With Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for Republic of Ecuador - Green Climate Fund

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With Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for Republic of Ecuador - Green Climate Fund
with Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
GmbH for Republic of Ecuador
22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening & Country Programming
With Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for Republic of Ecuador - Green Climate Fund
Programme title:                 Ecuador NDA Institutional Strengthening and Digitalization Process

Country:                         Ecuador

National designated authority:   Ministry of Environment

Implementing Institution:        Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Date of first submission:        Click or tap to enter a date.

Date of current submission /     Click or tap to enter a date. V.##
version number
With Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for Republic of Ecuador - Green Climate Fund
Readiness and Preparatory Support
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How to complete this document?

   -    Please visit the Empowering Countries page of the GCF website to download the Readiness Guidebook
        and learn how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
   -    This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDA) or focal points with
        support from their Delivery Partners where relevant. Once completed, this document should be
        submitted to the GCF by the NDA or focal point to countries@gcfund.org.
   -    Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal.
   -    If the Delivery Partner implementing the Readiness support is not a GCF Accredited Entity for project
        Funding Proposals, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA)
        questionnaire and submit it prior to or with this Readiness proposal. The FMCA is available for download
        at the Library page of the GCF website.

Where to get support?

   -    If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to
   -    You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to countries@gcfund.org,
        copying both the Readiness Delivery Partner and the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and
        Regional Advisor. Please refer to the Country Profiles page of the GCF website to identify the relevant
        GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor.
   -    We will get back to you within five (5) working days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and
        discuss the way forward.

  Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

  Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay
  special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable
  populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these
  issues. Consult Annex IV of the Readiness Guidebook for more information.

                                    Please submit the completed form to:

                       Please use the following naming convention for the file name:
                             “GCF Readiness Proposal-[ECUADOR]-[2019/08/15]”
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                         Country name: Ecuador
                         Name of institution representing NDA or Focal Point: Ministry of Environment
                         Name of contact person: Steven Petersen
                         Contact person’s position: Undersecretary of Climate Change
Country submitting
the proposal             Telephone number: + (593 2) 398 7600 • Ext. 1302
                         Email: steven.petersen@ambiente.gob.ec
                         Full office address: Madrid 1159 y Andalucía, Quito-Ecuador
                         Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences:
                         gabriela.vargas@ambiente.gob.ec; ricardo.proano@ambiente.gob.ec
Date of initial
                         21 August 2019
Last date of                                                                              V.5
                         5 November 2019                        Version number
                         ☐ National designated authority
                         ☒ Accredited entity
                         ☐ Delivery partner

                         Please provide contact information if the implementing partner is not the NDA/focal point
                         Name of institution: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Which institution will
implement the            Name of official: Dennis Mutschler-Neumann
Readiness and            Position: Focal Point GIZ Readiness Portfolio
Preparatory Support
                         Telephone number: +49 228 446080-1463
                         Email: dennis.mutschler@giz.de
                         Full office address: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn, Deutschland

                         Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences:
                         dorothea.kallenberger@giz.de, willy.alarcon@giz.de; carla.gavilanes@giz.de;

Title of the Readiness   Ecuador NDA Institutional Strengthening and Digitalization Process
support proposal

                         Please select the relevant GCF Readiness activity area below (click on the box):
                         ☒    I.    Country capacity for engagement with GCF
Type of Readiness        ☒    II.   Country programming process
support sought           ☐   III.   Direct access to climate finance
                         ☐   IV.    Climate finance accessed
                         ☐   V.     Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes
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                       The Readiness proposal has the objective to support the NDA, as the main beneficiary of the
                       readiness, to have a better organization to improve complementarity and coherence between
                       the activities of the GCF and the activities of other relevant institutions, to better mobilize the
                       full range of financial and technical capacities ‒ focusing on the optimization of organization
                       and human capacities inside the organization ‒ and to enhance the efficiency and
                       transparency of the processes of the NDA by implementing digital solutions. To achieve this
                       the proposal builds on the existing structures from previous readiness proposals and transfer
                       them into a multi-functional system that enables systematic and strategic steering of Ecuador’s
                       engagement with the Green Climate Fund.

                       “Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Support for Ecuador”

                       From the results of this Readiness project this proposal will:

                           •     develop a digitalized No objection procedure and if possible, optimize it,
                           •     use any relevant information from the capacity building material developed, and
                                 lessons learned
                           •     support the project ideas identified in the “No-objection” process
                           •     build on the capacities generated in the Interinstitutional Committee on Climate
                                 Change (CICC)

                       “Enhance the capacity of Decentralized Autonomous Governments to access and manage
                       climate finance in Ecuador and contribute to the implementation of the NDC”

                       This proposal will:
Brief summary of the       •     facilitate that the projects in the pipeline start the “no objection” process, in particular
request                          the 4 concept notes to be developed.
                           •     link their platform with the digital dashboard.
                           •     Outreach all identified stakeholders for the development of the climate finance
                           •      use the material produced and lessons learned

                       Components of the proposal
                          •  Capacity Strengthening, supporting the NDA Team to adequately fulfil its roles and
                             responsibilities in the relation to the GCF.
                          •  Digital dashboard, a web-based system to help streamlining the NDA operating and the
                             “No-Objection” processes. Developed in the readiness programme ECD-RS-001
                          •  Climate Finance Strategy, to set an operative framework for climate finance in
                          •  MRV of Climate Finance, for increasing efficiency of international support and
                             domestic mobilization efforts
                          •  Outreach & Dissemination. systematically informing stakeholders on key aspects such
                             the accreditation process, the no-objection procedure, best practices and the overall
                             context in which the GCF operates

                       All intellectual material and goods produced in the Readiness programme will be property of the
                       Ecuadorian NDA. Moreover, all deliverables produced will be uploaded in the digital dashboard
                       and will be available for all public. Moreover, the Ecuadorian Constitution stablishes that every
                       person has the right to have access to all information produced by public institutions.

                       The Ecuadorian NDA has in-house teams to properly administer the assets to be acquired during
                       the implementation of the Readiness Programme.

Total requested        EUR
                                        Anticipated duration           18 months
amount and currency    450.000
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                                       ☒ Yes
                                       ☐ No
                                       ECD-RS-001. Proposal that defined a strategic engagement framework with the
                                       GCF. The grant assisted with developing a first set of guidelines for processes
                                       and structures required for fulfilling these functions. These include a guideline
                                       for the no-objection procedure; kick-starting the process to formalize relations
                                       with the GCF (incl. Privileges & Immunities); an initial outline for a climate finance
                                       strategy; as well as an online platform to monitor budgetary and other public
                                       climate flows in the country

                                       ECD-RS-002. “Enhance the capacity of Decentralized Autonomous
                                       Governments to access and manage climate finance in Ecuador and contribute
Has the country received or is         to the implementation of the NDC”. Aiming to strengthen the capacities of
expecting to receive other Readiness   Governments at provincial level in Ecuador to be able to access climate finance
and Preparatory Support funding        from the GCF and other sources of finance for the implementation of strategic
allocations (including adaptation      and prioritized climate related activities.
planning) from GCF or other
donors?                                Readiness Proposal “Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Support
                                       for National Adaptation Plan in Ecuador” to initiate the development of its
                                       National Adaptation Plan (NAP) following the directives of its National Strategy
                                       for Climate Change (NSCC) as a principal means for its implementation.

                                       Note: The Digital Dashboard will build on the results of [ECD-RS-001] by
                                       transferring the guidelines and protocols for no-objection developed under that
                                       readiness grant into a digital system. It further complements an online climate
                                       knowledge platform for local governments created under readiness proposal
                                       [ECD-RS-002]. Close coordination will ensure avoiding duplication. Set up of the
                                       system includes south-south cooperation with the NDA team of Bangladesh that
                                       already implemented such a system with support by [BGD-RS-002].
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Ecuador has an important legal framework on climate change. Based on the Constitution, since 2008, where
mitigation and adaptation are priority issues in the country. Plan Nacional Desarrollo 2017-2021 with its Objective
3: Guarantee the rights of the nature for present and future generations, its objective that seeks to promote good
practices that contribute to the reduction of pollution, conservation, mitigation and adaptation to the effects of
climate change, and promote them at the global level. Moreover, since 2013, Ecuador has its National Strategy
for Climate Change (NSCC), which includes mitigation and adaptation goals for the short, medium and long term.

Although the country has a legal framework on environmental and climate change, the mobilization and
monitoring of financial resources for the implementation of programs and projects can be optimized. Since the
nomination of the Ministry of Environment as the NDA, senior officials in the Ministry have performed various
NDA functions, such as organizing stakeholder engagement events, managing review processes for funding
applications by accredited entities, and tracking financial flows in an ad hoc manner. The objective of this
readiness request is to build on these existing structures and transfer them into a multi-functional system that
enables systematic and strategic steering of Ecuador’s engagement with the Green Climate Fund. To achieve
this, the readiness request comprises the following components:

Capacity Strengthening of NDA Team
Accredited entities in Ecuador require further guidance to develop high-quality proposals that respond to national
priorities and advance the objectives of national policies and strategies. Working knowledge of the GCF and its
policies by NDA staff is key for serving this need. Focused trainings for NDA personnel on the digitalized no-
objection procedure, strategies for private sector engagement, and modalities of the PPF as well as the SAP will
strengthen these capacities.
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The readiness programme will produce a readiness plan that will define the functions and actions items for the
NDA for its work with the GCF

Digital Dashboard
With increased interest and awareness of national and local stakeholders in the GCF, effective coordination and
efficient management of project ideas will become critical. A web-based system will help in electronically
streamlining and improving standard NDA operating processes: These include:
      •   A dedicated website for the NDA to provide an entry point for all engagement on climate finance
      •   An application software for managing the “No-objection” procedure for project proposals and concept
          Functionality: Accredited Entities submit their proposals and concept notes online through the website.
          NDA staff can assign reviews of proposals to members of the Inter-institutional Committee for Climate
          Change (expert reviews). Digital checklists assist reviewers to ensure alignment with countries priorities
          and country programme and specific timelines. Applicants receive compiled feedback online including
          further guidance for finalization or resubmission.

Review guidelines and checklists will be elaborated using existing material and adapting it to the specific
circumstances of Ecuador.

The NDA has legal mandate and the resources and the to ensure that any digital product is properly maintained
after the end of this programme

Outreach & Dissemination
Currently there is a lack of key information available on Ecuador’s engagement with the GCF for systematically
informing stakeholders on key aspects such the accreditation process, the no-objection procedure and the
overall context in which the GCF operates in (linkage to NDC and Paris Agreement). Materials will include
brochures as well as video tutorials for stakeholder how to use the digital dashboard application to submit
project proposals.

The information will be developed in Spanish taking into consideration existing information from the GCF and
other readiness programmes and will be adapted for the specific circumstances of the country,

Since the approach of this readiness goes around digitalization, any training will be developed on-line and
materials produced as well as attendance lists and reports and feedback from participants will be collected and
evaluated in order to improve any future training.

Best practices will also be disseminated to show how project ideas in Ecuador went from project idea to
approved funding proposal, his will help to provide an idea on what is expected from the GCF

Climate Finance Strategy
Readiness grant [ECD-RS-001] supported the initial steps for developing a climate finance strategy: Guidelines
for constructing the strategy are in place, as well as a participatory mechanism that supported initial discussions
with selected stakeholders. It is important to take this work forward by developing the actual strategy that sets
an operative framework for climate finance in Ecuador.

The Climate Finance Strategy will set national climate change related investment priorities and the mechanisms
to implement them in the short and medium term. It will help to integrate the NDC and NAP into the national
planning and budgeting processes, considering scenarios and strategies for accessing and allocating funds.
Furthermore, it will identify resources from government budget, the GCF, climate funds, donors, and private

MRV of Climate Finance
Monitoring climate finance flows is an important ingredient for increasing efficiency of international support and
domestic mobilization efforts. Readiness grant [ECD-RS-001] created an online platform to monitor the public
budget assigned to climate change activities in order to monitor the country’s financial expenditures in climate
change. Readiness grant [ECD-RS-002] is in the process of conducting a brief document on climate investments
on finance at the province level. This readiness grant will focus on bringing these two aspects together in a
nation-wide MRV system that includes local, national, international and private sources of finance. Strengthening
MRV capacities will also benefit GCF-FP-095 “Transforming Financial Systems for Climate” as robust data and
analysis on existing climate flows will help to identify key interventions that have the potential to contribute towards
making all financial flows compatible with low-carbon and climate-resilient development.

Figure: Interlinkages between different of the different components
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                                                                        Activities 2                                                          Anticipated duration:                    18 months
         Outcomes                      Baseline 1       Targets         description                                                                Monthly implementation plan of activities 3
                                                                       deliverables)         1   2   3    4   5    6   7    8   9   10   11   12    13   14   15   16   17   18   19    20   21   22   23     24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36

                                       1                2
Outcome 1:           Sub-Outcome                                      Activity 1.1.1:
Institutional        1.1:                                             Build an expert
capacity and         NDA leads an                                     team inside the
coordination         effective                                        NDA to increase
mechanisms in        operation                                        operational
place to govern      mechanism                                        capacity of the
and coordinate                                                        NDA
climate action
and finance                                                           Deliverable 1.1.1:
                                                                      Readiness plan
                                       1                2             Activity 1.1.2:
                                                                      information material
                                                                      for the NDA, which
                                                                      will contain
                                                                      systematized key
                                                                      information on how
                                                                      the fund operates
                                                                      and its alignment
                                                                      with Ecuador's
                                                                      National Climate
                                                                      Change Strategy
                                                                                                                       x                      x                              x
                                                                      and NDC.

                                                                      Deliverable 1.1.2:
                                                                      Three information
                                                                      materials (related
                                                                      to: 1. No-objection
                                                                      procedure; 2.
                                                                      procedure; 3.
                                                                      Application and
                                                                      assessment of
                                       1                2             Activity 1.1.3:                                  x                 x                    x

               For baselines rated at 1 or 2, please shortly elaborate on current baselines on which the proposed activities can be built on, processes that are in place that the current Readiness proposal can strengthen, or any gaps
             that the proposed activities would fill in. If more space is needed, please elaborate this in Section 2.
               Please include tangible and specific deliverables for each activity proposed, and the timeframe (month number) in which it will be delivered to GCF. Please note that during implementation all deliverables should be
             included within the implementation reports for GCF consideration.
                  If the duration of the proposal is longer than 24 months, please change the monthly columns to indicate 2 or 3 months each (e.g. change month “1” to month “1-2’ or “1-3”).
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                        Support the NDA
                        in the organization
                        of GCF knowledge
                        events to engage
                        key stakeholders

                        Deliverable 1.1.3:
                        Three Inclusive
                        events will serve to
                        showcase GCF
                        and the NDA
                        processes and
                        support structures
                        and also will
                        provide information
                        on relevant
                        projects and
                1   2   Activity 1.1.4:
                        targeted at NDA
                        personnel on
                        GCF’s operational
                        including its

                        Deliverable 1.1.4:     x       x   x
                        Three Technical
                        events will focus
                        on more specific
                        aspects that will be
                        identified in the
                        inclusive events or
                        in the interaction
                        with the
                        stakeholders that
                        participate on
Sub-Outcome     1   2   Activity 1.2.1:
1.2: Increase           Develop guidelines
capacities in           on how to assess
the CICC to             submissions for
assess                  the project.
proposals               Deliverable 1.2.1:
                        One document
                        with the guidelines
                        on how to prepare
                        an assess a
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                   Sub-Outcome       0   1   Activity 1.3.1:
                   1.3: NDA ‘No              Implement digital
                   Objection’                solution to
                   procedure for             increase efficiency
                   funding                   and transparency
                   proposals and             in the “No-
                   PPF                       Objection”
                   applications is           Procedure
                                             Deliverable 1.3.1:
                                             One on-line system
                                             for No-objection

                   Sub-Outcome       0   1   Activity 1.4.1:
                   1.4: Monitoring           Identify climate
                   and                       finance flows
                   verification              within the country
                   systems for               considering
                   climate                   different climate
                   finance flow -            finance sources
                   Process for an            (national,
                   MRV for                   international,
                   climate                   private)                  x
                   finance flow
                   from public               Deliverable 1.4.1:
                   and private               One study to
                   sources is                identify climate
                   designed                  finance flows
                                             international, and
                                             private sources)
                                     0   1   Activity 1.4.2:
                                             Design the process
                                             for the MRV for
                                             climate finance in
                                             the country.                  x

                                             Deliverable 1.4.2:
                                             MRV Process
Outcome 2.         Sub-Outcome       0   2   Activity 2.1.1:
Climate            2.1: Climate              Develop a climate
finance            finance                   finance framework
strategies and     strategy
project pipeline   defines the               Deliverable 2.1.1:    x
strengthened       potential use             A climate finance
                   of a                      strategy exists
                   combination of
Outcome 3:         Sub-Outcome       0   1   Activity 3.1.1:
Improved           3.1: Best                 Develop and
Knowledge          practices with            disseminate
management         respect to                information and
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system of the   institutional    awareness-raising
NDA             capacity         activities
                building, and
                direct access,   Deliverable 3.1.1:
                are collected    One information
                and              material related to
                disseminated     GCF approved
                                 projects and their
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This section is only to be completed when seeking support for formulation of national adaptation plans and/or
other adaptation planning processes. Please see Part 3 Section 4 in the Readiness Guidebook.
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5.1 Budget plan
Please complete the Budget Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website.

                                                                                                                           Detailed Budget (in EUR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Budget
                           Outcomes                                             Budget Categories                                                       Total Budget           Total Budget
                                                                                                                      Unit       # of Unit Unit Cost                                                 (per outcome)
                                                                              choose from the drop-down list                                           (per budget category)   (per sub-outcome)

                                                                          Consultant - Individual - International   W/Day           20        850,75            17.015,00
                                                                          Consultant - Individual - Local           W/Day           270       196,48            53.050,00
                                                                          Consultant - Individual - Local           W/Day           270       131,48            35.500,00
                                                                          IT Equipment                              misc             1      3.600,00             3.600,00

                           1.1: NDA leads an effective operation          Office Supplies                           misc             1      3.500,00             3.500,00
                           mechanism                                      Travel – Local                            Trip             8        575,00             4.600,00
                                                                          Travel - International                    Trip             3      2.500,00             7.500,00
                                                                          Audio Visual & Printing                   misc             1      2.500,00             2.500,00
                                                                          Workshop/Training                         Workshop         3      3.000,00             9.000,00
                                                                          GIZ + PMC + Contingency + Indirect
                                                                                                                    misc             1     73.113,43            73.113,43
 1. Country capacity                                                      Cost
                                                                          Consultant - Individual - International   W/Day           30        292,33             8.770,00                                394.528,10
 strengthened              1.2: Increase capacities in the CICC to
                                                                          GIZ + PMC + Contingency + Indirect                                                                            14.957,00
                           assess funding proposals Sub-outcome                                                     misc             1      6.187,00             6.187,00
                                                                          Consultant - Individual - Local           W/Day           150       300,00            45.000,00
                           1.3: NDA ‘No Objection’ procedure for          IT Equipment                              misc             1     15.000,00            15.000,00
                           funding proposals and PPF applications is      Workshop/Training                         Workshop         3      2.500,00             7.500,00              104.516,37
                                                                          GIZ + PMC + Contingency + Indirect
                                                                                                                    misc             1     37.016,37            37.016,37
                           1.4: Monitoring and verification systems for   Consultant - Individual - International   W/Day           35        815,14            28.530,00
                           climate finance flow - Process for an MRV      Consultant - Individual - Local           W/Day           90        150,00            13.500,00               65.676,30
                           for climate finance flow from public and
                                                                          GIZ + PMC + Contingency + Indirect
                           private sources is designed                                                              misc             1     23.646,30            23.646,30
 2. Clim ate finance                                                      Consultant - Individual - Local           W/Day           80        288,75            23.100,00
                           2.1: Climate finance strategy defines the
 strategies and project                                                                                                                                                                 36.809,30         36.809,30
                           potential use of a combination of funding.     GIZ + PMC + Contingency + Indirect
 pipeline strengthened                                                                                              misc             1     13.709,30            13.709,30
                                                                          Consultant - Individual - Local           W/Day           40        180,00             7.200,00
 3. Im proved Know ledge   3.1: Best practices w ith respect to
 m anagem ent system of    institutional capacity building, and direct    Audio Visual & Printing                   misc             1      4.000,00             4.000,00               18.662,60         18.662,60
 the NDA                   access, are collected and disseminated         GIZ + PMC + Contingency + Indirect
                                                                                                                    misc             1      7.462,60             7.462,60
 Total Outcom e Budget                                                                                                                                                                                   450.000,00

5.2 Procurement plan
Please complete the Procurement Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF
website. For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to
the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates.
Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a
full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

5.3 Disbursement schedule
Please specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF. For periodicity, specify
whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.
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Please choose one option among the two below and delete the one that does not apply to you. Please fill in
information under brackets:

☒ Readiness Proposal that falls within a Framework Agreement with the GCF
    Disbursements will be made in accordance to 4 “Disbursement of Grants” and 5 “Use of Grant Proceeds
    by GIZ” of the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement entered into between
    GCF and GIZ on 6 September 2016 (the “Framework Agreement”). The Delivery Partner is entitled to
    submit 2 request(s) for disbursement each year, and an Interim Request for Disbursement within 30 days
    of approval by the GCF of a proposal, which must be in accordance with the Framework Agreement.”

    The tentative disbursement schedule is detailed in the following table
          Year                   Disbursement date                           Amount (EUR)
          2020                2 January 2020                                   175.000
                              1 July 2020                                      140.000
          2021                2 January 2021                                    60.000
                              31 May 2021                                       75.000
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6.1 Implementation map
Please describe how funds will be managed by the NDA and/or the Readiness Delivery Partner.

 GIZ has a Framework Agreement with the GCF to act as the Beneficiary s implementing partner, if nominated
 to that role by the relevant Beneficiary for the implementation of Readiness Support to GIZ Partner Countries.
 The Ecuadorian NDA has nominated GIZ to be its Delivery Partner for this readiness proposal, whereby the
 funds will be disbursed from the GCF to GIZ to undertake the project implementation.

 Overall, the activities will be steered through a project steering committee (PSC). The PSC will comprise of the
 NDA and GIZ. It will provide oversight on the implementation of the Readiness Programme, including taking
 strategic decisions towards the achievement of the Programme’s objectives, defining of the consultants’
 strategic outcomes and deliverables as well as approval of the inception report, interim progress reports,
 completion report provided by the delivery partner, and any other assignments contributing towards the
 Programme’s objectives, as may be required during the course of implementation.

 The proposed activities will be implemented over a 18 month period by GIZ, as the delivery partner, as well as
 being the grant recipient, working in close collaboration with the NDA. GIZ is responsible for the
 implementation of the activities and will coordinate and cooperate closely with the NDA. GIZ will be
 responsible for the fiduciary management.

 The activities described in this Readiness Proposal will be executed by the GIZ Programme “Sustainable
 Intermediate Cities - CIS” under the leadership and guidance of the NDA and supported by the global GIZ
 Climate Finance Readiness Programme.

 GIZ as the delivery partner will assume the overall organization and responsibility for project implementation in
 terms of provision of technical expertise and guidance.
     -    Monitor project activities, including financial matters, prepare semi-annual reports.
     -    Prepare annual work plan of activities in coordination with the NDA.
     -    All deliverables will be submitted to the NDA for their appraisal before submission to the GCF.
     -    The hiring process of the experts/consultants will take place in close coordination with the NDA, in
          line with GIZ recruitment processes.
     -    In collaboration with the NDA, GIZ will also procure services and goods that are consistent with GIZ
          and the Government of Ecuador procurement policies
     -    Consultants will be designated on a competitive basis and according to detailed terms of reference.
     -    For items such as venues and travel for stakeholder workshops, a shopping method will be used at
          all times seeking competitive quotes above pre-set thresholds.

 Figure: Structure of operation for the implementation of the readiness project
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The PSC will comprise of the NDA and GIZ. It will provide oversight on the implementation of the Readiness
Programme, including taking strategic decisions towards the achievement of the Programme’s objectives,
defining of the consultants’ strategic outcomes and deliverables as well as approval of the inception report,
interim progress reports, completion report provided by the delivery partner, and any other assignments
contributing towards the Programme’s objectives, as may be required during the course of implementation.
The decision-making process will be based in consensus but if no agreement is reached then NDA will have
the last decision, meetings will be held at least once per month, additional meetings will be decided on ad-hoc

For the case of procurement and consultancies GIZ standards will be followed.

The following process thresholds shall apply to national/regional/local procurement of goods and services

                                     Procurement of Goods and Services
                                 Method                                                Threshold
 Direct procurement by Project (no tender)                                            ≤ 1.000 Euro
 Restricted tendering by GIZ bureau                                                1.000 – 2.500 Euro
 Restricted tendering by GIZ bureau*                                              1.000 – 20.000 Euro
 Tender by publication (by GIZ bureau in coordination with                           > 20.000 Euro
 Local Subsidies (by GIZ bureau)                                                     ≤ 50.000 Euro
 Local Subsidies (by GIZ bureau in coordination with headquarter)                    > 50.000 Euro
 EU wide procurement (by GIZ bureau in coordination with headquarter)                  ≥ 209.000
 Hotel, Event and Catering by Project (direct procurement)                            ≤ 1000 Euro
 Hotel, Event and Catering by GIZ bureau (restricted tendering)                      ≤ 20.000 Euro
*Exceptions possible under GIZ rules and regulations for direct awards without tendering if only one
supplier/consultant/company is suitable or order placement is objectively urgent.

The following process thresholds shall apply to international procurement of goods and services

                                      Procurement of Goods and Services
                                  Method                                                Threshold
 Direct procurement by GIZ headquarter                                                ≤ 1.000 Euro
 Restricted tendering / Direct contracting by GIZ headquarter                    1.000,01 – 8.000 Euro
 Restricted informal tendering by GIZ headquarter*                               8.000.01 – 50.000 Euro
 Formal tendering by GIZ headquarter*                                                ≥ 50.000 Euro
 EU wide procurement by GIZ headquarter                                              ≥ 221.000 Euro
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  Hotel, Event and Catering by GIZ headquarter Euro                                      ≤ 20.000
 *Exceptions possible under GIZ rules and regulations for direct awards without tendering if only one
 supplier/consultant/company is suitable, or order placement is objectively urgent.

6.2 Risks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and other relevant information

 Risk assessment

        Risks           Likelihood       Impact level             Mitigation actions           Responsible

  Delay in recruiting   low          Low                    Upon endorsement of the work      NDA/DP
  national/regional                                         plan, procurement will be
  and international                                         facilitated by the NDA to
  experts                                                   promptly recruit national and
                                                            international experts having
                                                            experiences in high quality
                                                            advisory services in readiness
                                                            capacity building in line with
                                                            GCF requirements

  Competing official    Medium       Low                    The DP will ensure clear          NDA/DP
  assignments that                                          understanding of the PSC
  might result in                                           roles and responsibilities and
  failure by PSC to                                         defining expectations from the
  meet regularly as                                         committee members from the
  required                                                  onset, adopting a schedule of
                                                            meeting agreed upon by
                                                            members in advance

  Lack of               Medium       Medium                 The readiness project will        NDA/DP
  coordination                                              prioritize outreach and give
  among                                                     technical support and advice
  stakeholders                                              on the basis of clearly
                                                            identifying functions,
                                                            responsibilities and associated

  Staff turnover        Low          Medium                 Evaluate the institutional        NDA/DP
                                                            changes and continue to
                                                            maintain the flexibility and
                                                            adjust to any new functions
                                                            and/or missions
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 Changing              Low           Low                     Readiness project will focus on     NDA/DP
 requirements/                                               ‘no‐regret’ actions to
 priorities of GCF                                           strengthen institutional
                                                             effectiveness for climate
                                                             change response

 How the project       Low           Low                     GIZ has internal policies to        DP
 will be prepared to                                         ensure the business continuity
 deal with potential                                         in case of any potential
 disruptions from                                            disruption. Those policies will
 conflict or natural                                         be followed in case of any
 disasters                                                   disruption due to external

                                                             In addition, GIZ Ecuador has
                                                             developed rules and
                                                             recommendations on how to
                                                             deal with potential
                                                             emergencies and crisis and
                                                             they are in line with similar
                                                             regulations of other
                                                             international cooperation
                                                             organisms working in the

 Are there any         Low           Low                     GIZ has a worldwide normative       DP
 unique threats,                                             addressing the issues raised in
 risks, challenges                                           this point. In broad terms, GIZ
 or obstacles to                                             policy requires that any activity
 implementation,                                             by an individual within the
 particularly with                                           organization must be
 respect to money                                            controlled (reviewed, double
 laundering,                                                 checked) by a second
 terrorism                                                   individual that is independent
 financing, or                                               and competent.
 practices that                                              In addition, GIZ offices all over
 have been                                                   the world follow country
 identified in the                                           specific policies and
 project? If so,                                             recommendations.
 have any
 strategies or
 planned efforts to
 identify, monitor,
 address and
 mitigate those
 challenges, risks
 or obstacles been

After approval of the Grant, a notification letter will be sent by the GCF to the NDA. The date of such
notification of approval by the GCF will be treated as the start date for project implementation and from that
date, the end date of implementation will be calculated taking into account the total duration of the project as
presented in the approved proposal”

Experience of the delivery partner
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GIZ has been working in Ecuador for more than 25 years with the objective of contributing and reciprocally
helping in matters of common interest for the promotion and technical and economic development. The
decision to work with GIZ in this readiness proposal is because GIZ has experience implementing similar
readiness programmes in other countries, so the lessons learned from those programmes could be used in

Currently the GIZ work in Ecuador in climate change programs and projects comprise more than 30 million of
Euros. The most recent cooperation between GIZ and the NDA are the support in the preparation of the NDC
(together with the NDC Partnership and CAEP), the implementation of projects in adaptation to climate change
in certain areas of the country (ProCamBio II), the development of policies for a sustainable cities
development (Sustainable Intermediate Cities); and there are other projects being developed for the
implementation of the NDC and the scaling up of climate change measures in rural areas that could
complement the work of the proposed Readiness Programme. FC

In addition, GIZ has a vast experience supporting several developing countries with different readiness
programmes. In special this proposal takes from readiness porogrammes implemented in Bangladesh and in

Lessons learnt from past Readiness projects
The NDA has identified the following lessons from the implementation of previous readiness programmes that
are relevant for this proposal:

    •    It is necessary to keep a good coordination arrangement among NDA, Delivery Partner, independent
         experts and other direct and indirect beneficiaries of the readiness grant to prioritize actions and stay
         on track with the timelines and deliverables.
    •    It is necessary to identify and involve key institutions for the success of outcomes that have
         overarching strategic importance such as the climate finance strategy. Working closely with local
         institutions is key as they have relevant knowledge and expertise that will be essential for making the
         deliverables aligned with the country context.
    •    A key priority is the improvement of the “No-objection” process in order to reduce turn-around time for
         the review of project proposals and concept notes and make the process transparent and inclusive
         for all stakeholders.
    •    The use of a digital platform will increase the transparency of the “No-objection” process and ensures
         that project ideas are really rooted within country structures, are ambitious, and result in
         transformational impact in key climate relevant sectors.
    •    Experience shows that working with strategic partners increases the outreach of information and
         increase the possibility to generate projects from different stakeholders from national government to
         local institutions.

The NDA and GIZ have several years of experience in working together through different projects. In the
process of developing the proposal key stakeholders were already identified that should be involved during the
implementation of the readiness project such as ministries, development banks and private sector

Monitoring and Evaluation
In line with the Framework Agreement, the project will undertake continuous monitoring of the project to
provide mechanism for regular collection of information on progress to support oversight and adaptive
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