Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2

Page created by Bradley Hughes
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Term 2


       OF 10


                        Weekly Newsletter
                                            for Parents                                      lleg
                                                       ,   Students a                    n Co
                                                                      nd Friends of Gilso

                Gilson Gazette - 3 May 2019
  Weekly Newsletter for Parents, Students and FriendsPage   1 College
                                                      of Gilson
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Athletics Day


general News                                                                             4
GCCC ANNOUNCEMENTS...........................................................4
PARKING OFF CAMPUS...............................................................4

PRIMARY News                                                                             6
AWARDS NAMES.........................................................................6
WOOLWORTHS EARN AND LEARN..............................................7
UNIFORM ...................................................................................7
YEAR 6 PUBERTY INFORMATION NIGHT......................................8
PB4L - GOTCHA CARDS................................................................8
WALK TO SCHOOL DAY (17TH MAY 2019)....................................8

secondary News                                                                           9
STORY DOGS VOLUNTEER...........................................................9
SCHOOL UNIFORMS...................................................................9
VCAL NEWSLETTER - PAGE 1......................................................12
VCAL NEWSLETTER - PAGE 2......................................................13
THE ANZAC BISCUIT..................................................................14
ATHLETICS DAY PHOTOS............................................................15

                                       Page 2
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Editorial - I have found it

            Hiero, king of Sicily was worried. He had given a local
        goldsmith a quantity of gold to make a crown and when the
        finished product arrived he was suspicious of the goldsmith.
        Suspecting that the goldsmith had added silver to the crown
        to make up the required weight, the king was not sure how to
prove this without destroying the crown.
    Calling in Archimedes, he outlined the problem to him. “Give me
some time and I’ll find the answer,’ was the response. Silver was lighter
than water - that he knew. However, for a time the solution still eluded
Archimedes and going to the public baths he lowered himself into the
tub of water and watched as some of the water overflowed out of the
tub. Suddenly it dawned on him that the volume of water that flowed
out of the tub equalled the volume of his body. Now all we have to do is
lower the crown into water check the volume of water that spills out and
measure it. Then get some gold equal to the volume of water and check
that against the weight of the crown.
    Archimedes jumped out of the bath and ran home through the
streets of Syracuse, still dripping wet shouting, “Eureka! Eureka! I’ve
found it! I’ve found it!”
    Those who discovered gold in the 1800s here in Victoria shouted
‘eureka’. The shepherd in the verse below also shouted ‘eureka’ when
he found the sheep.
   Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep, which was lost. Luke
    Read the rest of Luke 15 and you’ll find God in heaven shouting
‘eureka’ when he finds you.
   It’s worth a thought.

Mark B Vodéll

                              Page 3
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Senior boys SSV soccer

       general News                          GCCC ANNOUNCEMENTS
                                                 •   4th May - We welcome
COMMENDATIONS                                        you to join us this
     As a part of Gilson                             Sabbath at GCCC
College promoting our PB4L                           as Pr Murray Hunter
values, we regularly provide                         shares the Word. The
students with commendations                          worship program
and record these on                                  will start at 10.00am
SEQTA. This allows you the                           followed by a time to
opportunity to celebrate                             relax over a hot cuppa
their success and see how                            and a snack. Life
your child is demonstrating                          groups will commence
‘respect, responsibility and                         straight after snack
resilience’. To view your child’s                    and chat. Please bring
commendation, you can                                some healthy snacks
access this through SEQTA                            to share.
Engage by clicking on the                        •   4th May - Revelation
‘Dashboard’ tab on the left-                         Today begins this
hand side of the page. Then                          Saturday at 3.00pm.
make sure the Pastoral care tab
has been selected at the top of              PARKING OFF CAMPUS
the page. Any commendations                      Thank you to everyone
will appear under the pastoral               who has been demonstrating
care title.                                  our PB4L values during pickup

                                    Page 4
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Verse of the Week
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap
              a harvest if we do not give up.” Galations 6:9

  and drop off times before and            Study Centre each Friday.
  after school. Please ensure
  that if you are picking up your          WE’RE PLEASED TO BE
  child and parking outside of
  the school property that you
                                           TAKING PART IN THE
  are parking in the appropriate           BE AN UPSTANDER
  places and not double parking.           - #IHAVEYOURBACK
  Unfortunately, there are a
  number of parents who are                STUDENT POSTER
  double parking which is a very           COMPETITION!
  dangerous practice.                           The Department of
       Recently we have seen               Education and Training is
  an increase in the number of             running a poster competition
  people who are using their               open to students from all
  mobile phones whilst driving. It         Victorian schools. The
  is important to remember that            competition invites students
  you are modelling appropriate            to get creative and design
  and inappropriate behaviours             a poster that promotes
  to your children.                        upstander behaviour and the
                                           theme #ihaveyourback.
  STUDY CENTRE AND OFFICE                       What is upstander
  CLOSE AT 4:30PM EACH                     behaviour?
  FRIDAY                                        While it can be hard to see
                                           someone being bullied, it’s
       With the earlier sunset
                                           even harder to be the person
  times the Study Centre as well
                                           being bullied.
  as the Office will be closing at
  4.30pm each Friday afternoon
  from May to July.                             An upstander is a person
       Please ensure you collect           who speaks or acts in support
  your children before this time.          of an individual or cause,
  Alternate arrangements can be            particularly someone who
  made with OSHC, if you cannot            intervenes on behalf of a
  be at the school by 4.30pm.              person being attacked or
       Please note that the earlier
  closing time only applies to the              We can all do something

                                  Page 5

                       The VALUE for Week 3 of Term 2 will be:

  Independent people are not influenced or controlled by others. They are able to think and
 act for themselves. Independent people are responsible and able to make good choices, not
                              relying on others for aid or support.
      God created us with the ability and freedom to think and make choices. We need to
    demonstrate responsibility in taking care of ourselves and considering the impact our
                               choices have on those around us.
    “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as
                                 servants of God.” 1 Peter 2:16

      help. We can all be upstanders.                    The competition runs from
            You can learn more about                15 March to 26 May 2019.
      upstander behaviour by                             For more information
      visiting #ihaveyourback.                      about the competition
            You will also find a video              and how to enter, visit
      created by the Department in                  #ihaveyourback poster
      partnership with Melbourne                    competition page.
      Football Club and Victorian                        Gilson College takes
      Aboriginal Education Inc. that                bullying prevention very
      sends an important message                    seriously. We want all of our
      about upstander behaviour                     students to feel safe and
      and racist bullying.                          included.
            The Competition
            Not only will the winning                       PRIMARY News
      student-artists receive a $200
      voucher from their choice
      of JB HI-FI, Rebel Sports, or                 AWARDS NAMES
      Eckersley’s Art and Craft but                      On Monday morning
      the winning posters will be                   one student from each
      printed and sent to all Victorian             class was acknowledged for
      schools.                                      demonstrating the value of
            The winning student’s
      school will receive a $2,500
      voucher from Eckersley’s Art
      and Craft.

                                           Page 6
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Week 2 Primary awards photo

‘self-discipline’.                         6M – Saihaj Bhangu
      FH – Kayla Chen                      French – Mia Polidano
      FM – Maria Abraham
      FR – Verena Mobarak              WOOLWORTHS EARN AND
      1H – Rafael Abboushi             LEARN
      1L – Sipo Cinzah                      We have two collection
      1W – Eva Justin                  boxes for the Woolworths Earn
      2C – Jenil Patel                 and Learn vouchers. If your
                                       child brings them to school
      2J – Amelia Vicek                they can be put it in one of
      2Z – Dibora Asrat                the collection boxes which
      3H – Oliver Stania               is located in the main office.
      3R – Colwyn Chok                 The stickers will be available
                                       from participarting Woolworth
      3T – Ellie Poon                  stores from Wednesday 1st
      4B – NA                          May. Sticker sheets will be
      4S – Jessica Ho                  made available through each
      4W – Zac Georgiou                class teacher.
      5A – NA
      5H – Shashank Chander
                                           Winter uniform is to be
      5S – Kunmum Valles               worn in Term 2. Due to our
      6G – Ruth Tsegaye                unpredictable weather in
      6H – Antonia Adams               Melbourne we have a two
                                       week period where either

                              Page 7
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
summer or winter uniform                   lucky dip box. Each Monday
may be worn. However, it must              morning, two cards will then
be either complete summer                  be randomly drawn and
uniform or complete winter                 the lucky two students will
uniform, not a mixture of the              get to choose from a box of
two.                                       special prizes. This is another
                                           initiative that we are doing at
YEAR 6 PUBERTY                             Gilson College to promote a
                                           respectful and harmonious
INFORMATION NIGHT                          environment.
     On Tuesday 21st May
we will be having a Year Six               WALK TO SCHOOL DAY
Puberty information night.
This will commence at 6:30 in              (17TH MAY 2019)
the Year 3/4 building. On this                  Walk Safely to School Day
night we will cover topics such            (WSTSD) is an annual, national
as physical and emotional                  event when all primary school
changes, hygiene and how to                children are encouraged to
support your child as they go              walk and commute safely to
through these changes. It is a             school. It is a community event
requirement that all Year Six              seeking to promote road
students and parents attend.               safety, health, public transport
We will be giving out 1 PEP                and the environment.
hour on the night.                              WSTSD promotes the
                                           important message that active
PB4L - GOTCHA CARDS                        kids are healthy kids. The
     As we continue to                     event encourages parents,
focus on our 3R’s – Respect,               carers and their children
Responsibility and Resilience,             to build regular walking to
we are excited to announce                 and from school into their
that this term we have                     daily routine. Children need
launched the ‘GOTCHA                       a minimum of 60 minutes
Cards’ initiative. When                    exercise per day. Encouraging
students are playing at                    less driving and more walking
recess and lunchtime, the                  aims to decrease dangerous
yard duty teachers are                     vehicle congestion around
looking for students who are               schools and reduce carbon
demonstrating our values.                  emissions from idling cars.
These students will be given               Lastly, it is just a nice way to
a ‘GOTCHA card’ which will                 be part of your community.
then be placed into our                    Visit

                                  Page 8
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
to accesses a huge range of                It is run by volunteers who
resources for your school.                 come into schools with dogs
     On Friday 17th May,                   and listen to children read. Its
we are inviting all students               mission is to make reading fun
to come and meet us at the                 for children, so they become
Watervale Shopping Centre                  confident lifelong readers.
where we will walk together to             Currently Story Dogs has no
school. We will be meeting at              volunteers in our area, and
8.00am and leaving no later                we would love to begin Story
than 8:10am. All students who              Dogs at Gilson College. If you
participate will be provided               are interested in becoming
with a piece of fruit and drink            a volunteer (it would count
when we arrive at Gilson                   toward PEP hours), please
College.                                   visit their website https://
                                           to-volunteer. If you have any
                                           questions you can email
     secondary News                        kimberley.muller@gilson.vic.
                                  to assist you in being
STORY DOGS VOLUNTEER                       qualified as a Story Dogs
    Story Dogs is a literacy
program that helps children
across Australia learn to read.            SCHOOL UNIFORMS

                                  Page 9
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Term 2, students should            piercings and then have them
have begun the school term              covered with bandaids.
wearing full winter uniform.                 It would be appreciated
     DRESS                              if parents noted that this will
     We would appreciate                not be accepted in Term 2.
parents working with your               All students will be asked to
student, checking the uniforms          follow the school protocols
for cleanliness and preparing           and wear only the jewellery
them for the new term.                  permitted. If students refuse to
                                        take out additional jewellery
     Young ladies are to wear
                                        they may be sent home until it
long navy blue socks or navy
                                        is removed and the guidelines
blue tights, both are available
                                        of the school are followed.
from the uniform shop. It
would be appreciated if                      SPORT UNIFORM
the length of young ladies                   Please note that the
winter skirts are checked and           school sport uniform is only
alterations are made during             worn on the day each student
the holidays. Modesty is the            has Sport. When students have
rule of thumb with acceptable           Health and Physical Education,
length touching the top of the          the students are expected to
knee, when standing tall.               wear full dress uniform and
     SHOES                              change for their Health and
                                        Physical Education. We would
     It is also a good time to
                                        appreciate parent support in
remind parents that school
                                        ensuring the students come
shoes should be black
                                        to school in their correct
polishable leather. Many
students are wearing canvas
shoes or shoes which look
more like runners than formal
dress polishable black shoes.
     The student hand book
outlines the schools stand on
jewellery. Girls are allowed a
single stud in each year and
piercings are not acceptable
for the male students. There
are number of students who
have made the choice to have

                              Page 10
Athletics Day 2WEEK Term 2
Farewell to Mrs Hutchinson and Mr Hope. Mrs Hutchinson off on maternity leave and Mr Hope
  one of our Bus Drivers is relocating to Queensland. Best wishes and God bless to you both.

                                         Page 11
•   Waking up on a Wednesday morning, knowing I’m going to be going to TMG COLLEGE
    is exciting as we go to our choice of course in the working industry. As 9am hits we are
    introduced into a class with 10 students ready to start the day all ready to undertake
    Certificate III in Health Services Assistant. (Ramzi)
•   I have started Year 12 VCAL this year. It is good for me because it is not too hard for
    me. My Tafe is a bit more hands on. My work placement is fun and is helping me get
    experience in the retail industry. (Cameron)
•   English is very satisfactory, it provides a good challenge for all of the students and it’s
    very possible to do. I travel to Sunshine Victoria University Polytechnic every Wednesday
    and they provide good services there. On Fridays, I go to my dad’s friend’s electrical
    business. (Giordan)
•   The VCAL classes has been a very different experience for me. It has allowed me to
    improve my confidence when performing certain tasks that require me to use my
    verbal skills. It has also allowed me to build social skills that I can use when I am in
    the workplace. I do enjoy being in the workshop as it allows me to keep an open mind
    when working with tools and machinery. I have also been learning simple tasks that
    electricians do when on a worksite. Some of these tasks consist of: feeding wire through
    plaster, replacing power points, checking the meter box. (Jack)
•   Some of the things that I enjoy most about the VCAL program is going to my work
    placements on Fridays and learning new things about being an electrician. I enjoy how
    hands on my day is rather than being in a classroom and doing a lot of paperwork. I
    enjoy the customers and the other tradies that I work with when going to building sites
    and homes. (Lucas)
•   One of the main things I’m enjoying in VCAL is my work placement, my job, as I finally
    get to work and help provide for my family and anyone who is in need. (Mathew)
•   In my VCAL course, I am learning about work health safety and transmitted diseases
    from animals to humans and humans to animals. I am learning proper ways to handle
    situations with aggressive animals and hazards within my workplace. What I most enjoy
    about my work placement (Pets Haven, Woodend) is my involvement with animals.
•   VCAL has made a dramatic change in my schooling career, it has taught me more life
    skills than VCE has ever done. From learning: how to use basic life skills in the classroom
    to learning some first aid, difficult mathematic questions and learning what OH&S rules I
    need to follow in a worksite. While at my TAFE course, it opened my eyes to see how hard
    life can be and how all of the skills I learnt in VCE and am learning in VCAL can actually
    help with my day to day life now and after I graduate. (Joshua)
•   VCAL is another pathway for learning, and has been most beneficial to me, especially
    dealing with my anxiety, it has helped me improve my confidence and significantly
    helped me prepare for the real-life trials and allows me to do what I love the most and

                                      Page 12

    that is art. School is less stressful and prepares me for real life situations. I really enjoy
    the work placements because it gives me a reason to look forward to the future, not only
    getting paid but exploring different fields and falling in love with the work environment.
•   My course in the city is Certificate III in Business, but that’s not what’s been the most
    amazing part of VCAL for me. For me, it’s the three days in school that I spend learning
    practically and hands-on. It has been empowering and unlike anything I’ve done in my
    12 years in school. Every day I feel like I’ve accomplished something, learned something
    new, gained more skills that I not only work into my work life but also my everyday life.
    VCAL makes me want to get out of bed in the morning and come to school at my own
    volition. I actually enjoy coming to school now. I’ve never been happier. (Nityasree)
•   The Carpentry course I’m in is fun. We learn how to use tools and how to use them
    in different ways. They teach us to use hand tools first then we slowly move to power
    tools. My work placement is good as he treats me well and I get paid $20 a day but it’s
    all about the learning experience. The boss also gives me money to buy food and his
    workers treat me kindly and we all get along well. (Brendan)
•   In 2019, it’s so amazing to see Gilson allowing VCAL into the school. As someone who
    has always wanted to be in the beauty industry this was such good news to hear. I
    wouldn’t need to stress myself out in VCE just to go to university and study something
    that had nothing to do with my VCE subjects. I am doing Certificate III in Beauty so
    I spend my work placement at a beauty salon. Every Wednesday morning at 9am I
    go to Bianco Beauty, I spend most of the day answering phone calls, cleaning up the
    treatment rooms and observing different treatments that Bianco provides such as lash
    lifts, waxing, manicures and pedicures. I’ve been taught a lot already and the girls I work
    with are always willing to help me and keep me occupied. Beauty is a fun way to express
    myself and VCAL has given me the opportunity to have my dream job by the time I
    graduate high school. (Angelica)

                VCAL Student of the Month Award
 Angelica Thalawiti-Arachchige received the March ‘VCAL Student of
the Month’ award for her consistently completing work to a high standard.
Angelica is hard working and we have received the same fantastic feedback
                   from her course and work placement.

                                       Page 13

  The Anzac biscuit is a sweet biscuit, popular in Australia and New Zealand,
   made using rolled oats, flour, sugar, butter (or margarine), golden syrup,
baking soda, boiling water, and (optionally) desiccated coconut. Anzac biscuits
 have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
   (ANZAC) established in World War I. The biscuits were sent by wives and
women's groups to soldiers abroad because the ingredients do not spoil easily
 and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation. Today, Anzac biscuits
                  are manufactured commercially for retail.

                                   Page 14

       Page 15
Parents and Friends Committee
               Gilson College

Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term Two. We hope you have had a
very happy, holy and restful Easter break.

                          Gilson College
We are thrilled to announce that our School Colour
Explosion was a huge success.
With your assistance, we were able to raise a
whopping $8760.22 which will go towards funding a
project through the coming year.
It was wonderful to see the spirit and enthusiasm that
was displayed in supporting our school and of course
the smiles on the students' faces. What a blast of                  TERM 2
colour it was! And we can’t wait to do it again next
year.                                                          Mother’s Day Stall
The student incentive prizes have been ordered and                9-10 t h May
will be delivered shortly. On behalf of the Parents and            National Walk
Friends Committee, we sincerely thank you for your
                                                                     Safely to
support and effort that was put into Gilson’s first ever
Colour Fun Run.
                                                                    School Day
                                                                     17 t h May
We are excited to announce that the Entertainment               Pizza Day
Book for 2019/2020 is back and full of new and
                                                                 3 r d June
amazing coupons/offers. The cost is $70 which can be
purchased either as a hard copy or electronic version         Cookie and
onto your device. It’s available for sale in the uniform     Cupcake Day
shop (cash only) or online. Gilson College receive              25 t h June
20% of the sale of each Membership.
Click on the following links to order your membership and view the electronic

                                      Page 16
Page 17
Be an Upstander -
#ihaveyourback student
poster competition
Do you want to help other                                        COMPETITION RUNS FROM
students to be upstanders?                                         15 MARCH - 26 MAY 2019
Enter the Bully Stoppers
poster competition!

                                         There are three            Prizes
                                         categories – primary,
         Criteria                        secondary or special
                                                                    The winning posters will be displayed
                                                                    in schools across the state. Each
         You must be enrolled            school and prizes for
                                                                    winning student entry will receive a
         in a Victorian school           each category.
                                                                    $200 voucher for JB Hi-Fi, Rebel Sport
         – government,                                              or Eckersley’s Art and Craft.
         independent or Catholic.
                                                                    Plus your school will win a $2,500
                                                                    voucher for Eckersley’s Art & Craft.

For more information and poster requirements:

                                                       Page 18
CALENDAR               2019
                                                     SECONDARY CALENDAR
    PRIMARY CALENDAR                                      TERM 2 2019
        TERM 2 2019
                                                                      Week 3
                    Week 4
                                                 m       6 - 8 May
                                                          th    th
m   14th - 28th May                                      Sport & Recreation Rock Climbing
    NAPLAN                                               Camp
m   17th May
    National Walk Safely to School Day
m   18th May
    Year 5 GSD

                    Week 5
m   21 May

    Year 6 Puberty Information Night
m   24th May
    French Poetry Competition and Excursion

                    Week 6
m   29 May

    Year 4-6 Athletics day

                    Week 8
m   11 June

    PUPIL FREE Day - Report Writing
m   13th June
    School Photo Day
m   14th June
    Multicultural Parade

                    Week 10
m   25 & 26 June
       th      th

    Parent Teacher Interviews

                                         ANZAC service
                                           Page 19
You can also read