MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School

Page created by Vernon Haynes
MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
                                          News from The Swanage School
    March 2021

In this issue…
A CLASS ACT:The beauty of maths

ARTY COWS: New faces on the Studland dunes

LOCKDOWN HEROES: Celebrating commitment

SCIENCE WEEK: Inspiration, innovation and invention
MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
HEAD LINES                                                                                     LOCKDOWN HEROES
                                                                                               Although assemblies aren’t taking place in the hall currently, tutors are sharing assembly
              Thank you all for your help

                                                YEAR 9
                                                                                               topics with their groups during tutor time. In a one assembly earlier this term our
              and support in making this
                                                                                               “lockdown heroes” were given special recognition. These were students nominated by
              term a real success in such
                                                                                               teaching staff as having gone the extra mile during lockdown to stay focused and
              trying times. It really has
              been brilliant having all the     OPTIONS UPDATE                                 committed to their work. Well done all! (*Nominated by two teachers)

              students back in school.
                                                                                                         Jamil Bashar         Lydia Grygiel         Emma Craig           Deniz Demir
                                                Following the option process, we have

                                                                                               YEAR 7
 The mass testing stations have been
                                                rewritten the timetable to enable Year 9                 Imogen Fontana       Harrison Bennet       Thomas Rhead         Noah Bayerl
 taken down, the children are back in
                                                students to start their option courses                   Aleisha Billington   Harry Spurling*       Seren James
 classrooms, the playground and playing         after Easter.
 fields are full of noise and activity and
 the sun is shining. It really is great to be   Option teachers are very excited to                      Charlotte Finney     Karis England*        Toby Scadden         Gabriel Perryman

                                                                                               YEAR 8
 back. We have been busy planning for           start with their new groups and of                       Ellie Burch          Charlie Johnson       Keren Campbell       Nati Stannard*
 next term and we are hoping if all stays       course it will give the Year 9 students a
                                                                                                         Sky Moring           Reuben Marcus         Esme Woodford*
 on track that we will be able to have a        head start with regards to Covid-
 scaled down, Covid-safe Challenge              recovery and an additional term of
 Week. We have challenge days                   study time for their option subjects.                    Faith Marshall       Olivier Tylek         Amy Robertson        Alfie Williams

                                                                                               YEAR 9
 planned to address important issues
                                                Students have been issued with their                     Martha Mittins       Ferdi Rose            Lewis Cook           Pollen Demir
 such as healthy minds and healthy
                                                new timetables and they are also                         Ava Muir             Elliott Kelly         Olivia Stevens       Mikey Johnson
 bodies. We also have some much
                                                available to you to access in the “Arbor
 needed outdoor team building,                                                                           Louis James
 creativity and adventures planned.
                                                                                                         Jayden Elikyah-Wald James Alcock           Edie Weld-Davies     Emily Knapman
                                                                             are in the

                                                                                               YEAR 10
 Everything will of course all depend on
 how the roadmap out of restrictions                                         student                     Willoughby Coffen    Taisie Follina        Rachel Glassock      Josh Weekes
 continues and most importantly we will                                      calendar                    Daniel Stange        Nell Craker           Rose Starmer         Oscar Brady
 never be complacent with our Covid                                          section.
                                                                                                         Oli Moring           Freddie Long          Rosie Goodwin
 risk management and system of
                                                                              (As emailed to
 controls. So enjoy the holiday, stay safe                                                               Andrew Hancock*      Oli Mittins           Billy Lepper         Leo Evans
                                                                                               YEAR 11

                                                                              Y9 parents: 31
 and we look forward to welcoming the
                                                                              March 2021)                Olivia Marcus        Grace Perry*          Spencer Brown        Sophie Cuff
 students back after the holidays.
                                                                                                         Amelia Robertson     Maddie Pragnell       Milly James          Jake Streams
 Jenny Maraspin

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MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
SCHOOL SNIPPETS                                                                                 LUNCH MATTERS
FREEDOM DAY                                      TUTOR QUIZ RESULTS                              Did you know that we
The Swanage School choir have added              Congratulations to Mr Peake’s tutor            offer a main meal option
their voices to a song written by local          group, who were victorious in this term’s         each day (meat and
musician David Lapthorn to mark                                                                 vegetarian alternatives),
                                                 Friday Big Tutor Quiz, a weekly round of
Freedom Day. Held in March each year,                                                            pasta, salad and a range
                                                 questions designed to get brain cells firing
Freedom Day was founded by American                                                                 of baguettes and
                                                 and to provide some light relief at the end
Broadcaster CNN to campaign against
                                                 of each week. Miss Barry’s group came                 sandwiches?
human slavery. Here in England, charity
Unseen UK work to end modern day                 second and Mr Hines’ third. Thanks to
slavery and exploitation - the song has          Miss Morris for organising!
been set to their images and dedicated
                                                                                                                                                               Main meals are just
to everyone involved in their work. You
                                                                                                                                                              £2.50, pasta dishes are
can see the video on YouTube.
                                                                                                                                                                £2, baguettes and
                                                                                                                                                                sandwiches £1.75.

                                                                                                                                ParentPay works           If your child hasn’t yet tried
                                                BABY AT THE BUS STOP!                                                                                     our meals, why not give
                                                                                                                                brilliantly, freeing
                                                Well done to Year 11 students Riley and                                                                   them a whirl after Easter?
                                                                                                                                students up from
                                                Paige who went to the aid of a lady who                                                                   We offer lots of variety and
Mr Lapthorn said of the students                                                                                             needing cash at school,
involved: “They’ve been absolutely              had gone into labour just outside the                                                                     healthy options to choose
                                                                                                                              and making service at
amazing. They had a lovely energy and           school, and waited with her until the                                                                     from across the week. Our
                                                                                                                                 lunchtime much
sang beautifully in tune. I was quite           ambulance arrived. The next day, we                                                                       menu this week included
prepared for a few rough edges, but there       received a call from the Ambulance                                                                        chicken dishes, omelettes,
weren’t any. They were just fabulous.”          Service to pass on their thanks and to let                                  chilli, curry and pizza for mains, served with a different
                                                us know how awesome Riley and Paige                                         side each day - basmati rice & naan bread, chips & baked
                                                are (of course, we already knew that!)             Let’s not forget a       beans, mashed potatoes & veg and wedges. Our pasta
                                                #theswanageschoolway                            delicious dessert of the    sauces included Turkey Romana,Tuscan Bean, Sweet
                    £445.50 raised for                                                           day, homemade cakes,
                                                It’s been a particularly big week for Riley                                 Chilli Prawn, Quorn Classic, Beef Strogonoff and Vegan
                    Comic Relief!                                                               snacks, fruit and drinks.
                                                who’s just been offered a place at Dorset                                   Balls in Tomato Sauce. Menus are published in school, on
                    Thank you so much!
                                                School of Acting - well done from us all!                                   the website and shared on Facebook.

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MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
This year, British Science Week had the theme
“innovating for the future”. To mark this, over the last
few weeks of this term our Year 7 and Year 8 students
have had the opportunity to be “Climate Superheroes”
and participate in an exciting national STEM competition
run by NFU Education - “Farmvention”. Aimed at
children aged 5-14, the competition challenged children
to think about the problems that climate change poses
for British farmers and to come up with innovative ways
                                                              Elevated farming for areas prone to flooding.
to address the issues.
                                                                                                                                         Year 7 investigated the salt tolerance levels of pea plants.
                             The four themed “hubs” of
                                                                                                                                         They also came up with some great ideas to improve farming
                             the challenge were:
                                                                                                                                         in light of the threat of climate change including domes to
                               ▪ Sustainable food                                                                                        capture the methane gas from cows, developing seaweed as a
                                                                                                                                         food crop and planting more trees to encourage foraging of
                               ▪ Technology
                               ▪ Renewable energy
                               ▪ Soil & plant health                                                     Modelling an eco-village.
INNOVATIVE LESSONS                                                                                                                       students built
Students completed a number of experiments in                                                                                            models and
Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons to explore these                                                                                  created slides
topics in depth. They investigated possible solutions to                                                                                 to present
                                                                                                                                         their ideas
fighting the impact of climate change on farming,             Investigating the impact of blade shape
                                                                                                                                         for watering
inspiring them to innovate by creating an invention to        and number on the speed of a wind
help farmers to continue caring for the environment.          turbine.

IN BIOLOGY                                                        IN CHEMISTRY                                                       IN PHYSICS
YEAR 7 investigated growing plants in difficult conditions:       YEAR 7 researched the best material for a polytunnel:              YEAR 7 researched blade shape, size & quantity on turbines:
SUSTAINABLE FOOD                                                  TECHNOLOGY                                                         RENEWABLE ENERGY
YEAR 8 explored how sand can be turned into health soil:          YEAR 8 investigated straw as a bio-fuel: RENEWABLE                 YEAR 8 investigated the best shape for a drone:
SOIL & PLANT HEALTH                                               ENERGY                                                             TECHNOLOGY

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MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
             TRAIL AT SHELL BAY
             We were delighted to be approached by the Dynamic Dunescapes
             Team, who are working with the National Trust, to decorate an “Arty
             Cow” - and we’re sure you will agree our student group have done a
             great job!

             Ten painted cows will be dotted around the Studland dunes over the
             Easter holidays, representing the real cattle that are coming to
             Studland Bay this summer. You can pick up information about the
             trail at Shell Bay. Volunteers will be based just after the board walk
             from the car park, at the first cow, from Wednesday to Sunday
             (weather permitting) and can give you a map (or see below).

             The cattle are being introduced to graze the dunes to help combat
             over-vegetation which is leading to a decline in open sandy habitats
             that provide for rare and special life. More information about the
             project is available on the Dynamic Dunes website.

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MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
PURE CLASS                                                                                         It’s been such a difficult year and we
                                                                                                   know that a lot of students are finding
                           This edition: SHINING A SPOTLIGHT ON MATHS                              things tough. We are here to help, so
                                                                                                   please get in touch if you have any
                                                                                                                                                   NEXT STEPS
At The Swanage School we not only want to provide students with a great maths
                                                                                                   concerns about wellbeing or mental              APPRENTICESHIPS/TRAINEESHIPS
education, but also to inspire them to appreciate the beauty, power and everyday
                                                                                                   health issues.                                  A reminder that details of
application of mathematics in the real world.
                                                                                                                                                   apprenticeship and traineeship
  OUR MATHEMATICIANS                 Mathematics is a vehicle for understanding the world.         Students - talk to your tutor, a                opportunities can be found on the
  Mr Dawson                          It is essential for everyday life, and critical to science,   member of the safeguarding team or              “post-16 employment opportunities”
  Ms Everitt                         technology and engineering. It is necessary to                Ms Sands (Safeguarding & Welfare                section of the School’s Employability
  Mr Hines                           understand personal and business finances and                 Officer) - please don’t keep worries or         SharePoint site. It is important that
  Ms Maraspin                        needed for most forms of employment. As the real              anxieties to yourself, we really can            students who are interested apply
  Mr Ringrow                         world becomes ever more digital, so too does the              help.                                           quickly and to a high standard as
  Assisted by Miss Gething           need for maths skills. Maths can open doors to a                                                              opportunities are time-limited and
range of exciting careers and highly skilled mathematicians are highly sought after:                                                               competitive. If you have questions on
                                                                                                   Parents - please get in touch if you are
                                                                                                                                                   technical applications, have a chat with
business, data science, education, engineering, finance & banking, computing, medicine &           concerned about your child. Phone
                                                                                                                                                   Mr Duke. Ms Probert is happy to
health - these fields all reward maths skills.                                                     01929 500599 and ask to speak to Ms
                                                                                                                                                   answer questions and proofread
                                                                                                   Sands or another member of the team.
In learning maths, students develop problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically.                                                    applications for you.
Maths should be enjoyable, and we aim to make it so. Not many subjects have “right
answers” the way that maths problems do. Overcoming mathematical challenges and
                        Some Year 10 students are
                        working on the Further
                                                   solving difficult equations is instantly
                                                   satisfying and gives students real-time
                                                                                                   ALL ABOUT ALUMNI
                        Maths curriculum, which    feedback about their understanding              Congratulations to Kyle McCrory
                        kicked off this term by    and progress.                                   (2018) who has accepted an offer of a
                         investigating quadratic
                                                                                                   place at the prestigious Royal Central
                                                                                                   School of Speech and Drama in                          PAST STUDENTS!
                                                                                                   London. Since leaving The Swanage                 We love hearing your news.
                                                                                                   School, Kyle has been studying at
                                                                                                                                              Please let us know what you’re up to now:
                                                                                                   Brockenhurst College for his A-levels.

Students crafted cuboids and square based pyramids
to solve 3D distance problems using Pythagoras.

MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
DIARY DATES                                                                                                                    STAFF NEWS
2021-2022 TERM DATES                                          STAFF DEVELOPMENT           App and track the progress of your               SCIENCE
Dates for remainder of the current academic year are on the   DAYS (INSET)                child.                                           We are delighted to have Mr Buxton
website.                                                      I would just like to take                                                    with us teaching Science for the rest of
AUTUMN TERM 2021                                              the opportunity to          INSET days next year will                        this academic year. Our new permanent
Thursday 2 September 2021      Staff Development Day          explain the rationale       predominantly be focussing on                    Science Teacher, Dr Julia Tratt, will join
Friday 3 September 2021        Staff Development Day          behind next year’s          assessment and importantly how we                us in September 2021.
Monday 6 September 2021        Year 7 & Year 11 return        INSET day calendar as it    share essential assessment information
Tuesday 7 September 2021       Year 8, 9 & 10 return          is more spaced out and      with parents. We always address these
Monday 11 October 2021         Staff Development Day          includes a few more         questions when undertaking assessment
                                                                                                                                           Miss Woodward is back from maternity
Friday 22 October 2021         Last day                       days than in previous       activities with students – we call them
                                                                                                                                           leave, although of course this does
Mon 25 - Fri 29 Oct 2021       Half-term                      years.                      the ‘So What’ questions. ‘So what is the
                                                                                                                                           mean we have had to say a fond
Monday 1 November 2021         Return to school                                           assessment telling me?’ ‘So what am I
                                                                                                                                           farewell to Mrs Bayerl, who had been
Friday 26 November 2021        Staff Development Day          As you are hopefully        going to do about it?’.
                                                                                                                                           with us in the meantime.
Friday 17 December 2021        Last day of term (1.30pm)      aware we have a new
                                                              management                  All our assessment practice impacts
SPRING TERM 2022                                              information system          positively on student progress. There is         TRAINEE TEACHERS
Monday 3 January 2022          New Year’s Day Holiday         called Arbor and parents    no point just knowing what a student             We pride ourselves on offering
Tuesday 4 January 2022         Return to school               have access to school       can or can’t do if there is no                   excellent placement opportunities for
Monday 24 January 2022         Staff Development Day          information via the         appropriate follow up action. We want            trainee teachers, who work with our
Friday 18 February 2022        Last day                       Arbor App. It has many      to involve, inform and include parents in        existing staff to hone their craft. As we
Mon 21 - Fri 25 Feb 2022       Half-term                                                                                                   say goodbye to Miss Emadian and Miss
                                                              features which have not     this process in order to best equip you
Monday 28 February 2022        Return to school                                                                                            Cooper, we welcome two new
                                                              yet been made available     to support your child in an informed
Friday 18 March 2022           Staff Development Day                                                                                       trainees from Exeter University: Mr
                                                              to parents. As part of      manner. You may well have seen our
Friday 8 April 2022            Last day of term (1.30pm)                                                                                   Brereton who will be working in the
                                                              our continued efforts to    route maps on Sharepoint and soon
                                                                                                                                           Maths Department, and Mr Gordon
SUMMER TERM 2022                                              make sure                   you will be able to access teaching              who will be working in English and
Monday 25 April 2022           Return to school               communication with          resources we use in the classroom to             Performing Arts.
Monday 2 May 2022              May Bank Holiday               parents is the very best    support and challenge at home. We will
Monday 16 May 2022             Staff Development Day          it can be, we have been     be sending more detailed information
                                                                                                                                                      Follow us on Facebook
Friday 27 May 2022             Last day                       busy working on the         and posting how to videos on our
Mon 30 May - Fri 3 June 2022   Half-term                      assessment features on      website next term.
                                                              the App. From                                                                           Tweet with us
Monday 6 June 2022             Return to school
Friday 8 July 2022             Staff Development Day          September parents will      Jenny Maraspin
                                                                                                                                                      And we’re now on Instagram!
Friday 22 July 2022            Last day of term (1.30pm)      be able to log on to the

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MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School

A lot of you will know Rowan
Sutherland, who has volunteered many
hours of his time over the years to coach
badminton to our students. Two years
ago Mr Sutherland was diagnosed with
Multiple Myeloma and has since suffered
multiple fractures including 90% of his
spine, leading to a height loss of 25cm
and difficulty walking. With his bones
now a little stronger following treatment,                 Sign the online petition
he is planning to walk 4 miles along the                “Save Swanage Ambulance Car”
hills to Corfe Castle, in April, to raise
money for Forest Holme Hospice. If you
                                                   Contact us:
wish to support Mr Sutherland, please              Call: 01929 500599
make a pledge via his Just Giving page.            Email:

The Swanage School Student Council are leading a project to design and create a
memorial garden, where students who have lost a family member or someone important
in their lives will be invited to lay a painted pebble in memory of them. If you have any
unwanted tools you could donate to help with this, and other gardening projects, please
get in touch. In particular, we would love to receive large hoes, forks and rakes. A bench
is central to the students’ design so if you have one you no longer need and would be
prepared to give it to the school for this project, please get in touch with Miss Morris via
Reception on 01929 500599.

MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School MAKING WAVES - In this issue - The Swanage School
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