Novelty Generation Framework for AI Agents in Angry Birds Style Physics Games

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Novelty Generation Framework for AI Agents in Angry Birds Style Physics Games
Novelty Generation Framework for AI Agents in
           Angry Birds Style Physics Games
              Chathura Gamage                                 Vimukthini Pinto                                Cheng Xue
            School of Computing                           School of Computing                           School of Computing
      The Australian National University            The Australian National University            The Australian National University
             Canberra, Australia                           Canberra, Australia                           Canberra, Australia              

               Matthew Stephenson                                      Peng Zhang                           Jochen Renz
Dpt. of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering       School of Computing                School of Computing
              Maastricht University            The Australian National University The Australian National University
          Maastricht, The Netherlands                 Canberra, Australia                Canberra, Australia     

   Abstract—Handling novel situations is a critical capability of      to inject novelty and conduct controlled experiments [1],
Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents when working in open-world         we need test environments that simulate realistic novelties.
physical environments. To develop and evaluate these agents,           Physics simulation games, video games where the game world
we need realistic and meaningful novelties, that is, novelties
that are detectable and learnable. However, there is a lack of         simulates real-world physics, offer simplified and controlled
research in the area of creating novelties for AI agents in physical   environments for developing and testing AI agents [3]. There-
environments. Physics-based video games are popular among AI           fore, physics simulation games are ideal platforms to introduce
researchers due to the ability to create realistic and controllable    realistic novelties and conduct controlled experiments of open-
physical environments. In this paper, we present a systematic          world learning systems.
novelty generation framework for physics-based video games.
This framework allows the user to define a specific objective when        While novelty generation has been investigated in domains
generating novel content that ensures detectability. We instantiate    such as Monopoly [4] and Polycraft [5], to the best of our
the proposed framework for the video game Angry Birds and              knowledge, there are no existing automated approaches to gen-
conduct experiments to show that the generated novel content is        erate novelties in physics-based environments. In this paper,
consistent with the user-defined objectives. Furthermore, we use a     we present the first systematic novelty generation framework
reinforcement learning agent to experiment with the learnability
of the generated novel content.                                        for physics-based environments. The framework generates
   Index Terms—open-world learning, novelty generation, physics        meaningful novelties for AI agents. We consider a novelty
based video games, Angry Birds                                         to be meaningful if the novelty is detectable and learnable.
                                                                       The detectability and learnability are to ensure that agents
                       I. I NTRODUCTION                                can find and adapt to the novelty and improve performance
   Detecting and reacting to novel and unforeseen situations           over tasks. The pipeline of the proposed framework is shown
is a key feature of human intelligence and is still a challenge        in Fig. 1. The framework consists of two components which
for modern AI systems. Open-world learning is an emerging              can, (1) generate novel game objects for a given user-defined
research area that attempts to address this challenge [1].             objective and (2) inject generated novel objects to the game
With the increasing reliance on autonomous systems operating           content preserving the compatibility of the content for the
in open-world environments, such as self-driving vehicles,             game. We use Angry Birds as the test environment to introduce
underwater exploration robots, and drone swarms, embedding             our framework as it is a popular physics-based game for
novelty detection and novelty adaption capabilities to AI is           developing AI agents, with the long-running AI competition
becoming more important. For example, a trained self-driving           as part of the IJCAI conference [6].
car knows to stop at the red stop signs, but it may fail to               The rest of the paper is structured as follows. We start by
respond if it approaches a blue stop sign, which is not included       providing the definition of novelty in the context of AI and dis-
in its training data [2].                                              cuss related work in the areas of AI agent experimentation and
   To proceed with research in open-world learning, we need            video games. Next, we present the overview of the proposed
agents that can detect and adapt to novelty and environments           novelty generation framework followed by the application to
where novelty can be easily introduced in a controllable               Angry Birds with the tests used to generate requested novel
way. As real-world environments offer limited opportunities            content. We then present examples of generated novel content
                                                                       from our framework followed by experiments with AI agents
  978-1-6654-3886-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 Crown                              in Angry Birds to evaluate if the generated novel content meets
Novelty Generation Framework for AI Agents in Angry Birds Style Physics Games
Fig. 2: A level from the Angry Birds game.

                                                                    that can be used as drugs [10]. As open-world learning is
Fig. 1: Overview of the proposed novelty generation frame-
                                                                    an emerging research area [1], [8], there is only a limited
work. The Novel Object Generator generates novel game ob-
                                                                    number of prior work in generating novelties for AI agents.
jects according to a Novelty Request satisfying a user-defined
                                                                    As discussed previously, Monopoly [4] and Polycraft [5]
Novelty Objective. The Novelty Injector places the generated
                                                                    domains have been used to create novelties for open-world
novel objects in game content ensuring the compatibility of
                                                                    agents. However, their approaches to novelty generation are
the content in the context of the game.
                                                                    not publicly available.
                                                                       In the context of content generation for video games, Pro-
the user-defined requirements.                                      cedural Content Generation through Quality Diversity (PCG-
                                                                    QD), is a sub-branch of search-based procedural content gener-
                                                                    ation [11], which generates a substantial number of high qual-
A. What is Novelty?                                                 ity varied artifacts. In PCG-QD, the underlying mechanism is
   Consider an unmanned underwater vehicle trained for near-        evolutionary computation for multidimensional optimization.
surface coastal areas. The vehicle has expertise for missions       For the divergent search, evolution is not optimized using a
in the trained setting. But when it enters a region with new        fitness function which satisfies the eventual goal, but rewarded
types of rocks or an environment with extremely hot water, the      for the diversity of the solutions. This concept has been termed
vehicle may fail to respond as the vehicle has not experienced      by various researchers as increasing generality [12], surprise
these situations before [1]. “Novelty” is described as situations   [13], curiosity [14], or novelty [15]. PCG-QD has been used in
that violate implicit or explicit assumptions about the agents,     video games to generate 3D objects [16], weapons [17], and
the environment, or their interactions [7]. Following this, [1]     dungeons [18]. One of the major drawbacks of PCG-QD is
and [8] explain different types of novelties that may occur         that it has to explore multiple solutions in a multi-dimensional
in open-world environments. In [5] novelty is explained as a        space which can affect the performance of the algorithm.
relative property to an agent’s past experience and cognitive       Also, it is strenuous to find diversity from all the solutions
capabilities. When an agent encounters an entity, if the agent      obtained across the search space [19]. In our proposed work,
cannot recall the entity from prior experience, or the agent        the diversity that is introduced to the game from the novel
cannot infer the entity through cognition, the encountered          content is guaranteed through a series of tests.
entity is considered novel for the agent.
                                                                    C. Angry Birds
   Following the novelty categorization in [5], we define two
types of parameters available in the game objects of physics-          Angry Birds is a physics-based puzzle game in which the
based games as appearance parameters and physics parame-            player shoots birds from a slingshot at pigs. These pigs are
ters. Appearance parameters are the shape, size, and colour         often covered by different physical structures and the goal is
of an object which affects the visual appearance of the object.     to kill all the pigs using the provided birds. A sample Angry
Physics parameters are the mass, friction, bounciness, and etc.,    Birds level is shown in Fig. 2. Instead of the real Angry Birds
which determine the physics characteristics of the object. In       game environment, we used an open-source research clone of
this paper, we consider two categories of novel objects which       Angry Birds developed in Unity by Ferreira [20]. The main
can be encountered in physics-based games,                          objects that are available in this game can be split into four
   • Category 1: Objects with new appearance parameter
                                                                    types: birds (red, blue, yellow, white, and black), blocks (ice,
      values to the already encountered objects in the game.        wood, and stone), pigs, and explosives.
      Compared to already encountered objects, these objects           While Angry Birds seems simple and easy to play for
      do not have additional parameters and they may or may         human players, it is particularly challenging for AI agents
      not have the same physics parameter values.                   due to its large and effectively continuous action space, as
   • Category 2: Objects with the same appearance parameter
                                                                    well as unknown consequences for actions in advance [21].
      values to the already encountered objects in the game, but    A successful AI agent not only needs to learn the physical
      different physics parameter values.                           properties of game objects to correctly predict the outcome of
                                                                    an action but also needs to choose the desired action from the
B. Related Work                                                     action space. To achieve the same or better performance as
  There is prior work on novelty generation such as generating      compared to the best human players, agents need to address
new types of symbols for digits [9] and designing molecules         a number of issues from different areas of AI. Therefore, the
Novelty Generation Framework for AI Agents in Angry Birds Style Physics Games
impact of successfully addressing these issues goes far beyond
Angry Birds and will be an indispensable part of intelligent
agents that operate in the physical world.
   Together with its popularity and importance in AI, the abil-
ity to mimic the real-world environment in Angry Birds makes
it an ideal platform to add realistic novel content to facilitate
open-world learning research. Therefore, we instantiate our
novelty generation framework in the Angry Birds domain.
                   F RAMEWORK
   In this section, we present a high-level overview of the
proposed novelty generation framework. As shown in Fig. 1
the framework consists of two main modules Novel Object
                                                                    Fig. 3: Architecture of the novelty generation framework in
Generator and Novelty Injector.
A. Novel Object Generator
   Novel Object Generator module takes two types of inputs, a
                                                                    proceeds. If not, the generation aborts and concludes that the
Novelty Request and a Novelty Objective. The Novelty Request
                                                                    Novelty Objective is not achievable.
contains the category of the novel object that is needed to
                                                                       The outputs of this module are the generated novel game
be generated and the amount of novel game content to be
                                                                    objects, which are sent to the game and metadata, which
generated. The Novelty Objective is a request made by the user
                                                                    contains properties of novel objects and is used by the Novelty
that describes the expected change to the game by introducing
the novel object. Novelty Objective includes a set of game
objects to be converted to novel objects, the physics parameters    B. Novelty Injector
of the objects to adjust, and the expected outcome after
                                                                       Novelty Injector takes two inputs as (1) metadata of the
introducing the novel objects. A Novelty Objective example
                                                                    generated game objects from the Novel Object Generator and
is reducing the agent’s task performance by 10% by changing
                                                                    (2) game content to place novel game objects. The game con-
the mass of the game object A.
                                                                    tent can be already available content for the game or content
   Novel Object Generator generates game objects that belong
                                                                    generated from content generators. Novelty Injector places the
to one of the two novel object categories defined in Section
                                                                    generated novel objects in the game content. Metadata of the
II-A. The most critical task of this module is determining the
                                                                    generated novel objects are taken as an input to this module.
appropriate values of the physics parameters and this is done
                                                                    The spatial constraints of an object should be satisfied to
through a series of automated tests. The steps of the testing
                                                                    successfully place it in game content. Also, the novel content
procedure are summarized below:
                                                                    should satisfy the constraints of the game. Therefore, the
   • Input Analysis: Analyze the Novelty Objectives and             usability of the game content after placing the novel objects
      obtain the game objects and the physics parameters to         is validated through a game specific feasibility analysis. This
      adjust.                                                       analysis ensures that the output game content from this module
   • Value Range Selection: Determine the number of steps           is compatible to load to the game.
      and the step size to increase and decrease the parameter         Finally, the novel objects from the Novel Object Generator
      values from the original values.                              and game content compatible with the novel objects created
   • Constraint Satisfaction: Apply constraints to the se-          from the Novelty Injector are ready to be loaded into the game
      lected parameter values to ensure they are realistic.         in real-time.
   • Test Content Generation: Create game content by using
      the selected values of the parameters.                        IV. I NSTANTIATING N OVELTY GENERATION F RAMEWORK
   • Test Formulation: Formulate tests to quantify the effect                         TO A NGRY B IRDS
      due to the change of the parameters.                             In this section, we discuss how the proposed novelty gener-
   • Test Execution: Perform the tests based on the specified       ation framework is instantiated to Angry Birds. Fig. 3 shows
      Novelty Objectives.                                           the overall architecture of the framework in Unity. Subsequent
   • Result Analysis: Based on the test results, determine          sections discuss the modules of the framework in detail.
      appropriate values for the physics parameters.
   It is not always guaranteed that any given Novelty Objective     A. Novel Object Generator
can be satisfied. From the results of the testing procedure,          Unity has an inbuilt mechanism, which allows storing
the framework determines whether there are suitable values,         objects within the game, including the objects’ attached
which satisfy the provided Novelty Objectives, for the given        components and parameters. Game objects created from this
parameters of the novel game objects. If so, the generation         mechanism are termed as prefabs. Prefabs act as templates
that can be instantiated multiple times and can be configured       two submodules for the above two tasks as Novelty Placer
individually in the game scenes. We create novel objects as         and Stability Analyzer.
Prefabs. The Novel Object Generator module comprises three             1) Novelty Placer: This module is used to place novel
submodules, namely the Prefab Generator, Prefab Configurer,         objects in existing game content. It processes already available
and Asset Bundle Compiler.                                          game content (game levels or scenes) and performs a feasi-
   1) Prefab Generator: This module gets a Novelty Request          bility study to place the novel objects. In this initial version
as an input which specifies the required category of the novel      of our framework, Novelty Placer only consider the spatial
object and the number of novel game levels that is needed to        constraints of the object as the feasibility criteria. If it finds a
generate. According to the category of the novel object, Prefab     candidate object with matching dimensions in the game, then
Generator submodule either creates a new prefab or selects an       that object is replaced by the novel object. Otherwise, the novel
existing prefab from the game.                                      object is placed in an unoccupied region in the game scene
  •   The Prefab Generator creates a new prefab if a category 1     which satisfies the spatial requirements.
      novel object is to be introduced. The visual image (sprite)      2) Stability Analyzer: Novel objects introduced to the game
      of the prefab is selected from an existing sprite sheet       should satisfy physical stability requirements to prevent the
      provided beforehand. The type of the game object (e.g.,       game scene from collapsing. Since the Novelty Placer sub-
      a bird, a block) that needs to be generated is obtained       module does not consider parameters such as friction, mass,
      through the Novelty Request. To initialize the physics        etc., when placing the novel object, the game levels can still
      parameters of the new prefab, the available range of          be unstable although the spatial constraints are satisfied. To
      the parameter values of existing same-type game objects       ensure the stability of the scene, Stability Analyzer simulates
      are considered. Then, each parameter is set by randomly       the underlying physics simulator in Unity that is used for
      selecting a value from the available range. The modular       the game to determine whether the new scene is stable in
      architecture of the framework facilitates a user to replace   a physical sense. If the game scene is not stable, that means
      this module with other prefab generation tools.               the added novel objects to the game level is not compatible.
  •   If the generation is a category 2 novel object, which has     Then the novel game object injection is retried by replacing
      the same appearance of an existing object in the game,        another game object or with a different placement.
      then the submodule selects the prefab that corresponds to               V. A NGRY B IRDS N OVELTY O BJECTIVES
      the object received from the Novelty Request.                    In this section, we discuss the Novelty Objectives that we
   2) Prefab Configurer: This submodule obtains a Novelty           consider in the Angry Birds domain. As discussed under
Objective as the input. Then Prefab Configurer conducts             Section III-A, our focus in this work is to generate meaningful
automated tests to determine the physics parameter value to         novelties that achieve a pre-defined Novelty Objective, which
accomplish the given Novelty Objective. For Angry Birds,            allows us to ensure detectability of novelty. Novelty Objective
we considered four example expected effects of introducing          includes the expected outcome after introducing the novelty
novelty. These effects, example Novelty Objectives from these       (novelty outcome), the game objects to be converted to novel
effects, and the testing procedure are discussed in Section V in    objects (novelty objects), and the parameters of the objects
detail. For a given effect of introducing novelty, a game object,   to tune (novelty parameters). In the context of Angry Birds,
and a physics parameter, the tests in the testing procedure need    we assume a reasonable agent should be able to detect the
to be conducted only once and the data can be stored and            changes in at least one of the following four effects:
reused, which allows the framework to perform in real-time.            • The game score
   After determining the parameter value, the novel prefab is          • The level passing rate
configured with the selected value. The outputs of the Prefab          • The dispersion of the game objects after a bird shot
Configurer are a set of configured novel prefabs and a message         • The velocity of the game objects after a collision
with metadata of the configured prefabs.                               Therefore, we consider the expected outcome of introducing
   3) Asset Compiler: The final step of the Novel Object            novelty from these four effects when defining the Novelty
Generator is compiling the generated novel objects from the         Objectives. In Angry Birds, there are multiple object types
Prefab Configurer and make them ready to send to the game.          and multiple physics parameters associated with each object.
This is done by the Asset Compiler submodule. It compiles           There is a large space of Novelty Objectives that can be defined
all the configured novel objects into a single file named Asset     with the availability of multiple game object types and physics
Bundle. An Asset Bundle is an archive file that contains assets     parameters. Therefore, even with these four expected effects,
that can be loaded at the runtime of the game.                      the framework can handle a substantially large set of Novelty
                                                                    Objectives. Possible examples of Novelty Objectives in Angry
B. Novelty Injector
                                                                    Birds are (1) reducing the mean score of game levels by 10%
   The two tasks of the Novelty Injector module are (1)             by changing the friction of ice blocks and (2) reducing the
introducing the generated novel game objects to existing            level passing rate by 15% by changing the mass of pigs.
game content and (2) guaranteeing the game is stable after             The Novelty Objectives should be defined such that the
introducing the novelty. Novelty Injector module comprises          novelties are detectable to AI agents. The thresholds to ensure
the detectability of novelty is determined using our prior                  level, k = {1, . . . , n}, and (xk , yk ) are the x and y location
knowledge in the domain. For example, the game score should                 coordinates of the k th block.
deviate by at least 5% to make a detectable change for the                  Similarly, for the corresponding j th novel level, the list of
agents. A user’s Novelty Objective input to the framework is                location vectors of dispersed blocks is,
validated using these threshold values.                                              [(x∗1 , y1∗ ), (x∗2 , y2∗ ), . . . , (x∗k , yk∗ ), . . . , (x∗n , yn∗ )]
A. Novelty Outcomes                                                         The list of Euclidean distances between the two location
   In this section, we describe how to calculate parameter                  vectors for each object can be represented as,
values for a given novelty outcome associated with any of                                      [d1 , d2 , . . . , dk , . . . , dn ]
the four novelty effects mentioned in the previous section.
                                                                            where,                dk =
                                                                                                             (xk − x∗k )2 + (yk − yk∗ )2                 (3)
For the calculation, data should be recorded using an Angry
Birds playing agent. In this calculation, for category 1 novel                            th
                                                                            Thus, for i parameter value where i = {1, 2, . . . , m}, m =
objects, we assume that an agent is capable of detecting the                number of parameter values (m = 22 in this example) and
type of the novel object introduced (e.g., a bird, a block).                for the j th game level, the mean Euclidean distance of all the
Hence, for category 1 novel objects, we only consider the                   objects across the level is,
impact of the physics parameter changes without the impact                                                  Σn d k
                                                                                                      d∗ij = k=1                        (4)
of the appearance change.                                                                                               n
   A novelty outcome associated with any of the above four                  Thus, the dispersion factor for parameter value i,
effects is presented as a null hypothesis. The framework tests                                                       ΣN    ∗
                                                                                                                      j=1 dij
this hypothesis for each novelty parameter value across a fixed                                              D̂i =                                       (5)
number of levels, both with and without novelty added, by
                                                                            Based on this dispersion factor definition, the null hypothesis:
using a paired sample t-test (except for the level passing rate                                           Dbase −Dnovel
which uses a two-sample proportion test). Results are obtained                                     H0 :       Dbase             = x%                     (6)
from the t-test for each novelty parameter value at 5% level                where Dbase is the dispersion factor of the base levels and
of significance. The novelty parameter values which do not                  Dnovel is the dispersion factor of the levels with novelty.
reject the null hypothesis are the values that satisfy the Novelty             4) Impact on the Velocity of the Game Objects:
Objective. Out of the novelty parameter values which satisfy                The change in the velocity of the game objects after a
the Novelty Objective, the value which has the highest p-value              collision is a detectable change to the dynamics in a physical
is selected as the output of the test. If none of the novelty               environment.
parameter values satisfy the Novelty Objective, the framework                  The same procedure used to calculate the dispersion factor
considers the provided Novelty Objective as incompatible.                   in the above test is used to calculate the velocity factor. The
   1) Impact on the Game Score:                                             velocity data of the blocks are obtained after 0.5 seconds from
                            µbase −µnovel
                     H0 :       µbase       = x%                     (1)    the first collision of the bird that is shot. With the (xk , yk )
where, µbase is the population mean score of the base levels                components as the velocity across x and y directions of the
(levels without novelty) and µnovel is the population mean                  k th block, the same calculation can be used to compute the
score of the levels with novelty.                                           velocity factor V̂i of the ith novelty parameter value. Based
   2) Impact on the Level Passing Rate:                                     on this velocity factor definition, the null hypothesis is,
                    H0 : Pbase − Pnovel = x%             (2)                                               Vbase −Vnovel
                                                                                                   H0 :        Vbase            = x%                     (7)
where, Pbase is the population proportion of passing the base                 where Vbase is the velocity factor of the base levels and
levels and Pnovel is the population proportion of passing the               Vnovel is the velocity factor of the levels with novelty.
levels with novelty.
   3) Impact on the Dispersion of the Game Objects:                         B. Novelty Objective Example
Dispersion is referred to as the scattering of objects when a                  To illustrate our proposed testing procedure on a specific
force is applied. In Angry Birds, agents can interact with the              example, we consider the Novelty Objective: reduce the game
game objects only by shooting birds. The location of all the                score by 10% by changing the linear drag of wood blocks.
blocks are recorded after a single bird shot and when all the               Linear drag is the tendency of an object to slow down due to
game objects become stationary. The following formulation is                friction with the air or water surrounding it [22]. For the tests,
used to measure the dispersion of objects and find the novelty              we used an Angry Birds playing agent that shoots randomly
parameter value which satisfies the Novelty Objective.                      either to a pig or an explosive, and the game levels were
   For the level index j, location of the blocks in the j th base           generated using a state-of-the-art Angry Birds level generator
level after a single bird shot and when all the game objects                [23]. The automated procedure in Section III-A, applied for
become stationary can be represented as a list of vectors.                  this specific Novelty Objective in Angry Birds, is as follows:
         [(x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), . . . , (xk , yk ), . . . , (xn , yn )]
                                                                               • Input Analysis: the game object and the physics param-
where, j = {1, . . . , N }, N = total number of levels used                       eter provided in the Novelty Objective are wood blocks
for one parameter value, n = total number of blocks in j th                       and linear drag respectively.
(a) Base level                  (b) Novel level
                                                                      Fig. 5: A base game level (left) and the corresponding game
 (a) Mean score of game levels     (b) Passing rate of game levels    level with category 1 game objects generated from the frame-
                                                                      work (right) which has objects (dark red coloured blocks) with
                                                                      different appearance to the existing game objects.

 (c) Dispersion factor of blocks    (d) Velocity factor of blocks
Fig. 4: Variation in our four novelty outcomes as the linear
drag of wood blocks changes.                                                   (a) Base level                  (b) Novel level
                                                                      Fig. 6: A base game level (left) and the corresponding game
                                                                      level with category 2 novel game objects (right) after the same
  •  Value Range Selection: with the original value of linear
                                                                      bird shot. The novel game objects have the same appearance to
     drag 1.0, consider the number of steps as 40 (i.e., 20 each
                                                                      the wood blocks (brown-coloured blocks), but increased linear
     upwards and downwards), and step size as 0.5. The set
                                                                      drag value.
     of selected values P for the parameter is:
     P = {1.0 ± 0.5 × n | n ∈ Z+ , and n ≤ 20}.
   • Constraint Satisfaction: the realistic values for lin-
                                                                                    VI. R ESULTS AND E VALUATIONS
     ear drag ∈ [0, ∞). Therefore, the range is truncated
     as PT : PT = {pi | ∀pi ∈ P and pi ≥ 0} =                         A. Examples of Generated Novelties
     {0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, . . . , 10.5, 11}                          Screenshots of game levels generated from our framework
   • Test Content Generation: there are 22 novel parameter            with the two categories of novel objects are shown in Fig. 5
     values (PT ) to be tested. A set of 200 random base levels       and Fig. 6. A game scene with category 1 novel red-coloured
     are obtained using the level generator. Then the linear          blocks is shown in Fig. 5. The Novelty Objective used for
     drag value of wood blocks in each base level is adjusted         the generation was to reduce the dispersion of blocks by 15%
     for the 22 selected parameter values separately (i.e., a set     by adjusting the linear drag of the new block type. Fig. 6
     of 200 levels for each selected parameter value).                shows a level with category 2 novel objects. The novelty
   • Test Formulation: the test is formulated to measure the          objective was reducing the velocity factor of blocks by 12%
     impact of the game score as presented in Section V-A1:           by changing the linear drag value of wood blocks. The effect
     H0 : (µbase − µnovel )/µbase = 10%.                              on the wood blocks after the same bird shot is shown for the
   • Test Execution: conduct the test using the game playing          base level and its corresponding novel level. Because the linear
     agent. The agent plays each level 10 times and the mean          drag is increased in the novel level, the structure with wood
     score of each level is calculated. This is done to minimize      blocks does not collapse for the same shot, which collapsed
     the effect of possible random variation in scores.               the structure in the base level.
   • Result Analysis: select the most suitable value that
     satisfies the given Novelty Objective (i.e., the best value      B. Evaluating the Generated Novelties
     that reduces the score by 10% at 5% level of significance).        As an evaluation for generated novelty from the framework,
   After this procedure, it is identified that changing linear drag   we performed experiments using three AI agents which com-
of wood blocks to 2.0, most satisfies our Novelty Objective.          peted in the AIBirds competition to show that generated novel
   To give a more complete representation of this testing             content satisfies the corresponding novelty objective.
procedure on all novelty outcomes mentioned in Section V-A,             The three agents used for the experiment are,
Fig. 4 shows the recorded variation in the mean score, level            • Naı̈ve Agent: Naı̈ve agent uses the strategy of shooting
passing rate, dispersion factor, and velocity factor with the              directly at the pigs. It fires the given bird to any pig
change in linear drag. From this, we can see that each of our              selected at random using either a low or high trajectory,
novelty outcomes is affected by changing the linear drag of                which is also selected at random [24].
wood blocks. Please note, that there is nothing special about           • Datalab: The winner of 2014 and 2015 AIBirds com-
the linear drag of wood blocks, and our Novelty Objective                  petitions uses four strategies to solve game levels. The
could involve any game object or physics parameter, this is                strategies are to destroy pigs, physical structures, explo-
just one specific example to demonstrate our procedure.                    sives, and round blocks. The decision of which strategy
TABLE I: Results of the three agents for the two experiments
with two Novelty Objectives. (1) reduce the mean score of
game levels by 20% by adjusting the linear drag parameter of
wood blocks and (2) reduce the passing rate of game levels by
20% by adjusting the linear drag parameter of wood blocks.

     Agent          Exp 1: mean score       Exp 2: passing   rate
                  Base    Novel    Redu.   Base   Novel      Redu.
  Naive Agent    39,987   32,241   19%     0.44    0.28       16%
    Datalab      53,042   42,101   21%     0.76    0.54       22%
  Eagle’s Wing   43,261   32,796   24%     0.48    0.30       18%
                                                                            Fig. 7: Evaluation process of the DQ-Birds agent.

                                                                      TABLE II: Mean scores for different versions of the DQ-Birds
      to use is based on the game level, possible trajectories,       agent.
      currently selected bird, and remaining birds [25].
   • Eagle’s Wing: Eagle’s Wing, which is the winner of                                   Agent Status               Mean Score
      2017 and 2018 competitions makes its shooting decision                            Base Performance               37,133
      based on five strategies. The five strategies are shoot pigs,            Novel Performance before Retraining     30,834
                                                                               Novel Performance after Retraining      34,613
      destroy explosives, destroy most blocks, shoot high round
      objects, and destroy structures strategy [26].
   The Novelty Request we considered was to generate 50
novel game levels with category 2 novel objects. The base               •   Set C - 50 randomly generated base levels for testing
game levels that were used by the framework were 50 game                •   Set D - 300 novel levels by adding novelty to the set A
levels generated from the state-of-the-art Angry Birds level                with the Novelty Objective of reducing the mean score
generator. The agent used within the initialization of the                  of the game levels by 20% by adjusting the linear drag
framework was the agent mentioned in Section V-B. In our                    value of wood blocks
first experiment, the Novelty Objective was reducing the mean            • Set E - 50 novel levels by adding novelty to the set B

score of the game levels by 20% by adjusting the linear drag                with the same novelty objective as in set D
value of wood blocks, while the Novelty Objective of the                 • Set F - 50 novel levels by adding novelty to the set C

second experiment was reducing the passing rate of the game                 with the same novelty objective as in set D
levels by 20% by adjusting the linear drag value of wood                 Secondly, we conducted the experiment. The experimenta-
blocks. For the first experiment, we ran the three agents and         tion process is shown in Fig. 7. We trained the agent on the
recorded the scores they obtained for the 50 base game levels         set A while evaluating on the set B. We obtained the best
and for the 50 novel game levels. For the second experiment,          performing agent model, which is the model with the highest
we ran the three agents and recorded the passed game level            mean score in the set B. The trained agent was tested on the
count for the 50 base levels and for the 50 novel levels.             set C (Base Performance). Then, we tested the agent on the set
   The results of the three agents for the two experiments            F (Novel Performance before Retraining). Next, we trained the
are shown in Table I. From the results, it can be seen that           agent on set D while evaluating on set E. We obtained the best
the framework could achieve the expected Novelty Objective            performing agent model, which is the model with the highest
consistently across different agents.                                 mean score in the set E. Finally, the trained agent was tested
                                                                      on set F (Novel Performance after Retraining).
C. Experiments Using a Learning Agent                                    Base Performance is the mean score of the best performing
   We now test our second requirement for meaningful novelty:         agent on the base game levels. Novel Performance before
learnability. We, therefore, conducted an additional experiment       Retraining is the mean score of the agent for the novel levels
using an Angry Birds reinforcement learning agent, called             without training on novel levels. The difference between these
DQ-Birds [27] to show that the generated novel content is             two results is the impact on the agent by the introduced
learnable, even though the learnability is not explicitly guar-       novelty. Novel Performance after Retraining is the mean
anteed. An AI agent that can reasonably learn to perform in a         score of the agent after training on novel game levels. The
physical environment should also be able to learn to perform          difference between the Novel Performance after Retraining
in the same environment with a different physical parameter           and Novel Performance before Retraining quantifies the effect
configuration. Since the novelties generated by the framework         of learning. If this difference is positive we claim the generated
can be seen as a new physical parameter configuration of the          novel content is learnable.
environment, we expect a learning agent can learn to adapt to            Table II shows the results of our third experiment. After
the novel environment.                                                training on the base-level training set, the agent achieved a
   Firstly, we created six data sets for the experiment:              mean score of 37,133 for the base-level test set and it was
   • Set A - 300 randomly generated base levels for training          reduced by 16.96% when the same agent was tested on the
   • Set B - 50 randomly generated base levels for validation         novel test-set. Next, the agent could increase the mean score
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   This research was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Re-                          GECCO 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary
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                                                                               [21] J. Renz, R. Miikkulainen, N. R. Sturtevant, and M. H. M. Winands,
contained in this document are those of the authors and                             “Guest editorial: Physics-based simulation games,” IEEE Transactions
should not be interpreted as representing the official policies,                    on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 101–
either expressed or implied, of the DARPA or ARO, or the                            103, 2016.
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