Improving Evidence Retrieval for Automated Explainable Fact-Checking

Improving Evidence Retrieval for Automated Explainable Fact-Checking

                          Chris Samarinas1 , Wynne Hsu1,2,3 , and Mong Li Lee1,2,3
                         Institute of Data Science, National University of Singapore
                                NUS Centre for Trusted Internet and Community
                            School of Computing, National University of Singapore

                     Abstract                                  words with the claims to be verified. Dense re-
                                                               trieval models have proven effective in question
    Automated fact-checking on a large-scale is a              answering as these models can better capture the
    challenging task that has not been studied sys-            latent semantic content of text. The work in
    tematically until recently. Large noisy doc-               (Samarinas et al., 2020) is the first to use dense re-
    ument collections like the web or news arti-
                                                               trieval for fact checking. The authors constructed
    cles make the task more difficult. In this pa-
    per, we describe the components of a three-                a new dataset called Factual-NLI comprising of
    stage automated fact-checking system, named                claim-evidence pairs from the FEVER dataset
    Quin+. We demonstrate that using dense pas-                (Thorne et al., 2018) as well as synthetic examples
    sage representations increases the evidence re-            generated from benchmark Question Answering
    call in a noisy setting. We experiment with two            datasets (Kwiatkowski et al., 2019; Nguyen et al.,
    sentence selection approaches, an embedding-               2016). They demonstrated that using Factual-NLI
    based selection using a dense retrieval model,             to train a dense retriever can improve evidence re-
    and a sequence labeling approach for context-
                                                               trieval significantly.
    aware selection. Quin+ is able to verify open-
    domain claims using a large-scale corpus or                   While the FEVER dataset has enabled the
    web search results.                                        systematic evaluation of automated fact-checking
                                                               systems, it does not reflect well the noisy na-
1   Introduction                                               ture of real-world data. Motivated by this, we
                                                               introduce the Factual-NLI+ dataset, an extension
With the emergence of social media and many in-                of the FEVER dataset with synthetic examples
dividual news sources online, the spread of misin-             from question answering datasets and noise pas-
formation has become a major problem with po-                  sages from web search results. We examine how
tentially harmful social consequences. Fake news               dense representations can improve the first-stage
can manipulate public opinion, create conflicts,               retrieval recall of passages for fact-checking in a
elicit unreasonable fear and suspicion. The vast               noisy setting, and make the retrieval of relevant
amount of unverified online content led to the                 evidence more tractable on a large scale.
establishment of external post-hoc fact-checking                  However, the selection of relevant evidence sen-
organizations, such as PolitiFact,,              tences for accurate fact-checking and explainabil-
Snopes etc, with dedicated resources to verify                 ity remains a challenge. Figure 1 shows an ex-
claims online. However, manual fact-checking is                ample of a claim and the retrieved passage which
time consuming and intractable on a large scale.               has three sentences, of which only the last sen-
The ability to automatically perform fact-checking             tence provides the critical evidence to refute the
is critical to minimize negative social impact.                claim. We propose two ways to select the relevant
   Automated fact checking is a complex task in-               sentences, an embedding-based selection using a
volving evidence extraction followed by evidence               dense retrieval model, and a sequence labeling ap-
reasoning and entailment. For the retrieval of rel-            proach for context-aware selection. We show that
evant evidence from a corpus of documents, ex-                 the former generalizes better with a high recall,
isting systems typically utilize traditional sparse            while the latter has higher precision, making them
retrieval which may have poor recall, especially               suitable for the identification of relevant evidence
when the relevant passages have few overlapping                sentences. Our fact-checking system Quin+ is able

                             Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2021: Demonstrations, pages 84–91
                            June 6–11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
cent works have proposed a BERT-based model
                                                              for extracting relevant evidence sentences from
                                                              multi-sentence passages (Atanasova et al., 2020).
                                                              The authors observe that joint training on verac-
                                                              ity prediction and explanation generation performs
                                                              better than training separate models. The work in
                                                              (Stammbach and Ash, 2020) investigates how the
                                                              few-shot learning capabilities of the GPT-3 model
                                                              (Brown et al., 2020) can be used for generating
Figure 1: Sample claim and the retrieved evidence pas-
                                                              fact-checking explanations.
sage where only the last sentence is relevant.
                                                              3     The Quin+ System
to verify open-domain claims using a large corpus             The automated claim verification task can be de-
or web search results.                                        fined as follows: given a textual claim c and a cor-
                                                              pus D = {d1 , d2 , ..., dn }, where every passage d
2   Related Work                                              is comprised of sentences sj , 1 ≤ j ≤ k, a system
                                                              will return a set of evidence sentences Ŝ ⊂ di
Automated claim verification using a large cor-
                                                              and a label ŷ ∈ {probably true, probably false,
pus has not been studied systematically until the
availability of the Fact Extraction and VERifica-
                                                                 We have developed an automated fact-checking
tion dataset (FEVER) (Thorne et al., 2018). This
                                                              system, called Quin+, that verifies a given claim
dataset contains claims that are supported or re-
                                                              in three stages: passage retrieval from a corpus,
futed by specific evidence from Wikipedia arti-
                                                              sentence selection and entailment classification as
cles. Prior to the work in (Samarinas et al., 2020),
                                                              shown in Figure 2. The label is determined as fol-
fact-checking solutions have relied on sparse pas-
                                                              lows: we first perform entailment classification on
sage retrieval, followed by a claim verification (en-
                                                              the set of evidence sentences. When the number
tailment classification) model (Nie et al., 2019).
                                                              of retrieved evidence sentences that entail or con-
Other approaches used the mentions of entities
                                                              tradict the claim is low, we label the claim as “in-
in a claim and/or basic entity linking to retrieve
                                                              conclusive”. If the number of evidence sentences
documents and a machine learning model such as
                                                              that support the claim exceeds the number of sen-
logistic regression or an enhanced sequential in-
                                                              tences that refute the claim, we assign the label
ference model to decide whether an article most
                                                              “probably true”. Otherwise, we assign the label
likely contains the evidence (Yoneda et al.; Chen
                                                              “probably false”.
et al., 2017; Hanselowski et al., 2018).
   However, retrieval based on sparse representa-             3.1    Passage Retrieval
tions and exact keyword matching can be rather re-            The passage retrieval model in Quin+ is based on
strictive for various queries. This restriction can be        a dense retrieval model called QR-BERT (Samari-
mitigated by dense representations using BERT-                nas et al., 2020). This model is based on BERT
based language models (Devlin et al., 2019). The              and creates dense vectors for passages by calculat-
works in (Lee et al., 2019; Karpukhin et al., 2020;           ing their average token embedding. The relevance
Xiong et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2020) have suc-             of a passage d to a claim c is then given by their
cessfully used such models and its variants for pas-          dot product:
sage retrieval in open-domain question answering.
The results can be further improved using passage                             r(c, d) = φ(c)T φ(d)                             (1)
re-ranking with cross-attention BERT-based mod-
                                                              Dot product search can run efficiently using an ap-
els (Nogueira et al., 2019). The work in (Samari-
                                                              proximate nearest neighbors index implemented
nas et al., 2020) is the first to propose a dense
                                                              using the FAISS library (Johnson et al., 2019).
model to retrieve passages for fact-checking.
                                                              QR-BERT maximizes the sampled softmax loss:
   Apart from passage retrieval, sentence selection
is also a critical task in fact-checking. These ev-                     X                            X
                                                                                                             erθ (c,di )
idence sentences provide an explanation why a                  Lθ =               rθ (c, d) − log                              (2)
claim has been assessed to be credible or not. Re-                    (c,d)∈Db+                     di ∈Db

Figure 2: Three stages of claim verification in Quin+.

where Db is the set of passages in a training batch               and context-aware sentence selection method.
b, Db+ is the set of positive claim-passage pairs in                 The embedding-based selection method relies
the batch b, and θ represents the parameters of the               on the dense representations learned by the dense
BERT model.                                                       passage retrieval model QR-BERT. For a given
   The work in (Samarinas et al., 2020) introduced                claim c, we select the sentences si from a given
the Factual-NLI dataset that extends the FEVER                    passage d = {s1 , s2 , ..., sk } whose relevance
dataset (Thorne et al., 2018) with more diverse                   score r(c, si ) is greater than some threshold λ
synthetic examples derived from question answer-                  which is set experimentally.
ing datasets. There are 359,190 new entailed                         The context-aware sentence selection method
claims with evidence and additional contradicted                  uses a BERT-based sequence labeling model. The
claims from a rule-based approach. To ensure ro-                  input of the model is the concatenation of the to-
bustness, we compile a new large-scale noisy ver-                 kenized claim C = {C1 , C2 , ..., Ck }, the special
sion of Factual-NLI called Factual-NLI+1 . This                   [SEP] token and the tokenized evidence passage
dataset includes all the 5 million Wikipedia pas-                 E = {E1 , E2 , ..., Em } (see Figure 3). For the out-
sages in the FEVER dataset. We add ‘noise’ pas-                   put of the model, we adopt the BIO tagging format
sages as follows. For every claim c in the FEVER                  so that all the irrelevant tokens are classified as O,
dataset, we retrieve the top 30 web results from                  the first token of an evidence sentence classified as
the Bing search engine and keep passages with                     B evidence and the rest tokens of an evidence sen-
the highest BM25 score that are classified as neu-                tence as I evidence. We trained a model based on
tral by the entailment model. For claims gen-                     RoBERTa-large (Liu et al., 2019), minimizing the
erated from MSMARCO queries (Nguyen et al.,                       cross-entropy loss:
2016), we include the irrelevant passages that are
found in the MSMARCO dataset for those queries.                                       X li
                                                                                      N X
This results in 418,650 additional passages. The                             Lθ = −              log(pθ (yji ))     (3)
new dataset reflects better the nature of a large-                                     i=1 j=1
scale corpus that would be used by real-world fact-
checking system. We trained a dense retrieval                     where N is the number of examples in the training
model using this extended dataset.                                batch, li the number of non-padding tokens of the
   The Quin+ system utilizes a hybrid model that                  ith example, and pθ (yji ) is the estimated softmax
combines the results from the dense retrieval                     probability of the correct label for the j th token of
model described above and BM25 sparse retrieval                   the ith example. We trained this model on Factual-
to obtain the final list of retrieved passages. For               NLI with batch size 64, Adam optimizer and initial
efficient sparse retrieval, we used the Rust-based                learning rate 5 × 10−5 until convergence.
Tantivy full text search engine2 .
                                                                  3.3   Entailment Classification
3.2      Sentence Selection                                       Natural Language Inference (NLI), also known
We propose and experiment with two sentence se-                   as textual entailment classification, is the task of
lection methods: an embedding-based selection                     detecting whether a hypothesis statement is en-
   1                    tailed by a premise passage. It is essentially a
   2                  text classification problem, where the input is a

Figure 3: Sequence labeling model for evidence selection from a passage for a given claim.

pair of premise-hypothesis (P, H) and the out-              4     Performance of Quin+
put a label y ∈ {entailment, contradiction, neu-
tral}. An NLI model is often a core component of            We evaluate the three individual components of
many automated fact-checking systems. Datasets              Quin+ (retrieval, sentence selection and entail-
like the Stanford Natural Language Inference cor-           ment classification) and finally perform an end-to-
pus (SNLI) (Bowman et al., 2015), Multi-Genre               end evaluation using various configurations.
Natural Language Inference corpus (Multi-NLI)                  Table 1 gives the recall@k and Mean Recip-
(Williams et al., 2018) and Adversarial-NLI (Nie            rocal Rank (MRR@100) of the passage retrieval
et al., 2020) have facilitated the development of           models on FEVER and Factual-NLI+. We also
models for this task.                                       compare the performance on a noisy extension
   Even though pre-trained NLI models seem to               of the FEVER dataset where additional passages
perform well on the two popular NLI datasets                from the Bing search engine are included as
(SNLI and Multi-NLI), they are not as effective             ‘noise’ passages. We see that when noise pas-
in a real-world setting. This is possibly due to            sages are added to the FEVER dataset, the gap be-
the bias in these two datasets, which has a neg-            tween the hybrid passage retrieval model in Quin+
ative effect in the generalization ability of the           and sparse retrieval widens. This demonstrates the
trained models (Poliak et al., 2018). Further, these        limitations of using sparse retrieval, and why it is
datasets are comprised of short single-sentence             crucial to have a dense retrieval model to surface
premises. As a result, models trained on these              relevant passages from a noisy corpus. Overall,
datasets usually do not perform well on noisy real-         the hybrid passage retrieval model in Quin+ gives
world data involving multiple sentences. These              the best performance compared to BM25 and the
issues have led to the development of additional            dense retrieval model.
more challenging datasets such as Adversarial                                      (a) FEVER Dataset
NLI (Nie et al., 2020).                                         Model    R@5        R@10      R@20     R@100    MRR
   Our Quin+ system utilizes an NLI model based                 BM25     50.53       58.92    67.93     82.93   0.381
on RoBERTa-large with a linear transformation of                Dense    65.47       69.61    72.51     75.71   0.535
                                                                Hybrid   71.71       78.60    83.65     91.09   0.556
the [CLS] token embedding (Devlin et al., 2019):
                                                                           (b) FEVER with noise passages
 o = sof tmax(W · BERT[CLS] ([P ; H]) + a) (4)               Model       R@5        R@10     R@20      R@100    MRR
                                                             BM25        35.17      44.18    53.89     73.95    0.2649
                                                             Dense       54.10      62.13    68.09     75.24    0.4053
where P ; H is the concatenation of the premise              Hybrid      54.89      64.61    73.33     86.11    0.4074
with the hypothesis, W3×1024 is a linear transfor-                               (c) Factual-NLI+ Dataset
mation matrix, and a3×1 is the bias. We trained the             Model     R@5       R@10      R@20     R@100    MRR
entailment model by minimizing the cross-entropy
                                                                BM25     45.02       53.20    61.56     77.96   0.347
loss on the concatenation of the three popular NLI              Dense    59.66       67.09    72.23     78.52   0.461
datasets (SNLI, Multi-NLI and Adversarial-NLI)                  Hybrid   61.29       70.03    77.51     87.90   0.465
with batch size 64, Adam optimizer and initial
learning rate 5 × 10−5 until convergence.                       Table 1: Performance of passage retrieval models.

(a) Factual-NLI Dataset                                          (a) Supporting evidence
    Model               Precision   Recall       F1              Input                      Precision      Recall         F1
                                                                 Whole passages               63.40        53.93         58.28
    Baseline             67.74      91.87       77.98
                                                                 Highlighted ground truth     82.15        60.05         69.38
    Sequence labeling    94.78      92.11       93.43
                                                                 Selected sentences           74.40        56.68         64.34
    Embedding-based      66.12      90.29       76.34

                                                                                  (b) Refuting evidence
                  (b) SciFact Dataset                            Input                       Precision     Recall         F1
    Model               Precision   Recall       F1              Whole passages                33.95       40.65         37.00
                                                                 Highlighted ground truth      77.54       89.32         83.02
    Baseline              62.21         71.54   66.55
                                                                 Selected sentences            75.27       81.96         78.47
    Sequence labeling     69.38         68.45   68.91
    Embedding-based       43.30         92.36   58.96
                                                             Table 3: Performance of entailment classification
                                                             model on different forms of input evidence.
Table 2: Performance of sentence selection methods.

                                                                    Passage retrieval   Sentence selection          F1
   Table 2 shows the token-level precision, recall
                                                                    BM25, k=5           Embedding-based        52.76
and F1 score of the proposed sentence selection                     BM25, k=20          Embedding-based        47.65
methods on the Factual-NLI dataset and a domain-                    BM25, k=5           Sequence labeling      49.65
specific (medical) claim verification dataset, Sci-                 Dense, k=5          Embedding-based        49.03
                                                                    Dense, k=5          Sequence labeling      52.83
Fact (Wadden et al., 2020). We also compare the                     Dense, k=50         Sequence labeling      58.22
performance to a baseline sentence-level NLI ap-                    Hybrid, k=6         Embedding-based        50.29
                                                                    Hybrid, k=6         Sequence labeling      57.24
proach, where we perform entailment classifica-                     Hybrid, k=50        Sequence labeling      52.60
tion (using the model described in Section 3.3)
on each sentence of a passage and select the non-            Table 4: End-to-end claim verification on Factual-
neutral sentences as evidence. We observe that               NLI+ for different configurations.
the sequence labeling model gives the highest pre-
cision, recall and F1 score when tested on the
Factual-NLI dataset. Further, the precision is sig-          does better on sentence-level evidence compared
nificantly higher than the other methods.                    to the longer passages.
   On the other hand, for the SciFact dataset, we               Finally, we carry out an end-to-end evaluation
see that sequence labeling method remains the top            of our fact-checking system on Factual-NLI+ us-
performer in terms of precision and F1 score af-             ing various configurations of top-k passage re-
ter fine-tuning, although its recall is lower than           trieval (BM25, dense, hybrid, for various val-
the embedding-based method. This shows that se-              ues of k ∈ [5, 100]) and evidence selection ap-
quence labeling model is able to mitigate the high           proaches (embdedding-based and sequence label-
false positive rate observed with the embedding-             ing). Table 4 shows the macro-average F1 score
based selection method by taking into account the            for the three classes (supporting, refuting, neu-
surrounding context.                                         tral) for some of the tested configurations. We see
   The Factual-NLI+ dataset contains claims with             that dense or hybrid retrieval with evidence selec-
passages that either support or refute the claims            tion using the proposed sequence labeling model
with some sentences highlighted as ground truth              gives the best results. Even though hybrid retrieval
specific evidence. Table 3 shows the perfor-                 seems to lead to slightly worse performance, it re-
mance of the entailment model to classify the in-            quires much fewer passages (6 instead of 50) and
put evidence as supporting or refuting the claims.           makes the system more efficient.
The input evidence can be in the form of the
                                                             5     System Demonstration
whole passage, ground truth evidence sentences,
or sentences selected by our sequence labeling               We have created a demo for verifying open-
model. We observe that the entailment classifica-            domain claims using the top 20 results from a
tion model performs poorly when whole passages               web search engine. For a given claim, Quin+ re-
are passed as input evidence. However, when the              turns relevant text passages with highlighted sen-
specific sentences are passed as input, the preci-           tences. The passages are grouped into two sets,
sion, recall, and F1 measures improve. The rea-              supporting and refuting. It computes a veracity
son is that our entailment classification model is           rating based on the number of supporting and re-
trained mostly on short premises. As a result, it            futing evidence. It returns “probably true” if there

Figure 4: The Quin+ system returning relevant evidence and a veracity rating for a claim.

are more supporting evidence, otherwise it returns          also able to verify open-domain claims using web
“probably false”. When the number of retrieved              search results. The source code of our system is
evidence is low, it returns “inconclusive”. Figure 4        publicly available3 .
shows a screen dump of the system with a claim                 Even though our system is able to verify multi-
that has been assessed to be probably false based           ple open-domain claims successfully, it has some
on the overwhelming number of refuting sentence             limitations. Quin+ is not able to effectively ver-
evidence (21 refute versus 0 support). Quin+ can            ify multi-hop claims that require the retrieval of
also be used on a large-scale corpus.                       multiple pieces of evidence. For the verification
                                                            of multi-hop claims, methodologies inspired by
6   Conclusion & Future Work                                multi-hop question answering could be utilized.
In this work, we have presented a three-stage fact-            For the future development of large-scale fact-
checking system. We have demonstrated how a                 checking systems we believe that a new bench-
dense retrieval model can lead to higher recall             mark needs to be introduced. The currently avail-
when retrieving passages for fact-checking. We              able datasets, including Factual-NLI+, are not
have also proposed two schemes to select rele-              suitable for evaluating the verification of claims
vant sentences: an embedding-based approach and             using multiple sources.
a sequence labeling model to improve the claim
verification accuracy. Quin+ gave promising re-
sults in our extended Factual-NLI+ corpus, and is       

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