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Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
 Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140
 Open Access. Online & Print.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4575726

 Bahaa Nofal*1, Assem Tharwat2, Ola El-Aguizy3 and Ihab El Khodary4
 1ArchaeologicalInformation Systems Program, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt
 of Business Administration, American University in the Emirates, UAE
 3Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt
 4Operations Research Department, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Cairo University,


 Received: 18/01/2021
 Accepted: 14/04/2021 *Corresponding author: Bahaa Nofal (

The specification of the factor used by the ancient Egyptians to locate their royal pyramids has been an age-
old great interest of many archaeologists, some of them concluded that the reason behind the locating of the
ancient royal pyramids over such a large territory may never been deduced. This article proposes a new
theorem entitled "Royal Pyramids Linearity" (RPL) to introduce a common factor between the majorities of
the ancient royal pyramids’ locations in Egypt. The theorem is developed based on an assumption of the
existence of linear connections between the ancient locations of some pyramids in Giza, Abusir, Saqqara and
Dahshur. The theorem is proved mathematically through the construction of an optimization model that
combined hypothesis testing and regression analysis. The model examined 43 royal pyramids. The results
emphasized the existence of mathematical linear relationships of 34 that represent all the known royal
pyramids constructed starting from the first true pyramid of King Senefru at the fourth dynasty till the last
constructed pyramid at the eighteenth dynasty for King Ahmose excluding Khufu and Khafre pyramids. The
theorem gives new explanations for the selection of Shepseskaf tomb and the pyramids of Userkaf, Sahure
and Khentkaus. In addition, it provides new advantages for the locations of the tomb of Mentuhotep II and
the pyramid of Khendjer.

KEYWORDS: Egyptian Royal Pyramids, Linear relationships, Mathematical model, RPL theorem, Zero-One
Implicit Enumeration

Copyright: © 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
130 B. NOFAL et al.

1. INTRODUCTION metric alignments (Clausen, 2016; Gonzales and Bel-
 monte 2014). Some archaeologists concluded that we
 Egypt has a large number of discovered pyramids
 may never deduce the real factor leading to the distri-
about 138 pyramids (Wood, 2020) classified into
 bution of the royal pyramids throughout the Egyptian
royal, subsidiary and satellite pyramids (Lehner,
 territory (Barta, 2005).
 This article proposes a new theorem entitled "Royal
 The history of pyramids construction started from
 Pyramids Linearity" to find a common relationship
the reign of King Djoser from the third dynasty (2630–
 between the majorities of the ancient royal pyramids
2611 BC) till the reign of King Ahmose from the eight-
 locations. The theorem is developed based on an as-
eenth dynasty (1550–1525 BC) (Lehner, 2004). During
 sumption of the existence of linear connection be-
that period there are 43 known royal pyramids. This
 tween the pyramid location with other pyramids.
article explores one of the factors used to specify the
 This assumption was discussed before for some of the
locations of the ancient royal pyramids.
 Old Kingdom pyramids (Goedicke, 2001; Lehner,
 The royal pyramids were not constructed within a
 2004; Dobrev, 2006, Magli, 2010a; Barta, 2012; Dickin-
specific site but they are distributed over a large area
 son, 2014) and few of Middle Kingdom pyramids
in Egypt starting from Abu Rawash at the north till
 (Magli, 2012) while it was not proved mathematically
Deir el-Bahari at the south (Fig. 1). Accordingly, there
 before or studied for any pyramids from the First In-
is a problem related to knowing the reason behind the
 termediate Period, Second Intermediate Period or
distribution of the pyramids over such area.
 New Kingdom.
 The archaeologists proposed different factors that
 The importance of the theorem lies in finding new
could have been used by the ancient Kings to locate
 reason for the selection of the locations of the pyra-
their pyramids such as the pyramid should be located
 mids in some sites such as Saqqara, Abusir, Hawara,
on the western bank of the Nile, close to the water
 Lisht, El-Lahun and Dara, besides that it could be
(Barta, 2005), close to the capital, close to the king’s
 used to predict candidate locations of missing royal
palace, above a suitable level of the Nile, close to the
 pyramids. Also, it provides new privileges that have
stone quarries (Edwards, 1993), on the vision scope of
 never been addressed before for the locations of some
the religious capital Heliopolis (Magli, 2010a), based
 pyramids such as the pyramid of Queen Khentkaus at
on astronomical relationships by orienting the pyra-
 Abusir, the tomb of Mentuhotep II at Deir el-Bahari
mid toward the true north (Lehner and Hawas, 2017)
 and pyramid of Khendjer at Saqqara.
or based on local alignment with other ancient monu-
 The article layout starts with discussing the as-
ments (Lehner, 2004; Magli, 2010a; Magli, 2010b,
 sumption of the existence of linear relationships be-
2011), but even structural properties e.g. measuring
 tween the ancient pyramids, followed by proposing
slopes, module divider, orientation and encoded co-
 the RPL theorem, then proving the theorem by con-
ordinate system in the site-plan of the horizon of the
 structing a mathematical optimization model, fol-
Giza pyramids (Abdoulfotouh 2014, 2015), and geo-
 lowed by the discussion of the model results.



 Figure 1. a: Distribution for the royal pyramids locations in Egypt;
 b: Pyramids locations between Abu Rawash and El-Lahun

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140

2. THE LINEAR CONNECTION BETWEEN Senefru, besides aligning the pyramid of Amenemhat
THE ANCIENT PYRAMIDS II with the western side of the Bent pyramid at
 Dahshur (Magli, 2012).
 Archaeologists have discussed the existence of lin- From the previous studies, there are some draw-
ear relationships between the ancient monuments in backs for the coverage of the existence of linear rela-
different contexts such as the relation that connects tionship between the pyramids such as: none of the
the pyramids of the fourth dynasty in Giza plateau. previous studies proved the linear relationships
This relation was formed through a line passing mathematically to show the accuracy of the proposed
through the south eastern corners of Khufu, Khafre lines. Also, all the previous studies are limited to the
and Menkaure pyramids which is supposed to con- Old Kingdom pyramids besides few pyramids from
nect the pyramids with the core of the sun cult of He- the Middle Kingdom. In addition, they are limited to
liopolis (Goedicke, 2001; Lehner, 2004; Magli, 2009; few number of royal necropolises of Giza, Abusir,
Magli, 2010b; Barta, 2012; Waziry, 2020). Saqqara and Dahshur only. Also, there is no unifica-
 Other lines studied to connect the location of Us- tion for the reference points included at the straight
erkaf pyramid in Saqqara from the fifth dynasty; one lines since the corners were used for some pyramids
of the lines connected the pyramid with Khufu pyra- while the tops were used in other pyramids (Lehner,
mid and the sun temple of Userkaf at Abusir which is 2004; Magli, 2010b). Furthermore, the studied lines in-
supposed to create a religious connection between clude other monuments rather than the royal pyra-
Userkaf and Khufu (Goedicke, 2001; Magli, 2010b). mids such as the sun temple.
Besides a line connects the pyramid with the southern
pyramid of King Senefru at Dahshur and the tomb of 3. THE ROYAL PYRAMIDS LINEARITY THE-
king Shepseskaf at Saqqara in order to make a sym- OREM FOR LOCATING THE PYRAMIDS
bolic ideological connection with the predecessor
 The proposed Royal Pyramids Linearity theorem is
kings of Userkaf to be able to face the economic, reli-
 aimed to provide comprehensive coverage for the ex-
gious and social challenges (Barta, 2012). Also, the lo-
 istence of linear relationships among the royal pyra-
cation of the pyramid is supposed to be added at
 mids during all the eras of pyramids construction of
Saqqara in order to form a line known as "Saqqara
 the Old Kingdom, First Intermediate period, Middle
Axis" which is passing roughly through the southeast
 Kingdom, Second Intermediate period and New
corners of Djoser and Userkaf pyramids with the
 Kingdom, besides the coverage of pyramids in all the
northwest corner of Sekhemkhet pyramid. This axis is
 ancient royal necropolises in Egypt. In addition to
extended at the end of the fifth dynasty to locate the
 that the theorem unifies the reference point of the pyr-
pyramid of King Unas too (Magli, 2009; Magli, 2010b).
 amid to the tops with an exception of the rectangular
 There are also other connecting lines for the pyra-
 tomb of King Shepseskaf which is represented by its
mids of the sixth dynasty. The first line connects the
 four corners.
pyramid of Teti with Djoser, Sekhemkhet, Userkaf
 The Royal Pyramids Linearity theorem states that:
and Unas pyramids (Magli, 2009; Magli, 2012). Other
 "Starting from the first true pyramid in ancient
lines defined as the "rule of axis" such as a line con-
 Egypt of the north pyramid of King Senefru from the
nects the pyramid of King Pepi I at South Saqqara
 fourth dynasty till the last constructed pyramid of
with Sekhemkhet and Djedkare Isesi pyramids, be-
 King Ahmose at the eighteenth dynasty, all the royal
sides a line connecting the pyramid of King Merenre
 pyramids except Khufu and Khafre pyramids are lo-
with Shepseskaf tomb and Unas pyramid. In addition
 cated on a direct linear relationship with at least two
to a line connecting the pyramid of King Pepi II with
 other pre-constructed pyramids' tops through at least
Djoser pyramid and the southern pyramid of King
 one straight line".
Senefru (Dobrev, 2006) which is interpreted as a way
 The proof of the theorem required the construction
provided by King Pepi II to face the declining of the
 of a mathematical optimization model to find the
sixth dynasty by connecting the king with the icons of
 maximum number of straight lines passing through
the previous dynasties of Djoser and Senefru (Barta,
 at least three pyramids tops putting into considera-
2012). Other relationship is defined for the sixth dyn-
 tion the chronology of pyramids construction. The ex-
asty called the "meridian axe" which is a straight line
 planation of the model will be shown in the following
directed from the north to the south to align new con-
structed monument to the true north based on a ref-
erence of other preexisting pyramids (Magli, 2010b).
 Few other linear relations were addressed before
for the pyramids of the Middle Kingdom such as
aligning the pyramid of Amenemhat II at Dahshur
with the south base of the North pyramid of King

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140
132 B. NOFAL et al.

4. PROPOSED MATHEMATICAL OPTIMI- points included in the regression line which is con-
ZATION MODEL stant to 3 since each line is passed through only three
 pyramids' tops. Also ̂ is the predicted regression
4.1 Model Formulation value at the point ( , ) (Lind et al., 2012).
 The mathematical optimization model is a model In this case there are three predicted values of ̂ , ̂ 
that seeks to find the maximum or minimum value of and ̂ corresponding to the coordinates ( , ) ,
a specific function known as objective function, de- ( , ) and ( , ) for tops of pyramids , and 
pending on a set of independent variables called de- respectively.
cision variables while they may be related together The value 0.001 is assumed as the maximum al-
through one or more constraints (Hillier et al., 2012). lowable standard error for the regression lines to re-
 The proposed model consists of an objective func- turn high accurate straight lines. In this way, the
tion represents the maximum sum of occurrence of all standard error is restricted by the formula
the possible lines that could be achieved given two √∑( − ̂)2 ≤ 0.001.
other equations represent the constraints of the exist- The constraint is formulated by transferring all the
ence of linear relationships among the pyramids' tops. terms included in the formula in one side then substitute
 The model inputs are the points ( , ) which rep- by corresponding parameters for the coordinates and
resent the coordinates of the top of pyramid , predicted values for the tops of pyramids , and .
 while represents the set of all pyramids start- In this way, the first type of constraints is formu-
ing from the first constructed pyramid of King Djoser lated as follows:
at the third dynasty till the last constructed pyramid 2
in Egypt of King Ahmose at the eighteenth dynasty. , , (√( − ̂ )2 + ( − ̂ ) + ( − ̂ )2 − 0.001) ≤ 0
The values of and are the longitude and latitude (2)
of the top of pyramid , respectively. The variable , , is multiplied by the constraint to
 The model decision variables are , , ∀ , , ∈ take the value of 1 if and only if the value of the stand-
 . Each , , is a binary variable takes 1 if and only if ard error is already less than 0.001.
there is a line passing through the tops of pyramids The second type of constraints is aimed to validate
 , and , given that was constructed before , statistically the results obtained from the first type of
and was constructed before pyramid , while it constraints.
takes 0 otherwise. The importance of this type comes from the use of
 The objective function is the maximum available a sample size of only three points in each fitted regres-
sum for all the possible straight lines passing through sion line so that the standard error may be close to
the tops of pyramids , and , which is formu- zero while there is no actual linear relationship be-
lated as follows: tween the studied points (Render et al., 2012).
 The statistical validation is conducted through the
 ∑ , , (1) use of test of hypothesis to check the existence of lin-
 ∀ , , ∈ ear relationship between the variables and (Ren-
 > > der et al., 2012). In this case represents the longitude
 The model has two types of constraints aimed to and represents the latitude variables. The hypothe-
provide restrictions for the existence of accurate lin- sis testing is suitable as it used to validate specific as-
ear relations between the pyramids tops. sumption related to the population based on data
 The first type is formed based on the use of regres- taken from a selected sample (Lind et al., 2012).
sion analysis to specify the best fit equation for the The general equation of the straight line is = 0 +
straight line passing through a set of points. The re- 1 + . This equation used to predict the relationship
gression analysis is suitable in the model as it effective between two variables and such as predicting the
to predict the linear relationship between different sales values based on the payroll. The parameter 1 is
variables such as the longitude and latitude of the the slope of the regression line, 0 is -intercept and 
pyramids locations. is an unpredicted random error. This equation is re-
 In regression analysis the dispersion between the quired to be tested based on the following hypotheses
actual points and the fitted line is called the standard (Render et al., 2012):
error of estimate (Lind et al., 2012). 0 : 1 = 0 "There is no linear relationship between 
 The constraint is formed by calculating the stand- and "
ard error of the regression line passing through the 1 : 1 ≠ 0 "There is a linear relationship between 
tops of the pyramids , and . The standard error and "
 ∑( − ̂)2
is calculated according to the formula √
(Siegel, 2016). The value represents the number of

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140

 The distribution is employed to conduct the test The model implementation started with the input
(Lind et al., 2012; Render et al., 2012). The null hypoth- of the coordinates for all the discovered royal pyra-
esis is rejected in case of the value of statistic is mids starting from first pyramid of King Djoser till
greater than the value of tabulated. the last pyramid of King Ahmose with a total of 43
 The value of the statistic for the line passing pyramids. Each pyramid is assigned a unique index
through the tops of the pyramids , and is cal- numbered sequentially from 1 to 43 as shown in Ta-
culated by dividing the value of mean square due re- ble 1. The coordinates are collected using a geo-
gression (
 ∑( ̂− ̅)2
 ) over the mean squared error graphic positioning system.
 ∑( − ̂)2
 The model initializes all the values of
( ) while ̅ is the mean value of , and , , ∀ , , ∈ and , and to zeros , then in-
 − −1
 and is the number of independent variables in creases the value of by 1 in each iteration. Starting
the straight line equation which is 1 (Render et al., from the value of the model backward to assign de-
2012). creased values for and . For each combination of ,
 The tabulated value of distribution with signifi- and the variable , , is checked to satisfy to the
cance level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom of constraints (2) and (3). In case of satisfying the con-
( , − − 1) is 161 (Lind et al., 2012). straints the variable , , is assigned the value of 1
 In this way, the second type of constraint is formu- and the value of objective function is updated. The
lated as follows: previous steps are repeated till enumerating all the
 ( ̂ − ̅)2 + ( ̂ − ̅) + ( ̂ − ̅)2 possible combinations.
 , , ( 2 − 161) ≥ 0 The tomb of King Shepseskaf – with index 13 - from
 ( − ̂ )2 + ( − ̂ ) + ( − ̂ )2
 (3) the fourth dynasty was considered as a challenge to
 The variable , , is multiplied by the constraint to the model implementation. This tomb has an ancient
take the value of 1 if and only if the value statistic is name of "The Purified Pyramid" (Lehner, 2004) while
greater than the value of tabulated. it was constructed as a rectangular tomb (Mastaba) in-
 Based on that the proposed model is formulated as stead of a pyramid (Siliotti and Hawass, 2003). The
follows: challenge here was how to specify the point(s) to rep-
 resent the tomb in the model instead of top.
 ∑ , , The challenge was overcome through the running
 ∀ , , ∈ 
 of the model two times; the first run considered the
 > > tomb is represented by its central point with an index
 Subject to of 13 , while the second run represented the tomb
 2 through its corners with four additional indices of
 , , (√( − ̂ )2 + ( − ̂ ) + ( − ̂ )2 − 0.001) ≤ 0
 13 , 13 , 13 and 13 for the northeast, north-
 ( ̂ − ̅)2 + ( ̂ − ̅) + ( ̂ − ̅)2 west, southeast and southwest corners respectively.
 , , ( 2 − 161) ≥ 0
 ( − ̂ )2 + ( − ̂ ) + ( − ̂ )2 4.4 Model Results
 , , ∈ {0,1}
 The first run of the model returned 251 straight lines
4.2 Model Solution (SLs) which increased to 318 in the second run cover-
 ing 34 royal pyramids as shown in Table 1.
 The problem formulation includes integer binary
 All the returned lines were studied while 247 lines
variables in both the objective function and con-
 are eliminated for different reasons such as: some pyr-
straints which classifies under integer programing
 amids are constructed too close to each other such as
optimization problem. The Zero-One Implicit Enu-
 the pyramids (Neferirkare and Khentkaus) or (Shep-
meration Algorithm is effective in solving 0-1 integer
 seskaf and Pepi II) so that the same lines are repeated
optimization problems (Panneerselvam, 2016).
 several times for different pyramids.
 The algorithm enumerates all the possible solu-
 Also, other lines are eliminated because of the re-
tions until reaching the optimal one. The enumeration
 peating of the same lines with other lines already de-
process achieved through different iterations. In each
 veloped for other pyramids.
iteration, a binary value is assigned to one of the var-
 The case of Neferirkare pyramid with index 17 in-
iables then branch possible values for the other varia-
 cludes the two types of eliminations since the model
bles. For each valid combination of variables the ob-
 returned 21 lines connecting the pyramids from both
jective function is updated until reaching the optimal
 the first and second runs while 17 were eliminated be-
value (Taha, 2014).
 cause of the closeness of Neferirkare pyramid with
4.3 Model Implementation Khentkaus pyramid, besides that another elimination
 happened for 3 other repeating lines of ( 14 , 15 ),

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140
134 B. NOFAL et al.

( 6 , 16 )and ( 3 , 4 ) caused from previous returned
relationships connecting the pyramids of Khentkaus
and Sahure.
 Table 1. Model results for the linear relationships among the Royal Pyramids
 Obtained Final SLs af-
 P. SLs from
 Pyramid Location Coordinates SLs from ter elimina- Connected Pyramids
 index second
 first run tion
 Djoser 1 Saqqara 0 0 0 ∅
 Sekhemkhet 2 Saqqara 0 0 0 ∅
 Zawiyet 29.932853,
 Khaba 3 0 0 0 ∅
 El-Aryan 31.161208
 Zawiyet 29.940212,
 Nebka 4 0 0 0 ∅
 El-Aryan 31.151487
 Meidum 5 Medium 0 0 0 ∅
 Seila 6 Seila 0 0 0 ∅
 7 29.790406,
 Bent Dahshur 0 0 0 ∅
 North 8 Dahshur 1 1 1 ( 2 , 5 )
 Khufu 9 Giza 0 0 0 ∅
 Abu 30.032188,
 Djedefre 10 1 1 1 ( 2 , 4 )
 Rawash 31.074848
 Khafre 11 Giza 0 0 0 ∅
 Menkaure 12 Giza 1 1 1 ( 1 , 10 )
 Shepseskaf 13 S. Saqqara 1 3 2 ( 3 , 9 ), ( 5 , 7 )
 Userkaf 14 Saqqara 1 2 1 ( 7 , 13 )
 Khentkaus 15 Abusir 1 1 1 ( 9 , 14 )
 Sahure 16 Abusir 2 2 2 ( 6 , 15 ), ( 3 , 4 )
 Neferirkare 17 Abusir 17 21 1 ( 8 , 15 )
 Shepseskare 18 Abusir 10 18 1 ( 13 , 15 )
 Neferefre 19 Abusir 10 10 2 ( 11 , 14 ), ( 8 , 18 )
 Niuserre 20 Abusir 11 15 2 ( 7 , 16 ), ( 14 , 18 )
 Headless 21 Saqqara 16 16 3 ( 10 , 18 ), ( 12 , 20 ), ( 15 , 19 )
 Djedkare 29.851061,
 22 S. Saqqara 3 3 2 ( 17 , 18 ), ( 3 , 11 )
 Isesi 31.220800
 Saqqara 29.868245,
 Unas 23 5 5 2 ( 2 , 14 ), ( 3 , 12 )
 Saqqara 29.875251,
 Teti 24 18 18 3 ( 9 , 16 ), ( 11 , 20 ), ( 12 , 17 )
 Pepi I 25 S. Saqqara 17 21 3 ( 5 , 24 ), ( 2 , 22 ), ( 13 , 21 )
 Merenre 26 S. Saqqara 6 6 2 ( 6 , 21 ), ( 4 , 12 )
 29.840334, ( 14 , 26 ), ( 10 , 13 ), ( 8 , 24 ),
 Pepi II 27 S. Saqqara 11 25 4
 31.213506 ( 3 , 9 )
 Qakare Ibi 28 S. Saqqara 13 13 3 ( 8 , 22 ), ( 16 , 26 ), ( 6 , 8 )
 Khui 29 Dara 3 3 1 ( 24 , 25 )
 Mentuhotep Deir el- 25.737347,
 30 3 3 1 ( 22 , 23 )
 II Bahari 32.606255

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140

 Amenemhat 29.574917,
 31 Lisht 3 5 3 ( 7 , 18 ), ( 13 , 26 ), ( 13 , 26 )
 I 31.225373
 Senusret I 32 Lisht 3 3 2 ( 16 , 20 ), ( 18 , 19 )
 Amenemhat 29.805836,
 33 Dahshur 8 16 2 ( 13 , 17 ), ( 13 , 19 )
 II 31.223128
 Senusret II 34 El-Lahun 7 9 3 ( 25 , 27 ), ( 16 , 17 ), ( 13 , 22 )
 Senusret III 35 Dahshur 11 14 2 ( 28 , 30 ), ( 3 , 27 ), ( 19 , 26 )
 Amenemhat 29.791885,
 36 Dahshur 8 10 2 ( 17 , 27 ), ( 13 , 16 )
 III 31.223731
 Amenemhat 29.274275,
 37 Hawara 8 10 2 ( 17 , 19 ), ( 1 , 23 )
 III 30.898867
 Amenemhat 29.761801,
 38 Mazghuna 5 5 1 ( 7 , 9 )
 IV 31.220939
 Sobekneferu 39 Mazghuna 5 5 3 ( 3 , 8 ), ( 25 , 31 ), ( 2 , 13 )
 Ameny 29.781934,
 40 S. Saqqara 4 4 1 ( 8 , 10 )
 Qemau 31.221498
 29.830682, ( 2 , 35 ), ( 16 , 35 ), ( 13 , 27 ),
 Unknown 41 S. Saqqara 13 17 4
 31.222375 ( 1 , 25 )
 29.832469, ( 14 , 35 ), ( 13 , 27 ), ( 2 , 16 ),
 Khendjer 42 S. Saqqara 17 20 5
 31.223875 ( 8 , 41 ), ( 12 , 28 )
 26.175019, ( 23 , 41 ), ( 16 , 20 ), ( 25 , 35 ),
 Ahmose I 43 Abydos 8 12 4
 31.937834 ( 13 , 16 )
 251 318 73

 The final number of returned straight lines after behind that may be for not reaching the final design
elimination is 73 lines covering 34 royal pyramids. of the pyramid since the shape of the pyramids
The final results proved mathematically the Royal changed from step to layer and bent (Siliotti and Ha-
Pyramids Linearity theorem for the existence of linear wass, 2003; Lehner, 2004), thus most probably the
relationship connecting the majority of 79.1% of all logic of the choice of the pyramid location may had
the discovered Egyptian royal pyramids. Besides that not been finalized too.
the theorem covered all the eras of pyramids con- The other two pyramids are Khufu and Khafre pyr-
struction starting from the Old Kingdom till the New amids which may not abide to connection with other
Kingdom. In addition to that it covered pyramids in pyramids because these pyramids used astronomical
all the royal necropolises starting from Abo Rawash logic to specify their locations as they have the most
at the north till Deir el-Bahari at the south. accurate alignment to the true north (Edwards, 1993;
 Belmonte, 2001; Lehner, 2004; Seyfzadeh, 2018;
 Ghosh, 2020). In fact, there is some difficulty to de-
 The model proved the RPL theorem for the exist- velop an optimization model covering the location of
ence of linear connection for 34 out of 43 pyramids lo- the nine pyramids because of the difficulty in finding
cation. There is no evidence available to know the an- common relationship between their locations.
cient technique used for developing the linear connec- The model results showed that the first applied
tion among the pyramids. The ‘imperishable’ stars pyramid for the theorem is the North pyramid of
may be used to obtain the linear alignment among the King Senefru at Dahshur which is considered as the
ancient monuments (Magli, 2010b). In fact, there is a first complete pyramid in ancient Egypt (Hemeda et
need for further studies to know how the ancient al., 2019). The theorem adds another feature for the
Egyptians were able to develop too long straight lines pyramid as it is the first pyramid located between the
passing over most of the Egyptian territory. tops of two pyramids of Sekhemkhet and Meidum
 The reason behind connecting the pyramids with through a straight line with a total length of about 53.2
each other may refer to religious or political purposes km.
such as connecting the pyramid with the sacred The RPL theorem provides also new explanations
places during the time of construction or giving the for the locations of some pyramids besides it gives
King symbolical connection with the icons of his pre- novel advantages for other pyramids. Some of these
decessors (Barta, 2012). are the tomb of Shepseskaf and the pyramids of Us-
 The model results did not validate the linear con- erkaf, Sahure, Khentkaus and Khendjer.
nection for only nine pyramids. Seven out of the nine The tomb of Shepseskaf was constructed during
(Djoser to Bent) were constructed before the first true the fourth dynasty at South Saqqara. The RPL theo-
pyramid in ancient Egypt of King Senefru. The reason rem provides solutions for two problems related to it;

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140
136 B. NOFAL et al.

there is no satisfactory explanation for the choice of cation of pyramid was chosen carefully on the inter-
the specific location of this Mastaba at the south of section of two straight lines including four pyramids
Saqqara and why this King chose to build a rectangu- of (Selia, Khentkaus) and (Khaba, Nebka).
lar tomb instead of a pyramid like his predecessors One of the important results of the RPL theorem is
(Barta, 2005). The solution depends on the impact cre- the showing of a unique advantage for the location of
ated for the model results based on the changing of the pyramid of Queen Khentkaus at Abusir as it is
input of points related to the tomb. Since the tomb is considered a pivot pyramid for the pyramids of the
presented in the model in two different formats of us- first four kings of the fifth dynasty of Userkaf, Sahure,
ing a center point for the tomb at the first run while Neferirkare and Shepseskare since it is located on the
using its four corners at the second run. In the first intersections between four pairs of pyramids of
run the model returned only one linear relationship (Khufu, Userkaf), (Seila, Sahure), (North, Neferirkare)
to connect the center point to the two pyramids of and (Shepseskaf, Shepsekare) as shown in Figure 2.
Khaba and Khufu ( 3 , 9 ) with a standard error of This location may support the historical role of Queen
2.7× 10-4 while in the second run the model returned Khentkaus during the fifth dynasty.
the connection of the same pair of pyramids with the The model results emphasized some relations pro-
north east corner of the tomb with less standard error posed for the sixth dynasty for locating the pyramids
of 3.2×10-5 in addition to appearance of another rela- at south Saqqara under the rule of axis (Dobrev, 2006)
tionship connecting the south east corner with Mei- such as the line connecting the pyramid of King Pepi
dum and Bent pyramids ( 5 , 7 ). The reduction of the I with Sekhemkhet and Djedkare Isesi ( 2 , 22 ) while
standard error and the appearance of the other rela- the results produced additional relations connecting
tionship at the second run give the indication of the the same pyramid of (Meidum, Teti) and (Shepseskaf,
construction of this rectangular tomb to connect at headless).
least four pyramids through the tomb's corners in- The theorem also showed other privileges for the
stead of its central point while the selection of South tomb of the king Mentuhotep Neb Hebt Re (Men-
Saqqara may be due to the limitation of the locations tuhotep II) from the Middle Kingdom at Deir el-Ba-
availability to connect at least four pyramids during hari in Upper Egypt. This tomb described as a pyra-
the time of construction. mid in some of the ancient texts such as Abbott Papy-
 The RPL theorem could answer some questions re- rus. The pyramid is currently collapsed while it was
lated to the locations of the pyramids of the fifth dyn- built at the center of the edifice (Lehner, 2004). The
asty such as giving explanation for breaking of King pyramid's top added on one of the longest straight
Userkaf for the traditions from his predecessors who lines known in the ancient history which started at the
built their pyramids at Giza plateau and he built his top of Unas pyramid at Saqqara, passes through the
pyramid close to Djoser complex at Saqqara (Siliotti top of Djedkare Isesi pyramid and ended at the tomb
and Hawass, 2003). The theorem showed that the pyr- of Mentuhotep II with a total length about 477.9 km
amid of Userkaf has an advantage of locating it on the as shown in Fig. 3.
intersection of two lines containing four pyramids of The RPL theorem addressed also a unique ad-
(Bent, Shepseskaf) from the south and (Khufu, vantage for the pyramid of Khendjer from the Second
Khentkaus) from the north. The first line already Intermediate Period at South Saqqara. The pyramid is
studied before (Dobrev, 2006; Barta, 2012) while the located on the intersection of five lines containing ten
second line is addressed for the first time and it may pyramids (Table 1) which is the maximum number of
reflect an important connection between King Us- connecting pyramids achieved in ancient Egypt.
erkaf and Queen Khentkaus through her pyramid at Finally, The Royal Pyramids Linearity theorem
Abusir. considered as an extensive work for use of mathemat-
 The theorem also provides a new advantage for the ics in pyramids construction (Vafea, 2002; Imhausen,
location of pyramid of Sahure at Abusir since there is 2020) by defining new mathematical relationships
no clear reason for establishing this pyramid at used by the ancient Egyptians to specify the locations
Abusir (Barta, 2012). RPL theorem showed that the lo- of the pyramids.

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140


 b c d e

Figure 2. Locating the pyramid of Khentkaus at Abusir with a direct connection with the pyramids of Userkaf, Sahure,
 Neferirkare and Shepseskare through the lines (Khufu – Userkaf), (Seila, Sahure), (North pyramid of Senefru – Nefer-
irkare) and (Shepseskaf tomb (NW) – Shepseskare) respectively; a: The pyramid of King Khufu at Giza; b: The pyramid
of Seila for King Senefru at Fayoum; c: The tomb of King Shepseskaf at Saqqara; d: The North pyramid of King Senefru
 at Dahshur; e: The pyramid of King Userkaf at Saqqara.

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140
138 B. NOFAL et al.




Figure 3. The longest straight known in ancient Egypt connecting the monetary temple of Mentuhotep II tomb with tops
of Unas and Djedkare Isesi pyramids; a: The pyramid of King Unas at Saqqara; b: The pyramid of King Djedkare Isesi at
 South Saqqara; c: The monetary temple of Mentuhotep II tomb at Deir el-Bahari.

6. CONCLUSION allow the tomb to be connected with four other pyra-
 mids through its corners. Also it solved the problems
 The article proposes a new theorem of Royal Pyra-
 related the pyramids of Userkaf and Sahure while
mids Linearity to solve some of the problems related
 both of them are added carefully in a location where
to the royal pyramids locations. This theorem showed
 four other pyramids are intersected together through
that each royal pyramid should be located on a direct
 two straight lines. The theorem illustrated also a new
linear relationship with at least two other pyramids
 advantage never addressed before related to the pyr-
through at least one straight line. The theorem proved
 amid of Queen Khentkaus at Abusir which is the only
by developing of a mathematical optimization model
 location that connects the pyramids of the first four
solved by Zero-One implicit enumeration technique.
 Kings of the fifth dynasty of Userkaf, Sahure, Nefer-
The model results emphasized the theorem concept
 irkare and Shepseskare together to reflect her im-
over 79.1% royal pyramids including all the con-
 portant role during the fifth dynasty. In addition, the
structed pyramids starting from the first true pyra-
 theorem showed new privilege for the location of
mid in ancient Egypt of King Senefru from the fourth
 Mentuhotep II tomb at Deir el-Bahari as it located on
dynasty till the last constructed pyramid of King Ah-
 one of the longest straight lines in the ancient history
mose from the eighteenth with only two exceptional
 of a total length of about 477.9 km passing through
cases of Khufu and Khafre pyramids.
 Unas and Djedkare Isesi pyramids, besides another
 The RPL theorem solved some of the problems re-
 advantage for Khendjer pyramid as it located where
lated to the ancient pyramids and tombs such as it
 ten pyramids are intersected together through five
showed new advantage for the building of King Shep-
seskaf to a rectangular tomb instead of a pyramid to

 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21, No 2, (2021), pp. 129-140

straight lines which is the maximum number of con- future in finding new candidate locations of undis-
nections achieved during the ancient time. The Royal covered royal pyramids or tombs with the reduction
Pyramids Linearity theorem could be effective in the of the money and time required for excavations.
We, the authors, are grateful for the encouragement and valuable advices of Prof. Dr. Khalid Ghareeb - the
head of Greco-Roman Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University - throughout the study.
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