St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Page created by Phillip Hartman
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
                       7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823
                          FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
                                  January 31, 2021

                 Mission Statement/ Nuestra Mission
The Catholic Christian community of St. Charles Borromeo, having known the
Lord, wants to communicate through its celebrations, fraternal life, catechesis
and charity, the presence of the Risen Christ.
La comunidad Cristiana de San Carlos, habiendo conocido al Señor, quiere comu-
nicar a través de sus celebraciones, la vida fraterna, la catequesis y la Caridad, la
presencia de Cristo Resucitado.
                                           Catholic Faith Formation Office (CFF):
Parish Office:
Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Monday-Friday)           Director of Religious Education (English)
(Lunch Break: 12:30pm—1:30pm)                    Sister Ma. Josielinda Tanudtanud, RVM
Tel: 916-421-5177 Fax 916-392-4831               916-421-7174 Ext.:540
Fr. Oscar Gómez-Medina, Pastor, Ext: 570         Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Thursdays-Off )
Fr. Dean J. Marshall, Parochial Vicar, Ext:. 560 (Lunch Break: 12:30pm - 1:30pm)
Office Staffs:                                 Director of Religious Education (Spanish)
Miriam De Leon, Office Admin., Ext: 500        Hermana Sara Janette Marquez Gomez
Mariana Mora, Office Admin., Ext: 510
                                               916-421-1063 Ext.:530
Web site:                 Hours: 3:00pm - 6:30pm (Thursdays-Off )
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa
                                                                         January-29th-February 5th 2021
Sunday / Domingo
English: 7:30am, 10:30 am & 3:00pm                          8:00am– -Jammelyn & Emmelyn Ancheta †Olavo & Orion
Español: 9:00am, 12:00pm & 1:30pm                           D’ Silva, †Bartolo Segovia Reyes, †Sister Ma. Alicia Amrga
Weekdays & Saturday                                         RVM, †Sister Ma. Susana Rato RVM
8:00 am Mass
                                                            7:30am †Raymundo & Natividad Albano, †Ricardo Cor-
lunes, martes, jueves por la tarde                          pus, †Apolonio, Virgina, & Nena
N/A                                                         9:00am -Veronica Maldonado,-Emely Mejia, -Lety Rivera, -
Wednesday Evening                                           Rosy Rojas, -Jose y Rosy Cardona, -Familia Quintero Men-
                                                            doza, †Juan Gonzalez Neri, †Martha Leticia Quintero,
                                                            †Abelina Cejas
Reconciliation / Confesiones                                10:30am– -Jammelyn & Emmelyn Ancheta, †Viviana
Tuesday -Wednesday / Martes - Miercoles                     Torres, †Maria Arroyo, †Eulalio Celestino Sr., †Gregoria
6:00 pm - 6:45 pm                                           Sierra, †Ricky de la Cruz, †Antonio Ubungen, †Barbara he-
                                                            tiback, †Juan Campos
Saturday / Sabado
                                                            12:00pm –Martha Garcia, Antero Concepcion Angeles,
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm                                           †Eloiza Zavala Alvarado, †Pablo Colin, †Bartolo Segovia
                                                            Reyes, †Carlos Agustin Tellez Millan, †Jesus Valencia,
                                                            †Almas en Purgatorio
                                                            8:00am- -Jammelyn & Emmelyn Ancheta, †Bartolo Segovia
                                                            Reyes, †Juan M. Ramirez
                                                            8:00am— -Jonathan Garcia de Alba, †Agripina Leynes,
Saints & Readings For the Week
Sunday January 31                                           †Bartolo Segovia Reyes
FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                              Wednesday
Dt 18:15-20/ Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/ 1 Cor 7:32-35/ Mk 1:21-28
                                                            8:00am-    -Martha Garduno & Antonio Gonzalez, †Bartolo
Monday February 1
Heb 11:32-40/ Ps 31:20-24/ Mk 5:1-20                        Segovia Reyes
Tuesday February 2                                          Thursday -
The Presentation of the Lord                                8:00am– †Jose y Maria Gonzalez, †Lynette Agui
Mal 3:1-4/ Ps 24:7-10/ Heb 2:14-18/ Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32
Wednesday February 3
Saint Blaise, Bishop, Martyr; Saint Ansgar, Bishop          8:00am – -Maria Lani & Edward Malicden, -Benjamin &
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/ Ps 103: 1-2, 13-14, 17-18a/ Mk 6:1-6     Michael Hockster, †Jose & Elivera Montes, †Juan M.
Thursday February 4                                         Ramirez
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/ Ps 48:2-4, 9-11/ Mk 6:7-13
Friday February 5
                                                                                We ask the Lord to reward the
Saint Agatha, Virgin Martyr                                                 generosity of Our Giving Community.
Heb 13: 1-8/ Ps 27: 1, 3, 5, 8b-9c/ Mk 6:14-29                             Previous Sunday’s Collection $3,367.00
Saturday February 6                                                             The median of the past years’
Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs                                      operating expenses $619,000 which sets the
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/ Ps 23:1-6/ Mk 6:30-34                                         goal for each Sunday to $11,903.85
                                                                           Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad
                                                                               Dadivosa por su generosidad.
                                                                          Colecta del fin de semana pasado $3,367.00
                                                            Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,000 Objetivo de colecta semanal
                                                                              para cubrir gastos es de $11,903.85
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Presentation of the Lord—February 2
                                 The Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs
                                 forty days after the birth of Jesus with the blessings and processions of can-
                                 dles, popularly known as “Candlemas” day,
                                 The Presentation of the Lord concludes the celebration of the Nativity and
                                 with the offerings of the Virgin Mother and the prophecy of Simeon, the
                                 events now point toward Easter.
                              "In obedience to the Old Law, the Lord Jesus, the first-born, was presented in
the Temple by his Blessed Mother and his foster father. This is another 'epiphany' celebration insofar as
the Christ Child is revealed as the Messiah through the canticle and words of Simeon and the testimony of
Anna the prophetess. Christ is the light of the nations, hence the blessing and procession of candles on
this day. In the Middle Ages this feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or 'Candlemas,' was of
great importance.
"The specific liturgy of this Candlemas feast, the blessing of candles, is not as widely celebrated as it
should be, except of course whenever February 2 falls on a Sunday and thus takes precedence.
Today is referred to also as the "Purification of Mary." This is known as a "Christmas feast" since it points
back to the Solemnity of Christmas. Many Catholics practice the tradition of keeping out the Nativity creche
or other Christmas decorations until this feast.

                        St. Blaise—February 3
                        St. Blaise was a physician and Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia. He lived in a cave on Mount Ar-
                        geus and was a healer of men and animals. Agricola, governor of Cappadocia, came to Se-
                        baste to persecute Christians. Discovered in prayer, Blaise was arrested, and Agricola tried to
                        get him to recant his faith. While in prison, Blaise ministered and healed fellow prisoners.
                        Thrown into a lake to drown, Blaise stood on the surface and invited his persecutors to walk
                        out and prove the power of their gods; they drowned. When he returned to land, he was mar-
                        tyred by being beaten, his flesh torn with wool combs and then beheading.
Blaise has been extremely popular for centuries and many cures were attributed to him, notably that of a child who
was suffocating through a fish bone being caught in his throat, this led to the blessing of throats on Blaise's feast day.
He is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. He is invoked for all throat afflictions, and on his feast two candles are
blessed with a prayer that God will free from all such afflictions and every ill all those who receive this blessing.

                        St. Agatha—February 5
                        The holy virgin courageously confessed that she was a Christian, and that she knew of no nobility
                        more illustrious, nor liberty more real, than to be a servant of Jesus Christ.

                         The Emperor irritated at her rebuke, commanded her to be buffeted and led to prison. The follow-
                         ing day she was again summoned, and asked whether she had resolved to save her life. St Agatha
                         replied: “God is my life and my salvation.” The governor then put her to the torture, which was
                         executed with barbarous cruelty and remanded the saint to prison, commanding that her wounds
should be left undressed, in order that she might expire under the torture. But at midnight St. Peter appeared to her in a
vision, perfectly cured her wounds, and freed her from all pain; that night there appeared in the interior of the prison so
resplendent a light that the guards fled in terror, leaving the door of her dungeon open, so that she could have escaped,
as the other prisoners advised her, but that she was unwilling, as she said, to lose by flight the crown which was being
prepared for her in heaven. She died a few days later from further torture.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Message to our Parishioners:
       During this difficult time of the COVID-19
  pandemic our Church depends on your support to
     continue its ministry and providing to the
 community. Our parish is dependent upon the weekly
or monthly offertory collection (for maintenance, utili-
ties and needs of the church). We are grateful for your
  continued financial support while our collections are
  significantly affected. Please continue to mail in your
   weekly offertory donations to the parish, or by con-
      necting with us through the online giving link:
            Thank you and God bless you!
            Mensaje a nuestros feligreses:
          Durante este momento difícil de la
   pandemia COVID-19 nuestra Iglesia depende de su
apoyo para continuar su ministerio y proporcionar a la
     comunidad. Nuestra parroquia depende de la
donación de ofrendas semanales o mensuales (para el
mantenimiento, los servicios públicos y las necesidades
de la iglesia). Estaremos muy agradecidos por su con-
 tinuo apoyo financiero, mientras que nuestras colec-
 ciones se ven significativamente afectadas. Por favor,
     continúe enviando por correo sus ofrendas de
donaciones semanales a la parroquia, o conectándose
 con nosotros a través del enlace de entrega en línea:
            ¡Gracias y que Dios te bendiga!
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Facebook Livestream Masses at St Charles Borromeo Parish:
Daily masses have been livestreaming every day from Monday to Saturday at 8:00am. Sunday Masses are livestreaming at 7:30
am in English and 9:00 am in Spanish at This will be our forty-second Sunday to livestream; we
appreciate your patience as we try our best to make the audio or sound audible and clear. Please follow our Facebook page for
any updates. Visit also our parish website: We are doing our best to provide updated information to you!
La Parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo tiene Transmision de Misa en Vivo :
Las misas diarias se transmiten en vivo todos los días de lunes a sábado a las 8:00 a.m. Las misas dominicales se transmiten en
vivo a las 7:30 am en inglés español y a las 9:00 am en español en Este será nuestro cuadragésimo
-segundo Domingo transmitiendo en vivo; Agradecemos su paciencia mientras hacemos todo lo posible para que el audio o el
sonido se escuche claro. Por favor, siga nuestra página de Facebook para cualquier actualización. Visite también nuestro sitio web
de la parroquia: ¡Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para brindarle información actualizada!

    On the weekend of February 20, we will have the opportunity to walk with others as Jesus asks us to do. Together as
    Catholics, we extend our hand to those who need help. We assist them beyond dire circumstances and to begin again,
    refreshed and renewed. As our communities overcome the paralyzing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, let us accompa-
    ny those in physical and emotional poverty. Each of our gifts, no matter the amount, really do make a difference in
    someone’s life. Please prayerfully consider what you can give this year.

    Prayer of the Faithful For our sisters and brothers in the Diocese of Sacramento…may the intercession of our Blessed
    Mother Mary bring to us the wisdom of her son Jesus as we consider our participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal, we
    pray… …Lord, hear our prayer.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
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