Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...

Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...
Warden, Treasurer
and Clergy Meeting
September 16, 2021                                                38th Meeting
         Put me not to rebuke O Lord, in thine anger (Psalm 38)
Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...
      Welcome, Opening
01.   Prayer
                            02.   Bishop’s Update
01.                         02.   Bishop’s
                                       Prayers Update


      Guidelines Update
03.   Vaccination Policy
      COVID UPDATE          04.   Synod 2021 Update
                                  Counting Online
03.   CEWS Update
      Bishop/DEO/AMP              DEO/CFO and Co-Chairs of Synod Planning

05.   Q&A                   06.      The
Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...
Bishop’s Update
Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...
▪ The Province Remains in Step 3 of the Re-
              Opening Plan
               ▪ 3 Stage Plan to safely and cautiously re-open
               ▪ Driven/Gated by:
                   ▪ the provincewide vaccination rate
                   ▪ improvements in key public health and health care

            ▪ Not clear at this time when we will move out
             of Stage 3
             ▪ Updates and local adjustments (Health Units) have been made

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Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...
▪ Better Clarity on Transmission
               ▪   Primarily Aerosol Transmission
               ▪   Surfaces are More Limited Risk
               ▪   Driven by Talking and Forceful Exhalation
               ▪   Length and Volume of Exposure
               ▪   Importance of Ventilation & Limited Crowd

            ▪ Variants more Infectious
               ▪ Alpha is 50% more Infectious than Original
               ▪ Delta Variant is 60% more Infectious than
               ▪ Much higher protection with more than one

            ▪ Those not Vaccinated are a risk to
              themselves and Everyone Else
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Warden, Treasurer and Clergy Meeting - September 16, 2021 38th Meeting - Anglican Diocese of ...
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2021 Confirmed Case Analysis (Ontario)

9/16/2021             Total of 44,000 Cases in Ontario
2021 Confirmed Case Analysis (Diocese of Ontario area)

▪       Provincial Context
                               ▪     Still in Step 3
                               ▪     Requirements to prove Vaccination
                               ▪     High but plateaued rates of vaccination
                               ▪     Case count has increased again, but seems to have levelled
                               ▪     Evidence from other provinces and countries
                               ▪     Variants of Concern – Delta and beyond

                           ▪       Continue to consult – Epidemiologist, Province, Health Units,
                                   other dioceses (provincially, nationally)

                           ▪       Our protocols and protections to date have been effective in
                                   our churches (driven by caution)

                           ▪       Emphasis on Aerosol transmission
Effective September 16th   ▪       Need to establish and adapt the to “New Normals”

                           ▪       General FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)

 9/16/2021                                                                                        10
▪ Capacity limitations remain
                              ▪       Number of people that can be seated with 2 metres between
                                      EVERY PERSON
                              ▪       Members of the same Family/Bubble can be seated together but the
                                      total in the room cannot exceed the maximum determined above

                             ▪ Based on evolved understanding of how the virus is
                               transmitted (low risk of surface transmission)
                              ▪       Prayer Books and Bibles can return to the pews (not Hymn Books at
                                      this time)
                              ▪       Focus on frequent cleaning/sanitizing of high touch surfaces (Light
                                      Switches, Hand Rails and Door knobs/handles, etc)
                              ▪       Reduced frequency of cleaning/sanitizing general areas

                             ▪ Time between services can be adjusted
                              ▪       Not as driven by cleaning time
                              ▪       Driven by time for room to ventilate
Effective September   16th        ▪     Open doors/windows
                                  ▪     30 minutes minimum

 9/16/2021                                                                                           11

                           -   Self Assessment before entering or joining outdoors
                           -   Sanitizing Hands
                           -   Sanitizing High Touch surfaces
                           -   Collecting and retaining Contact Information for all in attendance
                           -   Natural Ventilation to be facilitated as much as possible by having
                               doors and windows open to refresh the air in churches. Fans which
                               recirculate air should not be used.
                           -   Anyone inside the building must correctly wear a mask at all times
                               (other than when placing the bread in their mouth)
                           -   Proper Signage and Marking of flow
                           -   Liturgy and sacrament
                           -   Communion will be in One-Kind (bread only)
Effective September 16th

 9/16/2021                                                                                 12
▪       Congregational Singing continues not to be permitted

                           ▪       Can now have a maximum of 6 singers in a choir/choral
                               ▪     Masked
                               ▪     Distanced (minimum of 2 metres, recommend 3m or greater)
                               ▪     All singers and musicians must be fully vaccinated

                           ▪       Sunday School and Youth Programs may take place
                               ▪     Prefer online or outdoors
                               ▪     Up to 10 people maximum if indoors (masked, distancing, etc)
                               ▪     Nursery for family use (no staff)

                           ▪       Rentals may resume. Must meet all protocols (capacity,
                                   masks, distancing, contact tracing, Vaccination, etc)
Effective September 16th
                           ▪       Concerts & Events subject to same capacity limitations as
 9/16/2021                                                                                     13
▪ The Province has issued Guidance that
              specific Businesses and Organizations must
              comply with respect to patrons entering

            ▪ Effective Sept 22, 2021

            ▪ Requires individuals to provide Proof of Full
             Vaccination and Photo ID in order to enter
             ▪ Over the age of 12

            ▪ Exempts Religious Rites, Services &
             ▪ Does not cover Social gatherings (Receptions) associated

9/16/2021                                                                 14
▪ The full series of a COVID-19 vaccine
              authorized by Health Canada, or any
              combination of such vaccines, OR

            ▪ One or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not
              authorized by Health Canada, followed by one
              dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine authorized
              by Health Canada, OR

            ▪ Three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not
              authorized by Health Canada; and they received
              their final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least
              14 days before providing the proof of being fully

9/16/2021                                                 15
▪ Religious Rites, Services & Ceremonies are
              exempted (not buildings)
            ▪ Contractors, Deliveries, Repair workers, etc
              entering for work
            ▪ Children under 12
            ▪ Medical Exemption (written by physician or
              Nurse Practitoner) with ID and time period

            ▪ NO EXEMPTION FOR:
             ▪ Social events in a church (including Coffee Hour,
               Receptions after Funerals or Weddings)
             ▪ Meetings or other non worship events in the
             ▪ Businesses and organizations renting facilities
             ▪ Concerts or other performances
9/16/2021                                                    16
▪ Province is developing Proof of Vaccination
              (Passport) planned for Oct 22

            ▪ From Sept 22 to Oct 22
             ▪ Receipt or emailed version received when
             ▪ Can also be downloaded from the Provincial Portal

            ▪ Also require proof of identification (Photo ID)
             ▪ Name and Date Of Birth must match the proof of

9/16/2021                                                   17
▪ Fines for individuals can range from
             ▪ $750 to $100,000
             ▪ Up to a year in jail

            ▪ Fines for corporations can range from
             ▪ $1000 to $500,000 for corporate directors
             ▪ Up to a year in jail for corporate directors
             ▪ Up to $10,000,000 for corporations

            ▪ Obstruction of any person exercising power or a
              duty is also an offence

9/16/2021                                                     18
▪ Focus on protection and safety of parishioners,
              clergy, employees and community

            ▪ Compliance with applicable laws, guidance from
              the Ministry of Health, the Provincial Chief
              Medical Officer of Health and local Health Units

            ▪ Immediate Applicability

            ▪ Focus on those functioning in a range of
              ministry roles and protection of the vulnerable

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▪ Policy applies to:
             •   all clergy holding a Bishop’s license or permission.

             •   all licensed lay workers.

             •   all diocesan staff.

             •   all liturgical leaders including, but not limited to:

                  o    musicians, including vocalists;

                  o    readers, intercessors, servers, and communion assistants;

                  o    greeters, ushers, and sidespeople;

             •   wardens;

             •   all people ministering with children, youth, and young adults; and

             •   all people ministering with marginalized or vulnerable populations, including food security
                 and other outreach ministries.

            ▪ Those under 12 years of age are exempt
            ▪ All in these roles will be required to be fully
              immunized or provide proof of a valid medical

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▪ Required individuals to submit proof of vaccination by
              either email or a video call
              ▪   First shot by Sept 30
              ▪   Second shot by Oct 31
              ▪   Further boosters as they may become required

            ▪ For Clergy and Diocesan Staff:
              ▪   Records kept confidential and separate from Clergy or
                  Employment file and will be destroyed when no longer

            ▪ For Parish or Regional Ministry and Employees
              ▪   Parish maintains registry (a trusted person)
              ▪   Records kept confidential and destroyed when no longer
              ▪   Wardens and Incumbent/Priest in Charge responsible

            ▪ Non-compliance will result in disciplinary action which
              may restrict ability to enter locations and from performing

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▪ All worshippers are strongly encouraged to
              be fully vaccinated out of care for their health
              and all those around them.
            ▪ While highly recommended, Vaccination is
              not a requirement to attend worship (other
              than those in the roles already outlined)
            ▪ Those who are unable or choose not to be
              vaccinated should strongly consider
              participating in worship and activites online in
              order to protect themselves and others.

9/16/2021                                                 22
                                     June       July

            Income Reduction ($)   -$128,435   -$43,264

            Income Reduction (%)     -28%       -11%

            CEWS - Parish           56,808     21,981

            CEWS - Diocese          13,726      5,271

            CEWS - Total            70,534     27,252

▪ Based on August Data received (still missing
              7 churches)
             ▪ August 2019 to August 2021 reported income
               increased by $29,665
             ▪ No qualification for CEWS in August

            ▪ September data due by October 15th
             ▪ Expected to be the last month

9/16/2021                                                   24
▪ Government of Canada has announced that
              the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy
              (CEWS) has been extended to Sept 25, 2021
            ▪ A number of programs are being phased
              down and ended, including CEWS
             ▪ Beginning in July income decreases must have
               been > 10% to qualify
             ▪ Rate of CEWS will decline form July to Sept

9/16/2021                                               25
CEWS rates for periods 17 to 20
            Revenue       Claim period    Claim period    Claim period    Claim period
            drop          17 (June)       18 (July)       19 (Aug)        20 (Sept)
            70% or more 75%               60%             40%             20%
                        (40% base         (35% base       (25% base       (10% base
                        rate + 35%        rate + 25%      rate + 15%      rate + 10%
                        top-up)           top-up)         top-up)         top-up)
            More than     40% base        35% base        25% base        10% base
            50%, but      rate + top-up   rate + top-up   rate + top-up   rate + top-up
            less than     [(revenue       [(revenue       [(revenue       [(revenue
            70%           drop – 50%)     drop – 50%)     drop – 50%)     drop – 50%)
                          x 1.75]         x 1.25]         x 0.75]         x 0.5]
            More than     Base rate:      Base rate:      Base rate:      Base rate:
            10%, up to    (revenue        [(revenue       [(revenue       [(revenue
            50%           drop x 0.8)     drop – 10%)     drop – 10%)     drop – 10%)
                                          x 0.875]        x 0.625]        x 0.25]
            10% or less   Base rate:      0%              0%              0%
                          drop x 0.8)

9/16/2021                                                                                 26
SYNOD 2021 Update
Synod Overview
▪ There are three main parts of Synod 2021:

-    Opening         (Bishop’s Hour and the Synod Opening Service)             Thursday evening

-    Program (Bishop Cliff plus Breakout discussions, Bishop Oulton’s charge
          plus Breakouts, Ministry Expo)                                       Friday

-    Business Of Synod (Normal Business of Synod)                              Saturday Morning

    9/16/2021                                                                                     28
Thursday – Synod
            St George’s Cathedral
                     Bishop Oulton Celebrating
                     Bishop Cliff Preaching

            Concelebration in the Hubs

            Live Stream


            Bishop William Cliff         Bishop Michael Oulton
                                                                 Bishop Cliff – on the Theme of Synod
                                                                 Bishop Oulton – Bishop’s Charge

               Ministry Expo (Displays in a Virtual Space)
                                                                 Synod Delegates in Hubs

                                                                 Live Stream (all welcome)

Saturday (morning)
            The Business of Synod

            Synod Delegates in Hubs

            Live Stream (all welcome)



       St. John the Evangelist, Bancroft – 21 Flint Avenue, Bancroft
       Holy Trinity Maynooth, St. Mark’s Bonarlaw, St. Paul’s Marmora, St.
       Matthew’s Marlbank, St. Paul’s Roslin, St. John the Evangelist Stirling

       St. George’s Trenton – 9 Byron St. (corner of John St.), Trenton
       Christ Church Glen Miller, Holy Trinity Frankford, Christ Church
       Belleville, St. Thomas’ Belleville, St. John the Baptist Madoc.

9/16/2021                                                                        32

       St. Mary Magdalene, Picton – 335 Main Street East, Picton
       St. Philips Milford, St. John’s Waupoos, St. Andrew’s Wellington, All
       Saints Tyendinaga, St. Mary Magdalene Napanee

       St. John’s, Bath – 212 Church Street, Bath
       St. Paul’s Sandhurst, St. Alban’s Stella, Trinity Parish

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       St. Mark’s Barriefield – 268 Main Street, Kingston
       St. James Kingston, St. Paul’s Kingston, St. Thomas’ Kingston, St.
       Luke’s Kingston, St. John’s Sunbury

       Christ Church, Cataraqui – 990 Sydenham Road, Kingston
       St. Paul’s, Sydenham, Church of the Trinity Wolfe Island, St. Alban’s
       Odessa, St. Peters Collins Bay, St. John’s Portsmouth, St. George’s

9/16/2021                                                                      34
       St. Lawrence, Brockville – 80 Pine Street, Brockville
       St. John the Baptist Lyn, St. Paul’s Brockville, St. Paul’s Westport, St.
       Mary’s Newboro, St. Andrew’s Sharbot Lake,
       Christ Church, Gananoque – 30 Church Street, Gananoque
       Church of the Redeemer Rockport, Christ Church Athens, Parish of
       the Rideau, Parish of Kitley, Holy Trinity Oak Leaf, St. Luke’s Leeds,
       St. James, Kemptville – 35 Clothier St. West, Kemptville
       Holy Trinity Merrickville, Christ Church Burritt’s Rapids, Parish of
       Oxford, St. James, Maitland, St. John the Evangelist, Prescott, St.
       Paul’s Cardinal

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We Look Forward to a
 Great Synod!!

October 21st 2pm

Ongoing Planning:
Third Thursday of
each month

9/16/2021               38
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