We Can Continue To Do Great Things In 2021!

Page created by Greg Dunn
We Can Continue To Do Great Things In 2021!
December 1, 2020          Happy Advent!

                      We Can Continue To Do Great Things In 2021!
A great big THANK YOU to all of you that have already submitted your 2021 pledges.
The Stewardship team is working diligently on preparing the pledge summary to Council, so we can
finalize the 2021 budget. If you have not yet submitted your pledge, please do so this week.
You may mail your commitment cards to the church or submit your pledge electronically through
our special website link at https://www.caucc.org/2021-pledge. Stewardship Team for 2021

“Stuck in the Muck”
                            “All of us have become like one who is unclean,
                              and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
                we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
                        No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you;
              for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins.
                   Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter;
                                    we are all the work of your hand.”
                                                Isaiah 64:6-8
The readings for the first Sunday of Advent were difficult for me. I usually appreciate gentler Advent
scripture readings that express anticipation, waiting and longing. The readings this Sunday were full
of themes of desolation, abandonment, disaster and anger. Even the Gospel reading spoke of the
end of the world and the “coming of the Son of Man in the clouds.” But as I fretted over the
meaning of these scripture texts, I came to the realization that these ARE the texts we need to hear
right now. The world in 2020 feels like we are experiencing crisis after crisis. Pandemic, political
turmoil, social unrest and climate change. The world, our nation, our lives are “mucked up.” We feel
abandoned, isolated, hopeless and angry. The muck feels like it’s getting deeper and deeper.
But this muck doesn’t have to define or trap us. There is hope of transformation and deliverance.
Isaiah uses the metaphor of God as potter. I mentioned in my sermon that potters regularly work
with the mucky mud to create new visions of art. Some pieces are simple and utilitarian like a “pinch
pot” (think play-doh) to a complex nonutilitarian sculptural artwork. The key to the transformation
of the muck is that the potter knows the earth and works with it. The potter warms it, kneads it,
recognizes both the limitations and possibilities of it. This season, I invite all of us to work with God
and our community as we look to transform our muck. It is not easy, and it is a frustrating, dirty job.
But just as good potter’s earth requires a balance of moisture, clay, and loam, (a balance that means
the difference between creating planting soil, adobe bricks or pottery), processing our life-muck
requires a balance of physical, mental and spiritual self-care. The Hope of Advent is that we don’t
have to work through our muck alone. Even socially distanced and masked, we have our family, our
community and “God With Us”. As Advent begins, let’s begin a hope-filled journey of transformation
and deliverance as we discover new ways to lovingly care for ourselves and others in the presence of
Pastor John
Weekend Worship
         Thank you for our Advent candlelighters, musicians, and worship leaders for our online
worship last week and for the Worship Committee (with Ministry of Physical Resources assist) for our
first in-person contemplative drop-in opportunity outdoors in the Plaza!
         This week is the Second Sunday of Advent looking at the "S" word, and our online worship
and Zoom includes Communion, so please join in with food/beverage at hand. The outdoor
opportunity takes place on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:30 am (see details and instructions below).
         A Change to the Zoom Schedule this Sunday: We will have our usual conversation, prayer
and communion 10:55 to 11:30 am. However, instead of break-out rooms at 11:30, we will have, in
the spirit of the "forums" of in-person times, a Conversation with the Program Director of Our
Family Services ("Multiplying Gifts") from 11:30 am to 12:00 Noon. Also note that Sunday
includes an online version of Advent Fest (see “Virtual Adventfest 2020”).

Drop-In Advent Contemplation Opportunity Outdoors at CAUCC
On each of the four Sundays in Advent, in addition to our online weekend worship and Sunday
Zoom, we offer an opportunity to drop by the plaza in front of the main sanctuary doors for a time
of masked and safely distanced in-person self-guided prayer and contemplation in view of the
Advent wreath. The space will be open between 9:00 and 10:30 am on Sundays Dec. 6th, 13th and
20th, the appropriate candles will be lit on the wreath, there will be recorded Advent music playing,
and a devotional sheet will be provided to you with Scripture, questions, and guided prayer and
contemplation. You are welcome to pause for a moment or sit in the space and soak in the Spirit for
longer (please limit your time to 15 minutes or so that others will be able to enter the space, too).
We ask that people maintain silence while in earshot of the plaza and while present in the plaza area.
There will be no chairs, but you are welcome to bring a lawn chair from home.
Important safety precautions:
  1. If you are not feeling well, it is important to stay home and seek medical attention if needed.
  2. Please enter the parking lot by the main church entrance sign, follow signs for parking and
     then walk to the plaza area (so car motors and closing doors do not disturb folks in prayer and
  3. All participants must be masked and maintain 6 feet distance from others who are not part of
     your household.
  4. No physical contact with other participants who are not already in your household.
  5. There will be spots marked on the plaza where you may stand or bring your own chair for
  6. An usher, masked and with gloves, will be at the entrance to the plaza and able to provide
     devotional sheets, masks and hand sanitizer.
  7. If the plaza spots are full when you arrive, an usher will ask you to wait outside the plaza until
     a space opens up.
  8. The church building remains closed, so restrooms, etc. are not available.
These precautions are in compliance with current best practices for safety. They are
non-negotiable. Also, if local guidelines change in ways that impact this event, we will
communicate that to the congregation.

Daily Devotionals for the Advent of Christmas online:
Through the Southwest Conference UCC website, sign up for UCC Daily Devotional here: https://
www.ucc.org/daily_devotional and they will email them to you or https://cac.org/category/daily-
meditations/2020/ for daily devotion with Richard Rohr at the Center for Action and Contemplation.
Multiplying Our Gifts to Prevent Homelessness
A member of our congregation has foreseen the pervasive threat of homelessness in our community
as a result of this pandemic. The moratorium on evictions runs out on December 31st, at the same
time the funding from the City of Tucson to prevent homelessness runs out. This member is making
an extraordinary gift to our church, the bulk of which the donor has earmarked for the program at
Our Family Services (OFS) to prevent families from becoming homeless. We are conducting a quick
campaign to multiply this gift because the need is NOW.
Ministry of Mission and Outreach (MMO) invites you to join us in this effort by sending your donation
to the church office by December 20th and putting “Our Family Services” in the Memo line. So far we
have raised over $75,000 towards OFS’ effort to prevent homelessness in Tucson. Together we can
change lives and together, we can be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus that we are called to be in
this world. Thank you for joining us in this effort to multiply our gifts.
If you would like to learn more about OFS’ Homelessness Prevention Program, please join OFS’
Program Director via Zoom after worship on Sunday, Dec. 6th from 11:30 am to 12:00 noon at https://
us02web.zoom.us/j/86424950154, Meeting ID: 864 2495 0154 with no password or on Monday,
Dec. 7th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89242420630 Meeting ID: 892 4242 0630.

Spiritual Growth Opportunities in Community (via Zoom) this Week
1.   Wednesday Pastor's Study: Dec. 2nd at 10:00 am: Meeting ID: 622 421 179 and Password:
     118704 or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/622421179?
2.   Wednesday Centering Prayer: Dec. 2nd at 12:00 Noon: Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732, Password:
     769422 or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89013649732?
3.   Thursday Mid-day Prayer gathering: Dec. 3rd at 12:00 Noon: Meeting ID: 891 4178 8730,
     Password: 299087 or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89141788730?
4.   Thursday Spiritual Formation Group: Dec. 3rd at 6:30 pm.
5.   Sunday Post-Worship Reflection Dec. 6th at 10:55 am: Meeting ID: 864 2495 0154, no
     password or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86424950154. With continuing Zoom to include the
     director of Our Family Services (article above) followed by Funday/Adventfest (next
6. Sunday Funday School/Family/Virtual Adventfest 2020 Zoom: Dec. 6th at 12:00 Noon to
   1:30: Meeting ID: 864 2495 0154, no password or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86424950154.
7. Tuesday Spiritual Formation Group: Dec. 8 at 11:00 am.
  Zoom Tips: Download the Zoom app (https://zoom.us/download), if you need Tech Help contact
the office and we will connect you with someone from the church community who can help and if
you wish to participate in a group that you are not already part of, email the church office and
indicate which Zoom groups you wish to be added to.

Virtual Adventfest 2020
December 6th from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (enhanced Funday School and more…)
Adventfest Sunday, December 6th, is St. Nicholas Day! After the prayer forum on Sunday, you can
stay online to join St. Nicholas at noon on a trip to four continents to see how diverse Christian
Communities wait for Christmas.
We will visit Coptic Christians in Ethiopia; Catholic Christians in Mexico; Lutheran Christians in
Scandinavia; Maronite Christians in Syria and Christians in Korea.
Pastor’s Study in December with Pastor John
Scriptural Wisdom in 4 Christmas Classics
Are Christian scriptures lurking within popular culture? Pastor John will look at four Christmas
favorites to find the origins of their holiday messages. Join him Wednesdays at 10:00 am:
December 2nd – Miracle on 34th Street/How the Grinch Stole Christmas
December 9th – It’s a Wonderful Life
December 16th – A Christmas Carol

Pastor Michael Appears in this month’s Natural Awakenings magazine:

Save the Dates
•   Come and Carol (On-Line) Sunday, Dec. 13th at 10:30 am: Join the Congregational Carol-Sing
    and then stay for the regularly scheduled prayer and conversation at 10:55 am. We will use the
    same Zoom sign on as normally used on Sunday, and after you sign in to the Zoom Carol-Sing
    everyone will be asked to mute their microphone and Darryl will lead the Carol-Sing with
    Jonathan accompanying. The carols will be chosen ahead of time and either displayed on the
    screen or with an attached sheet. We will include many favorites and we hope to see you at the
    Carol Sing!
•   CAUCC Annual Finance Meeting: Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 11:30 am. More details to

Want to see the current Prayer List?
The list and other items can be found by going to the online Worship page at https://
www.caucc.org/online-worship and click on the bulletin cover.

Support Keeling School
The pandemic has made it more difficult for us to support Keeling Elementary School with all our
usual programs, but here is one vital way we can continue to help.
The school relies each year on your tax-credit donations. “Rich” schools get loads of these donations
from parents. A disadvantaged school like Keeling depends on us.
Individuals who pay Arizona state income taxes can get a dollar-for-dollar credit on their state tax
returns for donations up to $200. Couples who file jointly can go up to $400. You can make your
donation now or any time before April 15th.
You can contribute in one of two ways:
1. By mail-Ask the church office to email a tax-credit brochure. You’ll fill out the form and mail it
   and your personal check to Keeling.
2. You can go online to https://taxcredit.amphi.com/taxcreditdonation/. Be sure to choose Keeling
   from the drop-down menu. The school prefers if you make the activity undesignated. Please
   email the office of your contribution so MMO will know how much we gave.
One final note: State law allows you to support Keeling AND at the same time claim a tax-credit
donation to your favorite charity. It’s NOT either/or!
Please lend a hand to the deserving young people at our favorite elementary school!

2020 Donations
In order for donations to be counted and on your 2020 statement, they must be to the office no later
than Dec. 27th.
Office Staff Hours: 9:00 to 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday
We try our best to return calls during these hours while the campus remains closed. Email or call
rather than stop by. If you need a pastor, email either one directly or call and leave a message on
their voice mail to set up a time for a conversation.
Anne: anne@caucc.org                Michael: michael@caucc.org                Jenn: jenn@caucc.org
John: john@caucc.org                Darryl: dalking@email.arizona.edu         Ida: imhgnp@msn.com
Member-at-Large (Linda Nielsen-Mooney): ML@caucc.org

Resource Page online: https://www.caucc.org/resources.
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