Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council

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Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
WCC Home Support Service

   ‘Supporting people to be independent
      at home and in the community’

Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
Warrnambool City Council
     Home Support Service
      Your guide to home support services

                   (03) 5559 4801

2              Warrnambool City Council
Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council

Welcome                               4

What services are offered?            6

Who can get these services?           10

More information about our services   14

Other useful services and programs    22

Charter of Aged Care Rights           30

Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
    Thank you for considering Warrnambool City Council Home
    Support Services.

4                     Warrnambool City Council
Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council

Our job is to help people stay living in their own homes.

We are funded by the government to work with you, your family and other
people you choose to:

•   Make a plan about the things you are good at and the things you need
    help with to happily and safely stay living in your own home
•   Provide staff to help with the jobs that you find hard to do by yourself

This handbook has information about our services and tells you about the
sorts of work we can do.

Please feel free to call us on 5559 4801 if you have any questions or
concerns. You can also visit us at the Archie Graham Community Centre,
118 Timor St. Warrnambool

Diversity and Inclusion
We celebrate and respect diversity and welcome you for who you are,
regardless of your age, abilities, faith, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender
identity and lifestyle choices.

Warrnambool welcomes people from diverse backgrounds and ensures
people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds are respected and
can participate fully in the community.
Warrnambool acknowledges respects and celebrates the diverse
cultures, beliefs and history which makes up our community.’

Community Plan Warrnambool 2040

Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
What services are
    Warrnambool City Council Home and Community Services are
    here to assist you to keep living independently at home and in the
    community. Our services work alongside any other support you
    might have in place such as carers, family members, community
    services or other professional services.

6                       Warrnambool City Council
Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
Home Care

                                                                                What services are offered?
We have staff who can come to your house and help with the

They can:
• Sweep, mop or vacuum floors
• Clean bathrooms and toilets
• Clean benches and cupboards
• Dust
• Make or change beds

There are some things that our staff are not allowed to do:
• Washing or hanging curtains
• Lifting or moving heavy furniture
• Climbing on furniture or ladders
• Washing windows
• Dusting above shoulder height
• Emptying vacuum cleaner bags

Personal Care
Our community care staff have been trained and have a lot of experience
helping look after your personal hygiene.

They can help with:
• Bathing and showering
• Dressing and undressing
• Toileting
• Looking after your hair
• Shaving
• Eating and drinking
• Assistance with shopping

Home Maintenance
Our main job is mowing lawns so that it is safe for you to go outside. Please
remember this is not a complete gardening service. We can also help
with minor repairs around the house and changes to make your home safer,
such as putting in handrails.

Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
Carer Respite
    Carer Respite is about supporting the person in a caring role so that they
    can enjoy social activities, attend appointments, go shopping or participate
    in leisure activities.

    Respite can be planned on a regular basis or used as needed.
    Respite Care may be for a few hours, or for longer periods depending on
    your needs.

    Flexible respite options are also available through the South West Carer
    Respite Program, which is run by the Warrnambool City Council.

    Depending on your needs and the level of care required, Carer Respite
    can happen:
    • In your home
    • Out of home
    • In the community
    • With just one person
    • In a group e.g.: Luncheons, bus trips and outings
    • Overnight residential respite or cottage respite
    • And many of these events are FREE, so please ask us.

    Meals on Wheels
    Meals on Wheels delivers tasty and healthy meals to clients’ homes. This
    service also provides regular social contact and a friendly check to see all is

    Meals can include soup, main course, dessert and juice or fruit.

    Warrnambool City Council delivers freshly cooked, chilled meals Monday to
    Friday. Weekend meals are delivered on Fridays.

    You can choose to receive a meal one day a week right through to one meal
    every day, it’s up to you.

    Your individual dietary needs and taste preferences will be discussed before
    the start of the service, and can be changed at any time.

8                           Warrnambool City Council
Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
All meals are delivered by volunteers registered with the Warrnambool City

                                                                                  What services are offered?

The meal will arrive between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

Contact the Meals on Wheels Coordinator 5559 4878

Social Support Programs
Out & About Bus

Do you enjoy great food and company? Would you enjoy attending
organised luncheons, tours and visiting different places? If the answer is yes,
then the Out & About bus is for you!

This program helps you participate and stay connected to the community.
It’s a very friendly and social group to be a part of where you can meet new
people and develop friendships in a relaxed, supported environment.

This program runs each week day from about 10.00am – 3.00pm. Clients
are transported from their homes to and from the program via the Out &
About Bus.

Café Style Support Program

The Café Style Support Program provides social support to individuals and
to carers and the person they care for, together in friendly and comfortable
places. It is run once a month where morning tea or lunch is provided.

We sometimes have activities like reminiscing sessions, themed events and
guest speakers.

The café runs in Warrnambool, Hamilton, Portland and Camperdown.
People come to the program for 12 months and we aim to support them to
move into other relevant services after this.

Contact the Archie Social Support Team on 5559 4879

Supporting people to be independent at home and in the community' - Warrnambool City Council
Who can get our
     You need to be:
     • Living at home and needing support
     • At risk of going into a nursing home before you are ready; or
     • A person of any age with a disability or someone caring for a
       person with a disability

10                       Warrnambool City Council
Are you 65 or over and wanting
support services?

                                                                                     Who can get our services?
If you are 65+ (or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person over 50) and
wish to access Home Support Services you will need to contact the Australian
Government’s “My Aged Care” service.

My Aged Care can give you information:
• On the different types of aged care services
• About your eligibility for services and help to find local services
• On assessments and referrals to the providers that can meet your needs
• My Aged Care will refer your request to an assessment service who will
   contact you to see what service you can get.

You can talk to someone from the My Aged Care contact centre for more
information on 1800 200 422 or you can visit

Are you under 65 and wanting
support services?
If you are under 65 (or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person under
50) and want to access Home Support Services you will need to contact the
Home and Community Services team on 5559 4801 to arrange a time for an
assessment. Please have a referral from your doctor if possible.

How much does it cost?
Most of the cost of our services is paid for by the government but there are
user fees for all services.

How much you pay depends on your financial situation. The Intake Officer will
help you work out what you will have to pay and the easiest way for you to
make your payments.

In special situations where you are having financial trouble you can get services
at no or lower cost. Talk to the Intake Officer if paying fees could be a problem.
A re-assessment of client fees for Home Support Services is undertaken as
part of Council’s budget process each year.

Getting started with Home Support
     Step 1
     Our Intake Officer will contact you to discuss your care plan and arrange a
     visit to your home.

     When they visit they will have a chat to you about how much the service will
     cost as well as discuss and ask you to sign a Service Agreement (a form that
     has all the information about the services you will get).

     Step 2
     The Home Support Coordination team will allocate a Community Support
     Worker and will work out a day and time for the service to start.

     Step 3
     Service will start, on the first visit the support worker will go over your care
     plan with you just to make sure it is what you want.

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How can I get these services?

More information
     about our services
14        Warrnambool City Council
Our way of working with you
The most important part of working with you is listening to you and your
family and working with you rather than just doing things for you.

                                                                                   More information about our services
We understand that everyone is different. Because of this, people need to be
treated as individuals. When working with you our staff focus on building on
your strengths, capacities and meeting your goals.

We try to help you be as independent as possible in daily living as well as
reducing the risks to your safety while living at home.

We will help you be involved in your community and keep doing what you

We can also provide short term support aimed at a specific goal or outcome
to help you get used to a loss of ability or to build your confidence to do

Checking on how you are going
We understand that your plan and the support we provide needs to be
checked from time to time to make sure we are doing the best possible job
to help you meet your goals. Sometimes you may even want to change your
goals, which is fine.

Our support staff talk to their manager all the time and they let us know how
you are going. If there are any changes in how you are going we will get in
touch to see what you think about your plan and if it needs to change.

If you feel at any time you would like to change your plan in any way, just give
us a call on 5559 4801.

What happens if I am not at home
when a support worker visits?
Making sure you are safe and well is an important part of our service, so if a
support worker arrives for a scheduled service and you do not answer their

knock on the door, the worker has been told to follow a set procedure to
     check you are safe and not in any danger. This procedure applies to Home
     Support Services and Meals on Wheels.

     The procedure is to:
     1.    Knock on the windows and check the back door
     2.    Call out in case you are inside but cannot reach the door
     3.    If the worker is unable to raise a response they will notify the Home
           Support office who will then phone you
     4.    The worker will remain outside your home for 15 minutes of the visit
           time in case you are out and running late
     5.    The worker will leave an absence form at your home letting you know
           of their visit
     6.    If the worker has any concerns they will call the office who will contact
           your next of kin/contact person
     7.    If we can’t get in touch with your next of kin, and we are worried
           about your safety we will call the police

     Cost of ‘not at home’ visits
     •   If you are not home because of an emergency like an unexpected
         admission to hospital you will not be charged for the visit
     •   A non-notified absence will be charged at half the normal fee so please
         let us know if you are not going to be home as early as possible.

16                           Warrnambool City Council
Service Delivery
We try to have the same worker come to your home on the day and the time
that you asked for. Sometimes this may need to change, for example the
worker may be sick or on holidays. If this happens we will always ring you

                                                                                    More information about our services
and talk about the best way we can deliver the service.

Please allow half an hour either side of your rostered times for staff to arrive.

You need to be home at all times during your service. Our staff cannot
provide your service without you being present.

Public Holidays
The only services which operate on public holidays is Meals on Wheels.

Code Red days
Code Red days are declared during a long period of hot weather both during
the day and at night that could impact on your health - what we would call a

During this time services will be delivered as usual, however:
• The length of the service may be reduced
• Services may be provided at a different time to avoid the hottest parts of
   the day
• We may only do the most important jobs such as cleaning bathrooms but
   not vacuuming
• We may give you a call to remind you to do things to help manage the
   heat, like closing curtains, putting water in the fridge and encouraging
   you to drink at regular intervals during the day
• Services may be moved to places that are air-conditioned, for example
   groups may not go on an outing but instead stay in the Archie Graham

Suspending your service
     If you feel you no longer need a Home Support Service you can choose to
     have it suspended while you see how you manage for yourself. If you are
     managing and we don’t hear from you for a period of 12 weeks, we will
     cancel your service.

     Your information, it’s private
     Who are we?
     We are one of several health and community care services in your area, all
     working together in partnership to meet your health needs.

     What information do we collect about you?
     We keep your name and contact details on your consumer record. Other
     details such as your care plan and information about your health are
     recorded each time you visit.

     Why do we collect your information?
     The information we collect helps us to keep up-to-date details about your
     needs, so we can care for you in the best possible way. We also use the
     information to better manage and plan this service.

     Who else sees your information?
     Your information can only be seen by the professionals in this service
     involved in your care. Otherwise, we only release information about you if you
     agree or if required by law, such as in a medical emergency.

     What say do you have in what happens to your information?
     You have a say in what happens to your information. We rely on the
     information you give us to help provide the right care for you. If you decide
     not to share some of your information or restrict access to your consumer
     record, this is your right, but it may affect our ability to provide you with
     the best possible services. Talk to us if you wish to change or cancel your

     How will your information be protected?
     We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your record. The
     privacy of your information is also protected by law. We treat your information
     in the strictest confidence and store it securely.

18                           Warrnambool City Council
Can you access your information?
Yes, you have a right to request access to your information and to ask for it
to be corrected if necessary.
Any other questions?
Please talk to one of our staff if you have any other questions or complaints

                                                                                    More information about our services
about what happens to your information while you are our consumer, or if
you wish to access your record.

An advocate is someone you choose who can;
• Help you make decisions
• Make sure you are listened to
• Stand up for your rights
• Offer suggestions and talk to you about your choices

You have the right to have an advocate be part of any meetings you have with
our staff or to contact us at any time if you have any problems with our service.

An advocate can be a family member, friend, neighbour or someone who
works for an advocacy service.
You will need to tell us who your advocate is and fill in an Advocacy Form so
that we know the person has your permission to act for you.

Advocacy Services
South West Advocacy Association 5561 4584
Seniors Rights Victoria 1300 368 821

Feedback and complaints
     We are always looking for ways to make our services better so any
     suggestions you have will always be welcome.

     We see complaints as another way of learning how we can do our job better
     so they are welcomed just as much as any other feedback. We take all
     complaints very seriously and have strict rules about how to handle them.
     We understand that making a complaint can be very difficult so we make
     sure we try and sort out the problem quickly and fairly, and make sure you
     know what we are doing about your complaint. You can send us a letter, talk
     to us on the phone, send an email or come to our office if you want to make a
     complaint. All our contact information is at the front and back of this booklet.
     If you don’t think we have handled your complaint fairly or feel more
     comfortable complaining to someone else the Aged Care Quality
     and Safety Commission provides a free service for anyone to raise
     concerns about the quality of our care or services. They have a freecall
     number 1800 951 822 and their website is

     Our staff are not allowed to accept any gifts from you or ask for any extra
     money for helping you.

     Staff privacy
     Staff are not allowed to give you their personal phone numbers or tell you
     where they live.

     Please do not smoke in the house when our worker is there.

     Pets and animals
     Please keep pets or animals on a leash, in a cage, or securely out of the way
     when our staff are at your home.

20                           Warrnambool City Council
Infection control
Sometimes staff will wear gloves, aprons, masks or other protective equip-
ment. This is to help stop infections or diseases being given to another

                                                                                    More information about our services
Electrical safety
We give all our staff a safety switch in which they plug all electrical equipment
like vacuum cleaners, irons etc. This makes sure they are protected from any
electric shocks.

Approved cleaning products
Please note that Community Support Staff do not use any bleach prod-
ucts under any circumstances.

Bathroom                                 Duo
Jif Cream                                Drive
Earth Choice multi-purpose spray         Eucalyptus wool wash
Pine-O-Clean multi-purpose spray         Earth Choice wool wash
Handy Andy (non-ammonia)                 Selleys sugar soap
Orange Power spray
Ajax – cream, spray, gel                 Dishwashing
Methylated spirits                       Palmolive
Windex                                   Morning Fresh
Selleys sugar soap, all-purpose spray    Trix
                                         Earth Choice
Duck/Harpic                              Non-chemical alternatives
Earth toilet cleaner                     Vinegar
                                         Bicarb soda
Laundry                                  Lemon juice
Omo/Cold Power                           Vanilla essence
Spree                                    Enjo products

Other useful
     services and
22        Warrnambool City Council
Archie Graham Community Centre
118 Timor Street, Warrnambool
Phone: 5559 4920 Email:
Open Monday – Friday, 8.15am – 5pm

All of Council’s Home Support Services are coordinated from the Archie

                                                                                   Other useful services and programs
Graham Community Centre (Archie).

At Archie you can find out about and join in with community activities that will
help keep you fit and active, independent and connected to friends. Archie
is a place to continue to learn new things, develop and share skills and re-
engage with interests. Companion cards are accepted.

The Centre has:
• Accessible parking
• Step-free entrance, customer service and café areas
• Staff available Monday to Friday from 9am - 5pm for any queries
• Accessible change rooms and toilets
• Rest areas and seating
• Signage with easily read symbols
• Inclusive hydrotherapy pool access with equipment including pool
   wheelchair and pool hoist

Community Activities at Archie
     If you’re new to Warrnambool or simply looking to be involved in community
     life in new and interesting ways, please visit the Archie Graham Community

     There are multiple ways to find out what’s on. The Archie newsletter outlines
     activities and events for the next two months. The newsletter can be
     collected from Archie Reception, sent out via email, or posted out to you.
     Come in to the Tasty Plate Café and enjoy a cuppa while you read the
     Archie newsletter or browse the noticeboards or digital kiosk for information
     and check out what’s on at Archie. Feel free to make enquiries at Archie
     Reception and staff will guide you to become involved.

     There are no memberships required for Archie activities and events, however
     bookings are required for many activities. Check the newsletter for booking
     requirements to avoid disappointment and check-in with Archie Reception
     before attending an activity for the first time.

     Activities on offer include:
     •       Exercise sessions
     •       Computer, iPad and Smartphone guidance
     •       Walking groups
     •       Social cycling
     •       Mah-jong and Scrabble
     •       Bus trips and luncheons
     •       Guest speakers and morning teas
     •       Movie afternoons

     Physical Activity Opportunities
     Keeping the body strong and maintaining good balance and coordination
     takes regular effort. Being active is closely linked to being independent and
     therefore finding activities that are enjoyable and social is a key to being
     regularly physically active. Before you attend an exercise class, collect a
     registration form and book in at Archie Reception for a “Find your class”
     session. They are free and they are available each week with one of our
     group fitness instructors.

24                           Warrnambool City Council
Hydrotherapy for Rehabilitation and
The Hydrotherapy Pool is a chlorinated pool heated to support rehabilitation
needs for all community members. A qualified lifeguard is present at all

                                                                               Other useful services and programs
There is a limit of 10 people in the pool at any one time. One hour sessions
are available Monday to Friday. Book your spot by contacting the Archie

Instructor-led water exercise sessions are available at scheduled times.
Once again, book your spot by contacting the Archie Reception.

Archie Café
Archie Café will be operating from the Archie Graham Community Centre
during April, May and June of 2021. Open from 10am – 2pm Mondays and
Thursdays. The café offers coffee, tea and assorted cold drinks. Nutritious
fortified biscuits and slices supplied by Waltanna Living are available for
purchase. There is a café menu for catered meals provided by Tasty Plate,
including sandwiches, wraps and frittatas.

Archie Café is supported by a team of community-minded volunteers that
endeavour to provide a welcoming space for patrons of the Archie Graham
Community Centre to enjoy a coffee or meal. The café aims to provide an
opportunity for people to connect with others.

Community IT Support
The Archie Graham Computer Room has computers with high speed
internet access. Volunteer tutors are available Monday – Friday at various
times, if you need assistance.

Free Wi-Fi is available for those who have their own device, such as
laptop, tablet or smartphone and the Tasty Plate Café is a good option for
those wanting to independently use the Wi-Fi. Volunteers are available by
appointment and bookings are essential through Archie Reception.

Volunteers are also available to assist people with completing online forms
     using your confidential information.

     Bookings are essential through Archie Reception for all IT support from
     volunteers. A small fee applies to all bookings.

     When booked sessions aren’t running, the computer room is available for
     community members to use. Once again, a small fee applies.

     Warrnambool Senior Citizens Club
     The Warrnambool Senior Citizens Club is also located within the Archie
     Graham Community Centre. The club currently has more than 300 members
     who enjoy its varied weekly program and companionship. Membership is
     $25 per year renewable on June 30.

     The weekly program includes:
     •     Billiards on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
     •     Tai Chi, gentle exercise on Mondays
     •     Scottish country dancing on Mondays
     •     Walking groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays
     •     Indoor bowls on Tuesdays and Thursdays
     •     Cards: 500 on Tuesdays, Euchre on Fridays
     •     Line dancing on Wednesdays
     •     Painting Group on Fridays

     Contact: John by email on or phone the Archie
     Graham Community Centre on 5559 4920. You can also write to the club at
     PO Box 190, Warrnambool, 3280.

     Home Library Service
     The Corangamite Regional Library Corporation, in conjunction with the
     Warrnambool City Council, offers a free home library service to residents
     of Warrnambool who are unable to visit the library due to disability, frailty or

     The service is available to both members in their own homes or those living
     in nursing homes and other institutions.

26                            Warrnambool City Council
You may also take advantage of the service if you are temporarily
incapacitated due to illness or injury.

You will receive a visit from the library van on a regular basis (usually every
four weeks), which will deliver a section of library materials tailored to your

Members are eligible to borrow a wide range of library materials, including:

                                                                                  Other useful services and programs
•   Fiction books
•   Non-fiction books
•   Large-print books
•   Talking books

Unfortunately, Home Library users are not eligible to receive DVDs or
magazines, as these are only available on a one week loan.
For more information contact the library on 5559 4990.

MePACS Personal Alarm Care
MePACS is a quick response personal alarm service that you can rely on
– 24/7. The alarm pendant is easily activated and summons assistance.
Please contact any of the below organisations for further information and an
eligibility assessment.

Warrnambool City Council Regional Assessment Service:
03 5559 4800
My Aged Care Assessment Service: 1800 200 422
An occupational therapist at South West Health Care: 03 5563 1666

For volunteer supported transport options contact the following organisations
whose volunteer drivers provide a door to door transport service for eligible
clients to attend medical appointments, shopping or social outings.

This service is ideal for people who are unable to access public transport
and those having difficulty finding a means of getting to their destination.

ConnectU: 03 5561 4958
     Mpower:    03 5561 8111
     Red Cross: 0429 353 506 (hospital patient transfers only – requires a
     		doctor referral)

     Multi-purpose Taxi Care or Disabled
     Parking Permit
     Your doctor will be able to help with either or both of these.

     Allied Health
     An Allied Health professional may be able to assist you in relation to
     problems you may have with movement or daily activities. These include
     occupational therapy (home assessment), podiatry (feet), dietician (diet),
     speaking or swallowing difficulties (speech pathology) or urine and bowel
     problems (continence).

     For further information contact our office or contact the following services

     South West Healthcare: 03 5563 1666
     St John of God Hospital: 03 5564 0600
     Lyndoch Living: 		       03 5561 9300

28                           Warrnambool City Council
Charter of Aged Care Rights
     All people receiving Australian Government funded
     residential care, home care or other aged care services in
     the community have rights.

     I have the right to:
     1.      safe and high-quality care and services;
     2.      be treated with dignity and respect;
     3.      have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported;
     4.      live without abuse and neglect;
     5.      be informed about my care and services in a way I understand;
     6.      access all information about myself, including information about my
             rights, care and services;
     7.      have control over and make choices about my care, and personal
             and social life, including where choices involve personal risk;
     8.      have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of
             my daily life, financial affairs and possessions;
     9.      my independence;
     10.     be listened to and understood;
     11.     have a person of my choice, including an aged care advocate,
             support me or speak on my behalf;
     12.     complain free from reprisal, and to have my complaints dealt with
             fairly and promptly;
     13.     personal privacy and to have my personal information protected;
     14.     exercise my rights without it adversely affecting the way I am treated.

     If you have concerns about the aged care you are receiving, you can:
     • talk to your aged care provider, in the first instance,
     • speak with an aged care advocate on 1800 700 600 or visit, for support to raise your concerns, or
     • contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822
         or visit its website, The Commission can help
         you resolve a complaint about your aged care provider

30                           Warrnambool City Council
Supported by the
     Australian Government Department of Health

      WCC Home Support Service
           ‘Supporting people to be independent at
                home and in the community’

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You can also read