Page created by Hazel Dean
MAY 29, 2022
                                        ST. BENEDICT PARISH
                              ST. BRIDGET’S CHURCH· ST. MARY’S CHURCH· ST. MARY’S SCHOOL
                                       CALVARY CEMETERY· ST. BRIDGET’S CEMETERY

                                 Striving to know, love, and serve God in all others.

    It is the desire of God that we be one… Not as
the world desires oneness, but as He desires
oneness. We so easily and so insistently get this
wrong. Is it out of fear, pride, greed? Why do we
so easily dismiss or miss what God calls us to?
    At a recent talk I was at, the speaker spoke
about unity. He commented on how often the
opening prayers at Mass (Collect) speak of unity.
This is a good point, but what about the summit
of our life in Communion!? Or, how in every
Mass we proclaim “may we who partake of the
Body and Blood of Jesus Christ become one by
the power of the Holy Spirit.”? Why do we get
this so wrong? How do we miss that our life is
centered on this life in Jesus Christ?
    We have become a very polemical people. We
argue, we value our own thoughts over others
with absolute cruelty. We have become so small
that the opportunity to exert any power is taken.
This is happening to disastrous effects — even in
life-ending violence unseen in the last 70 years.
    The hope we have is staying fixed on Christ.
Not on an idea of Christ, or walking around
Christ, or in talking about Christ, but in Christ.
When the world has gone crazy, what solace can
we find? What remains constant? Only Christ.
The artwork is painted, it grows, it changes, but
the artist is the same. We remain confident in
that. In the darkest hour, it is not my idea that
will save you, but the light that comes from
    You belong to that hope for tomorrow – not
our own hopes. We believe this, that no matter what we face, we face it with him. My own thoughts will
fail, but his though will never fail. ~ MC

NOW, MORE THAN EVER, our children need Catholic education.
Now, more than ever, our children need St. Mary’s School.
Now, more than ever, we need St. Mary’s School.

        ST. BRIDGET’S CHURCH                          ST. MARY’S CHURCH                 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL
            15 Church Street                         95 North Main Street              16 Gibson Street
          Bloomfield, NY 14469                      Canandaigua, NY 14424           Canandaigua, NY 14424
Page Two                                                 St.St. Benedict
                                                            Mary’s       Roman
                                                                    Church  / St.Catholic
                                                                                           Church                                                May 29, 2022

             DAY                                        MASS INTENTION                                                         EVENTS
   Sunday, May 29—                  May 28th, 5:30pm—Sunday anticipated Mass (SM) Mary Pet-
   Seventh Sunday of                      tee by the Pettee family
        Easter                      7:30am (SM) the Victims in the recent Buffalo shooting
                                    9am (SM) Deceased Members of the Palumbo Family by
                                          Victoria P. Tucker
                                    10:30am (SB) Robert DeLamarter by the Blessing Room
                                    12pm (SM) Michael & Dennis Carroll by Pat Batt
    Monday, May 30—                 8:40am (SM) Morning Prayer
     Easter Weekday                 9am (SM) Gracelyn Marra Bax by Margaret & Tom Marafioti
         Memorial Day

   Tuesday, May 31—                 8:40am (SB) Morning Prayer                                          9:30am (SB) Bloomfield Bees in the Church Hall
  The Visitation of the             9am (SB) Ilene Good by Dennis & Laurie Tepper                       11am (SM) Wellness Toolbox Series in Dougherty Hall
  Blessed Virgin Mary                                                                                   7pm (SM) Liturgy Committee in Dougherty Hall

 Wednesday, June 1—                 8:40am (SM) Morning Prayer                                          12pm (SB) Hands of Hope free lunch in the Church Hall
  St. Justin, Martyr                9am (SM) Louis Scarciotta by Jean Mercandetti                       5:30pm (SB) Confessions
                                                                                                        6pm (SM) Choir practice
                                                                                                        7m (SM & Zoom) Catholic Men’s Group meeting in
                                                                                                            Dougherty Hall
   Thursday, June 2—                8:40am (SB) Morning Prayer
    Easter Weekday                  9am (SB) Souls in Purgatory by anonymous
Sts. Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs

    Friday, June 3—                 9am (SM) Angelina Terese Eazzetta by Angi Salerno
 St. Charles Lwanga &
 Companions, Martyrs

   Saturday, June 4—                9am (SM) Mary Ammal by Suveda Thiagaraj                             3:45pm (SM) Confessions
    Easter Weekday                  5:30pm (SM) Ike & Shirley McKenna by Tim, Sally, & Terry

    Sunday, June 5—                 7:30am (SM) Mr. & Mrs. Rushman by their son                         (SB) Coffee Hour in the Church Hall immediately follow-
    Pentecost Sunday                9am (SM) Nick Como by his family                                         ing 10:30am Mass
                                    10:30am (SB) Rudy DeLisio (Anniv.) by Steven & Dawn De-
                                    12pm (SM) Eleanor Wooten by her loving family
                                                      (SB) St. Bridget’s, (SM) St. Mary’s, (SMS) St. Mary’s School

                                                                                     Readings for the week of May 29, 2022
                     This week, the Sanctuary Lamp at St.                            Sunday: Acts 7:55-60/Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9 [1a, 9a]/Rv 22:12-14,
                    Mary’s will burn in loving memory of Mary                        16-17, 20/Jn 17:20-2
                    Genecco, requested by Howard & Elaine                            Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab/Jn 16:29-
                    (Morabito) Lewter.                                               33
                                                                                     Tuesday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6/
                                                                                     Lk 1:39-56
                                                                                     Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30, 33-35a, 35bc-
                                                                                     36ab/Jn 17:11b-19
                                                                                     Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10,
                                                                                     11/Jn 17:20-26
                                                                                     Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab/Jn 21:15-
                           Today’s Responsorial Psalm                                Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Ps 11:4, 5 and 7/Jn 21:20-
                             The Lord is king,                                       Next Sunday—Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28,
                                                                                     29, 30/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39; Day: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1,
                            the most high over                                       24, 29-30, 31, 34/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26
                               all the earth.
                                           Psalm 97
                                                                                    St. Mary’s Church is equipped with a
                                                                                    Hearing Loop.
Page Three                                      St.St. Benedict
                                                   Mary’s       Roman
                                                           Church  / St.Catholic
                                                                                  Church                               May 29, 2022

                                                                        Wednesdays at 5:30pm in St. Bridget’s Church
                                                                        Saturdays at 3:45pm in St. Mary’s Church

St. Benedict Parish recently celebrated the Baptism of:                 On Sunday, May 22, 2022, our parish celebrated the First
              Josephina Anna Pescosolido                                Eucharist of: Lily Andrews, Henry Davis, & Thomas
Congratulations and welcome to the faith!                               Salviski
                                                                        Congratulations for taking this important step in your faith

On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, our parish celebrated the
Confirmations of 29 young people at Sacred Heart Cathe-
dral, with Bishop Matano presiding and both Fr. Michael
and Fr. Matthew taking part in the celebration. Congratula-
tions to:
     Angelo Michael Attardi              Eleanor Abigail Martin
      Audrey Kinga Bapst               Courtland Christopher May
       Gabe Jude Baxter                Jennifer Elizabeth Menikotz
      Keagan Rose Beecher           Karenna Brigid of Kildare Muscato
   Elizabeth Angela Bernhardt         William Sebastian Neubecker
      Jane Catharine Beyer              Gianna Teresa Pellicano
Brianna Teresa of Andes Cafarelli        Marcello Peter Popelka
     Shayne Michael Cooke               Marissa Christina Seeloff
  Dominic John Paul II Falbo                Mia Cecelia Shaw
  Maya Joan of Arc Fantauzzi              Julia Rosalia Siciliano
     Isabella Cecelia Feistel        Marc John the Baptist Sunderlin
 Mary-Margaret Agnes Griffiths            Paul Joseph Sunderlin
     Hannah Teresa Jacobs                       Ava Tyler
    Brianna Catherine Leitten         Eric Thomas Aquinas Wheeler
    Vanessa Serafina Ludwig

  We’d like to thank Kas Wheeler for planning and leading
the in-person monthly sessions, Erica Bapst and Jennifer
Muscato for assisting with those in-person sessions, all of
the parents and sponsors for supporting and guiding the
candidates through their two-year preparation journey, and
those candidates and parents that played a role in the cele-
bration as lectors, ushers, gift bearers, etc. We are so grate-
ful for the many hearts and hands that come together to                 Photos used with permission by the families.
help with the formation of our young people.                            Pictured: (top left) Lily Andrews; (top right) Henry Davis;
  Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to thank                     (bottom left) Thomas Salviski; and (bottom right) Ariana
the 29 young people for their willingness and                           Johnson, who celebrated her First Eucharist on May 15th.
openness to learn more about our wonderful
faith and all of the ways that the Holy Spirit can                      Additional First Eucharist celebrations are scheduled for
work in their lives. We pray that they will attend                      the next several weeks and we look forward to celebrating
                                                                        with those young people and their families.
faithfully to all that God asks of them, enrich the
Church community and the world with their
gifts, and manifest the reign of God in their lives.

 Looking to Schedule a Wedding or a Baptism?                            (1w) Announcing the upcoming scheduled wedding of Amy
   You can find the Marriage and Baptism Request                        Hoffman and Brett Benziger on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at
  Forms on our website under the “Sacraments” tab.                      St. Mary’s Church.
      Visit for the forms                          (2w) Announcing the upcoming scheduled wedding of
                and more information!                                   Laura Cole and Scott Rikkers on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at
                                                                        St. Mary’s Church.
Page Four                                    St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish                                                May 29, 2022

  We continue to pray for those in Ukraine and in Buffalo,                 Attendance and Offertory
and now in Uvalde, Texas. We pray for all people and areas
impacted by violence. We pray for those lives lost, for those                for May 21 & 22, 2022
injured, and for the families and communities forever af-        Attendance
                                                                   5:30pm Saturday at St. Mary’s............................... 160
fected. We pray for our world, Lord, that these acts of vio-       7:30am Sunday at St. Mary’s ................................. 183
lence in all forms will cease.                                     9am Sunday at St. Mary’s ....................................... 353
                                                                   10:30am Sunday at St. Bridget’s .............................. 80
                                                                   12 noon Sunday at St. Mary’s ................................. 205
                                                                 Total in Attendance ................................................... 981
                                                                 Weekly Offertory
                                                                 Total Weekly Offertory Income......................... $16,738
                                                                 Weekly Needs ...................................................... $18,000
                                                                 Overage (Shortage) ............................................. $(1,262)
                                                                 Year To Date
                                                                 Offertory Income* ........................................... $889,670
                                                                 Year To Date Need ............................................$846,000
                                                                 Year To Date Overage (Shortage) ...................... $43,670
                                                                 *Regular Sunday Collection
                                                                             Online Giving through OSV:
                                                                               We now have a QR code that will take you
                                                                             right to the landing page of our online pay-
                                                                             ment hub. Please scan the QR code to the
                                                                             right or visit to
                                                                             sign up to give online. If you are unable to give
                                                                online, your offertory can be placed in the collection basket
                                                                at Mass or be mailed in to the PAC. Sincere thanks!

                                                                “Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future”
                                                                  Over the next few weeks, you will be hearing about the
                                                                upcoming “Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future” pro-
Memorial Day—Monday, May 30, 2022                               gram at St. Benedict Parish. This effort is very important as
Prayer for the Fallen                                           we move forward with the mission and vision of St. Bene-
  God our creator and sustainer,                                dict Parish. We, as a parish family, have changed so many
today our country brings to our                                 lives in our community! In order to continue our mission
memory those who have defended                                  and ministries, we encourage all parishioners to spend time
this nation in times of trouble.                                in prayer and discussion with your family reflecting on the
  They have sacrificed their lives to                           work we do. Our special Commitment Weekend will be cele-
protect our shores from those who                               brated on June 18 & 19. If you have any questions regarding
would limit our freedoms or en-                                 the “Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future” Program,
slave us to ways that are against                               please feel free to contact the parish office.
your will.
  Bring all those who have died in                              SMS Annual Giving Campaign
service to our country into your                                  To date, we have received $53,472 for the SMS Annual
heavenly presence.                                              Giving Campaign. Thank you to those donors that have giv-
  We humbly call down your blessing on those still serving;     en! We’ve exceeded our soft goal of $50,000 and any addi-
grant your heavenly protection to these men and women,          tional assistance is appreciated! If you may give by going to
and open your Sacred Heart to give them peace and com-          the school’s website or by using the QR code above (select
fort.                                                           SMS Annual Fund when you get to the OSV Hub).
  In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.                                                   St. Benedict Catholic Men’s Group Meeting
                                                                  Men of the parish: Join the Catholic Men’s Group as we
                                                                view and discuss Catholicism by Bishop Robert Bar-
                                                                ron on Wednesday, June 1 at 7pm - either in Dougherty
                                                                Hall or by Zoom. Bishop Barron journeys through more
                                                                than 50 locations in 15 countries to bring you a truly Catho-
                                                                lic explanation of the faith that many of us may not have
                                                                come to fully appreciate or understand. The Catholicism
                                                                series will be presented in multiple sessions of about 20-30
                                                                minutes each and will be part of the Catholic Men’s Group
                                                                prayer meeting, held every third Wednesday at 7pm.
                                                                  The general format of the meeting includes gathering,
                                                                praying the rosary or Liturgy of the Hours on an alternating
                                                                schedule, viewing of the video, discussion, prayer inten-
                                                                tions, and closing prayer. The whole meeting lasts only
                                                                about 75 minutes.
                                                                  We have been blessed to have an average of 12 men regu-
                                                                larly participating in our prior meetings/videos and we
                                                                hope you will consider joining us in this faith filled oppor-
                                                                tunity. Please contact Kyle Howatt at (585) 489-8136 or
                                                                Mike Gallagher at (585) 797-8936 to be added to the e-mail
                                                                list or for additional meeting details. See you in-person in
                                                                Dougherty Hall or by Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID – 856 1345
                                                                6246 --- Zoom Password – 212011.
Page Five                                     St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish                                   May 29, 2022

        KnightLine                                               Magnificat Breakfast
          The Knights of Columbus are still moving food two        Magnificat Rochester invites all women to a breakfast
        times a week from Target and Walmart in Victor to        at the Brook Lea Country Club, 891 Pixley Rd on June
the Blessing Room at St Bridget's. We meet Mondays and           11; seating begins at 9am and program ends at noon.
Thursdays at the Target loading dock at 10am. Any one who          Our speaker, Kim Rodriguez-Torres, is a wife, mother,
would like to volunteer to help can contact Grand Knight         and grandmother. She has been involved in ministries
Robert Dugan at (585) 754-2786.                                  for the past 30 years. Kim was on the Central Service
  Any man who would like to join the Knights of Columbus         Team for Magnificat, which governs this World-Wide
should contact the Grand Knight. Join us in expressing the       Int'l Ministry to Catholic Women. She is the founder
principles of charity, unity, and fraternity through faith and
action.                                                          of "Bella's Blanket of Blessings": a prayer blanket minis-
                                                                 try that was started after her 4-year-old niece, Bella, was
                                                                 diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. These prayer blankets are
St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Society Clothing                      for the sick, suffering and anyone else who needs prayer.
& Voucher Room Information                                         Registration and reservations are required; no tickets
 120 North Main Street, Canandaigua, 14424                       sold at the door. Deadline June 8. More information can
 Clothing Room: 10am—12:30pm on Wed, Fri, & Sat                  be found at or by calling
 Voucher Room: 10am—noon on Wed & Fri                            Diane Hayes at (585) 943-4759, or by emailing Magnifi-
 *Masks are still required for clients’ visits to the Clothing
and Voucher Rooms until further notice.                

                                                                 Stephen Ministry
                                                                      Testimonial from a Care Receiver:

CCIA Food Pantry Wishlist
  The Canandaigua Churches in Action (CCIA) Food Pantry
welcomes any unused, non-perishable food item, including
canned fruits and vegetables, canned meat, pasta or rice,
spaghetti sauce, cereal, peanut butter, and pork & beans.          To find out more about Stephen Ministry or to receive a
We cannot, however, accept medicinal items. We truly ap-         Stephen Minister’s care, call (607) 398-0382.
preciate your continued support, care, and generosity!             Additional information can also be found on our parish
                                                                 website at
                                                                 Elizabeth Ministry: A Catholic Support Network for
                                                                 Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss
                                                                   As local Catholic women who have experienced
                                                                 the loss of a child, our goal is to offer emotional,
                                                                 spiritual, and practical support to women and
                                                                 families suffering through a similar loss. If you or
                                                                 a loved one are seeking support or are interested
                                                                 in joining our mailing list, please contact Molly
                                                                 Hickey at or
                                                                 Janene Loughran at (585) 329-1974.
 Lawn Sale Dates: August 17-18, 2022
 Summer Festival Dates: August 25-27, 2022                       Shawls Available to Those in Need
   Please email Valerie Haynes at                                                    St. Benedict’s Prayer Shawl Ministry has
                                                                                   created prayer shawls, which are available if you                                                  at the PAC and at St. Bridget’s Church Hall
 are interested in helping out in any                                              for anyone who feels a need in these diffi-
 of the following ways:                                                            cult times. They are a great comfort to
 •    Pricing Lawn Sale Items                                    those suffering illnesses, grieving lost loved ones, or experi-
 •    Working during the Lawn Sale                               encing stress and anxiety. They are blessed and have a tag
 •    Heading Up the French Fry Booth at the Festival            expressing their purpose. They have been created with knit-
 •    Heading Up the Amusement Ride Ticket Sales                 ting needles, crochet hooks, donated yarn, and much love
                                                                 and prayers. If you would like, please call the PAC at 394-
   Volunteers are also needed for setup and tear down.           1220 or visit St. Bridget’s Parish Hall after Mass or during
 Adults and teens are welcome to assist. This would be a         the hours that the Blessing Room is open. If you have any
 great way for teens to get community service credit!            questions, please contact Bev at 657-7042 or Rose Anne at
   For more information (dates, etc.) or to sign up to help      657-6537.
 with setting up and tearing down please go to https://            The Prayer Shawl Ministry always welcomes new mem- and                        bers. The ministry typically meets on the 2nd and 4th
                                                                 Thursday of each month from 2pm—4pm in Dougherty
 click on the online sign up link. Thanks!                       Hall. If you are unable to join us during our meeting times,
 Lawn Sale Donations: We will                                    you can work at home. We can supply yarn and tools if
                                                                 needed. We also gladly accept any yarn that anyone can do-
 begin accepting donations in June.                              nate.
 Please watch for more information.
Page Six                                             St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish                                                  May 29, 2022

                                                                            St. Benedict Parish Office & School Office Information
                                                                                  Parish Administration Center (PAC)
A                         Gulick               R                                 95 N Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Marisa Andrews          H                      Kathy Revier                    Office: (585) 394-1220 Fax (585) 396-3230
B                       Sue Hall               Tom Revier                      Parish Emergency Number: (585) 364-2419
Marty Badger            Jim Harvey             Wendy Rex
Jack Bement             Joyce Hatcher          Ryder Thomas Rexford            Office Hours: T, W, Th by appointment only
Constance Bennett       Regina Haynes          Frank Robertaccio                    Website:
Dawn Betsinger          Shannon Haynes         Betty Rogers
Marian Betsinger        Mary Hollis            S
Christopher Black       Ted Horrocks           Donald, & Charles                             St. Mary’s School
Anna Bomwell            Steve Horwitz           Scheibener                        16 Gibson St., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Leanne Bossert          Charles P. Hyde        Nicholas Scheibener &                       Office: (585) 394-4300
Carol Bowler            John W. Hyde            family
David Boyle             Ruth C. Hyde           Joseph Schepisi                       Office Hours: by appointment only
Jennifer Brady & baby   J                      Mollie Schilling                   Website:
Marie Brunner           Adam Jemmott           Peggy Schrader
Evelyn Bugg             Patt Jones             Roger Schutt
Marilyn Burnett         K                      Deb Scorse
Jeremy Burns            Michael Kachmar        Emily Scorse                                        St. Benedict Parish Staff
John Burns              Scott Kesel            Phyllis Scott
Sara Burns              Carolyn Kless          Christina Senska           Father Michael Costik                 
Flo Burri               Robert Kubiak, Jr.     Mary Shaw                    Pastor                                        394-1220, x11
C                       L                      William Shaw
Pete Caffo              Maureen Lahue          Madelynn Jane Simmons      Father Matthew Walter                 
Robert Casella          Peggy LaRocca          Laurie Skinner               Parochial Vicar                               394-1220, x12
Bob Cirre               James & Liz Lowe       Randy Skrypek
Michele Cleaves         Hope Lowman            Donna Smith                Deacon Claude Lester                  
Barbara Coats           Teresa Lynch           James Smith                  Deacon, Senior Status
Mark Conover            Tom Lynch              Ralph & Mary Smith
Evan & Sarah Costik     Joan Lyons             Tom Socha                  Sarah Eaton                           
David Covel             M                      Lorie Stack                  Director of Music Ministry                    394-1220, x37
Darlene Creswell        Luke, Lilly, & Jamie   Jacob Staggert
Susan Cristantello        MacDonald            Sue Steiner                Amy Corron                            
Bruce Currier           Irene Mace             James Sullivan               Communications & Liturgy Coordinator          394-1220, x25
James Curry             Barbara Mack           Dennis Supik               Teresa Dunn                           
D                       Tom Macri              T                            Pastoral Associate & Stewardship Coord.       394-1220, x41
Elissa Dagel            Mary Malinowski        Brittany Tay
Robert Damato           Jim Marianacci         Abby Terhune               Jessamyn Anderson Magri               
Brenda D’Angelo         John & Pat McCarthy    Dan Tidrick                  Ministry Coordinator/CASE                     394-1220, x34
Dana DiGiulio           Lori McJury            Ethel Toner
Sue Dobies              Barbara & James        Caroline Torbitt           Anthony DiPrima                       
Alan & Patricia           McKee                Fr. Dan Tormey               Director of Finance & Administration          394-1220, x24
 Donnelly               Terry McKenna          Carol Turpyn
William Dreesen         Christopher Miles      V                          Maureen Horrocks                      
E                       Erich Minier           Elaine Vanetta               Receptionist                                  394-1220, x10
Terry Edmonds           Hilde Mitchell         Janet VanGelder
Wyatt Erti              Fr. Thomas Mull        JoAn Van Troost            Curtis Hill                           
F                       Fr. Kevin Murphy       Annette Vitalone             Business Manager                              394-1220, x13
Pauline Fehrenbacher    N                      Ann Marie Viterna
Steve Finnick           Gordon Nicholson       W                          Helen Vallee                          
Marilyn Fisher          Gerard Nicolay         Barbara Walczak              Bookkeeper                                    394-1220, x42
Caleb Ford              Marie Nicosia          Marcella Walczak
G                       Joyce Niziurski        The Walczak Family         Rich Clayton & Laurent Paré           
Robbie Gaiek            O                      Barbara Wasson               Maintenance & Grounds                         394-1220, x18
David Garrity           Ethan O’Donnell        Matthew Wasson
Adam Genazzio           Jackie O’Laughlin      Tim Welch                  St. Benedict Cemeteries               
Andrew German           Lauren Orlando         Abbe Widmark-Crowell          Calvary Cemetery & St. Bridget’s Cemetery    394-1220, x33
Jeff & Stacey Gibbs     The Orlando Family     Lori Wolfe                 Lisa Milano                           
Elizabeth Gotham        P                      Y
Elodie Graham           Don Parsons            Natalia Yanez                 Principal, St. Mary’s School                 394-4300, x16
Barbara Graves          Ed Pasciak             Lisa Young                 Pam Negley                            
Chris Griffith          Jeanetta Pharis        ...and any other unnamed
                                                                            Administrative Assistant, St. Mary’s School   394-4300, x17
Bruno Guarnieri         David Pratt            individuals needing our
Lacey Pietropaolo       Jacky Protano
                                                                                                    Parish Pastoral Council
                                                                          Chairperson: Jean Mercandetti
                                                                          Council Members: Dan Corbett (Vice Chairperson), Vicki Bober (Secretary),
                                                                          Cindy Andrews, Todd Bernhardt, Lisa Decker, Judy Gelinas, Beth Knopf, Jennifer
                                                                          Muscato, Carl Steinbrenner, Bernadette Strada, and Jeanette Zavislan
                                                                          Ex officio members: Fr. Matthew Walter, Lisa Milano, Tony DiPrima, Amy Cor-
                                                                          ron, Sarah Eaton, Teresa Dunn, and Jessamyn Anderson Magri
                                                                                                    Parish Finance Council
                                                                          Chairperson: Rick McMullen
                                                                          Council Members: Colleen Delaney, Jean Guzek, Mike Klotz, Kathy Shaw, and
                                                                          Jim Weisbeck

                                                                            Don’t throw this bulletin away! Once you’ve read the bulletin,
                                                                          consider giving it to a friend or acquaintance, along with an
                                                                          invitation to attend Mass at either St. Bridget’s Church or St.
                                                                          Mary’s Church (or perhaps both!).
                                                                            Being a good steward and sharing the Good News can take
                                                                          many forms!

Church Name: St Benedict Roman Catholic Parish
City, State   East Bloomfield, NY / Canandaigua, NY
File Name:    06-0088
Phone:        585-394-1220
Contact/Editor: Amy Corron, Communications
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