April 10, 2022 Palm Sunday - St. Clare Parish
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April 10, 2022 Palm Sunday Mission Statement….page 2 Parish Staff………...page 3 Mass Schedule.……....page 4 Organizations…….....page 5 Mass Intentions…….page 6 Daily Readings………page 6 Español……….…….page 8 Português ……….…page 1 10 Stewardship Report….page 12
From Monsignor Fran Cilia ___________________________________________ As we enter this week that we consider the holiest of all, we try to unite ourselves with the Passion of the Lord, so also to share His Resurrection. We might ask ourselves where we can begin our personal and communal journeys this week. Perhaps, we can take as our starting point this Sunday’s second reading from Saint Paul to the Philippians, where we find this: Parish “Your attitude must be that of Christ Jesus, Mission Statement Who, though he was in the form of God. . . emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, Founded in 1777, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Saint Clare Parish is May our participation in the mysteries of the Lord’s Cross and an ethnically diverse Resurrection help us – one and all – to serve in love, even as He did. Catholic community of faith, united in wor- Looking Ahead to the Easter Triduum. . . ______________________________________________________________ ship, discipleship and On Holy Thursday, April 14, the service. In welcoming Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at 7:30 pm. It will include the immigrants, newcom- “Mandatum” (Washing of Feet) and the procession to the Altar of Repose in the ers and strangers, we Tent. The traditional Holy Collection for the Poor will be taken up for the work of strive to live the vir- the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. This Mass will be tri-lingual (English, Spanish tues of justice and and Portuguese). love, so as to be the On Good Friday, April 15, we will celebrate the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (Liturgy of the Word, Adoration of the Cross and face of Christ in the Holy Communion) at 12:00 noon and 5:30 pm in English and at 7:00 pm in Spanish. On Good Friday, a collection is taken up for the world, becoming in preservation of the holy sites in the Holy Land. Him a sign of unity and an instrument of The tri-lingual Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Liturgy (Service of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of Baptism and Liturgy of the God’s peace. Eucharist) will begin outdoors with the Blessing of the New Fire at 8:30 pm. On Easter Sunday, we will follow the usual Sunday Mass schedule. Masses will include the Renewal of Baptismal Promises and Sprinkling with Easter Water. 2
Flowers for Holy Thursday and Easter ___________________________________________________________ Main Office Number (408) 248-7786 We will gladly accept your offer for the Altar of Repose and Easter. This year, the Altar Pastor/Párroco will be in the Tent. We would love to see Monsignor Francis V. Cilia cilia@dsj.org cala lilies and other spring plants (azaleas, (669) 270-2700 lilies, etc.) for that night. Also, for Easter, we hope to be able to use those plants and Parochial Vicar/ flowers, plus donations of Easter Lilies. We Vicario Parroquial would be grateful to you for your consideration. We can accept Father Jonathan Cuarto flowers until noon on Holy Saturday. jonathan.cuarto@dsj.org (669) 270-2701 Saint Clare School Principal Little White Books Cecile Mantecon ______________________________ www.stclare.school (408) 246-6797 The Little White Books for Easter are now available at the entrance to the church. They are available in both English and Spanish. Be sure Catechetical Coordinator to take one home this week. Sandra Quintanilla Sandra.quintanilla@dsj.org (669) 270-2702 Annual Diocesan Appeal Youth Minister ______________________________________ Director of Confirmation Ryan Bao We continue to receive pledges and gifts for the Ryan.bao@dsj.org ADA. Since this bulletin is being prepared (669) 270-2708 before the end of March, up-to-date numbers Christian Initiation of Adults were not available. We are close to our goal and (RCIA) whatever is pledged now will directly benefit Diane Madruga our major project this summer, the new roof for camponeses6@gmail.com our church. Music Ministry Christopher Wemp christopher.wemp@gmail.com Annual Pro-Life Prayer Walk ______________________________________________ Administrative Staff Linda Ortiz Brisuela The 46th Annual 8 mile Pro-Life Prayer Walk will be on Good linda.brisuela@dsj.org Friday, April 15. It will start at 7:45am at Saint Martin of Tours Laura Quiroz Church in San Jose and end at Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa laura.quiroz@dsj.org Clara around 12:00pm. There will be a sag wagon for assistance and Parish Facilities/ there will be one rest stop with restrooms. A penitential meal will be Emergencies served at the end and transportation will be provided back to Saint Matt Dutra Martin of Tours. Bring a Rosary, a Pro-Life sign, and a friend. mattdutra74@gmail.com Contact Rich at 510-468-1446 for more information. (408) 904-9181 In Residence Parish Office Closed Father Daniel Urcia _________________________________ daniel.urcia@dsj.org The Parish Office will be closed from Thursday, April 14 until Father Martin Ezeador Monday, April 18 and will resume regular hours on Tuesday, April martin.ezeador@dsj.org 19 in observance of Holy Week and Easter Monday. Father Paul-Cuong Phan paulcuong.phan@dsj.org 3
Youth Ministry News __________________________________ One more week until Easter! Thanks to those who attended our last youth ministry session. We had a blast finding some big prize Easter Eggs! We look forward to being with you again. Mass Schedule Don’t feel left out! There will be something for all of you after the 10:30am Mass on Easter Day (April 17th) to celebrate! All are Weekend Masses welcome for free candy and Easter eggs. Saturday Evening Vigil Our next Confirmation session is coming up on April 24th at (Livestreamed and 1:30pm. See you there! in– person) Revs vs Sems Basketball Challenge will be on Sunday, May 15th. 5:00 p.m. (English) Cheer on your favorite priests and seminarians while supporting 6:30 p.m. (Español) vocations. Want to play? Just let us know. Tickets ($5) can be purchased Sunday online at dsj.org/revs-sems or after Mass in a couple of weeks. 7:30 a.m. (English) 9:00 a.m. (Portuguesa) 10:30 a.m. (English) Diocesan Youth Retreat is back this 12:00 p.m. (Español) summer! Save the date June 27 to July 1. A week of community, faith, and Liturgy of the Word for Children fun at Zephyr Cove in Lake Tahoe. During 10:30 a.m. This is open to all high school teens Mass (English) and is hosted by the Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Office. Weekday Masses Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. Confessions Saturdays 3:00 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. (In the Tent) Office Address: Weekly Justice Challenge 725 Washington Street _____________________________________ Santa Clara, CA 95050 Jesus Christ, Superstar! Palm Sunday reminds us www.stclareparish.org that it is easy to love someone who is successful, especially when that someone is on our side. E-mail What happens when our superstars and heroes stclareparish@dsj.org fail and disappoint us? We often forget the good they’ve done, and we join the chorus of critics. Emergencies The challenge this week is to identify a superstar whom we may have (for the sick and dying): criticized because this celebrity let us down. How can we offer com- 408-248-7786 passionate words when others are engaged in slander? Follow the prompt, then press 9 ©Center for Ministry Development. Published by the Pastoral Center / PastoralCenter.com. All rights reserved 4
How the Pontifical Good Friday Collection is Used What is the Pontifical Good Friday Collection? Parish Organizations IT SUPPORTS THE PEOPLE OF THE HOLY LAND Organizaciones Parroquiales AND THE PILGRIMS WHO VISIT Parish Pastoral Council At the request of the Holy Father, the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Jasmine Vu Land promote the Pontifical Good Friday Collection in the United States and jass.vu@gmail.com other parts of the world. Funds are distributed at the direction of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Oriental Churches. A portion of funds are directly Parish Finance Council allocated to educational and ecclesial projects in the Middle East. The rest of Jerome Alabado the funds collected in the United States and a number of other countries Jerome.alabado@gmail.com support ministries and programs entrusted by the Holy See to the Holy Land Franciscans. The Franciscans have served in the Holy Land for 800 years. Social Justice Committee WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISED? Anne McMahon momahonam@sbcglobal.net LAST YEAR’S PONTIFICAL GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION: Supported 29 parishes, four homes for orphans, three academic institutions Saint Vincent de Paul Society Helped keep schools open for over 10,000 pre-K through grade 12 students Mick Gonzales Supported 120 men preparing to be priests or brothers (408) 645-0506 Helped rehabilitate 80 homes for Christian families Provided senior care facilities in Bethlehem and Nazareth Hispanic Council Created 1,500 jobs in the Holy Land for Christians Elania Tablada Preserved 54 shrines connected with the life of Jesus and the prophets (408) 984-3519 Portuguese Council Eduina Faria (650) 420-9908 San José Chinese Catholic Mission Mandarin Community Father Alberto Olivera, Pastor aolivera@dsj.org Cantonese Community Tony Lau tonylau2000@gmail.com Serra Club of Santa Clara Cathleen Lencioni (408) 248-6728 Young Ladies Institute (YLI) Dolores Wriglesworth doloresandlee@sbcglobal.net Knights of Columbus Tony Colombo a_colombo1726@comcast.net 5
Mass Intentions April 9-16, 2022 __________________________ Saturday Monday 8:00 am 5:00 pm Graciela Buitrago+ Ramon Abragab, Jr.+ 6:30 pm Ida Lopez-Salud Tuesday 8:00 am Sunday Nancy Arango– Well- Daily Readings Being 7:30 am Saint Clare Parishioners Monday Wednesday 8:00 am Isaiah 42:1-7 9:00 am Messalina Eleazar+ Psalms 27:1-3, 13-14 Manuel & Cristina Jeronimo+ Tony & Bonnie & John 12:1-11 Rosa da Conceicao Machado+ Family– Well-Being Tuesday Jose S. Sanches+ Holy Thursday Isaiah 49:1-6 Maria L. Monteiro+ 7:30 pm– Tri-Lingual Psalms 71:1-6, 15, 17 Maria Dias+ John 13:21-33, 36-38 Good Friday Orlando & Ezaltina Pereira+ Wednesday Ernesto Gonsalves+ 12:00 Noon-English Isaiah 50:4-9a Maria A. Madruga+ 5:30 pm English Psalms 69:8-10, 21-22, 7:30 pm Español Maria L. Soares+ 31, 33-34 Holy Saturday Matthew 26:14-25 Ilidio C. Soares+ Dora de Oliveira+ 8:30 pm– Tri-Lingual Thursday Jose da Silva+ Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 Psalms 116:12-13, 15- Julio Matos– Health 16bc, 17-18 10:30 am Eden Pantaleon+ Parish Office will 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 be closed from John 13:1-15 12:00pm Diacono Greg– Salud Holy Thursday, Jose Gutierrez-Salud April 14 until the Friday Isaiah 52:13 — 53:12 Monday after Psalms 31:2, 6, 12-13, Easter, April 18. 15-16, 17, 25 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 18:1 — 19:42 Saturday Creation Care Tips _____________________________ Genesis 1:1 — 2:2 Genesis 22:1-18 “The whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a Exodus 14:15 — 15:1 loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had seen … Some of the Exodus 15:1-6, 17-18 Pharisees in the crowd said to him, ‘Teacher, order your disciples to stop.’ Romans 6:3-11 He answered, ‘I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.’”— Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, Luke 19:37, 39-40 22-23 Luke 24:1-12 This week, spend some time in nature (whether it’s in a forest, in your Sunday backyard, or even just contemplating a weed growing through a crack in the Acts 10:34a, 37-43 sidewalk). Quiet yourself and look and listen for how creation praises the Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, Lord. 22-23 ©Center for Ministry Development. Published by the Pastoral Center / PastoralCenter.com. Colossians 3:1-4 All rights reserved John 20:1-9 6
De Monseñor Fran Cilia _____________________________________ Al entrar en esta semana que consideramos la más santa de todas, tratamos de unirnos a la Pasión del Señor, para compartir también Su Resurrección. Podríamos preguntarnos dónde podemos comenzar nuestros viajes personales y comunitarios esta semana. Tal vez, podamos tomar como punto de partida la segunda lectura de este domingo de San Pablo a los Filipenses, donde encontramos esto: “Vuestra actitud debe ser la de Cristo Jesús, Quien, aunque tenía la forma de Dios. . . se despojó a sí mismo, tomando la forma de esclavo, viniendo en semejanza humana; y encontrándose en apariencia humana, se humilló a sí mismo, haciéndose obediente hasta la muerte, incluso la muerte en una cruz.” Que nuestra participación en los misterios de la Cruz del Señor y Resurrección nos ayude, a todos y cada uno, a servir con amor, como lo hizo Él. En anticipación del Triduo Pascual. . . _________________________________________________________ El Jueves Santo, 14 de abril, La misa vespertina de la Cena del Señor se celebrará a las 7:30 p.m. Incluirá el “Mandatum” (Lavatorio de Pies) y la procesión al Altar de Reposo en la Carpa. La tradicional Santa Colecta para Los Pobres será a las obras de San Vicente de Paul. Esta misa será trilingüe (inglés, español y portugués). El Viernes Santo, 15 de abril, vamos a celebrar la Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor (Liturgia de la Palabra, Adoración de la Cruz y Santa Comunión) a las 12:00 y 5:30pm en inglés ya las 7:00pm en español. El Viernes Santo, la colecta es para la preservación de sitios santos en Tierra Santa. La liturgia trilingüe de la Vigilia Pascual del Sábado Santo (Servicio de la Luz, Liturgia de la Palabra, Liturgia del Bautismo y Liturgia de la Eucaristía) comenzará al aire libre con la Bendición del Fuego Nuevo a las 8:30 p. m. El Domingo de Resurrección seguiremos el horario habitual de misas dominicales. Las Misas incluirán la Renovación de las Promesas Bautismales y bendición con el Agua de Pascual. Flores para Jueves Santo y Semana Santa ________________________________________________________________ Con gusto aceptaremos sus ofrendas para El Altar de Reposo y Pascua. Este año, el Altar estará en la Carpa. Nos encantaría ver lirios de cala y otras plantas primaverales (azaleas, lirios, etc.) para esa noche. Además, para Semana Santa, esperamos poder utilizar esas plantas y flores, además de donaciones de Lirios de Pascua. Estaremos recibiendo flores hasta el medio día del Sábado Santo. Le agradeceríamos su consideración. Apelación Diocesana Anual ______________________________________________ Seguimos recibiendo promesas y regalos para la ADA. Desde que se prepara este boletín antes de finales de marzo, las cifras actualizadas no estaban disponibles. Estamos cerca de nuestra meta y todo lo que se prometa ahora beneficiará directamente a nuestro principal proyecto este verano, el nuevo techo de nuestra iglesia. 8
Boletim Paroquial Português Domingo de Ramos– C Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda ______________________________________________ “Hosana ao Filho de David!” Assim bradava a multidão quando Jesus entrava montado numa jumenta na cidade de Jerusaém! “ Crucifica-O! Crucifica-O!” Assim bradava a multidão no julgamento de Jesus perante Pilatos; que cobardamente sucumbiu aos apetites da multidão. Tal como á dois mil anos as multidões de hoje exultam e condenam ao desbarato e comforme os apetites condicionados pelos meios de comunicação. Caiem na idolatria de elevar e apoiar leaders sem respeito pelas meios de governar os seus povos com justiça e equidade e no processo desrespeitar as leis que o Senhor nos deixou para vivermos em paz, harmonia e felecidade. Poucos estavam ao lado de Jesus e até os Apóstolos que O acompanharam na sua vida pública:Pedro negou Jesus três veses e Judas O traiu entregando-O aos leaders dos judeus. Também hoje oa representantes governamentais apoiam os leaders que subjugam os pobres, os indefesos, o futuro das crianças, traindo o juramento de proteger as comunidades que os elegerem na suposta ideia de eles governarem para o bem comum do povo. Quando o sacerdote der entrada na nossa missa ao gesto de abanar os ramos e ao cantar-mos “Hosana Tu reinarás” pensemos e analizemos em que grupo nos situamos. Estaremos ao lado da multidão que gritava; “Crucifica-O!”; ou estaremos com Maria, João, Madalena, Simão o Cireneu, José de Arimateia, etc. São dois grupos distintos: Um grupo vai -se nas ondas tal e qual as “marés” (ideias fictícias e enganadoras) que os levam ou do grupo pequeno, que mesmo sofrendo, com a paixão e morte do: Filho, o amigo, o irmão... continuou com Ele até á morte de cruz. A pergunta que se faz neste dia é esta: Em que grupo nos situamos? O Domingo de Ramos; também nos fala dos lados extremos da vida: A alegria exuberante de sermos filhos de Deus e de viver a vida cristanmente na promessa da Ressurreição nos legada por Jesus na Páscoa. Essa alegria está espelhada nos hosanas dirigidos a Jesus na Sua entrada em Jerusalem. No outro lado está o egoismo e o grande sinal de tristeza e crueldade daqueles que se deixam levar pelas más decisões que leaders sem escrúpulos os motivam para fazerem mal e destruirem os valores de unidade e amor fraterno. Nos nossos dias resulta no mesmo: não há victórias no mal, na guerra, no crime, tudo isso e mais resultam dum aglomorado de más decisões que fazemos e essas são contrárias ás recomendaçs que Deus nos faz. Por outro lado temos a oportunidade de seguir e apoiar Jesus tal como: Maria e os outros o fizeram cientes das consequências que esta decisão acarretava. Seguir Jesus teve consequências trágicas no tempo da Sua paixão e morte tal e qual nos nossos dias acitar Jesus, dar verdadeiro testemunho de ser cristão acarreta as consequências de não estar na moda, de ser simplório, e outros epitetos deselegantes e insultantes. Mas seguir fielmente Jesus e viver com Ele e por Ele tem as consequências de viver com Ele na felecidade da vida eterna. Entrada na Semana Santa ____________________________________ A partir do próximo Sábado entraremos na Semana Santa e consequentemente a isso sugerimos o seguinte: (1) Olhem na secção em inglês do boletim para verificarem os horários e serviços litúrgicos do Tríduo Pascal. Alguns dos serviços será multilingual. (2) No próximo . (4) Todas as tigelas de arroz tem que ser entregues no escritório na Quinta-feira do dia 7 de Abril próximo. Recomenda-se que a soma total colhida na tigela seja esse total convertido em cheque. (5) Estejam atentos que as celebrações do Tríduo Pascal podem se feitas em lugares diferentes tal como : a igreja, a tenda e até o Salão Paroquial. (6) Enquanto que em muitos locais o uso da máscara esteja retirado na nossa igreja e em qualquer celebração ou serviço litúrgico tem que se usar a mácara. Pelo que se sabe a pandemia não acabou e requere-se cautela e boas práticas saudáveis são sugeridas pelo pastor da nossa paróquia. Um Santo e Alegre Domingo para todos!! 10
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Stewardship Report ____________________________ Sunday Collection: Saint Clare’s Youth April 2nd and 3rd Ministry invites all to Celebrate Easter! Not available at time of printing Will be included in our Easter Bulletin Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Name: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: ________________________Zip______________ Phone: _______________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Around the Diocese ______________________ Would you like to receive envelopes? ______ Yes ______ No ¡Bienvenido! Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a todos los que están celebrando con nosotros, ya sea que han estado por largo tiempo o estén recién llegados a la parroquia. Damos gracias a Dios por ustedes. Si aún no está registrado, por favor, llene este formulario y póngalo en la canasta de la coleta o mándelo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia. Nombre (s): ___________________________________ Dirección: _____________________________________ Ciudad: ________________Código postal: ___________ Numero teléfono: _______________________________ Correo electrónico: ______________________________ ¿Desea recibir sobres de contribución? ______ Si ______ No 12
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