BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College

Page created by Anne Collins
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
 BULLETIN            ISSUE 2
                     FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022

                                          PHONE 03 5560 3888
                                           FAX 03 5560 3889
                               PO BOX 676, Warrnambool 3280

               Brauer College Is A Child Safe School
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
  Proudly Supporting
    Brauer College
      MONDAY                     TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                FRIDAY

                      14                    15                        16                   17                       18

                                 LIONS                                           HOUSE
                            YOUTH OF THE YEAR                                  SWIMMING
             7 B       D U N K E L D                C A M P                     SPORTS

                                            22          YR 7 & 10  23                       24                       25
                      21                             IMMUNISATIONS
  SCHOOL                    UNIT 3/4 OUTDOOR ED CAMP                                                      DAY
                                                                7 C    D U N K E L D            C A M P

                      28                        1                      2                    3                            4

                                                                              WD SWIMMING

                                                                7 D    D U N K E L D            C A M P

                      7                         8                      9                   10          HOUSE    11
                            Parents & Friends                                                        ATHLETICS @
                               Association                                                          BRAUERANDER
                                  AGM                                                               PFA - BUNNINGS BBQ
                                                                                                       SUNDAY 13TH

                       Y E A R     9   M O R R I S B Y        S T U D E N T     P R O F I L I N G

                      14                    15                        16   PARENT TEACHER
                                                                                         17                          18
   LABOUR DAY                                                                INTERVIEWS
 PUBLIC HOLIDAY                                                               4PM - 7PM             GWR SWIMMING

                                                                7 E    D U N K E L D         C A M P
   CONFERENCE         21                    22                        23                   24                        25
    INTERVIEWS                                                  7 F    D U N K E L D          C A M P
    4PM - 6:30PM
     VIA ZOOM                                   Y E A R   1 0    M E L B O U R N E        C A M P


Brauer College Is A Child Safe School
                                                                              FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
Year 7

Our Year 7 students are transitioning into the College very well. Our Pastoral care Leaders and Year Level co-ordinators
are checking in with the students to ensure their transition is as seamless as possible. Please continue to ring or email us
with any concerns that you may have. It is only through your feedback that we can identify areas that need improving.
The Year 7 camps have started, and it is wonderful to see the students making new friends and enjoying their outdoor
experience. As we watch the Year 12 students celebrate their time at the College, we know that memories of the Year 7
camps are very strong and are always included in the memory pages reflected on at the end of their school years.

Phone Policy

Our students have been marvellous in the manner they have adopted the phone policy. We also appreciate the parental
support for the implementation of the phone policy. It is only through the relationship with parents, staff, and students
that policies such as this are successful. Just a reminder that if a student is seen with a phone at school, it will be
confiscated and will remain at the front office until collected by a parent.

March 15th – COVID Update

We appreciate the parent and student support we have had in managing the virus at the College, whilst also ensuring a
safe environment for our staff and students. Please support your child in making sure they have a suitable mask to wear
at school.

“The use of rapid antigen tests (RATs) as a screening tool will also continue, supported by the distribution of an
additional 24 million free RATs to schools and early childhood settings over the remainder of this term. This is in
addition to the 15.6 million RATs rolled out during the first 4 weeks of Term 1 and means more than 39 million RATs in
total will be delivered to schools and early childhood settings throughout Term 1.

RATs have proved an important COVIDSafe tool to help reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and ensure our schools
are as safe as possible. Their use will remain voluntary for staff and students but are strongly encouraged.

Department of Health modelling indicates that in the first 2 weeks of school returning, the program has already
prevented more than 21,000 cases in schools alone.”

Sports and Athletics

The swimming sports saw some wonderful displays of student endeavour. Congratulations to all the students who were
successful in their events and to those students who entered the events and “gave their best”. Even though they may not
have received a ribbon, they were all awarded points for their House. The carnival, aided by the lovely weather,
provided a wonderful atmosphere which I’m sure the parents who were able to attend would agree with.

Of course, we very much appreciated the presence of our parent supporters who watched their children achieve great
results in the pool. Some were also timekeepers and involved in the many jobs to ensure the success of the carnival. This
emphasises and reinforces the importance of parental participation in children’s education. We have the Athletics
Carnival on Friday 11th March and invite parents to participate, (COVID rules will apply) even if you only attend for a
little time. The carnival will be held at Brauerander Park. The College will be closed for the day and all staff will be
based at Brauerander Park. We look forward to a great day.

             RESPECT                          RESPONSIBILITY                            PARTICIPATION
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College

We believe every student at Brauer College is a school ambassador for our College and wearing our College uniform with
pride shows support and respect for our College community. Our uniform requirements are outlined in many publications
including the College planner and the Parents Bulletin and all students and parents have signed and agreed to our uniform
policy upon enrolment at the College.

We wish to advise that School Council sets the policies of the College. Many of these policies are determined after
consultation with students, parents and staff. O.H. & S issues are also taken into account when making these decisions. This
ensures that our policies reflect our parent community and student attitudes. This includes the Uniform Policy. It clearly
outlines the school’s expectations of what constitutes correct school uniform and what does not. We request that particular
note is taken of the following:
    • Blazers are to be worn to and from school every day and to Pastoral Care and Sessions 1 and 2.
    • Summer uniform is to be worn every day of Terms 1 and 4; Winter Uniform in terms 2 and 3.
    • Piercings and facial hair are not part of the uniform.

Parents and Friends

We are very fortunate to have a hard-working group of parents who address issues across the
College and fundraise where necessary. This dedicated and enthusiastic group will be having a bar-
b-que at Bunnings on 13th March as a fundraiser. Please support this endeavour as all funds go
directly into improving facilities and traditions within the College.

                                                                                                         Jane Boyle

              RESPECT                          RESPONSIBILITY                           PARTICIPATION

 School Photo Day
 Students will be issued with details on how to order those, including family photos, on Tuesday 15th Feb in Pastoral
 Care time.

 Please remember FULL school summer uniform is required on this day and all uniform policies must be adhered to.

 You can also follow the information on the attachment above to order your images.
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
                                                                                    Office Hours
                                                                             MONDAY - THURSDAY: 8:30am - 4:30pm

                                                                             FRIDAY - 8:30 am - 4:00pm

                                                                             *Please note: BPAY is available
Over the coming weeks, students will be able to fill
out an ‘Expression of Interest’ form indicating
which Public Speaking Events they would like to try
in 2022. This is very exciting as so many have been
                                                                                     ABSENTEE HOTLINE
                                                        Direct Phone Lines
cancelled and postponed over the past 2 years.
If your child is interested in filling in either the                                      5560 3855
Junior (Years 7-9) or Senior (Years 10-12) form these
will be available from their English teacher or the
school library.
Completed forms can be ‘posted’ into the                                        YEAR 7                    5560 3807
‘Expression of Interest in Public Speaking’ box in
the library, given to their English teacher or given                            YEAR 8                    5560 3808
to either Ms Gibbons in her office opposite the                                 YEAR 9                    5560 3809
library or to me (Mrs Murphy) in my office in E
wing (E8A)                                                                      YEAR 10                   5560 3810
Any queries should be addressed to either Ms                                    YEAR 11                   5560 3811
Gibbons or myself.                                                              YEAR 12                   5560 3812
Forms will need to be submitted by Friday, March

11. Once these forms are in, we will contact students
with details about their chosen events as they come
up over the year.
We are looking forward to an exciting year in public
    Speaking and Debating at Brauer in 2022!

                                                                                 UNIFORM SHOP
                                                                                   NORMAL TRADING HOURS

                                                                              Tuesdays: 1.00pm—4.00pm
                                                                              Thursdays: 2.00pm—5.00pm
                                                                                    Phone: 03 7020 7878
Anne Murphy & Molly Gibbons                                                     https://BrauerCollege@noone.com.au
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
                                                       •   An uncluttered desk space will help
                                                           you stay focused – tidy it up at the
                                                           end of every session
  A dedicated study space at home is                   •   Make your space comfortable – a
  important – it helps your learning to be most            comfy chair/ desk & a good
  effective, and a regular place helps your                temperature helps you maintain
  brain quickly settle to learn!! The start of the         concentration
  year is the best time to get your space              •   Have good lighting over your desk –
  organised. Here are some tips to help create             dim light makes it harder to
  an effective space…                                      concentrate
                                                       •   Have your Planner on your desk -
    •     Create a dedicated study space that is           plan what homework
          quiet and free from distraction                  you will do in any
    •     Personalise your space – make it                 study session
          positive & inspiring and a place you         •   Place your device in
          enjoy!                                           another room to
    •     Keep your study space well organised             avoid distraction
          –use organisers, drawers or shelves to           (essential tip!)
          ensure all equipment you need is right
          there!                                      Happy studying!!       Kerri Morey
                                                                         Psychology Teacher

                2022 OPEN NIGHT
Please share the date with families who have grade
 five and six students at Primary School this year.
   More details to follow, including the link for
         registration to attend the evening.

                     FOLLOW US
                     ON FACEBOOK
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
Performing Arts
                Welcome back to all students
               as we gear up for a fun year of
               performances and productions
                    in Music and Drama.

                   Congratulations to Tom
                McCosker for performing in
               the Stars of the Lake program
                as part of the Annual Koroit
                Lake School in the holidays.
                 Tom was selected as one of
                 four young musicians from
               the region to prepare a present
                   a concert at the festival.

                Unfortunately due to risk of
               COVID-19 for some students
                      there was a missed
                   opportunity to perform to
                Warrnambool Audiences this
                   summer. Holiday Actors
               production of Shrek made it to
                the theatre for rehearsals but
                 will have to wait until next
                 summer to shine again and
                     Holiday Actors and
                    Warrnambool Theatre
                 Companies performance of
               Cats has been re-scheduled to
                 June. Congratulations to all
                  students involved and stay
               tuned for more information to

                 A reminder to parents and
                 students to keep an eye on
                your compass news feeds and
                 timetables for information
                 about the Music Academy
                    ensembles, upcoming
               instrumental lessons and BAD
                (Brauer Amateur Dramatics)
                          sign ups.

          Ali McLaren
           DRAMA & MUSIC
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
                               Parents & Friends
                                                                                                         TERM 1
   AGM - Tuesday 8th March, 2022
   7pm, College Library
   Everyone welcome to attend our Annual General Meeting for 2022.                  MAR
   Come along, no pressure, meet a dynamic group of parents who are helping
   to support all students at Brauer College.

   A wonderful opportunity to get involved with the school community!
   We’d love to see you!

Bunnings BBQ - Sunday 13th March, 2022
Huge thank you to the families who have volunteered their time to help out with our Bunnings BBQ
- our first fundraiser for the year. If you would like to help out please contact Julie Pram, details

Another shout out to BRUMBY’s Bakery for donating 10 loaves of fresh bread for our event!

DONATIONS: We are asking families for a small cash donation if they can help - this will go towards
purchasing the sausages for the BBQ. Any donations can be made directly to the front office up until
Friday 11th March. Thank you in advance.

Don’t forget to pop along to the BBQ stall and say hello!

Easter Raffle Donations - Friday 1st April, 2022
Raffle Drawn - Open Night, Wednesday 6th April                                                             APR
Always a hit - we are running our Easter Raffle - as always this is only a success because of the
amazing support we have from our Brauer College families. Donations of Chocolates, Easter
Goodies, Gift Baskets/Boxes and wrapping essentials are all greatly appreciated. These can be
dropped off a the front office, right up until Friday 1st April. Then our wonderful PFA Members
will wrap them up all ready to raffle.

Raffle Drawn: Open Night, Wednesday 6th April, 2022.
No paper tickets to worry about - click on the link or scan the QR code to purchase your tickets
and go into the draw!

Good Luck: https://www.raffletix.com.au/?ref=5sgfp

DONATIONS NEEDED!                                                                                       CONTACT - Julie Pram
Easter Eggs, Chocolates, Gift Wrapping,                                                                 julie.pram@hotmail.com
Ribbon, Hamper Baskets/Boxes                                                                            Phone 0417 117 568
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College
Brauer College
                                                              BUS TRAVELLERS

                                                               As from Monday 7th February, the buses
                                                             resumed collecting fares from all passengers.

                                                            Bus passes are available to be purchased from
                                                                our office. Any queries please contact
                                                               Warrnambool Bus Lines on 5562 1866.

   Thank you to all Y7-10 for sitting the On Demand
(Number and Algebra) online assessments over the past
3 weeks. Our results are used to inform lesson planning
for Maths and other subjects across the school and also
 for checking for growth throughout the year. Contact
  your child's teacher if you'd like more information.


 We'd love to sell your TI-nspire calculator for you. We
have a waiting list. Contact Nat Draper for more details

       TEXTBOOKS FOR SALE                                  ACCESSING COUNTRY BUSES
            2 x Y9 Advanced Maths                             ON A CASUAL BASIS
            3 x Y11 Maths Methods.
                                                           Brauer College would like to remind all Country
                                                              Bus travellers that only students that are
                                                           registered to travel on specific country buses can
  MATHS TUTORIALS                                           use this service; the service is not to be used for
                                                            sports training/work/social purposes. Parent/
                                                             Carers are to make their own arrangements in
          Every Tuesday                                                         this regard.

      in A8 3:30pm -5:00pm.                                We appreciate your cooperation with this matter,
Stay as long as you need. EVERYONE welcome, class
                                                           Jane Boyle
work, homework, time to practise, etc. (Photo to send      Principal
 Thursday morning with Nat, Michael and Philippa).

      No bookings needed, pack an extra snack.             Please remember that MASKS are required for
                                                           bus travel, in line with current Covid regulations.
BULLETIN ISSUE 2 FRIDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2022 - Brauer College

                                                     2021    CANT EEN
                                                               PRE ORDERING
                                                            ‣ SKIP THE LINES AT LUNCHTIME

                                                            ‣ PRE ORDER BEFORE SCHOOL
                                                             OR AT RECESS

                                                            ‣ PICK UP FROM THE
                                                             LINE IN THE CENTRE
                                                             OF THE CANTEEN AT

 Copies of last year’s Enterprise
Magazine are available to purchase
      from the front office.

            $20 per copy

 After hours contacts for young people and families:
 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800                                 Ngata Brauer College,
 Lifeline 13 11 14                                             Next Friday the 18th - we have our first Kakay
 Parentline 1300 30 1300                                                     Academy for 2022.
 Family Violence Service ‘Safe Steps’ 1800 015 188          We are meeting in the Clontarf room (C wing) to setup
 Grief Line 12 noon-3 am 1300 845 745                                  what will be an incredible year!
 Police / Fire / Ambulance 000                              Come down and meet the young Indigenous women
 Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292                       that are the Brauer College - Kakay Academy!
 Suicide Help Line 1300 651 251                             Wurruk,
                                                            Mel, Jude and Ms Sabel

                100 DA S
            100 NE UMPIRES
               $100 CASH
                                                                                                         NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT
                                                                                  The operation of the Hawkesdale pool has been coordinated for many years by a small group of dedicated
                                                                                  volunteers, who have committed many hours every week to ensure that we as a community have access to
                                                                                  one of the best pools in the district.

                                                                                  Due to some volunteer retirements after lengthy service the pool needs new volunteers. We need more
                                                                                  support; we need the community to help us keep our pool open!

                                                                                  The Hawkesdale Pool Committee have identified several roles that will need filling for the 2022/2023
                                                                                  season. These include:

                                                                                  •      Secretary

                                                                                  •      Treasurer
  CHILDREN WILL NEVER REMEMBER                                                    •      Senior Lifeguards
        ALL THAT YOU SAY                                                          •      Junior Lifeguards

                                                                                  •      Chemical Management
        THEY WILL REMEMBER                                                        •      Pool Cleaning
      HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL                                                      •      Canteen Coordinator
                                                                                  •      Moyne Shire Liaison

Welcome to the Merrivale                                                          •

                                                                                         Facility/Ground Maintenance Coordinator

                                                                                         Equipment Management/Maintenance

Football Netball Club                                                             The community needs to make a commitment NOW to maintain control of our pool. We need people
                                                                                  willing to commit their time.

                                                                                  If the Hawkesdale Pool Committee is not able to find the support required to operate the pool for the
                                                                                  2022/2023 season, the management of the pool will need to be handed to the Moyne Shire (pool

     We are looking for players
                                                                                  management will be contracted out).

                                                                                  There will be a meeting at the pool on Monday 28th February 2022 at 7pm, please attend to find out more
                                                                                  and offer your support. If you are not able to make the meeting, please feel free to contact Damien Elliott
                                                                                  (President) on 0427608542.
 The Merrivale Football Netball Club would like to
 invite all students to join our under 15 and 18 sides
              for the 2022 football season.

Preseason training will be Mondays and Wednesday
   nights commencing at 4:30 for under 15s and
    5.00 o’clock for under 18s, commencing on
               Monday 7th February.

      Our junior development aims to create an
  inclusive environment where all children will be
                   treated equally.

Our club fosters encouragement, development of both
  skills and knowledge of the game of football and
    above all creating an environment of safety,
 positivity, enjoyment and fun for children, parents
                   and supporters.

          For further information contact
                Rohan Crispe
       Junior Development Coordinator
                0434 196 117

    Merrivale Football Netball Club Facebook Page

       Merrivale Football Netball Club Inc.
         Merrivale Recreation Reserve, Merrivale Drive, Warrnambool Vic 3280
                                          PO Box 209 Warrnambool Vic 3280

                 Affiliated with Warrnambool & District Football Netball League
 Work at Port Fairy Folk Festival
          (Ages 15-17)

 The Connected Circus is looking
   for assistants to work in their
Circus space at the Port Fairy Folk
          Festival in 2022.

           If you are:
  Aged between 15 -17 years old
          Good with kids
     Reliable & enthusiastic
    Enjoy learning new skills
  Able to work 15 hours over the

 Contact Vern on 0402462526
For your time, you will receive a
      ticket to the festival
          and get paid!
2022 Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award (LJPSA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Regional Finals
                                                                                                                                                       Date                             Venues                                                           Start Time

                                                                                                                                                         Thursday 26                    Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                       Tuesday 7                        Dandenong RSL                                                    9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                          Wednesday 8                   Hamilton & District Legacy Club                                  10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                        (OR Hamilton Institute of Rural Learning)

                                                                                                                                                          Thursday 9                    Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                          Friday 10                     Wimmera Legacy, Horsham                                          10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                        (OR Horsham Church of Christ, Horsham)

School                                                                                                                                                 Tuesday 14
                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 15
                                                                                                                                                         Thursday 16
                                                                                                                                                                                        Bendigo Legacy Club
                                                                                                                                                                                        Santa Maria College, Northcote
                                                                                                                                                                                        Melbourne Legacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                         Thursday 16                    Warrnambool Legacy Club                                          10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                         Friday 17                      Geelong Legacy Club                                              10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                         Thursday 14                    Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                         Friday 15                      Box Hill RSL                                                     9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                          Wednesday 20                  Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                          Thursday 21                   Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
Legacy Junior Public                                    Legacy’s 90th Annual                          School Support                                      Friday 22                     Box Hill RSL                                                     9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
Speaking Award                                          ANZAC Commemoration                           Fundraising is a fun, rewarding way                 Friday 22                     Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School                                     9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
Students between 12 and 14 years                        Ceremony for Students                                                                            Monday 25                      Mentone Girls Grammar School                                     9:30 a.m. for 10.00 a.m.
of age have the opportunity to                                                                        the lives of veterans’ families.
                                                                                                                                                         Tuesday 26                     Baptist Church Complex, Wonthaggi                                9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                      Fundraising encourages charitable                Wednesday 27                     Ballarat Legacy Club                                             9:00 a.m. for 9:30 a.m.
public speaking skills through                                                                        giving and gives your students a true            Wednesday 27                     Mornington Peninsula Legacy Club, Mt. Eliza                      9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
Legacy’s Junior Public Speaking                                                                       understanding of the support Legacy              Thursday 28                      Warragul RSL                                                     9:00 a.m. for 9:30 a.m.
Award. Now in its 33rd year, the                                                                      provides to families who have                      Thursday 28                    Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
Awards program encourages                               honours Australia’s brave service
                                                                                                                                                         Friday 29                      Shepparton Legacy Club                                           10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m.
students to share their views on                        men and women through the eyes
                                                        of the young, with student guest              The major public appeal will be                  August
                                                        speakers, school bands and Defence            held Sunday 28 August to Friday                  Friday 5                         Astor Cinema Complex, Ararat                                     9:00 a.m. for 9:30 a.m.
the importance of remembrance.                          Force cadets, proudly supported               2 September 2022. Badge Day
                                                        by Legacy’s patron Her Excellency             in Melbourne will be on Friday                      Thursday 11                   Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
For more details, go to:                                the Honourable Linda Dessau AC,               2 September 2022.
                                                                                                                                                          Monday 15                     Melbourne Legacy                                                 9:30 a.m. for 10:00 a.m.
                                                        Governor of Victoria, dignitaries             If you wish to fundraise at your school
                                                                                                      and help Legacy families, please email
                                                        and primary schools are invited to                                                                Confirmed Venues to Host LJPSA: As at                  3rd   February 2022
                                                        lay wreaths and parade their school
                                                                                                                                                       Please Note: Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award will be subject to COVIDSafe Restrictions.
                                                        banners as part of the service.
                                                        For more details and to register,
                                                        go to:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     293 Swa n sto n Stre e t Me lb o u rn e VIC 3000
                                                                                                                                                         Melbourne Legacy                                                                                   GPO Bo x 4312 Me lb o u rn e VIC 3001
                                                                                                                                                         Su p p o r t in g o u r v e t e r a n s ’ fa m ilie s                          Ph o n e : +61 (0)3 8626 0500 Fa x: +61 (0)3 9663 3015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             w w w .m e lb o u r n e le ga cy.co m .a u
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ABN 78 043 769 632

                                               Supporting our veterans’ families

                                                                                                                                                Detox your Home is
                                                                                                                                                coming to your area!

   Detox your Home is                                                                                                                            Dispose of everyday household
                                                                                                                                                 chemicals such as bleach,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Why recycle household

   coming to your area                                                                                                                           pesticides, weed killers, cleaning
                                                                                                                                                 products, cosmetics and cooking
                                                                                                                                                 oil without harming your health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Household chemicals can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dangerous. They can harm your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  family and pets, add extra fuel to a
                                                                                                                                                 or the environment.                                                              house fire, release toxic fumes and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  pollute the environment now and
                                                                                                                                                 Register today for Sustainability                                                into the future. Disposing of these
                                                                                                                                                 Victoria’s free Detox your Home                                                  items responsibly will:
                    Toxic household chemicals such as bleach, pesticides, weed killers, cleaning                                                 event, a household chemical                                                      • reduce the risk of poisoning,
                    products, cosmetics and cooking oil should never be put in your rubbish bins
                                                                                                                                                 drop-off day.                                                                      keeping your family and pets safe
                    or poured down the drain.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • keep toxic chemicals out of
                    Dispose of everyday household chemicals safely at Sustainability Victoria’s                                                  Warrnambool event                                                                  waterways, and
                    Detox your Home events, without harming your health or the environment.
                                                                                                                                                 Saturday 5 March 2022                                                            • minimise environmental pollution
                    Warrnambool event                                                   To register for an event near you,                       8.00am to 12.00pm                                                                  and fire hazards.
                    Saturday 5 March 2022                                               simply scan the QR code or visit
                                                                                                                                                 Warrnambool Saleyards
                    8.00am to 12.00pm                                                   sustainability.vic.gov.au/detoxyourhome
                                                                                                                                                 81-91 Caramut Road, Warrnambool
                    Warrnambool Saleyards                                               Please note that events are held
                    81-91 Caramut Road, Warrnambool                                     annually at locations around Victoria.                   Detox your Home events are now drive-through and contactless,
                                                                                                                                                 supported by a COVIDSafe plan.
                    Detox your Home events are now drive-through and contactless, supported by a COVIDSafe plan.

Paint, batteries and fluorescent lights are not accepted at this event.                                                                         Detox your Home is a free service for all Victorian householders. It is
For safety reasons we can’t accept containers of more than 20 litres or 20 kilograms.                                                           administered by Sustainability Victoria in partnership with local councils
Please bring chemicals in their original packaging or in disposable containers.
For a full list of chemicals accepted, visit sustainability.vic.gov.au/accepteditems
                                                                                                                                                and is funded by the Victorian landfill levy.
You can also read