DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - 2021 PROGRAM - Australian String Quartet

Page created by Jaime Gilbert
DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - 2021 PROGRAM - Australian String Quartet


DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - 2021 PROGRAM - Australian String Quartet

David Greco, baritone                     Doors to concert venues will open
Andrea Lam, piano                         20 minutes prior to performance
Australian String Quartet

Introductions by The Hon Barry Jones AC

DAY ONE                                   8.00pm
                                          Opening concert
                                          Myers’ Library

DAY TWO                                   11.00am
                                          Morning concert
                                          Myers’ Library

                                          Picnic lunch
                                          Myers’ Macarther Street Garden

                                          Afternoon concert
                                          Mt Sturgeon Woolshed

                                          Myers’ Macarther Street Garden

                                          Evening concert
                                          Myers’ Library

                                          Gala dinner
                                          Sterling Place | Dunkeld Community Centre

DAY THREE                                 10.30am
                                          Finale concert
                                          Mt Sturgeon Woolshed
DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - 2021 PROGRAM - Australian String Quartet
AUSTRALIAN                                                                                                Dale Barltrop, violin

                                                                                                          Dale has performed as a chamber and
                                                                                                                                                          Francesca Hiew, violin

                                                                                                                                                          A musician of diverse interests and

STRING QUARTET                                                                                            orchestral musician across the globe. In
                                                                                                          addition to his position with the ASQ, he
                                                                                                          serves as Concertmaster of the Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                          influences, Francesca Hiew has maintained
                                                                                                                                                          a multifaceted career. Prior to joining the
                                                                                                                                                          Australian String Quartet, Francesca was
                                                                                                          Symphony Orchestra, and has been                a member of the Melbourne Symphony
                                                                                                          Concertmaster of the Vancouver Symphony         Orchestra. She enjoys teaching and coaching
                                                                                                          Orchestra and Principal Second Violin of        chamber ensembles, regularly tutoring for
                                                                                                          the St Paul Chamber Orchestra. He has           the Australian Youth Orchestra, Adelaide
                                                                                                          appeared as soloist and director with all       Youth Orchestra and the University of
                                                                                                          three orchestras.                               Adelaide. A former student and fellow of
                                                                                                                                                          the Australian National Academy of Music,
                                                                                                          Hailing from Brisbane, Dale made his solo
                                                                                                                                                          Francesca is passionate about fostering the
                                                                                                          debut with the Queensland Symphony
                                                                                                                                                          future of chamber music.
                                                                                                          Orchestra at the age of 15 and was
                                                                                                          Concertmaster of the Queensland and             Growing up as the second youngest of
                                                                                                          Australian Youth Orchestras. He then moved      seven children in Brisbane, Francesca began
                                                                                                          to the USA to attend the University of          learning the violin at the age of four at the
                                                                                                          Maryland and later the Cleveland Institute of   Stoliarsky School of Music. Her primary
                                                                                                          Music, studying with William Preucil, Gerald    teachers were William Hennessy, Michele
                                                                                                          Fischbach and members of the Guarneri and       Walsh, Emin Tagiev and Mark Lakirovich.
                                                                                                          Cavani Quartets.

For 35 years, the Australian String             Our distinct sound is enhanced by a                       Michael Dahlenburg, cello                       Christopher Cartlidge, guest viola
Quartet has created unforgettable string        matched set of 18th century Guadagnini
                                                                                                          Michael studied cello with Howard Penny         Christopher Cartlidge has been a member
quartet performances for national and           instruments, handcrafted by Giovanni
                                                                                                          at the Australian National Academy of           of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra since
international audiences.                        Battista Guadagnini between c.1743 and 1784
                                                                                                          Music and Molly Kadarauch at the University     2011 and in 2019 was appointed Associate
                                                in Turin and Piacenza, Italy. These precious
Dedicated to musical excellence with a                                                                    of Melbourne.                                   Principal Viola. He regularly appears as a
                                                instruments are on loan for our exclusive use
distinctly Australian flavour, our purpose is                                                                                                             guest in orchestras across Australia and
                                                through the generosity of UKARIA.                         He was Principal Cellist of Melbourne           New Zealand and is in great demand as
to create chemistry and amplify intimacy
                                                                                                          Chamber Orchestra until 2020, and has           a chamber musician. Chris is a founding
through experiences that connect people         Dale Barltrop plays a
                                                                                                          been guest Principal with Tasmanian             member of the Melbourne Ensemble. In
with string quartet music.                      1784 Guadagnini Violin, Turin
                                                                                                          Symphony Orchestra, Auckland                    2015 he was a grand-finalist and multiple
                                                Francesca Hiew plays a
From our home base at the University of                                                                   Philharmonia Orchestra (NZ) and Orchestra       prize winner in the ABC Symphony Australia
                                                1748-49 Guadagnini Violin, Piacenza
Adelaide’s Elder Conservatorium of Music,                                                                 Victoria. He has worked as a guest with         Young Performers Awards and has appeared
                                                Stephen King plays a
we reach out across Australia and the world                                                               the Flinders Quartet, Australian Chamber        as soloist with both the Melbourne and
                                                1783 Guadagnini Viola, Turin*
to engage people with an outstanding                                                                      Orchestra, ACO2 and the ARTARIA ensemble.       Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras.
                                                Michael Dahlenburg plays a
program of performances, workshops,
                                                c.1743 Guadagnini Violincello,                            Michael was a founding member of                Chris plays a 1783 Guadagnini Viola, Turin,
commissions and education projects.             Piacenza ‘ Ngeringa’                                      Hamer Quartet, First Prize, Grand Prize         Italy, on loan through UKARIA. He appears
                                                *Stephen King is currently on long service leave and is                                                   with the ASQ courtesy of the Melbourne
                                                                                                          and Audience Prize winners at the 2009
                                                replaced by Christopher Cartlidge.
                                                                                                          Asia Pacific Chamber Competition. He has        Symphony Orchestra.
                                                                                                          performed at numerous festivals and concert
                                                                                                          halls around the world and has studied
                                                                                                          chamber music with many leading
                                                                                                          chamber musicians.
DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - 2021 PROGRAM - Australian String Quartet
DAVID GRECO                                                                                    ANDREA LAM
BARITONE                                                                                       PIANO
GUEST ARTIST                                                                                   GUEST ARTIST

Internationally regarded for his               Ich habe genug. In 2017, he was a principal     Pronounced a ‘real talent’ by the Wall        with the Melbourne and Canberra Symphony
interpretations of Schubert Lieder and         artist with Opera Australia, appearing in       Street Journal, New York-based Australian     Orchestras, Auckland Philharmonia
works of J.S Bach, ARIA Award-nominated        The Eighth Wonder and The Love of Three         pianist Andrea Lam performs with              Orchestra, and Australian Youth Orchestra.
baritone David Greco has sung on some of       Oranges, and his appearance as Seneca           orchestras and leading conductors in          A keen chamber musician, Andrea also
the finest stages across Europe, and has       in Pinchgut Opera’s production of The           Australasia, Japan, China and the United      performs and records extensively as pianist
appeared as a principal in the world’s most    Coronation of Poppea received critical          States, including the San Francisco Ballet    of New York’s acclaimed Claremont Trio.
exciting opera festivals including Festival    acclaim.                                        Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, and
                                                                                                                                              Andrea Lam was a semi-finalist in the 2009
Aix-en Provence and Glyndebourne Festival                                                      all major Australian symphony orchestras.
                                               David is an active researcher into historical                                                 Van Cliburn Competition, silver medalist in
                                               performance practice of 19th-century voice      From New York’s Carnegie Hall and Lincoln     the 2009 San Antonio Piano Competition,
In 2014, he became the first Australian        and recently received his doctorate from the    Center to the Sydney Opera House, she has     winner of the ABC’s ‘Young Performer of the
appointed to a position with the Sistine       University of Melbourne. His PhD has led to     played for Sydney Festival, Musica Viva’s     Year’ Award in the Keyboard section, and the
Chapel Choir in the Vatican, Rome.             the first Australian recording project into     Huntington Festival (Australia), Orford       Yale Woolsey Hall Competition. Recordings
                                               the historically informed performance of        Festival (Canada), Chelsea Music Festival     include Mozart concerti with the Tasmanian
David regularly appears as a soloist with
                                               Schubert’s songs cycles Winterreise and         (USA) with works from Bach, Schumann and      Symphony Orchestra, Huntington Festival’s
Australia’s finest ensembles and orchestras,
                                               Die schöne Müllerin on the ABC Classic label,   Chopin to Aaron Jay Kernis, Lilya Ugay, and   commemorative album (ABC Classics)
such as the Australian Brandenburg
                                               the latter receiving an ARIA nomination for     Nigel Westlake.                               and with renowned cellist Matt Haimovitz
Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra
                                               Best Classical Album in 2020.                                                                 (Pentatone Oxingale). She holds degrees
and most recently with the Sydney                                                              Recent engagements include New York’s
                                                                                                                                             from both the Yale, and the Manhattan
Symphony in their Helpmann Award-              www.davidgreco.info                             Chelsea Music Festival, Isabella Stewart
                                                                                                                                             Schools of Music.
winning concerts of Bach’s cantata for bass,                                                   Gardner Museum and the Smithsonian
                                                                                               American Art Museum, Melbourne Recital        www.andrealam.com
                                                                                               Centre, Monash University and as soloist      www.claremonttrio.com
DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC - 2021 PROGRAM - Australian String Quartet

DAY ONE                                      DAY TWO                                                       DAY THREE

8.00pm                                       11.00am                     2.00pm                            10.30am
OPENING CONCERT                              MORNING CONCERT             AFTERNOON CONCERT                 FINALE CONCERT
Myers’ Library                               Myers’ Library              Mt Sturgeon Woolshed              Mt Sturgeon Woolshed
David Greco, Andrea Lam,                     David Greco, Andrea Lam,    Australian String Quartet         David Greco,
Australian String Quartet                    Australian String Quartet                                     Australian String Quartet

                                                                         Joseph Haydn
Franz Schubert                               GF Handel                   String Quartet in E flat major    Samuel Barber
Quartettsatz in C minor D703 (1820)          Theodora HWV68 (1749)       op 71 no 3 (1793)                 Dover Beach (1931)
                                             - As with Rosy Steps        1. Vivace
                                             - Lord, to thee             2. Andante con moto
Franz Schubert                                                                                             Robert Schumann
                                                                         3. Menuetto
Arr. Lim                                                                                                   String Quartet in A major op 41 no 3 (1842)
                                                                         4. Finale: Vivace
Die Götter Greichenlands (1819)              Frank Bridge                                                  1. Andante espressivo – Allegro molto moderato
An den Mond D259 (1815)                      Piano Quintet (1912)                                          2. Assai agitato
Heidenröslein D257 (1815)                    1. Adagio                   Alfred Hill                       3. Adagio molto
Die Taubenpost D957 (1828)                   2. Adagio ma non troppo     String Quartet no 3 in A minor,   4. Finale: Allegro molto vivace
Erlkönig D328 (1815)                         3. Allegro energico         The Carnival (1912)
                                                                         1. In the Streets
                                                                         2. Andantino
Robert Schumann
                                                                         3. Scherzo
Piano Quintet in E flat major op 44 (1842)
                                                                         4. Finale
1. Allegro brillante
2. In modo d’una marcia
3. Scherzo                                                               6.30pm
4. Allegro ma non troppo                                                 EVENING CONCERT
                                                                         Myers’ Library
                                                                         David Greco, Andrea Lam

                                                                         Franz Schubert
                                                                         Die Winterreise D911 (1828)
A   Myers’ Library and Macarther Street Garden – Opening concert, morning concert, picnic lunch and evening concert
B   Mt Sturgeon Woolshed – Afternoon concert and finale concert
C   Royal Mail Hotel
D   Sterling Place – Gala dinner

                                                                                                                                   TAYLOR ST

                               MT STURGEON                                                                                                                                   RD
                           B   WOOLSHED                                                                                                                                 AT

                                                                                         MYERS                                                                        AR

                                                                                       LIBRARY                                                                      AR
                                                                                          AND                                                                  LD


                                                                                                   MYERS ST

                                                                         FAIRBURN RD

                                                                                          MACARTHUR ST
                                                                                                                                                                                       GLASS ST

                                                                                                               ADAMS ST
                                                                                                                                                                         FAIRBURN ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ARMITAGE ST

                                                                           ROYAL MAIL


                                                                                                                                                         PARKER ST / GLENELG HWY                                TO MELBOURNE
                                                2.7KM ROYAL MAIL HOTEL
                                               TO CNR GLENELG HWY AND
                                                    CAVENDISH ROAD
                                                                                                         STERLING                                                                                                  DUNKELD RD
                                                                                             DUNLOP ST

                                                                                                            PLACE                  D
                                                                                                                     STERLING ST

       & ADELAIDE
                                                                                                                                          GRAMPIANS RD

                                                  LG HW

                    PENHURST                                                      RESERVE
                APPROX 20 MINUTES
                                                                                                        John Arthur OAM & Angela Arthur     H E McGlashan                      Australian String Quartet
                                                                                                        Charles & Catherine Bagot           Mrs Skye McGregor                  Richard Divall
                                                                                                                                                                               Australian Music Fund
                                                                                                        Bernard & Jackie Barnwell           James McLeod OAM
                                                                                                                                                                               Don & Veronica Aldridge
                                                                                                        Philip Barron                       Helen & Phil Meddings
                                                                                                                                                                               Roslyn Allen
                                                                                                        Debbie Browne                       Christopher Menz & Peter Rose
                                                                                                                                                                               Bernard & Jackie Barnwell
                                                                                                        John & Christine Chamberlain        Mrs Frances Morrell
                                                                                                                                                                               Brand Family Foundation
                                                                                                        Ric Chaney & Chris Hair             Jock & Jo Muir
                                                                                                                                                                               Nicholas Callinan AO &
                                                                                                        John & Libby Clapp                  Victor & Barbara Mulder            Libby Callinan
The Australian String Quartet       Principals                     Tony & Margaret Pagone               Geoffrey Clarke                     Maria O’Donnell                    John & Christine Chamberlain
would like to acknowledge           ($50,001+)                     James & Diana Ramsay                 Dr Peter Clifton                    Catherine Parr & Paul Hattaway     The late John & Libby Clayton
and sincerely thank the following   Mr Philip Bacon                Foundation                           Colin & Robyn Cowan                 Mr Robert Peck AM &                Caroline & Robert Clemente
                                    Nicholas Callinan AO &         Susan M Renouf                       The Late Dr Rodney G Crewther       Ms Yvonne von Hartel AM
donors for their ongoing support                                                                                                                                               Perri Cutten & Jo Daniell
                                    Libby Callinan                 Brenda Shanahan                                                          Adam & Michele Plumridge
along with those donors whose                                                                           Marie Dalziel                                                          Fleur Gibbs
                                    Richard Harvey AM &            Charitable Foundation                                                    Robert Pontifex AM
very important contributions        the late Tess Harvey                                                Mark de Raad                                                           Roz Greenwood & Marg Phillips
                                                                   Nigel Steele Scott                                                       Ellen & Marietta Resek
either remain anonymous or are      Peter & Lyndsey Hawkins                                             Ross & Sue Dillon                                                      Alan Gunther
                                                                   Carl Wood                                                                Ms Eda Ritchie AM
less than $1000.                    The Stuart Leslie Foundation                                        Alan R Dodge AM & Neil Archibald                                       Tim & Irena Harrington
                                                                   Anonymous (2)                                                            Chris & Fran Roberts
                                    Joan Lyons                                                          Mr Peter Dorrian                                                       Dr Penny Herbert in memory
The following donations reflect                                    Classic Partners                                                         Peter Rush
                                                                                                        Jane Doyle                                                             of Dunstan Herbert
cumulative donations made           Mrs Diana McLaurin             ($5,001 - $10,000)
                                                                                                        Michael J Drew                      Trish & Richard Ryan AO            Keith Holt & Anne Fuller
from 2016 onwards and the           Allan J Myers AC &             Dr Margaret Arstall
                                    Maria J Myers AC                                                    Barry Jones AC & Rachel Faggetter   Jeanette Sandford-Morgan OAM       Kevin & Barbara Kane
Australian String Quartet is                                       John & Mary Barlow
                                    Thyne Reid Foundation                                               Vivien & Jack Fajgenbaum            Vahé Sarmazian                     Rod & Elizabeth King
extremely grateful for all the                                     Berg Family Foundation
                                    Ian Wallace Family Bequest                                          Pamela Fiala in memory of           Drs Paul Schneider &               Angus Leitch
                                                                   Brand Family Foundation                                                  Margarita Silva
support received from its donors.   Wright Burt Foundation                                              Jiri                                                                   Glenda & Greg Lewin AM
                                                                   Lyndie & Tim Carracher                                                   Bill Shannon & Paula Winchester
The ASQ is registered as a tax      Champions                                                           Lyndis & Roger Flynn                                                   Pauline Menz
                                                                   Caroline & Robert Clemente                                               Prof Jennie Shaw
deductible recipient. Donations     ($25,001 - $50,000)                                                 Ross & Jen Gallery                                                     Jo & Jock Muir
                                                                   Bruce & Bronwyn Cooper                                                   Diana Sher OAM & Jeffrey Sher QC
can be made by phoning the ASQ      Don & Veronica Aldridge                                             Fleur Gibbs                                                            Allan J Myers AC &
                                                                   Perri Cutten & Jo Daniell                                                Glenda Shulman                     Maria J Myers AC
on 1800 040 444 or online at        Janet & Michael Hayes                                               Colin Golvan AM QC &
                                                                   Mr James Darling AM &                Dr Deborah Golvan                   Simply for Strings - Brisbane      Tony & Margaret Pagone
asq.com.au/support                  Andrew Johnston                Ms Lesley Forwood
                                    Lang Foundation                                                     Mrs Helen Greenslade                Antony & Mary Louise Simpson       MG Prichard & BE Panizza
                                                                   Geoff & Anne Day
                                    Glenda & Greg Lewin AM                                              Noel & Janet Grieve                 Suzanne Stark                      Karin Penttila
                                                                   Richard Frolich
                                    Macquarie Group Foundation                                          Angela Grutzner                     Mary & Ian Steele                  Lady Potter AC-CMRI
                                                                   John Funder & Val Diamond
                                    David McKee AO & Pam McKee                                          Gerard & Gabby Hardisty             James & Anne Syme                  Susan M Renouf
                                                                   John Griffiths & Beth Jackson
                                    Peter & Pamela McKee                                                Annette Harris                      Hugh Taylor AC &                   Drs Paul Schneider &
                                                                   Susan & Daniel Hains                                                     Elizabeth Dax AM                   Margarita Silva
                                    Pauline Menz                                                        Dr Penny Herbert in memory of
                                                                   Kimberley & Angus Holden             Dunstan Herbert                     Anita Robinson & Michael Tingay    Diana Sher OAM &
                                    Lady Primrose Potter AC-CMRI   Keith Holt & Anne Fuller             Linda Herd                          Mr Eng Seng Toh                    Jeffrey Sher QC
                                    Patricia H Reid                Neil & June Jens                     J D Heydon                          Jenny Tummel                       Rob & Jane Southey
                                    Bernard Ryan & Michael Rowe    Mr Robert Kenrick                    J Holden Family Foundation          Sue Tweddell                       Mary & Ian Steele
                                    Andrew Sisson AO               Roderick & Elizabeth King            Janet Holmes à Court AC             Denise Wadley                      Gary & Janet Tilsley
                                    Anonymous (2)                  Sonia Laidlaw                        Barbara Jarry                       John & Catherine Walter            Annie & Philip Young
                                    Guardians                      Dr Kathryn Lovric & Dr Roger Allan
                                    ($10,001 - $25,000)                                                 Peter Jopling AM QC                 Nicholas Warden                    Anonymous (3)
                                                                   Annette Maluish                      Kevin & Barbara Kane                Diana Williams
                                    Jahn Buhrman
                                                                   Marshall-Hall Trust                  Irene Kearsey & MJ Ridley           Lyn Williams AM
                                    The Late John Clayton &
                                    Libby Clayton                  Kerrell & David Morris               Hon Diana Laidlaw AM                Sally Willis
                                    TC & MR Cooney                 Paul O’Donnell                       Kerry Landman                       Marg & Tom Wilkinson
                                    Cav. Maurice Crotti AO         MG Prichard & BE Panizza             Dr David Leece AM PSM RFD ED        Janet Worth
                                    & Tess Crotti                  Rosalind-Ruth M Phelps               Jenny Legoe and                     Pamela Yule
                                    Margaret Flatman               Jill Russell                         Christopher Legoe AO QC             Fay Zaikos
                                    Helen & Michael Gannon         Robert Salzer Foundation             Peter Lovell                        Anonymous (25)
                                    Nonie Hall                     Gary & Janet Tilsley                 Megan Lowe
                                    Mr Hartley Higgins             Annie & Philip Young                 Grant Luxton
                                    Margaret & Peter Janssens      Anonymous (2)                        Great Southern Grammar School
                                    Michael Lishman &              Friends                              J K Marks
                                    Deidre Willmott                ($1,001 - $5,000)                    David & Anne Marshall
                                    John McBain AO &               Peter Allan
                                    Penelope McBain                                                     Robyn Martin-Weber
                                                                   R & K Allen                          Diane McCusker
                                    Janet McLachlan
                                                                   Andrew Andersons AO                  Elisabeth McDonald
                                    Robert Menz
Thank you                                                                    Board                              Artistic Directors
    The Australian String Quartet warmly acknowledges the generosity of
                                                                                                                Nicholas Callinan AO, Chair        Dale Barltrop
    Allan and Maria Myers, whose support and enthusiasm have made the
                                                                                                                Bruce Cooper, Deputy Chair         Artistic Director | Violin 1
        Dunkeld Festival of Music such a special highlight of our season.
                                                                                                                Alexandra Burt                     Francesca Hiew
                                                                                                                John Evans                         Artistic Director | Violin 2
                                               PAT RON                                                          Janet Hayes
                                                                                                                Marisa Mandile                     Stephen King
                                           MARIA MYERS AC                                                                                          Artistic Director | Viola
                                                                                                                Janet McLachlan
                                                                                                                Paul Murnane                       Michael Dahlenburg
                                  O F F I C I A L PA RT N E R S
                                                Major Partner
                                                                                                                Susan Renouf                       Artistic Director | Cello
                                                                                                                Suzanne Stark
                                                                                                                Angelina Zucco – Chief Executive   Management
                                                                                                                Patron                             Angelina Zucco
                                                                                                                Maria Myers AC                     Chief Executive
                                                                                                                Life Member                        Sophie Emery
                                           Government Supporters
                                                                                                                Jeanette Sandford-Morgan OAM       Operations Manager
                                                                                                                                                   Alison Growden
                                                                                                                                                   Executive Assistant
                                                                                                                                                   Samuel Jozeps
                                              Major Supporters                                                                                     Marketing & Communications Manager

                      ALLAN J MYERS AC                 NICHOLAS CALLINAN AO                                                                        Helen Kearney
                     & MARIA J MYERS AC                   & LIBBY CALLINAN                                                                         CRM & Marketing Administrator
                                                                                                                                                   Leigh Milne
   Leader Sponsor                    Violin Sponsor                              Viola Sponsors
THE UNIVERSITY                     MELBOURNE                      PHILLIP        MRS JOAN LYONS &
 OF ADELAIDE                       COLLECTIVE                     BACON          MRS DIDY MCLAURIN                                                 Michelle Richards
                                                                                                                                                   Development Manager
                               I N S T RU M E N T PA RT N E R

                      N AT I O N A L P RO G R A M PA RT N E R S                                                         STRING QUARTET
                     National Wine                                    New South Wales & Victoria
                       Sponsor                                              Tour Partner

                                                                                                                The University of Adelaide
                                                                                                                SA 5005 Australia
                                     P ROJ EC T PA RT N E R
                                                                                                                T 1800 040 444 (Freecall)
                                                                                                                F +61 8 8313 4389
                                                                                                                E asq@asq.com.au
                                                                                                                W asq.com.au
                                                                                                                                                   Join us for the:
                                                                                                                   AustralianStringQuartet         ASQ DUNKELD FESTIVAL OF MUSIC 2022
Special thanks to the staff of the Royal Mail Hotel, Haigh’s Chocolates and Vahé Sarmazian, piano technician.      @ASQuartet                      Friday 1 - Sunday 3 April
                   Australian String Quartet 2021 creative – Photography by Jacqui Way.                            @australianstringquartet        Sunday 3 - Tuesday 5 April
                 Design & art direction by Cul-de-sac Creative. Printed by Print Solutions SA.

 We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are
meeting and pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and the
   Aboriginal Elders of other communities who may be here today
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