Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031

Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031

                                                                                                             Strategic Assumptions
                                                                                                             for Long Term Plan
                                                                                                             Rautaki Whakapae mō te
                                                                                                             Mahere Rae Roa 2021-2031
                                                                                                             The Strategic Assumptions are the Council’s ‘best
                                                                                                             guess’ at how the future may look. They form the
                                                                                                             basis for planning and are developed from a wide
                                                                                                             range of sources.

39   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

1   Population growth
    Assumption               Implication               Level of uncertainty                Impact                                            Mitigation
    Our District will        Growth affects the        High                                If population growth is faster than expected      Council plans for growth
    continue to attract      number of rateable                                            and the number of rateable properties are         in collaboration with TCC,
                                                       Based on national assumptions and
    new residents and our    properties in the                                             under-estimated the consequences are:             BOPRC, Iwi and Waka
                                                       regional economic projections, we
    population will grow.    District and the                                                                                                Kotahi through SmartGrowth
                                                       expect sustained growth over the    - income growing faster than expected
                             expected demand                                                                                                 (including the UFTI initiative).
    Growth won’t be                                    next three years.                   - higher demand for Council services
                             for services and
    uniform across the       infrastructure.                                               - financial contributions being set too high.     Council re-forecasts growth
                                                       The potential impacts of COVID-19
    District but will be                                                                                                                     projections each year through
                                                       have increased the level of
    primarily centered       Growth has a lot of                                           Council would respond by bringing forward         the annual plan to ensure
    around our urban         benefits but also                                             future expenditure and adjusting financial        infrastructure provision and
    areas.                   creates challenges                                            contributions the following year.                 service delivery are aligned to
                             for the delivery of                                                                                             growth.
    See table below and      services and funding                                          If population growth is lower than expected,
    maps overleaf for        infrastructure work.                                          the consequences are:                             We will look at actual consent
    further detail.                                                                        - over-investment in infrastructure and un-       numbers throughout the year.
                                                                                             used capacity
                                                                                                                                             The timing of growth-related
                                                                                           - income from rates and financial                 projects is managed to provide
    Year ended        New lots        Growth rate     Total               District
                      (average annual (average annual dwellings                              contributions falling short of budget,          infrastructure ‘just in time’.
    30 June                                                               population
                      increase)       increase)                                              meaning debt is repaid more slowly and
                                                                                             interest costs increase
    2021                       244            1.04%             23,399           57,355
                                                                                           - financial contributions being set too low for
    2026                       340            1.34%             25,352           62,219      that financial year.
    2031                        317            1.17%            27,093          66,300
                                                                                           Council would respond by funding the
    2036                       160            0.57%             28,312           69,102    shortfall through rates or increasing debt,
    2041                       100            0.35%             28,957          70,620     or by deferring expenditure. Council is
                                                                                           well within its prescribed debt limits with
    2046                         10           0.03%             29,262           71,203    borrowing headroom to raise more debt if
    2051                         10           0.03%              29,312          71,367    required.

                                                                                                                                              Long Term Plan 2021-2031          40
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Waihī Beach
                                                                      / Bowentown
                                                                       2021 - 2,770
                                                                                                                                               Census SA2 Areas
                          2021 - 345
                          2031 - 370
                                                                       2031 - 2,888
                                                                                                                                               Projected population increase
                                                                                                                                               from 2021 - 2031
                                                                                                   2021 - 880
                                                                                                   2031 - 950              Matakana
      Tahawai                                       +25     +70                                                              Island
     2021 - 1,980                                                                                                          2021 - 190
     2031 - 2,032                                                                 Katikati                                 2031 - 200
                                                       +920                     2021 - 5,500                                                       Less than 5%
                                                                                2031 - 6,420
                                                                                                                                                   Between 5% and 10%
               2021 - 3,550                +170                                              Ōmokoroa
                                                                                                                    Kaitemako                      Greater than 10%
               2031 - 3,720                                              +10                                        2021 - 1,950
                                                Katikati /                                   2021 - 4,575
                                                                                                                    2031 - 2,026
                                                                                             2031 - 8,547
                                                Waihī              +3,972
                           Te Puna              Beach
                         2021 - 3,250           Ward                     +190
                                                                                                                                Te Puke
                                                                                                                               2021 - 9,700
                         2031 - 3,440                                            Tauranga                                      2031 - 12,371    Maketu
       Pahoia                                                                    City                                                          2021 - 1,310
     2021 - 3,440                                            +80                                +76                                            2031 - 1,330
     2031 - 3,520
                                Minden                                                                                          +20
                                                        +183       Kaimai         +102                                                                        Pukehina
                              2021 - 2,465                                                                                                                      Beach
                              2031 - 2,648
                                                                   Ward                                                                 +80
                                                                                                             +2,671                                           2021 - 870
                                                                                                                                                              2031 - 950
                                                           +90                                        +40
                                                                                                                          Te Puke /
                                 Kaimai                                             +86                         +50       Ward
                               2021 - 2,230                                                                                                        Pongakawa
                               2031 - 2,320                                                                                           +40          2021 - 3,360
                                                                                                                                                   2031 - 3,400

                                                                            2021 - 2,710          Otawa
                                    Kopurereua                                                                         Rangiuru
                                    2021 - 1,260                            2031 - 2,796        2021 - 2,060          2021 - 2,950
                                    2031 - 1,362                                                2031 - 2,100          2031 - 3,000

41         Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

                                                           Waihī Beach

                                                           / Bowentown
                                                            2021 - 2,770                                                       Census SA2 Areas
                  2021 - 345
                  2051 - 370
                                                            2051 - 2,900          Athenree
                                                                                  2021 - 880
                                                                                                                               Projected population increase
                                                                                  2051 - 950
                                                                                                                               from 2021 - 2051
  Tahawai                                   +25    +70
2021 - 1,980                                                         Katikati                            2021 - 190
2051 - 2,040                                                       2021 - 5,500                          2051 - 200
                                 +60        +1,640
                                                                   2051 - 7,140                                                    Less than 5%
                                                                                                                                   Between 5% and 10%
         2021 - 3,550            +170                                          Ōmokoroa            Kaitemako                       Greater than 10%
         2051 - 3,720                   Katikati /      +10                   2021 - 4,575         2021 - 1,950
                                                                                                   2051 - 2,030
                                        Waihī      +7,511
                                                                              2051 - 12,086
                   Te Puna
                 2021 - 3,250
                                        Ward            +190
                                                                                                                 Te Puke
                                                                                                               2021 - 9,700
                 2051 - 3,440                                       Tauranga                                   2051 - 13,021    Maketu
  Pahoia                                                            City                                                       2021 - 1,310
2021 - 3,440                                        +80                         +80                                            2051 - 1,330
2051 - 3,520
                          Minden              +215       Kaimai     +110
                        2021 - 2,465                     Ward                                                          +80
                                                                                                                                              2021 - 870
                        2051 - 2,680                                                          +3,321
                                                                                                                                              2051 - 950
                                                  +90                                 +40
                                                                                                         Te Puke /
                          Kaimai                                     +90                         +50     Ward
                        2021 - 2,230                                                                                               2021 - 3,360
                        2051 - 2,320                                                                                  +40
                                                                                                                                   2051 - 3,400

                                                               2021 - 2,710         Otawa
                             Kopurereua                                                                 Rangiuru
                                                               2051 - 2,800       2021 - 2,060
                             2021 - 1,260                                                              2021 - 2,950
                                                                                  2051 - 2,100
                             2051 - 1,370                                                              2051 - 3,000

                                                                                                                                                           Long Term Plan 2021-2031   42
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
2             Climate change
                      Assumption                                 Implication                    Level of uncertainty        Impact                              Mitigation
                       As a result of climate change              Council’s business             Moderate                   If the impacts of climate           Coastal Erosion Responses Policy, to provide a
                       the Western Bay of Plenty can              must respond to                                           change are felt more severely       decision-making framework to address impacts
                                                                                                 We know climate
                       expect to see:                             climate change now                                        within the 10 years, the likely     on Council-owned assets on the coast. Asset
                                                                                                 change will impact on
                                                                  to ensure a level of                                      consequences are:                   assessments will be undertaken to identify
                       •   more hot days (temperatures                                           our business, however
                                                                  preparedness for                                                                              vulnerability and $200,000 per annum has
                           25 degrees or more)                                                   the exact nature,          •   failure to meet the levels
                                                                  future impacts. Failure                                                                       been budgeted for coastal erosion works.
                       •   milder autumns and winters                                            extent and timing of           of service, primarily
                                                                  to respond will lead
                                                                                                 the impacts is difficult       in stormwater (due to           Council has modelled harbour inundation
                       •   wetter winters                         to significant future
                                                                                                 to predict.                    infrastructure being            scenarios, alongside BOPRC and TCC, through
                       •   decreasing summer rainfall             challenges and costs.
                                                                                                                                undersized)                     the Natural Hazards Charter. Council is also
                           with heavier downpours                                                The major impacts of
                                                                  The local economy                                         •   impacts on Council assets       modelling impacts of climate change on our
                       •   fewer cold nights and frosts                                          climate change are
                                                                  may be negatively                                             located on the coast            stormwater systems.
                                                                                                 expected outside of
                       •   Rising sea levels (0.52m above         impacted by climate                                       •   unbudgeted maintenance
                                                                                                 the 10-year planning                                           As a member of the BOP Lifelines Group,
                           MVD 1953 at 2070).                     change, particularly                                          and / or capital costs due to
                                                                                                 horizon.                                                       Council is investigating the resilience of our
                                                                  through changes to                                            damage to assets.
                       Overall there will be more                 growing conditions and                                                                        infrastructure.
                       extreme weather and storm                  susceptibility to new
                       events (potentially three times                                                                                                          Council has developed a Climate Change
                       more frequent) and increased                                                                                                             Action Plan to set out the intended actions
                       risk from natural hazards such as          Council will                                                                                  to respond to climate change impacts over
                       coastal erosion and inundation.            have to meet                                                                                  the next three years. Council will focus on
                                                                  additional reporting                                                                          understanding the level of risk our assets face.
                       Council will plan using RCP8.5,            requirements.
                       however individual projects will                                                                                                         See from page 31 for more information.
                       undertake their own modelling as

                       This will have social, economic
                       and environmental consequences
                       that are difficult to predict and
                       plan for.

                       The Zero Carbon Act and new
                       regulations will require reporting
                       on the actions Council is taking
                       to move towards zero carbon by

43   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

31   Demographics
     Assumption                Implication                Level of uncertainty                  Impact                                          Mitigation
     The make up of our        Increasing cooperation     Low                                   An over-estimation or under-estimation of       We continually monitor
     communities will          between local                                                    this assumption is considered immaterial – as   population demographics
                                                          Some changes such as the ageing
     change. As a District     government and health                                            any major impacts would be felt in population   through SmartGrowth, using
                                                          population are clear, because they
     we will become older      sectors to understand                                            growth changes (addressed under the             census data and NIDEA
                                                          are determined by the make up
     and more diverse.         and deliver healthy                                              population growth assumption).                  projections.
                                                          of the existing population and our
                               environments for
     There will be variation                              current birth rate. Immigration is                                                    Our community engagement
     between communities                                  more difficult to predict and would                                                   guidelines assist us to work
     as people move and        Changing household         potentially affect our population                                                     with communities and respond
     places grow. For          occupancy (ageing          growth. The impacts of this                                                           to their changing needs.
     example, Te Puke’s        population and single      have been addressed under the
     average age dropped       occupancy balanced         population growth assumption.                                                         We are a funding partner in
     in the last census.       against cultural norms                                                                                           the Welcoming Communities
                               of multiple generations                                                                                          programme, which assists
     The graphs and charts     in one house).                                                                                                   local communities that have a
     overleaf provide                                                                                                                           high number of international
     further detail.           Impacts on the                                                                                                   migrants.
                               District’s labour force.
                                                                                                                                                The Spaces and Places
                               Changing methods of                                                                                              Strategy guides our decision
                               engagement to involve                                                                                            making for recreational
                               different communities                                                                                            facilities, and provides a
                               and create welcoming,                                                                                            framework to consider
                               tolerant communities.                                                                                            changing recreation patterns.

                               Continued cultural
                               awareness practices
                               in communities and

                               Changing use of

                               Changing recreation
                               patterns may change
                               investment priorities.

                                                                                                                                                 Long Term Plan 2021-2031       44
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
2021-51 LTP Age Projections

       85+ years                                                                                                                            2051
     80-84 years
      75-79 years                                                                                                                           2031
     70-74 years
     65-69 years
     60-64 years                                                                                                                            2018 Provisional Estimated
     55-59 years                                                                                                                            Resident Polulation (PERP)
     50-54 years
     45-49 years
     40-44 years
     35-39 years
     30-34 years
     25-29 years
     20-24 years
      15-19 years
      10-14 years
       5-9 years
       0-4 years

                    0                   1000                  2000                  3000                  4000         5000   6000   7000

45      Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

Ethnic groups for people in Western Bay of Plenty and New Zealand. (2018 Census)



                      Pacific peoples


Middle Eastern/Latin American/African

                      Other ethnicity

                                        0   10             20             30             40           50            60           70            80                   90

                                                 Western Bay of Plenty District (%)            New Zealand (%)

                                                                                                                                         Long Term Plan 2021-2031        46
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
       1             Technology
                      Assumption                                 Implication                                Level of uncertainty            Impact                             Mitigation
                      Technology is changing fast and            Advances in data and analytics             Low for years 1 - 3.            More infrastructure is likely to   Council has budgeted for
                      will continue to do so.                    should improve capacity,                   High for years 4 - 10.          become obsolete before the         continued investment into
                                                                 performance, and reliability of                                            end of its life cycle.             our information technology to
                      We expect to see:                                                                     We know changes will
                                                                 infrastructure, shifting design                                                                               better support our operations
                      •    greater connectivity                  from meeting peak demand                   happen, but we don’t            Maintenance programmes may         and improve customer
                           throughout our District,              to ways of smoothing out the               know exactly when or how        be more responsive, leading to     experience.
                           including rural broadband,            peaks. This should enable us               disruptive those changes will   less costly repairs.
                           fibre in all urban areas,             to get more out of our existing            be.                                                                We also have an additional
                           and remedying of mobile                                                                                          There may be renewal and           project to look at making
                           blackspots within the 10-year                                                                                    capital expenditure decisions      the organisation increasingly
                           period                                Expect to see changes in how                                               made on the best available         future ready, with $8.5 million
                                                                 the business operates with                                                 information now, that are          budgeted over the 10 years.
                      •    more digital disruption that is
                                                                 increased remote working                                                   inefficient or do not meet
                           transformational and impacts
                                                                 capabilities.                                                              future usage requirements.
                           on the way we live
                                                                                                                                            However, disruption is not an
                      •    public demand for open data           Customer services and how we                                               excuse for inaction.
                      •    more empowered individuals            engage with our customers and
                           wanting to co-design                  communities will change.
                           solutions to problems
                                                                 Increasing connectivity between
                      •    new models of asset
                                                                 energy, transportation and
                           ownership (called
                                                                 technology driving infrastructure
                           Infrastructure As A Service)
                                                                 investment decisions.
                      •    smart communities seeking
                           everything ‘on demand’ and            There will be increased
                           increasing requirements               opportunities to deliver demand
                           to provide ‘real time’                management and non-asset
                           information                           solutions as better information is
                      •    more demand to be able to             available.
                           work from home and carry
                                                                 More ‘localised’ micro-solutions
                           out ‘traditional’ business
                                                                 may become available and
                                                                 affordable, as opposed to
                                                                 large centralised infrastructure

47   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for Long Term Plan 2021-2031
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

51   Social
     Assumption               Implication              Level of uncertainty              Impact                                            Mitigation
     Equality and equity      There will be            Medium                            Should the pattern of social-economic             Regular monitoring of social
     will continue to be      increased demand                                           wellbeing change radically across our District,   deprivation index through the
                                                       We expect the imbalance between
     issues. This may         placed on social                                           Council may have to postpone, amend or add        LTP cycle.
                                                       communities to remain, or to
     increase due to the      services, community                                        new projects to the work programme.
                                                       change only slightly.                                                               Consideration of social
     economic implications    support organisations,
     of COVID-19 and its      and relief funds.                                          Changes would generally be gradual and as         wellbeing and needs through
     unprecedented nature.                                                               such the overall financial impact would be        Council projects and plans.
                              Council may need                                           low.
     We have greater          to tailor solutions                                                                                          Council will continue to build
     income and wealth        and investment for                                                                                           on its strong relationships
     imbalances than          some communities,                                                                                            with community groups and
     in the past. Some        to ensure people are                                                                                         organisations.
     communities have         receiving the services
     reduced access to        they need.
     services and less
     ability to pay for       These may be
     services. We expect      geographic
     this imbalance to        communities, or parts
     remain.                  of the population (eg.
                              older people).
     As a result of
     COVID-19 it is likely
     that some residents
     will be worse off than
     previously. However,
     others may also be
     better off.

     The map to the right
     gives an indication of
     these patterns.

                                                                                                                                            Long Term Plan 2021-2031        48
61            Economic
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty            Impact                             Mitigation
                      The local economy will return to           The kiwifruit industry is a              High                            Moderate                           Continual monitoring of the
                      2019 levels and grow from 2022.            high water user and its water                                                                               situation and 'just in time'
                                                                                                          Forecasts align with national   The level of economic
                                                                 demand will increase. This may                                                                              infrastructure will aid in
                      At the District and sub-regional                                                    forecasts for economic growth   activity and growth in the
                                                                 put pressure on resources and                                                                               mitigating some of these issues.
                      levels, the economic outlook                                                        and local trends, however       District can directly impact
                      is fairly positive. Our economy                                                     the impacts of COVID-19 are     ratepayers’ ability to pay,        Council will continually
                      has been cushioned from some               Continued economic growth                uncertain.                      while also influencing the         monitor the District’s economic
                      of the impacts of COVID-19                 will require provision of                                                level of financial contributions   situation and may revise
                      due to our diverse economy,                business land. Demands for                                               collected as development           any plans, with consultation
                      strong rural sector (especially            freight movement will need                                               occurs or the level of demand      through Annual Plans if
                      horticulture) and low reliance on          consideration in transport                                               placed on infrastructure.          necessary.
                      international tourists.                    network planning.
                                                                                                                                          Investment decisions will          Council will continue
                      The local economy will have                Growth in tourism means                                                  be made cognisant of this          to provide funding for
                      largely recovered from the                 targeted infrastructure                                                  uncertainty.                       organisations such as Priority
                      impacts of COVID-19 by close               investment may be needed                                                                                    One, Tourism BOP, Te Puke
                      of 2022 with growth above 2019             (such as toilets in rest areas,                                                                             EDG, and Katch Katikati.
                      levels.                                    upgraded walking tracks). This
                                                                 will require cooperation with
                      On the back of strong and
                                                                 central government agencies.
                      continued population growth,
                      the Western Bay of Plenty’s                There may be increased
                      economy is projected to                    pressure on the natural
                      continue to grow. We are part of           environment from increased
                      the Golden Triangle (Auckland /            use.
                      Waikato / Bay of Plenty) and our
                                                                 The demands on the capacity
                      economic growth is expected to
                                                                 of industry to deliver
                      be above the national average.
                                                                 infrastructure projects may
                      We expect to see an increase               mean increased competition,
                      in ‘sustainable’ low waste, low            leading to increased prices and
                      emission business practices as             possibly time delays.
                      We expect to see:
                      •    significant growth in the
                           kiwifruit industry
                      •    growth in the avocado
                      •    growth in domestic tourism.
49   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

71   Environmental
     Assumption                           Implication                         Level of uncertainty              Impact                           Mitigation
     Environmental sustainability will    A business as usual approach        Low                               Low                              Council has included additional
     play an increasingly important       to asset renewals and capital                                                                          budgets to address increased
                                                                              Implementation of recently        Sudden increase in
     role in decision making.             projects is likely to be                                                                               standards for our three waters
                                                                              revised legislation is expected   expectations or requirements
                                          insufficient to address new                                                                            services and for predicted
     In line with the changing global                                         to address water quality          may have significant impact on
                                          requirements. Changes are                                                                              increased requirements as part
     environment, environmental                                               and efficient use of water        current operations or capital
                                          likely to come with higher                                                                             of resource consent renewals.
     sustainability will continue to be                                       and increased planning            projects, however planning and
                                          capital and operational costs.
     a requirement. We expect to see:                                         requirements are anticipated      implementation timeframes        Council is working to reduce
                                          These may be offset through         through a series of new           will mean sudden changes are     our organisational carbon
     •   increasing standards for                                             national party statements. See    unlikely.
                                          joint funding of capital projects                                                                      impacts.
         water quality                                                        page 99 for more details.
                                          with central government
     •   increasing requirements for      agencies and other local
         efficient use of water                                               The Zero Carbon Act provides
                                                                              a strong government direction
     •   increasing expectation for
                                                                              for the nation.
         waste minimisation
     •   continued movement                                                   Council's Waste Management
         towards a low carbon                                                 and Minimisation Plan
         operation and low carbon                                             emphasises the need for waste
         transportation network                                               reduction.
     •   an increasing focus on the
         management and use of
         harbour and coastal margins,
         as a result of the NZ Coastal
         Policy Statement and sea
         level rise.

                                                                                                                                                  Long Term Plan 2021-2031      50
81            Community expectations
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty           Impact                         Mitigation
                      Our communities continue to                Council will need to continue            Low                            Low                            Council actively seeks
                      have higher expectations for               to find innovative ways to fund                                                                        community input into decision
                      delivery of Council services.              service delivery, other than             Community expectations are     Level of service changes       making.
                                                                 through rates.                           frequently communicated with   are often undertaken
                      We expect to see:                                                                   Council and level of service   incrementally and with         Feedback is sought through
                      •    continued demands to                  There will be tension between            changes consulted on through   subsequent projects            the LTP 2021-2031 consultation
                           not only maintain, but also           differing expectations between           the LTP process.               reassessed and possibly open   processes on level of service
                           improve levels of service             different groups.                                                       to consultation.               changes.
                           across all of Council’s
                           business (with increased              The key principle of ‘growth
                           associated costs)                     pays for growth’ needs
                      •    continued demands from the            to be balanced against
                           community to keep rates as            the uncertainties of when
                           low as possible                       population growth will occur
                                                                 and how Council can then fund
                      •    continued requirements of
                                                                 growth-related infrastructure
                           increased environmental
                                                                 projects where these are
                           standards and environmental
                                                                 required in advance of growth
                      •    demands for social
                           sustainability and investment.

                      Level of service changes are
                      signalled in the LTP (for example
                      for libraries, recreation facilities,
                      swimming pools, cycleway and
                      kerbside waste collections).

51   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

91   Political
     Assumption                          Implication                          Level of uncertainty             Impact                           Mitigation
     There will be increased             Council will need to be              Low                              Low                              Council will continue to
     collaboration.                      flexible in order to respond                                                                           actively collaborate where
                                         to this changing environment.        This is an observed trend that   Collaboration is regularly       benefits can be made for
     Working with other organisations    It’s important we maintain           has been experienced and         considered as we look at         the District. This may occur
     can deliver multiple benefits and   collaborative arrangements and       observed over several years.     improvements and operational     with other neighbouring
     thinking ‘outside the square’.      look to build capability, as there                                    actions.                         council’s through joint contract
     We expect to see:                   will be an increased push for                                         Use of Urban Development         procurement sub-regionally
                                         them in the future.                                                   Authorities and Boundary         such as through BOPLASS or
     •   continued emphasis on
                                                                                                               changes will still require a     SmartGrowth, or at a sector
         partnerships across the
                                                                                                               planning process and Council's   level with other provincial and
         community and organisations,
                                                                                                               active involvement.              rural Councils.
         and shared service models
     •   increasing public demand for                                                                                                           Active involvement and
         different models of services                                                                                                           communication is key for
         delivery and community input                                                                                                           Council to mitigate any residual
     •   more legislative changes                                                                                                               risk this poses.
         that will impact on the way
         Council does business, such
         as Urban Development

                                                                                                                                                 Long Term Plan 2021-2031          52
       1             Community participation
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty   Impact                           Mitigation
                       Communities want to engage                 Council will need to                     Low                   Low                              Council will continue to
                       with Council's in different ways.          continuously evolve the way we                                                                  actively engage with our
                       They want to be actively involved          engage our communities and be                                  We will look at different ways   communities through a variety
                       in decision making. At the same            inclusive of all members of our                                to work with, hear from, and     of means.
                       time they are ‘time-poor’ and it’s         communities.                                                   involve the community through
                       challenging to get the right level                                                                        Council's decision-making
                                                                  We will need to rethink our                                    processes and projects.
                       of engagement.
                                                                  traditional project management
                                                                  and delivery structures so that
                                                                  communities can have a greater
                                                                  role in what we do.

53   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

1    Tangata Whenua
     Assumption                         Implication                        Level of uncertainty             Impact                            Mitigation
     Partnerships with Māori            Council may need to change         Low                              Low                               Through the development of
     will continue to increase in       the way it manages its assets                                                                         the LTP 2021-2031, Council has
     importance.                        to provide for greater iwi         Treaty settlement processes      Council maintains relationships   specifically sought input from
                                        involvement. This may also         are finalised, underway or are   with iwi in our area and will     iwi and Māori.
     The settlement of the Treaty of    impact on how we use natural       nearing completion.              continue to build on these.
     Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi)    resources, such as our                                                                                Councill will continue to
     claims in the District will        water takes and stormwater                                                                            build on the relationships we
     continue over the next 10 years.   discharges. Council is part                                                                           maintain.
     This will change the economic      of a joint committee of iwi
     landscape, and is likely to        authorities and councils, set up
     offer new opportunities for        to co-govern the Kaituna River,
     collaboration and partnership.     and to look to bring all our
                                        efforts into alignment.

                                        This will also be a key
                                        opportunity, as settlements
                                        will provide iwi organisations
                                        with the power to invest
                                        in economic and social
                                        development projects which
                                        will ultimately benefit our
                                        community as a whole.

                                                                                                                                               Long Term Plan 2021-2031        54
        1            Legislative
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty              Impact                             Mitigation
                      We expect to see continued                 Council will need to be                  Moderate                          High                               Continue to watch and input
                      focus on the way Council                   involved in any national                                                                                      into legislative developments,
                      delivers its core services and             conversations about service              Legislative change and national   Some changes to the delivery       to ensure a Western Bay of
                      provides infrastructure for                delivery, to ensure we are               direction is highly dependent     of services could significantly    Plenty voice is heard and
                      growth.                                    ready to adapt to any changes            on the political direction and    alter how Council functions,       Council is prepared for any
                                                                 that are made at the national            priorities at the time.           however the generally lengthy      changes.
                      There is likely to be increased            level.                                                                     development process of
                      regulation aimed at delivering                                                                                        legislation and implementation
                      higher public health and                   Costs associated with the                                                  phases will allow for suitable
                      environmental standards.                   impact of legislative changes                                              planning and may require
                                                                 are unlikely to be recovered                                               community consultation.
                      Legislative reforms are likely to          from Central Government.
                      continue to focus on alternative           These may be substantial.                                                  Changes to the delivery of
                      ways to deliver public services.                                                                                      three waters could significantly
                      For example the review of                  Individual activities of Council                                           impact Council’s financial
                      Three Waters and joint Council-            may need to make specific                                                  position, depending on how
                      controlled organisations for               assumptions.                                                               this is structured. This could
                      providing services. Similarly the                                                                                     impact the Council’s levels
                      Future of Local Government                                                                                            of debt, forecast capital and
                      Review and the Resource                                                                                               operational expenditure and
                      Management Act reform will                                                                                            income. The actual impact can
                      have impacts.                                                                                                         not be quantified at this point.
                      There is currently insufficient
                      detail regarding the possible
                      changes to the delivery of
                      Three Waters (water supply,
                      wastewater and stormwater)
                      services. This is similar for the
                      Local Government Review and
                      the Resource Management
                      Act reform work. It is prudent
                      to plan on a business as usual
                      approach to service delivery, but
                      with an allowance for staff time
                      for the initial phases as indicated
                      by Central Government.

55   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

 1   COVID-19
     Assumption                            Implication                        Level of uncertainty              Impact                             Mitigation
     Disruptive events, such as            Council may need to be in          High                              High                               Council will continue to
     COVID-19, have significant            a position to respond to                                                                                monitor the situation and
                                                                              The future situation is           Implications for Council’s
     potential to cause shocks to          emerging events. Council may                                                                            may revise any plans, with
                                                                              uncertain and very difficult to   growth and financial models
     international, national and local     consider bringing forward some                                                                          consultation through Annual
                                                                              predict.                          and work programmes could
     systems.                              infrastructure projects in order                                                                        Plans if necessary.
                                                                                                                be extensive. Council will have
                                           to help maintain economic
     Implications for the District are                                                                          to be flexible in its response.
                                           activity in the District and
     wide ranging and depend on            support impacted workers.
     the level of domestic infection                                                                            The key impact of any
     rates, national and international     Alternatively, Council may                                           lockdowns affecting our
     responses.                            look to defer projects in order                                      District or material/contractor
                                           to limit additional economic                                         availability, would be potential
     Impacts on the economy and            stresses.                                                            delays in Council project
     population growth are expected                                                                             delivery and associated
     to be greatest, but possibly          Council may need to change                                           expenditure.
     short term. International tourism     the way we work and how we
     is expected to continue to be         use our public spaces to limit
     significantly impacted.               infection.

     Currently we are expecting            Council may need to
     economic impacts in 2020 and          reschedule the timing of
     for these to be largely recovered     projects and works or
     by the close of 2022.                 reconsider budgets, due to
     We assume that our projects
     and works will be completed to
     time, as planned in the LTP, and
     there will be no significant delays
     caused directly or indirectly by

                                                                                                                                                    Long Term Plan 2021-2031     56
       1             Land use
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty                Impact                            Mitigation
                       How land is used in the District          Council will have to ensure that          Low                                Moderate                          Council will maintain input into
                       will change.                              services are appropriately sized                                                                               SmartGrowth and UFTI.
                                                                 to accommodate growth and                 Growth areas are sufficiently      Land use changes have direct
                       We expect to see a physical               service any growth areas.                 well signalled through the         implications for the design of    Council will be reviewing the
                       expansion and increased                                                             District Plan and SmartGrowth.     our services. If this occurs in   District Plan during the course
                       intensification of urban areas.           Similarly, increased horticulture         The development of a new           unexpected areas, or does not     of this LTP.
                       This will generally be inline with        development may have                      settlement pattern will require    occur as planned, then there
                       the District Plan and the new             implications for roading.                 a political process, community     may be financial implications.
                       SmartGrowth Joint Spatial Plan                                                      engagement and a high level of
                       (incorporating the Urban Form                                                       technical scrutiny to ensure it
                       and Transport Initiative (UFTI)).                                                   is viable.

                       This may see an increase in                                                         Horticulture growth is
                       impervious surfaces in urban                                                        currently occurring and has
                       areas.                                                                              been well signalled by industry.

                       The Joint Spatial Plan will result
                       in a new urban settlement
                       pattern being developed. This
                       may signal the development of
                       new residential areas. However,
                       this is likely to be in the 10-50
                       year time period.

                       We will also expect to see
                       continued conversion of dairy
                       land to horticulture over the next
                       10 years.

57   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

15   Inflation rates
     Assumption                            Implication                       Level of uncertainty               Impact                                Mitigation
     Costs are assumed to increase         Inflation rates impact the        Moderate                           Moderate                              Inflation assumptions are
     due to inflation.                     expected costs of our services                                                                             reviewed each year as part of
                                                                             The level of uncertainty for       If inflation is under-estimated
                                           in the future.                                                                                             the annual budgeting process.
     Financial projections over the                                          this assumption is moderate.       and actual cost increases are
     10-year period have been              These vary by activity as the     It is difficult to predict         materially higher than forecast,
     adjusted inline with indices          type of goods purchased differ.   inflation over a 10-year period,   budgets for the first year of
     prepared by BERL (September                                             therefore actual results are       the LTP may be too low to
     2020), which deals specifically                                         likely to vary from these          complete the work scheduled
     with the costs local government                                         indices, particularly from 2024    for the year. In such cases the
     deal with. Council has identified                                       onwards.                           work would be re-scheduled.
     that the faster rebuild scenario is
                                                                                                                If inflation is less than forecast,
     most suited for our District. The
                                                                                                                some work may be brought
     indices are applied according to
                                                                                                                forward from Year 2 of the
     the types of expenditure that
                                                                                                                Plan or surplus revenue held
     make up each activity.
                                                                                                                over the following year.
     An inflation assumption of 2%
     has been used for the remaining
     20 years of the Infrastructure

     For the Uniform Targeted Rates
     (UTR) (stormwater, water and
     wastewater) the inflation rate
     is defined by Council and is
     generally based on historic and
     projected financial information:
      2022: 3%
      2023-2031: 1%
     Projected indexed prices from a 1,000 base in September 2020
     Year                                 2021        2022      2023              2024         2025         2026         2027          2028           2029         2030           2031
     Roading                                 1,015      1,048     1,082               1,116        1,151       1,187       1,224          1,261         1,300        1,340           1,381
     Planning and regulation                 1,014      1,040     1,066             1,094          1,121       1,149        1,178        1,207           1,237        1,267         1,297
     Water and environment                     978       1,019    1,053             1,089         1,127        1,167       1,202         1,243           1,285       1,328          1,369
     Community activity                     1,007       1,038     1,067             1,097         1,127        1,159        1,189        1,222           1,256        1,291         1,325

                                                                                                                                                       Long Term Plan 2021-2031         58
      16             Interest rates
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty               Impact                             Mitigation
                       Interest rates will fluctuate over        Interest rates govern the cost            Low                               Moderate                           Interest rate assumptions are
                       the course of the LTP. However,           of borrowing. While borrowing                                                                                  reviewed each year as part of
                       on average, the interest rate on          is beneficial in spreading the            The level of uncertainty for      If interest rate assumptions       the annual budgeting process.
                       future term borrowing for the             cost of infrastructure across all         this assumption is low. Council   were too low, it would result in
                       10 years of the LTP has been              generations that benefit from             has a high level of confidence    borrowing costs being higher
                       estimated at 3.8%.                        it, fluctuating interest rates can        in these assumptions, which       than forecast.
                                                                 impact how much we pay.                   are based on cost, market
                                                                                                           information and hedges on         If interest rate assumptions
                                                                                                           existing borrowings through       were too high, borrowing costs
                                                                                                           interest rate swaps, in           would be lower than forecast.
                                                                                                           conjunction with advice from      A 0.5% movement on $150m
                                                                                                           New Zealand Treasury experts.     of debt equates to a $750k
                                                                                                                                             movement in interest expense.

59   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

 1   External funding for projects
     Assumption                           Implication                  Level of uncertainty             Impact                           Mitigation
     External funding will be available   Some projects will only be   High                             Moderate                         Council will continue to talk
     and some projects will be            progressed with sufficient                                                                     with partnering agencies
     contingent on this.                  external funding.            The level of uncertainty for     If the project is unable to      regarding funding availability.
                                                                       this assumption is high. It is   secure funds then Council
     Council and the community                                         difficult to predict whether     may be approached to meet
     often rely on external funding                                    community groups and             any shortfall. If this is the
     sources to help deliver projects.                                 Council for that matter will     case, this request will be
                                                                       be successful in obtaining       considered through the annual
     Council is aware of                                               external funding for projects.   budget process. If the project
     approximately $87m of                                                                              does not proceed, Council
     community and recreation                                          The level of funding             will remove the funding
     facility projects that the                                        available may vary from our      contribution (if applicable)
     community is wanting to deliver                                   assumptions.                     from the budget.
     over the next 10 years. Where
     Council is planning on making
     a contribution, this has been
     included in the LTP. Otherwise
     it is assumed that the projects
     will be delivered with external
     funding and that there will be no
     ongoing cost to Council.

     Council is able to access central
     government funds in some
     situations to assist with delivery
     of projects. It is assumed these
     projects will not be delivered
     unless there is certainty of funds
     from Central Government.

     There will be more central
     government funding available
     in the early years of the LTP, as
     part of the economic recovery
     response to COVID-19. However,
     there will be less funding
     available from other sectors
     (philanthropic organisations).

                                                                                                                                          Long Term Plan 2021-2031         60
      18             Asset lifecycles
                      Assumption                                 Implication                              Level of uncertainty            Impact                              Mitigation (revise through LTP)
                      Asset lifecycles will align with           Asset life cycles drive our              Low                             Low                                 Council will continue to
                      those forecast and used as                 renewals and maintenance                                                                                     maintain its asset management
                                                                                                          Asset condition is monitored    Several asset classes have
                      the basis of depreciation. It              schedules.                                                                                                   processes and plan accordingly.
                                                                                                          to ensure that maintenance or   very young infrastructure
                      is assumed that assets will be
                                                                                                          replacement is optimised.       (they have a long time until
                      replaced at the end of their
                                                                                                                                          their theoretical end of life).
                      useful life.
                                                                                                                                          As such the likelihood of
                      Please refer to the depreciation                                                                                    significant levels of failures or
                      section of Council’s Significant                                                                                    early replacement is muted for
                      Accounting Policies.                                                                                                Council.

61   Western Bay of Plenty District Council - Te Kaunihera a rohe mai i nga Kuri-a-Wharei ki Otamarakau ki te Uru
Strategic Assumptions for the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 - Informing our Planning

Pyes Pa School

                                                                     Long Term Plan 2021-2031   62
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