St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church -

Page created by Willie George
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church -
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
                                             2725 Elm Street, Napa, CA 94558
                                                    (707) 255 - 2949

                                  FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
                                    IV DOMINGO DE PASCUA
                                 May 8, 2022 ● 8 de mayo de 2022


Throughout Easter Time, the Church rejoices with
Jesus, risen from the dead. Our readings on this
Fourth Sunday of Easter celebrate our instinct to
come together in joy, worshiping in church. While
private prayer nourishes our individual relation-
ship with the Lord, community prayer is a fore-
taste of paradise. The book of Revelation depicts a
“great multitude” worshiping God “day and night
in his temple.” Our churches on Easter Sunday
often reflect this happy multitude, filling the pews
to bursting. Four Sundays into the festive season,
we are encouraged to keep praising God together.
In the Acts of the Apostles, Paul and Barnabas
demonstrate their instinct to worship with their
faith community each Sabbath, dutifully taking
their seats in the synagogue. In the Gospel, Jesus
calls us his sheep and reminds us why coming to-
gether as a flock is so important: uniting in com-
munity, we imitate the unity of God.
                        Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

                                                                    Saturday - 4:00pm
      Office Hours / Horario de Oficina:
                                                               Sunday - 9:00am and 11:00 am
    Monday-Friday 9am-12pm & 1pm-5pm
    (707) 255 - 2949 Fax (707) 255 - 2439
                                                                     DAILY MASS
                                                                 Monday - Friday - 9:00 am
                     STAFF                                         MISA EN ESPAÑOL
Rev. Abel Mena, JCL, Pastor/Adjutant Judicial Vicar                 Domingo - 1:30 pm
         Rev. Gary Sumpter, In Residence                      CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES
Deborah O’Haire, Religious Education Coordinator             Saturday/ Sábados 3:00 pm—3:45 pm
      Amparo Valenzuela, Office Coordinator
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church -
PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS                                         ANUNCIOS DE LA PARROQUIA

       MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE                                             MENSAJE DE LA OFICINA

The parish office and church will have modified               La oficina parroquial y la iglesia tendrán un ho-
hours from May 13 to May 27. We will be available at          rario modificado del 13 al 27 de mayo. Estare-
                                                              mos disponibles en la oficina de 9:30 am a 12 pm
the office from 9:30am to 12pm and church will only
                                                              de lunes a viernes y la iglesia estará abierta du-
be open during the same hours Monday thru Friday.
                                                              rante el mismo horario.
                                                                       NOTICIAS DEL CATECISMO
                                                              La registración para las clases de Catecismo para el
Registration for Catechism Classes for the 2022-              año 2022-2023 se llevarán a cabo después de misa
2023 year will take place after all of the Masses on          los fines de semana de 11 y 12 de junio y 18 y 19 de
the weekends of June 11/12 and the weekend of                 junio. La registración será en el salón después de
June 18/19. Registrations will only be accepted               cada misa únicamente en estas fechas. La expecta-
during these dates. Registration will take place in           tiva es que si su hijo(a) va a asistir a clases de cate-
the hall after all the masses. The expectation is             cismo en nuestra parroquia, que va a asistir a misa
that if your child will be attending catechism clas-          en la parroquia de St. Thomas. Usted tendrá que
ses at our parish, that you will attend Mass at St.           obtener una ficha de registración antes de misa
Thomas Aquinas Church. You will need to pick up               y después procederá a la mesa de registración
a ticket from one of our volunteers before Mass               cuando termina la misa.
and then proceed to the registration table when
you leave at the conclusion of the Mass.                      Por favor traiga una copia de la fe de bautismo de
                                                              su hijo(a) el día de la registración. Si va a registrar
Please bring a copy of your child’s baptism certifi-          a su hijo(a) para clases de confirmación, por favor
cate to registration. If you will be registering your         traiga también una copia del certificado de la Pri-
child for Confirmation classes, please bring a copy           mera Comunión. No se aceptará la registración
of your child’s First Communion Certificate also.             para quienes no traigan la fe de bautismo y la co-
No registrations will be accepted without the bap-            pia del certificado de Primera Comunión para los
tism certificate (and First Communion Certificate             estudiantes de Confirmación.
for Confirmation Candidates).
                                                              La cantidad de estudiantes que se puedan aceptar
Class sizes will be limited. Cost for classes is $90          será limitado. El costo de registración para los can-
for First Communion Candidates, $110 for Confir-              didatos de Primera Comunión es de $90, para los
mation Candidates and $30 for each subsequent                 candidatos de Confirmación es de $110 y $30 adi-
child in the family.                                          cionales por cada hermano(a) adicional de la mis-
Classes for first year First Communion Candidates             ma familia.
preparation will be held on Tuesdays from 5-6 pm.             Las clases de preparación de los candidatos a la
Confirmation classes will be held on Tuesdays                 Primera Comunión de primer año se llevarán a ca-
from 6:30-7:30 pm. Classes for second year First              bo los martes de 5pm a 6pm. Las clases de confir-
Communion preparation will be held on Wednes-                 mación se llevarán a cabo los martes de 6:30pm a
days from 5-6 pm. Calendars for the year will be              7:30pm. Las clases de preparación para la Primera
provided at registration.                                     Comunión de segundo año se llevarán a cabo los
                                                              miércoles de 5pm a 6pm. Los calendarios del año
                                                              se proporcionarán el día de la inscripción.

            READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                       LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
Monday:        Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10   Lunes:        Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10
Tuesday:       Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30         Martes:       Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday:     Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;         Miércoles:    Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5-6, 8;
               Jn 12:44-50                                                  Jn 12:44-50
Thursday:      Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;       Jueves:       Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
               Jn 13:16-20                                                  Jn 13:16-20
Friday:        Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6          Viernes:      Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
Saturday:      Acts 1:15-17; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17           Sábado:       Hch 1:15-17; Sal 113 (112):1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Sunday:        Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a;        Domingo:      Hch 14:21-27; Sal 145 (144):8-13;
               Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35                                          Ap 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church -
STEWARDSHIP/CORRESPONSABILIDAD                                         PASTOR’S NOTES
First Collection /                            $2,633     In the gospel this weekend we hear a very brief
Primera Colecta: *         5/1/2022                      gospel passage, but full of meaning with Jesus
MyEoffering for month of April:               $1,560     being the shepherd and Church being the sheep.
                                                         The gospel this weekend gives us three attitudes
      2nd collection for today/2da colecta de hoy:       of the pastor in relation to the sheep: he knows
Religious Education Program / Programa de Catecismo      them, he gives them life, and no one can take
                                                         them from him. This is exactly how Jesus also
* Weekly collection needed to meet                       treats all of us: he knows each and every one of
  parish expenses:                 $4,400                us, he spiritually gives us life and nourishes all of
             THANK YOU - GRACIAS                         us, especially through the sacraments and if we
                                                         remain faithful to Him and His Holy Church, no
                                                         one can harm us. The challenge for all of us is to
OREMOS POR NUESTROS FELIGRESES ENFERMOS                  have God, the true shepherd, be the center of our
Andrew Hill, Marcia Ryan, Mary Jo, Jose Luis Al-         lives all the time. How do we do that? We do
faro, Jane Lemmons, Ricky, Carmen Lee, Pablo             this by listening to God’s Word and that of His
Morales, Monserrat Salgado, Angelica Espinoza,           Holy Church and living our lives according to
Theresa Ware, Itzel Mendez, Katrinka Ruk, Ken            God’s Word all the time. When we do this, we
Sprague, Maria Aquilija, Carl Kitley, Mary and           are responding to the voice of the true shepherd
Loren Ryan, Erica Cervantes, Teresa Conemac, Ig-         Jesus Christ. Let us continue to open our lives
nacio Hurtado Torrico, Paul Joseph, Mona                 so that we might hear the voice of Jesus Christ,
Wageck, Vivian Michael, Joel Rivera, Rod Berg,           our true shepherd, so that all of us might contin-
Jesus Vazquez, Larry Fontana, Anne-Marie                 ue to grow in faith and experience the grace of
Mourad, Jose Julian Mendez Calderon, Familia             God in our lives. May God bless you all.
Nuñes Torres, Gina Dal Porto, Ana Perez, Cervan-
tes Family, Brian Krenzin, Marcella Wheelan,             Fr. Abel
Todd Daniel Lemmons, Mayra Zarate, Eduardo
Mendez Calderon, George Taylor, Francisco
Chavez, Eggers Family, Maryll Telegdy, Vicky Pe-
rez Esther, Jeffrey Saenz, Marjorie Burns, Maria                    MENSAJE DEL PARROCO
Guadalupe Salas, Norberto Villa, Gerry Reiland,          En el evangelio de este fin de semana es muy
Laura Pedraza, Shannon Hodgers.                          breve, pero con bastante significado con Jesu-
 Please call if loved ones need prayers or if they are   cristo siendo el pastor y la Iglesia las ovejas. El
 well and may be taken off the list. (707) 255-2949      evangelio de este fin de semana nos demuestra
                                                         tres actitudes del pastor en relación con las ove-
Favor de llamar a la Rectoría si necesita ora-           jas: las conoce, les da vida y nadie las lastima.
ciones o si sus enfermos se recuperaron para             El desafío para todos nosotros es tener a Dios, el
    removerlos de la lista. (707) 255-2949
                                                         verdadero pastor, como el centro de nuestras vi-
          MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK                    das todo el tiempo. ¿Como hacemos esto? Ha-
           INTENCIONES DE LA SEMANA                      cemos esto escuchando la Palabra de Dios y Su
            5/7/2022—5/13/2022                           Santa Iglesia y viviendo nuestras vidas según la
                                                         Palabra de Dios todo el tiempo. Cuando hace-
Saturday      4:00pm     Cinthya Valenzuela—Health
                                                         mos esto, estamos respondiendo a la voz del ver-
Sunday        9:00am     † Chuck Reiland                 dadero pastor Jesucristo. Hay que continuar
              11:00am Pro Populo                         abriendo nuestras vidas para escuchar la voz de
              1:30pm     † Guillermo Andrade Fernandez   Jesucristo, nuestro único y verdadero pastor, pa-
Monday        9:00am     Antoinette Molina               ra que todos nosotros continuemos creciendo en
                                                         la fe y experimentando la gracia de Dios en nues-
Tuesday       9:00am     † Margaret Krch
                                                         tras vidas.
Wednesday 9:00am         Alejandro Valenzuela—Birthday   Que Dios los bendiga.
Thursday      9:00am     † Leonila Andrade
Friday        9:00am     Kate Towers                     Padre Abel
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