Plum Super National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A (Plan) - Investment Menu
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Plum Super National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A (Plan) Investment Menu Preparation date Issued by the Trustee The Fund 1 October 2021 NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited MLC Super Fund ABN 80 008 515 633 ABN 70 732 426 024 AFSL 236465
This menu gives you information about the investments available through Plum Super. A financial adviser can help you decide which investment options are right for you.
Contents The information in this document forms part of Investing with us 4 the Plum Super - National Australia Bank Group Superannuation Fund A Things to consider before you invest 6 (Plan) Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), dated 1 Understanding your investment options 12 October 2021. Together with the Fee Brochure, Insurance Choosing your investment options 14 Guide, and the Claims Guide, these documents should be Your investment options 16 considered before making a decision about whether to Fees and costs for your investment options 21 invest or continue to hold the product. They are available Cost of product for your investment options 22 when you log in to plum. This document has been prepared on behalf of NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited, ABN 80 008 515 633, AFSL 236465 (NULIS) as Trustee of the MLC Super Fund, ABN 70 732 426 024 (the Fund). NULIS is part of the group of companies comprising IOOF Holdings Ltd ABN 49 100 103 722 and its related bodies corporate (IOOF Group). The information in this document is general in nature and doesn’t take into account your objectives, financial situation or individual needs. Before acting on any of this information you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. You should consider obtaining financial advice before making any decisions based on this information. References to ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ are references to the Trustee, unless otherwise stated. This offer is made in Australia in accordance with Australian laws. MLC Asset Management Services Limited, ABN 38 055 638 474, AFSL 230687 (MLC Asset Management), each referenced investment manager and JANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd, ABN 97 006 717 568, AFSL 230693 have given written consent to be named in this document and to the inclusion of statements made by them. As at the date of this document, these consents have not been withdrawn. In some cases, information in this document has been provided to us by third parties. While it is believed the information is accurate and reliable, the accuracy of that information is not guaranteed in any way. Subject to super law, the final authority on any issue relating to your account is the Fund’s Trust Deed, and any applicable participation agreement and insurance policy, which govern your rights and obligations as a member. The information in this document may change from time to time. Any updates or changes that aren’t materially adverse will be available at You also can obtain a paper copy of these updates at no additional cost by contacting us. An online copy of this document is available at 3 3
Investing with us We provide a broad range Selecting investment the day the transaction takes effect, of investment options and options rather than the day of the request. In the you can choose any event that the investment option We’ve appointed JANA Investment becomes suspended (e.g. due to combination of these to put Advisers Pty Ltd (JANA) to advise us on illiquidity), you will be unable to make your investment plan into our Investment Menu. It is one of the additional contributions, withdrawals or action. leading investment consultants in switches into or out of that suspended Australia with over 30 years of We offer multi-asset investment options investment option. As part of the experience and $850 billion of funds that invest across multiple asset-classes, suspension: under advice (as at 30 June 2021). JANA and a range of options that invest in a is partly owned by IOOF Holdings Ltd. Any contributions or rollovers that single asset class. would otherwise be invested in the The Investment Menu is regularly We’ve appointed MLC Asset suspended investment option in reviewed by a committee of experienced Management to advise on and manage accordance with your investment investment professionals. our investment options. Our investment strategy will instead be invested in experts, at MLC Asset Management, A number of factors are taken an alternative option, e.g. the Cash have extensive knowledge and into consideration when choosing Fund, until you provide us with experience in designing and managing the investment options. These may alternative instructions; portfolios using a multi-manager include the investment objective, fees, Any insurance cover you hold may investment approach. external research ratings and cease if there are insufficient monies performance, as well as our ability to in your non-suspended investment Our portfolios have different investment efficiently administer the investment options to cover the cost of the objectives because we know everyone option. The selection of options issued insurance; and has different requirements about how by companies either wholly or You may only withdraw your funds their money should be managed. partially owned by the IOOF Group is in accordance with any withdrawal Our portfolios make sophisticated done on an arm’s-length basis in line offer that we make. investing straightforward. with our Conflicts Management Policy. We are not responsible for losses that Our investment experts, at MLC Asset Investment switching delayed or suspended transactions may Management, structure our portfolios to You can change your investment options cause. deliver more reliable returns in many potential market environments. And, as any time. We do not charge a fee for you their assessment of world markets to do this. However, buy-sell spreads may changes, our portfolios are evolved to apply. capture new opportunities and manage Delayed and suspended new risks. transactions MLC Asset Management uses specialist We may delay or suspend transactions, investment managers in our portfolios. for example where an investment They research hundreds of investment manager delays or suspends unit pricing, managers from around the world and or when there are adverse market select the managers they believe are the conditions. best for our portfolios. These investment managers may be specialist in-house We may process withdrawal and switch managers, external managers or a requests in instalments over a period of combination of both. time and may also suspend processing of withdrawal and switch requests we Importantly, we stay true to the have received. In certain circumstances objectives of our portfolios, so you can we may refuse a request. Where requests keep on track to meeting your goals. are delayed, suspended or being paid in instalments, the unit prices used for transactions will be those available on 4
Monitoring of frequent switching This product is not appropriate for members who wish to switch their investments frequently in the pursuit of short-term gains. We monitor all investment options for abnormal transaction activity because this sort of activity can have adverse impacts for other members. To maintain equity, we have the right to deal with members who frequently switch by: delaying, limiting, rejecting or applying special conditions to future switch requests permanently cancelling membership rejecting applications to open new accounts in the Fund, and/or rejecting contributions and rollovers to existing accounts Withdrawals from the Fund The transaction will generally be processed using the unit price for the day the Trustee receives relevant documents and all requirements have been met. 5 5
Things to consider before you invest Before you invest, there are some things investments and withdrawals by Diversify to reduce volatility you need to consider. other investors and other risks How much risk you're prepared to accept changes in Australian and overseas Diversification – investing in a range of is determined by various factors, laws, and investments – is a sound way to reduce including: a counterparty not meeting its the short-term volatility of a portfolio’s obligations eg when buying your investment goals returns. That’s because different types securities, the seller may not deliver the savings you'll need to reach these of investments perform well in different on the contract by failing to provide goals times and circumstances. When some the securities. are providing good returns, others may your age and how many years you have to invest Volatility not be. where your other assets are invested Periods of volatility can be unsettling and Portfolios can be diversified across the return you may expect from your may occur regularly. You may find it different asset classes, industries, investments, and reassuring to know that often securities and countries, as well as across how comfortable you are with investments that produce higher returns investment managers with different investment risk. and growth over long periods tend to be approaches. more volatile in the short term. The more you diversify, the less impact Investment risk By accepting that volatility will occur, any one investment can have on your All investments come with some risk. you’ll be better able to manage your overall returns. Some investment options will have more reaction to short-term movements. This One of the most effective ways of risk than others, as it depends on an will help you stay true to your long-term reducing volatility is to diversify across a option’s investment strategy and assets. investment strategy. range of asset classes. The value of an investment with a higher When choosing your investment, it’s level of risk will tend to rise and fall more important to understand that: Diversification across asset classes is often and by greater amounts than just one way of managing risk. Our investments with lower levels of risk, ie its value and returns will vary over multi-asset portfolios diversify across it’s more volatile. time asset classes and investment assets with higher long-term return managers. Please refer to 'Approach While it may seem confronting, to investing' in the 'Choosing your potential usually have higher levels investment risk is a normal part of investment options' section for more of short-term risk investing. Without it you may not get the information. returns aren’t guaranteed and you returns you need to reach your may lose money investment goals. This is known as the future returns will differ from past A financial adviser can help you risk/return trade-off. returns, and clarify goals and assist with creating Many factors influence an investment’s a financial plan which helps you your future super savings (including value. These include, but aren’t limited manage risk and consider issues such contributions and returns) may not as: to: be enough to provide sufficiently for how many years you have to market sentiment your retirement. invest changes in inflation the savings you'll need to reach growth and contraction in Australian your goals and overseas economies the return you may expect from changes in interest rates your investments, and how comfortable you are with defaults on loans volatility. company specific issues liquidity (the ability to buy or sell investments when you want to) changes in the value of the Australian dollar 6
Types of assets Asset classes are commonly grouped as defensive or growth, based on their different characteristics. Defensive assets, such as cash and fixed income, may help provide positive returns in a portfolio when share markets are weak. On the other hand growth assets, such as shares and property, may be included in a portfolio because of their potential to produce higher returns than cash in the long term. Diversified investment options are usually invested across both defensive and growth assets because their risk and return characteristics tend to be diverse. However in some market conditions, all types of assets may move in the same direction, delivering low or negative returns at the same time. The main differences between defensive and growth assets are: Defensive Growth How they are generally used To stabilise returns. To provide long-term capital growth. Risk and return characteristics Expected to produce lower returns, and be Expected to produce higher returns, and be less volatile, than growth assets over the long more volatile, than defensive assets over the term. long term. Asset classes Asset classes are groups of similar types of investments. Each class has its risks and benefits, and goes through its own market cycle. A market cycle can take a couple of years or many years as prices rise, peak, fall and stabilise. Through investing for the long term, at least through a whole market cycle, you can improve your chance of benefiting from a period of strong returns and growth to offset periods of weakness. The illustration below shows indicative returns and volatility for the main asset classes over a whole market cycle. However, each market cycle is different, so unfortunately it isn’t possible to accurately predict asset class returns or their volatility. Depending on the conditions at the time, actual returns could be significantly different from those shown. Higher Indicative returns and volatility over a market cycle Private equity Shares Indicative returns Property Infrastructure Alternatives Fixed income Cash Lower Higher Indicative volatility Source: MLC Asset Management 7 7
Things to consider before you invest Here are the main asset class risks and rise, fixed income securities’ values Because alternatives are diverse, they benefits. tend to fall and when interest rates may be included in a portfolio for fall, values can rise. When interest their defensive or growth Cash rates and interest income are low or characteristics. Cash is generally a low risk investment. negative, even small rises in interest Alternative investments are usually Things to consider: rates may lead to falling market included in portfolios to increase values and losses. diversification and provide returns Cash is often included in a portfolio Duration is a common measure of an that aren’t strongly linked with the to meet liquidity needs and stabilise investment’s sensitivity to changes in performance of mainstream assets. returns. interest rates. To illustrate, if interest Investment managers include The return is typically all income and rates rise sharply by 1%, and a fixed alternative investments in a portfolio is referred to as interest or yield. income fund has a duration of three because they generally expect the Cash is usually the least volatile type years, the fund would likely lose return and diversification benefits of of investment. It also tends to have approximately 3% of its value. The alternative investments to outweigh the lowest return over a market cycle. longer the duration of a fixed income the higher costs often associated with The value of an investment in high investment, the more its value will be them. quality cash securities tends not to impacted by rising or falling interest Some alternative strategies are change. However, in extreme market rates, and the greater its interest rate managed to deliver a targeted environments cash interest rates or risk. outcome. For example, real return yields could become negative, Market values of fixed income strategies aim to produce returns resulting in a gradual decline in the securities may rise or fall due to exceeding increases in the costs of value of your investment over time. changes in perceptions of the living (ie inflation). Many cash funds invest in fixed business or government issuing the For some alternatives, such as income securities that have a very securities being able to meet their hedge funds, derivatives may be short term until maturity. interest and repayment obligations. used extensively and it can be less Fixed income (including term This is known as default risk or credit obvious which assets you’re investing deposits) risk. Issuers with higher credit quality in compared to other asset classes. are considered investment grade and Some alternative investments When investing in fixed income you’re have a lower credit risk than issuers are illiquid, which makes them effectively lending money to businesses below investment grade. Fixed difficult to buy or sell. or governments. Bonds are a common income securities with higher credit Because most alternative investments form of fixed income security. Fixed risk are referred to as credit or high aren’t listed on an exchange, income is also known as fixed interest. yield. Higher credit risk securities determining their value for a fund’s Things to consider: generally have higher potential unit price can be difficult and may Fixed income securities are usually returns (yields) to compensate involve a considerable time lag. included in a portfolio for their investors for their higher risk. Alternatives invested outside relatively stable return characteristics. There are different types of fixed Australia may expose your portfolio Returns typically comprise interest income securities and these will have to movements in exchange rates. and changes in the market value of different returns and volatility. the fixed income security. While Investing in fixed income securities income from fixed income securities outside Australia may expose your usually stabilises returns, falls in their portfolio to movements in exchange market value may result in a loss on rates. your investment. Market values may Alternatives fall due to concern about defaults on These are a very diverse group of assets. loans or an increase in interest rates. Some examples may include hedge Values of fixed income securities tend funds, real return strategies, and gold. to move in opposite directions to interest rates. So when interest rates Things to consider: 8 8
Infrastructure Unlisted infrastructure is less liquid Unlisted property is illiquid which Infrastructure businesses own, operate, which makes it more difficult for an makes it more difficult for an and maintain a diverse range of investment manager to buy or sell. investment manager to buy or sell. infrastructure assets such as toll roads, Investing outside Australia may Investing outside Australia may rail facilities, telecommunications expose your portfolio to movements expose your portfolio to movements networks, and airports. Access to these in exchange rates. in exchange rates. businesses may be through companies Property Australian shares or securities listed on a securities Access to property may be through trusts This asset class consists of investments exchange, through unlisted trusts, or listed on a securities exchange (known in companies listed on the Australian direct ownership. as listed property securities, Real Estate Securities Exchange (and other regulated Things to consider: Investment Trusts, or REITs), unlisted exchanges). Shares are also known as property trusts, or direct ownership. equities. Infrastructure is usually included in a Investments may include retail, portfolio for its growth and defensive Things to consider: commercial, industrial and residential characteristics. properties in Australia and around the Australian shares can be volatile and As many infrastructure assets are world. are usually included in a portfolio for often highly regulated monopolies, their growth characteristics. their revenue streams tend to be Things to consider: The Australian share market is less more regular and stable than other Property is usually included in a diversified than the global market growth assets. portfolio for its growth and defensive because Australia is currently Returns typically comprise income as characteristics. dominated by a few industries such well as changes in the value of the Returns typically comprise income as Financials and Resources. assets through time. (such as rental or REIT income) and Returns usually comprise dividend Returns are driven by many factors changes in value. income and changes in share prices. including the economic environment Returns are driven by many factors Dividends may have the benefit of tax in various countries. including the economic environment credits attached to them (known as As a result of differences in valuation in various countries. franking or imputation credits). frequency, listed infrastructure Returns from property can be volatile. Returns are driven by many factors securities’ returns may appear more Because listed property securities are including the performance of the volatile than unlisted infrastructure. listed on an exchange, their prices Australian economy. Listed infrastructure securities are constantly reflect the market’s Companies listed on the Australian listed on an exchange, so their prices changing view of REIT values. share market can be grouped as constantly reflect the market’s Unlisted property values are more small, medium and large changing view of their values, while difficult to determine and usually capitalisation (cap) based on factors unlisted infrastructure asset involve a considerable time lag. As a including the total market value of valuations are typically periodic and result of these differences in their listed shares and liquidity. regular. valuation frequency, listed property Investors in small cap companies Investments in listed infrastructure securities’ returns may be more generally experience greater price securities generally provide investors volatile than unlisted property. volatility than shares in large cap greater diversification across Investments in listed property companies because small cap countries, sectors and businesses securities generally provide investors companies trade less frequently and than investments that aren’t listed. greater diversification across in lower volumes. They may also The global infrastructure market countries, sectors, properties, and underperform large cap companies offers more diversification than the property-related companies than for many years. Australian market. investments that aren’t listed. And the global listed property securities market is even more diversified than the Australian market. 9 9
Things to consider before you invest Global shares Private equity Active management Global shares consist of investments in When investing in private equity you're Active managers select investments they companies listed on securities exchanges effectively owning shares in believe, based on research, will perform around the world. privately-owned businesses that aren't better than a market benchmark over the listed on exchanges. long term. Things to consider: Things to consider: They buy or sell investments when their Global shares can be volatile and are market outlook alters or investment usually included in a portfolio for Private equity is usually included in a insights change. their growth characteristics. portfolio for its growth The number of potential investments characteristics. The degree of active management affects is far greater than in Australian Returns are driven by many factors returns. Less active managers take small shares. including the economic environment positions away from the market Returns usually comprise dividend in different countries. benchmark and more active managers income and changes in share prices. Private equity can be volatile. take larger positions. Generally, the larger an investment manager's Returns are driven by many factors Private equity may be included in a positions, the more their returns will including the economic environment portfolio to provide higher returns differ from the benchmark. in various countries. than listed share markets in the long When you invest globally, you’re less run, and to increase diversification. Active managers have different exposed to the risks associated with Private equity is illiquid which makes investment styles that also affect their investing in just one economy. it difficult to buy or sell. returns. Some common investment styles Investing outside Australia means To access private equity you generally are: you’re exposed to movements in need to invest in a managed fund Bottom-up – focuses on forecasting exchange rates. that invests in private equity. returns for individual companies, Because private equity isn't listed on rather than the market as a whole. an exchange, determining its value Top-down – focuses on forecasting for a fund’s unit price can be difficult broad macroeconomic trends and and may involve a considerable time their effect on the market, rather lag. than returns for individual Investment approaches companies. Growth – focuses on companies they Investment managers have different expect will have strong earnings approaches to selecting investments, growth. which invariably results in different Value – focuses on companies they returns. No single investment approach believe are undervalued (their price is guaranteed to outperform all others doesn’t reflect earning potential). in all market conditions. Income – focuses on generating a There are generally two broad regular income stream through approaches: passive and active selecting companies, trusts and other management. securities they believe will deliver Passive management income, or through using derivatives and other strategies. Passive, or index, managers choose Core – aims to produce competitive investments to form a portfolio which returns in all periods. will deliver a return that closely tracks a market benchmark (or index). Passive managers tend to have lower costs because they don’t require extensive resources to select investments. 10 10
Responsible investing from time to time, be a small level of Further information on our Derivatives Environmental, social, governance (ESG), unintended tobacco-related exposure. Policy is available at and ethical factors impact the derivatives-policy The investment options aren’t promoted sustainability of companies and as socially responsible or ethical Currency management governments and therefore influence the investments. If an investment manager invests in returns from investing. Incorporating ESG and ethical considerations into Investment techniques assets in other countries, its returns in Australian dollars will be affected by investment decisions is known as Our investment experts and investment movements in exchange rates (as well as responsible investing. managers may use different investment changes in the value of the assets). techniques that can change the value of Examples of ESG and ethical factors are: an investment. A manager of international assets may Environmental - climate change, choose to protect Australian investors Some of the main investment techniques waste and pollution, resource against movements in foreign currency. are explained below. depletion. This is known as ‘hedging’. Alternatively, Social and labour standards - working Derivatives the manager may choose to keep the conditions, employee relations and Derivatives may be used in any of the assets exposed to foreign currency diversity, health and safety. investment options. movements, or ‘unhedged’. Governance - executive pay, bribery Returns from exposure to foreign Derivatives are contracts that have a and corruption, tax strategy. currency can increase diversification in value derived from another source such Ethical considerations - other factors as an asset, market index or interest rate. a portfolio. that could be detrimental to the There are many types of derivatives Short selling broader community. including swaps, options and futures. If short selling could cause a meaningful We don’t (as Trustee) take into account They are a common tool used to manage change in an investment option's value, labour standards, environmental, social risk or improve returns. we’ve made a note of it in the investment and ethical considerations for the Some derivatives allow investment option's profile. purposes of selecting, retaining or managers to earn large returns from realising investments. Short selling is used by an investment small movements in the underlying manager when it has a view that an How responsible investing applies to the asset’s price. However, they can lose asset’s price will fall. The manager investment options available to you, is large amounts if the price movement in borrows the asset from a lender, usually outlined below. the underlying asset is unfavourable. a broker, and sells it with the intention Investment management decisions for Risks particular to derivatives include the of buying it back at a lower price. If all the investment options are made by our risk that the value of a derivative may goes to plan, a profit is made. The key investment experts at MLC Asset not move in line with the underlying risk of short selling is that, if the price of Management, and the investment asset, the risk that counterparties to the the asset increases, the loss could be managers they select. derivative may not be able to meet significant. payment obligations and the risk that a MLC Asset Management expects active particular derivative may be difficult or investment managers to consider costly to trade. material effects any factors may have on investment returns, including ESG and Our Derivatives Policy permits the use of ethical factors. MLC Asset Management derivatives where consistent with an and the investment managers investment option’s objective, risk also engage with companies, providing profile, disclosure and governing an opportunity to enhance and protect documents, legislative and regulatory the long-term value of investments. requirements. They may be used for: We don’t intend for the investment hedging options to invest in tobacco efficient portfolio management, and manufacturing companies. There may, investment return generation. 11 11
Understanding your investment options The information below explains terms used in the profiles for each investment option in the Investment Menu. Terms Explanation Investment objective Describes what the investment option aims to achieve over a certain timeframe. Most investment options aim to produce returns that are comparable to a benchmark. The investment objective outlines whether returns used to judge an investment option’s success should have fees and tax included. Investment objectives may consider fees and tax in the following ways: After investment fees and tax (or 'after fees and tax') means that a number of items have been deducted when calculating the performance against an investment objective. These may include investment fees and costs, transaction costs and tax on investment earnings. Normally, other costs such as administration fees and costs, and other taxes haven't been deducted. Before fees and tax means that we haven't deducted investment fees or tax on investment earnings when calculating the performance against an investment objective. However, some of the more variable costs have been deducted, such as performance fees, investment costs and transaction costs. More information on fees and tax, and how they're deducted, is available from sections 6 and 7 of the PDS. Benchmark Benchmarks are usually market indices that are publicly available. Shares are often benchmarked against a share market index and fixed income against a fixed income market index. Other benchmarks can be based on particular industries (eg mining), company size (eg small caps) or the wider market (eg S&P/ASX 200 or the MSCI World Index). Benchmarks for multi-asset portfolios may be: made up of a combination of market indices weighted according to the asset allocation (commonly known as composite benchmarks), or a single measure, such as inflation. A common index of inflation, which is the rise in the cost of living, is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). When comparing returns to a benchmark you should consider: whether the investment option’s return is calculated before or after fees and tax are deducted the period over which the return should be measured, and that an investment option is unlikely to achieve its objective in all market environments. How the investment Describes how the investment option is managed. option is managed The investment option Suggests why you may be interested in investing in this particular investment option. Your own may be suited to you if... personal objectives and circumstances will also affect your decision. Minimum suggested Investment managers suggest minimum timeframes for each investment option. Investing for the time to invest minimum suggested time or longer improves your chances of achieving a positive return. However, investing for the minimum time doesn’t guarantee a positive return outcome because every market cycle is different. Your personal circumstances should determine how long you hold an investment. 12
Terms Explanation Asset allocation Asset allocations are displayed in different ways, reflecting how the investment option is managed: Strategic asset allocations (also known as benchmark or long-term asset allocations) provide an indication of the proportion of an investment option invested in each asset class. Ranges indicate the minimum and maximum that may be allocated to an asset class. Actual asset allocations aren't shown in this investment menu as they constantly change due to movements in asset values, and activities such as buying and selling of assets by investment managers. As a result, actual asset allocations can move above and below the strategic asset allocation. While usually remaining within any ranges provided, actual asset allocations may temporarily move outside the ranges due to movements in asset values. Recent actual asset allocations are available by logging in to Strategic asset allocations and ranges may change from time-to-time. We'll notify you of any material updates. Standard Risk Measure We include the Standard Risk Measure (SRM) to help you compare investment risk across the investment options offered. The SRM is based on industry guidance and is the estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20 year period. The SRM is not a complete assessment of investment risk, for instance it doesn't: detail the size a negative return could be or the potential for a positive return to be less than a member requires to meet their objectives capture the risk of the investment manager not meeting its investment objective, or take into account the impact of administration fees and tax, which would increase the chance of a negative return. Members should still ensure they are comfortable with the risks and potential losses associated with their chosen investment. For information on how the SRM is calculated, go to srm Risk Estimated number of negative annual returns in any Risk label band 20 year period 1 Very low Less than 0.5 2 Low 0.5 to less than 1 3 Low to medium 1 to less than 2 4 Medium 2 to less than 3 5 Medium to high 3 to less than 4 6 High 4 to less than 6 7 Very high 6 or greater 13 13
Choosing your investment options NAB Staff MySuper Sector specific options You should carefully consider the NAB Staff MySuper is an actively There is a range of single-sector risks of investing your entire account managed multi-asset investment option investment options available. balance in a single-sector investment designed to meet the needs of default Single-sector investment options cater option and whether this represents adequate diversification. members of the Fund. NAB Staff MySuper for people looking for an asset class For more information, refer to the is broadly diversified across asset classes, solution. 'Diversify to reduce volatility and across investment managers and within other risks' section of this We also offer the Cash Option which asset classes. Investment Menu. invests in deposits with banks and other If you don’t make a choice, your super comparable securities. money will go into NAB Staff MySuper. You should have some understanding of Or, you can choose an investment option investments, including the difference from one of the following ‘options’ between the main asset classes before which are designed to suit different selecting an investment option in this investor knowledge levels and desire for path. involvement. Diversified options There is a range of actively managed diversified investment options, so you can select an expected risk and return profile to meet your needs. At the lower end of the risk and return potential is ‘Capital Stable’ which invests mainly in defensive assets such as fixed interest and cash. At the higher end of the risk and return potential is ‘High Growth’, which invests mainly in growth assets such as shares. 14
Approach to investing • Diversification matters 3. Ongoing review For over 35 years our investment experts Asset classes perform differently in To make sure our portfolios are working have been designing portfolios using a different market conditions. hard for investors, our investment multi-manager approach, to help experts continuously review and actively Investing in many asset classes helps investors achieve their goals. manage them. smooth out the overall portfolios' The four key aspects of this investment returns, as asset class ups and downs can This includes adjusting the asset approach are: offset one another. allocation, investment strategies and managers. 1. Portfolio design 2. Managing the portfolio This may be because our investment Our multi-asset portfolios focus on what Our portfolios have different investment experts' assessment of the future market affects investor outcomes the most — objectives. That’s why our investment environment has altered or because asset allocation. experts select a different mix of assets they've found new ways to balance risk and investment managers for each. Each asset class has its own return and and return in the portfolios. risk characteristics. Money is allocated The investment managers may be specialist in-house managers, external 4. Portfolio implementation between asset classes based on the following beliefs: managers or a combination of both. We deliver better returns by avoiding unnecessary costs. Our investment • Risk can’t be avoided, but can be Our investment experts research experts help us do this by carefully managed hundreds of investment managers from managing cash flows, tax and changes around the world and select the To navigate our portfolios through in our portfolios. managers they believe are the best for different environments, our investment our portfolios. experts consider how economic and market conditions might unfold. The They are then combined in our portfolios insights from this analysis are used to so they complement each other. work out the combination of asset This multi-manager approach helps to classes that they believe will best achieve reduce risk and deliver more consistent a portfolio’s objective. returns. This helps prepare our portfolios for You can find out about the investment future market ups and downs. managers by logging in to • Returns and risks vary through time Analysis of how economic and market conditions might develop shows our investment experts how the potential returns and risks of each asset class could change over the next three to seven years. With this information, our portfolios’ asset allocations are adjusted to improve their return potential or reduce their risk. 15 15
Your investment options NAB Staff MySuper Investment objective To outperform inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index, plus 3% pa, after investment fees and taxes, over rolling 10 year periods. Benchmark A combination of market indices, weighted according to the strategic asset allocation. How the investment option is Aims to invest proportionately more in growth assets than defensive assets to achieve managed medium-to-high long-term returns, with moderate to high volatility. The investment option may be you want higher returns over the longer term, and suited to you if... you understand and accept there can be moderate to large fluctuations in the value of your investment. Minimum suggested time to invest 6 years Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset Ranges allocation Cash 7% 0-30% Fixed income - diversified 8% 0-20% Fixed income - credit 11% 5-25% Alternatives and other 4% 0-15% Infrastructure 6% 0-15% Property 6% 0-15% Global shares 28% 15-45% Australian shares 25% 10-40% Private equity 5% 0-15% Defensive assets 24% 10-35% Growth assets 76% 65-90% Standard Risk Measure High (estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period) 16
Diversified options Capital Stable Investment objective To outperform inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index, plus 1.5% pa, after investment fees and taxes, over rolling 5 year periods. Benchmark A combination of market indices, weighted according to the strategic asset allocation. How the investment option This portfolio is designed to provide investors with a diversified portfolio that is weighted is managed towards the traditionally more stable asset classes of cash and fixed income. The investment option may you want to invest in an actively managed portfolio with a bias to defensive assets, with be suited to you if... some exposure to growth assets, and preserving your capital is an important but not overriding concern. Minimum suggested time to 3 years invest BACK Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset Ranges allocation Cash 16% 0-30% Fixed income - diversified 38% 25-55% Fixed income - credit 14% 5-25% Alternatives and other 2% 0-15% Infrastructure 4% 0-15% Property 4% 0-15% Global shares 11% 0-20% Australian shares 10% 0-20% Private equity 1% 0-15% Defensive assets 64% 50-80% Growth assets 36% 20-50% Standard Risk Measure Medium (estimate of 2 to 3 negative annual returns in any 20 year period) Balanced Investment objective To outperform inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index, plus 2.25% pa, after investment fees and taxes, over rolling 7 year periods. Benchmark A combination of market indices, weighted according to the strategic asset allocation. How the investment option is This portfolio is designed to provide investors with a diversified portfolio that is approximately managed equally mixed between the traditionally more stable asset classes of cash and fixed income and those assets which have traditionally provided higher levels of overall return, namely property and shares. The investment option may you want to invest in an approximately equal mix of defensive and growth assets, and be suited to you if... you want a portfolio with bias to long-term capital growth potential and can tolerate moderate changes in value. Minimum suggested time to 5 years invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset Ranges allocation Cash 12% 0-30% Fixed income - diversified 24% 5-45% Fixed income - credit 11% 5-15% Alternatives and other 3% 0-15% Infrastructure 5% 0-15% Property 5% 0-15% Global shares 19% 5-35% Australian shares 17% 5-35% Private equity 4% 0-15% Defensive assets 45% 30-60% Growth assets 55% 40-70% Standard Risk Measure Medium to high (estimate of 3 to 4 negative annual returns in any 20 year period) 17
Diversified options Growth Investment objective To outperform inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index, plus 3% pa, after investment fees and taxes, over rolling 10 year periods. Benchmark A combination of market indices, weighted according to the strategic asset allocation. How the investment option is The portfolio is designed to provide investors with a diversified portfolio that is weighted managed towards asset classes which have traditionally provided a higher level of overall return, namely property and shares. The investment option may you want to invest with a strong bias to growth assets, and be suited to you if... you want a portfolio with a strong bias to long-term capital growth potential and can tolerate moderate to large changes in value. Minimum suggested time to 6 years invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset Ranges allocation Cash 7% 0-30% Fixed income - diversified 8% 0-20% Fixed income - credit 11% 5-25% Alternatives and other 4% 0-15% Infrastructure 6% 0-15% Property 6% 0-15% Global shares 28% 15-45% Australian shares 25% 10-40% Private equity 5% 0-15% Defensive assets 24% 10-35% Growth assets 76% 65-90% Standard Risk Measure High (estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period) High Growth Investment objective To outperform inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index, plus 4% pa, after investment fees and taxes, over rolling 10 year periods. Benchmark A combination of market indices, weighted according to the strategic asset allocation. How the investment option is The portfolio is designed to provide investors with long-term growth through a diversified managed property and share portfolio. The investment option may you want to invest with a strong bias to growth assets, and be suited to you if... you want a portfolio with a strong bias towards long-term capital growth potential and can tolerate large changes in value. Minimum suggested time to 7 years invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset Ranges allocation Cash 2% 0-30% Fixed income - diversified 0% 0-10% Fixed income - credit 0% 0-10% Alternatives and other 3% 0-15% Infrastructure 3% 0-15% Property 5% 0-15% Global shares 41% 25-55% Australian shares 40% 25-55% Private equity 6% 0-15% Defensive assets 5% 0-20% Growth assets 95% 80-100% Standard Risk Measure High (estimate of 4 to 6 negative annual returns in any 20 year period) 18 18
Sector-specific options Cash Plus Investment objective To outperform the Benchmark, before fees and taxes, over rolling 1 year periods. Benchmark Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index How the investment option The fund is actively managed and focuses on investing in securities with: is managed high credit ratings, and low sensitivity to changes in interest rates (eg securities with floating rather than fixed interest rates, and with maturity terms of less than one year). In normal market conditions these securities are liquid, but in adverse market environments they may be less liquid and have more price volatility, which could potentially reduce the value of your investment. The investment option may you want to invest in an actively managed low risk portfolio that aims to provide higher be suited to you if... returns than standard cash options, and you’re willing to accept the fund’s risks are higher than standard cash options. Minimum suggested time to 6 months invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset allocation Cash and fixed income 100% Standard Risk Measure Very low (estimate of less than 1 negative annual return in any 20 year period) Fixed Interest Investment objective To outperform the Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate by 1% pa, after fees and taxes, over rolling 10 year periods. Benchmark 50% Bloomberg Ausbond Composite Bond (All Maturities) Index 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Total Return Index (Hedged into Australian dollars) How the investment option The option is diversified across different types of fixed income securities in Australia and around is managed the world. The securities are predominantly investment grade and typically longer dated. Duration, a measure of the option's sensitivity to changes in interest rates, is normally in the range of 3 to 7 years. Foreign currency exposures will be substantially hedged to the Australian dollar. As a result of capital restructures of bond issuers, the option may have an incidental exposure to shares from time to time. The investment option may you want to invest in a fixed income fund that’s actively managed and diversified across be suited to you if... investment managers, types of fixed income, countries, and securities. Minimum suggested time to 3 years invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset allocation Australian fixed income 50% Global fixed income 50% Standard Risk Measure Low to medium (estimate of 1 to 2 negative annual returns in any 20 year period) 19
Sector-specific options Australian Shares Investment objective To outperform the Benchmark, before fees and taxes, over rolling 5 year periods. Benchmark S&P/ASX 300 Total Return Index How the investment option The option invests primarily in companies listed (or expected to be listed) on the Australian is managed Securities Exchange (and other regulated exchanges), and is typically diversified across major listed industry groups. The option may have a small exposure to companies listed outside of Australia from time to time. The investment option may you want to invest in an actively managed Australian share fund that’s diversified across be suited to you if... investment managers, industries and companies. Minimum suggested time to 7 years invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset allocation Australian shares 100% Standard Risk Measure Very high (estimate of 6 or more negative annual returns in any 20 year period) Overseas Shares Investment objective To outperform the Benchmark, before fees and taxes, over rolling 5 year periods. Benchmark 75% MSCI All Country World Net Index ($A Unhedged) and 25% MSCI All Country World Net Index ($A Hedged) How the investment option The option invests primarily in companies listed (or expected to be listed) on share markets is managed anywhere around the world, and is typically diversified across major listed industry groups. Foreign currency exposures will be partially hedged to the Australian dollar. The investment option may you want to invest in an actively managed global share portfolio that's diversified across be suited to you if... investment managers, countries (developed and emerging), industries and companies, and you're comfortable having some foreign currency exposure. Minimum suggested time to 7 years invest Asset allocation Asset class Strategic asset allocation Global shares 75% Global shares (hedged) 25% Standard Risk Measure Very high (estimate of 6 or more negative annual returns in any 20 year period) 20 20
Fees and costs for your investment options Administration fees and costs apply in addition to the fees and costs shown in this table. Please refer to the PDS and Fee Brochure for further information about fees and costs, including how the figures shown below are calculated. The investment fees and costs are made up of Equals Transaction Plus Transaction Buy-sell investment costs (gross)1 Performance other costs (net) spreads fees and costs fee investment fees and costs Entry %/ % pa % pa % pa % pa Exit % Your investment options NAB Staff MySuper 0.23% 0.74% 0.97% 0.08% 0.00%/0.00% 0.08% Diversified options Capital Stable 0.12% 0.49% 0.61% 0.00% 0.10%/0.10% 0.06% Balanced 0.21% 0.61% 0.82% 0.06% 0.00%/0.00% 0.06% Growth 0.23% 0.74% 0.97% 0.08% 0.00%/0.00% 0.08% High Growth 0.22% 0.79% 1.01% 0.08% 0.00%/0.00% 0.08% Sector-Specific options Cash Plus 0.00% 0.12% 0.12% 0.00% 0.01%/0.01% 0.00% Fixed Interest 0.00% 0.33% 0.33% 0.00% 0.10%/0.10% 0.04% Australian Shares 0.04% 0.52% 0.56% 0.10% 0.00%/0.00% 0.10% Overseas Shares 0.00% 0.80% 0.80% 0.06% 0.00%/0.00% 0.06% 1 Transaction costs (gross) is a figure reflecting all transaction costs incurred by the investment option before taking into account buy-sell spreads recovered. It is transaction costs (net) rather than transaction costs (gross) which impact investment returns to a member. 21
Cost of product for your investment options Cost of product for 1 year The cost of product gives a summary calculation about how ongoing annual fees and costs can affect your superannuation investment over a 1-year period for all superannuation products and investment options. It is calculated in the manner shown in the Example of annual fees and costs. The cost of product information assumes a balance of $50,000 at the beginning of the year. (Additional fees such as a buy–sell spread may apply: refer to the Fees and costs summary for the relevant superannuation product or investment option.) You should use this figure to help compare superannuation products and investment options. Cost of Product $ pa (based on account balance of $50,000) Your investment options NAB Staff MySuper 643.00 Diversified options Capital Stable 423.00 Balanced 558.00 Growth 643.00 High Growth 663.00 Sector-Specific options Cash Plus 178.00 Fixed Interest 283.00 Australian Shares 448.00 Overseas Shares 548.00 22
For more information call us from anywhere in Australia on 1300 55 7586 or contact your financial adviser. Postal address Plum Super GPO Box 63 Melbourne VIC 3001 Registered office Ground Floor, MLC Building 105–153 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 OBJA119981-1021
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