Page created by Enrique Ball
The Star
March 2020 • Volume 42, Number 8

                          50 Words for 50 Years Request ................... 6
                          50 Words for 50 Years Responses ............... 4
                          Calendar ..............................................12, 13
                          DonaEon Acknowledgements .....................7
                          How to Reach Us .........................................4
                          Kol Isha—Choir’s Annual Music Shabbat ....4
                          Kol Isha—Choir’s Annual Music Shabbat
                          Flyer ..........................................................11
                          LeYer from Lois Rosenfeld ..........................6
                          ParenEng Through a Jewish Lens Flyer .......8
                          People of Chelm Want to Know Answers ....6
                          People of Chelm Want to Know QuesEons .3
                          Purim Dinner Flyer ....................................10
                          Purim Shpiel Flyer .......................................9
                          Rabbi’s Page ................................................ 5
                          Schedule of Services ...................................3
                          Things We Need to Know for Ourselves
                          and Our Parents Flyer .................................2

Congrega(on Beth Elohim                                        Michael Rothbaum, Rabbi
133 Prospect Street
                                                               Sarra Spierer, Cantor
Acton, MA 01720
                                                               Beth R. Goldstein, RJE, Director of EducaEon

                                                               Susan C. Perry, Director, Early Learning Center

                                                               Ezra Habif, Administrator

                                                               Lewis Mintz, Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Beth Elohim                                                       THE STAR                                                                       March 2020

               C B E A D U LT E D U C AT I O N P R E S E N T S

             Things We Need to Know
             for Ourselves and Our Parents
             A series of presentations about end of life issues

                                             Estate Planning with Barbara Epstein, Sunday, March 1, 10:00-11:30 AM
                                             Estate planning is sometimes thought of as limited to saving taxes for people of financial
                                             means. However, the broader and more realistic view is that estate planning is necessary for
                                             anyone who wishes to direct the transfer of his or her assets on death or to manage those
                                             assets during incapacity or incompetency. In addition, for those with minor children or
                                             beneficiaries with special needs, estate planning is even more critical.

                                             Attorney Barbara Epstein of Scheier, Katin & Epstein in Acton, a member of CBE, will give a 60
                                             minute presentation on the fundamentals of estate planning and then answer your questions on
                                             the topic.

                                             Jewish Burial Customs with Hal Miller-Jacobs, Sunday, March 29, 10:00-11:30 AM
                                             Reciting Kaddish and Yizkor for a departed loved one is a basic Jewish custom most are
                                             familiar with. Yet many are not familiar with the loving custom of how we care for the
                                             departed in preparation for what many believe is the afterlife. The process of taharah, ritual
                                             washing of the deceased is done by a caring cadre of individuals.

                                             Hal Miller-Jacobs, formerly of Acton, now resides in Lexington. He is a cofounder the
                                             Community Hevra Kadisha of Greater Boston.

                            Free and open to all. Congregation Beth Elohim, 133 Prospect Street, Acton.

      Copyright © 2020 by Congregation Beth Elohim.                                            Material for inclusion in The Star may be submitted:
      All Rights Reserved.                                                                      by disk with hardcopy printout;
                                                                                                via email: bob@BeckerSweetMusic.US (receipt acknowledged);
      The Star is generally published monthly by Congregation Beth Elohim and is                as camera ready or handwritten copy; or
mailed at Acton, MA. To request a subscription call Congregation Beth Elohim at                 by FAX: call Congregation Beth Elohim or the editor.
978-263-3061 or write to 133 Prospect Street, Acton, MA 01720.                                 Receipt of material can be verified by calling the editor after the deadline.
      The deadline posted in the previous month’s issue, is generally the 15th of the          Editor: Bob Becker 978-263-8097.
previous month, slightly earlier in case of holidays.

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March 2020                                         THE STAR                             Congregation Beth Elohim

                                            Schedule of Services
March       3, 4, 5    3:55 PM        Mincha Service (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Friday,     March 6 5:30 PM           Tot Shabbat Service
Friday,     March 6 7:00 PM           Ruach Shabbat Service—Dalet Classe Participation
Saturday,   March 7 9:30 AM           Shacharit Service
Saturday,   March 7 10:30 AM          Torah Study Followed by Pot Luck Kiddush
Monday,     March 9 6:00 PM           Erev Purim Service
Monday,     March 9 6:30 PM           Megillah Reading
March       10, 11, 12 3:55 PM        Mincha Service (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Friday,     March 13 7:30 PM          Shabbat Service
Saturday,   March 14 9:30 AM          Shacharit Service
Saturday,   March 14 10:30 AM         Torah Study Followed by Pot Luck Kiddush
Sunday,     March 15 8:30 AM          Shacharit Service
March       17, 18, 19 3:55 PM        Mincha Service (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Friday,     March 20 7:30 PM          Shabbat Service
Saturday,   March 21 9:30 AM          Shacharit Service
Saturday,   March 21 10:30 AM         Torah Study Followed by Pot Luck Kiddush
March       24, 25, 26 3:55 PM        Mincha Service (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Friday,     March 27 7:30 PM          Shabbat Service—Shabbat Shirah
Saturday,   March 28 9:30 AM          Shabbat Service—Beatrice Maxwell Bat Mitzvah
Tuesday,    March 31 3:55 PM          Mincha Service

          Reviving the column devoted to                         Babylonian Exile and is set in the court of the Persian
        questions about Jewish history called                    king Ahaseurus. Some scholars believe this king
                                                                 could well be the same Xerxes who ruled when the
     The People of Chelm Want To Know…                           Greeks triumphed at the Battle of Marathon. The
After a decade of dormancy, this column was revived
                                                                 Bible's Book of Esther records the destruction of
several months ago in The Star. Each month there are
                                                                 Haman. This book is one of the "Five Scrolls.” Each of
now two fairly difficult questions, and you should be
                                                                 the five is written on its own scroll, which is read in
congratulated for trying to wrestle with them. If you
                                                                 its entirety during the appropriate holiday service.
don’t know an answer, you will find it elsewhere in
                                                                 Can you match the other four scrolls: Song of Songs;
this issue of The Star. March, the time of Purim, is an
                                                                 the Book of Ruth; the Book of Ecclesiastes; and
occasion for singing and celebration, so this month’s
                                                                 Lamentations, with the holiday on which it is recited?
questions have these themes. Please share your new
                                                                 The holiday choices are: the Ninth of Av (Tisha b’Av);
knowledge with your neighbors, fellow congregants,
                                                                 Passover; Sukkot; and Shavu'ot.
and especially the people of Chelm. In Jewish
folklore, the people of Chelm were famed for coming              2. On Friday night March 27 our synagogue
up with bizarre and incorrect answers to even the                celebrates Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song.
simplest questions.                                              Under the direction of longtime leader Judy Kramer
                                                                 and with help from Cantor Sarra Spierer, our choir
1. Early this month we celebrate an atypically
                                                                 rehearses rigorously for months hoping to be their
boisterous and crazy Jewish Holiday. Our fellow
                                                                 absolute best on this joyous evening. This year’s
congregants mark the occasion with delightful
                                                                 program promises to be every bit as entertaining as it
comedic performances of Purim Spiel; this year on
                                                                 has been in years past. Like many traditions in
the weekend of March 7 and 8. As we know, Purim
                                                                 Judaism, Shabbat Shirah’s roots are in the Torah. Do
commemorates the victory of Mordecai and Esther
                                                                 you know what event inspired the Sabbath of Song
over the wicked Haman and his plot to eliminate the
                                                                 and who were the first singers?
Jews. This story takes place several decades after the

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Congregation Beth Elohim                               THE STAR                                         March 2020
                                                                CBE Annual Music Shabbat
         50 Words for 50 Years                                  Judy Kramer

 CBE is there for us.                                           Kol Isha—A Woman’s Voice
                                                                Celebra(ng Jewish Women Composers
 We are there for CBE.                                          Friday, March 27, 7:30
 Through B'nai Mitzvah, Shpiels, Brotherhood,                   For centuries, the voices of Jewish women were
 Sisterhood, softball, celebrations, and more, CBE              silent. Kol Isha, a woman’s voice, was meant as a
 has woven us into the fabric of our shared beliefs.            strict prohibition of hearing women singing and
                                                                essentially no women were composing music for
 We cherish the past, enjoy the present, and                    liturgical use. It was not until the mid-20th century
 welcome the future hand in hand.                               that Jewish women really began to make their voices
                                                                heard both in Israel and in America. The CBE Choir’s
                                                                annual music service will focus on just some of these
                            —Don and Marcy Hoban
                                                                amazing Jewish women with lyrical liturgical
                                                                settings by Debbie Friedman, Benjie-Ellen Schiller
                                                                and Daphna Rosenberg of the Israeli community
 Y – ou know
                                                                Nava Tehilla; gospel-inspired songs by Liz Swados
 E – ach year has just flown by
                                                                (Miriam) and Lisa Levine (Hallelu); uplifting a
 A – nd are we blessed?
                                                                cappella settings by British composer Judith Silver;
 F – or sure! Here’s why; ‘cause
                                                                some surprise local connections; Israeli favorites like
                                                                Dodi Li and Bashanah Haba’ah (yes, composed by
 F – aith with friends our
                                                                women!) and so much more.
 T – emple grew, and
 Y – ear-by-year with Rabbis who                                We’ll have accompaniment by piano, guitar, flute,
 ! – together helped make us a Temple that                      clarinet, violin and percussion. Celebrate our
 !! – We pray makes life for all better as that’s               matriarchs and the women in your life by joining us
 where it’s at!                                                 for an inspiring and uplifting evening of music and
                                                                worship. We look forward to seeing everyone at this
 With love and smiles for CBE
                                                                always popular annual choir event!                  ✡
                           —Mark and Elaine Kahan

 Warm welcome. Fast friends. A place to grow.
 These are just a few thoughts that come to mind
 when I think about CBE. I’m a newbie. I don’t                                   How to Reach Us
 know what this place was before Mike or Beth. I
 don’t have a long history, but I belong now and
                                                                 The congregation office telephone number is
 am thankful.
                                                                 978-263-3061. Dial these extensions for:
                                       —Kerri Garbis
                                                                 Ezra Habif                                       1
                                                                 Rabbi Rothbaum                                   2
 As members of CBE, we have found a caring                       Cantor Spierer                                   3
 religious family and community that provides                    Beth Goldstein                                   4
 emotional support in bad times and good. We give                Susan C. Perry & ELC                             5
 back by participating in prayer services and                    Lori Lafayette                                   7
 educational and social activities, and by donating
                                                                                      Web Site
 money and time, which we hope to do for years to
                                                                 Our congregation web site,,
                                                                 includes the online edition of The Star as well as a
                        —David and Chips Naparstek               variety of other information including a bookstore
                                                                 link ( and a donation form.

                                                         -4 -
March 2020                                           THE STAR                          Congregation Beth Elohim
Rabbi’s Page                                                     According to the election website,
Rabbi Mike
978-263-3061 /                              By voting you will be able to choose one of
On Kol Nidre, I spoke                                                the many slates representing diverse
about Israel—specifically,                                           political beliefs, religious denominations and
about our Jewish                                                     cultural traditions. The 152 delegates
obligation to speak openly                                           elected from the United States will join
and lovingly about our                                               hundreds from Israel and around the world
connection to the land and                                           at the 38th World Zionist Congress in
its peoples. I quoted                                                October 2020, the international “parliament
former Knesset member                                                of the Jewish people”, to make decisions and
Rabbi Michael Melchior,                                              set policies regarding key institutions that
whom I was blessed to                                                support global Jewish life and which
learn with a few years ago, along with a group of                    allocate nearly $1 Billion annually to
Jewish professionals. He talked about his desire for                 support Israel and World Jewry (including
Israel to be a better place, to live up to its most                  the World Zionist Organization, Jewish
cherished values. His strategy was not, however, to                  National Fund and the Jewish Agency for
speak only of Israel’s achievements, considerable as                 Israel).
they are.                                                        There are fifteen slates running in the 2020 US
Rather, “the best way of connecting people to Israel,”           Election for the 38th World Zionist Congress, and
Melchior told us, “is to tell them about its                     they represent a wide spectrum of approaches to
dilemmas.”                                                       Zionism and Jewish life. The American Forum for
                                                                 Israel, for example, is specifically focused on
Of course, normally American Jews don’t have much                outreach to Russian Jews; the Vote Reform slate is a
of a say in how Israel conducts its affairs. We rightly          combination of Reform and Reconstructionist Jews,
cannot vote in Knesset elections. We can debate and              and mentions support for a two-state solution; the
argue, but it is Israelis who decide how Israel is               ZOA coalition seeks to expand settlement
governed.                                                        construction; the Hatikva slate promotes LGBTQ
At the moment, however, we do have an unusual                    rights and anti-racism work.
opportunity to cast a ballot about Israel. Until March           I invite you to visit today,
11, US citizens can vote in elections for the 38th               and cast your vote
World Zionist Congress.
                                                                 Because, regardless of who you support, voting in
Established by Theodor Herzl in 1897, the Zionist                the WZO election gives you as an American Jew a
Congress was the legislative body of the World                   voice in determining the allocation of over one
Zionist Organization (WZO), a non-governmental                   billion dollars in annual funding. It also allows
entity that promotes Zionism. The first Zionist                  American Jews an opportunity to have a say on
Congress, held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, was                issues like settlement expansion, religious pluralism,
attended by some 200 participants who formulated                 gender and LGBTQ equality, and economic justice.
the Zionist platform, known as the "Basel
programme." It took a clear stance in favor of                   Many of these are challenging problems for our
political Zionism, stating that "Zionism seeks for the           beloved Israel. May we continue to talk about these
Jewish people a publicly recognized legally secured              dilemmas, and in doing so deepen and broaden our
homeland in Palestine."                                          connection to Israel—both the Israel of today, and
                                                                 the Israel of our dreams.                           ✡
Today, the Zionist Congress is known as the World
Zionist Congress, and is composed of 500 delegates,                           Yiddish &
who meet in Jerusalem every five years. It’s also
sometimes known as the “Parliament of the Jewish
                                                                      Contemporary Israeli Music
People,” and for good reason. It enables delegates to                 WERS, 88.9 FM, broadcasts
exert influence on both Israeli society and the global                Chagigah, Sunday mornings
Jewish agenda, as well as allocate financial and
other resources to various organizations.                                    8:00–11:00.
                                                          -5 -
Congregation Beth Elohim                             THE STAR                                                  March 2020

 Dear CBE’rs,                                                                        50 Years, 50 Words
                                                                     For 50 years, Congregation Beth Elohim has been
 As a former CBE congregant, it warms the cockles                    here for us in times of joy, sorrow and every
 of my heart to see these great photos from last                     moment in between. We will be celebrating this
 month. So happy to see Carolee and George                           exciting Congregational milestone all year, so we
 sitting on their couch, Sue Heschel’s inspiring visit               ask that you share, in 50 words or less, your
 and the general affection and activity which                        reflections of your time at Congregation Beth
 abounds.                                                            Elohim or how you hope CBE will support you and
 I’m not far away, happily down-sized to Waltham-                    the Jewish community in the future.
 on-a-pond, have visited CBE and Rabbi Mike has                      We look forward to hearing from all of you, new
 visited with us at BnaiOr of Boston.                                and old members, to help archive the first 50 years
 It’s wonderful to see CBE thriving. I’m glad that                   of this vibrant community. Thanks!
 my late husband, Mark, got to sing in your choir                    Questions: Contact Ellen Valade at
 and I got to strengthen my Judaism as a member             or Beth Schrager at
 of Rabbi Emeritus Lewis’ second group Bat                 
 Mitzvah class. Despite my husband’s illness, we
 held a lovely Bat Mitzvah for my daughter Ariana,
 When we moved to Acton in ‘89, we were already
 BnaiOr members, but wanted to affiliate locally.
 After we chose CBE, a few people reflected that
 we seemed more like Kerem Shalom congregants.
 I never regretted our choice, and especially now,                 you want to
 thirty years later, I can say with a full heart,
 “We’ve come a long way, Baby!”
                                                                   buy a book —
 From strength to strength,
 Lois G Rosenfeld                                                   When you shop using Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate 0.5%

         Answers for the people of Chelm                          of Ecclesiastes completes the cycle of the megillot.
           and any other curious souls.                           2. Shabbat Shirah typically occurs in January, when
1. Five of the books of Ketuvim (the Writings) share              the Torah reading contains the “Song of the Sea.”
with the Five Books of Moses (the Torah) the                      After the escape from Pharaoh’s army through the
distinction of being read completely during the                   Sea of Reeds, the Israelites celebrated their good
synagogue service each year. These books are                      fortune in song. Verses 20 and 21 of Chapter 15 in
traditionally called the five scrolls (megillot) since            Exodus relate that “Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's
each is written on its own scroll. Thus we hear, "the             sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women
whole megilla" on the customary holiday for each. As              went out after her in dance with timbrels. And
noted in the question itself, the Book of Esther is read          Miriam chanted for them, “Sing to God, for God has
on Purim. The Song of Songs, with its sensuous love               triumphed gloriously….“ Our choir spends several
poems, is recited on Passover, followed by the Book               months practicing for this very special event. They
of Ruth, the story of the first Jewish convert, on                want to make sure it does not get snowed out, so
Shavu'ot. The Book of Lamentations is read on Tisha               that’s why we wait until March for this not-to-be-
b'Av, when we lament the destruction of the Temple                missed service in song.
in Jerusalem. And on Sukkot, the reading of the Book

                                                           -6 -
March 2020                                      THE STAR                          Congregation Beth Elohim

                      The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends,
                        and the larger community for donations recently received…

  To the General Fund from:                                 Chesed Fund from:
  Harold & Judith Salant                                    Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Elaine Epstein,
                                                            mother of Marcy Epstein Hoban.
  Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Leonard & Ruth
  Kassman.                                                  Amy Naparstek Fund from:
  Bob & Kathie Becker in memory of Elaine Epstein,          Chips & David Naparstek in loving memory of our
  mother of Marcy Epstein Hoban.                            daughter, Amy, on the occasion of her yahrzeit.

  To the Adult Educa(on Fund from:                          Chips & David Naparstek in loving memory of
                                                            Chips’ father, Ben Harris, on the occasion of his
  Anonymous in appreciation of the Scholar in
  Residence Weekend.
                                                            Chips & David Naparstek in loving memory of
  Choir Fund from:
                                                            David’s mother, Ida Naparstek, on the occasion of
  George & Carolee Schaffer in memory of my                 her yahrzeit.
  brother, Arthur Schaffer.
                                                            Chips & David Naparstek in honor of Meryl
  George & Carolee Schaffer in memory of Michael            Widman on the occasion of her special birthday,
  Ferrara.                                                  with love and best wishes.
  CBE 50th Anniversary Campaign from:
  Jaymi & Joseph Formaggio

                                                     -7 -
Congregation Beth Elohim                     THE STAR                              March 2020

                                                   Parenting Through a Jewish Lens

      Support, Encouragement & Connection
      As Your Child Grows

     Parenting Children Ages 0-9

   imeless texts to learn from and
  other parents to lean on.


         Becoming a purposeful parent

         Making difficult topics easier

         Finding balance in everyday life

         Fostering Jewish values

                                                         Generous financial assistance
   We warmly welcome parents                             is available.
   from all faiths, cultures and
   family structures.                                                    Free Childcare

   FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER | 617-559-8743 | parenting/

                                                -8 -
March 2020   THE STAR   Congregation Beth Elohim

               -9 -
Congregation Beth Elohim     THE STAR                   March 2020

        Join us before Purim Services for Pizza and Salad.

        When: Monday, March 9, 2020

        Who: Everyone!

        Cost: $8 per person; $25 per family maximum.

        Please RSVP online at the CBE website or to Beth
        Goldstein at by March 6th.

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March 2020             THE STAR         Congregation Beth Elohim


                      A WOMAN’S VOICE

     MARCH 27, 2020
     7:30 PM

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Congregation Beth Elohim
                                                                                                                                                             March 2020

                                                                                                         Sunday                         Monday               Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday                   Friday                     Saturday

                                                                                          1                                   6 Adar 2            7 Adar 3              8 Adar 4              9 Adar 5           10 Adar 6                   11 Adar 7                  12 Adar
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School         7:00 PM Sisterhood 3:55 PM Mincha Service  3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha       Candle Lighting Time—              Tetzavveh
                                                                                          9:30-11:30 AM Family Education: Heh & Board Meeting            4:15-6:15 PM           Service              Service                     5:24 EST              (Exodus 27:20-30:10)
                                                                                          Vav Class                                                      Religious School       4:15-6:15 PM         7:00-9:00 PM Purim 5:30 PM Tot Shabbat          9:30 AM Shacharit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Congregation Beth Elohim

                                                                                          9:30-11:30 AM Gimel Class Parent Program                       7:00-8:30 PM Adult     Religious School     Bag Assembly        Service                     Service
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Adult Education: Estate                         Edcation.: Book of     7:00-9:00 PM                             6:10 PM Potluck Shabbat 10:30 AM Torah Study
                                                                                          Planning with Barbara Epstein                                  Our Lives with         Racial Justice                           Dinner                      Followed by Pot Luck
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Membership                                      Rabbi Mike             Meeting                                  7:00 PM Ruach Shabbat       Kiddush
                                                                                          Engagement Committee Meeting                                                                                                   Service—Dalet Classe        6:45 PM Havdallah
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Parent To Parent                                                                                                Participation               7:00-8:00 PM Purim
                                                                                          7:00 PM Brotherhood Board Meeting                                                                                                                          Shpiel
                                                                                          8                                 13 Adar 9            14 Adar 10            15 Adar 11            16 Adar 12          17 Adar 13                  18 Adar 14                 19 Adar
                                                                                          8:00-9:00 AM Purim Bag Distribution        5:30 PM Purim       3:55 PM Mincha Service 3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha       Candle Lighting Time—               Ki Tissa
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School         Dinner              4:15-6:15 PM           Service              Service                     6:32 EDT                (Exodus 30:11-34)
                                                                                          10:00 AM Purim Shpiel                      6:00 PM Erev        Religious School       4:15-6:15 PM                             7:30 PM Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Shacharit
                                                                                          11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Brotherhood Purim       Purim Service       7:00-8:30 PM Adult     Religious School                                                     Service
                                                                                          Carnival                                   6:30 PM Megillah    Edcation.: Book of     7:00 PM Energy                                                       10:30 AM Torah Study
                                                                                          2:00 PM Purim Shpiel                       Reading             Our Lives with         Committee Meeting                                                    Followed by Pot Luck

- 12 -
                                                                                          7:00 PM CBE Board Meeting                                      Rabbi Mike                                                                                  Kiddush
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THE STAR

                                                                                          15                                20 Adar 16           21 Adar 17            22 Adar 18            23 Adar 19          24 Adar 20                  25 Adar 21                 26 Adar
                                                                                          8:30 AM Shacharit Service                  7:00-8:30 PM        3:55 PM Mincha Service 3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha       Candle Lighting Time—           Vayakhei/Pekudei
                                                                                          9:15 AM Brothehood Breakfast               Membership          4:15-6:15 PM           Service              Service                     6:41 EDT                     (Exodus
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School         Engagement          Religious School       4:15-6:15 PM         7:30-9:00 PM Adult  7:30 PM Shabbat Service         35-38:20/38:21-40)
                                                                                          9:30-10:30 AM Grades K-3 Event             Committee Meeting 7:00-8:30 PM Adult       Religious School     Education: Stepping                             9:30 AM Shacharit
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Parenting through a                             Edcation.: Book of                          Into Judaism with                               Service
                                                                                          Jewish Lens                                                    Our Lives with                              Rabbi Mike                                      10:30 AM Torah Study
                                                                                          4:00-6:00 PM Adult Education: Bible &                          Rabbi Mike                                                                                  Followed by Pot Luck
                                                                                          Bourbon                                                                                                                                                    Kiddush
                                                                                          22                                27 Adar 23           28 Adar 24            29 Adar 25           1 Nissan 26         2 Nissan 27                 3 Nissan 28                4 Nissan
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School                             3:55 PM Mincha Service 3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha       Candle Lighting Time—                Vayikra
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Parent To Parent                                4:15-6:15 PM           Service              Service                     6:49 EDT                  (Leviticus 1-5)
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Parenting through a                             Religious School       4:15-6:15 PM                             7:30 PM Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Service
                                                                                          Jewish Lens                                                    7:00-8:30 PM Adult     Religious School                         —Shabbat Shirah             —Beatrice Maxwell Bat
                                                                                                                                                         Edcation.: Book of                                                                          Mitzvah
                                                                                                                                                         Our Lives with
                                                                                                                                                         Rabbi Mike

         The congregation calendar is also online at
                                                                                          29                              5 Nissan 30        6 Nissan 31           7 Nissan               8 Nissan             9 Nissan                    10 Nissan                     11 Nissan
                                                                                          9:00 AM Brotherhood Board Meeting                           3:55 PM Mincha Service   3:55 PM Mincha        3:55 PM Mincha        Candle Lighting Time—                  Tzav
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School                          4:15-6:15 PM             Service               Service                     6:57 EDT                     (Leviticus 6-8)
                                                                                          9:30 AM Family Education: Gimel Class                       Religious School         4:15-6:15 PM                               5:30 PM Tot Shabbat Service   9:30 AM Shabbat Service
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Adult Education: Jewish                      7:00-8:30 PM Adult       Religious School                           6:10 PM Potluck Shabbat       —Ava Berson Bat Mitzvah
                                                                                          Burial Customs with Hal Miller-Jacobs                       Edcation.: Book of                                                  Dinner
                                                                                                                                                      Our Lives with                                                      7:00 PM Ruach Shabbat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     March 2020

                                                                                                                                                      Rabbi Mike
Congregation Beth Elohim
                                                                                                                                                               April 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       March 2020

                                                                                                         Sunday                         Monday               Tuesday             Wednesday               Thursday                   Friday                     Saturday
                                                                                                                          5 Nissan           6 Nissan                7 Nissan 1           8 Nissan   2         9 Nissan   3                10 Nissan 4                   11 Nissan
                                                                                          9:00 AM Brotherhood Board Meeting                             3:55 PM Mincha Service 3:55 PM Mincha        3:55 PM Mincha       Candle Lighting Time—                   Tzav
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School                            4:15-6:15 PM           Service               Service                    6:57 EDT                      (Leviticus 6-8)
                                                                                          9:30 AM Family Education: Gimel Class                         Religious School       4:15-6:15 PM                               5:30 PM Tot Shabbat Service   9:30 AM Shabbat Service
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Adult Education: Jewish                        7:00-8:30 PM Adult     Religious School                           6:10 PM Potluck Shabbat       —Ava Berson Bat Mitzvah
                                                                                          Burial Customs with Hal Miller-Jacobs                         Edcation.: Book of                                                Dinner
                                                                                                                                                        Our Lives with                                                    7:00 PM Ruach Shabbat
                                                                                                                                                        Rabbi Mike                                                        Service

                                                                                          5                            12 Nissan 6        13 Nissan 7         14 Nissan 8          15 Nissan 9        16 Nissan 10                17 Nissan 11             18 Nissan
                                                                                          8:30 AM Shacharit Service              7:00 PM Sisterhood 3:55 PM Mincha        Candle Lighting    9:30 AM Pesach      Candle Lighting Time—      9:30 AM Shacharit
                                                                                          9:15 AM Brothehood Breakfast           Board Meeting      Service              Time—7:02 EDT       Morning Service           7:04 EDT             Service
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School                        4:15-6:15 PM        3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha     7:30 PM Shabbat Service 10:30 AM Torah Study
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Parent To Parent                           Religious School    Service              Service                                        Followed by Pot Luck
                                                                                          10:00-11:30 AM Parenting through a                        7:30-9:00 PM Adult                                                                      Kiddush
                                                                                          Jewish Lens                                               Ed.: Conversational
                                                                                          2:00-5:00 PM Sisterhood Mahjong                           Hebrew
                                                                                          7:00 PM CBE Board Meeting

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE STAR

                                                                                          12                           19 Nissan 13         20 Nissan 14          21 Nissan 15       22 Nissan 16         23 Nissan 17                24 Nissan 18              25 Nissan
                                                                                          9:00 AM Brotherhood Lowell White                              Candle Lighting     9:30 AM Pesach     3:55 PM Mincha        Candle Lighting Time—              Shemini
                                                                                          Water Rafting                                                 Time—7:09 EDT       Morning Service w/ Service                     7:12 EDT                  (Leviticus 9-11)
                                                                                          9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Religious School                            3:55 PM Mincha      Yizkor             7:30-9:00 PM Adult   7:30 PM Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Shabbat Service
                                                                                          9:30 AM - Noon Clean Up Day                                   Service             3:55 PM Mincha     Education: Stepping                              —Naomi Hope Cohen Bat
                                                                                          9:30-11:30 AM School Social Action Day                        7:30-9:00 PM Adult  Service            Into Judaism with                                Mitzvah
                                                                                                                                                        Ed.: Conversational                    Rabbi Mike

                                                                                          19                            26 Nissan 20       27 Nissan 21        28 Nissan 22       29 Nissan 23       30 Nissan 24                   1 Iyar 25                   2 Iyar
                                                                                                                                  7:00 PM Yom        3:55 PM Mincha      3:55 PM Mincha     3:55 PM Mincha      Candle Lighting Time—            Tazria/Metzora
                                                                                                                                  Hashoah Service    Service             Service            Service                   7:20 EDT               (Leviticus 12-13/14-15)
                                                                                                                                                     7:30-9:00 PM Adult                                        6:15 PM Shabbat Power       9:30 AM Shacharit
                                                                                                                                                     Ed.: Conversational                                       Hour Service                Service
                                                                                                                                                     Hebrew                                                                                10:30 AM Torah Study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Followed by Pot Luck

         The congregation calendar is also online at
                                                                                          26                                3 Iyar 27           4 Iyar 28            5 Iyar 29            6 Iyar 30            7 Iyar                          8 Iyar                       9 Iyar
                                                                                          4:00-6:00 PM Adult Education: Bible &                        3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha       3:55 PM Mincha           Candle Lighting Time—             Ahare/Kedoshim
                                                                                          Bourbon                                                      Service              Service              Service                        7:28 EDT                 (Leviticus 16-18/19-20)
                                                                                                                                                       4:15-6:15 PM         4:15-6:15 PM         7:00-10:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                       Religious School     Religious School     Sisterhood Event
                                                                                                                                                       7:30-9:00 PM Adult
                                                                                                                                                       Ed.: Conversational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Congregation Beth Elohim
Congregation Beth Elohim
133 Prospect Street
Acton, MA 01720

March   2020

                                 The deadline for
                                 the April issue of
                               The Star is March 15

                           Articles submitted to The Star
                           must include a contact name
                                in case of questions.

                           Congregant email addresses
                            listed in the CBE Directory
                           are to be used solely for CBE
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