GUIDELINES 2019 Queensland Reconciliation Awards - Department of the Premier ...

Page created by Dorothy Rivera
GUIDELINES 2019 Queensland Reconciliation Awards - Department of the Premier ...
GUIDELINES 2019 Queensland Reconciliation Awards - Department of the Premier ...
Cover artwork by Jordana Angus
Jordana is an established contemporary Wiradjuri artist and emerging jeweller.
Her traditional land is Narrandera, New South Wales, but she was born and raised
in Redcliffe, Queensland. This location has given Jordana an innate connection
to where the land meets the sea.

all together in one place/all are one
This artwork is an interpretation of what reconciliation in Australia means and
recognising the positive steps that businesses, organisations and educational
institutions are taking towards reconciliation in Queensland.
Message from the Premier
            The Queensland Government is committed to reconciliation between
            Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders and non-
            Indigenous Queenslanders. The 2019 Queensland Reconciliation
            Awards provide an opportunity to recognise the remarkable
            advancements that are being made towards reconciliation across
            the state.
            Since 2003, more than 150 organisations have been recognised
            and rewarded for their hard work and commitment to furthering
            Throughout Queensland there are countless community groups,
            educational institutions, businesses and other organisations who
            recognise the importance of reconciliation, are passionate about
            building a more outward-looking, inclusive and tolerant society and
            are dedicated to working towards this goal every day.
            I encourage you to recognise the hard work and commitment of these
            organisations by nominating them for a Queensland Reconciliation
            Award. Through acknowledging these programs we create positive
            change, foster respect and encourage unity between our nation’s
            First People and other Australians.

            The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP
            Premier of Queensland
            Minister for Trade

Message from the Ambassador
           As a longstanding Ambassador of the Queensland Reconciliation
           Awards, I’m thrilled to once again learn about the inspiring
           initiatives and programs fostering reconciliation and creating
           positive change in our communities.
           We all share the same vision of a fair and equitable Queensland.
           The workplaces, schools and community groups who nurture
           reconciliation are making that vision a reality and should be an
           inspiration for us all.
           Gaining a deeper understanding of the role reconciliation plays
           in Australia is everyone’s responsibility and the Queensland
           Reconciliation Awards is a great platform to deliver that
           knowledge. Since the first Queensland Reconciliation Award
           was presented in 2003, we’ve seen a raft of highly creative and
           engaging initiatives be acknowledged, giving us the opportunity
           to learn more about the importance of reconciliation and the
           enormous impact it can have, creating a future where all cultures
           are valued and respected equally.
           Thank you for your support of the 2019 Queensland Reconciliation
           Awards. I encourage you to nominate a business, educational
           institution, organisation or partnership advocating for
           reconciliation, change and the betterment of our communities.
           I look forward to again being part of this incredible program
           and learning more about the efforts of Queenslanders
           advancing reconciliation.

           Johnathan Thurston
           Queensland Reconciliation Awards Ambassador

The awards
The Queensland Reconciliation Awards recognises initiatives undertaken by businesses,
community organisations, educational institutions and government going above and beyond
their core business to foster reconciliation and pave the way for a better future for our state.
The program provides an opportunity to increase cross-cultural awareness, while promoting
the wide range of reconciliation initiatives currently in place.
Nominations are open to businesses, community organisations, educational institutions,
local councils and partnerships operating in Queensland.

Awards timeline
25 February 2019           Nominations close
April 2019                 Judging
May 2019                   Announcement of finalists
27 May – 3 June 2019       Award ceremony during National Reconciliation Week


Our willingness to promote
opportunities for career
development, sustainable
business growth and economic
participation of Indigenous
Australians is not only the right
thing to do, it’s simply the way
we choose to do business.
                                      Indigenous suppliers
                                    pre-qualified on Gymea,
                                      a national Lendlease
                                      program targeted at
                                     increasing Indigenous
                                     procurement activity.
Award categories
Nominations are accepted in the following categories:

Business                                         Premier’s Reconciliation Award
Proudly supported by BHP                         The Premier’s Reconciliation Award will be
For businesses operating in Queensland.          presented to a nominated initiative that has
                                                 demonstrated innovative strategies and
Community                                        exceptional outcomes toward advancing
Proudly supported by ABC Radio Brisbane and      reconciliation in Queensland.
ABC Local Radio
For not-for-profit community organisations
or groups and local councils operating           Nominations close:
in Queensland.                                   Monday 25 February 2019.
                                                 The winner of each category will receive $5000
Education                                        (excluding GST) prize money. Please see the
For government and non-government schools,       conditions of entry for further information.
universities, TAFEs, registered training         Winners will be announced at a ceremony
organisations or early childhood education       during National Reconciliation Week,
and care services located in Queensland.         27 May – 3 June 2019.

Proudly supported by Lendlease
For businesses, community organisations,
educational institutions, government
departments and public service offices
or local councils working in partnership
in Queensland.
Government departments and public service
offices applying in this category must be able
to demonstrate how the work undertaken
within the partnership goes above and beyond
its core business.

How to nominate
You may nominate a business, community                   Director-General). For nominations in
organisation, educational institution or                 the partnership category, an authorised
partnership for a reconciliation initiative it has       officer must sign for each nominated
undertaken in Queensland.                                organisation.
The organisation’s initiative can only                   The online nomination must include
be nominated in one award category. You must             contact details of a person directly
nominate the initiative in the most appropriate          connected to the nominee (point of
award category.                                          contact) who is authorised to provide
                                                         further information to the Awards
Nominations can be made by the organisation
                                                         Coordinator or judging panel if required.
or by someone with the organisation’s
consent.                                             •   Written response (required)
                                                         The online nomination must include
1. Please refer to these guidelines and the
                                                         written responses to the nomination
   conditions of entry for full program criteria.
                                                         questions. Question content is outlined
2. Complete your nomination online at                    below in sections 1 to 3. The response                  should not include confidential information
   Note: these guidelines will also be                   as the responses may be made publicly
   available online throughout the                       available should the nomination be
   nomination process as hint boxes which                shortlisted.
   will pop up as the nominator progresses
                                                     •   References (required)
   through each stage.
                                                         Two references are required. References
    Your online nomination must include:                 must be provided by an individual external
                                                         and independent to the nominee who
•   Completed online nomination (required)
                                                         has direct knowledge of the initiative and
    The nomination must be completed online
                                                         is able to detail the initiative’s impact
    only at qldreconciliation.awardsplatform.
                                                         and success. The nominator cannot be
    com. Nominations provided in hard copy or
                                                         a referee. The nominee’s authorised officer
    by way of email, USB or cloud storage will
                                                         cannot be a referee.
    not be accepted.
                                                         Prior to nominating the referees, you must
    T he nomination must be endorsed by
                                                         obtain their consent to being contacted
     the nominee’s authorised officer (e.g. Chief
                                                         by the judging panel if necessary. As part
     Executive Officer, General Manager,

of the standard reference check process,           •   t he full and accurate name of the
    these referees may be contacted to verify               initiative.
    their reference and provide additional             •    summary of the initiative (maximum
    information.                                           100 words). The summary must be in
    T he references can be supplied as two                two paragraphs: the first paragraph
     letters of reference, or at a minimum, one            detailing the initiative and the second
     letter of reference and contact details for           paragraph detailing the achievements
     another referee. Letters must be written on           of the initiative. This summary must be
     an official letterhead, signed, dated and             publicity appropriate and may be used
     include the referee’s telephone number                in the ceremony program should the
     and email address.                                    initiative be selected as a finalist.
                                                       •    ne (1) high resolution (300 dpi or
•   Promotional material (required)
                                                           higher) digital photograph depicting
    The following material must be provided
                                                           the initiative. The photograph must
    for the State to use at any time (without
                                                           be at least 7.5cm by 11.5cm, five
    further recourse to you) in its promotional
                                                           megabytes (5MB) and supplied in JPEG
    activities relating to the Awards
                                                           format. You must include a description
    including without limitation in its official
                                                           for the photograph, the location it
    announcement of Award recipients, at the
                                                           was taken and the names of persons
    Awards ceremony and in materials for the
                                                           identified in the photograph.
    Awards’ ceremony:
                                                           The photograph must not contain any
    •   t he full and correct name of the                 objectionable or inappropriate content,
         nominated organisation, or in the                 including dangerous or inappropriate
         case of a nomination in the partnership           work practices.
         category, full and correct name of
                                                       You must obtain all necessary consents
         each organisation comprising the
                                                       relating to the materials prior to submitting
         partnership. For example, where the
                                                       the nomination.
         organisation is registered on the
         Australian Business Register, you must    •   Supporting documentation (optional)
         provide the name as it appears on that         upporting documentation may include
         register. Where the nominee has an            photos, graphs, electronic media, articles,
         Australian Business Number (ABN) or           newsletters or brochures. Supporting
         Australian Company Number (ACN)               documentation is optional and primary
         these details must be provided.               consideration is given to the response
                                                       to nomination questions. These materials

must be uploaded via the online               •   Nominations must be received by
     nomination portal as prompted and will            5 pm, Monday 25 February 2019.
     not be accepted by any other means.               Late nominations will not be considered.
                                                       No responsibility will be taken for
3.	Please note the following:
                                                       nominations that are not received
     Nominations can only be submitted online          by the closing date.
                                                   For more information about the awards
•    Nominations provided in hard copy             or how to complete your nomination, please
     or by way of email, USB or cloud storage      contact the Awards Coordinator via email at
     will not be accepted.               
•    Letters of reference, promotional materials   or telephone 07 3003 9200.
     and supporting documentation will
     only be accepted via the online upload
     function within your nomination at
     and not by any other means.
•    Receipt of all nominations will be
     acknowledged via an automatically
     generated email from Award Force.
     Please ensure you provide a correct email
     address on your nomination form. If you
     do not receive a confirmation email within
     two business days after submitting your
     nomination please notify the Awards
     Coordinator via email at
     or telephone 07 3003 9200. No
     responsibility will be taken for the
     nominee’s failure to acknowledge receipt
     of the confirmation email.
•    The point of contact listed on the
     nomination form may be contacted after
     submitting a nomination and asked
     to provide further details.

Nomination questions – sections 1 to 3
The nomination must address the questions          •   What are the outcomes of the initiative?
in sections 1 to 3 below for the nomination        •   How does this initiative go beyond
to be valid and considered by the judges.              the nominee’s core business?
When answering the questions it is important
                                                   •   Who are the nominee’s customers,
to provide specific examples of how the
                                                       clients and/or key stakeholders?
nominee’s initiative has been outstanding.
                                                   •   How many staff are involved in the
If the nominee’s initiative has previously             initiative? What percentage of the
received a Queensland Reconciliation Award,            nominee’s staff are of Aboriginal and/or
your nomination must clearly explain the               Torres Strait Islander background?
changes to the initiative since the previous
                                                   •   What are the nominee’s main sources of
                                                       funding (including income, sponsorship,
You must also detail if the nominee’s                  in-kind support and/or grants)? Include
initiative has changed name or amalgamated             exact amounts or percentages.
with another organisation since its
                                                   For the partnership category consider:
previous nomination.
                                                   •   How was the partnership formed?
Section 1: Initiative overview                     •   Who is the lead partner?
Provide an initiative overview (maximum            •   What is the working relationship
300 words) including highlights, facts and             between the partners?
evidence. Remember to be clear and concise,        •   How does each partner contribute
as this overview is the first impression for the       to the partnership?
judging panel. This should be the basis of your    •   How did each partner contribute
nomination.                                            to the initiative?
You should consider the following for              •   What is the core business of each of the
each category:                                         partners? What is the partnership’s core
•   What is the background of the initiative?          business? How does the initiative go
•   What is the nominee’s role?                        beyond the core business expectations
                                                       of the partners and the partnership?
•   Why did the nominee introduce the
    initiative, and how long has it been           •   What is the percentage of funding
    in practice?                                       committed by each partner?

Section 2: Facilitating reconciliation                    •   Institutional integrity
a) 	What is the initiative’s impact on                       The active support of reconciliation by the
     reconciliation in the nominee’s local area,              nation’s political, business and community
     region and/or Queensland wide?                           structures.

•    Provide examples of clear outcomes                   •   Unity
     or include data demonstrating results                    An Australian society that values and
     achieved by the initiative.                              recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait
•    Detail the most significant change or                    Islander cultures and heritage as a proud
     achievement as a result of implementing                  part of a shared national identity.
     the initiative.                                      •   Historical acceptance
•    Consider using a case study to outline an                All Australians understand and accept
     example of the impact resulting from the                 the wrongs of the past and their impact
     initiative.                                              on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                              peoples. Australia makes amends for
b) 	Describe the key elements of the initiative
                                                              past policies and practices ensures these
     that currently foster reconciliation through
                                                              wrongs are never repeated.
     the five dimensions of reconciliation,
     developed by Reconciliation Australia1:              Additional elements may include:

•    Race relations                                       •   improving community relations and
     All Australians understand and value                    engagement
      Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander               •   improving employee relations
      and non-Indigenous cultures, rights and             •   building economic growth 
      experiences, which results in stronger              •   providing a culturally appropriate
      relationships based on trust and respect                workplace
      and that are free of racism.
                                                          •   improving cultural engagement
•    Equality and equity                                  •   providing support, guidance and/or career
     A boriginal and Torres Strait Islander                  development for Aboriginal and Torres
      peoples participate equally in a range of               Strait Islander employees
      life opportunities and the unique rights
                                                          •   addressing cultural perceptions
      of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
      peoples are recognised and upheld.

1    Reconciliation Australia, The State of Reconciliation in Australia 2016

•   educating the community on Aboriginal         •   evidence of the initiative’s success
    and Torres Strait Islander issues and         •   innovation, creativity and resourcefulness
    challenges                                        used for the concept
•   developing partnerships with local            •   resources and funding available to the
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander             business, organisation or initiative
    communities and organisations
                                                  •   geographical boundaries associated
•   other significant areas of the business,          with the initiative
    organisation or project.
                                                  •   the extent to which the initiative is fulfilling
Your response should focus on recent                  the five dimensions of reconciliation.
changes, initiatives or achievements
(i.e. from the last two years).

Section 3: Future plans for reconciliation
a) 	How does the nominee plan to evaluate the
     initiative’s impact on reconciliation?
b) 	How does the nominee plan to improve
     or further develop the initiative? Address
     timeframes and funding sources.
Word limits have not been prescribed for
sections two and three of the nomination,
however, you should be succinct where
possible and must not exceed the online
format length.

Judging criteria
Nominations will be assessed on:
•   the initiative’s impact on the business,
    organisation, people, culture and/or the
    wider community
•   how the contribution to reconciliation
    is beyond the core business expectation
    of the business, organisation or initiative

The Queensland Reconciliation Awards is an initiative of the Queensland
Government through the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, and the
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.
The awards program is supported by:

Conditions of entry
1. The 2019 Queensland Reconciliation                      unless excluded from the requirement
   Awards (‘Awards’) is conducted by                       of registration under that Act;
   the State of Queensland through                     ii)	a company registered under the
   the Department of the Premier and                        Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
   Cabinet (‘State’).
                                                       iii)	a Government Owned Corporation
2. The Awards guidelines, all entry instructions,            established under the Government
   requirements and prize information                        Owned Corporations Act 1993; and
   published by the State and publicly                 iv)	a statutory body or statutory authority.
   available on the State’s Awards website and             c) ‘Community organisation’ or ‘Community
   form part of these conditions of entry              group” means an organisation with not-
   (‘Conditions’).                                     for-profit objectives formed to promote
                                                       and/or support the interests of a particular
3. By submitting a nomination in the                   community or community group.
   Awards, you agree to be bound by these
   Conditions. Failure to abide by these            d) ‘Educational Institution’ means a school,
   Conditions may render a nomination                  university, TAFE or training organisation
   ineligible for the Awards.                          registered with the Australian Skills
                                                       Quality Authority or an early childhood
                                                       education and care service.
4. In these Conditions:                             e) ‘Initiative’ includes, but is not limited
                                                       to, projects, collaborations, programs
a) ‘Award Category’ means the relevant
                                                       and strategies that actively promote
    category described as either ‘Business’,
                                                       reconciliation in Queensland.
   ‘Community’, ‘Education’, or ‘Partnership’
    as set out in the Awards guidelines.            f) ‘Nominee’ means the organisation, or
                                                       in the case of a nomination in the
b) A ‘Business’ includes:
                                                       Partnership Award Category, the
   i)	an entity that carries on a business            organisations, which is/are the subject
       in the form of a trade or profession            of a nomination in the Awards.
       under a business name registered
       in accordance with the Business              g) ‘Nomination Questions’ means the
       Names Registration Act 2011 (Cth)               nomination questions sections 1 to 3
                                                       set out in the Award guidelines.

h) ‘You’ means the person making the                 i)	a Business;
   nomination and responsible for submitting         ii)	an Educational Institution;
   the nomination in accordance with these
                                                     iii)	a State government department
                                                           or public service office; and
                                                     iv)	any partnership between a Community
Eligibility requirements
                                                          organisation, Community group or
5. Business                                               local council and an entity referred
a) Nominations will only be accepted for the              to in subclauses (i) – (iii) including
   Business Award Category if the Initiative is           without limitation a local council
   carried out in Queensland by a Business.               working in partnership with either
                                                          a Business, Community organisation
b) The following are ineligible for
                                                          or Community group, or another
   consideration in the Business
                                                          local council.
   Award Category:
     i) a Community organisation                  7. Education
        or Community group;                       a)	Nominations will only be accepted for
     ii) a local council                              the Education Award Category if the
     iii) an Educational Institution;                 Initiative is carried out in Queensland
                                                      by an Educational Institution located
     iv) a State government department
                                                      in Queensland.
         or public service office; and
     v) any partnership between a                 b) The following are ineligible for
        Business and an entity referred              consideration in the Education
        to in subclauses (i) – (iv).                 Award Category:
                                                     i) a Business;
6. Community
                                                     ii) a Community organisation
a)	Nominations will only be accepted for                or Community group;
    the Community Award Category if the
                                                     iii) a local council;
    Initiative is carried out in Queensland
    by a Community organisation, Community           iv) a State government department
    group or local council.                              or public service office; and
                                                     v) any partnership between an
b) The following are ineligible for
                                                        Educational Institution and an entity
   consideration in the Community
                                                        referred to in subclauses (i) – (iv).
   Award Category:

8. Partnership                                       all entities comprising the partnership and
a) Nominations will only be accepted for             nominates a lead partner for the Awards;
   the Partnership Award Category if the          c) the nomination is endorsed by the
   Initiative is carried out in Queensland by:       Nominee’s authorised officer, or in the
    i) a partnership comprising Businesses;          case of a nomination in the Partnership
       Community organisations or                    Award Category, endorsed by an
       Community groups; local councils;             authorised officer from each of the entities
       or Educational Institutions; or               comprising the partnership;
    ii) a partnership comprising a State          d) the nomination is accompanied by:
        government department or public
                                                     i) two references by individuals external
        service office and one or more
                                                        to, and independent from, the
        Business; Community organisation
                                                        Nominee and the Initiative;
        or Community group; local council;
        or Educational Institution.                  ii) the promotional material set out
                                                         in the Awards guidelines.
b) A nomination involving a partnership with
   a State government department or public        e) the Nominee meets the eligibility
   service office will only be accepted if the       requirements of the relevant Award
   department or public service office can           Category; and
   clearly demonstrate how the Initiative goes    f) the nomination complies with these
   above and beyond its core business.               Conditions.
c)	State government departments and              10. Nominations close 5 pm, Monday
    public service offices are only eligible          25 February 2019 (‘Closing Date’).
    for consideration in the Awards in a              All nominations must be received by the
    nomination made under the Partnership             Closing Date. Late applications will not
    Award Category.                                   be considered.
                                                  11. You are responsible for ensuring
Nomination requirements
                                                      receipt of the nomination by the State
9. A nomination will only be eligible if:             and no responsibility will be taken for
a) a complete nomination, which addresses the         nominations which are not received
   Nomination Questions, is submitted online          by the State by the Closing Date, including
   at;           lost or misdirected nominations.
b)	for a nomination in the Partnership Award
    Category, the nomination clearly identifies

12. An Initiative can only be nominated in one         Reconciliation Awards for Business may
    Award Category. You are responsible for            only be nominated again if significant
    nominating the most appropriate Award              changes have occurred since winning the
    Category for the Initiative. The State and         award. The judging panel, in its absolute
    the judges reserve the right to reallocate         discretion, will only consider nominations
    the nomination to a different Award                that warrant additional recognition.
    Category if, in their opinions, the
                                                   15.	All costs associated with the preparation
    nomination is not eligible in the Award
                                                        of nominations and any associated costs,
    Category nominated by You. In the
                                                        including travel and accommodation
    event the State or the judges propose
                                                        for attendance at the Awards ceremony,
    reallocating the nomination to another
                                                        will be the responsibility of the Nominee.
    Award Category, the State or the judges
    will obtain Your prior consent to the          16.	T he State reserves the right at any time
    reallocation.                                       to verify the eligibility of a nomination.

13. You warrant that:                              17.	The State reserves the right to reject or
a) You have obtained the consent of the                 disqualify a nomination, if in the State’s
   Nominee for the making of the nomination             sole discretion, the nomination is found
   in accordance with these Conditions;                 at any stage not to have complied with
                                                        these Conditions, information contained
b) the information provided in the nomination           in the nomination is false or misleading
   is complete, true and accurate. The State            or the nomination brings the Awards into
   accepts no responsibility for erroneous              public disrepute or ridicule, or offends
   information provided in the nomination.              public opinion or reflects unfavourably
c) You have obtained the consent of the                 upon the Awards’ reputation.
   referees to provide references for the
   Initiative.                                     Judging
                                                   18.	T he Awards will be judged by a panel
14.	Previous winners of the Queensland
                                                        of judges, which may consist of persons
     Reconciliation Awards or the Reconciliation
                                                        outside of the public sector and/or
     Awards for Business are eligible to
                                                        community, industry and business
     nominate a new or different Initiative
     in the 2019 Queensland Reconciliation
     Awards. Initiatives that have been            19.	T he judging panel will determine the
     previously recognised as winners in the            eligibility of each nomination (including
     Queensland Reconciliation Awards or the            whether the Nominee and Initiative meet

these Conditions), judge each nomination           $5000 (excluding GST), which will be
   in accordance with the judging criteria set        distributed evenly amongst each entity
   out in the Awards guidelines and award             comprising the partnership.
   the winner for each Award Category.
                                                   27.	In the event a State government
20.	T he judges’ decision is final on all              department or public service office
     matters relating to the Awards (including          working in partnership wins in the
     without limitation the nomination                  Partnership Award Category, its share
     process, eligibility of Nominees for Award         of the prize money will be distributed
     Categories and the selection of Awards             evenly amongst the remaining entities
     recipients) and no correspondence will             comprising the partnership.
     be entered into.
                                                   28.	In the event one of the following entities
21.	T he judges reserve the right to ask               wins an Award Category, it will not be
     You or the Nominee to provide additional           eligible to claim the prize money for that
     information.                                       Award Category:
22.	T he number of Awards recipients                  i) a company registered under the
     allocated in each Award Category will                Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) where the
     be at the State’s and judges’ discretion.            State is a shareholder or the shares
                                                          are held beneficially by the State;
23.	T he State and the judges reserve the
                                                       ii) a Government Owned Corporation
     right not to allocate an award in any of
                                                           established under the Government
     the Award Categories if, in their opinions,
                                                           Owned Corporations Act 1993; and
     the nominations are of insufficient merit.
                                                       iii) a statutory body or statutory authority.
Prizes                                             29.	In the event the judging panel deems two
24.	The recipients of the Awards will be               or more nominees joint winners in the
     recognised at an Awards ceremony to                same Award Category, the prize money
     be held in Queensland during National              will be distributed evenly amongst the
     Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June 2019).        winning nominees.

25.	T he winning recipient of each
     Award Category will receive $5000             Personal information
     (excluding GST).                              30.	You warrant that:
                                                   a)	You have obtained the consent of each
26.	T he recipient of the award in the
                                                       person connected with the Initiative and
     Partnership Award Category will receive
                                                       listed in the nomination for their:

i) personal information to be submitted        31. You agree that:
        to the State and the judging panel          a)	Your personal information will be:
        for the purpose of administering and
                                                        i) collected by the State for the purpose of
        judging the Awards; and
                                                           administering and judging the Awards;
     ii)	name to be used in connection with
                                                        ii) disclosed to the Nominee and referees
          the Initiative description by the State
                                                            for the purpose of administering and
          to report on and promote the Awards,
                                                            judging the Awards;
          including if they are finalists, in the
          Awards ceremony booklets, the                 iii) disclosed to the panel of judges for the
          Awards website and the State’s social              purpose of judging the Awards; and
          media channels.                           b) You have obtained the prior consent of the
b)	You have obtained the consent of each              referees to disclose the referees’ personal
    identifiable person in any photographs             information to the State and panel of
    submitted as part of the nomination for            judges to enable the State or the panel of
    their personal information, including              judges to contact the referees to verify the
    their name and image, to be submitted              information contained in the nomination.
    to the State and the judging panel and
    to be used by the State to report on and        Intellectual property
    promote the Awards;                             32. You acknowledge and agree:
c)	You have obtained the consent of the            a) that the material contained in the
    referees for their names and contact               nomination is not of a confidential nature;
    details to be provided to the State and         b)	that the State has a perpetual, royalty-free,
    the judging panel in connection with                non-exclusive licence to edit, amend, copy,
    the administering and judging of the                reproduce, use, publish and communicate
    Awards; and                                         to the public, in full or part, the material
d)	where the nomination comprises any                  contained in the nomination including but
    other personal information, the relevant            not limited to photographs;
    persons have consented to their personal        c)	that the State’s use of material contained
    information being provided to the State and         in the nomination in accordance with
    the judging panel in connection with the            these Conditions will not give rise to any
    administering and judging of the Awards.            infringement or unauthorised use of any
                                                        third party intellectual property rights; and

d) that You will not make any claim against       General
   the State arising from the exercise of this    36.	In no event will the State or judges be held
   licence granted to the State, including             responsible for any comment, viewpoint
   claims in relation to any moral rights              or expression, whether direct or implied,
   that You may otherwise have; and                    concerning the standard or quality of a
e)	to indemnify the State against all costs           nomination. You agree not to bring claims
    and claims by any third parties arising            against the State or any judges in relation to
    from a breach of these warranties.                 judges’ feedback (if any) on the nomination.
                                                  37.	No person shall be entitled to claim
Promotion                                              compensation or loss from the State
33.	You agree to the State using your personal        for any matter arising out of the Awards,
     information (including your name and              including but not limited to failure by the
     image) and material contained within the          State to comply with these Conditions.
     nomination in connection with the Awards     38.	To the full extent permitted by law, the
     to report on, publicise and promote the           State is not liable for any injury, damages,
     Awards, both now and in future years,             expenses or loss whatsoever (including
     including in print and online format such         but not limited to indirect or consequential
     as the State’s Awards website and on the          loss) to persons or property by reason
     State’s social media channels.                    of any act or omission, deliberate or
34.	You have obtained the consent of the              negligent, by the State, or its officers,
     Nominee to the State using its name               employees, subcontractors and agents
     and the material contained within the             in relation to the Awards.
     nomination in connection with the Awards     39.	In the event an Award recipient is
     to report on, publicise and promote the           registered, or required to be registered,
     Awards, including in print and online             for GST under A New Tax System (Goods
     format such as the State’s Awards website         and Services) Act 1999 (Cth), the Award
     and on the State’s social media channels.         recipient may, in the State’s reasonable
35.	F inalists in the Awards and Award                discretion, be required to issue a valid
     recipients may be requested by the State          tax invoice to the State of Queensland
     to be photographed for promotional                for the amount of the relevant category
     purposes and to be profiled on the State’s        prize money, or a declaration stating that
     Awards website and social media accounts.         a tax invoice is not required, no later than
                                                       28 days after the Awards ceremony.

40.	T he State may change these Conditions       listed in the nomination in connection with
     or cancel or vary the Awards at any          the nominated Initiative, to promote, publicise
     time, whether before, on or after the        and report on the Awards, both now and in
     Closing Date.                                future years, in print and online format and
                                                  on the State’s social media accounts.
41.	T hese Conditions are governed by the
     laws of Queensland.                          The contact details that you provide on the
                                                  nomination form may be used by the State
Privacy information                               to seek further information regarding your
Should you wish to submit a nomination in         nomination for the Awards and to notify you
the 2019 Queensland Reconciliation Awards         of upcoming events, initiatives and programs
(Awards), the State of Queensland through         administered by the State.
the Department of the Premier and Cabinet         Use and transfer of personal information
(the State) will collect personal information     outside Australia
incorporated in the nomination to coordinate/
administer the Awards. Personal information       The State is using software and IT services
collected from the nomination form will be        provided by Award Force Pty Ltd (Award Force)
used by the State’s authorised employees and      to conduct the Awards.
officers to administer the Awards. Your name,     Award Force may collect personal information
as the person making the nomination, may          as set out in Award Force’s privacy policy at
also be disclosed to the nominee.        and
Personal information contained in the             this personal information may be transferred
nomination will be provided to a judging panel,   to and processed in the European Union
comprised of persons from within and external     by Award Force. By submitting a nomination
to the public service and community, industry     you agree to this use and transfer. Further
and business representatives, for the purpose     information on Award Force’s use of personal
of judging the Awards. If your nomination is      information and the transfer of personal
shortlisted, the names of individuals involved    information outside of Australia can be found
in the Initiative as provided in the nomination   at Award Force’s privacy policy. You agree that
form may be disclosed on the Awards website       you have obtained the consent of persons
and in the Awards ceremony program.               named in the nomination for their personal
                                                  information to be used in accordance with this
By submitting a nomination, you consent           privacy statement.
and have obtained the consent of each
individual listed in the nomination, to the       You should be aware that material provided
State disclosing the names of the individuals     by you may be subject to disclosure under the

Right to Information Act 2009 subject to the
exemptions under that Act. Your personal
information will not be otherwise used
or disclosed without your consent unless
authorised or required by law.
If at any time you would like your personal
information removed from our database,
please send your request to
Further information about the Department’s
treatment of and your right to access
personal information can be viewed at

Nomination checklist
Before submitting your nomination, please       ¨ D
                                                  o your letters of reference include
review the checklist below to ensure you have     the referee’s telephone number and
complied with all necessary components            email address?
of the nomination process.
                                                ¨ E
                                                  nsure your references:
¨ H
  ave you answered all questions related to       •    re not from the same organisation
  the nomination and provided all necessary            as each other
  supporting material?
                                                   •    re external and independent from
¨ H
  ave you provided details for an                     the nominated organisation/s
  appropriate point of contact within              •    ave direct knowledge of the initiative
  the nominated organisation?                          and are able to detail the initiative’s
¨ I
   s your nomination endorser the                      impact and success
  appropriate authorised officer                   •    ave consented to being contacted
  (e.g. Chief Executive Officer, General               by the Awards Coordinator and judging
  Manager, Director-General) within the                panel if necessary
  nominated organisation?                          •    re not the nominator or the endorser
¨ I
   f you are submitting in the partnership             of the nomination.
  category, have you provided an                ¨ Y
                                                  ou have obtained the consent of each
  endorsement for each nominated                  person connected with the Initiative
  organisation?                                   and listed in the nomination for their
¨ H
  ave you provided two references?               personal information to be collected,
  These can be provided as:                       used and disclosed in accordance with
                                                  the guidelines.
     •   t wo letters of reference or
     •    ne letter of reference and contact
         details for a second referee.
¨ A
  re your letters of reference signed, dated
  and on the official letter head of the
  organisation providing the reference?

for more information on previous
Queensland Reconciliation
Awards finalists and winners.

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