Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!

Page created by Carolyn Gordon
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Issue 13 2019

                                                             Merry Christmas and
                                                                   Happy New Year
                                                            from all of us at G61!!
         We wish you all the very best of health, happiness, luck and light for 2020!

         A year in review

         We have had quite the year this year at Group61. We have said hello and goodbye to some wonderful staff and
         incredible students. We launched our Companions and expected
         to launch our Youth program, while we have had to put Youth on
         freeze for now, Companions has been building steadily over the
         year and is going strong. This year also saw us commence work
         looking at NDIS membership and the year closes with us se-
         curing our first NDIS registration. (If you are receiving NDIS
         funding and would consider including Group61 in your package
         please contact Kat in the new year to discuss this further; / 3621 4362). Group61 also moved this
         year! From our cosy office in the St Luke’s building to our very
         own cottage which we fondly refer to as The Group61 Hub. It
         has been lovely to feel like we have our very own home.

         We have had an incredible year of fundraising and we would like
         to acknowledge and thank all our fundraising superstars, from
         our G61 Bridge to Brisbane team, to our Bunnings BBQ Volun-
         teers, our Grill’d supporters, and our incredible ongoing support
         form Lucia Balzano and committee of the Festa Paesana Madon-
         na delle Grazie. Combining all these events this year we have
         raised around $5000 for the Group61.

         (Continue on Page 2)

                                                       Like, follow and share to get the latest updates on what’s happen-
                                                       ing at Group61 as well as information on free events from the
                                                       Northern Suburbs down to the Gold Coast. If there’s something
                                                       you’d like to share with our community, send us a Facebook inbox
                                                       message so we can post it for you!

                                                       Find our page by searching “Group61 WMQ” on Facebook!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
A New Year In Review
(Continue from Page 1)

As you know all of us at Group61 love to socialize and won’t say no to a party! This year we; danced and laughed at
May Joy, enjoyed a lovely dinner with our ACs to acknowledge volunteer week, celebrated our 3rd anniversary in July
with Origami, poetry and Theatre. As part of the theatre project we workshopped at QPAC and during Mental Health
week at 9th Brisbane Mental Health Expo, after 5 weeks of rehearsal we our performed as Everybody Theatre
Everybody Art at The HeARTlands Festival which launched Social Inclusion week in November. G61Companions
had two excursions with guided tours this year, to Rainforest in Maleny and to Southbank to GOMA. We had a won-
derful close to the year with our members Xmas lunch which saw around 70 of us making each other Baubles and
singing to the music of the Brisbane Bells and our final event, our volunteers Xmas drinks and canapes, where we
were honored to receive a welcome and talk by gallery owner, incredible artist and first nations elder, Birrunga.

As you will know most if not all of our events are organised and hosted by our amazing staff team on top
of the general running of the day to day program, this includes finding new and different places to visit /
event themes, arranging catering and transport and usually includes either organising or providing a talk /
tour / activity or entertainment. So I would like to offer a special thank you to our staff, you work tireless-
ly with so much compassion and commitment to offer our members opportunities to connect with each
other, to have fun, to learn and to feel special and spoilt! I hope you know how much you are appreciated,
respected and loved by everyone!!

                                                                            2 key piece of work we imple-
                                                                            mented this year were; a new
                                                                            Area Coordinator Mentoring
                                                                            Process and our first Friend
                                                                            Evaluation. We have now
                                                                            graduated three new ACs
                                                                            through this process and cur-
                                                                            rently have five new ACs in the
                                                                            process, we hope this process
                                                                            provide better support and
                                                                            guidance to our new ACs, that
                                                                            they are confident to stay on
                                                                            and build their regions. Results
                                                                            form our Friend Evaluation are
                                                                            currently being analyzed and
                                                                            we will also be following this up
                                                                            with an annual survey to all our
                                                                            volunteers in early 2020. We
                                                                            hope that in our first newsletter
                                                                            next year we will be able to
                                                                            feedback to you with some of
our successes, challenges and learnings and how we intend to use all your feedback to improve the pro-
gram experience next year. Thank you to everyone who has so far participated and thank you in advance
to those of you who will participate in the new year – your voice is essential to us being able to learn and
improve and ensure we are providing you the best experience we can!!

I wish you all a wonderful end of the year, I hope you can make time to relax, rest and recuperate for
2020. I look forward to seeing you all at some point next year either at our events or training.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Christmas Lunch with Group61!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Everybody Theatre, Everybody Art
 This year Group61 was successful in securing a grant from Brisbane City Council to run a collabora-
 tive community theatre project in partnership with, Communify and Red Cross QLD’s Jeays Street
 community centre. The project built on a previous 2016 Theatre of the Oppressed project at Jeays
 street and was designed to bring members form all our services together to create a piece of forum
 theatre, to be performed during Social Inclusion Week in November.

                                                        Theatre of the Oppressed is a form of theatre
                                                        that originated in Brasil and its philosophical
                                                        framework is built around empowering disad-
                                                        vantaged / disenfranchised communities to
                                                        tell their common story / social experience of
                                                        oppression. This will be a short piece of sto-
                                                        rytelling that ends badly for the lead and the
                                                        audience are then invited to get active and
                                                        interject with offerings, identifying places in
                                                        the story they believe the lead could have
                                                        done things differently and possibly secured
                                                        a different outcome. The project is steeped in
                                                        empowerment and strategy learning for the
                                                        participants and for the audience, real world
                                                        learning of deep-seated social injustice and
                                                        the subsequent common social barriers mar-
 ginalized groups face.

 We commenced by running a series of one-off workshops between June and October that included
 workshops at; each of our services, various sector events, a national conference presentation and
 workshop, a community stakeholder meeting and, very excitingly, our biggest and first combined par-
 ticipant workshop was held at QPAC. At the end of October we commenced our project proper which
 saw us meet every Friday for 4 weeks to play various games, learn new skills and build up the essen-
 tial trust and rapport needed to pull off the performance. Over our final week we met and rehearsed
 our story over three days and finally performed on Friday 22 November at The HeARTlands Festival.
 Group61 are particularly excited to note the story
 lead was a new member of our Group61Compan-
 ions family, Chris, who did a fantastic job and made
 us all very proud!!

 This experience was so incredible, unique and
 powerful, bringing together a variety of souls who
 may otherwise never have crossed paths and in a
 total of 27 hours this group created and beautiful
 and provoking piece of theatre. The feedback has
 been wonderful from both participants, facilitators,
 funders and audience. Thank you to everyone who
 contributed in making this project happen and to
 making it such a success. A special thank you to
 Brisbane City Council for seeing the value if this
 work and funding us so generously and a big thank
 you to Tabatha Pashen and Isobel Stankiewicz
 without who the project would probably never have
 got off the ground!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Pics From Theatre Workshops

What a fun time! Beautiful people!
So excited to see the story form!
I’m nervous but I know I’m well supported!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
A Loving Team at G61!

Did you know that G61 has been approved as an NDIS service provider? If you or anyone
you know is interested in nominating G61 on your NDIS service agreement, please con-
tact us on 3621 4362.

If you or someone you know is aged 55 or older and has a home care package, you could
allocate some of your funding towards participation in our Companion Program, for further
information please call 3621 4362.
 G61 does not receive government funding, and our service is generally provided free of
charge to everyone in our adult program, so any contribution via NDIS or home care pack-
     ages is a great help to us to continue providing our service to the community.

                           We appreciate your support!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Thank you Jan!

Earlier this year we saw the retirement of Jan Hunter, a volunteer with Group 61 for 20 years.

In 2000, John Fox, the founder of Group 61, seeing the need for greater community support for people with mental
health issues approached a group from Chermside Gospel sharing and invited them to attend a meeting to discuss how
and what they could do to help. Jan was the only one who turned up but, undeterred the two of them decided to go
ahead. Others soon joined and the fledgling concept was developed. And so Group 61 was formed and took its name
from Isiah 61 which calls upon people to love and support those in great need.

Soon Jan had her first ”Friend” and then another. They worked together as a team for many years with arts and crafts
being the central focus of their activities.

Over the past 20 years she has lovingly, patiently and with much cheerfulness, faithfully supported those entrusted to

As well as the support given to her Friends, Jan was ever mindful of what was happening in Group 61 and involved her-
self in so many aspects, always there for Volunteer meetings, the bi-monthly BBQs and any other event on the calen-

She was greatly supported by her late husband, Roy, who became our official photographer recording so many happy
memories of our events.

Many hundreds of volunteers have given their time and effort to Group 61 since 2000 but we must acknowledge the
exceptional contribution of Jan Hunter.

We thank you and we bless you, Jan!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Useful Resources
Did you know that there are several places to turn to for free Christmas meals and activities? It is an oppor-
tunity to have some fun with great company in the spirit of companionship!!!

 Free Community Christ-
 mas Meals                                                             Location                  Date and Time
                          End of season Feast, Gift and    Jeays St Community Centre | 12    18 December 11am to 1pm
                          Hamper                           Jeays St, Bowen Hills

                          Christmas Lunch and hampers, 3rd Space, 505 Brunswick St,          24 December 11am to 1pm
                          gifts - T: 3254 1144         Fortitude Valley
                          Christmas Lunch - RSVP on        Wesley Mission, ER Hub, 316 St       25 December 12pm
                          T:3216 1579                      Pauls Terrace, Valley
                          Signal Flare Christmas           Musgrave Park, 91 Cordelia St,    8 December 10am – 1pm
                                                           South Brisbane
                          Christmas Lunch                  Wesley Mission, Wesley House,        25 December 12pm
                                                           140 Ann St, City
                          Wendybird LGBTIQ Found Fam- West End Croquet Club, 91 Cor- 21 December 12pm to 4:30pm
                          ily Festivities             delia st, South Brisbane
                          Christmas Lunch - RSVP by 19th Bayside Uniting Church, 420         25 December 11.30am to
                          Dec on T: 3890 2392            Wondall Rd, Manly West                     2.30pm
                          Communify Christmas Lunch - Suncorp Stadium - Gate D                25 December 11:30am
                          RSVP 16 Dec T: 35102700
                          Community Christmas Party -      1052 Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd,        11 December 12-2pm
                          RSVP T: 3291 5900                Mackenzie
                          Christmas Market Day/ Ham-       The Newmarket Hall (212 As-               11-Dec
                          pers - Register T: 31984410      grove Ave, Newmarket)

                          Christmas Lunch                  West End Community House - 4       18 December 11:30pm
                                                           Norfolk Rd, South Brisbane

                          Christmas Lunch – OPEN - T:      Ozcare, 48 Peel St, South Bris-     25 December 12noon
                          3028 4350 (Ozcare Residents      bane
                          Christmas Lunch and presents - Brighton Health Campus (free 25 December 10am to 2.30pm
                          Sandbag - RSVP on 3869 3244 transport from Sandgate Comm
                          or        Centre)

 Christmas Hampers /
                                                                       Address                       Contact
                          Communify - Christmas Market 212 Ashgrove Avenue, Ashgrove
                          Day (11 Dec)                                                           RSVP: 3198 4410

                          Wesley Mission QLD (Toys, Red    316 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude
                                                                                                   T: 3216 1579
                          Bags, Hampers)                   Valley
                          Jeays St Community Centre /      Jeays St Community Centre | 12
                                                                                              18th Dec | 11am to 2pm
                          Valley Hearts                    Jeays St, Bowen Hills
                          Micah Projects - MICAH clients   162 Boundary St West End
                                                                                                   T: 3036 4444
                          Sandbag Christmas Party          449 Hornibrook Hwy, Brighton
                                                                                                   T: 3869 3244
                          Trinity Welfare Pantry - Tues to Church St, Fort Valley
                          Fri throughout Dec (9am-3pm),
                                                                                                   T: 3852 1635
                          closed 25th/26th Dec and Jan 1

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
If you need any support during this holiday season,
here are some contacts

Emergency Contacts
Agency and Contact           Support Service                                          Contact Details

The Brook Red Centre         Brook RED is a peer run community service providing      T: 3343 9282 | 9am to 9pm
                             support for any individual who has a lived mental
                             health experience.

StandBy Response Service     The Standby Response service provides a 24-hour          T: 3250 1856
                             coordinated response to assist families, friends and     147 Gipps St Fortitude Val-
                             acquaintances who have been bereaved by suicide.         ley

QLD Government –             Families can access advice / or more hands-on sup-       T: 13 32 64
13Family Hotline             port and be linked up with their local, community-
                             based Family and Child Connect service. Support
                             available for families experiencing issues with family
                             relationships, budgeting, housing or other concerns.
                             Family and Child Connect can provide information,
                             advice and support to keep families safe this Christ-
                             Closed 25 Dec, 26 Dec, 1 Jan 2020.
Health, Financial Wellbeing Support Services and ER
Agency and Contact           Support Service                                          Eligibility

3rd Space (7 days per        Medical services- GP’s, nurses, Anglicare Nurse, acu-    Open
week)                        puncturist, podiatrist, nutritionist)
                             Financial and Legal Services - Centrelink (DHS),
Drop-in or call              HHOT, LawRight Legal Clinic
T: 3254 1144                 Outreach and mobile services
505 Brunswick St, Forti-     Family Support Services
tude Valley                  Individual Support Services
                             Group Activities
Brisbane Youth Service       Services for 12-25 year olds. Financial assistance,      12-25yrs
(BYS)                        transport assistance, emergency relief / meals, drop-
T: 3620 2400                 in, Dr Clinic, nurse, food parcels, accommodation.
42 McLachlan St, Fortitude   Closing 25 Dec and reopening 2 Jan 2019
Valley                       Limited staff 27 to 31 Dec.
                             Windsor House – no closure
                             Phoenix House – no closure
                             Sandgate House – no closure
BYS Housing and tenan-       Closed 25 Dec and reopening 2 Jan 2019                   12-25yrs
cy Team
Winstanley St Carina

BYS Young Women and          Closed 25 Dec and reopening 2 Jan 2019                   12-25yrs
Young Families team

North West Youth Ac-         Closed: 23rd Dec and reopening 6th January 2020.         12-25yrs
commodation Service          T: 3855 5233
Communify | HART 4000        Closed 25, 26 December and 1 Jan 2020.                   People who are homeless or
                             Opening hours 9am-5pm | T: 3004 0100                     at risk of becoming home-

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at G61!!
Health, Financial Wellbeing Support Services and ER
Agency and Contact            Support Service                                          Eligibility

Anglicare Southern QLD        Emergency relief support for those suffering financial   Formal ID with name and
Mental Health and Family      crisis. No food parcels, cash or transport available.    current address
Wellbeing                     ER assistance available includes:                        Proof of current income
                              Vouchers (Coles / Woolworths, petrol etc).               Copies of recently paid / un-
By appointment only                                                                    paid bills.
T: 1300 114 397               Normal Hours are:
North Park Business Cen-         9am to 5pm | Mon, Wed and Fri
tre: Suite 205A / 6 Babarra
St, Stafford 4053

Nexus Care                    Closed Friday 23 Dec and reopening 6 Jan 2019            NIL for Fresh Food Start pro-
                              Fresh Start Food Program and Christmas Parcels           gram
151 Flockton Street,          ER and Parcels available for collection Mon, Tues        ER is appointment only.
     Everton Park             and Thurs between 10am and 4pm.                          Residing in specified suburbs
T: 3353 7230                                                                           in the Brisbane North and
                                                                                       North West areas
                                                                                       Formal ID with name and
                                                                                       current address
                                                                                       Proof of current income
                                                                                       Copies of recently paid / un-
                                                                                       paid bills.

Reach out Community           Select your own FOOD PARCEL of grocery and per-          PARCEL must be a minimum
and Family Care               sonal items.                                             spend of - $12.00 for singles,
36 Baden Powell St,           Handling donations apply.                                $25.00 for family to receive
     Everton Park             Normal Open Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 4pm,           free supply of fruit and vegies
T: 3355 7444                  Saturday 9am - 12noon.                                   for an individual or one fami-
                              Closed 25 Dec, 26 Dec, 1 Jan 2020.                       ly.
Micah Projects                OPEN 24hrs per day 7 days per week (including pub-
                              lic holidays).
162 Boundary St, West         ‘Home for Good’ housing and support service for peo-
     End                      ple homeless or experiencing a housing crisis.
T: 3036 4444                  Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) got
BDVS T: 3217 2544             women and children experiencing domestic and fami-
                              ly violence.

Community Action for          Closed from 23rd December and reopening 6th Janu-        T: 1800 008 255
the Prevention of Suicide     ary 2019.
- Talk Suicide Support Ser-   Provides outreach support to individuals 15yrs and
vice                          over and at risk of suicide as well as families and
Disability Services           Closed 23rd December and reopening 2nd January           NA
Relationships Australia       Closed 25th Dec and reopening 2nd January 2020.          159 St Paul’s Terrace, Spring
QLD                                                                                    Hill
Department of Human           Closed:                                                  NA
Services (DHS)                Christmas Day – Mon 25 Dec 2019.
                              Boxing Day - Tuesday 26 December 2019.
You can use your myGov        New Year’s Day, Monday 1 January 2020.
account to access your        If you are due to report your earnings or employment
online accounts. You can      on a holiday closure date, there are other dates you
also use Express Plus mo-     can report. Your payment will be made after you have
bile apps and phone self      reported to DHS.
service during the holiday

Health, Financial Wellbeing Support Services and ER
Agency and Contact          Support Service                                            Eligibility

Open Minds – Mental         Closed 25th, 26th December, 1st January and reopen-        162 Alfred St, Fortitude Valley

Spring Hill Men’s Shed      Final open day 23 December 2020.                           10 Love St Spring Hill
                            Reopening 6 January 2020.                                  Robert Collins - 0413 205

Reclink                     Closed between 24 Dec and reopening 6 Jan 2019

Metro Community Hub         Closed 18 December and reopening 13 January 2020.          22 Qualtrough St

Alcohol Anonymous           Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and            T: 1800 22 22 22
                            women who share their experience, strength and hope
                            with each other that they may solve their common
                            problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
                            This is a program of abstinence.

Narcotics Anonymous         Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of men      T: 1300 652 820
                            and women for whom drugs had become a major
                            problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regular-
                            ly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of
                            abstinence from all drugs

QLife                       Peer based telephone counselling service                   T: 1800 184 527
                            3pm to 12am midnight every day
Open Doors Youth Ser-       Advocacy and support services for lesbian, gay, bisex-     T: 3257 7660
vice                            ual, asexual and/or transgender, Intersex and
                                queer (LGBTIQ) young people aged 12 to 24 and
                                their families

Gay and Lesbian Welfare     Peer counselling service for gay, lesbian, bisexual and    T: 1800 184 527

Seniors Enquiry Line        Seniors Enquiry Line is a state-wide information and       T: 1300 135 500
                                referral service for Queensland seniors, their fami-   117 Gipps St, Fortitude Valley
                                ly, friends, grandparents and carers.
                            Closed 24th Dec
                            Reopen 2nd Jan 2020
Elder Abuse Prevention      •     The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU) is a          T: 1300 651 192
Unit                                                                                   117 Gipps St, Fortitude Valley
                            Queensland wide program which provides a Helpline
                            for information, support and referrals to people who
                            experience, witness or suspect the abuse of an older
                            •    Closed 24th Dec

Red Cross Night Café        Closed from 20 Dec to 6 Jan 2019                           12-25yrs

The Salvation Army | Pin-   Open 24/7 over Christmas period.                           28 Quarry St, Spring Hill
dari                                                                                   T: 3832 1491
Men’s Shed Spring Hill      Closed 20 Dec reopening 13 Jan 2020

The Salvation Army, Bris-                                                              58 Glenrosa Rd, Red Hill
bane Recovery Services      Centre-based: Open 24/7                                    T: 3368 6376
Centre, Moonyah
Valley Chaplain Watch       20 – 23 Dec: closed                                        Contact Angie Brown (Senior
                            27 – 30 Dec: Patrols and Rest and Recovery - Thurs         Team Leader Chaplain
                                 and Sunday 11pm-3am; Fri and Sat 10:30pm-             Watch Inc.) on M:
                                 4am.                                                  0475558000
                            31 Dec: Patrols starting 9pm and finishing 5am 1 Jan.
                                 Rest and Recovery Centre 9pm - 5am.
                            3 - 6 Jan: Patrols and Rest and Recovery Thurs and
                                 Sunday 11pm-3am; Fri and Sat 10:30pm-4am.

                            Like, follow and share to get the latest updates on what’s happening at Group 61 as
                            well as information on free events from the Northern Suburbs down to the Gold Coast.
                            If there’s something you’d like to share with our community, send us a Facebook inbox

24hr Telephone Helplines
Agency                                 Service Detail                                                   Contact Details
1300 MH Call                           Access to mental health information and advice mental            1300 64 22 55
                                       health patients, carers and families, the community, GP’s,
                                       non-government organisations and private health profes-
Alcohol and Drug Information Service   The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is part of       1800 177 833
                                       the national system of information and counselling services
                                       that operates by telephone 24/7.
BeyondBlue                             Information and support to help people achieve their best        1300 224 636
                                       possible mental health.
Crime Stoppers                         At its core Crime Stoppers is the receipt of anonymous           1300 309 355
                                       information about suspicious or criminal activity that is then
                                       passed to the Queensland Police Service. It is an intelli-
                                       gence gathering service and contact with our program
                                       does not result in an immediate Police response.
DV Connect Crisis Support              Telephone support and counselling to anyone who has              Sexual Assault - 1800
                                             been sexually assaulted or abused and for anyone               010 120 | 9am to
                                             who is concerned or suspects someone they care                 11pm
                                             about might have been assaulted or abused.
                                                                                                        Womensline - 1800 811
                                       Telephone service offering women who are experiencing               811
                                             domestic or family violence 24 hours a day 7 days a
                                       A free, confidential telephone, counselling, referral and        Mensline - 1800 600
                                             support service especially set up for men.                      636 | 9am to 12pm
Women’s House Domestic Violence        Women's House services are run by women and for wom-             T: 3391 0005
Support - Woolloongabba                en; services are free, and confidential. Women's House
                                       offers: - Short term, secure accommodation at a confiden-
                                       tial address for w omen with or without accompanying chil-
                                       dren, escaping domestic violence.
Gamblers Help                          Free access counselling and information services concern-        T: 1800 858 858
                                       ing problem gambling issues.
GriefLine                              Supports people experiencing loss and grief, at any stage        T: 1300 845 745
                                       in life.
Homeless Information Line              Homeless Hotline is a phone information and referral ser-        T: 1800 47 47 53
                                       vice for people who are experiencing homelessness or are
                                       at risk of homelessness.
Kids Helpline                          Phone and online counselling service for young people            T: 1800 55 1800
                                       aged 5 to 25.
LifeLine                               Crisis support and suicide prevention services.                  T: 13 11 14

MiNetworks                             Connects you to an experienced mental health worker to           T: 1800 985 944
                                       find information and support.
Poisons Information                    Source of information about poisonous substances, first          T: 13 11 26
                                       aid, and preventing incidents of poison.
Police Link                            Non-urgent incident reporting and general Queensland             T: 13 14 44
                                       Police Service enquiries.
QLD Homicide Victims Support Group     Offers 24hr emotional support, personal advocacy and             T: 1800 774 744
                                       information to all people affected by homicide.
R U Ok                                 Connects you free to 5 crisis information lines such as Life-    T: 1800 786 5329
                                       line, Kids Helpline, Suicide Call Back, Sane Australia and
                                       Beyond Blue for free from any landline.
Suicide Call Back Service              Nationwide service that provides telephone and online            T: 1300 659 467
                                       counselling to people 15 years and over who are suicidal,
                                       caring for someone who is suicidal, bereaved by suicide or
                                       health professionals supporting people affected by suicide.
Family Drug Support                    24hr telephone support line providing support to families        T: 1300 368 186
                                       affected by alcohol and other drugs.

     That’s it from us here at G61 HQ. We hope you have enjoyed this newsletter as much as we have enjoyed
    sharing our news and updates. As always if you have anything to share we look forward to your contribution,
                             email to or phone us on 3621 4362.
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