................................. 723-5565 #115                          Knights of Columbus - Ron Baughman. 630-269-2451
Director of Operations, Becky Baker ........... 723-5565 #112                                     Columbiettes: Trish Irwin……………..847-687-6504
PARISH SCHOOL                                                                                     Ladies Guild: Mary Freeman…..…………..203-3378
Principal, Michael Brown                                                                          Human Concerns: Michelle Shilts…… ……725-1078
                                                                                                  Knitting Group: Cherie Swick……………….742-3318
                                                                                                  Mt. Olivet Cemetery: Mark Weseman……..742-4125
School Office, Mirium & Vanessa ............................ 728-6211

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St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
SEYMOUR KREMER KOCH LLP                                                905 East Geneva Street
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                                                                                                                   Attorneys At Law                                              Tel: 262-728-6319
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                           201 Geneva
                        National Avenue S.
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   5384 State Road. II • Elkhorn, WI 53151

                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                  St. Patrick Parish, Elkhorn, WI                         A 4C 01-1284
St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online St. Patrick - MARCH 27, 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes Online
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