Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School

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Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
Year 6 Topic Home
    Monday 15th June – Friday 19th June 2020

Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
Year 6 Home Learning Timetable
 Monday 15th June– Friday 19th June 2020
 Please see a suggested timetable of the activities that we have outlined for our
 Year 6 children. Please feel free to amend the timetable to suit you.
 Miss Fini, Mrs Harmston and Miss Wilson 

      Monday             Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday                Friday
Times Tables Rock    Reading – Read   Times Tables      Reading – Read   Times Tables Rock
Stars – Complete     15 minutes of    Rock Stars –      15 minutes of    Stars – Complete
some challenges      your book and    Complete some     your book and    some challenges
with a times table   record in your   challenges with   record in your   with a times table
of your choice.      Homework         a times table     Homework         of your choice.
                     Diary.           of your choice.   Diary.
English              English          English           English          English
Maths                Maths            Maths             Maths            Maths
Topic – Research     Topic –          Topic – Egyptian PSHE -            Topic – Mindfulness
Gods                 Egyptian Gods    Gods             Transition
Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
Monday – Topic –
Egyptian Gods Research
               Monday 15th June

Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
   This is the section of the Knowledge            Do you remember the names
 Organiser that we will be focusing on this
                   week.                           of any Egyptian gods??

       What will I know by the end of the topic?

           The Ancient Egyptians believed in
                                                   Do you remember the role of
Why were many different gods and                   any of the Egyptian gods?
Gods and goddesses. Each one had their
Goddesses own role to play in maintaining
so         peace and harmony across the            Have a look at the gods on the
important land. The Ancient Egyptians              next slide. Do you recognise any
to Ancient believed that it was important to       of them?
Egyptians recognise and worship these gods
           and goddesses so that life
           continued smoothly.
Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
            How did people worship the gods and goddesses?

  The ancient Egyptians thought that it was very important to please
  the gods and goddesses. For that reason, worshipping the deities was
                  a large part of life in ancient Egypt.

     Some gods and goddesses were worshipped by the pharaoh and
  priests in large temples. These were the 'official' gods and goddesses
                 of the state, like Amun, Horus and Bastet.

   Other gods and goddesses were worshipped by ordinary people in
 their homes. These were the gods and goddesses like Bes and Tawaret
   who protected people from the dangers of daily life, like scorpion
                 bites, crocodile attacks and childbirth.
Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
There were more than 2000 gods in ancient Egypt. Most took human form but some had the
 heads of animals. Here is a selection of the more important gods that the Egyptians would
                                        have worshipped.

Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                Can you match the name and role of each God with the correct image?

                                        NAME: Horus
NAME: Ma’at                            GOD OF: the sky                     NAME: Ra
GOD OF: truth                                                            GOD OF: the sun
 and justice

        NAME: Thoth                                                 NAME: Amun
      GOD OF: knowledge                Answers given on
                                                                  GOD OF: creator of
         and writing                    the next few
                                                                      all things
                                            slides                                         7
Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
           Can you match the name and role of each God with the correct image?

                                   NAME: Anubis                       NAME: Isis
NAME: Sekhmet                 GOD OF: the dead and the             GOD OF: protecting
 GOD OF: war                   process of embalming                    the needy

      NAME: Hathor                                                NAME: Osiris
                                  Answers given on
    GOD OF: love, music                                        GOD OF: the dead
                                   the next few               and the underworld.
        and dance
Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods

   NAME: Ra                         NAME: Horus
 GOD OF: the sun                                                         NAME: Ma’at
                                   GOD OF: the sky
                                                                         GOD OF: truth
                                                                          and justice
                     NAME: Amun                        NAME: Thoth
                   GOD OF: creator of                GOD OF: knowledge
                       all things                       and writing                      9
Year 6 Topic Home Learning - Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June 2020 - Knaphill School
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods

   NAME: Isis                                NAME: Hathor
GOD OF: protecting                         GOD OF: love, music              NAME: Sekhmet
    the needy                                  and dance                     GOD OF: war

                         NAME: Osiris
                      GOD OF: the dead                     NAME: Anubis
                     and the underworld.              GOD OF: the dead and the
                                                       process of embalming            10
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                      NAME: Ra

                      GOD OF: the sun

                      Ra was the most important god to all the Egyptians. Ra
                      was the god of the Sun and the lord of the gods.

                      The Egyptians also believed that Ra travelled through the
                      underworld at night, where he appeared as a man with the
                      head of a falcon!

                      Above his head sits a sun disc with a sacred cobra twisted
                      round it. It is said that Ra sailed the heavens in a boat
                      called ‘Barque of Millions of Years’. At the end of every day,
 Can you spot         many thought Ra died as he sailed through the night in the
any links from
                      Underworld, leaving the moon to light the night sky until he
the description
 of the god to        was born again at dawn.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                      NAME: Anubis

                      GOD OF: the dead and the process of embalming

                      Anubis was the god of embalming, the mummification ritual.
                      It is believed he made the first mummy, Osiris.

                      Anubis was the guide of the dead, he helped them pass on
                      to the next life. It was said that Anubis would wait for you
                      in the Hall of the Dead to weigh your heart. If your heart
                      was lighter than Ma’at’s feather, you would live forever. If
                      it was heavier, your heart would be eaten by the demon,
                      Ammit. Anubis had the head of a jackal.

 Can you spot         It was thought that jackals watched over the dead as they
any links from        were seen in cemeteries a lot.
the description
 of the god to
                      Egyptian priests would wear a mask of Anubis during
      their           mummification ceremonies.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                     NAME: Osiris

                     GOD OF: the dead and the underworld.

                     Osiris was also a god of death, resurrection and fertility. The
                     Egyptians believed that he gave them the gift of their most
                     important crop, barley.

                     Osiris was the husband of Isis and the father of Horus. He
                     was murdered by his jealous brother Seth and became the
                     lord of the Underworld.

                     He was well-known for his green coloured skin, the symbol of
                     rebirth and regeneration. He also had white clothing which was
 Can you spot        a sign of mummification. He also had a tall white, conical
any links from       headdress called the Atef crown. He was very closely linked to
the description
 of the god to
                     the Pharaohs of Egypt and carried the flail and the crook
      their          which were the symbols of power and kingship.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods

                      NAME: Sekhmet

                      GODDESS OF: war

                      Sekhmet means ‘the powerful one’!

                      She is sometimes called the daughter of the
                      sun god Ra.
 Can you spot
any links from        She is celebrated at the end of battles.
the description
 of the god to
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                      NAME: Horus

                      GOD OF: the sky

                      Protector and ruler of Egypt. All living pharaohs were
                      considered a ‘living Horus’.

                      It was believed that Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris.

                      Horus became a ruler of the living after losing an eye in a
                      battle and having it restored. The eye then became a
                      symbol of protection.

                      Horus has the head of a hawk which makes him look similar
                      to Ra, but Horus has a crown made to look like the two
 Can you spot
any links from
                      parts of Egypt, the red and the white to show that he
the description       ruled all of the land. Horus was the god of the sky and it
 of the god to        was believed that the pharaohs were a living version of
      their           Horus making them god-like.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                          NAME: Isis

                          GODDESS OF: protecting the needy.

                          Isis is the wife of Osiris. Each pharaoh of the time was
                          considered a ‘living Horus’ so she was very important as
                          their wife.

                          She is also the mother of Horus and has him sitting on her

                          Isis is the queen of the goddesses. Sometimes she is shown
                          to have a throne on her head and other times she has a
                          sun disc, similar to Hathor.
         Can you spot
        any links from    The ancient Egyptians built lots and lots of temples to
        the description   honour her. She was mostly related to protection, healing,
         of the god to    motherhood, children and nature.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
                      NAME: Thoth

                      GOD OF: writing and knowledge

                      It was believed that Thoth gave the Egyptians the gift
                      of hieroglyphs.

                      Thoth was the god of wisdom, writing, time and the
                      Moon. The ancient Egyptians believed that Thoth created
                      hieroglyphics and kept a record of all knowledge. He has
                      the head of an ibis bird, a long-beaked bird commonly
                      found in Egypt. Thoth could also appear as a baboon.

 Can you spot         He did many jobs in Egyptian mythology including
any links from        maintaining the universe, settling of arguments among
the description       the other Egyptian gods, and he judged those who would
 of the god to
      their           die.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods

                     NAME: Set

                     GOD OF: chaos, the desert and storms.

                     Set is the son of Geb and Nut. He is the father of the jackal-headed
                     god Anubis.

                     Set represented everything that threatened peace in ancient Egypt,
                     such as war, disease and destruction.

                     Set is seen as a strong and dangerous god but not completely evil. He
                     is a friend to the dead, helping them rise to heaven on his ladder.

                     The Egyptians saw Seth as the god of darkness, chaos and the
                     desert. He became very unpopular and was an enemy to quite a few
 Can you spot        gods. He represented drought and as lord of the desert and drought,
any links from       he was the enemy to everything that gave life. The Egyptians also
the description      saw him as a storm and war god. The Egyptians often related him
 of the god to       with the colour red.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods

                     NAME: Hathor

                     GOD OF: love, music and dance

                     In ancient Egyptian religion and mythology, Hathor was the
                     goddess of love, fertility, beauty, music, and laughter and fun.

                     Besides being really important she was very complicated too.
                     She is one of the oldest known gods of Egypt. She was very
                     nice and nurturing, looking after people all the time. As she
                     had this kindness in her, people often linked her to Isis, the
                     mother goddess, but Hathor was also all about destruction.

 Can you spot
                     According to one myth, the sun god Ra, in his old age, decided
any links from       to punish humans for disobeying him. He sent Hathor out to
the description      sort it out. She killed so many people that Ra decided this
 of the god to       wasn’t a good choice after all.
L.O: To research the significance of Egyptian Gods
     Your Task:
Using the information we have been through and any extra research, we would like you to
create either a Popplet or hand drawn mind map to present your research.

You might want to delve a little deeper with one particular god or if you prefer, you can
research a few.

Within your research you might like to consider the
following points.                                                    Your research will
                                                                    be used to create
•   Why Ancient Egyptians worship gods                                an information
•   General information about gods – how many etc.                     booklet about
•   Special features of each god                                    Egyptian Gods over
•   The importance of their appearance and                          the next two days.
    physical features
    What role do they play in the life of Ancient
•   Key words
Tuesday and Wednesday –
  Topic – Ancient Egyptian
          Gods Scrapbook
            Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th June

L.O: To understand the significance of Egyptian Gods
What was the most interesting
fact you found out about your
chosen god or gods yesterday?

             In your opinion, which god do you
             think is the most important?

                       In your opinion, which god do you

                       think is the most interesting?
L.O: To understand the significance of Egyptian Gods

Using your research from                You will have two days to complete
yesterday, we would like you to         this booklet so we would like it be of
create an information booklet about     a really high standard!
one god of your choice or a few
different gods, if you prefer.

We would like your booklet to have a
feel of a ‘scrapbook’ with lots of
different sections.

We will give you some ideas which you
must use, some which are optional,                                     23
and of course, you can always add
some ideas of your own!
Ancient Egyptian God Scrapbook
 We would like your scrapbook to contain lots of different sections to keep it interesting!
     Each page of your scrapbook could present your research in a different way.

           Essential Contents                                Optional Contents
 These are the sections you must include!        These are ideas you might want to include OR
                                                  you can swap them for ideas of your own

• A detailed introduction to Egyptian
                  gods                           • Top Trumps cards for different
 • A persuasive text about who you                               gods
         think the best god is                    • Create a cartoon strip with a
     • Draw and label your god                    made-up story between the gods
                                                  • Write a diary entry from the
  And at least 2 ideas from the optional                point of view of a god
                 contents.                          • A day in the life of a god
L.O: To understand the significance of Egyptian Gods
                                   This is my example of an introduction. I’m sure you
 Introduction Page                 can do better, but it might give you an idea of the
                                           type of information you could include.

Pleasing the gods and goddesses was incredibly important in the lives of Ancient
Egyptians. For that reason, worshipping the deities (gods) was a large part of life in
ancient Egypt.

Keeping life in balance, Ancient Egyptians believed in more than 2,000 deities. They had
gods for everything, from dangers to chores, and each had different responsibilities.

Some gods and goddesses were worshipped by the pharaoh and priests in large
temples. These were the 'official' gods and goddesses of the state, like Amun, Horus
and Bastet. Other gods and goddesses were worshipped by ordinary people in their
homes. These were the gods and goddesses like Bes and Tawaret who protected people
from the dangers of daily life, like scorpion bites, crocodile attacks and childbirth. 25
L.O: To understand the significance of Egyptian Gods
 Persuasive Text Page                               You might choose to
                                                   write your text from
As part of your scrapbook, we would like you to    your own point of view
                                                    or from the point of
write a persuasive text about Ancient Egyptian       view of an Ancient
Gods.                                                     Egyptian.

The first thing you need to think about is a
question to argue your point of view. You could      Over the next
use the following question:                        few slides, there
                                                        is some
Which Ancient Egyptian God is the most              information to
important?                                           help you write
                                                   your persuasive

However, you might think of a different question         speech.
to argue.
L.O: To understand the significance of Egyptian Gods

Persuasive Text – What is it?

      A persuasive text is a text which argues a point of view,
         to convince the reader to agree with the author.

       For the modelled example we have written, our point of
        view is based on the question ‘Which Ancient Egyptian
                    God is the most important?’

         Horus is the most important Ancient Egyptian God
Persuasive Text - Structure

                  A persuasive text is organised into
                 paragraphs to make it easier to read.

        Introduction: Introduce your point of view. Include an
             opening statement and a list of arguments.

      Main section: State your point of view and reasons for each
          argument. Include one argument in each paragraph.
              Support your argument with two reasons.

       Conclusion: Summarise your arguments and repeat your         28

                           point of view.
Persuasive Text - Features
   Present tense.
   For example
   • Children spend too much time doing homework.
   • Dogs are the greatest pets for kids.
   • Fidget spinners are a popular toy.

   Logical connectives
   There are used in persuasive writing to make the arguments flow. For example
   • Because
   • However
   • This shows
   • Therefore.

   Time connectives
   These are used to begin the main body paragraphs.
   For example                                                                    29
   • Firstly
   • Secondly
   • finally.
Persuasive Text - Features

            When writing a persuasive text, always use facts.
            It gives evidence and proof to your arguments.

             Give a reasonable argument to get the reader
                       interested and on your side.

   Interest the reader by using interesting, strong and emotive words.

    Simple sentences help the reader to understand your arguments.

  Persuasive writing is about informing the reader about a subject and
    convincing them to agree with you. Choose a topic you believe in.
Persuasive Text - Features

Using strong, clear, emotive language helps the reader to agree with you.

  Below, are some helpful phrases that are used in persuasive writing.

                        It is outrageous that…

                           I strongly believe…

                         It is disgraceful that…

                         It is concerning that…

                        How could we possibly…
Persuasive Text
Modelled example - Introduction
                                                                     This is my example of an
                                                                    introduction. I’m sure you
       Horus is the most important Ancient Egyptian God                 can do better, but it
                                                                     might give you an idea of
 Important to everyone, the gods and goddesses of Ancient             the type of information
 Egypt are those who decide the fates of mortals. Our lives.              you could include.
 Our deaths. We (the Ancient Egyptians), who believe that the
 Gods need protecting, spend our lives treating the Gods with
 the utmost respect in the hope that we will be rewarded. This         You might choose to
 reward is simple; an afterlife worth dying for. Now, I know that     write your text from
 every God plays their part: the sun, the sky, the dead. But one      your own point of view
                                                                       or from the point of
 God stands out. One God deserves the wondrous honour of
                                                                        view of an Ancient
 being crowned 'The Ultimate God', 'The Most Powerful God',
 'The Protector and Ruler of Egypt.' Horus.
Persuasive Text
Modelled example – Main Body
First point
                                                                     This is my example of an
Ruler of Earth and all life, Horus is my amazing choice of          introduction. I’m sure you
the most important of all Ancient Egyptian Gods. He has                 can do better, but it
many splendid characteristics: a charming way of life; a             might give you an idea of
discrimination of evil as well as a history of success. As a          the type of information
result of the proposals Horus has made, you will find                     you could include.
yourself in a far more bearable place in life – after all, he is
the ‘One Far Above’. Reassuringly, his designation as ruler
of Earth and life - a title given to him after he defeated
Seth – shows us that he is caring to all the people of Egypt.          You might choose to
Winning many important accolades, we know he can protect              write your text from
this fine country after his battle and win against his                your own point of view
catastrophic uncle, Seth, this shows us he will risk his life for      or from the point of
us all.                                                                 view of an Ancient
Persuasive Text
Modelled example – Main Body
Second point
                                                                This is my example of an
In addition to what has been previously declared, Horus has    introduction. I’m sure you
proved he is capable of being strong by fighting for what is       can do better, but it
right. Many pharaohs have been indebted to Horus, as he         might give you an idea of
works tirelessly as their protector and guide. From              the type of information
decisions regarding crops through to important                       you could include.
considerations of war, he is a guiding thought for all those
already in power. Surely we will all agree that he is now
worthy of that power himself? Were he to take the
throne of the Gods, he would be a powerful, strong and            You might choose to
ultimately fair ruler. After the tragic death of his father,     write your text from
Osiris, at the hands of Seth, Horus recognised the danger of     your own point of view
the approaching evil and fought valiantly against all             or from the point of
opposition. Trustworthy, his understanding of good and evil        view of an Ancient
will be beneficial to the great land of Egypt.                          Egyptian.34
Persuasive Text
Modelled example – Main Body
Third point
                                                                     This is my example of an
                                                                    introduction. I’m sure you
                                                                        can do better, but it
As an additional feature, his hawk-like abilities will allow him     might give you an idea of
to be a strong ruler – a ruler who can oversee the entre
                                                                      the type of information
expanse of Egypt. Taking flight through impressive vista
above our wonderful country, his soaring ability lets him see
                                                                          you could include.
every individual throughout the land. Any potential issues will
be dealt with swiftly; any dangers will be wiped out
effectively. Having the head of a hawk leads to many                   You might choose to
potential benefits and abilities that will assist with ruling the     write your text from
country: incredible, far-reaching eyesight; efficient,                your own point of view
effective, reflexes and a wise yet ruthless mind. Were this            or from the point of
land to be ruled by Horus, life would improve exponentially.            view of an Ancient
Persuasive Text
 Modelled example - Conclusion
                                                                   This is my example of an
To conclude, Horus is important to everyone. He deserves to       introduction. I’m sure you
be treated with the utmost respect in the hope that he will           can do better, but it
reward us in the afterlife. To me, only one God stands out. One    might give you an idea of
God deserves the wondrous honour of being crowned 'The              the type of information
Ultimate God', 'The Most Powerful God', 'The Protector and              you could include.
Ruler of Egypt.' Horus.

                                                                     You might choose to
                                                                    write your text from
        Remember to make                                            your own point of view
          links back to your                                         or from the point of
         introduction within                                          view of an Ancient
             your concluding                                               Egyptian.36
Ancient Egyptian God Scrapbook
             Essential Contents                                    Optional Contents
   These are the sections you must include!        These are ideas you might want to include OR you can
                                                            swap them for ideas of your own
• A detailed introduction to Egyptian gods
       • Draw and label your god                     • Top Trumps cards for different gods
• A persuasive text about who you think            • Create a cartoon strip with a made-up
                the best god is                              story between the gods
                                                    • Write a diary entry from the point of
                                                                   view of a god
And at least 2 ideas from the optional contents.          • A day in the life of a god

     To make your booklet, use A4                                      You could even make a
     paper. Use two sheets of paper                                    beautifully decorative
     (or more depending how many                                       front cover.
     pages you want!) and fold them                                                       37
     together to make a booklet.
Thursday – Topic –
          Thursday 18th June

L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring
 Moving to secondary school is a big step and can seem a bit scary. You could be
 worried about leaving our school that you know really well.

 You might find that there are more buildings and that everything seems bigger
 than Knaphill School but you'll find your way round in no time.

 Whether you're going to walk there or get the bus or train, getting to your new
 school can seem tricky at first but within a few weeks it will be second nature!

 Have a look at the questions on the next slide.

 You might just want to think about the
 answers in your head or jot some notes down.                                 39
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring

                             What are you
     What will you          looking forward
      miss about            to learning next
       Knaphill                  year?

                                         What worries do
                                         you have about
          What are you                     moving to
          most looking                     secondary
           forward to                        school?
           next year?                                  40
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring

  It is really natural to be worried about things we don’t know. You probably have
    lots of questions and concerns about next year – but guess what? Most of
                you are probably all thinking and feeling the same things!

  Jot down some ideas of things you are worried about. Over the next few
  weeks, we will be thinking these questions.

                                 On the next slide are the
                                most common answers we
                                 usually get. How many of                   41
                                  them are the same as
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring
                         Lots of              The
    Getting            homework/
     lost             longer school
                                           journey to
                           day               school
     teacher for          Having to be
     all subjects         independent       Bullying

  friends/being      Being the            Getting   42

   separated         youngest            detention
  from friends
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring

              What is going to be different or new
                  about secondary school?

         • How lunch works         • New subjects

         • Having lessons in       • School start and
           different classrooms      finish times

         • Making new friends      • The journey
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring


             What is going to be the same
              about secondary school?

         • Registration          • Some subjects

         • School clubs          • Wearing a uniform

         • Assembly              • Getting homework
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring

 What journey are you going to take to get to secondary school? Are
 you going to be travelling to school on your own for the first time?
                     Are you walking                                  Who is driving
                      on your own?                                     you? Where
                      Do you know
                                                                      will you park?
                        the way?
 Where is the
bus stop? How                                    Do you have a
  much will it                                     helmet and
    cost?                                       padlock? Where
                          Walk                 is the bike rack?

       Top Tip: Do a trial-run of your journey (with an adult) during the summer
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring
 What can you do                      Do you know
 to help make                         what things you
 friends at                           will need for
 secondary school?                    secondary
• Join a school club                  school?
• Invite someone to sit with
  you at lunch                        What will you need for…

• Smile                                  • PE lesson

• Join in group work                     • English lesson

• Travel to school with someone          • Maths lesson
                                         • Lunch
                                         • Every day
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring

    There will be lots of people to help you at secondary
  Think about who might be able to help you in the following
                            get lost?
           What               …you can’t do your homework?
         should you          …you forget your lunch money?
           do if…                   …you get bullied?        47

                                 …you get ill at school?
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring

      There will be lots of people to help you at secondary school.
  Think about who might be able to help you in the following scenarios
                                            …you can’t do your
                                               homework? get lost?

                                              …you get bullied?


      …you forget your lunch
             money?                   …you get ill at school?
L.O: To consider the changes next year will bring
Do you remember what it was like       Today we would like you to write a letter to your
 when you started Knaphill Junior      future Year 7 Self!
            School?                    You can keep your letter safe in an envelope and
                                       open it up one year from now.
  Do you remember how long it
took to feel settled and at home
                                       Things to include in your letter
    Your feelings about starting
secondary school will probably be      • Tell your future self your worries for the
very similar, but before you know        upcoming changes
  it, you will be settled into your    • Ask yourself some questions that you can
 new routine, have made lots of          answer next year
  new friends, met lots of lovely      • Set yourself some goals to achieve in the
teachers and probably know your          next 365 days
  way around the school building       • You might want to remind your future49self
with your eyes closed! You will be a     of the things (and people) that are
      fully-fledged Year 7 pupil!        important to you now.
Friday – Well-being
             Friday 19th June

Over the next two slides, you’ll see 60 different activities that you can
                 do to help improve your wellbeing.

 You can do them in the order it says on the grid and work your way
 through, or you can pick and choose the activities that interest you!

Try a range of the activities but, if you find an activity that you really
              enjoy, you can always do that one again! 

Day 1                      Day 2                     Day 3                       Day 4                    Day 5                     Day 6
Leave three happy          Make a card for           Call a relative or friend   Write down five things   Research three jobs /     Download a mindfulness
notes for someone          someone’s                 who is far away and         you are grateful for.    career paths that         App (CALM) on
else to find in your       birthday/celebration      have a chat with them.                               interest you.             your phone.
house.                     coming up

Day 7                      Day 8                     Day 9                       Day 10                   Day 11                    Day 12
Visit a virtual museum!    Get in contact with a     Go on YouTube and try..     Look at the last 20      Say something positive    Do something helpful
Go online and explore      local care home and                                   photos on your phone     to everyone in your       for a friend or family
the collections online.    arrange to send a                                     and think about how      household today.          member today.
                           letter to one of the                                  they make you feel.

Day 13                     Day 14                    Day 15                      Day 16                   Day 17                    Day 18
Do a chore in the          Send a positive text to   Listen to your              Stay off social media    Take a selfie and note    Play a game that you
house without being        ten of your friends.      favourite song and          for >3 hours straight    down 5 things you like.   haven’t played in a
asked to do it.                                      dance around the            and keep yourself                                  while.
                                                     room.                       occupied.

Day 19                     Day 20                    Day 21                      Day 22                   Day 23                    Day 24
Think about two role       Create a postcard for     Play a card game or         Sit down in a silent     Email one of your         Write down 5 things
models in your life. Why   somewhere you have        board game you              room and focus on        teachers to say thank     you are thankful for in
do they inspire you?       previously visited        haven’t played in a         your breathing for 5     you for something         your life.
                                                     while                       minutes.

Day 25                     Day 26                    Day 27                      Day 28                   Day 29                    Day 30
Write a blog about         Search on YouTube a       Watch a film with a         Make sure you get >8     Draw a picture of         Make breakfast for
something you enjoy        “Tedx talks by kids”      family member and           hours sleep tonight.     what you see in your      another family
doing.                                               make sure you turn          Note how you feel the    garden or out of your     member
                                                     your phones off.            next day.                window.
Day 31                     Day 32                    Day 33                    Day 34                    Day 35                     Day 36
Find three inspirational   Create a digital photo    Write a letter or send    Leave three happy         Make a list of 10 things   Go on YouTube and
quotes and write them      collage using 5 images    a card (Email or E-       notes for someone         you want to do             try…
down                                                 Card) to an elderly       else to find in your
                                                     relative                  house.

Day 37                     Day 38                    Day 39                    Day 40                    Day 41                     Day 42
Create a gratitude list    Do something nice for     Create your own           Find a learning podcast   Ensure you have 5          Do something helpful
of everything you are      a sibling or              Playing card with your    and try it out!           fruit and Veg today        for a friend or family
thankful for               parent/carer.             favourite number and                                                           member today.

Day 43                     Day 44                    Day 45                    Day 46                    Day 47                     Day 48
Write down five            Tag your friends in a     Visit a virtual museum!   Try to go to bed 1 hour   Wake up early to           Find a documentary on
positive things about      pic that brings you       Go online and explore     earlier than usual.       watch the sun rise and     BBC iPlayer and watch
yourself on Post-It-       happy memories            the collections online                              see how beautiful it is    it

Day 49                     Day 50                    Day 51                    Day 52                    Day 53                     Day 54
Do the washing up          Look up origami and       Play an old computer      Use 10 French or          Research the minimum       Design a new school
today                      make a crane              game you haven’t          Spanish words today       wage in the UK for         logo for your school
                                                     played for ages                                     different ages

Day 55                     Day 56                    Day 57                    Day 68                    Day 59                     Day 60
Learn some British Sign    Make a playlist of your   Check in with your        Build the tallest Tower   How many different         Wear your favourite
Language with Charlie      top 10 songs and send     favourite YouTuber and    you can with a single     words can you make         items of clothing that
                           to a friend               see how they are doing    piece of A4 Paper         from these letters:        makes you feel great
                                                                                                         “CREATIVE RESOURCES”
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