Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210

Page created by Warren Espinoza
Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
Auburn Public Library
 49 Spring Street
 Auburn, ME 04210

                                                  2021 SPRING NEWSLETTER

                       It is with both happiness and sadness we announce Deb Cleveland, head of the APL Children’s
                       Department, will retire this June, after 20 years. “I started working at the Auburn Public
                       Library in June of 2001. Before working here I was a library regular and I brought my 2 boys
                       here weekly. We loved coming to the library. We made friends here at preschool story time
                       that remain friends today. Working here has been such a gift to me. APL has been my home
                       away from home for the past 20 years. I love the library and what it represents to the
                       community. It has been such a pleasure to see the families and children come into the library
                       and a privilege to share my love of books and reading with them. Watching them grow into
                       readers is so satisfying. Auburn was a wonderful place to raise my family and I am so grateful
                       for the opportunity I have had to help the parents who come to the library to help their
children become lifelong readers. I have so many fond memories of my time here. One of the best parts of my time
here has been all of the story times I have presented. I love reading and sharing books with children.”

“Deb Cleveland has been the rock of the Children’s Room and she will be missed. Deb
has always set high standards for herself and her staff. That has meant that we have an
excellent collection and top-notch programming. Deb is often out in the community
which not only gives the Library more exposure; it also means that we keep current
with our neighbors’ needs and wants. She is a great co-worker and we’ve shared many
a laugh over our experiences growing up in the shadow of St. Patrick’s School and our
own foibles as librarians. Her good work will have a lasting impression on APL’s
future.”      - Mamie Anthoine Ney, Library Director

   Auburn Public Library Advocates           Did you know that you can get notifications from the library via text
                                             message? If your email notifications are getting trapped in the spam filter, or
   @auburnpubliclibraryadvocates             if you just prefer a text message, you can turn this option on in your account.
                                             Sign into your library account, click on “Modify Personal Information”, add
    @auburnmelibrary                         your mobile phone number, and click “Opt In”.
    AuburnPublicLibrary                      WWW.AUBURNPUBLICLIBRARY.ORG 207.333.6640
      @aplteenspace                          Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM—6:00 PM
                                             Saturday: 9:00 AM—1:00 PM
Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
PAGE    2                                                                         2021    SPRING      NEWSLETTER

            BOARD OF

                                                          Hello Library Patrons,
                                                          Maine has come alive again after a very long and isolating
                                                          winter for many of us. Things are looking better though with
                                                          more light, spring flowers, warmer temps, and Covid
         Patricia Gautier                                 vaccinations. APL’s staff has maintained a professional
               President             response to the pandemic and has worked diligently to serve our community
                                     under difficult circumstances. For the second spring in a row I speak for the
                                     Board of Trustees to sing the praises of APL director Mamie Ney and the whole
             Liza Dimitri            staff for their willingness to embrace change and create a safe environment for
               Secretary             our patrons during the Covid-19 pandemic. And to our patrons, the Board thanks
                                     you for your cooperation, your thoughtful support, and your willingness to make
                                     the best of a curtailed library presence during these challenging times.
             Susan Weiss
                                     This spring the Board of Trustees has launched a new fundraiser called “Book
              Treasurer              Around Town.” We are selling 100 APL swag bags full of coupons and items from
                                     local businesses. The bags allow an avenue for advertising for our supporting
              Katie Boss             businesses and provide needed funding for library programs and materials. We
                                     have had a very positive response from the local business community and are
                City of              looking forward to a very successful fundraiser. Please watch for forthcoming
         Auburn Representative       details and think about supporting the library by purchasing a bag.

         Nicole Rancourt             Thank you all for your continued support of the Auburn Public Library.

                Minot                Pat Gautier
         Selectmen’s Appointee       APL Board of Trustees

            Heidi McCurdy
       Auburn School Department
       Superintendent’s Appointee

            Doris Bonneau

             Lisa Cesare

        Alfreda Fournier

       Daniel Hargreaves

        Michael S. Malloy

             Lisa Trafton

Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
PAGE      3

 As I write this, I am full of optimism that the Library and our
                                                                                              I read…
 community are taking a big step toward normalcy. Yes! We
 are ready to welcome back more people into the Library! But,                                 Mill Town, Reckoning
 we will continue to follow Maine and national CDC guidelines,                                with What Remains
 doing our best to keep or customer and staff safe. We ask for
 your patience as we adapt to another “new normal.”                                           By Kerri Arsenault
 During the last year we realized how much “community” means to all the staff
 and customers. It is very important to us that we remain a focal point for the
 community in good times and bad. We need to maintain that sense of
 purpose. In doing so, the staff has been wonderful. We would talk about our
 situation in general and they worked out the details…reconfiguring our public
 computer setup, what foot traffic patterns should be, setting up sanitizing
 stations, and so much more. (A special thanks to Rick Duchesneau for building all
 of our Plexiglas shields.) This has been a really great example of “though we are
 many, we are one.”
                                                                                              Followed by...
 Our customers have been just as wonderful! You have all lived up to the
 responsibility of caring for our library community by wearing masks, social                  Writers & Lovers
 distancing, being patient while books have been in quarantine, and more. And,
 part of “the more” has been showering us with flowers and fudge! Thank you so                By Lily King

 Thank you also to the City Council and City Manager Phil Crowell for continued
 strong financial support for the Library. Thanks to our taxpayers and donors we
 are one of the finest and most well-respected libraries in Maine.

 I’ve mentioned before that I always tell people that I work in a beautiful library,
 with a wonderful staff, an engaged board, and absolutely fabulous support from
 our Auburn and Minot communities. Never has that been truer than now.


                  APL Hires New Director of Engagement
                 On February 1st, APL staff member Haley Warden, was promoted to the role of Director of
                 Engagement. Haley relocated to Maine from Los Angeles in 2018 and has spent time working for both
                 APL and the Auburn Recreation Department. She is thrilled to make the transition to a full time staff
                 member and looks forward to getting to know the community. Haley is co-chair of the Auburn Art in
                 the Park Committee, a member of the Auburn Parks & Rec Advisory Board, a L/A Arts board member,
                 and enjoys coaching softball and T-Ball for Auburn Suburban. Her favorite book is “The Starless Sea”
                 by Erin Morgenstern.
  H0urs & Location
  APL Goes Fine Free
 With the support of the APL Board of Trustees, beginning on July 1st, 2021 APL will eliminate all late fees and any
 outstanding fees will be forgiven. The library is a place which is open and welcome to everyone and our hope is that
 the fine elimination will encourage patrons to return, as well as attract new users. Patrons are asked to continue to
 return items within the set borrow timeframe so that others may enjoy the collection. APL will continue to charge
 for items that are not returned after one month and this may interfere with your ability to use online services, and
 to borrow new items.

Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
PAGE    4                                                                          2021   SPRING       NEWSLETTER

                              THANK YOU TO ALL OUR AMAZING DONORS
  Financial giving is a vital part of APL’s ability to offer free services to our community. While 2020 had it’s
  challenges, we are extremely grateful to those who continued to support us in these uncertain times. Your
  generous donations allowed APL to continue to offer our patrons innovative services. Thank you.

                                 January - December 2020 Donors
  BUSINESSES                               Ms. Marlene Cato                         Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson
                                           Ms. Lisa Cesare                          Mr. Tyler Johnson
  3 Spicy Boys                             Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chadwick             Ms. Edith Jordan
  Art Play, Inc.                           Dr. and Mrs. Ned Claxton                 Mr. John L. Kelley
  Auburn Savings Bank                      Mrs. Debora R. Cleveland                 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lachapelle
  Baxter Brewing Company                   Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clifford              Ms. Nancy Laun
  Bert’s Awesome Stuff                     Ms. Whitney B. Condit                    Mr. James Leary
  Brunswick Steel                          Ms. Susan Cooper and Mr. Fred Gleeson    Mr. and Mrs. Justin Leary
  Duplissis Studios                        Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cormier              Mr. Gregory LeClerc
  Island Sea Glass Company                 Mrs. Majorie Creaser                     Mr. and Mrs. Regis Lepage
  JM Dulac Contracting, LLC                Ms. Eleanor Cummings                     Ms. Linda Leshock
  John Marchesseault, LLC                  Mr. and Mrs. William Cummings, Jr.       Mrs. Joan Levenson
  Just Beachy Bags                         Mr. Jared Currier                        Mr. Edward Lewis
  L.A. Metro Magazine                      Mr. and Mrs. John D'Amour                Mr. William Lewis
  Maine Community Bank                     Mr. David Das and Ms. Jane Costlow       Dr. and Mrs. Dana Little
  The Malloy Firm                          Mrs. Ruth DeCoster                       Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loranger
  Minot County Store                       Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Defilipp            Mr. and Mrs. William Low
  Pepsi                                    Mr. and Mrs. Normand Demers              Ms. Linda Macari
  Pow’r Point, LLC                         Mr. and Mrs. Vinay Desai                 Mr. Bruce Maccomber, Sr.
  Sam’s Italian Foods                      Ms. Linda DeSantis                       Ms. Susan B. Martin
  Sarah Frye Home                          Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dimitri               Ms. Susan Masse
  Sullco, Inc.                             Mr. Rick Dodge                           Ms. Jeri Maurer
  Tabers, Inc.                             Mr. and Mrs. Richard DuBois              Ms. Elaine McCarty
  Wei-Li Restaurant                        Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dwyer Jr.         Ms. Heidi McCarthy
                                           Mr. Kirk Egge                            Ms. Sharon McGilvery
  INDIVIDUALS                              Dr. and Mrs. Peter Elias                 Mr. John Marczak
  Ms. Dorothy R. Aalto                     Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Faiman             Mrs. Virginia Marczak
  Mrs. Judith Abromson                     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson              Mrs. Elizabeth B. McCall
  Ms. Jane Agran                           Mr. and Mrs. David F. Field              Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeod
  Ms. Anne Allen                           Ms. Suzanne Finn                         Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meader
  Ms. Valerie Austin                       Mr. Ralph Fletcher                       Mr. Roland Metayer and Ms. Claire
  Mrs. Shirley Babb                        Mrs. William A. Flynt                    Breton
  Mrs. Margaret Bartlett                   Ms. Alfreda Fournier                     Mr. Seth Meyer
  Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Bedette             Mr. Dana J. French                       Mr. and Mrs. James D. Millhime
  Ms. Anne S. Behnke                       Mr. Jonathan Frieze                      Ms. Sharon Moore
  Mrs. Jean Bennett                        Mr. Brion Gallagher and Ms. Maureen      Ms. Marissa Moreau
  Mrs. Sharon P. Bergeron                  O’Brien                                  Mrs. Cynthia Morgan
  Mr. Christopher Berry, Esq.              Mrs. Patricia Gautier                    Ms. Rachel Morin
  Mrs. Elaine Blackwood                    Ms. Susan Geismar                        Ms. Joanne Morse
  Mr. John Blanchette                      Ms. Violet Gerber                        Ms. Peggy Mower
  Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blais               Ms. Angela Gillespie                     Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen
  Mr. and Mrs. John V. Bonneau             Mr. K.C. Geiger                          Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mundy
  Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bonney                Stuart and Nancy Greene                  Mr. David Murphy and Ms. Lisbeth
  Ms. Martha Booth                         Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Griffin             Robinson
  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowyer               Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Haggerty               Ms. Joan Murphy
  Mr. David Brewster                       Mr. Frederick A. Hall, Sr.               Ms. Joan B. Neal
  Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brodsky             Mr. James Handy                          Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ness
  Mr. RR Broyer                            Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Harder                Mrs. Mary-Margaret Ney
  Mr. Ian Buenaventura                     Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hargreaves           Ms. Dorothy Crowley Noel
  Ms. Leslie Brace Buot                    Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes                 Mr. John O'Donnell
  Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burroughs              Mr. and Mrs. William F. Higgins, Sr.     Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Oldfield
  Mr. Richard G. Byard and Ms. Luci        Mr. John Hocking                         Ms. Pam Riley Osborn
  Merin                                    Ms. Christine Holden                     Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osgood
  Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cain                   Lydia and Eric Howes                     Mrs. Suzanne O'Sullivan

Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
PAGE   5

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Ouellette
Ms. Charlene Ouellette
Ms. Camille Parrish and Mr. Kirk D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pelliccia                     Children’s Fiction Books
Ms. Beverly Peterson
Ms. Cynthia J. Peters                             Eyes That Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Philbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Phillips                       Jump at the Sun by Alicia Williams & Jacqueline Alcantara
Ms. Jananne Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Plavin                        Zonia’s Rain Forest by Juana Martinez-Neal
Mr. Ronald A. Poirier
Ms. Christine Popovich
Ms. Cynthia Poulin                                Children’s Nonfiction Books
Ms. Nicole Rancourt
Ms. Gwen Ricci                                    Have I Ever Told You Black Lives Matter by Shani King
Mr. Brian Richardson
Ms. Taina Rodriguez-Encarnaction                  Race Against Time: The Untold Story of Scipio Jones and the
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Roussel                        Battle to Save Twelve Innocent Men by Sandra Neil Wallace
Ms. Karen Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Salberg                         & Rich Wallace
Mr. James R. Saunders
Ms. Denise Scammon                                Game, Set, Sisters! The Story of Venus and Serena Williams
Ms. Mary Seaboldt                                 by Leslie Jay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shapiro
Mrs. Marlene Shields                              Young Adult Fiction
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Shields
Mr. and Mrs. John Sims                            One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite
Ms. Egidia Sonagere
Ms. Sandra Spiller                                The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe
Ms. Celeste Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strong                       The Electric Kingdom by David Arnold
Ms. Mary Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Tardif
Ms. Stephanie Tassinari                           Young Adult Nonfiction
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Hall Thompson                        The Beautiful Struggle: A Memoir by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Mrs. Maureen M. Tibbetts
Mrs. Barbara M. Trafton
                                                  Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A Hip-Hop Story by Jeff Chang
Ms. LeeAnne Tully
Mr. Ralph Tuttle                                  & Dave Cook
Stephanie and Lee Upton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Vallee                     Girlhood: Teens Around the World in Their Own Voices
Mr. and Mrs. James Viola                          by Ahuja Masuma
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. William Waite
Ms. Sarah Wakefield                               Adult Fiction
Mr. and Mrs. William Walker
Mrs. Haley Warden                                 Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
Mrs. Norma Warden
Mr. Daniel Watson                                 The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Whalen                        The Rib King by Ladee Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Wilson
Ms. Constance Whitmore
Jonathan and Sheryl Whitmore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whiting                      Adult Non-Fiction
Mr. Amos Woodward and Ms. Faith                   A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders

*We have checked our list carefully. Kindly let   Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by
us know if there is an error.                     Elizabeth Kolbert

Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
PAGE     6                                                                       2021    SPRING     NEWSLETTER

                                                                                         Need help picking a new book
                                                                                         to read? Tune in every Friday
                     Our Teen Tails & Tales Summer Reading Program                       for honest book
                     kicks off June 14th! Those that register will            recommendations from your teen librarian!
                     receive a goodie bag when they pick up their
                     activity sheet. Complete and submit activity
                     sheets to be entered to win prizes! Registration is
                     required. register!                                                 June 25th @ 3:30 PM
                                                                                         Dolittle (PG)
                  Join our summer book club! We will be reading
                  Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger.
                  The book will be available June 14th and is yours
                  to keep!
                  Please contact Kayla at 207-333-6640 ext. 4 or                         July 30th @ 3:30 PM
         to register!
                                                                                         Finding Nemo (PG)

  For the months of June, July, and August, on the
  second and fourth Monday of each month we will
  be offering take home craft kits to give you some-                                         August 27th @ 3:30 PM
  thing fun to do at home during your summer                                                 We Bought a Zoo (PG)
  break! Registration for these kits is required. Check out our
  Auburn Public Library Teen Space Facebook and

                                                                               “What’s Cookin?” Virtual Recipe
                                                                               Exchange & “Craft n’ Creations”

             Tuesday, June 8th
       Caption                                                                               Tuesday,
              4:00 to 5:00 PM                     Tuesday, July 13th
     describing                                                                              August 10th
              (virtual)                           12:30 to 1:30 PM
     picture or
                                                                                             6:30 to 7:30
              Fascinating Things I                                                           PM (virtual)
       graphic.                                   All About Service Dogs
            Have Seen: Insights on
                                                                                             My Best
 Nature with author Bernd Heinrich                Wednesday, July 14th                       Moments with
 Tuesday, June 15th 4:00 to                       4:30 to 5:30 PM (virtual)                  Sherman: An
 5:00 PM (virtual)                                                                           Evening with author
                                                  Meditating on Nature’s Wisdom
                                                                                             Christopher McDougall
 Let’s Talk Birds!
                                                              Tuesday, July 27th
                                                                                          Tuesday, August 24th
 Wednesday, June 23rd                                         3:00 to 4:00 PM
                                                                                          3:00 to 4:00 PM (virtual)
 4:00 to 5:00 PM                                              Living & Working with
 (virtual)                                                                                Maine Wildlife with Misfits
                                                              Border Collies
                                                                                          Rehab: Stay Safe, Keep Them
 Hobbyist Beekeeping for Food and Flowers                                                 Safe

Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
PAGE     7


           Join us on Facebook every Tuesday at 4 PM
           for a Maine Student Book Award Chat. We will
  talk about some of our favorite books from the 2021-2022
  MSBA list. We are excited to read these books and share
  them with you.

               We are very excited to welcome back Michael
               Fralich and his therapy dog, Mocha, for Read
               to a Dog. Each Thursday afternoon at 2
               pm Michael and Mocha will be here for kids to
  read to. Registration is required as space is limited. Please
  call the library at 333-6640 ext.3 to register for a time slot
  to read with Mocha. We have missed them!

             Join us each Wednesday at 10 AM on
             Facebook for our virtual preschool story time.

                We will have a new project each week on Mondays.

                           Monday, July 12th 2:00 PM
                           Virtual Concert with Judy                               Tuesday, August 2rd 2:00 PM
                           Pancoast: Facebook                                      Storyteller Antonio Rocha

In keeping with our Summer Reading theme “Tails and                                We are delighted to have world
Tales,” Judy’s lively musical presentation will include                            famous storyteller, Antonio Rocha
original songs about creatures of land and sea, including                          perform for us at the library this
“Nothin’ Like a Dog,” “Monkey Girl,” “The Big Five” and                            summer. Please join us for this very
“Sharks.” Children should be prepared to dance and sing                            special program.

Friday, July 30th 11:00 AM In
Person               Swallowtail
Butterflies with the Butterfly
Guy, Jerry Schneider

Learn all about butterflies through
beautiful pictures and stories. Create
your own butterfly t-shirt. Bring your own 100% cotton shirt
or buy one from Jerry. Jerry is a former teacher and
children’s librarian, inventor of the award-winning Butterfly
Game and member of the Vermont Butterfly Atlas Project, a
five-year study of butterfly populations in Vermont.

                                                                   ENGAGE.   ENLIGHTEN. E NRICH.
Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210

                              Mailing Address Line 1
                              Mailing Address Line 2
                              Mailing Address Line 3
                              Mailing Address Line 4
                              Mailing Address Line 5              Engage. Enlighten. Enrich.

                                THANK YOU TO ALL OUR
                                 BOOK AROUND TOWN
Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210 Auburn Public Library 49 Spring Street Auburn, ME 04210
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