Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update

Page created by Ted Sherman
Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Autumn Term 2018
Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
                                 Welcome to the Autumn 2018 Newsle er!
 The Summer term was a busy me for us at the Cornwall Music Educa on Hub with our annual Hubbub fes vals
 at Heartlands and The Royal Cornwall Showground as well as the Chairman's Charity Concert. We hope you
 enjoy the photos and we look forward to seeing you at our forthcoming events!

        What is the Cornwall Music Education Hub and what does it do?
 The Cornwall Music Educa on Hub is funded by the Department for Educa on, through Arts Council England, to
 support schools across Cornwall with their music educa on. It’s a partnership of organisa ons, led by Cornwall
 Council, who work together to provide high quality musical ac vi es, opportuni es and events for all children and
 young people.
 The Cornwall Music Educa on Hub does not deliver instrumental tui on but helps children and young people to
 engage with inspiring musical learning through a variety of ways:
         Support for schools in the form of grants for First Access (introduc on to learning an instrument), projects,
           CPD, resources, workshops and events
         Access to a large stock of instruments, including sets for whole classes at a subsidised rate
         Training and support for classroom teachers in primary and secondary schools to improve the teaching of
         A network of county level orchestras and choirs and grants for regional youth ensembles
         Opportuni es to perform in large scale events, including cluster projects and fes vals
         Opportuni es to work with professional musicians from all over the world in workshops and masterclasses
 For informa on about how the Hub can support you, visit our website: www.cornwallmusiceduca

 Cornwall Music Educa on Hub Conference 2018!
 This year’s Annual Music Hub Conference will be at the Pavilions
 Conference Centre, Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge.
 This event will offer a full day of prac cal and inspiring workshops for
 primary, secondary and community music leaders.
 The day is the perfect opportunity for music educators and classroom
 teachers to share ideas with colleagues and learn new skills to enhance the
 music educa on experience for students across Cornwall.

 To book a place:
 Email –

Cornwall Music Educa on Hub
Chy Trevail, Room North 2, Beacon Technology Park,
Dunmere Road Bodmin PL31 2FR. T: 01872 327351
           www.cornwallmusiceduca                                                                            1
Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Vocal Strategy Update

                        Songfest 2019 - ‘Lights!
                          Camera! Action!’
The Hub’s countywide celebra on of singing will return next Spring with another series of concerts in venues
across Cornwall. At next year’s Songfest the massed choirs will be singing songs from Lin Marsh’s Stage and
Screen Songscape and will also feature performances by local soloists and vocal groups from local secondary

                                                  Concerts dates:

                    Penzance, St Johns Hall – Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th February 2019
                                Newquay Aerohub – Wednesday 6th March 2019

                              Launceston Town Hall – Wednesday 13th March 2019
                                  Redruth Regal – Wednesday 27th March 2019
                                Falmouth Methodist‐ Thursday 28th March 2019
                                   Plymouth Pavilions – Tuesday 2nd April 2019
Details of ckets will be available on our website ‐

    To keep up to date with choir, orchestra and event news, please follow and like our social
            media pages or visit our website:


Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Free support for singing in your schools
As part of the Hub’s ongoing Vocal Strategy we are offering schools the opportunity for free support through
the School Engagement Vocal Outreach Workshops, with the aim of visi ng every primary school in Cornwall
over the academic year.
These free one‐hour vocal workshops, usually for Key Stage 2 pupils, aim to help schools with their own vocal
development and are delivered in school by one of the Hub’s Vocal Leaders. The workshops are specifically for
teachers or vocal leaders who are keen to con nue to improve the quality of singing in their own school,
already have a choir they wish to develop or are looking to set up a choir.
The School Engagement Workshops will be arranged to suit each school through discussion with the Vocal
Leader. There will then be an opportunity to discuss with them any par cular areas of support in terms of
vocal development. In addi on, all par cipa ng schools will be given a free 12 month membership to Sing Up
and support to become Cornish Singing School.

Our team of Vocal Leaders are now contac ng schools to arrange visits but please
           contact the Hub office if you would like to arrange a visit ‐

                                        Cornwall County Choirs
In order to support the progression of singers across the county, the Cornwall Music Educa on Hub offers a
network of choirs opera ng throughout Cornwall for boys and girls. All our choirs are led by experienced vocal
specialists and have many performance opportuni es. The choirs are open to singers aged 8‐19 who a end
school/college in Cornwall. There is an annual membership fee of £80 (£100 for the Youth Choir), payable in
September each year (subsidies are available for children on Free School Meals, Children in Care and children
of Services Families). Our choirs operate satellite groups from Penzance to Saltash,
mee ng locally fortnightly and in Truro once a month:
      Boys Choir Groups ‐ Penzance, Saltash, Truro, Penryn, The Clays
      Girls Choir Groups ‐ Penzance, Saltash, Truro, Penryn, St Austell, Wadebridge
Further informa on about our choirs and how to get involved can be
found on:

Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Ensemble update
       Cornwall Youth Brass Ensemble at
        Interceltique Festival in Lorient
    In August, the Hub’s county brass ensemble, CYBE, had the privilege of
    spending a week at the Fes val Intercel que in Bri any, led by Sara
    Munns and Jax Kershaw. Here’s one member’s account of their trip!
    On Friday the 3rd of August, we set off from Camborne at the lovely hour
    of 05.15! A er a very quiet bus journey to Plymouth we boarded the ferry
    to Roscoff and our adventure had started. Upon arriving at the stadium of
    the Intercel que Fes val in Lorient we went straight into rehearsals for the finale, with bagpipes and drums. The next day,
    Saturday, a er a CYBE rehearsal we had some free me which some of us spent at the local beach. At 21.50 we regrouped
    ready for our first Stadium concert, in front of thousands of people. The experience was amazing and I'm sure I don't just
    speak for myself when I say that it will never be forgo en. On Sunday morning we woke up at 6.40 hours to make our way
    to the start of the Grande Parade. Upon arriving at the start at 8.30 we were told that our ensemble wouldn't be se ng off
    un l 11.15….. Despite the heat and lack of sleep, the parade was an extremely enjoyable and a rewarding experience. The
    streets were consistently packed from start to finish, the crowds were clapping along to our music and we even managed
    to get a few ‘Oggy, Oggy, Oggys’ ringing around the streets of Lorient! We finished the day off with another performance
    in the stadium. On Monday, we had a performance at ‘Espace Marine’ and we had no idea what to expect! Upon arrival
    we saw a huge marquee and soon realised that was our stage! The crowd was possibly the biggest crowd CYBE has ever
    performed in front of, but the concert went really well and there was a lot of applause at the end. We then had some free
      me, some people went to the beach and others explored the fes val. In the evening, our only evening off, we got
    together for a jolly sing song and dance in the Cornish tent! Tuesday morning and a ernoon were free me again, with a
    mini parade in the evening. We paraded around the streets near the fes val and finished in the Cel c stands. Later, we had
    stadium performance number three of five, but this me it was being filmed for na onal television! The finale of the
    performance involved everyone, and the very last piece was Land of our Fathers (Welsh na onal anthem) sung by
    Pendyrus Welsh Male Voice Choir, along with us, a French brass group and a lot of bagpipes! On Wednesday we took part
    in the mini parade again in the a ernoon this me we played ‘Bound for South Australia’ outside the Cornish tent. Our
    stadium performance was accompanied by rain! We went on for the finale as per usual but this me we had to spend our
    half hour of standing and a few minutes playing, in the rain and ge ng cold. Everyone rose to the task brilliantly. Our last
    day, Thursday, turned out to be our busiest day so far. We started the day off by visi ng a re rement home to give a
    performance of all the music we had been playing throughout the week. On the no ce board it said we were also going to
    be dancing so Sara quickly made it clear that there would be ‘pas de danse’ (no dancing!!). Four of us then went to perform
    at the fes val garden party, a very posh performance accompanied by oysters and champagne! The day ended with our
    final stadium performance and the fireworks went up another level, unfortunately causing a bit of damage to nearby trees!
    On Friday, we arrived back at Plymouth at 21.30 and departed for Cornwall on our bus. The tour was over but we’d made
    some memories that will stay with us for a life me.

Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Ensemble update

      Ensemble Opportunities in                                    St Austell Youth Band
One of the roles of the Hub is to help young people access
opportuni es to play or sing alongside other young people.       St Austell Youth Band are the current West of England
We are able to do this through our county level ensembles        Bandsmen's Fes val Youth Champions following our
as well as the network of area ensembles supported through       success at the contest in June. St Austell Youth Band
our ensemble grant programme:                                    performed a piece called 'Pe te Suite De Ballet' by
Hub managed county level ensembles for advanced players          Eric Ball to win the sec on. In addi on to this our
and singers:                                                     principal cornet player, Grace Thomas, won the best
Cornwall County Boys and Girls Choirs, Cornwall County           cornet player in the Youth Sec on and our principal
Youth Choir, Cornwall Youth Brass Ensemble, Cornwall Youth       euphonium player, Jenna Congdon' won the best
Jazz Orchestra, Cornwall Youth Orchestra, Cornwall Youth         player in the Youth Sec on.
Wind Orchestra, Sax is our Business.                             The St Austell Youth Band rehearse on Saturdays
In addi on the Hub funds two Open School Orchestras at           10am ‐ 12noon and welcome new brass and
Pencalenick and The Ark ARB (Richard Lander School).             percussion players. Anyone interested in joining
Regional ensembles in receipt of Hub grants, for players of      should email
all different levels and ages:
Noodles (Falmouth)
All Star Percussion (Newquay)
Caradon Strings, East Cornwall Youth String Orchestra,
Newquay Strings, Penzance Junior String Orchestra,
Penzance Youth String Orchestra, Restormel Junior Strings,
St Austell Chamber Orchestra, Triggshire Strings, Truro Junior
String Orchestra, Truro Youth String Orchestra
Carrick Breeze ,Carrick Winds, Cornwall Recorders, Falmouth
Junior Wind, Flau stas, Helston Junior Wind, Marhamchurch
Next Steps, Penzance Junior Windband, Penzance Youth
Wind band, St Austell Youth Brass Band, Triggshire Winds,
Wadebridge Next Steps.
Informa on about Hub funded and supported ensembles can
be found on: www.cornwallmusiceduca

Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Ensemble update
                     A Day and a Year!
     Following the huge success of the BBC Ten Pieces Primary Proms, Tim
    Boulton conductor of the Cornwall Youth Orchestra and Penzance Youth
      Strings Orchestra, presented another orchestral concert for schools.
    The concert was well a ended with 260 Penzance students in a endance,
    and we are looking forward to holding more events like this in the future.
To register your interest in an event like this in East, Mid or North Cornwall
                  please contact—

                Triggshire winds
Triggshire Wind Orchestra was formed in 1984 by the current musical
director, Janet Elston, with the aim of providing young musicians in the North
Cornwall area with the opportunity of ensemble playing and performing. The
orchestra plays a wide variety of music and has regularly performed
throughout the County including the Royal Cornwall Show. The ‘Shire of Trigg’
was an old administra ve area da ng back to the early medieval period and
stretches down the north coast from Bude to Padstow whilst also
incorpora ng the inland moorland villages.
The orchestra has also performed at various venues outside the County
including West Buckland School, Bristol, and the Isles of Scilly. Triggshire
Wind Orchestra and Triggshire String Orchestra have most recently made a
tour of London where they played at Southwark Cathedral, Hyde Park and
performed for schools in Lewisham.
Trigg recently rehearsed with the Royal Marines. Everybody really enjoyed it
and the Marines were very impressed by how our players sight read and
performed. We are hoping that this may encourage a future career for some
of our players in the marines as It was lovely to see one of our previous
CYWO principle trumpet playing with them. Two Trigg Clarine sts' also got
the opportunity to play for Camilla and Charles during their Duchy Visit.
Triggshire rehearse weekly on a Wednesday from 5pm un l 6.30pm at
Sir James Smith School in Camelford. If you are interested in joining
Triggshire Winds please contact:
Director ‐ Janet Elston:
Assistant Leaders ‐ Amanda Rice and Anna Minear
For more informa on about all of our hub funded ensembles
please visit our website;

Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Recent Projects and Events

                                    Hubbub 2018
Hubbub 2018 took place over 4 days at 2 venues with over 40 schools involved!!!
Hubbub Heartlands on 21st and 22nd June, featured; Tudor Music, Bhangra, Taiko Drums , Street Dance,
Beatboxing, Samba and not forge ng Rainbow Pond music for Early Years! Ending with a massed Parade!
And then in early July, for the first me ever, Hubbub arrived at the Royal Cornwall Showground featuring
Bhangra Music, Taiko Drums, Gamelan, Beatboxing, Instant Music, Samba, not to men on Rainbow Pond in the
Milking Parlour! Each day ended with a Giant Ceilidh in the cow sheds!!

   Don’t forget to put next year’s Hubbub fes vals in your diary:
         Hubbub North at Wadebridge ‐ 24th & 25th June 2019
           Hubbub West at Heartlands ‐ 10th & 11th July 2019

 Cornwall Music Educa on Hub Contact Details
 Chy Trevail, Room North 2, Beacon Technology Park, Dunmere Road Bodmin
                                  PL31 2FR.
                              T: 01872 327351
Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
School Support Projects
    Autumn Term Projects
    This term the primary school engagement leads, Georgina, Phil and Chris ne, will again be working with
    clusters of schools:
     North Cornwall ‐ Georgina will be working with primary schools in Launceston as well as a Christmas project
      with St Tudy, St Mabyn, St Teath and St Merryn .
     Mid/East ‐ Phil will be working with schools in Liskeard and bringing them all together for a world music
      day, as well as working with Key Stage 1 children in the St Austell area.
     West Cornwall ‐ Chris ne will be working with schools in Truro and Falmouth.
     Secondary/Post 16 ‐ Patrick is leading on 2 events for BTEC and A Level students, a secondary development
      day for Heads of Music and 2 GCSE Music concerts.

    East Cornwall Summer Term Projects
    Many thanks to Looe Primary Academy for agreeing to host the Music day at very short no ce a er a last minute change in
    venue was necessary. The children from Trenode and Looe Primary Schools sang their hearts out , enjoyed playing and
    exploring both Steel Pans and brass instruments.
    Congratula ons to all who took part in the hugely successful Roseland EMI/ CMEH Music concert at the end of last term in
    Truro Methodist Church.. The concert was the culmina on of two terms’ work with Tregony, Gerrans and Probus Primary
    Schools and the Roseland Academy. Each Primary school received a term of curriculum and general musicianship lessons
    followed by a term of whole class instrumental lessons and singing lessons with the aim of encouraging an increase in the
    number of children taking up an instrument. The concert was a truly wonderful occasion with individual contribu ons from
    each of the primary schools as well as some collabora ve singing with the excep onal voices and ,indeed playing , from the
    Roseland Academy students. The success of the project has meant we are able con nuing to work with the same children to
    move them on s ll further.
    Another fantas c occasion was held in Launceston Town Hall in July. This concert was the culmina on of a wonderful
    collabora on with the interna onally renowned Dante Quartet and three of the county string ensembles. Caradon Strings
    and Triggshire Strings joined together with the Dante for a performance of Four Short Pieces by Bartok . East Cornwall Youth
    String Orchestra and the Dante, a er listening to and playing some of Bartok's original recordings, gave us a magnificent
    rendi on of The Romanian Dances.
    Phil Montgomery‐Smith

    West Cornwall Summer Term Projects
    Congratula ons to all the schools who took part in our various primary engagement projects in the Summer term.
    Par cular highlights included:
    St Ives cluster project culmina ng in performances of original composi ons at the Tate gallery inspired by Mussorgsky's
    Pictures at an Exhibi on. Each of the par cipa ng schools visited the Patrick Heron exhibi on to choose their own
    pain ng before crea ng original pieces all linked together by a promenade composed by St Ives secondary school. Well
    done to St ives Infants, St Uny, Nancledra and St Ives school. This was an amazing performance in a very full Tate
    Hayle cluster project and final concert. It is hoped that this will now become an annual event with even more schools
    involved. Thank you to Penpol, Crowan, Hayle Secondary, Bodriggy and Leedstown who took part this year and to the
    Rotary Club for suppor ng this event. Performances were of a very high standard!
    Golowan Fes val ‐ Penwith schools
    Penwith cluster KS1 vocal performance at St Mary's church in Penzance where our youngest children wowed a packed
    church! Well done to St Mary's CE, St Maddens, Trythall, Nancledra, St Hilary, Mousehole and Alverton!
                                        This term includes clusters in Truro and Falmouth. Watch this space for more news on
                                        these projects!
                                        Chris ne Judge

Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
Support for Schools
Secondary and Post 16 Update
Patrick Bailey con nues to provide support for our secondary schools through workshops and bespoke
projects in schools. He is also working with the primary engagement leads on a number of transi on
Secondary Support Day ‐ 27th September at the Sands Resort, Newquay
Patrick will be leading a support and sharing day for Secondary music teachers, with input from the Eduqas,
BTEC, OCR and Edexcel exam boards.
Contact to book your free place (lunch included)

                                                              GCSE CONCERTS 2018
                                                             This year’s GCSE concerts will again be
                                                             presented by the very talented Patrick Bailey ,
                                                             but for the first me, will be held at two
                                                                     Tuesday 27th November ‐
                                                                      Redruth Regal Theatre
                                                                   Wednesday 28th November ‐
                                                                     Launceston Town Hall
                                                             Music for the concerts will be selected from
                                                             the GCSE syllabuses from three of the most
                                                             popular exam boards and performed by
                                                             musicians from the Bournemouth Symphony
                                                             Orchestra alongside local young players.
                                                             Tickets ‐ £3 per student plus FREE places for
                                                                    To Book contact the hub office;
                                                                         Phone – 01872 327351

Autumn Term 2018 Cornwall Music Education Hub Update
News and Future Projects
 Truro Cathedral is calling Truro Schools to perform as part of the Diaspora
 Carols concert at 7.30pm on Thursday 20th December 2018.
 We are looking to involve school choirs, singing groups or those who can get
 groups together to be part of this fantas c opportunity to learn and perform
 tradi onal Cornish Carols. We will be sharing a collec on of Christmas
 inspired songs that have travelled the corners of the earth in the hearts of
 Cornish mining families and they return to their homeland in this extra special
 concert. If you are interested in taking part, Cornwall Music Educa on Hub
 are able to fund the vocal leaders of this project to visit your schools during
 choir, singing or music sessions to teach no more than three of the songs.
 Addi onal recordings and sheet music will be available to learn between the
 sessions. Sessions will take place a er the October half term. During the
 concert, your students will be singing with a wide range of community choirs in this momentous occasion which will
 celebrate and honour the power of Cornish voices and our outstanding heritage of Christmas music.
                                 If you would like to be part of this excep onal project,
                   please contact Emma Mansfield 07803 176416/ lovelypublica

                                 SCHOOL PRIZE DRAW
 In the summer term we asked all schools to provide us with information about musical activity in their
 schools for our annual information request to Arts Council England. As a reward to schools for providing
 this information, two were selected at random to receive £300 worth of musical equipment…
                                               AND THE WINNERS ARE….

                     Secondary Winner                                          Primary Winner
                          Launceston                                               Gwinear
                             College                                           Primary School

News and Future Projects
         Scratch Electric Kernow
Scratch Electric Kernow (SEK) is a Cornwall wide electric guitar project with
hubs in St Austell, Saltash, Falmouth, Camborne and on the Isles of Scilly. It
takes place between October–November 2018. Each hub will host free
workshops where young musicians will be able to work with professionals to
create new original music, work on specially commissioned pieces, improve
skills, link with other groups and perform as part of an electric guitar orchestra at live showcase events on stage in front
of audiences.
The project is aimed at 10‐25 year old musicians who can play electric guitar or bass – intermediate to advanced ‐ not
suitable for beginners. There will be five workshop sessions followed by a rehearsal and performance at one of the
showcase events. Music inspired by Jimi Hendrix will be performed as well as specially created pieces by Adrian Utley
(Por shead) and London composer Adrian Lee. Disabled and older musicians can take part too.
This is an exci ng opportunity to work within a group with support from professional musicians. The programme starts in
October and runs through un l late November 2018. You do not need to read music to take part. There will also be
female only groups at Falmouth and St Austell.
        You can sign up to join a group soon or find out further informa on – look out for SEK posts on the h ps://
         website or contact Project Manager Phil Webb for more informa on.
E: T: 01209 312503 h ps://


                          The Michael Tippe Founda on

                                         Support for Schools
A key role of the Hub is to support schools with developing their music educa on, both in and out of the classroom.
We have commissioned four Music Curriculum specialists to work with schools, either through projects or one off
training visits. If you would like to arrange a visit to your school or are interested in working with them on a project,
please email them directly or contact the Hub Manager ‐
                                         Hub School Engagement Leads
 Chris ne Judge ‐ Mid and West:
 Phil Montgomery‐Smith ‐ East: pmontgomery‐
 Georgina Bridle ‐ North:
 Patrick Bailey ‐ Secondary and Post 16:

Hub Supported Opportuni es
     Youth Music Sessions
The Hub is con nuing to work with dBs
Music in Pool and Livewire in Saltash to
offer young musicians the opportunity
to rehearse, play and record in a
professional space with free technical
support and professional mentoring. If
you’re in a band, or would like to meet
other young musicians to set up a band,
get in touch to find out more.
dBs Music Sessions (Cornwall College
Campus, Pool)
Develop your band and DJ skills
Thursdays ‐ 17.00 ‐ 20.00.
Livewire (Saltash)
Free recording studio sessions and
studio skills workshops
Thursdays ‐ 18.00 ‐ 21.00.
Contact: Andy Rance ‐

Hub Supported Opportuni es

Built around a child or young persons needs and
interests, professional music mentors work with
pupils, teachers and some mes parents /carers to
iden fy goals and intended outcomes, linked with
musical learning or wider educa onal targets or social
skills such as communica ons or team working. It may
also focus on personal skills such as confidence, self
esteem and crea vity and a sense of agency. Music is
the tool to support children and young people’s
emo onal, educa onal and social development.
        For more informa on, please contact

First Access
                               Instruments for First Access
We have lots of class sets of instruments which are available for schools to hire at the subsidised rate of £70 per
term for a whole class (including delivery and collec on).
These instruments are perfect for schools who would like to offer First Access to their students but do not have
instruments of their own. Class sets available include:

           Clarinet & Clarineo                              Guitar
           Flute                                            Trumpet, Cornet
           Saxophone                                          & Trombones

           Ocarina & fife (available for £35                African Drums &
             per term)                                          percussion

           Keyboards                                        Taiko Drums

           Violin/cello/double bass/viola                   Samba

           Ukulele                                          Steel pans
                                                              Gamelan

                 First Access ‐ introducing your students to
                            instrumental learning

The Hub is able to offer grants to schools to fund a music specialist to deliver whole class instrumental lessons.
The grants are available to fund a 12 week programme called First Access which aims to introduce students (and
their teacher!) in Key Stages 1‐3 to learning an instrument.
The programme consists of:
        An ini al planning mee ng with the classroom teacher and music leader
      10 weekly 45 minute whole class lessons (students should learn the same instrument each week)
      A review mee ng with the classroom teacher and music leader
The grants are available for any classes who have not previously benefi ed from the scheme (schools can access
for more than one class). Schools will need to iden fy a suitable deliverer for the sessions and also source their
own instruments. The Hub can assist in this as we have a list of teachers/organisa ons who are able to deliver
First Access and also sets of instruments which can be hired at the subsidised rate of £70 per set per term.
                                    Further informa on about the programme and how to access the funding
                                       can be found on www.cornwallmusiceduca‐access
                                            or please contact the Hub office ‐

Instrument Hire
   Hiring instruments
 The Cornwall Music Educa on Hub has a
 large pool of individual instruments
 available to hire by any student, school or
 adult (priority is always given to students).
 Students in receipt of Free School Meals,
 Children in Care and children of Services
 Families can apply for subsidised hire.
 Instruments available to hire:
 Brass (cornet, euphonium, French horn,
 trombone (Inc. compact), trumpet, tuba
 Strings (cello, double bass, violin, viola)
 Woodwind (bassoon, clarinet, clarineo/
 kinder clarinet, flute, oboe)
 We also have class sets of some instruments
 which are available for schools to hire at the
 subsidised rate of £70 per term.
 Instruments available as class sets:
 African Drums/Percussion, Clarinet/
 Clarineo/Kinder, Cornets, Fife, Flute,
 Gamelan (Indonesian Percussion), Guitars,
 Keyboards, Ocarina, Samba, Saxophones,
 Steel pans, Taiko Drums, Trombones,
 Trumpets/Pocket Trumpets, Ukuleles,
 Further informa on about instrument hire
 and hire forms can be found on our website:
 The Instrument Hire Office can be contacted
 on T: 01872 323001 or email

                                Featured Instrument:
   This term’s featured instrument is the flute, one of the oldest instruments within the
woodwind family. It differs to most other wind instruments because it requires no reed and
creates a beau ful classical sound perfect for Christmas Concerts! We have both curved and
                   straight flutes available for all ages at £27.60 per term.
 Class sets of flutes are available for hire at the subsidised rate of £70 per term, including

Future Hub Supported Events
September 2018
15th ‐ CYO/CYWO Audi ons Day
21st ‐ BTEC Music Conference, Falmouth University
27th ‐ Secondary Support Day, Sands Resort Newquay
October 2018
5th ‐ A Level Music Conference
November 2018
1st ‐ Songfest 2019 Workshop, Treverbyn Village Hall
2nd ‐ Annual Hub Conference, Pavilions Conference Centre, Wadebridge
A day of workshops for Primary Music Co‐ordinators and Secondary Heads of Music as well as
community music leaders.
27th ‐ GCSE Concert ‐ Redruth Regal
28th ‐ GCSE Concert ‐ Launceston Town Hall
December 2018
8th ‐ Cornwall County Choirs Christmas Concert at Truro Methodist Chapel
February 2019
8th ‐ SW Music Hubs Conference ‐ Buckfast Abbey
26th & 27th ‐ Songfest Penzance, St Johns Hall
March 2019
6th ‐ Songfest Newquay, Newquay Aerohub
8th & 9th ‐ Music For Youth Cornwall Fes val
13th ‐ Songfest Launceston, Launceston Town Hall
27th ‐ Songfest Redruth, Redruth Regal
28th ‐ Songfest Falmouth, Falmouth Methodist
April 2019
2nd ‐ Songfest Plymouth, Plymouth Pavilions
12th ‐ CYO Concert in Truro Cathedral
13th ‐ CYWO Concert in Truro Cathedral
June 2019
21st & 22nd ‐ Hubbub North at Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge
July 2019
10th & 11th ‐ Hubbub North at Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge

          Cornwall Music Educa on Hub Contact Details
     Chy Trevail, Room North 2, Beacon Technology Park, Dunmere Road Bodmin
                                       PL31 2FR.
                                   T: 01872 327351


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