9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland

Page created by Travis Roberts
9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland
9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland
CIRCUS250:                                   PHILIP ASTLEY                                   ARTWORKS IN
    ART OF THE SHOW                              IN IRELAND                                      THE EXHIBITION
    Glorious Feats!                              Philip Astley, known as the ‘father of the      Some of the artworks in this exhibition
    Graceful Acts on Horseback!                  circus’, came to Dublin after licensing         were sketched rapidly by the artist from
    Awe-inspiring aerialists!                    difficulties forced him to stop performing      the audience stalls. Others were created
                                                 in London in 1773. In December of that          later from memories and sketches of
    Immerse yourself in the world of the
                                                 year, he opened his riding school on            performances witnessed. Some works,
    Circus with this exhibition and programme
                                                 Inns Quay, giving performances and              such as the posters and programmes, were
    of exciting events. This exhibition
                                                 riding lessons, both of which proved            never meant to be displayed in a gallery,
    forms part of the UK and Ireland-wide
                                                 hugely popular. He was also engaged to          but rather were made to entice customers
    celebrations of the 250th anniversary of
                                                 appear at Capel Street theatre. His horse,      to the performances and to entertain and
    the original circus, established by Philip
                                                 Gibraltar, but not Astley himself, was hired    inform them when they arrived. There are
    Astley in London in 1768. Dublin was the
                                                 to perform with the ‘Corsican Fairy’, a         also works which look more to the idea of
    first city outside England to which he
                                                 performer with dwarfism, at Smock Alley         the circus and its people. Martin Gale’s
    travelled, performing and giving riding
                                                 Theatre. Astley stayed in Dublin until June     Arrival explores the notion of the sudden
    lessons from 1773.
                                                 1774, and returned annually after that. In      appearance of a circus tent in an otherwise
    The exhibition showcases the work of         1798, he opened his Royal Amphitheatre          familiar rural landscape. The tent, part-
    well-known artists such as Jack B. Yeats,    in Peter Street, near Christchurch, where       concealed behind trees, gives a viewer a
    Mainie Jellett, Mary Swanzy, Harry Kernoff   he was granted a monopoly on circus             sense of the anticipation of the wonders
    and Martin Gale RHA.                         performances for the following 7 years.         to come. Painted during the Second World
                                                                                                 War, Mary Swanzy’s Clown by Candlelight
    This exhibition and accompanying public
                                                 Jack B. Yeats, The Double Jockey Act            shows a melancholy clown lost in thought,
    programme bring some of the fun of the       © Estate of Jack B Yeats, DACS London / IVARO
                                                 Dublin, 2018                                    possibly reflecting on his own situation,
    big top and the history of this inspiring
                                                                                                 or perhaps he is a metaphor for the artist
    spectacle to the Gallery. An exciting
                                                                                                 in a time of conflict.
    programme of performances, film
    screenings, workshops, talks and tours
    has been planned, including a residency
    by illustrator Steve Simpson.

    We are planning even more exciting
    additions to the programme of
                                                                                                 Mary Swanzy, Clown by Candlelight
    Circus250 events at the Gallery!                                                             © The Artists’ Estate
    See www.nationalgallery.ie and follow
    the Gallery on social media for updates.

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9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland
SPECIAL                                         SUMMER                                       STREET                                       LECTURES
    EVENTS AND                                      SOLSTICE                                     PERFORMANCE                                  AND TALKS
    PERFORMANCES                                                                                 AT THE NGI

    Events are free with no booking required        Summer Solstice is Thursday 21 June,         We are delighted to be working with          These talks allow us to delve deeper into
    unless otherwise stated. Tickets for events     when the Gallery will celebrate its first    the 13th annual Laya Healthcare’s City       the world of the circus and explore the
    available at nationalgallery.ticketsolve.com.   Thursday Lates event in Circus style.        Spectacular, a free festival on Merrion      motivation behind the exhibition, the
    For Information, contact education@ngi.ie       Late opening to 8.30pm allows for a          Square from Friday 6 to Sunday 8 July.       history of the circus in Ireland and the
    01 663 3505.                                    host of fun including refreshments and       The festival showcases the best in           work of Jack B. Yeats, which prominently
                                                    gigantic lawn games on the Merrion           international street performance.            features in the exhibition. On 4 July
    The Irish Street Arts, Circus and Spectacle
                                                    Square forecourt accompanied by a                                                         Dr Richard McMinn will guide us through
    Network (ISACS) is a national membership                                                     We have invited two of the international
                                                    special outdoor performance by the                                                        a history of the Circus in Ireland.
    organisation which supports, develops                                                        performers to come over to the gallery
                                                    acrobatic comedy duo Lords of Strut at
    and advocates for these collective art                                                       to wow gallery visitors with their skills.   Leading expert on the work of Jack B.
                                                    6pm and interactive demonstrations by
    forms nationally and internationally.                                                        Mat Ricardo, The Gentleman Juggler,          Yeats, which features prominently in this
                                                    Dublin Circus Project. Moving indoors,
    We are delighted to have worked with                                                         is the first man in history to put the       exhibition, Dr Hilary Pyle, will speak on
                                                    DJ Dermot Kelly will be spinning tunes in
    them on gathering ideas for the Gallery’s                                                    tablecloth back on a set table! He will      11 July. The monthly Tuesday Talk and Tea
                                                    the courtyard and the fabulous Tropical
    celebration of circus.                                                                       discuss and demonstrate his work in          event in July will be given by exhibition
                                                    Popical will be doing circus-inspired nail
    www.isacs.ie                                                                                 How to find an Audience in the lecture       Curator Joanne Drum.
                                                    art. Following the launch event, visitors
                                                                                                 theatre on Thursday 5 July at 6.30pm.
                                                    are invited to make the most of the                                                       Lectures: Wednesdays, 4 & 11 July, 1.15pm
                                                                                                 Jonathan Burns, contortionist and flexible
                                                    long summer evenings with a variety of                                                    Talk and Tea: Tuesday 10 July, 11am, €5
                                                                                                 comedian will bring his unique brand of
                                                    offerings on select Thursdays – details to
                                                                                                 humour to the gallery as he performs
                                                    follow on the website and social media!
                                                                                                 on Saturday 7 July at 12pm.
                                                    Events are Free. Booking required for
                                                    Tropical Popical nail appointments €

    Tropical Popical Nails
    Below: Lords of Strut                                                                        Below: Jonathan Burns
    Right: Dublin Circus Project                                                                 Right: Mat Ricardo

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9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland
ARTIST IN                                                                                          DRAWING                                          POP UP
    RESIDENCE                                                                                          COURSE                                           TALKS
    Graphic designer and illustrator Steve        workshops, one for professional graphic              Sketchbooks in Practice: Inspiration             Gallery pop-up talks usually focus on
    Simpson will be in residence in our           artists and the other for students and               through observational sketches and notes         works in the collection and exhibitions,
    Millennium Wing Studio from 17 July to 12     recent graduates.                                                                                     and two of the three talks for Circus250:
                                                                                                       Many artists sketched circus scenes as
    August. Manchester-born Steve has over                                                                                                              Art of the Show will follow the format, with
                                                                                                       they sat in the audience. Jack B. Yeats
    30 years’ experience creating work in his     Events                                                                                                Fala Buggy examining Mainie Jellett’s three
                                                                                                       used his sketchbooks like a diary to record
    distinctive style, which shows the eclectic                                                                                                         works, Under the Big Top on 20 July and
                                                  In-conversation event                                his experiences. Artist Julie Brazil will lead
    influences of the Arts & Crafts movements,                                                                                                          Emma Hackett taking a closer look at Percy
                                                  Tuesday 24 July, 11am                                this intensive two-day course, which will
    1950’s advertising and folk art. He has                                                                                                             Francis Gethin’s Travelling Circus, County
                                                                                                       focus on using drawing and sketching to
    won over 50 awards for illustration and       Illustration workshop for                                                                             Clare on 27 July.
                                                                                                       observe life and to improve skills.
    packaging design, and his work has been       Graphic Design Students
                                                                                                                                                        On 13 July, we will welcome Johnie K.,
    seen on everything from a postage stamp       Saturday 21 July, 2-5pm, €15                         Based in the Millennium Wing Studio,
                                                                                                                                                        a clown with a long history of performing
    to a 200ft screen in Times Square. He is a                                                         the course will feature an exclusive visit
                                                  Illustration workshop for                                                                             in circuses and with the renowned Clowns
    founding member of the Illustrators Guild                                                          to the Jack B. Yeats archive to view his
                                                  Graphic Design Professionals                                                                          without Borders, who bring smiles and
    of Ireland and OFFSKETCH.                                                                          rarely-seen sketchbooks. It will also feature
                                                  Saturday 28 July, 2-5pm, €45                                                                          laughter to communities in crisis. Johnie K.
                                                                                                       a curator’s tour of the Circus250: Art of
    As well as using the exhibition and                                                                                                                 will put on his clown face during his talk
                                                  8+ workshops                                         the Show exhibition, a visit to the ESB
    collection to inspire his own work,                                                                                                                 on The Art of Clowning.
                                                  Fridays, 27 July & 10 August,                        Centre for the Study of Irish Art to view
    Steve will also host a number of public
                                                  11am-12.30pm, €5                                     the sketches of Orpen and other prominent        Fridays, 1.15pm, 13, 20 & 27 July.
    events and workshops, including an in-
                                                                                                       artists, and an outdoor drawing session.         Hugh Lane Room/Room 31.
    conversation discussion with exhibition       Updates on these events and more will be
                                                                                                       All materials provided.
    curator Joanne Drum, two workshops            on the Gallery’s website and social media.
    for children aged 8+, and two intensive       www.stevesimpson.com                                 Thursday 12 and Friday 13 July,
                                                                                                       10am-5pm, €170
                                                                                     © Steve Simpson   Limited to 12 participants.

                                                                                                       Harry Kernoff, Circus Ring (detail)
                                                                                                       © The Artist‘s Estate

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9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland
CIRCUS FILM                                                                               FAMILY                                        PROGRAMME
    FORTNIGHT                                                                                 EVENTS                                        TEAM
    In association with the Friends of           The films on 15 and 26 July will be          On select dates throughout the show,          The exhibition is curated by Education
    the National Gallery of Ireland.             preceded by Women in Circus, a 10-minute     our weekly Sunday drop-in workshops           Officer Joanne Drum. Special thanks
                                                 film on female circus artistes past and      will take inspiration from the exhibition.    to all our colleagues and contributors
    Film, music, and animation will bring
                                                 present, created by Circus250 as part        Families will be encouraged to create their   who have worked so hard to make this
    the circus to life on screen this summer.
                                                 of this year’s celebrations.                 own colourful characters and creatures,       exhibition and programme happen.
    We begin with fantasy drama, Big Fish,
                                                                                              circus tents, and even try their hand at
    directed by Tim Burton and starring                                                                                                     This programme has been devised by
                                                                                              ‘copyrighting’ their unique clown make-
    Albert Finney and Ewan McGregor.                                                                                                        the NGI Education Department. Particular
    Recent blockbuster, The Greatest
                                                 COMMUNITY –                                  up on an egg, as clowns do!
                                                                                                                                            thanks to Dr Richard McMinn, Circus
    Showman, starring Hugh Jackman will
                                                 CREATIVE CIRCUS                              In September our sensory baby workshops       Historian, for his many valuable insights
    be sure to have you singing your heart                                                    will begin with a visit to the exhibition     and advice in the preparation of the
                                                 As part of Cruinniú na nÓg, the national
    out! For families with younger children,                                                  followed by a practical session exploring     exhibition. Team members are: Sinéad
                                                 day of creativity for children and
    we will screen Walt Disney’s Dumbo.                                                       sound, colour and pattern.                    Rice, Joanne Drum, Catherine O’Donnell,
                                                 young people on 23 June, the Gallery
                                                                                                                                            Brina Casey, Caomhán Mac Con Iomaire,
    Fossett’s, Ireland’s National Circus, are    is partnering with Aosóg Child and           Drop-in Family workshops:
                                                                                                                                            Kate Drinane, Sarah Ward and Shane
    celebrating their 130th anniversary this     Family Project to bring a day of circus-     Sundays, 1, 15 & 29 July, 11.30am-1.30pm
    year. They are the subject of Circus Born,   themed making and doing to this Dublin
                                                                                              Baby workshops:
    a documentary which will be screened         7 neighbourhood. Including a variety of
                                                                                              Monday 17 September, 12pm & 2pm, €5
    on Sunday 29 July.                           art-making activities and led by Gallery
                                                 creative practitioners, the day will focus
    Big Fish, Sunday 15 July, 3pm, Free
                                                 on the dynamism, fun and creativity
    Dumbo, Sunday 22 July, 3pm, Free
                                                 of the circus environment.
    The Greatest Showman,                                                                     TOURS
    Thursday 26 July, 6pm, €5                    For information, contact Brina Casey,
    Circus Born: The Story of the Fossetts,      bcasey@ngi.ie 01 663 3509.                   All family public tours on Sundays at
    Sunday 29 July, 12.30pm, Free                                                             12.30pm will focus on the Circus250
                                                                                              exhibition in July and August.
    Films by permission of
                                                                                              Private guided tours are also available.
                                                                                              Contact T: (01) 663 3510 E: tours@ngi.ie
                                                                                              at least 3 weeks in advance.

                                                                                              Mainie Jellett, Under the Big Top (detail)

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9 JUNE - 14 OCTOBER 2018 HUGH LANE ROOM - National Gallery of Ireland
     Thursday 21 June                           Tuesday 10 July                        17 July–12 August                    Friday 27 July
     4.30–8.30 Thursday Late                    11.00 Talk and Tea                     Steve Simpson Artist in Residence    11.00–12.30 8+ Illustration Workshop
     Featuring Lords of Strut, Dublin Circus    Circus250: Art of the Show             Millennium Wing Studio               with Steve Simpson. €5
     Project, Tropical Popical, food, drinks,   with Joanne Drum. €5                                                        1.15 Pop-up talk Percy Francis Gethin’s
     DJ, games and more                                                                Friday 20 July                       Travelling Circus, County Clare
                                                Wednesday 11 July                      1.15 Pop-up talk                     Emma Hackett, Art Historian
     Sunday 1 July                              1.15 Lunchtime Lecture                 Manie Jellet’s Under the Big Top
     11.30–1.30 Drop in Family Workshop         Jack B. Yeats and the Circus           Fala Buggy, Art Historian            Saturday 28 July
     Clown Eggs with Louise McGrath             Dr Hilary Pyle, Yeats Biographer                                            10.33–5.00 Illustration Workshop
                                                                                       Saturday 21 July                     for graphic design professionals
     Wednesday 4 July                           Thursday 12 July                       2.00–5.00 Illustration Workshop      with Steve Simpson. €45
     1.15 Lunchtime Lecture                     10.00–5.00 Drawing Course              for students of graphic design,
     Another Little Trouble Over: the           Sketchbooks in Practice: Inspiration   visual communications with           Sunday 29 July
     unique characteristics of the circus       through observational sketches and     Steve Simpson. €15                   11.30–1.30 Drop in Family Workshop
     in Victorian and Edwardian Ireland         notes with artist Julie Brazil. €170                                        Big Top Grand Design with Kate Dick
     Dr Richard McMinn, Historian                                                      Sunday 22 July                       12.30 Documentary Film Screening
                                                Friday 13 July                         3.00 Family Film Screening           Circus Born: The Story of Fossett’s
     Thursday 5 July                            10.00–5.00 Drawing Course (day 2)      Dumbo                                Free Running time 85 min
     6.30 Talk                                  Sketchbooks in Practice: Inspiration   Free. Running time 1h04m             A Documenting the Arts project,
     How to Find an Audience                    through observational sketches and     In association with the Friends of   supported by the Arts Council and
     Mat Ricardo, The Gentleman Juggler,        notes with artist Julie Brazil. €170   the National Gallery of Ireland      the Irish Film Board
     Variety Performer                          1.15 Pop-up talk The Art of Clowning
     Location: Lecture Theatre                  Johnie K, Clown                        Tuesday 24 July                      Friday 10 August
     In association with                                                               11.00 In-Conversation Event          11.00-12.30 8+ Illustration Workshop
     Laya Healthcare’s City Spectacular         Sunday 15 July                         Illustrator Steve Simpson with       with Steve Simpson. €5
                                                11.30–1.30 Drop in Family Workshop     Exhibition Curator Joanne Drum
     Saturday 7 July                            Colourful Circus Characters and                                             Monday 17 September
     12.00 Street Performance                   Creatures with Eimear Murphy           Thursday 26 July                     12pm & 2pm NGI Baby workshops
     with Jonathan Burns                        3.00 Film Screening Big Fish           6.00 Film Screening                  with Frances Coghlan. €5
     Flexible Comedian, Contortionist           Free. Running time 2h05m               The Greatest Showman                 Booking opens at 9am on
     Location: NGI Front Lawn/Courtyard         Preceded by a 10-min short film,       €5. Running time 1h45m               Tuesday 11 September
     (depending on weather)                     Women in Circus                        Preceded by the short film,
     In association with                        In association with the Friends of     Women in Circus
     Laya Healthcare’s City Spectacular         the National Gallery of Ireland        In association with the Friends of
                                                                                       the National Gallery of Ireland

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Cover: Martin Gale, Arrival (detail). © Martin Gale, IVARO, Dublin 2018

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