12th VDV Electric Buses Conference and exhibition ElekBu

Page created by Sean Peterson
12th VDV Electric Buses Conference and exhibition ElekBu
12th VDV Electric Buses Conference
and exhibition ElekBu

Mobility of the Future
16-17 March 2021 · Digital

– Political and social framework
– Sector coupling and hydrogen
– Field reports from public transport companies
– Depot designs
– Power supply and charging management
– Battery development and battery handling

                                            Media partner:
12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu

                                   Employee Training
           Charge Management
                                 Battery Development

12th VDV Electric Buses Conference and exhibition ElekBu

Mobility of the Future
The bus market is facing radical restructuring. The EU and the federal government
push the change forward. Their goal: to make tomorrow‘s mobility fossil-free. To this
end, various instruments, regulations and laws are currently being modified at the
same time. As the technical development advances rapidly, the transport companies
are forced to make substantial and long-term investments with uncertainty. Plus, the
unanswered question of how to react to the national implementation of the Clean Ve-
hicles Directive. One thing is clear: the decade of the e-bus - whether battery-elec-
tric or fuel cell - has begun.

As a result, transport companies have to make many fundamental decisions. The pro-
curement of new buses is not enough: For the conversion to electrical energy in the
form of a battery or hydrogen, new systemic approaches are necessary: tank   ​​    and
charging concepts, depot design, parking and IT systems for disposition taking into
account the range or Tank and loading capacities must be designed. New space has to
be found, new security areas have to be designated, the staff has to be retrained. It is
therefore time to exchange experiences on operational and technical implementation,
the latest developments, successfully introduced processes - perhaps also errors - as
well as further training for employees and other topics. The ElekBu offers exchange
opportunities with manufacturers and service providers and shows the potential of
current and new technology and concepts.

The publication of the federal funding program for the procurement of e-buses is ex-
pected in January, immediately before the VDV electric bus conference and the exhi-
bition ElekBu: a volume of up to 800 million euros is available for the period up to
2024. The program intends to provide funding of 80 percent of the additional costs of
vehicles and 40 percent of the infrastructure - which can be combined with state
subsidies. In order to make the right decisions about the system change and to learn
from each other in the industry, the exchange of experiences is now crucial.

Our combined event offers the ideal environment to find the right technology and as-
sociated funding programs for your own company.
12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu


Live stage March 16, 2021                                          Stream March 16, 2021
09:00                                                              Focus on generation, transport, storage, depot
Opening of reception, exhibition and                               design, petrol station
the matchmaking
Focus on political and social framework conditions                 Local hydrogen production
                                                                   Conrad Tschersich, Managing Director AWG Abfall-
10:00                                                              wirtschaftsgesellschaft mbH Wuppertal (inquired)
Greetings from the organizers
Martin Schmitz, Managing Director Technology, Associa-             11:45
tion of German Transport Companies (VDV) and Executive             Green hydrogen / Production costs and uses
Chairman of Forum for Transport & Logistics                        Tilo Vogdt, Authorized officer, WV Energie AG

10:05                                                              12:00
Greetings                                                          Storage and transport of hydrogen in LOHC
Ingo Wortmann, President of the Association of German              Dr. Marcus Guzmann, CSO Chief Sales Officer, Hydro-
Transport Companies (VDV)                                          genious LOHC Technologies GmbH

10:15                                                              12:15
Opening lecture                                                    Fuel cell technology as an alternative in public trans-
Sate Secretary Dr. Tamara Zieschang, Federal Ministry of           port concepts
Transport and Digital Infrastructure                               Alexander Bunzel, VCDB VerkehrsConsult Dresden-
                                                                   Berlin GmbH
Greetings                                                          12:30
Cem Özdemir MdB, Chairman of the Committee on Trans-               Challenges in H2 refueling in heavy-duty applications
port and Digital Infrastructure, German Bundestag                  (bus)
(inquired)                                                         Markus Wiedemann, Head of the Automotive Division,
                                                                   Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG
Title follows                                                      12:45
EU commission (inquired)                                           Fuel Cell Electric Buses- a solution with many advan-
                                                                   tages for zero-emission public transit
11:05                                                              Oben Uluc, Sales Director, Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Keynote: Future of Electric Drives
Prof. Dr. Manfred Schrödl, Institute board, Institute for Energy   13:00
Systems and Electrical Drives, TU Wien                             Speakers Corner:
                                                                   Conrad Tschersich, Managing Director AWG Abfall-
11:30                                                              wirtschaftsgesellschaft mbH Wuppertal (inquired)
Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff, Managing director,
NOW GmbH                                                           13:15
                                                                   Boulevard of Ideas
The VDV Bus Study - Decade of the Bus                              13:30
Christiane Henrich-Köhler, Senior Managerin Infrastruc-            Boulevard of Ideas
ture & Mobility, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH
12:00                                                              Boulevard of Ideas
Lunch break with a visit to the exhibition, networking via
the networking tools and product presentations

You can find more information about the conference here:
https://www.ebuskonferenz.de                                                         #ElekBu
12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu


Live stage March 16, 2021                                      Stream March 16, 2021
Focus on charging management and energy supply                 14:00
                                                               The colors of hydrogen
13:00                                                          Marcel Corneille, Managing Director, EMCEL GmbH
The Berlin way
Dr. Rolf Erfurt, Board member operations, Berliner Verkehrs-   14:15
betriebe AöR (inquired)                                        Operating experience with the largest H2 bus fleet in
13:15                                                          Dr. Marcel Frank, Managing Director, Regionalverkehr
Charging infrastructure and provider of depot visualization    Köln GmbH
and load and charging management
Thomas Volk, Managing Director, Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH         14:30
                                                               DB subsidiary Autokraft - experience with the use of
13:30                                                          H2 buses
Cloud-based smart grid solution                                Christopher Alting, Head of Production Bus Division, DB
Alexander Wolf, Stadtwerke München GmbH                        Regio AG

13:45                                                          14:45
The change of a bus depot to an e-bus depot                    Boulevard of Ideas
Wolfgang Reitmeier, Head of Departments and Workshops,
Electromobility, Association of German Transport Companies     15:00
(VDV)                                                          Speakers Corner:
                                                               Dr. Marcel Frank, Managing Director, Regionalverkehr
14:00                                                          Köln GmbH
Energy supply for depots
Andreas Laske, Mobility Division, Siemens AG (inquired)        Focus on battery technology - operational experience

14:15                                                          15:15
Speakers Corner:                                               The new e-CITEA
N.N.                                                           Boris Höltermann, VDL Bus & Coach Deutschland GmbH

Coffee break with a visit to the exhibition, networking via    15:30 Uhr
the networking tools and product presentations                 Efficient operation despite electric buses
                                                               Matthias Rogge, Managing Director, ebusplan GmbH
Focus on battery technology - operational experience
15:30                                                          We electrify the city!
Market overview                                                Christoph Scholz,Head of automotive engineering and
Dieter Hanke and Kirsten Krämer, Omnibusspiegel                Lukas Lexy, Head of maintenance projects and deputy
                                                               operations manager on German Ordinance on the Construc-
15:45                                                          tion and Operation of Rail Systems for Light-Rail Transit /
The eCitaro - introduction of technology and vehicle           German Federal Regulations on the Operation of Motor
variants                                                       Transport Companies for Passenger Services, BOGESTRA
Daniel Vorgerd, Head of High Voltage System Application,       AG
Daimler Buses
16:00                                                          Speakers Corner:
Findings from the SUVEREN research project -                   N.N.
Derivations on the electric bus industry
Lukas Fast, FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH                            Coffee break with a visit to the exhibition, networking via
                                                               the networking tools and product presentations
BOB-Battery trolleybus in Solingen
Adrian Dogge, Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH

Speakers Corner:
Dieter Hanke and Kirsten Krämer, Omnibusspiegel

12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu


Live stage March 16, 2021                                     Stream March 16, 2021
16:30                                                         International experience reports
Coffee break with a visit to the exhibition, networking via
the networking tools and product presentations                Moderation: Arno Kerkhof, Head of Bus Transport
                                                              Unit, K&I , UITP (The International Association of
17:30                                                         Public Transport)
Status of the conversion of the KVB bus fleet
Jörn Schwarze, Member of the Board,, Kölner Verkehrs-         16:30
Betriebe AG                                                   Title follows
                                                              RATP (inquired)
Boulevard of Ideas                                            16:45
                                                              Title follows
17:50                                                         Christophe Martin, GROUPE TEC Belgien
Kiel charged up
Dr. Stephan Nahmer,Member of the Executive Board, SBRS        17:00
GmbH and                                                      Title follows
Thomas Mau, Head of Operations and Technology /               Lidia Leon, Head of Service, EMT Madrid
Authorized officer, KVG Kieler Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
18:00                                                         Title follows
E-buses - how far can we get?                                 Slobodan Misanovic, Projektmanager, GSP Beograd
Elke Maria van Zadel, Head of Technology, IT and
Infrastructure, ÜSTRA Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe           17:30
AG and Managing Director, regiobus Hannover GmbH              Title follows
                                                              Bob Blitz, Bus Network Planning Manager, Transport
18:10 - 20:00                                                 for London
Virtual get together in the matchmaking tool
Visit of the exhibition (appointment required)                17:45
                                                              ASSURED Project
                                                              Aida Abdulah, Senior Project Manager, UITP (The
Live stage March 17, 2021                                     International Association of Public Transport)

Focus on Battery developments                                 18:00
                                                              Title follows
8:30                                                          SEMITAN FRANCE, Nantes (angefragt)
Werner Overkamp, Vice President of the Association of         18:10- 20:00
German Transport Companies (VDV) and Chairman of the          Virtual get together in the matchmaking tool
Board of Directors BUS                                        Visit of the exhibition (appointment required)

Opening Lecture
State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth, Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Current status of developments in battery technology /
battery market
Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer, Institute for Power Electronics
and Electrical Drives, ISEA / RWTH Aachen

Battery systems for city buses: options, technologies and
production in Germany
Sven Schulz, CEO AKASOL AG

12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu


    Live stage March 17, 2021                                     Stream March 17, 2021
    09:25                                                         Focus on depot design / charge management and
    Microvast Sustainable Battery Solutions Tailored for          heating / air conditioning / ventilation
    Smart Cities
    Sascha Kelterborn, Senior Vice President, Microvast, Inc.     10:30
                                                                  The new Ebusco 2.2 e-articulated bus
    09:40                                                         Limitless range with DB Long Range Regio Bus
    Environmentally friendly recycling of lithium-ion             Ebusco 3.0 : composite bus
    batteries                                                     Peter Bijvelds, Ebusco B.V.
    09:55                                                         Boulevard of Ideas
    Fire protection for battery buses
    Prof. Dr. Roland Goertz, Head of the Chair for Chemical       10:50
    Safety and Fire Protection, Bergische Universität Wupper-     Maximizing efficiency with battery and thermal
    tal                                                           management system solutions
                                                                  Tobias Maier, Product Manager, Webasto Group
    Speakers Corner:                                              11:00
    N.N.                                                          Wabtec: smart charging solutions for sustainable
    Coffee break with a visit to the exhibition, networking via   public transport
    the networking tools and product presentations                Simon Evenblij, Product Manager Charging e-Mobili-
                                                                  ty, Mining & Commercial Vehicles, Power Collection
    Focus on depot design / charge management and                 Business Unit, Stemmann-Technik GmbH
    heating / air conditioning / ventilation
    11:35                                                         Electric buses new in the depot: Open interfaces -
    Future of the sustainable transport                           seamless integration
    Erhan Eren, Business Director Deutschland, Österreich         Klaus Schipper, Head of Sales and
    und Schweiz, Iveco Magirus AG                                 Stephan Fromm, Head of Onnovation Management,
                                                                  Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin GmbH
    Experience with management systems                            11:20
    Toralf Müller, Managing Director, Verkehrsbetriebe            Speakers Corner:
    Hamburg-Holstein GmbH                                         N.N.

    12:00                                                         Lunch break with a visit to the exhibition, networking
    Electromobility in the depot                                  via the networking tools and product presentations
    Maximilian Haag, Sales Manager Electromobility,
    CarMedialab GmbH                                              Focus on processes and system selection
    Stefan Tintera, Product manager electromobility, initperdis
    GmbH                                                          12:50
                                                                  System selection decision-making process
    12:10                                                         Dr. Michael Faltenbacher, Team Lead Transport and
    E-bus operation in Münster since 2016 - experiences,          Mobility, thinkstep AG
    challenges and opportunities
    Eckhard Schläfke, Operations manager for transport            13:00
    operations, Stadtwerke Münster GmbH                           Decision-making process on the way to e-mobility
                                                                  Janine Mielzarek, Authorized officer electromobility
    12:30                                                         and new mobility, Offenbacher Verkehrs-Betriebe
    Title follows                                                 GmbH
    René Rothe, IVU Traffic Technologies AG
    12:45                                                         Extract from many years of e-mobility experience
    Speakers Corner:                                              and its success factors in partnership with a well-
    N.N.                                                          known operator from Göteborg
    Lunch break with a visit to the exhibition, networking via    Marie Carlsson, Director Business Solutions, Volvo
    the networking tools and product presentations                Bus Corporation

12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu


  Live stage March 17, 2021                                       Stream March 17, 2021
  14:15                                                           13:30
  ABB charging solutions for the sustainable reduction of         The importance of vehicle data for the efficient
  emissions in local public transport                             control of the depot and loading processes
  Christof Kunze, Produkt Manager HVC, ABB AG                     Eric Nöh, Head of Sales Public Transport, PSI Trans-
                                                                  com GmbH
  Hess e-bus, standard and more                                   13:45
  Marc Fischer, Sales Director Bus Systems, Carrosserie HESS AG   Eliminating guesswork with data – Understanding
                                                                  and predicting e-bus battery behavior
  14:35                                                           Andreas Gronarz, TWAICE Technologies GmbH and
  Autonomous and electric through the city: new solutions         Alex Schabert, ViriCiti B.V.
  from ZF
  Jochen Benz, Head of Key Account Management and                 14:00
  Business Development, ZF Mobility Solutions GmbH and            Speakers Corner:
  Bernd Wachter, Commercial Vehicle Technology - Director         N.N.
  Sales Europe, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
                                                                  Lunch break with a visit to the exhibition, networking
  14:45                                                           via the networking tools and product presentations
  New depot and charging infrastructure
  Mark Hogenmüller, Managing Director / Operations Manager,       Focus on Assistance with the introduction of
  Reutlinger Stadtverkehr RSV Service GmbH                        e-mobility

  15:00                                                           15:15
  Boulevard of Ideas                                              Retrofitting instead of buying a new one - conver-
                                                                  sion from diesel to electric buses
  Focus on Assistance with the introduction of                    Harald Ludescher, Sales Manager, Ziehl-Abegg
  e-mobility                                                      Automotive GmbH & Co. KG

  15:15                                                           15:25
  VDV activities to define the vehicle data set                   Our way to regular service with electric buses in
  Minh-Thuy Truong, Head of the automotive department,            Leipzig
  Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)                 Torsten Schmidt, Project manager for electric buses,
                                                                  Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH
  Tax aspects of e-mobility (energy storage, recovery, etc.)
  Petra Maring, Head of Tax Department, Association of German     15:35
  Transport Companies (VDV)                                       New version of VDV publication 260 charging
                                                                  infrastructure for electric buses
  15:25                                                           Eberhard Nickel, Chairman of the VDV Committee for
  Insurance requirements for loading and parking                  Electrical Energy Systems (AEE), Leipziger Verkehrs-
  N.N.                                                            betriebe (LVB) GmbH

  15:35                                                           15:45
  Sustainable procurement for battery buses                       Carefree operation of the E-bus depot - thanks to
  Janina Heel, Sustainability Management Officer, Hamburger       VDV 463 and vCharM
  Hochbahn AG                                                     Rebekka Haisch, Product Management Expert, Vector
                                                                  Informatik GmbH
  Requirements for training for workshop employees                16:00
  Rico Seipel, Project manager e-mobility, Dresdner Verkehrsbe-   End of the conference
  triebe AG
                                                                  Until 17:00
  16:00                                                           Visit to the exhibtion (appointment required)
  End of the conference

  Until 17:00
  Visit to the exhibtion (appointment required)

12th VDV Electric Bus Conference and exhibition ElekBu

Martin Schmitz
Managing Director Technology, Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)
and Chairman of the Forum for Transport and Logistics

Reiner Bieck                                                     Minh-Thuy Truong
DEVK Versicherungen                                              Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)
Arno Kerkhof
                                                                 Wolfgang Reitmeier
UITP (The International Association of Public Transport)
                                                                 Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)

Aida Abdullah                                                    Stephan Fromm
UITP (The International Association of Public Transport)         Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin GmbH

Christopher Alting                                               State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth
DB Regio AG                                                      Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
                                                                 and Nuclear Safety
Jochen Benz
ZF Mobility Solutions GmbH                                       Prof. Dr. Roland Goertz
                                                                 Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Peter Bijvelds
Ebusco B.V.                                                      Andreas Gronarz
                                                                 TWAICE Technologies GmbH
Bob Blitz
                                                                 Dr. Marcus Guzmann
Transport for London
                                                                 HYDROGENIOUS LOHC TECHNOLOGIES GmbH
Alexander Bunzel
                                                                 Maximilian Haag
VCDB VerkehrsConsult Dresden-Berlin GmbH
                                                                 CarMedialab GmbH, a company of INIT group
Marie Carlsson
Volvo Bus Corporation                                            Rebekka Haisch
                                                                 Vector Informatik GmbH
Marcel Corneille
                                                                 Dieter Hanke
Adrian Dogge
                                                                 Janina Heel
Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH
                                                                 Hamburger Hochbahn AG
Erhan Eren                                                       Christiane Henrich-Köhler
Iveco Magirus AG                                                 PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH
Dr. Rolf Erfurt                                                  Mark Hogenmüller
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe AöR                                    Reutlinger Stadtverkehr RSV Service GmbH
Simon Evenblij
Stemmann-Technik GmbH                                            Boris Höltermann
                                                                 VDL Bus & Coach Deutschland GmbH
Dr. Michael Faltenbacher
thinkstep AG                                                     Sascha Kelterborn
                                                                 Microvast, Inc
Lukas Fast
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH                                          Dr. Volkhardt Klöppner
                                                                 üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG
Marc Fischer
Carrosserie HESS AG                                              Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff
                                                                 NOW GmbH
Dr. Marcel Frank
Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH                                        Kirsten Krämer


Christof Kunze                                    Klaus Schipper
ABB AG                                            Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin GmbH

Andreas Laske                                     Eckhard Schläfke
Siemens AG                                        Stadtwerke Münster GmbH

Lidia Leon                                        Torsten Schmidt
EMT Madrid                                        Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH

Lukas Lexy                                        Prof. Dr. Manfred Schrödl
BOGESTRA AG                                       TU Wien

Harald Ludescher                                  Christoph Scholz
Ziehl-Abegg Automotive GmbH & Co. KG              BOGESTRA AG

Tobias Maier                                      Sven Schulz
Webasto Group                                     AKASOL AG

Dr. Jan Marien                                    Jörn Schwarze
Isabellenhütte Heusler GmbH & Co. KG              Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG

                                                  Rico Seipel
Petra Maring
                                                  Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG
Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)
                                                  Stefan Tintera
Christophe Martin
                                                  initperdis GmbH
                                                  Conrad Tschersich
Thomas Mau
                                                  AWG Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft mbH Wuppertal
KVG Kieler Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
                                                  Oben Uluc
Janine Mielzarek
                                                  Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Offenbacher Verkehrs-Betriebe GmbH
                                                  Tilo Vogd
Slobodan Misanovic
                                                  WV Energie AG
GSP Beograd
                                                  Thomas Volk
Toralf Müller
                                                  Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH
Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbH

Dr. Stefan Nahmer                                 Daniel Vorgerd
SBRS GmbH                                         Daimler Buses

Eric Nöh                                          Bernd Wachter
PSI Transcom GmbH                                 ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Werner Overkamp                                   Markus Wiedemann
Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)   Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG

Cem Özdemir MdB                                   Alexander Wolf
German Bundestag                                  Stadtwerke München GmbH

Matthias Rogge                                    Ingo Wortmann
ebusplan GmbH                                     Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)

René Rothe                                        Elke Maria van Zadel
IVU Traffic Technologies AG                       ÜSTRA Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG and
                                                  regiobus Hannover GmbH
Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer
ISEA / RWTH Aachen                                State Secretary Dr. Tamara Zieschang
                                                  Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Alex Schabert
ViriCiti B.V.

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