Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College

Page created by June Garcia
Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
Glenalmond Language                    Learn
                                                                Football or Hockey

and Activity Programmes                Learn

Summer 2019                            Learn
                                                                Leadership and Outdoor Activities

Residential English and activity courses for 10 to 16 year olds
Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
02   Welcome to a Summer of Learning, Fun and Friendship!
03   Location
04   The Campus
05   The Courses
06   A Typical Day
07   Learning English
08   Discovery Trips in Stunning Scotland
09   Our Specialist Programmes
09   - Learn English with Drama
10   - Learn English with Football or Hockey
11   - Learn English with Golf
12   - Learn English with Horse-riding
13   - Learn English with Leadership and Outdoor Activities
14   - Learn English with Multi-Activities
15   Evening Activities
16   Caring for our Students
17   How to Book
18   Terms and Conditions
Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
Welcome to a Summer of Learning, Fun and Friendship!
The Glenalmond Language and                   intensive coaching in their favourite
Activity Programmes provide an                sport or activity. They will learn English
innovative approach, combining                while having fun, improving their skills
English language classes with                 and making new friends.

The following programmes are available:

Learn English with Drama

Learn English with Football or Hockey

Learn English with Golf

Learn English with Horse-riding

Learn English with Leadership and Outdoor Activities

Learn English with Multi-Activities

Each day, Monday to Friday, the               environment at the prestigious
students will receive three hours of          Glenalmond College, one of the
expert English tuition, and three             UK’s leading boarding schools. The
hours of coaching in their chosen             programmes are led by a dynamic,
sport or activity, all taught in English.     enthusiastic and motivated team
Throughout the week, there will be trips      of teachers and coaches, who are
to cities, castles and the countryside, all   committed to making the experience
offering more opportunities to practise       enjoyable, interesting and fun, both
their English with native speakers.           inside and outside the classroom.
All students will live in a multi-cultural

Learn – have fun – and discover Scotland!
Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
Glenalmond College

         LEADING UK
      BOARDING SCHOOL      Location                   Glenalmond is a leading boarding
     80% FULL BOARDING                                school in the heart of Scotland                               GLENALMOND

          300 ACRE         The school is perfectly situated on a      the airport and take them to the school

     COUNTRYSIDE CAMPUS    countryside campus just one hour from      by coach or minibus.
                           Edinburgh or Glasgow airports, with                                                  GLASGOW   EDINBURGH

     JUST ONE HOUR FROM    plenty of transfers from other airports    At the end of the holiday programme,
        EDINBURGH AND      in the UK and Europe.                      all students are taken back to their
      GLASGOW AIRPORTS                                                designated airport and helped with
                           We offer a full “meet and greet”           check-in ready for their flight home.
                           service, so we will meet the students at

Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
The Campus                          Feel at home in one of the most
                                                                                                                                        MEAL CHOICES
                                    beautiful campuses in the UK
                                                                                                                                        Hot breakfast option,
Glenalmond College has been                (the school was founded in 1847 by           For meals, the school’s award-winning
                                                                                                                                    cereals, sliced meats, cheeses,
described as one of the most beautiful     the future Prime Minister, William           catering team provides an excellent
schools in the UK (School Life and The     Gladstone) and top quality resources         choice of meals three times a day, plus      fruit, yoghurt, bread, fruit
Week magazines) and students will feel     such as our world-class pitches, outdoor     mid-morning drinks and snacks.                  juice, tea and coffee
at home from the moment they arrive.       activity centre, on-campus golf course
                                           and 25m indoor heated swimming pool.         There are always options available
On arrival at the school, the students                                                  for vegetarians and those with special                 LUNCH
will check-in to their accommodation.      Accommodation is modern and well-            dietary needs.                               Soup, several main course
They will then take part in an             equipped, with attractive social rooms
                                                                                                                                         options, salad bar,
orientation programme where we will        and kitchen facilities in each of the        Fresh fruit and water are available
introduce them to their fellow students,   boarding houses. All linen is provided       throughout the day. For some of the             dessert, fruit, yoghurt
describe the structure of the course       and there is a weekly laundry service.       Discover Scotland trips, packed lunches
and the daily programme, and help          For medical needs, appropriate               are provided, consisting of a filled roll
them to find their way round the           residential first aid trained staff are at   or sandwich, snack bar, crisps, fruit and
campus.                                    hand. Doctors and dentists are located       drink.                                       Soup, several main course
                                           within 25 minutes of the campus and                                                           options, salad bar,
The facilities at Glenalmond are           there is a hospital in the city of Perth,                                                    dessert, fruit, yoghurt
exceptional – a mix of tradition           which is only 15 minutes away.

Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
The Courses

     Learn English with Drama                               Each course includes:
                                                            • Three hours of English language       • Two full day excursions each
     Learn English with Football or Hockey                                                            week (subject to arrival and
                                                             tuition every day (Monday-Friday)
                                                                                                      departure dates)
     Learn English with Golf                                • Classes split by age and
                                                                                                    • Souvenir T-shirt and water bottle
                                                             English ability
                                                                                                    • Accommodation in single or shared
     Learn English with Horse-riding                        • Small classes – maximum of 15           rooms (separate accommodation
                                                             students per class                       for girls and boys)
     Learn English with Leadership and Outdoor Activities   • Three hours of specialised coaching   • High levels of staff supervision
                                                             in their chosen activity every day     • Excellent opportunities to practise
     Learn English with Multi-Activities                     (Monday-Friday)                          English throughout each day

Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
A Typical Day             Every day will be different – and busy!
The basic structure of the day is built round the English lessons and the sport or activity coaching.
This is an example of a typical day:

 07.30     Wake up!                                            18.00     Free time

08.00      Breakfast                                           18.30     Dinner

09.00                                                          19.00
12.30      English classes                                     21.00     Evening activities

 13.30     Lunch                                               22.00     Lights out for Juniors

 17.00     Sport / Activities                                  23.00     Lights out for Seniors
There will also be two full-day excursions each week (subject to arrival and departure dates).

Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
Learning English                            At the centre of each programme
     Improving your general English             the right class for their English level.    experiences and encouragement of
     communication skills, in and out of        This profiling continues throughout         personal reflection.                          English Tuition
     class, is the key aim of the Glenalmond    the course, so that all students are
     Language and Activity Programmes –         stretched and encouraged to improve         The weekly “Discover Scotland”             THREE HOURS A DAY
     as well as having a lot of fun! Students   their English as much as possible.          excursions create further opportunities
     are divided into classes by age group                                                  for learning, connected to the topic         15 HOURS A WEEK
     (10-15 years) and by level (beginner to    Each week, students will learn English      of the week, allowing students to
     upper-intermediate).                       through the development of a different      experience Scotland’s rich cultural           BEGINNER TO
                                                topic, such as “past, present and future”   heritage through its colourful past, to    UPPER-INTERMEDIATE
     Each programme is built around a           or “theatre and performance”.               life in the present day!
                                                                                                                                      PROFILING THROUGHOUT
     minimum of 15 hours of English tuition
                                                                                                                                      THE COURSE TO ENSURE
     per week, led by expert, globally          The style of teaching incorporates a        We would recommend a minimum stay
                                                                                                                                       CONTINUED PROGRESS
     experienced staff, who will deliver        range of practical interactive exercises    of two weeks to get the most out of
     a creative and fun environment for         and challenges, and will not be limited     their time at Glenalmond. However,
     learning English.                          to the classroom but may also use           we can tailor courses to meet the
                                                our outdoor learning centre or other        individual requirements of parents
     Students are profiled when they first      on-campus facilities. The classes also      and students.
     arrive, to make sure that they are in      involve lots of discussion of personal

Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
Discovery Trips in                               Learn more about the land
Stunning Scotland                                of myths and legends
The Glenalmond College campus is            Scotland is a land of legends and
located right in the heart of Scotland,     stunning scenery, and the trips off-
and we make the most of this by             campus will create memories that the
arranging two full-day discovery            students will never forget.
excursions each week.

Trips include:
Edinburgh                                   Edinburgh International                    Melrose Abbey
Probably the most beautiful city in
                                            Climbing Arena                             in the Scottish Borders
the world. Full of history, culture and     Europe’s largest indoor climbing arena     A grand ruin and the final resting
heritage and with stunning architecture     with hundreds of climbing routes for all   place of the heart of Robert the Bruce.
and gardens. We take an open top bus        abilities. Great fun for beginners and     Truly a place of legend.
tour along the Royal Mile to see all of     more experienced climbers!
the famous sights.                                                                     Inchcolm Island
                                            Balmoral                                   The most lovely of the islands in the
Edinburgh Castle                            The country home of Her Majesty            Firth of Forth, the mouth of the river
                                            The Queen, located in the Highlands of     near Edinburgh. We take a boat trip
One of the most popular tourist
                                            Scotland.                                  past the three famous Forth bridges -
destinations in the world. Located high
                                                                                       the rail bridge, the road bridge and
on the summit of a dormant volcano
                                            St Andrews                                 the brand new Queensferry Crossing,
overlooking Edinburgh.                                                                 all world-class examples of outstanding
                                            The home of golf, the famous Royal &
Stirling Castle                             Ancient Golf Club and the Old Course.
                                            Also the location of one of the most
One of Scotland’s most spectacular          famous universities in the world, where
castles, telling the story of some of the   the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
most important battles in the               (William and Kate) studied. St Andrews
country’s history.                          is famed for its beautiful long beaches.

Summer 2019 Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes - Glenalmond College
Our Specialist
     Each of our specialist programmes
     allows the students to combine learning
     English with their favourite sport or
     activity, with English lessons every
     morning and sport or activity coaching
     every afternoon.

     Find out more about each course in the
     following pages.

     Learn English with                              All the world’s a stage – and it’s
     Drama                                           your turn to perform
     Combining English with Drama is            These exercises and the new vocabulary
     an excellent way to practise a new         they learn will encourage the                                          Skills and Techniques
     language. Students will study English      development of conversational tools.
     for three hours in the morning, followed                                             • To develop creativity.               • To develop communicative
     by a three-hour drama class in the         Important elements of this course are                                              competence (verbal communication
     afternoon to help improve language         the sharing of opinions, exploration of   • To overcome self-consciousness.
                                                                                                                                   and listening to each other).
     and leadership skills. Focussing on        descriptions and emotions as well as      • To develop drama expression          • To develop group sensitivity
     teamwork, drama develops confidence        new language structures. These are all      (body).                                (students have to concur).
     in discussion techniques and               developed through dramatic exercises      • To choose drama expression           • To realize the variety of means of
     communication.                             which help with retention and futher        (sound).                               expressing the same thing.
                                                improve communication skills.
                                                                                          • To encourage team work.              • To explore a text.
     This course takes students from the
     basic process of familiarisation and                                                 • To develop creativity.               • To choose drama expression
     collaboration with one another. Then                                                                                          (performance).
                                                                                          • To practise observation
     leads on to imaginative exercises to                                                   and attention to detail.
     develop and broaden their vocabulary.

Learn English with                                Practise English
Football or Hockey                                on the pitch
In the Glenalmond English with               All students are assessed and profiled     opportunity for everyone to learn new
Football or Hockey programme,                and then coached to match their ability.   skills regardless of their current level.
students will study English for three        There is continual feedback to help
hours each day, and get top-level            students gain the most from the course,    We also offer lifestyle athlete
football or hockey coaching for three        and re-assessment at the end of the        development lessons in fitness, nutrition,
hours a day (Monday to Friday), so           course so they can see how much they       injury prevention and well-being. For
that they can play as they learn.            have improved.                             more advanced players we offer video
                                                                                        analysis and tactical theory workshops
Our football and hockey programmes           The course content includes practice       to support all-round development.
have been designed by leading                theme games which create pressure
academy directors for both boys and          and improve game-play. The emphasis        All the coaching is in English, so the
girls of all abilities. All our accredited   is on fun and enjoyment, while             students will train with performance level
coaches are from the Scottish Football       developing skills in passing, shooting,    coaches, play alongside their friends and
Association (SFA) or Scottish Hockey         dribbling, control, discipline and game    improve their English throughout each
and Great Britain Associations.              awareness. The programme is not just       session.
                                             for regular players – there is also the

Learn English with                              Welcome to Scotland –
     Golf                                            the home of golf
     The Glenalmond English with Golf           Whether students are experienced            through game play, mechanical
     programme has been designed and            golfers or simply interested in trying      movement and video profiling, along
     tailored by experienced PGA golf           golf for the first time, they will have     with specific swing analysis while
     professionals to ensure that golfers of    the benefit of expert coaching and          working on long and short drives.
     all ages and abilities can develop their   excellent facilities. Glenalmond College    The price of the course includes all
     golf skills through intensive coaching     has its own 9-hole, 18-tee golf course on   professional golf tuition and the cost
     and practice.                              campus and students will also play at       of playing at one of the many excellent
                                                prestigious courses around Scotland.        links courses located within 20 miles of
     Students will study English for three                                                  the school.
     hours a day, Monday to Friday, and         Students are profiled and assessed
     have three hours of golf coaching each     by golf professionals during their first    The programme also includes lifestyle
     day, so that they can improve their        session, and then a programme is            athlete development lessons in fitness,
     English skills at the same time through    developed to meet their personal            nutrition, injury prevention and
     their love of the sport.                   requirements.                               well-being.
                                                Students will improve their technique

Learn English with                               See Scotland
Horse-riding                                     from the saddle
The Glenalmond horse-riding                 riding are truly special. The key         mounted games and hacking round
programme caters for every level of         objectives of the course are for          the grounds. Experienced riders will
ability, from those who have never          students to gain confidence on the        have more advanced training and
ridden before to those who own their        horse and to improve their English        jumping lessons in addition to group
own pony and are fully confident            language skills in the stable and in      participation.
riders who want to further improve          training.
their skills. Lessons are tailored to the                                             The emphasis during the course is on
ability of each rider and all levels are    Every day they have three hours of        progression, variety and fun. Each
catered for.                                English tuition, then three hours of      session will combine riding with stable
                                            horse-riding tuition, Monday to Friday.   management so students will learn not
The pleasure, fun and sense of              They will ride for at least an hour a     only how to improve their riding, but
connection that comes from horse-           day, working on riding technique,         also how to care for their horse.

Learn English with Leadership                                               The perfect location for outdoor
     and Outdoor Activities                                                      activities and adventure sports
     Glenalmond College is set in a 300-        encourage leadership qualities – taking
     acre countryside campus, close to          on responsibility, making safe decisions,   Canoeing and Kayaking                    Rock and Water Activities
     the Highlands of Scotland, and our         evaluating their own strengths and          We have access to different stretches    There are a series of activities that
     Outdoor Activities programme makes         communicating effectively. This all         of water from gentle lochs (lakes) to    combine both rock and water skills,
     the most of this perfect location.         helps them to grow as an individual         white water rivers, all within a short   including coasteering, canyoning and
     Students get to try a number of            and develop a strong sense of               drive of the campus. Canoeing or         gorge walking. We use a gorge known
     different outdoor activities, in a safe    teamwork.                                   open boating (North American style)      as ‘Glassie’, with lots of mini waterfalls,
     and enjoyable learning environment,                                                    are used to promote team work and        trees to climb over and short scramble
     having fun while learning more about       The programme makes use of our              paddling skills.                         sections. For canyoning we go to
     themselves, their abilities and how to     outdoor classroom in the forest on the                                               Keltyburn, a canyon ideal for all abilities,
     work as part of a team.                    edge of the campus, as well as              Climbing                                 with jumps from 30cm to 8 metres.
                                                travelling a short distance to              As well as the outdoor climbing wall
     Throughout the course, students            spectacular locations for other             at the school, we can visit outdoor      Orienteering
     will be involved in a wide range of        activities.                                 crags and world-class indoor climbing    Learning to read and interpret maps
     exciting activities that are designed to                                               walls, with climbs suitable for all      is an important skill. We have two
                                                                                            abilities.                               courses on campus for an inspirational
                                                                                                                                     adventure in beautiful countryside.

Learn English with                                 Have fun trying out lots of
Multi-Activities                                   different activities and sports
The English with Multi-Activities            All the instruction is in English, so       sports halls and extensive grounds.
programme has been designed to help          students will be encouraged to practise     All of the sports activities are run
students improve their English through       and use their new language skills           by highly qualified and experienced
a variety of sports such as volleyball,      throughout the day, using the               coaches who will focus on improvement,
basketball, football, swimming,              classroom learning in a practical           learning and fun.
rounders, squash, tennis, hand-ball,         context, while having fun at the same
hockey and other small team games.           time.                                       The emphasis is on functional skills,
                                                                                         relevant to age group and ability
They will have three hours of English        The campus at Glenalmond College            ranges, and the Multi-Activity
tuition every morning, then three hours      is ideal for this course, with facilities   programme is therefore suitable for
in the afternoon when you will take          including football pitches, squash          players at all levels.
part in the range of activities available.   courts, indoor heated swimming pool,

Evening Activities
     As part of our summer programmes we         for cinema use, televisions and internet   sense of achievement and learn more
     encourage lots of fun and interaction.      access.                                    about themselves as they have fun with
     Students spend free time together                                                      their new friends.
     enjoying a wide range of activities, in     Every evening we offer fully supervised
     addition to their English lessons and       activities that include team building      Students may also be offered off-
     main choice of sport or activity.           challenges, junior Olympics, karaoke,      site evening events. These are well-
                                                 culture evenings, cooking and discos.      supervised and take place at local
     The campus has excellent facilities, with                                              venues; trips may include the cinema in
     recreational areas that include table       A special highlight is an evening of       the local city of Perth, ten-pin bowling
     tennis, tennis courts, volleyball courts,   building camp fires in our outdoor         and sightseeing.
     six-a-side pitches, swimming pool,          centre in the forest – a chance for
     dance halls, multi-sports gym, theatre      students to work as a team, get a great

Caring for                           Happiness and well-being are essential parts of the
our Students                         Glenalmond Language and Activity Programmes
The happiness and welfare of our           staff employed as teachers and child       At the start of each course, all
students is our primary concern, and       welfare staff. As a boarding school,       students have an induction session
we make sure that this is a priority for   Glenalmond College sets the highest        with the programme leader and staff
all the teachers, coaches and staff on     standards for pastoral care, and this      administrators, and students are taken
our courses. Our overall staff ratio is    level of care continues for our summer     through the Glenalmond College code
one staff member to ten students, and      school students.                           of conduct so that they understand
there are residential staff living on                                                 the standards of behaviour expected
campus. The girls and boys are housed      It is important that we receive accurate   of them. We will also go through the
separately and staff are available         medical information before the             daily programme and their individual
throughout the evening programme as        course, and that we are advised of         schedule. Our aim is to make sure that
well as during the day.                    any specific medical conditions. There     every student feels comfortable and
                                           are doctors, dentists and a hospital       confident, that they make friends and
All our staff are security (PVG)           within 15 minutes of the school and        feel at home as soon as they arrive.
checked and have received child            there are qualified first-aiders on duty
protection training, with many of our      throughout the course.

How to Book
     The courses cost £1120 per week for         Please read our terms and conditions
     each student, which includes all tuition,   on page 18.                              To book by phone                       To book online
     activities, trips, accommodation,                                                    Please call +44 (0)1738 842046.        Please complete the online
     airport transfers and food. There is a      Bookings can be made by telephone,       The office is open 0900 – 1700         booking form at
     supplement of £200 per week for the         email, post or online. Payment can be                                 
                                                                                          Monday to Friday (UK time).
     horse-riding course.                        made by credit card, debit card or                                              languageschool
                                                 bank transfer.
                                                                                          To book by email
     To make the best progress in English
     we recommend a minimum stay of two          A copy of the booking form can be        Please fill in the booking form
     weeks. Students choose an activity          downloaded from our website              enclosed with this brochure, scan it
     that they will follow for a whole week.     and email it to languageschool@
                                                 school or please email         
     For the second week, students can 
     select the same activity again or
     choose a different activity. It is not      Read feedback from our 2018 students
     possible to change activities during        and their group leaders, on our
     the week.                                   website.

Terms and Conditions
Booking responsibility                   Insurance                                  Programme Cancellation                     direct control, if caused by proven
                                                                                                                               negligence of Glenalmond College or
Responsibility for the details of        Before your child arrives at               In the event of cancelling your booking,
                                                                                                                               its employees.
bookings and for payments lies with      Glenalmond at the start of the             all or part of your payment will be
the person making the initial booking.   course, we will require a copy of your     forfeited to cover certain costs related
                                                                                                                               We cannot accept responsibility for
                                         insurance details. This should be sent     to organisation and guaranteeing
                                                                                                                               airport travel strikes, weather, personal
Confirmation and                         to languageschool@glenalmondcollege.       service provision required to fulfil the
                                                                                                                               property, personal injury or illness
payment of deposit              or Language School, Glenalmond       course.
                                                                                                                               whilst on the course, including use of
                                         College, Glenalmond, Perth PH1 3RY,                                                   sub-contractors and travel agencies
When we receive your booking and         Scotland, UK.                              • If cancelled less than 30 days before
                                                                                                                               and contractors.
deposit payment we will send you an                                                   the start of the course (or once the
email confirming your child’s place                                                   course has started): loss of 100% of
                                         Programme Modifications                                                               Unsuitability / Incompatibility
with a statement showing details of                                                   course fee
your child’s course. The deposit is      We always try to fulfil the individual                                                We reserve the right to exclude or
                                                                                    • If cancelled 30-44 days before the
non-refundable and payment indicates     programme stipulated on your                                                          refuse any person at any time prior
                                                                                      start of the course: loss of 50% of
your acceptance of the booking           booking form, however we do reserve                                                   to or during the activity or course
                                                                                      the full course fee
conditions.                              the right to adjust or cancel any                                                     if, in our opinion, that person is not
                                         courses, accommodation and other           • If cancelled more than 44 days           compatible with the general enjoyment
                                         arrangements that are within our             before the start of the course:          and well-being of other students or
Payment of the balance                                                                loss of deposit
                                         control. We reserve the right to cancel                                               the satisfactory administration of
The balance is due on 1 May 2019. We     a course in case of insufficient student                                              the activity or course. If so, we will
will take a payment for the balance      numbers and will try to ensure an          We cannot be held directly                 not refund the cost of the course. All
on or shortly after 1 May 2019 from      appropriate alternative course is          responsible for refunds or any form of     students are subject to the course
the card you used to pay the deposit.    provided.                                  compensation if we cancel or change        rules laid out in the final Information
If payment is not received before the                                               a course because of Force Majeure,         Pack. Any breach of rules may result in
course start date, we may refuse entry                                              war, strikes, technical or problems        students being sent home at their own
                                         Course Content
to the course and may also withhold                                                 with transportation, weather or any        expense.
                                         Students will be taken off-campus          other event outside the control of the
a cancellation fee (see below). If
                                         during the programme for excursions        company boundaries and guidelines.
you book on or after 1 May 2019 you                                                                                            Photography and filming
                                         and off-site activities. Please indicate
must pay the full amount before your                                                                                           Photographs and filming of students
                                         on the booking form if there are any       We cannot be held directly
booking will be accepted.                                                                                                      may be taken and used in accordance
                                         activities that your child cannot take     responsible for refunds or any form
                                         part in.                                   of compensation for home sickness or       with Glenalmond College marketing
Administration charge                                                                                                          material, including on websites and
                                                                                    negligence related to not arriving at
If you change your booking after the                                                the course on your designated course       social media.
initial confirmation, we may make an                                                date. We do accept responsibility
additional charge.                                                                  for those course elements under our

Glenalmond College
                   Glenalmond, Perth, Scotland PH1 3RY, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1738 842000 | Email:
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