Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those -

Page created by Jeffrey Herrera
Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those -
"Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those
          who keep your covenant." - Psalm 25

Our Weekly Bulletin for the First Sunday in Lent

Pictured: Lauren Pusich and Volunteers last Wednesday preparing lunches for Josephinum residents. A
generous donation by a member of our community will allow Jo residents will receive a special lunch at no
cost each Wednesday until April 2021
Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those -
Dear Friends in Christ                      Queridos amigos en Cristo

Once again, we find ourselves               Una vez más, nos encontramos
wandering into the desert with Jesus as     vagando por el desierto con Jesús al
we begin Lent. Several Catholic             comenzar la Cuaresma. Varios
commentators have asked the same            comentaristas católicos han hecho la
question: Did Lent end last year? Or        misma pregunta: ¿Terminó la
are we still in the same desert we          Cuaresma el año pasado? ¿O todavía
wandered into in 2020? Such good            estamos en el mismo desierto por el
questions to ponder as our pandemic         que nos adentramos en el 2020?
finishes its first year.                    Buenas preguntas para reflexionar
                                            mientras nuestra pandemia termina su
This week’s scripture passage comes         primer año.
from the beginning of Mark’s Gospel as
we hear Jesus being tempted in the          El pasaje de las Escrituras de esta
desert. As we begin our Lenten              semana proviene del comienzo del
practices of prayer (love of God),          Evangelio de Marcos cuando
fasting (self-denial = love of self), and   escuchamos a Jesús siendo tentado
almsgiving (love of other), this passage    en el desierto. Al comenzar nuestras
provides a lens by which we can             prácticas cuaresmales de oración
measure our spiritual growth in the         (amor a Dios), ayuno; (abnegación =
coming days and weeks ahead.                amor a uno mismo) y limosna (amor a
In the book Come Follow Me, we read         los demás), este pasaje proporciona
the “testing that Jesus experienced in      una óptica con la que podemos medir
the desert was a test of character. He      nuestro crecimiento espiritual en los
had to demonstrate His resolute             próximos días y semanas que vienen.
preparedness to be the Anointed Son         En el libro “Ven, sígueme” leemos que
of God and carry out the Good News of       “la prueba que Jesús experimentó en el
God’s presence in the world. Thus, the      desierto fue una prueba de carácter.
desert (or wilderness) is the place         Tenía que demostrar su determinación
where prophets prepare for their            resuelta para ser el Hijo Ungido de
mission (testing), where the people         Dios y llevar a cabo la Buena Nueva de
learn to overcome their rebellious          la presencia de Dios en el mundo. Así,
tendencies and where God’s love is          el desierto (o páramo) es el lugar
renewed through revelation and              donde los profetas se preparan para su
covenant relationship.”                     misión (prueba), donde la gente
                                            aprende a superar sus tendencias
So, may we triumph over Satan’s             rebeldes y donde el amor de Dios se
testing this Lent. May we remain            renueva a través de la revelación y la
faithful to our Creator. May we show        relación de pacto ".
the love of Jesus to God, others, and
ourselves through the sacred practices      Entonces, que triunfemos ante la
of Lent.                                    prueba de Satanás en esta Cuaresma.
                                            Que seamos fieles a nuestro Creador.
Peace...                                    Que podamos mostrar el amor de
                                            Jesús a Dios, a los demás y a nosotros
Dcn. Dennis                                 mismos a través de las prácticas
                                            sagradas de la Cuaresma.


                                            ​Dcn. Dennis
Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those -
Join Us Physically, Virtually and Spiritually

   Coming Up This Week at Christ Our Hope

          Today, Thursday, February 18
                6:30 PM Racial Justice Lent Open Prayer ServiceZoom
          Sunday, February 21: First Sunday of Lent
                Sunday Mass register in-person Mass at 8:30 AM, 5 PM
                (Spanish) or 7 PM, attend on Facebook
                9:30 AM Coffee Hour with Deanna and Guests Zoom
                5:05 PM First Holy Communion Preparation Zoom
          Monday, February 22
                3 PM Racial Justice Small Group register here, Zoom
          Tuesday, February 23
                7 PM Racial Justice Small Group register here, Zoom
          Wednesday, February 24
                9:30 AM Coffee & Conversation with Dn. Dennis Zoom
                5 PM Breaking Open the Word with Dr. ArdZoom
                6:30 PM Racial Justice Small Group register here, Zoom
          Thursday, February 25
                10 AM Racial Justice Small Group register here or Zoom Link
                11 AM "Encounter God" Women's Group Zoom
          Friday, February 26
                8 AM Lenten Morning Prayer Zoom
                5:30 PM CRS Rice Bowl Cooking & Cocktails Zoom
          Sunday, February 28: Second Sunday of Lent
                Sunday Mass register in-person at 8:30 AM, 5 PM (Spanish)
                or 7 PM, attend on Facebook
                9:30 AM Coffee Hour with Deanna and Guests Zoom

Thank You Ministers and Volunteers!

A special thank you to the lay ministers, musicians, and
volunteers who enabled 109 parishioners and friends of our
community to attend in-person Ash Wednesday Masses (26
people attended at 7 AM & 48 people at 7 PM) and Liturgy of
the Word services on February 17, 2021.

A total of 32 people attended in-person Liturgy of the Word
services. Many thanks to our lay ministers Jo Vandersnick, John Bauer, Bob Roemer,
Deanna Tighe, and Tom Graff. Thanks also to Lita Bankson for her wonderful videography
skills during the Masses that also enabled parishioners to join virtually.

This Sunday Evening on "Eagle’s Wings"
Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those -
For centuries, the music of the First Sunday of Lent has been
surprisingly different from all other Sundays. It was the only
Sunday of the year that the Church suggested the words of one
Psalm and only one Psalm be sung throughout the entire
Mass. Psalm 91 was sung at the Entrance, after the first reading,
before the Gospel, during the Preparation of the Altar, and during
Communion. Over and over we hear of the protective shelter
God provides each of us. Over and over Sunday Evening, we will
Photo Credit: Ken Jones
sing verses of the Joncas setting of Psalm 91, “On Eagle’s Wings.”

The Church’s reason for hammering home so intensely the reassurance of God’s promised
refuge on the first Sunday of Lent? There seem to be two reasons: 1. The Gospel we hear is
the Temptation of Christ narrative. In the Matthew and Luke versions, the Tempting Devil
quotes from Psalm 91 when he taunts Christ: “He will bid his angels watch over you; with their
hands, they will support you.” And reason 2. Lent I begins the final period of preparation for
those being baptized at the Easter Vigil. Psalm 91 is showered on them as encouragement
and hope.

AND AN EXCITING NOTE! The Governor and the Archbishop have agreed we may have
choirs in worship again; so the Choir of Hope will return to the Sunday Evening Mass .
Limited by our space to 8 singers, 9 feet apart, masked and facing away from the assembly,
but we can come home again after almost exactly one year away. As Psalm 91 promises:
The Lord will be “our refuge from the pestilence that stalks in darkness.”
                                                                           - Dr. James Savage

The Apostles' Creed

For the 6 weeks of Lent and the 8 weeks of Easter, the Church encourages parishes to use
the Apostles' Creed instead of the Nicene Creed. This is because Lent and Easter are both
seasons when we focus on baptism (Lent: preparation for baptism; Easter: recently
celebrated baptisms). The Apostles' Creed is older than the Nicene Creed and was used in
early baptismal rites, as early as 200 AD. The longer Nicene Creed (from 325 and 451 AD)
built on the Apostles' Creed. The Apostles' Creed contains all of the foundations of our faith
for the newly baptized; the Nicene Creed gives more context and more detail of what's true
and not true.

How did it get its name? There's a lovely (although not true) tradition that each of the 12
apostles suggested one of the 12 lines, thus making the 12-point creed we use today. In fact,
it likely comes from how early it is documented, how near to the time of the Apostles

In our liturgical books, there are actually 4 different ways we can profess our faith at Mass:
the two creeds, and two question & answer formulas that we use during certain sacramental
celebrations. At Christ Our Hope, we currently are using the Apostles' Creed only at our
English Masses, as it's not as familiar in all Spanish-speaking countries as the Nicene Creed

El Credo De Los Apóstoles

Durante las 6 semanas de Cuaresma y las 8 semanas de Pascua, la Iglesia anima a las
parroquias a utilizar el Credo de los Apóstoles en lugar del Credo de Nicea. Esto se debe a
que la Cuaresma y la Pascua son ambas temporadas cuando nos enfocamos en el bautismo
(Cuaresma: preparación para el bautismo; Pascua: bautismos celebrados recientemente). El
Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those -
Credo de los Apóstoles es más antiguo que el Credo de Nicea y se usó en los primeros ritos
bautismales, en el año 200 d.C. El Credo Niceno es más largo (de 325 y 451 d.C.) se basó
en el Credo de los Apóstoles. El Credo de los Apóstoles contiene todos los fundamentos de
nuestra fe para los recién bautizados; el Credo de Nicea brinda más contexto y más detalles
de lo que es cierto y lo que no es cierto.

¿Cómo obtuvo su nombre? Existe una hermosa (aunque incierta) tradición de que cada uno
de los 12 apóstoles sugirió una de las 12 líneas, lo que constituye el credo de 12 puntos que
usamos hoy. De hecho, probablemente se deba a lo temprano que está documentado y lo
cerca que está del tiempo de los mismos Apóstoles.

En nuestros libros litúrgicos, en realidad hay 4 formas diferentes en las que podemos
profesar nuestra fe en la Misa: los dos credos y dos fórmulas de preguntas y respuestas que
usamos durante ciertas celebraciones sacramentales. En Christ Our Hope, actualmente
estamos usando el Credo de los Apóstoles solo en nuestras misas en inglés, ya que no es
tan familiar en todos los países de habla hispana como el Credo de Nicea.

                    Virtual Engagement Opportunities

There is still time to join our Lenten Journey
for Racial Justice: A Pilgrimage with the

All are welcome to join one of our small reflection groups
which meet once a week throughout Lent to discuss what
you are learning, share your thoughts, and help to build
community. These groups will be facilitated by the Racial
Equity Committee of both St. Patrick's and Christ Our
Hope communities.

The small reflection groups will commence next week, starting with Group 1 on Monday,
February 22nd. The facilitator and schedule are as follows:
     Group 1: Monday at 3 PM - Jan Thomas - Zoom Link
     Group 2: Tuesday at 7 PM - Liza Neal - - Zoom Link
     Group 3: Wednesday at 6:30 PM - Kathy Keefe - Zoom Link
     Group 4: Thursday at 10 AM - Lisa Dennison - Zoom Link

If you have not registered to participate, please reach out to Deanna Tighe via email at

Friday Lenten Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer will take place each Friday in Lent, starting on February 26th, the First Friday
of Lent. Friday Lenten Prayer will continue through to Good Friday, April 2nd. All are welcome
to join at 8 AM on Zoom. The link for the 8 AM prayer will be the same each week. Join us on
Zoom by clicking here.

Sunday Coffee Hour at 9:30 AM
This week, in another change of format, Deanna will invite all
who Zoom to consider the three practices of Lent: prayer, fasting,
and alms-giving. After a very brief introduction to the three from
Deanna, participants will be divided into “chat rooms” to talk with
one another about how these spiritual/corporal actions have been
lived out in their past and what are their plans for this current
Lent. Don’t be put off by being asked - many have been active
participants over the months. One of the values of Christian
community is how our lives can be nurtured by one another. Join
us, even if this is your first time; the more people that participate it will make it more beneficial
to all.

​All are welcome to join us after Sunday Morning Mass at 9.30 AM. The Zoom link is
 accessible here .

Cooking, Cocktails, & Community                       Cocina, cócteles y comunidad

Join us on Zoom at 5:30 PM on Friday,                 Únanse a nosotros en Zoom a las 5:30 PM
February 26th as we feature the first Cooking         el viernes 26 de febrero mientras
and Cocktail/Mocktails with a recipe from             presentamos la primera Cocina y Cóctel /
Madagascar; Vary Amin’anana (Greens                   Cócteles sin alcohol con una receta de
with Rice).                                           Madagascar; Vary Amin’anana (Verduras
                                                      con arroz).
A separate email will be sent a week prior to
each event with all the necessary ingredients         Se enviará un correo electrónico por
for the meal and mocktail/cocktails.                  separado una semana antes de cada evento
                                                      con todos los ingredientes necesarios para
Save the date for future events!                      la comida y cócteles sin alcohol.

      Friday, March 12th featuring Pupusas            ¡Reserva la fecha para eventos futuros!
      de Queso con Curtido y Salsa Roja
      from El Salvador                                       Viernes 12 de marzo Pupusas de
                                                             Queso con Curtido y Salsa Roja de
      Friday, March 26th featuring Batar                     El Salvador
      Da'an (Squash, Bean and Corn
      Stew) from Timor Leste                                 Viernes 26 de marzo Batar Da'an
                                                             (guiso de calabaza, frijoles y maíz)
                                                             de Timor Leste

             Visit our website                                      Donate Online

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