Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils The Register of Schools 2020/2021 Second Edition

Page created by Valerie Sherman
Council for the

            Registration of

         Schools Teaching
            Dyslexic Pupils

    The Register of Schools


            Second Edition

The Register of Schools 2020/2021

Schools are listed by category.

Details of the criteria CReSTeD expects from our schools can be found in the Information Pack
on our Website:

General Abbreviations,                  Examinations prepared for
                                                                              Associations and Accreditations
including Special Needs
Abbrevi- Description                    Abbrevi- Description
                                                                              Abbrevi- Description
ation                                   ation
ADD        Attention Deficit Disorder   AS/A2    Advanced Subsidiary/
                                                 Advanced General             BSA          Boarding School
                                                 Certificate of Education                  Association
ADHD       Attention Deficit                                                  EICIS        European Council of
           Hyperactivity Disorder       AVCE      Advanced Vocational
                                                                                           Independent Schools
                                                  Certificate in Education
ASD        Autism Spectrum                                                    GSA          Girls' Schools
           Disorder                     BTEC      Business and
                                                  Technology Education                     Association
Bdg        Boarding                               Council                     HMC          Headmasters' and
Dysc       Dyscalculia                                                                     Headmistresses'
                                        C&G       City & Guilds                            Conference
Dysg       Dysgraphia                   CE        CE Exam                     IAPS         Independent Association
Dysl       Dyslexia                     CLAIT     Computer Literacy and                    of Preparatory Schools
Dysp       Dyspraxia                              Information Technology      ISA          Independent Schools
G&T        Gifted and Talented          C0A       Certificate of                           Association
Ind        Independent School                     Achievement                 ISC          Independent Schools
LA         Local Authority School       EPQ       Extended Project                         Council
                                                  Qualification               NASEN        National Association
P&S        Pragmatic and Semantic
           Language Difficulties        ESB       English Speaking Board                   for Special Educational
SALT       Speech and Language          CoE       Certificate of Education
           Therapy                      GCSE      General Certificate of      NASS         National Association of
                                                  Secondary Education                      Special Schools
Wk Bdg     Weekly Boarding
                                                                              SoH          The Society of Heads
                                        IB        International
                                        RSA       Royal Society of Arts
                                        SAT       Standardised Attainment
Categories appear as follows:-                                         DSP                   pages          3-5
                                                                       LSC (formerly DU)     pages           6 - 11
                                                                       MS                    pages          12 - 15
                                                                       SPS                   pages          16 - 18
                                                                       TC                    pages          19 - 20
                                                                       WS                    pages          21 - 22
Schools by County: -                                                                         pages          23 - 24

Dyslexia Specialist Provision Schools - DSP
  The school is established primarily to teach pupils with dyslexia. The curriculum and timetable are
  designed to meet specific needs in a holistic, coordinated manner with a significant number of teaching
  staff holding nationally recognised qualifications in teaching dyslexic pupils.

School Contact Details                                      Location/     Student    Special        Assoc'/ exams
                                                            status        Details    Needs
Bredon School Pull Court Bushley Tewkesbury                 Rural         165 boys   Dysc Dysl      ISI, Handsam,
Gloucestershire                                                           49 girls   Dysp ADHD      SoH, ISA, IAPS,
GL20 6AH                                                                             P&S            BSA, ISBA
Tel: 01684 293156                                           Ind        Ages 7-18                    GCSE
                                                            Bdg Wk Bdg                              GCE: A levels
Email:                         Day                                     BTEC, NVQ
Comments: Small, friendly school with specialist provision for children with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. The
school benefits from a working farm, extensive Outdoor Education and full CPD for the dedicated teaching staff.

Bruern Abbey School Chesterton House Chesterton             Rural      99 boys Dysl                 IAPS
Oxfordshire OX26 1UY                                        Ind                                     Common Entrance
Tel: 01869 242448                                           Wk Bdg Day Ages 7-13
Fax: 01869 243949

Calder House School Thickwood Lane Colerne Near Bath Village          34 boys Dysc Dysl         BDA
Wiltshire SN14 8BN                                                    14 girls   Dysp P&S       Dyspraxia
Tel: 01225 742329                                                                               Foundation
Fax:                                                    Ind           Ages 5-12                 KS2 SATS and
Email:                     Day                                     English Speaking
Web:                                                                Board
Comments: National Curriculum. Speech therapist and OT consultant on site. Re-entry into mainstream education
usually within three years.

Fairley House School 30 Causton Street London        City          140 boys Dysl Dysp       ISA
SW1P 4AU                                             Ind           49 girls                 SAT
Tel: 020 7976 5456                                   Day                                    KS123
Fax: 020 7976 5905                                                 Ages 5-16                Nat' Curr'
Comments: Occupational and Speech & Language Therapists on site. Re-entry into mainstream education.

Frewen College Brickwall Northiam Rye Sussex TN31 6NL Village             66 boys   Dysl, Dysp, S BDA
Tel: 01797 252494                                                         (Ages 7-  &L            BSA
Fax: 01797 252567                                                         19)                     ISA
Email:                                                                 ISC
Web:                          Ind                 24 girls                GCSE
                                                      Bdg Wk Bdg          Ages 9-19               A level
Comments: Separate Preparatory School. Speech and Language, and Occupational Therapists on site. Emphasis on
Literacy, ICT, outdoor activities and Art. Strong pastoral support.

Dyslexia Specialist Provision Schools - DSP
  The school is established primarily to teach pupils with dyslexia. The curriculum and timetable are
  designed to meet specific needs in a holistic, coordinated manner with a significant number of teaching
  staff holding nationally recognised qualifications in teaching dyslexic pupils.

School Contact Details                                 Location/    Student Special                    Assoc'/ exams
                                                       status       Details   Needs
Holme Court School Abington Woods, Church Lane, Little Rural /Urban 10 boys Dysc Dysl
Abington, Cambridgeshire, CB21 6BQ                                  10 girls  Dysp
Tel: 01223 778030
                                                                    Ages 7-13
Web:                                Ind                                             GCSE
                                                               Day                                     Functional Skills (not
                                                                                                       D of E
Comments: A happy solution for children with dyslexia providing a curriculum governed by individual need. Dynamic,
intensive multisensory specialist approach by identifying and overcoming a wide range of difficulties. SALT and OT are
available on site. Pastoral care, Literacy, numeracy, ICT and outdoor activities are key focuses. Mainstream integration
opportunities are available with our sister school, including GCSEs.

Knowl Hill School School Lane Pirbright Surrey GU24 0JN Village    34 boys Dysc Dysl       NASEN
Tel: 01483 797032                                       Ind        14 girls  Dysp ADD      GCSE
Email:                             Day                  P&S           BTEC
Web:                                    Ages 7-16               Functional Skills
Comments: National Curriculum; Occupational/Speech & Language Therapists; Emphasis on Technology; Instrumental
Enrichment programme

Moon Hall School Reigate Flanchford Road Leigh Reigate Rural                 68 boys    Dysl Dysp      ISA
Surrey RH2 8RE                                         Ind                   45 girls                  GCSE
Tel: 01306 611372                                      Day                                             BTEC
                                                                             Ages 7-16
Comments: Provides a full mainstream curriculum for primary and secondary pupils geared to mastering literacy and
numeracy; identifying and developing individual talents and achieving good GCSE results both in core and additional
subjects. Small group lessons, integrated remediation and support using specialists whose teaching is tailored to the
needs of the individual pupil. Maintains a traditional independent school ethos that encourages the development of
interests in sport, art, drama, music and other skills.

Moon Hall School Pasturewood Road Holmbury St Mary Rural                        35 boys Dysc Dysl         ISA
Dorking Surrey                                                    Ind           17 girls    Dysp P&S      SAT OCR Typing &
RH5 6LQ                                                           Wk Bdg Day                              Word Processing
Tel: 01306 731464                                                               Ages 7-11
Fax: 01306 731504
Comments: MHS shares the site of Belmont Prep School and has access to all their excellent facilities. Pupils benefit
from joining with their pupils in all sports activities, and school musical/theatrical productions and Assemblies. The school
is highly specialized and is able to offer a mainstream curriculum tailored to the particular needs of dyslexic pupils;
delivered by specialist teachers in small groups of approximately seven pupils.

Dyslexia Specialist Provision Schools - DSP
  The school is established primarily to teach pupils with dyslexia. The curriculum and timetable are
  designed to meet specific needs in a holistic, coordinated manner with a significant number of teaching
  staff holding nationally recognised qualifications in teaching dyslexic pupils.

School Contact Details                                       Location/    Student    Special        Assoc'/ exams
                                                             status       Details    Needs
The Dominie 55 Warriner Gardens Battersea London SW11                                Dysc Dysl
4DX                                                       City           15 boys     Dysp P&S      BDA
Tel: 020 7720 8783                                        Ind            15 girls                  GCSE
Fax: 0207 622 4357                                        Day                                      BTEC
Email:                                             Ages 6-12
Comments: National Curriculum. Specialist teachers and clinical therapists provide an integrated approach for SpLD
pupils. Majority of pupils re-enter mainstream education.

The Moat School Bishop's Avenue Fulham London                City           65 boys Dysc Dysl      ISA
SW6 6EG                                                      Ind                        Dysp ADD   GCSE
Tel: 0207 610 9018                                           Day            30 girls    P&S
Email:                                             Ages 9-16
Comments: The Moat School was established in 1998 as a pioneering school to allow children with Dyslexia the
opportunity to access an academic education. Focussing on pupil personal development The Moat aims to accommodate
not only pupils with a SpLD diagnosis but also any child who struggles in a traditional classroom.

The Unicorn School 20 Marcham Road Abingdon                  Town         93 co-ed Dysc Dysl        ISA CReSTeD
Oxfordshire OX14 1AA                                         Ind                    Dysp ADD        GCSE, BTEC
Tel: 01235 530222                                            Day          Ages 6-16 P&S

Comments: We are a specialist school for pupils with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and those who need support with
Speech & Language. We provide for pupils aged 6-16 years including GCSE provision. Pupils may come to us for a
short period of time in order to gain the skills and learning techniques that will enable them to return to a mainstream
school. They may also stay with us for longer periods, if appropriate. Each pupil is treated as an individual and their
strengths, areas of weakness and educational needs are addressed on an individual basis.

Learning Support Centre (LSC), formerly Dyslexia Unit (DU)
   Schools in this category have a designated Learning Support Centre or Unit providing specialist tuition on
   a small group or individual basis, according to need.

School Contact Details                                Location/     Student           Special           Assoc'/ exams
                                                      status        Details           Needs
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Hall Road        Rural         118 boys                            IAPS
Barnardiston Haverhill Suffolk CB9 7TG                              100 girls
Tel: 01440 786316                                     Ind                             Dysc Dysl Dysp
Fax: 01440 786355                                     Bdg Wk                          ADD P&S
Email:                 Bdg Day
Web:                                           Ages 2-13

Bedstone College Bucknell Shropshire                                127 boys          Dysc Dysl Dysp    SoH
SY7 0BG                                               Rural         113 girls                           ISA
Tel: 01547 530303
Fax: 01547 530740                                     Ind            Ages 3-18                          GCSE
Email: via contact form on website                    Bdg: age      (boarding from                      GCE: AS/A2
Web:                                 9+ Day        age 9)                              BTEC
Comments: A small and very family oriented rural day and boardng school with outstanding pastoral care, offering
excellent learning support provision for students of all abilities.

Bethany School Curtisden Green Goudhurst                                                                SoH
Cranbrook Kent TN17 1LB                                             400 co-ed                           BSA
Tel: 01580 211273                                                                                       GCSE
Fax: 01580 211151                                                                     Dysl Dysp
Email:                 Ind
Web:                         Bdg Wk                                            GCE: AS/A2
                                                      Bdg Day       Ages 11-18
Comments: Dyslexic pupils expected to be capable, with help, of mainstream education.

Bloxham School Bloxham Banbury Oxfordshire            Rural                                             HMC
OX15 4PE                                                            258 boys
                                                                    139 girls                           GCSE
Tel: 01295 720222
                                                      Ind           Ages 11-18        Dysc Dysl Dysp
Fax: 01295 721897
                                                      Bdg Wk                          P&S               GCE: AS/A2
Web:                            Bdg Day
                                                                                                        Univ entry
Comments: Unit for 5/6 able 13 year olds per year; support outside unit for others.

Brockhurst & Marlston House Schools Marlston                        153 boys
Road Hermitage Newbury Berkshire RG18 9UL                           159 girls                           IAPS
Tel: 01635 200293                                     Rural
Fax: 01635 200190                                                                     Dysc Dysl Dysp
                                                      Ind           Ages: 3-13
Email:                                   (boarding from
                                                      Bdg Wk                                            Common Entrance
Web:                                           age 8)
                                                      Bdg Day
Comments: There is a huge wealth of extra-curricular activities on offer at the school. Every child finds something they
enjoy and at which they can succeed.

Clayesmore Preparatory School Iwerne Minster          Village                                           IAPS
Blandford Forum Dorset DT11 8PH                                     143 boys
Tel: 01747 811707                                                   91 girls          Dysc Dysl Dysp    Common Entrance
Fax: 01747 811692                                     Ind                             ADD P&S
Email:                         Bdg Day       Ages 3-13                           entry to Claysmore
Web:                                                                                 School
Learning Support Centre (LSC), formerly Dyslexia Unit (DU)
   Schools in this category have a designated Learning Support Centre or Unit providing specialist tuition on
   a small group or individual basis, according to need.

School Contact Details                              Location/     Student          Special           Assoc'/ exams
                                                    status        Details          Needs
Clayesmore School Iwerne Minster Blandford                        261 boys                           HMC
Forum Dorset DT11 8LL                                             162 girls                          SoH
Tel: 01747 812122/813111                                                           Dysc Dysl Dysp    GCSE
Fax: 01747 813187                                   Ind                            ADD               GCE: AS/A2
Email:                         Bdg Day
Web:                                                                              Univ entry
                                                                  Ages 13-18
Comments: CCF and DoE Award Scheme. Wide range of sport, adventure and creative activities.

Cobham Hall School Cobham Kent DA12 3BL                                                              GSA
Tel: 01474 823371                                                 167 girls                          BSA
                                                                                   Dysc Dysl Dysp    GCSE
Web:                             Ind
                                                    Bdg Wk                         ASD               IB Dip
                                                    Bdg Day       Ages 11-18
                                                                                                     Univ entry
Comments: A friendly boarding and day school that offers excellent learning support combined with access to a
mainstream academic curriculum. The school aims to support students in becoming confident and independent learners
who reach their full potential. Learning difficulties are very much viewed as learning differences. The school’s Round
Square ethos encourages all round development of skills, knowledge and character.

Ellesmere College Ellesmere Shropshire SY12         Rural         380 boys                           HMC
9AB                                                               187 girls
                                                    Ind                                              GCSE
Tel: 01691 622321
                                                    Bdg Wk                         Dysc Dysl Dysp    GCE:AS/A2
Fax: 01691 623286                                                 Ages 7-18
                                                    Bdg Day                                          Univ entry
Web:                                                                               IB Dip
Comments: Strong learning support provision.

Finborough School The Hall Great Finborough                       275 co-ed                          ISA
Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 3EF                         Village
Tel: 01449 773600
                                                    Ind                            Dysc Dysl Dysp    GCSE
Fax: 01449 773601
Email:                 Bdg Wk
Web:                     Bdg Day       Ages 2 1/2-18                      GCE: AS/A2

Fulneck School Fulneck Pudsey Leeds West                          256 boys                           SoH
                                                    Semi rural
Yorkshire LS28 8DS                                                181 girls                          GBA, BSA
Tel: 0113 257 0235
Fax: 0113 255 7316
Email:                                               Dysc Dysl Dysp
                                                    Ind                            P&S               GCSE
                                                    Bdg Wk        Ages 3-18
                                                    Bdg Day                                          GCE: AS A2
                                                                  (boarding from
                                                                  age 8)
Comments: Moravian Church; all pupils expected to take GCSE.

                                                    Rural         388 co-ed                          IAPS
Hazlegrove Preparatory School Sparkford Yeovil
Somerset BA22 7JA
                                                    Ind                            Dysc Dysl Dysp
Tel: 01963 440314                                                                                    Common Entrance
Fax: 01963 440569                                   Bdg Day
                                                                  Ages 2 1/2-13
Learning Support Centre (LSC), formerly Dyslexia Unit (DU)
   Schools in this category have a designated Learning Support Centre or Unit providing specialist tuition on
   a small group or individual basis, according to need.

School Contact Details                               Location/    Student         Special                Assoc'/ exams
                                                     status       Details         Needs
Comments: Traditional boarding school with Christian values and family atmosphere.

Kingham Hill School Kingham Chipping Norton                       193 boys                               SoH
                                                     Rural        109 girls
Oxfordshire OX7 6TH                                                                                      BSA
Tel: 01608 658999
                                                                                  Dysc Dysl Dysp
Fax: 01608 658658                                    Ind                                                 GCSE
Email:                    Bdg Day                                             GCE: AS/A2
Web:                                       Ages 11-18
Comments: Remarkable success, both in confidence and results for those of our pupils with SpLD.

King's School, Bruton Somerset BA10 0ED              Semi-rural   212 boys                               HMC
Tel: 01749 814200                                                 116 girls
Fax: 01749813426                                                                                         GCSE
Email:                                                     Dysl Dysp ADD
Web:                             Ind                          P&S                    GCE:AS/A2
                                                     Bdg Day      Ages 13-18
                                                                                                         Univ entry

Comments: King's has achieved outstanding value-added at A level for all student.

Kingsley School Northdown Road Bideford Devon        Rural town 227 boys          Dysl Dysp ADD          SoH
EX39 3LY                                                        182 girls         P&S                    BSA
Tel: 01237 426200
Fax: 01237 425981                                                 Ages 1-18                              ISA
Web:                Ind                                                 GCSE
                                                     Bdg          Bdg 8 - 18                             GCE:AS/A2
                                                     Wk Bdg                                              OCR Nat
                                                     Day                                                 Univ entry
Comments: Substantial help given in mainstream environment by separate specialist department.

                                                     Urban        179 boys                               IAPS
Kingswood House School 56 West Hill Epsom            Rural                                               NagC
Surrey KT19 8LG                                                   Ages 3-13
Tel: 01372 723590                                                                 Dysc Dysl Dysp
Fax: 01372 749081                                    Ind                          ADD P&S
Email:                                  5 girls                                Common Entrance
                                                                  Ages 3-7
Comments: Boys prep school, with a specialist dyslexia unit, feeding major public schools in the area.

Lime House School Holm Hill Dalston Carlisle         Rural        77 boys                                ISA
Cumbria CA5 7BX                                                   (boarding from
Tel: 01228 710225                                                 age 10)
Fax: 01228 710508                                                 55 girls
Email:                             Ind          (boarding from Dysc Dysl Dysp          GCSE
Web:                       Bdg Wk       age 13)        ADD P&S
                                                     Bdg Day                                             GCE: AS/A2
                                                                  Ages 5-18

Learning Support Centre (LSC), formerly Dyslexia Unit (DU)
   Schools in this category have a designated Learning Support Centre or Unit providing specialist tuition on
   a small group or individual basis, according to need.

School Contact Details                                Location/    Student         Special              Assoc'/ exams
                                                      status       Details         Needs

Mayville High School 35-37 St Simon's Road            City         242 boys        Dysc Dysl Dysp       ISA
Southsea Hampshire PO5 2PE                                         216 girls       ADD P&S              ISC
Tel: 02392 734847
Fax: 02392 293649                                                                                       ISBI
Web:                                    Ages 2-16                            NASEN
                                                      Ind                                               GCSE

Comments: Caring, supportive environment; strength in sport and creative arts. Focus on the individual.

Millfield Preparatory School Edgarley Hall            Rural        194 boys        Dysl                 IAPS
Glastonbury Somerset BA6 8LD                                       153 girls                            BSA
Tel: 01458 832446
Fax: 01458 833679                                                                                       ISC
                                                                   Ages 7-13                            JHMC
                                                      Bdg Day

Comments: Our aim is to develop each child's individual abilities and talents and a balanced, all-round education is at the
heart of our philosophy.

Millfield School Street, Somerset, BA16 0YD           Rural        736 boys        Dysc Dysl Dysp       HMC BSA AGBIS
Tel: 01458 442291                                                  469 girls       ADD P&S ASD
Fax: 01458 447276

Email:                                  Ages 13-18
                                                      Ind                                               GCSE GCE: AS/A2
                                                      Bdg Day
Comments: Our aim is to develop each child's individual abilities and talents and a balanced, all-round education is at the
heart of our philosophy.

Pipers Corner School Pipers Lane Great Kingshill                   528 girls                            GSA
High Wycombe Bucks HP15 6LP                                                                             ISA
                                                      Ind                                               GCSE
                                                                                   Dysc Dysl Dysp
Tel: 01494 718255                                                                  S&L
Fax: 01494 719806                                     Day          Ages 4-18                            GCE: AS/A2
Web:                                                                             Univ entry
Comments: We are a thriving Girls’ school and our Individual Learning department is placed within the heart of the school
and offers support, advice and assessment to girls, their parents and teachers enabling pupils to achieve their learning
potential from 4-18 years.

Learning Support Centre (LSC), formerly Dyslexia Unit (DU)
   Schools in this category have a designated Learning Support Centre or Unit providing specialist tuition on
   a small group or individual basis, according to need.

School Contact Details                               Location/      Student          Special          Assoc'/ exams
                                                     status         Details          Needs
Sidcot School Winscombe North Somerset BS25                         298 boys         Dysl             SoH
1PD                                                  Rural          238 girls                         BSA
Tel: 01934 843102
Fax: 01934 844181                                    Ind            Ages 3-18                         GCSE
Email:                            Bdg Wk         (boarding age                     GCE: AS/A2
Web:                               Bdg Day        11-18)                            IB Dip
Comments: Sidcot offers one-to-one tuition in Literacy and Maths and some in-class support as part of a strong pastoral

Slindon College Slindon House Slindon Arundel                       81 boys          Dysc Dysl        ISA
Sussex BN18 0RH
                                                     Village                         Dysp ADD
Tel: 01243 814320
                                                                                     ASD P&S
Fax: 01243 814702                                    Ind                                              BTEC
                                                                                     Speech and
Email:                Bdg Wk         Ages 8-18        Language
Web:                        Bdg Day                                          GCSE
Comments: All pupils follow GCSE subjects; the school is small and specialises in SpLD, especially dyslexia and ASD

Tettenhall College Wood Road Tettenhall                                                               AGBIS
Wolverhampton West Midlands WV6 8QX
                                                                    184 boys
Tel: 01902 751119                                    Urban                                            IAPS
                                                                    108 girls
Fax: 01902 741940
Web:                                                     Dysc Dysl Dysp

                                                     Ind            Ages 2-18                         GCSE
                                                     Bdg Wk         (boarding from
                                                     Bdg Day        age 10)                           GCE: AS/A2

Comments: ISI 2010: 'Curricular provision for pupils with EAL, statements of SEN or LDD is excellent. High quality
specialist teaching is provided where necessary, either on a one-to-one basis or in groups…'

Walhampton School Lymington Hampshire SO41                          95 boys                           IAPS
5ZG                                                                 98 girls                          SATIPS
Tel: 01590 613300                                                                    Dysc Dysl Mild
Fax: 01590 678498                                    Ind                             Dysp & ADD
Email:                      Bdg Wk                                           Common Entrance
Web:                              Bdg Day
                                                                    Ages 7-13
Comments: Specialist provision for SpLD and Gifted & Talented

Learning Support Centre (LSC), formerly Dyslexia Unit (DU)
   Schools in this category have a designated Learning Support Centre or Unit providing specialist tuition on
   a small group or individual basis, according to need.

School Contact Details                                 Location/    Student          Special              Assoc'/ exams
                                                       status       Details          Needs
Wycliffe College Preparatory School Ryeford Hall       Rural                                              IAPS
Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 2LD                                 180 boys
                                                       Ind          170 girls
Tel: 01453 820470
Fax: 01453 827634
                                                                                     Dysc Dysl P&S
Web:                                Wk Bdg
                                                                    Ages 2-13
Comments: The Preparatory School Learning Centre is proud of its excellent reputation for providing specialist support for
pupils with mild dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia. We provide different levels of support, including one-to-one teaching
with SEND qualified staff, differentiated classroom environments and targeted teaching methods. Through this support, we
aim to boost self-esteem and meet the individual needs of our children alongside the mainstream curriculum. Our
specialist one-to-one teachers work closely with teaching staff to ensure the needs of our children are effectively met in all
aspects of school life.

We carefully consider the profiles of prospective pupils, in order to gauge our ability to make the reasonable adjustments
required to meet their individual needs.

Wycliffe College Bath Road Stonehouse                                                                     HMC
Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ                                            221 boys                              ISC
Tel: 01453 822432                                      Rural        163 girls                             BSA
Fax: 01453 827634                                                                    Dysc Dysl Dysp       IAPS
Email:                                                         P&S
Web:                                Ind
                                                       Bdg Day      Ages 13-18
                                                                                                          GCE: AS/A2

Maintained Sector – MS
   Maintained schools where the school supports SpLD pupils to access the curriculum; where there is an effective
   system of effective system of identifying SpLD pupils; where there is a withdrawal system for individualised
   literacy support.

   BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark Schools
   We are delighted to announce the inclusion of the British Dyslexia Association’s Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark
   Schools on our “Maintained Sector” (MS) Register.
   These schools have demonstrated a high commitment to dyslexic learners and undergone rigorous scrutiny in
   order to achieve the Quality Mark award, an honour that they hold for 3 years before being re-verified by the
   British Dyslexia Association. They are identified on the CReSTeD Register with the BDA Dyslexia Friendly
   Quality Mark logo.

School Contact Details                            Location/         Student            Special      Assoc'/ exams
                                                  status            Details            Needs

Bursted Wood Primary School Swanbridge Road, Town
Bexleyheath, DA7 5BS                                                                   Dysl
                                                                    257 boys 247
Tel: 020 8304 9960                                                                     SpLD
                                             Academy                Ages 3-11

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Caldecote Community Primary School 164            City              263 boys 250       Dysl
Hallam Crescent East, Leicester, LE3 1FF                            girls              ADD
Tel: 01162 824482                                 Local Authority                      ADHD
Email:                                               ASD
                                                                    Ages 3-12
Web:                                                    Hearing

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Christ the King Catholic and Church of England Town
Primary School Fir Grove, Macclesfield, Cheshire                                       Dysl
SK11 7SF                                                                               SpLD
                                                                    88 boys 89 girls
Tel: 01625 383272
Web:           Local Authority    Ages 4-11

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

School Contact Details                             Location/        Student         Special       Assoc'/ exams
                                                   status           Details         Needs

Dowdales School Nelson Street Dalton-in-Furness Rural
Cumbria LA15 8AH                                                                    Dysl
                                                                    534 boys 514    ADHD
Tel: 01229 469800
                                                                    girls           ASD
Fax: 01229 469801
Email:           LA                                  Hearing
Web:                   Day                 Ages 11-16      Impaired      GCSE

Comments: "Students with special education needs receive excellent support" Ofsted 2011.

Gilbertstone Primary School Clay Lane, Yardley,   City              236 boys        Dysl, ADD,
Birmingham, B26 1EH                                                 224 girls       P&S, ASD,
Tel: 0121 464 4664                                Local Authority                   Hearing
Fax: n/a                                                                            Impairment,
Email:                          Ages 3-11
Web:                                                    Impairment,

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Holy Family Primary and Nursery School Holy       Urban, City                       Dysl
                                                                    247 boys
Family, Aileach Rd, Derry, NI, BT48 0AZ                                             SpLD
                                                                    241 girls
Tel: +44 (0)28 7126 7798
Web:                                           Ages 3-12

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Mayfield School Mayfield Road Portsmouth          City
Hampshire PO2 0RH                                                   491 boys
Tel: 02392 693432
                                                                    505 girls       Dysl
Fax: 02392 665298
Email:         LA
Web:               Day               Ages 11-16                    GCSE


New College, New College Drive, Swindon, SN3                                        Dysl, Dysc,
1AH                                               Town
                                                                    Pre-16s,        Dysp, ASD,
Tel: 01793 611 470                                                                  ADD, SpLD
                                                  Local Authority                                 GCSE, GCE A
Email:                                        Adults (19+)
                                                                                                  Level, BTEC,
Web:                                                                         Vocational,

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

School Contact Details                            Location/         Student      Special        Assoc'/ exams
                                                  status            Details      Needs

Saint Barnabas Church of England Primary                                         Dysl, Dysc,
School St. Barnabas Road, Barnetby le Wold,      Rural              Ages 4-11    Dysp,
North Lincolnshire, DN38 6JD                                                     ADD, P&S,
Tel: 01652 688248                                                                ADHA,
Email:           Local Authority
                                                                                 ASD, Hearing
                                                                                 SpLD, other

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

St Columba's Nursery and Primary School 86        Rural             Ages 4-11                   CEA
Bells Park Road, Clady, Strabane, NI, BT82 9QY
Tel: 028 7138 2077
Web: n/a

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

St Joseph’s RC Primary School 54 Greystone        Town
Road, Antrim, BT41 1JZ                                                           Dysl
                                                                    147 boys
Tel: +44 (0)28 9446 2076
                                                                    135 girls
Fax: +44 (0)28 9446 2076
Web:                          Local Authority   Ages 4-11

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

The Commonweal School The Mall, Swindon,                                         Dysl           AQA, OCR,
SN1 4JE                                                                          Dysc           WSA, EDEXEL,
Tel: 01793 612727                                                                Dysp           Entry Level
Email:                     Town                           SpLD           English & Maths
Web:                                                        Physical
                                                                    579 boys                    GCSE, GCE,
                                                                    552 girls                   Cambridge
                                                                                                - Nationals &
                                                  Academy           Ages 11-18                  Progression

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

School Contact Details                             Location/         Student         Special    Assoc'/ exams
                                                   status            Details         Needs

The Sixth Form College, Solihull Widney Manor      Town              Approx:        Dysl, Dysc,
Rd, Solihull, B91 3WR                                                1100 boys      Dysp, ADD,
Tel: 0121 704 2581                                 Local Authority
                                                                     1100 girls     P&S, ADHD, GCE A Level,
Email:                                                  ASD, Hearing BTEC
Web:                                                          Impairment,
                                                                     Ages 16-19
                                                                                    SpLD, other

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Walmley Junior School Walmley Ash Road,            Town              Ages 7-11
Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, B76 1JB                                                  Dysl
Tel: 0121 351 1346                                 Local Authority
Fax: 0121 313 0194

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Woodlands Junior School Higham School Lane,        Town              178 boys       Dysl
Tonbridge, Kent, TN10 4BB                                            205 girls      Dysc
Tel: 01732 355577                                  Local Authority                  Dysp        KS2
Email:                                          SpLD        (SATS)
                                                                     Ages 7-11

Comments: This is a BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark school.

Ysgol Aberconwy Morfa Drive Conwy LL32 8ED                           439 boys 365
Wales                                              Coastal town      girls
Tel: 01492 593243
                                                                                    Dysl Dysp
Fax: 01492 592537                                  LA                                           GCSE
                                                                     Ages 11-18     ADD P&S
Email:          Day                                          GCE: AS/A2
                                                                                    SALT G&T

Comments: Integrated whole-school approach. Specialist tuition and support in mainstream.

Specialist Provision Schools - SPS

 The school is established to teach pupils with SpLD and other associated difficulties. The curriculum and
 timetable are designed to meet specific needs in a holistic, co-ordinated manner with a significant
 number of teaching staff holding nationally recognised qualifications.

School Contact Details                            Location/         Student         Special        Assoc'/ exams
                                                  status            Details         Needs
Abingdon House School Broadley Terrace            Marylebone,
London NW1 6LG                                    London City      80 co-ed
                                                                                    Dysl Dysp
Tel: 0203 750 5526                                Ind                               ADHD P&S
Email:           Day              Ages 5-17        SpLD

Comments: Experienced/qualified teachers/therapists offering integrated approach to pupils with SpLD.

Appleford School Elston Lane, Shrewton,           Rural            88 boys          Dysc Dysl      ISA
Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 4HL                                      48 girls         Dysp ADD       BSA
Tel: 01980 621020                                                                   P&S            ISI
Fax: 01980 621366
Email:                              Ages 7-19                       BDA
                                                  Bdg Wk Bdg Day                                   BTEC

Comments: "We offer a multi-sensory, holistic whole school approach with on-site Occupational Therapists, Speech
and Language Therapists and Child Psychotherapist. Rated 'Excellent' by Independent Schools Inspectorate 2012.

Blossom House School Station Road, Motspur        Village          126 boys         Dysc Dysl      NASEN
Park, New Malden, KT3 6JJ                                          36 girls         Dysp ADD
Tel: 0208 946 7348                                                                  ASDP&S         NAS
Fax: 0208 944 5848
Email:                              Ages 3-19                       GCSE

Comments: “Outstanding” Ofsted 2012. A specialist school for children with speech, language and communication

Brown's School Cannock House, Hawstead Lane Rural                  44 boys          Dysc Dysl      NASEN
Chelsfield Orpington Kent BR6 7PH                                                   Dysp ADD
Tel: 01689 876816                                                  11 girls
                                                                                    P&S ASD        GCSE
Fax: 01689 827118                           Ind
                                            Day                    Ages 6-16

Comments: Multi-sensory support. In-house OT and Speech and Language Therapists and a Clinical Psychologist.
Emphasis on vocational learning as well as academic achievement.

Specialist Provision Schools - SPS

 The school is established to teach pupils with SpLD and other associated difficulties. The curriculum and
 timetable are designed to meet specific needs in a holistic, co-ordinated manner with a significant
 number of teaching staff holding nationally recognised qualifications.

School Contact Details                               Location/         Student           Special         Assoc'/ exams
                                                     status            Details           Needs

Centre Academy London 92 St John's Hill              City              35 boys           Dysc Dysl       NASEN
Battersea London SW11 1SH                                              10 girls          Dysp ADD
                                                                                                         GCSE American
Tel: 020 7738 2344
                                                                                                         High School
Fax: 020 7738 9862                                   Ind                                                 Diploma
Email:                                          Ages 9-19

Comments: National Curriculum; entry by assessment.

Centre Academy - East Anglia Church Road             Rural             34 boys           Dysl            BDA CIS NASS
Bettenham Ipswich Suffolk IP7 7QR                                      7 girls                           NASEN LISA
Tel: 01449 736404
                                                     Ind                                                 GCSE American
Fax: 01449 737881
                                                                       Ages 5-18                         High School
Email:                       Day                                                 Diploma

Comments: Caps its enrolment at 45 and offers excellent facilities for sports and recreational activities.

More House School Moons Hill Frensham                Rural             464 boys          Dysc Dysl       ISA
Farnham Surrey GU10 3AP                                                                  Dysp ADD        BSA
Tel: 01252 792303                                                                        P&S
                                                                       Ages 8-18                         GCSE GCE:
Fax: 01252 797601                                    Ind
Email:            Bdg Wk Day                                          Modified Nat.
Web:                                                                           Curr.

Comments: Learning Development Centre on site providing Occupational and Speech and Language Therapy to boys with SpLD.

St David's College Llandudno Conwy LL30 1RD          Rural             250 co-ed         Dysc Dysl       SoH, WISC,
Wales                                                                                    Dysp ADD        BSA,ISA & ISC.
Tel: 01492 875974                                                                        ADHD ASD
                                                                       Ages 9-19
Fax: 01492 870383                                    Ind                                 SALT            GCSE
Email:                   Bdg Wk Day                                          GCE: AS/A2
Web:                                                                           C&G

Comments: Discover our unique family atmosphere, thriving school community and fresh approach to education that
provides every student with the skills and confidence to succeed and reach their full potential. Discover our unrivalled
outdoor education programme, our sports and performing arts opportunities and exciting range of extra-curricular
activities. At St David's we are proud of our excellent pastoral care, small class sizes and our specialist Dyslexia

Specialist Provision Schools - SPS

 The school
School       is established
       Contact  Details     to teach pupils with Location/
                                                 SpLD and other Student
                                                                    associated difficulties.
                                                                                    Special The curriculum   and
                                                                                                    Assoc'/ exams
 timetable are designed to meet specific needsstatus
                                                  in a holistic, co-ordinated
                                                                    Details   manner    with
                                                                                    Needs    a significant
 number of teaching staff holding nationally recognised qualifications.

Trinity School & College, Rochester 11-13 New    Town             80 co-ed        Dysl ASC
Road Rochester Kent ME1 1BG                                                       S&L, ADD
                                                 Ind                                             AQA, OCR,
Tel: 01634 812233                                                                 ADHD
                                                                  Ages 6-18+                     EDEXCEL,
Fax: 01634 812233                                Day

Teaching Centre – TC

 Designated Centre providing specialist tuition on a small group or individual basis, according to need.

 This is our newest category, moving away from the school environment to give children an alternative:
 stay in their current school and receive additional support in a specialist environment

School Contact Details                                Location/         Student           Special         Assoc'/ exams
                                                      status            Details           Needs

Emerson House 40 Redmore Road, London, W6 City                          40 boys          Dysc, Dysl,
0HZ                                                                     42 girls         Dysp
                                          Ind                                                             Support to
Tel: 020 8741 4554
Fax:                                      Day                                                             curriculum
Email:                                     Ages 6-11

Comments: Emerson House is a professional partnership of highly qualified teachers committed to the challenge of
building pupil confidence and learning progress. We have created a unique learning environment which is structured to
re-engage the anxious learner. We aim to enable children to manage their learning profile and to enjoy the process of
overcoming their difficulties.

Laidlaw Hall Dukes Meadows Dan Mason Drive           Urban in a rural   Boys 23 day + Dysc, Dysl,
Chiswick W4 2SH                                      location           37 after school Dysp, ADD,
Tel: 020 8487 9517                                                      Girls 26 day + ADHD, ASD,
                                                     Ind, Day                                             Support to
Fax:                                                                    31 after school SALT              school
Email:                                                                          curriculum.

Comments: Laidlaw Hall is a warm and welcoming place where your child will be supported and nurtured. Children
may attend for as little as one hour or as much as full-time and anything in between depending on need and
requirement. Our motto is “Caring, Learning, Growing” and this summarises our ethos.

The McLeod Centre for Learning 74 Lupus              City               Boys & Girls     Dysc, Dysl,
Street London SW1V 3EL                                                  Ages 4 — 24+     Dysp, ADHD,
Tel: 020 7630 6970                                   Ind                                 ASD, APD         Support to
Fax:                                                                                                      school
Email:                                                                            curriculum.

Comments: At The McLeod Centre for Learning, we aim to meet the needs of children with specific learning difficulties
in a secure, safe and nurturing environment. Lessons range from SEND support to handwriting, touch-typing or exam

Mitchells Dyslexia Facility 5 Cowdray Close          Town               Under 18: 28     Dysc, Dysl,
Rustington West Sussex BN16 3SU                                         Boys, 13 Girls   Dysp, ADD,
                                                     Day                                                  Support to
Tel: 01903 785951                                                       Over 18: 4       ADHD             school
Fax:                                                                    Male, 9 Female                    curriculum.

Comments: A dyslexia facility to offer the opportunity to individuals of all ages and abilities to realise their academic
potential through specialist intervention and incorporating a multi-sensory approach and the utilisation of weekly one-
to-one sessions to aid effective lifelong learning.

Teaching Centre – TC

   Designated Centre providing specialist tuition on a small group or individual basis, according to need.

   This is our newest category, moving away from the school environment to give children an alternative:
   stay in their current school and receive additional support in a specialist environment

School Contact Details                                Location/       Student           Special         Assoc'/ exams
                                                      status          Details           Needs

The Dyslexia Teaching Centre 23 Kensington             Central         Boys & Girls      Dysl, Dysc,     BDA, PATOSS
Square, London, W8 5HN                                 London          Ages 4 — 18+      Dysp, ADD,
Tel: 0207 361 4790                                                                       ADHD, P&S
                                                       Day                                               Support to school

Comments: A busy teaching and assessment centre in the heart of London, the Dyslexia Teaching Centre provides highly
qualified, specialist support for children and adults of all ages, enabling individuals to acquire the skills needed for success
in education, the workplace and everyday life.

The Sheila Ferrari Dyslexia Centre 494 High         Edge of town       Boys & Girls      Dysl/SpLD,      BDA
Road Woodford Green Essex IG8 0PN                                      Ages 6 — 18+      Dysp, Mild
                                                    Day                                                  Support to school
Tel: 0208 559 0708                                                                       ASD             curriculum.

Comments: please note: The Sheila Ferrari Dyslexia Centre was, until recently, part of Avon House School. The centre
now has a legal status separate to the school

Withdrawal System – WS

    Schools where SpLD pupils are withdrawn from appropriately selected lessons for specialist tuition from a teacher
    with a nationally recognised qualification in teaching SpLD pupils. There is on-going communication between
    mainstream and specialist teachers.
School Contact Details                               Location/         Student          Special         Assoc'/ exams
                                                     status            Details          Needs

Avon House School 490 High Road, Woodford           Town               Boys & Girls     Dysl, Dysc,     ISA
Green, Essex, IG8 0PN                                                  Ages 3 — 11      Dysp, ADD
Tel: 0208 5041749                                   Ind, Day

Comments: Avon House is a family, concerned for the happiness and general well-being of all. Celebrating and supporting
every pupil begins with self-esteem, honesty, fairness, integrity, respect for oneself and respect for others. In our happy,
secure environment the emphasis is placed on each child being recognised as a valued individual. We hope our pupils will
develop their full potential in both academic and non-academic fields, with a strong moral understanding of truth, equality and
humanity. We aim to give our pupils life-enhancing strategies to build on as they progress towards the adult world.

Kilgraston School, Bridge of Earn, Perthshire,      Rural              Girls School   Dysl              SG, SH
Scotland, PH2 9BQ                                                      From Ages 3 —
Tel: 01738 812257                                   Ind, Wk Bdg,       18
Fax: 01738 813410                                   Day                Co-ed Nursery,
Email:                                       3—5

Comments: Offering day and boarding education for girls of all ages, Kilgraston has something to inspire every young

Oswestry School and Bellan House                   Rural               297 boys        Dysc           HMC, Society of Heads,
Upper Brook Street, Oswestry, SY11 2TL                                 176 girls       Dysl
                                                                                                      BSA, ISB, IAPS, ISC,
Tel: 01691 655711                                                                                     AGBIS.
                                                                       Ages 4-18       P&S
Email:             Ind,                                               GCSE,
Web:                         Bdg Wk, Bdg Day                                    A level

Comments: A small, independent, co-educational boarding and day school, with strong learning support and pastoral
provision. We value the individual and support their intellectual, spiritual and physical growth to enable them to become
confident, considerate and responsible members of our society.

Withdrawal System – WS

    Schools where SpLD pupils are withdrawn from appropriately selected lessons for specialist tuition from a teacher
    with a nationally recognised qualification in teaching SpLD pupils. There is on-going communication between
    mainstream and specialist teachers.

School Contact Details                               Location/         Student          Special         Assoc'/ exams
                                                     status            Details          Needs

Sackville School, Tonbridge Road,                   Rural              93 Boys, 36      Dysl            ISA
Hildenborough, Kent, TN11 9HN                                          Girls
                                                    Ind, Day                                            GCSE / A Levels
Tel: 01732 838888                                                      Ages 11 — 18
Fax: 01732 836404


Comments: Sackville is a small co-educational Independent School, from Year 7 through to Sixth Form with excellent results
at GCSE and A Level. Set amidst spectacular Kent countryside in Hildenborough, we pride ourselves on our family
atmosphere and small classes that enable us to provide individualised teaching where each and every child is taught in the
most effective way for them.

Thames Christian School, Wye Street,                City               84 Boys, 37      Dysc, Dysl,
Battersea, London, SW11 2HB                                            Girls            Dysp
Tel: 020 7228 3933                                  Ind, Day           Ages 11 — 16                     GCSE
Fax: 020 7924 1112


Comments: A balanced curriculum, tailored to individual needs. At,, Performing Arts and Technology are particularly strong.

Thetford Grammar School, Bridge Street,             Urban              169 Boys, 146 Dysc, Dysl,
Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3AF                                            Girls         Dysp
                                                    Ind, Day                                            GCSE
Tel: 01842 752840                                                      Ages 3½ — 18
Fax: 01842 750220


Comments: Thetford Grammar School is an inclusive community that values the creative growth of every individual:
academic, physical, emotional, cultural and social. We are very careful to accept only those pupils who will benefit from the
type of education we provide – academic but tempered with a deep knowledge of dyslexia and other learning needs. We
firmly believe that with the appropriate level of support and encouragement all children are able to succeed.

CReSTeD Schools by County – does not include BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark Schools

      County       Name of School                                      Age Range            Category

    Berkshire      Brockhurst & Marlston House Schools                  3-13                LSC

 Buckinghamshire Priors Corner School                                   4-18 girls          LSC

 Cambridgeshire    Holme Court School                                   7-13                DSP

     Cumbria       Dowdales School                                     11-16                MS
    Cumbria        Lime House School                                    4-18                LSC

      Devon        Kingsley School                                     11-18                LSC

      Dorset       Clayesmore Preparatory School                        3-13                LSC
     Dorset        Clayesmore School                                   13-18                LSC

      Essex        Avon House School                                    3-11                WS

      Essex        The Sheila Ferrari Dyslexia Centre                   3-18+               TC

 Gloucestershire   Bredon School                                        4-18                DSP
 Gloucestershire   Wycliffe College                                    13-18                LSC
 Gloucestershire   Wycliffe College Preparatory School                  8-13                LSC
   Hampshire       Mayfield School                                     11-16                MS
   Hampshire       Mayville High School                                 2-16                LSC
   Hampshire       Walhampton School                                    7-13                LSC

       Kent        Bethany School                                      11-18                LSC
       Kent        Brown’s School                                       6-16                SPS
       Kent        Cobham Hall School                                  11-18 girls          LSC
       Kent        Sackville School                                    11-18                WS
       Kent        Trinity School, Rochester                           6-18+                SPS
     London        Abingdon House School                                5-17                SPS
     London        Blossom House School                                 3-19                SPS
     London        Centre Academy                                      10-19                SPS
     London        Emerson House                                       6-11                 TC
     London        The Dominie                                         6-12                 DSP
     London        Fairley House School                                 5-14                DSP
     London        Laidlaw Hall                                        4-16                 TC
     London        The Dyslexia Teaching Centre                        4 - 18+              TC
     London        The McLeod Centre for Learning                      4-24+                TC
     London        The Moat School                                     11-16                DSP
     London        Thames Christian School                             11-16                WS
      Norfolk      Thetford Grammar School                             3 ½ - 18             WS
  North Somerset   Sidcot School                                       3-18 (Bdg age 11+)   LSC

 Schools by County - continued
County            Name of School                        Age Range                Category

   Oxfordshire    Bloxham School                        11-18                    LSC
   Oxfordshire    Bruern Abbey School                   7-13 boys                DSP
   Oxfordshire    Kingham Hill School                   11-18                    LSC
   Oxfordshire    The Unicorn School                    5-17                     DSP
   Shropshire     Bedstone College                      3-18 (Bdg age 11+)       LSC
   Shropshire     Ellesmere College                     7-18                     LSC
   Shropshire     Oswestry School and Bellan House      4-18                     WS
    Somerset      Hazlegrove Preparatory School         2 1/2 - 13               LSC
    Somerset      King's School, Bruton                 13-18                    LSC
    Somerset      Millfield Preparatory School          7-13                     LSC
    Somerset      Millfield School                      13-18                    LSC
        Suffolk   Banardiston Hall Preparatory School   2-13                     LSC
        Suffolk   Centre Academy East Anglia            5-18                     SPS
        Suffolk   Finborough School                     2 ½ - 18                 LSC
        Surrey    Kingswood House School                girls: 3-7, boys: 3-13   LSC
        Surrey    Knowl Hill School                     7-16                     DSP
        Surrey    Moon Hall School - Reigate            3-16                     DSP
        Surrey    Moon Hall School – Dorking            7-11                     DSP
        Surrey    More House School                     8-18                     SPS

        Sussex    Frewen College                        7-18                     DSP
        Sussex    Slindon College                       8-18 boys                LSC

  West Midlands   Tettenhall College                    2-18 (Bdg age 10+)       LSC

  West Sussex     Mitchells Dyslexia Facility           children and adults      TC

 West Yorkshire   Fulneck School                        3-18                     LSC

     Wiltshire    Appleford School                      7-18                     SPS
     Wiltshire    Calder House School                   5-12                     DSP

    Perthshire    Kilgraston School                     All girls: 3-18          WS

        Conwy     St David's College                    9-19                     SPS
        Conwy     Ysgol Aberconwy                       11-18                    MS
Gives Choice to Parents
Our aim is to help parents, and those who advise them,
        to choose schools for dyslexic children.

We maintain a register of schools which meet our criteria
             for the teaching of pupils with
             Specific Learning Difficulties.

          Our work is supported by:
         British Dyslexia Association,
                Dyslexia Action,
              Dyslexia SpLD Trust
         Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity

   Please contact us by email:

                  Or visit our website:

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