Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today

Page created by Julia Vaughn
Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today
Middlesbrough College

Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today
Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today
                                                                  How will it work?
What is the Advantage Programme?
                                                                  There are 4 Advantage Programme packages: Get that Job,
The Advantage Programme has been designed to help you             Going to University, Business Start-Up and Life Essentials.
develop the skills required to ensure you have the best           Each package offers a range of different and engaging sessions
opportunity to progress to employment, University or business.    for you to pick from. Simply discuss with your Personal Tutor
                                                                  what your ambition is when you finish college and then
What’s in it for me?                                              select the sessions to develop the skills you need to give you
                                                                  an Advantage in achieving your ambitions. Sessions can be
We all know that life in the 21st Century is very competitive.    booked online via the Advantage Programme booking site
The Advantage Programme is designed to give you the               which you can access through your Blackboard Home Page.
opportunity to access events, workshops, guest speakers and       All Advantage Programme sessions take place outside your
training sessions to equip you with the necessary skills and      normal timetabled hours.
mind set that will give you the Advantage to progress.
                                                                  Where can I go for help, information and advice?
Who can attend?
                                                                  You will be expected to attend at least 10 sessions of your
All students full or part time, any age can access any sessions   choice per year. Your Personal Tutor will provide you with more
within the Advantage Programme. This includes Apprentices         information and support throughout the year to help you
and those students studying on access courses.                    select the right sessions to achieve your ambitions. There are
                                                                  also Advantage Programme coaches based in MC Job Shop
                                                                  who can advise and support you throughout the year.
Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today

        Get That Job                Going To University

         Improve your                For Students who wish to
     employment prospects          progress to Higher Education

     Business Start-up                  Life Essentials

       For Students who are        Giving you skills, support and
    interested in starting their   advice to meet the demands
           own business                 of 21st Century life
Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today
Life Essentials
The following programme of workshops, activities and events are aimed primarily at all students in their first year at Middlesbrough College.
Students with the help of their Personal Tutor can select a range of activities to suit their personal needs.

                        Title                    Code    Description                                                               Frequency
                        Live Safe - Drive Safe   LE5     Can you spot if your tyres are bald? Check oil and water or brake fluid   1 hour session – various
         DRIVE          Pit Stop – (Female
                        only session)
                                                         levels or even change a wheel in an emergency - NO? Then pop along
                                                         to this short workshop to receive simple tips to help get you out of a
                                                                                                                                   time slots available to
                                                                                                                                   book onto

                                                         Female only session.
                        Live Safe - Drive        LE6     Can you spot if your tyres are bald? Check oil and water or brake fluid   2 x 1hr session
                        Safe Pit Stop                    levels or even change a wheel in an emergency - NO? Then pop along
                                                         to this short workshop to receive simple tips to help get you out of a

                                                         Open session for both male and female students.
                        Driving Simulator        LE38    Have you experienced the effects and impact of texting whilst             2 sessions
                        New for 2015                     driving?
                                                         This interactive session uses a PC based simulator to put you in the
                                                         driving seat and experience the impact and possible consequences of
                                                         texting whilst driving.

                        Driving Theory Test -    LE12    Are you taking your Driving Theory Test soon? This 1hr session            3 sessions
                        Preparation                      delivered by real driving instructors is to help you improve your
                                                         potential to be successful.
Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today
Title               Code   Description                                                                 Frequency
                                             Signing for         LE7    Will your career path possibly involve the need to communicate with         8 x 1hr sessions
                                             Beginners                  people who have hearing difficulties? Then this series of sessions in       over 8 weeks
                                                                        the basics of British Sign Language techniques is a must for you and
                                                                        your career.                                                                £75.00

                                                                        Great skills for enhancing your employability potential.

                                             First Aid for the   LE11   Would you know what to do if a work mate was injured on site. This          1 day course
                                             Construction Site          short, action based course can give you the tools to potentially save a     2 x 3hr sessions
                                             New for 2015               life and enhance your skills and C.V.                                       Feb Half term.
                                                                        Please note there is a fee for this course.

                                             Street First Aid    LE9    Would you know what to do if on a night out a friend is attacked,           4 per week
                                                                        injured or collapses?
                                                                        This short action based session utilizes highly interactive online videos
                                                                        and scenarios to help you develop the decision making skills that can
                                                                        give you the tools to potentially save a friend’s life.

                                             Preventing STI’s    LE13   STI’s are a growing problem mainly due to unsafe sexu al activities      4 sessions per month
                                             New for 2015               caused by peer pressure, miss-information or increased alcohol
            Middlesbrough College                                       This interactive session provides clear practical information and advice
Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today                              on how to protect yourself from contracting or spreading STI’s and
                                                                        also what you should do if you think you may have contracted an STI.
Advantage Programme Middlesbrough College Your future depends on what you do today
Title                  Code   Description                                                                 Frequency
                                             Preventing Bullying    LE15   Interactive short session looking at the specific nature of bullying and    1 per week
                                             New for 2015                  how to prevent it.

                                             Surrender the Me       LE17   Team work skills are essential in the workplace and also here at            2 per week
                                             for the We                    Middlesbrough College. This short, hands on fun session is designed
                                                                           for you to learn the skills required to be an effective part of any team.
                                             (team work skills)

                                             Bigger Snacks          LE20   Fast food facts. How much do you really know about what you are             2 per week
                                             Bigger Slacks                 eating? Do you know your trans fats from your carbohydrates and

                                                                           An informative session linking the fight against obesity in young

                                             Sort Your Life Out     LE21   Steps to success. How to be brilliant. Achieving your aspirations           1 per week
                                                                           through better organisation skills, preparation and planning.
            Middlesbrough College

Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today

                                             Creating and           LE23   Do you want to move forward into the 21st century with success?             1 per week
                                             Maintaining                   This session looks at how to show your abilities with the use of an
                                             a Personal                    innovative Personal Professional profile that will make you stand out
                                             Professional Online           in the crowd. Today everyone uses some form of social media, so why
                                             Profile                       not take this advantage to use it to benefit your future with a new
                                                                           form of innovative I.T.
                                             Death by               LE25   I.T. presentations are a part of everyday life, so why not make them        1 per week
                                             Powerpoint                    interesting? This session looks at two different, alternative and fun
                                                                           ways to present using Voki and Smore, without presenting at all, want
                                                                           to know more, then pop along and see.
                                             Increase your Online   LE26   Ever wondered how a person got that ‘dream job’ without it being            1 per week
                                             Network Contacts              advertised. This session looks at a way to demonstrate and prove you
                                             via Linkedin                  have the skills and qualifications for that dream role so employers can
                                                                           come and find you.
Title               Code   Description                                                              Frequency
                                             Twitter – How to    LE36   How often do you tweet and why? Ever wondered what are the other         1 per week
                                             Use it to Enhance          uses of Twitter? You can also advertise, market and network with
                                             your Employment            other professionals directly, want to know how, then pop along and
                                             Opportunities.             find out.

                                             Animoto             LE27   Creating videos for personal use, business use and that presentation     1 per week
                                                                        that needs the wow factor, this session looks at how to use Animoto
                                                                        for short bursts of video to really make a difference to that all
                                                                        empowering presentation or magic moment.
                                             Prezi New and       LE28   This session allows you to take this format of presentation and use it   1 per week
                                             Improved                   to your own advantage including a few rarely used benefits that can
                                                                        make a difference between a Prezi and a power marketing tool.

                                             Make your Money     LE29   This session will help you prepare to budget your cash, get to grips     1 per week
                                             Go Further                 with what’s on your payslip and learn how to make your money go
                                             New for 2015               further.

                                             What is your Body   LE30   Learn about body language and its importance in successful               1 per week
                                             Language Saying?           communication. Find out why assertiveness wins the day and how to
            Middlesbrough College
                                             New for 2015               avoid being too passive or aggressive.
Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today

                                             Payday Loans and    LE31   This session will give you the real facts about debt, payday loans and   1 per week
                                             Loan Sharks                loan sharks.
                                             New for 2015

                                             What is a Healthy   LE32   This workshop will show you the difference between controlling           1 per week
                                             Relationship?              behaviour and a healthy relationship; and separate facts from some of
                                             New for 2015               the common myths surrounding teenage relationship abuse.

                                             Expect Respect      LE34   A look into how to ensure everyone is treated with respect regardless    1 per week
                                             New for 2015               of age, race, religion, gender, sexuality, disability or pregnancy. An
                                                                        open forum to look at these different areas and discuss the impact of
Title                  Code   Description                                                                Frequency
                                             Body Image             LE35   How aware are you? How often do you check your reflection? Are you         1 per week
                                             New for 2015                  a selfie taker, lip pouter, muscle flexing body conscious soul? Do you
                                                                           ever worry or compare yourself to body perfect celebs? Come along
                                                                           to this informal session about body image.

            Middlesbrough College
                                             Cyber Safety - Who’s   LE36   Do you really know who you are talking to over the internet, how           4 sessions per month
Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today
                                             watching you?                 much access to your personal information do they have. This graphic
                                             New for 2015                  interactive session uses real information from your online profiles to
                                                                           demonstrate how easy it is to obtain images and details about you.
                                             Chlamydia              LE14   Drop in events held each month in the main College street. Pop over        Sessions take place
                                             Screening and                 and meet the team from MyPlace to pick up your C Card and free             on Main Street near
                                             C Cards                       condoms.                                                                   Reception
                                                                           A free confidential Chlamydia screening service is also available.

                                             Cleveland Fire         LE34   The home fire safety session runs for 60 minutes and highlights            8 x 1hr
                                             Service Home Safety           some of the key risks that may result in a house fire starting and the
                                             Road Show                     preventative measures that can be taken to minimise risk. The session
                                             New for 2015                  is supported by a series of images, personal accounts and video clips
                                                                           to reinforce the key messages. The content, in parts is hard hitting and
                                                                           can be upsetting for some attendees.
                                             Anthony Nolan Trust    LE35   Every day, The Anthony Nolan Trust match incredible individuals            Feb 2015
                                             New for 2015                  willing to donate their blood stem cells or bone marrow to people          2 information sessions
                                                                           with blood cancer and blood disorders who desperately need                 followed by Street
                                                                           lifesaving transplants.                                                    event the next week to
                                                                                                                                                      take registrations.
                                                                           The vision is to save the lives of everyone who needs a bone marrow
                                                                           or stem cell transplant. These informative sessions will provide you
                                                                           with accurate information to enable you to decide whether or not to
                                                                           register as a donor.
Get That Job
The following programme of workshops, are aimed primarily at any student wishing to gain full time employment or an apprenticeship at the
end of their studies. These workshops would also be beneficial to Students wishing to gain part time employment whilst studying at the College.

                                                Title                  Code   Description                                                                Frequency
                                                How to be Successful   GJ1    All you need to know on the do’s and don’ts of being an employee.          1 per week
                                                in Employment                 We will provide you with top tips on what it takes to be outstanding in
                                                                              your job role and progress within your company!

                                                The Key to Being a     GJ2    This session provides assistance on how to communicate effectively         2 per week
                                                Team Player                   as an employee around others. Top hints and tips on what it takes to
                                                                              work with those around you to make you successful and create the
                                                                              perfect working environment.
                                                Making Yourself        GJ3    An essential session on what makes you stand out at interview. Create      1 per week
               Middlesbrough College

  Advantage Programme
                                                Memorable                     the perfect image and show the business that you are the person to
     Your future depends on what you do today
                                                                              employ! Look good, sound good, feel good, the job’s yours!

                                                Dress for Success      GJ4    Need to look good at interview? Not sure what to wear? Look no             1 per week
                                                                              further; this session will assist you in looking professional and making
                                                                              the correct wardrobe decisions.
                                                Meeting Employer       GJ5    Not sure how to impress the boss? This session will take you through       1 per week
                                                Expectations                  all the essentials in meeting and exceeding employer expectations of
                                                                              you in your new role.
                                                How to Nail an         GJ6    Feeling nervous before an interview? This session will equip you with      3 per week
                                                Interview                     confidence to deal with interview questioning and prepare you for the
Title                  Code   Description                                                                Frequency
                                             How to be Successful   GJ1    All you need to know on the do’s and don’ts of being an employee.          1 per week
                                             in Employment                 We will provide you with top tips on what it takes to be outstanding in
                                                                           your job role and progress within your company!

                                             The Key to Being a     GJ2    This session provides assistance on how to communicate effectively         2 per week
                                             Team Player                   as an employee around others. Top hints and tips on what it takes to
                                                                           work with those around you to make you successful and create the
                                                                           perfect working environment.
                                             Making Yourself        GJ3    An essential session on what makes you stand out at interview. Create      1 per week
                                             Memorable                     the perfect image and show the business that you are the person to
                                                                           employ! Look good, sound good, feel good, the job’s yours!

                                             Dress for Success      GJ4    Need to look good at interview? Not sure what to wear? Look no             1 per week
            Middlesbrough College
                                                                           further; this session will assist you in looking professional and making
Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today
                                                                           the correct wardrobe decisions.
                                             Meeting Employer       GJ5    Not sure how to impress the boss? This session will take you through       1 per week
                                             Expectations                  all the essentials in meeting and exceeding employer expectations of
                                                                           you in your new role.
                                             How to Nail an         GJ6    Feeling nervous before an interview? This session will equip you with      3 per week
                                             Interview                     confidence to deal with interview questioning and prepare you for the
                                             Create the Perfect     GJ8    Does your CV/ covering letter look tired and out-dated? In need a          4 per week
                                             CV and Covering               makeover? Look no further! This session will bring your CV/covering
                                             (Application) Letter          letter to life to reflect your achievements and capabilities and impress
                                                                           any employer.
                                             Getting job ready      GJ10   A one day informative session on how to obtain and succeed in your         As and when
                                                                           dream job.
                                             That Dreaded           GJ13   This session will give you the skills you need to complete an              3 x 1hr sessions per
                                             Application Form              application form successfully.                                             week
                                             New for 2015
                                                                           You will also acquire the skills needed to match the job specification
                                                                           requirements to your application form.
Title                    Code   Description                                                                Frequency
                                             Preparation for Work     GJ14   This session will give you the confidence and knowledge that you will      1 per week
                                             Experience                      need when attending your work experience placement.
                                             New for 2015
                                                                             You will gain an understanding of why work experience is important
                                                                             to your future career and educational prospects.
                                             Group Interview Skills   GJ20   Want to perform well in a group interview? In this session you will        1 per week
                                             New for 2015                    identify techniques for effective group work in an interview situation;
                                                                             practice speaking and listening skills in a group and carry out a
                                                                             problem solving activity in a group.
                                             Apprenticeships          GJ21   This session explains what an apprenticeship is, looks at what it really   1 per week
                                             explained                       involves and the benefits of doing an apprenticeship. It will show you
                                             New for 2015                    how to register your interest in an apprenticeship, create a profile
                                                                             on the National Apprenticeship Service website and how to find and
                                                                             apply for apprenticeship vacancies.
            Middlesbrough College

Advantage Programme                          Get involved             GJ22   Can’t get a job without experience, can’t get experience without a job,    1 per week
  Your future depends on what you do today

                                                                             actually you can! This session looks at the benefits of volunteering
                                             New for 2015                    and why people choose to volunteer. You will also register with an
                                                                             approved volunteering site.
Going To University
The following programme of preparation and planning workshops and events are targeted towards those students who are thinking of
progressing to University. For those students in the first year of their Level 3 programme there are sessions that give information about the
choices available including financial advice. Students in their second year will receive support in writing their UCAS Personal Statements, advice
on accommodation, living at University and how to manage your finances.

                                                Title                   Description                                                              Frequency
                                                Teesside University     These sessions are a must for all Level 3 first year students.           Sessions running each day w/c 12
                                                Passport Programme      A representative from the Passport Programme will deliver a              January 2015, times now listed on
                                                Information &           presentation on what the Passport Programme can offer students           Advantage Programme booking
                                                Enrolment Sessions      who will be applying to University from September 2015. Enrolling        system
                                                                        on Passport does not commit a student to applying to Teesside
                                                                        but will offer valuable support with their application including
                                                                        invitations to special events at Teesside University. All students who
                                                                        go on to enrol at Teesside University will receive a £500 Kickstart
                                                Teesside University     100 sought-after places available on each of the days. This              Friday 23rd and Wednesday 28th
                                                Passport Programme      informative and interactive day will include subject specific sessions   January 2015.
                                                Subject Experience      in areas including Computing, Engineering and Media and will
               Middlesbrough College
                                                Days – A day offsite    be a valuable experience for any student aspiring to progress to         For details of how to book onto this
   Advantage Programme
     Your future depends on what you do today   in January 2015 at      University.                                                              exciting day speak to your tutor or a
                                                Teesside University.                                                                             member of the Careers Team.
                                                Preparing for           You may be nervous about an interview for a place at University,         TBC
                                                University Interviews   if so come along to one of these sessions where an experienced
                                                - What to Expect.       adviser will run through the process and give you an idea what to
                                                (Groups)                expect and help with interview skills.
                                                Mock University         A realistic and challenging mock interview (individual students)         Individuals should book with the
                                                Interviews              delivered by experienced advisers.                                       College Careers Advisers
Title                    Description                                                                       Frequency
                                             It’s Not Too Late        If you missed the January 15th deadline it’s still not too late to apply,         Support after 15th January
                                             to Apply (Groups)        these sessions will help you to decide upon a course of action to get your
                                                                      application submitted!

                                             UCAS Extra, late         If you’ve submitted your application but have not received any offers,            Support after 15th January
                                             February – What’s That   UCAS extra means you have a second chance, come along to this session
                                             All About! (Groups)      to find out what to do next.

                                             Student Finance for      Concerned about fees and loans for University? These sessions will give           Support after 15th January
                                             University - The Facts   you the facts and information you need.

                                             Student Finance          Questions/queries/problems with your Student Finance application                  TBC
                                             Drop in                  (Groups)

                                                                      Advisers from Teesside University will be available to give expert advice on
                                                                      your Student Finance Application.
                                             UCAS Higher              Off site hosted by Teesside University – groups to travel with tutors.            29th April
                                             Education Convention     Representatives from most of the Universities in the country will be
            Middlesbrough College            (for 1st year Level 3    present to give advice and guidance on the courses they have on offer.
Advantage Programme
  Your future depends on what you do today

                                             Bio-mechanics - The      This talk will investigate what will happen when you get old or injured?          21st January 2015 - 1.00pm
                                             future of your body      This interactive talk will introduce students to how we, as engineers, look
                                                                      at changing the way we think about maintaining our bodies and how we
                                                                      can improve our quality of life through the study of Bio Mechanics.
                                             Shaping the future       This talk is about the inspirational role of the civil and structural engineer    4th February - 1.00pm
                                             with civil and           on shaping the world we live in. It sets out to demonstrate that every
                                             structural engineering   journey we make, every destination, town and building, and every activity
                                                                      we undertake in our built environment has been conceived and enabled
                                                                      by sustainable engineering thinking.
                                             Electrical and           This talk is about the multitude of applications that the role of an electrical   25th February - 1.00pm
                                             Electronic Engineers     or electronic engineer affects. The impact on communications from
                                             - from deep space        space to laying cables in the deepest oceans and harnessing renewable
                                             to deep sea, and         energies to provide environmentally friendly power generation to fuel
                                             everything in            the latest technologies of travel, leisure, living and innovation. Electrical
                                             between!                 and Electronic graduates can be found in a range of diverse roles from
                                                                      research, design, consultancy, management and even an MP!
Business Start-Up
For students with business ideas of their own! In the first term, students will get the chance to take part in a business idea competition and
a Christmas Market. In the second term students will be able to attend a range of workshops and activities which will help them to develop
their business plan. At the end of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to pitch their business plan to a panel with the hope of
securing funding.

                                                Title                   Code   Description                                                              Frequency
                                                Tenner Challenge        SE4    We’re offering all students £10 to start up their own business and       30 min session –
                                                                               make as much profit as possible by the end of the month. Students        various time slots
                                                                               get to keep the profits or donate them to charity. We’ll provide a log
                                                                               book for you to keep track of your income and expenditure.

                                                Your Business Ideas     SE5    Bring your ideas to the table and you’ll get feedback and some tips on   1 hour session –
                                                                               how to develop them                                                      various time slots

                                                Social Enterprise       SE6    You can develop your negotiation and sales skills while making a         7 x 1hr sessions
                                                Challenge                      difference in the developing world.

                                                Your Business Goals     SE7    Now that you’re happy with your idea, set your measurable goals.         1 hour session –
                                                                                                                                                        various time slots
                                                Market Research         SE8    Do you know who your competitors are? This isn’t restricted to local     1 hour session –
                                                                               competitors but anyone who offers your line of product/service           various time slots
               Middlesbrough College

   Advantage Programme
     Your future depends on what you do today
                                                Pricing your Product/   SE10   A very important point – how much will you charge for your products/     1 hour session –
                                                service                        service? Will you offer discounts for multiple purchases or specific     various time slots

                                                Business Finance        SE12   Are the finances of the business causing you a headache? Come along      1 hour session –
                                                                               and get support with budget planning, profit and loss and taxes.         various time slots
Title                       Code   Description                                                                 Frequency
                                             Your Business Plan          SE13   It’s time to get your ideas formalised into a business plan. This session   1 hour session –
                                                                                will help you with how to organise it, the style needed and key points      various time slots
                                                                                to consider.
                                             How to Pitch your           SE14   Now that you’ve completed your business plan and you’re confident           1 hour session –
                                             Business Idea                      it’s going to be a success, you need to get the pitch just right. This      various time slots
                                                                                session will help you with your presentation techniques and filtering
            Middlesbrough College

Advantage Programme                                                             which information is most important.
  Your future depends on what you do today

                                             Mentor Support              SE16   Meet your mentor and continue your journey towards your business            30 min session –
                                                                                start-up.                                                                   available by request
                                             Annual Dragon’s Den         SE15   The annual Middlesbrough College Dragon’s Den pitch – your chance           1 hour preparation
                                                                                to pitch your business idea to a panel with funding up for grabs.           session – various
                                                                                                                                                            time slots
                                             Princes’ Trust ‘            SE11   Once your ideas are developed and you’ve covered a lot of the basics,       2 x 4 day intensive
                                             Start your Own                     this intensive session will prepare you for launch!                         workshops
                                             Business’ (Intensive)

                                             Lean sales: real world      SE18   For small business owners and entrepreneurs the one skillset that           One-off 9am-4pm
                                             selling skills for start-          rules them all is selling. If you can’t build the engine of your business   session (lunch
                                             ups                                (a sales plan) and get it running (personal sales activity) your business   included)
                                                                                is not going anywhere fast. This workshop is a must attend for anyone
                                                                                with limited experience or knowledge of the sales process and the art
                                                                                of selling.
                                             Marketing on a              SE19   You have a great product or service that your customers are going to        One-off 9am-4pm
                                             budget of zero                     love, if only they knew about it. This workshop is specifically for small   session (lunch
                                                                                businesses with a marketing budget of just above zero. Our expert           included)
                                                                                marketing coach will help you to harness the power of the web, social
                                                                                media platforms and guerilla marketing techniques to shout louder
                                                                                than you ever thought you could.
                                             Perfect Persona:            SE20   You are your business’s most valuable asset – take some time out to         One-off 9am-4pm
                                             communication skills               invest in yourself. Getting you upgraded and business-ready is a key        session (lunch
                                             for entrepreneurs                  step in building a winning business. This fun and engaging workshop         included)
                                                                                helps to develop your communication and influencing skills to get you
                                                                                out of the office and win business.
Further Information
If you have your own idea for starting a new business we have a range of
information, advice and guidance available. Sign up for the Business Start-
Up package and we’ll give you our step by step business plan which you
can work on throughout the whole year with our mentor’s support.

In the first term with us, you have the opportunity to take part in the
Market Maker competition. In this you will take your idea, develop a
business plan, YouTube advert and pitch with the chance of winning an
all-expenses paid trip to New York (maximum of 5 students per team). It
starts early in September so be sure to sign up for this on the Advantage
Programme booking system. We also host an annual Christmas Market at
the college where you will have the opportunity to develop a product and
sell it to the public.

In the second and third terms you’ll be able to book on to specific sessions
which will give you the knowledge to get your business launched. These
sessions will range from idea generation, marketing and social media,
financial management, legal implications and more! At the end of the
academic year you will have the opportunity to access financial support
and even to pitch for investment at our annual Dragon’s Den event.

So if you have an idea that you think can be the next ‘big thing’, sign-up
for the Business Start-Up package and we’ll give you all the support you
How the Advantage
Programme Helped Me
“I just wished to let you know I now have a job and wish to      “I am so happy to have got employment with this company
thank you yet again for your help through the Advantage          and appreciate all you did for me via the Advantage
Programme and the work you put in to make this job               Programme”.
opportunity happen for me”.
                                                                 Alex Taylor (Express Engineering - IT Trainee)
Ryan Harris (Express Engineering - Mechanical
Engineering Apprentice)

“The Advantage Programme helped me prepare thoroughly            “The Advantage Programme provided me with techniques
for interview and helped me identify means to make myself        for interview which gave me confidence and really helped
stand out from other candidates using my previous personal       me secure the job.”
                                                                 Becky Midgeley (Pickerings Lifts - AAT Apprentice)
Amaan Ayoub (NIFCO - IT Network Engineer Apprentice)

“I want to thank the Advantage Programme... It definitely helped me to secure the position and I want people to know that it is
well worth taking part in it.”

Jack Buckley (CPI- IT Trainee)
Your next steps...
                         Think about your ambitions. What do you want to do after College?
                                                What is your passion?
                            Discuss this with your Personal Tutor or an Advantage Coach
            Select which package you will focus on, look at the sessions on offer and book yourself a place
                                         on the sessions you want to attend.

                           Your future success is in your hands – it starts here and now

  Get That Job               Business Start-up               Going To University                   Life Essentials

    Improve your              For Students who are           For Students who wish to        Giving you skills, support and
employment prospects       interested in starting their    progress to Higher Education      advice to meet the demands
                                  own business                                                    of 21st Century life

              For more information contact your Personal Tutor or the
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