They, Them, Theirs: Rewriting with Gender-Neutral English

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They, Them, Theirs: Rewriting with Gender-Neutral English
They, Them, Theirs: Rewriting with Gender-Neutral English
                                              Tony Sun† , Kellie Webster§ , Apu Shah§ , William Yang Wang† , Melvin Johnson§

                                                                           † University
                                                                                of California, Santa Barbara
                                                                                        § Google

arXiv:2102.06788v1 [cs.CL] 12 Feb 2021

                                             Responsible development of technology in-
                                             volves applications being inclusive of the di-
                                             verse set of users they hope to support. An
                                             important part of this is understanding the           Figure 1: Example of rewriting a gendered sentence
                                             many ways to refer to a person and being              in English with its gender-neutral variant. Some chal-
                                             able to fluently change between the different         lenges include resolving “His” as either “Their” or
                                             forms as needed. We perform a case study on           “Theirs” and rewriting the verb “grows” to be “grow”
                                             the singular they, a common way to promote            while keeping the verb “is” the same.
                                             gender inclusion in English. We define a re-
                                             writing task, create an evaluation benchmark,
                                             and show how a model can be trained to pro-           not indicate a binary gender (Sakurai, 2017; Lee,
                                             duce gender-neutral English with
applications of the task we propose in machine
translation and augmented writing, and conclude
by considering the ethical aspects of real-world

2   Applications
We see many applications of a model which can
understand different reference forms and fluently      Figure 2: Our approach for rewriting without using
move between them. An obvious application is           a pre-existing parallel dataset. We start with an ini-
                                                       tial corpora from Wikipedia, filter and keep the gen-
machine translation (MT), when translating from
                                                       dered sentences, create a rewriting algorithm to create
a language with gender-neutral pronouns (e.g.          a parallel dataset, and train a Seq2Seq model on that
Turkish) to a language with gendered pronouns          dataset.
(e.g. English). In this setting, many definitions of
the MT task require a system to decide whether to
use a he-pronoun or a she-pronoun in the English
translation, even though this is not expressed in      In the sentence “This is her pen,” “her” should
the source. If there is no disambiguating infor-       be rewritten as “their,” but in the sentence “This
mation available, providing multiple alternatives      pen belongs to her,” “her” should be rewritten as
(Kuczmarski and Johnson, 2018) with a gender-          “them.” Other examples of this one-to-many map-
neutral translation might be more appropriate. A       ping include “his” to “their / theirs” and “(s)he’s”
model trained for this task could also be useful       to “they’re / they’ve.”
for augmented writing tools which provide sug-
gestions to authors as they write, e.g. to reduce         Another challenge that the rule-based method
unintended targeting in job listings. Finally, given   needs to address is how to identify and rewrite the
the efficacy of data augmentation techniques for       appropriate verbs. From the example in Figure
improving model robustness (Dixon et al., 2018),       2, the verb “is” remains the same while the verb
we anticipate the sentences our re-writer produces     “grows” is rewritten as “grow.” The insight is that
would be useful input for models.                      verbs that correspond to a non-gendered subject
                                                       should remain the same and verbs that correspond
3   Challenges                                         to either “she” or “he” as the subject should be
                                                       rewritten. Doing this with a list of rules might be
Rule-based Approach. One idea to rewrite gen-          feasible, but would likely require a large set of
dered sentences in English to its gender-neutral       handcrafted features that could be expensive to
variant is to use a simple rule-based method,          create and maintain.
mapping certain gendered words to their gender-
neutral variants. This is a tempting solution, since   Seq2Seq Model. On the other end of the spec-
the pronouns “she” and “he” can always be rewrit-      trum, a separate idea is to train a Seq2Seq model
ten as “they.” In fact, we can even extend this        that learns the mapping from gendered sentence to
idea to words such as “fireman” and “spokesman,”       gender-neutral variant. This is a natural approach
which can be mapped to their gender-neutral coun-      to the problem because the task of rewriting can
terparts “firefighter” and “spokesperson,” respec-     be viewed a form of MT, a task where Seq2Seq
tively.                                                models have demonstrated tremendous success
   However, the simple find-and-replace approach       (Sutskever et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014; Wu
struggles with two types of situations: (1) pro-       et al., 2016; Vaswani et al., 2017).
nouns with one-to-many mappings and (2) identi-
fying and rewriting verbs. In the former situation,       However, the main challenge here is that there
some pronouns can be rewritten differently de-         are few naturally-occurring corpora for gendered
pending on the context of the sentence. To give        and gender-neutral sentences. The lack of such a
an example, the pronoun “her” can map to ei-           large, parallel dataset is a non-trivial challenge for
ther “their” or “them” depending on its usage.         the training and evaluation of a Seq2Seq model.
AC    MC          Original (gendered)                       Algorithm                               Model
    X      X    Does she know what happened to       Do they know what happened to         Do they know what happened to
                           her friend?                          their friend?                         their friend?
    X           Manchester United boss admits        Manchester United boss admits         Manchester United boss admits
                 failure to make top four could       failure to make top four could        failure to make top four could
                        cost him his job                    cost them their job                   cost them theirjob
           X      She sings in the shower and          They sing in the shower and           They sing in the shower and
                       dances in the dark.                  dances in the dark.                   dance in the dark.

Table 1: Comparison of algorithm and model on different examples. Algorithm Correct (AC) and Model Correct
(MC) indicates that whether the algorithm or model is correct. In the second example, the model unnecessarily
removes a whitespace. In the third example, the algorithm does not pluralize the verb “dances” due to a mistake
with the underlying dependency parser.

4        Methodology                                            of sentences with masculine and feminine pro-
                                                                nouns from each domain. It is important to have a
Our approach aims to combine the positive                       gender-balanced test set so that a rewriter cannot
aspects of both the rule-based approach and                     attain a strong score by performing well on either
Seq2Seq model. Although parallel gendered and                   masculine or feminine sentences. For our metrics,
gender-neutral sentences can be difficult to mine,              we use BLEU score (Papineni et al., 2002) and
standalone gendered sentences are easily accessi-               word error rate (WER). Comparisons between the
ble. We take a corpora of 100 million sentences                 algorithm and the model are shown in Table 1.
from Wikipedia and filter them using regular ex-                We elaborate on both the algorithm and the model
pressions based on our criteria of containing a                 below in further detail.
single gendered entity. 1 Using these filters, we
find that 15 million sentences from our original                4.1      Rewriting Algorithm
Wikipedia corpora are gendered and take them to
                                                                Our rewriting algorithm is composed of three
be the source side of our dataset.
                                                                main components: regular expressions, a depen-
   From these gendered sentences, we form a par-
                                                                dency parser, and a language model.
allel dataset by creating a rewriting algorithm that
                                                                   Regular expressions are responsible for find-
takes a gendered sentence as input and returns its
                                                                ing and replacing certain tokens regardless of
gender-neutral variant as output. Then, we train
                                                                the context. Similar to the aforementioned rule-
a Seq2Seq model on this parallel dataset to learn
                                                                based approach, we always rewrite “(s)he” to be
the mapping from gendered to gender-neutral sen-
                                                                “they” and certain stereotypically gendered words
tences. Building an end-to-end Seq2Seq model
                                                                to their gender-neutral counterparts. 3
enables us to: 1) generalize better to unseen ex-
                                                                   We use SpaCy’s (Honnibal and Montani, 2017)
amples, and 2) convert the multi-step algorithm
                                                                dependency parser for building a parse tree of the
into a single step.
                                                                input sentence. Using the parse tree, we tag verbs
   Finally, we evaluate the performance of both
                                                                that correspond to “(s)he” as their subject and con-
the algorithm and the model on a test set of 500
                                                                vert them to their third-person plural conjugation
manually annotated sentence-pairs 2 . Source sen-
                                                                using a list of rules. Verbs that correspond to a
tences, which are gendered, in the test set are
                                                                non-gendered subject remain the same.
taken equally from five diverse domains: Twitter,
                                                                   Finally, we use the pre-trained GPT-2 language
Reddit, news articles, movie quotes, and jokes. In
                                                                model (Radford et al., 2019) to resolve pronouns
addition, we ensure that each domain is gender-
                                                                with one-to-many mappings. Given a sentence
balanced, meaning that we use an equal number
                                                                with such a pronoun, we would generate all pos-
      We would keep sentences that contain words                sible variants by substituting each gender-neutral
from the set {she, her, hers, herself } or the set              variant. Then, we rank the perplexity of each
{he, him, his, himself }, but not sentences that contain
words from both sets since that would indicate multiple enti-   sentence and choose the sentence with the lowest
ties of different genders.                                      perplexity as the gender-neutral variant.
      We plan to open-source the code for the algorithm and
the resulting model.                                                   We release full list of words in the Appendix.

         Source (identity)   90.32   12.40%
         Algorithm           99.63   0.63%
         Model               99.44    0.99%

                                                       Figure 3: Distribution of mistakes of algorithm com-
           Table 2: Metrics on the test set
                                                       pared to model. Nearly three-quarters of the mistakes
                                                       the algorithm makes are due to pronouns and verb,
                                                       whereas less than half of the model’s mistakes are due
4.2    Model Details
                                                       those categories. The
We train a Transformer model (Vaswani et al.,
2017) with 6 encoder and 6 decoder layers us-
ing the Fairseq library (Ott et al., 2019) on the      *, etc.). The algorithm will occasionally make
parallel dataset generated by our algorithm. We        mistakes when the underlying dependency parser
further augment our parallel data with: 1) non-        incorrectly categorizes the part of speech of a tar-
gendered to non-gendered identity data and 2)          get verb, as seen in the third example in Table
gender-inflected sentences (converting a mascu-        1, or when the language model gives the wrong
line sentence to a feminine sentence or vice versa     gender-neutral variant a lower perplexity.
and keeping the same gender-neutral translation).         Robustness to rare words and domain mismatch
We find that both of these augmentation tech-          are known problems for Seq2Seq models (Koehn
niques lead to improved performance. We use            and Knowles, 2017). In this situation, this prob-
a split of 70-30 rewritten and identity pairs in the   lem may likely be exacerbated by the domain
training set.                                          mismatch between training (clean Wikipedia sen-
   Our dmodel and df f values are 512 and 1024         tences) and testing (noisy sentences from Twitter
respectively and we use 4 attention heads. We          and Reddit). In fact, the model performs better on
use Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with an initial         domains such as movie quotes and jokes, which
learning rate of 5e − 4 and the inverse square-root    tend to contain clean text.
schedule described in (Vaswani et al., 2017) with         We also find that both the algorithm and model
a warmup of 4000 steps. Additionally, we use           tend to make more mistakes on feminine sen-
a byte-pair vocabulary (Sennrich et al., 2015) of      tences compared to masculine sentences. For the
32000 units. Finally, we pick the checkpoint with      algorithm, we noticed that the language model
the best BLEU score on the dev set (held-out from      can have difficulty resolving “her” to “their /
Wikipedia).                                            them” in certain contexts. For the model, we
                                                       observed that around 70% of gendered sentences
5     Results                                          from Wikipedia were masculine. We aimed to
                                                       offset this with the gender-inflected sentences, but
We present our results on the annotated test set       having more naturally-occurring feminine sen-
in Table 2. We include the source sentence to          tences would likely help improve model perfor-
establish the baseline with the identity function,     mance.
which demonstrates that only certain gendered
terms and their corresponding verbs should be          6   Conclusion
rewritten while all other tokens remain the same.
   Impressively, both the algorithm and the model      We have presented a case study into how to flu-
achieve over 99 BLEU and less than 1% word             ently move between different ways to refer to a
error rate. We find that the algorithm performs        person, focusing on the alternation between En-
marginally better than the model on the test set.      glish gendered pronouns and the singular they.
However, upon closer inspection, as seen in Fig-       We propose the new task of re-writing gendered
ure 3, the model actually has less of its mistakes     sentences to be gender-neutral with the underly-
due to pronouns and verbs, but nearly half of          ing goal of developing gender inclusive natural
the model’s mistakes are due to rare tokens like       language systems. We show how it is possible
whitespaces, emojis, and symbols (e.g. @, %,           to train a model to do this without any human-
labeled data, by automatically generating large        Lucas Dixon, John Li, Jeffrey Sorensen, Nithum Thain,
amounts of data by rule.                                 and Lucy Vasserman. 2018. Measuring and miti-
                                                         gating unintended bias in text classification. In
   It is important to recognize that there are very
                                                         Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on
many different identity markers in the many lan-         AI, Ethics, and Society, pages 67–73. ACM.
guages beyond English, and we are excited by the
potential for our lightweight methodology to scale     Hila Gonen and Yoav Goldberg. 2019. Lipstick
                                                         on a Pig: Debiasing Methods Cover up System-
to these. We are excited for future work to dig into     atic Gender Biases in Word Embeddings But Do
challenges with these languages, especially those        Not Remove Them. In North American Chapter
which have greater morphological complexity.             of the Association for Computational Linguistics
7   Ethical Considerations
                                                       Matthew Honnibal and Ines Montani. 2017. spaCy
An underlying aim of the task we propose is to          2: Natural language understanding with Bloom em-
                                                        beddings, convolutional neural networks and incre-
improve support for model users to be able to
                                                        mental parsing. To appear.
self-identify their preferred pronouns, including if
these are non-binary. That is, the task follows and    Diederik P Kingma and Jimmy Ba. 2014. Adam: A
reflects the social change in English of using the       method for stochastic optimization. arXiv preprint
singular they for gender inclusion. Work in this
direction should always aim to be empowering,          Philipp Koehn and Rebecca Knowles. 2017. Six
to allow people to interact with technology in a         challenges for neural machine translation. arXiv
way that is consistent with their social identity.       preprint arXiv:1706.03872.
Therefore, an anti-goal of this work that should       James Kuczmarski and Melvin Johnson. 2018.
be avoided in future work, is being able to infer        Gender-aware natural language translation.
a person’s preferred pronouns when they are not
explicitly given to a system. It is also important     Chelsea Lee. 2019. Welcome, singular "they".
to note that we do not prescribe that a particular     Margaret Mitchell, Simone Wu, Andrew Zaldivar,
form is correct or preferred to others, only that it    Parker Barnes, Lucy Vasserman, Ben Hutchinson,
is a desirable capability for models to be able to      Elena Spitzer, Inioluwa Deborah Raji, and Timnit
                                                        Gebru. 2019. Model cards for model reporting. In
understand the different forms and fluently change
                                                        Proceedings of the conference on fairness, account-
between them as needed. As alternative forms            ability, and transparency, pages 220–229.
emerge, such as ze, it is important that language
models adapt to understand and be able to produce      Moin Nadeem, Anna Bethke, and Siva Reddy. 2020.
                                                        Stereoset: Measuring stereotypical bias in pre-
these also. For increased transparency, we provide      trained language models.
a detailed model card (Mitchell et al., 2019) in
the Appendix.                                          Myle Ott, Sergey Edunov, Alexei Baevski, Angela
                                                        Fan, Sam Gross, Nathan Ng, David Grangier, and
                                                        Michael Auli. 2019. fairseq: A fast, extensible
References                                              toolkit for sequence modeling. Proceedings of the
                                                        2019 Conference of the North.
Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Ben-
  gio. 2014. Neural machine translation by jointly     Kishore Papineni, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward, and Wei-
  learning to align and translate.                       Jing Zhu. 2002. Bleu: a method for automatic
                                                         evaluation of machine translation. In Proceedings
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  and Hanna Wallach. 2020. Language (technology)         Computational Linguistics, pages 311–318.
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  Venkatesh Saligrama, and Adam T Kalai. 2018.           models are unsupervised multitask learners.
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  cessed on 12.10.2018.                                Rachel Rudinger, Jason Naradowsky, Brian Leonard,
                                                         and Benjamin Van Durme. 2018. Gender Bias in
Kate Crawford. 2017. The Trouble With Bias.              Coreference Resolution. In North American Chap-
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A    Appendix                                           • 15 million sentences filtered from 100 mil-
                                                          lion English Wikipedia sentences containing
List of mappings from stereotypically gendered            single gendered entities.
terms to their gender-neutral counterparts (this
is by no means comprehensive, and there is an           • These sentences were automatically rewrit-
active area of research on expanding this list):          ten using manual rules plus the SpaCy de-
   mankind → humanity                                     pendency parser and GPT-2 LM.
   layman → layperson
   laymen → lay people                                  Evaluation Data
   policeman → police officer                           • Manually curated English gendered sen-
   policewoman → police officer                           tences represented equally across five di-
   policemen → police officers                            verse domains: Twitter, Reddit, news arti-
   policewomen → police officers                          cles, movie quotes, and jokes.
   stewardess → flight attendant
   weatherman → weather reporter                        Ethical Considerations
   fireman → firefighter
                                                        • The technology is intended to be used to
   chairman → chair
                                                          demonstrate the ability of models to rewrite
   spokesman → spokesperson
                                                          gendered text to the chosen gender of a user.

    Model Card                                          • The model is not intended to identify gender
    Model Details                                         nor to prescribe a particular form.

    • Developed by researchers at the University        • This is by no-means exhaustive and does
      of California, Santa Barbara and Google.            not match all potential pronouns a user may
    • Transformer model with 6 encoder layers
      and 6 decoder layers.                             Caveats

    • Trained to optimize per-token cross-entropy       • Intended to rewrite sentences only consisting
      loss.                                               of a single person entity.

    Intended Use

    • Used for research in converting gendered
      English sentences with single person entities,
      into gender-neutral forms.

    • Not suitable for generic text that has not been
      preselected for having single individual enti-


    • Based on training data and difficulty the re-
      sults for converting he-pronoun sentences to
      neutral vs she-pronoun sentences to neutral
      vary as documented in Figure 3.


    • Evaluation metrics include BLEU and WER.

    Training Data
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