SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)

Page created by Perry Gonzalez
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
    Parroquia de Santa María
April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Palm Sunday                                                                                                                 April 10, 2022

                 LENTEN SCHEDULE                                                    PALM SUNDAY PROCESSION

DAILY MASSES                                                           We are resuming our Palm Sunday Afternoon Procession to the
                                                                       Cathedral of the Holy Cross. For many years, groups of mostly
Monday through Friday at 12:10 PM
                                                                       young parishioners have gathered with other parish groups to
Monday through Friday (Español) at 7:00 PM
                                                                       make a visit to the Cathedral and venerate the Relic of the Holy
Friday (Luganda) at 8:00 PM                                            Cross. Covid cancelled us for two years. We will take the train to
Saturday at 9:00 AM                                                    North Station and meet other groups at St. Leonard's Church in
CONFESSIONS                                                            the North End. From there we will walk to the Cathedral in the
Monday through Thursday 11:30 AM - Noon                                South End where we will meet Cardinal O’Malley and receive his
Friday 11:00 AM - Noon                                                 blessing after prayer and veneration of the relic. Everyone is wel-
Saturday 9:30 AM - 3:45 PM                                             come to join us. We will gather at the parish center after the
                                                                       11:00 AM Mass and walk to the train. You are also welcome to
Sunday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
                                                                       meet us in the North End at 3:00 PM or at the Cathedral around
STATIONS OF THE CROSS                                                  5:00 PM. Please note that there will not be a 6:00 PM Mass on
Friday 6:00 PM (English)                                               Palm Sunday. Ask Fr. Michael or Fr. Fernando for more info.
Friday 6:30 PM (Español)
ADORATION                                                                                 TRIDUUM & EASTER
Friday 12:45 - 5:45 PM
                                                                       HOLY THURSDAY /April 14           7:00 PM
                                                                       GOOD FRIDAY /April 15             3:00 PM
EASTER FLOWERS                                                                                           7:00 PM Español
Each year you respond generously to our appeal to decorate the         HOLY SATURDAY /April 16           8:00 PM
church for Holy Week and Easter. Once again, we ask for your
help with a little extra Lenten sacrifice to decorate the church for   EASTER SUNDAY MASSES /April 17
                                                                                             9:00 AM
this holy season. We suggest a donation of $25.00 but appreciate
                                                                                           11:00 AM Español
any donation. You may make your offering in memory of some-                                  1:00 AM Luganda
one or for a particular intention, and we will include the inten-
tions in our Easter bulletin. Please make your Easter flower offer-
ing in one of the following ways:                                      CHANGES TO SCHEDULE FOR HOLY WEEK
1. Visit and select DONATE              Please note the following changes to the schedule for Holy Week:
     from the menu. You then have the opportunity to enter your          • No 11:30 AM Confessions on Tuesday (priests will be at-
     Easter flower donation and your intention.                              tending Chrism Mass at Cathedral) or Holy Thursday
     or                                                                  • 12:10 PM Mass on Monday and Wednesday only.
2. Fill out the form in the bulletin and drop it
     in the collection basket or mail it to the of-                      •   7:00 PM Mass (Español) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
     fice.                                                               •   No 4:00 PM Mass on Holy Saturday
Thank you for your generosity!                                           •   No 6:00 PM Mass on Palm Sunday & Easter Sunday
                                                                         •   No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Good Friday
           DONATION FOR EASTER FLOWERS                                   •   Confessions during Triduum:
(We suggest a $25 donation but any contribution is appreciated.)                 Good Friday           11:00 AM - Noon
                                                                                 Holy Saturday         9:00 AM - Noon
                        PLEASE PRINT!

                                                                       EASTER COLLECTION
NAME _____________________________________________                     The Archdiocesan rule is that there is only one collection at the
                                                                       Easter Masses. This collection benefits the Clergy Health and
PHONE                                                                  Retirement Trust which cares for the health and well-being of our
_____________________________________________                          priests in good standing. By supporting the collection, you can
                                                                       show your appreciation and support for the priests who have
INTENTION_________________________________________                     made a difference in your life, the life of our parish, and the lives
                                                                       of countless others in our community. Thank you for your gener-
____________________________________________________                   osity in helping priests who have helped us. You may also donate
                                                                       directly at

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Palm Sunday                                                                                                                 April 10, 2022

My brothers and sisters in Christ,                                        PLEASE PRAY FOR . . .
I pray that you are blessed with the opportunity to enter into the        Patrick, Ann, Marlen, Marie, Christine, Nancy, Angelo, Milvia,
Lord’s death and Resurrection this week. Holy Thursday, Good              Michael, Kenneth, Linda, Susan, Brian, Laura, all the sick and
Friday and Holy Saturday are one event. The apostles and                  suffering.
disciples were filled with joy on finding the empty tomb precisely        Note: If you want a name added or removed from the prayer
because they had experienced the Passover of the Lord (His Last           list, please email or call the parish office.
Supper and Death). The Church helps us live this one saving
event in the way the celebrations work. Unlike every other                                        OFFERTORY
liturgical celebration which begins with the signing of the Cross                Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
and ends with a final blessing and exhortation “Go in Peace”, the               The following was collected during all parish Masses.
Triduum begins on Thursday with the Sign of the Cross and the
                                                                                                  March 26 / 27
Final Blessing doesn’t come until the end of Saturday’s Eucharist.
In fact Friday begins with silence to signify picking up where we                 Offertory                                  $6,932
left off Thursday night and ends with silence until we meet at the                Ukraine                                     7,392
fire. On Holy Saturday the Church is not visited because Jesus                    #Worshippers                                1,332
left us after his death; descending into Hell. It is a day of vigil and
quiet as we contemplate his absence and await his coming back                     March Offertory via Electronic Giving      $5,027
from the dead. I pray that you and your family are blessed with
time and space to draw closer to the Lord who lived and died and                               MASS INTENTIONS
rose from the dead for you. - Father Michael
                                                                                    Please find the full Mass Schedule on page 6.
Our Lenten Confession schedule will conclude this Saturday with                 Friday, April 8
confessions being heard in the Church from 9:00 AM–Noon.                           12:10 pm Oscar Baralt
Take advantage of this opportunity to be interiorly restored before             Saturday, April 9
renewing your baptismal vows at the Easter Masses.                                  4:00 pm Parish & Parishioners
                                                                                Sunday, April 10
PALM SUNDAY PROCESSION                                                              9:00 am Parish & Parishioners
Please join our Palm Sunday Afternoon Procession to the Cathe-                     11:00 am Leyla Xiomara Tecun Revolorio
dral of the Holy Cross for the veneration the Relic of the True
                                                                                Monday, April 11
Cross. We are taking the 1:09 PM Commuter Rail train from
                                                                                   12:10 pm Pierre LeBlanc (living)
Waltham Common to North Station. We will meet other parish
groups at St. Leonard's Church in the North End. From there we                  Wednesday, April 13
will walk to the Cathedral in the South End where we will meet                     12:10 pm Sr. Frances Ryan
with Cardinal O’Malley and receive his blessing. Everyone is                    Saturday, April 16
welcome to join us. We will gather at the parish center after the                   8:00 pm Parish & Parishioners
11:00 AM Mass and walk to the train. You are also welcome to                    Sunday, April 17
meet us in the North End at 3:00 PM or at the Cathedral around                      9:00 am Parish & Parishioners
5:00 PM.
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM UPDATE                                               BULLETIN COVER
Many wonderful things are happening at the after school pro-              Entry into Jerusalem
gram. We recently purchased a boatload of new books for the               Gospels of Otto III, Reichenau, Germany, circa 996-1002
children to read. A majority of the books have religious themes. It       LENTEN ALMSGIVING
is helping us achieve the dual goal of religious literacy                 Back on Ash Wednesday, we suggested three possible recipients
(promoting both religion and reading). The musical instrument             for Lenten charity – Catholic Relief Services through the Rice
classes are going well. The garden is in full operation. Currently        Bowl program, Friends of the Unborn and Your Options Medical.
84 children are registered in the program. Most children come             Please return any rice bowl or other donations so that we can get
between 3-5 and five days a week. In addition to these children           the money to the recipients. You can bring Rice Bowls to the sac-
we also have children in first and second grade coming once a             risty and mail envelopes with donations to the rectory, or drop
week for their catechetical classes. They join the program for the        them in the collection.
last two hours of the program on their assigned day. We hope that
many of these children will come to the program next year when            VIDEO: HOLY WEEK IN 3 MINUTES
they reach the eligible age. We are grateful for the staff and vol-       Why do Catholics wave palms on Palm Sunday, wash each oth-
unteers’ work. God is blessing us. St. Mary's has not seen so             er’s feet on Holy Thursday, or kiss the cross on Good Friday?
many children around the parish every week since St. Joseph’s             This video by Busted Halo explains the significance of the final
Grammar School closed in the 1970s.                                       week we spend preparing for Easter.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Palm Sunday                                                                                                    April 10, 2022

                          A parish project is underway to plan an                 AFTER SCHOOL CORNER
                          exposition of nativities for next Christ-
                                                                                      by Maria Schellinger
                          mas. This will take a great effort and re-
                          quire a lot of participants. To help us re-
                          flect on this tradition of the Nativity
                                                                            The Garden Club is back in action!
                          scenes and guide our planning, we will
                          print excerpts each week from Pope
                          Francis’s Apostolic Letter, Admirable
                          Signum or Enchanting Image:
I would like now to reflect on the various elements of the nativity
scene in order to appreciate their deeper meaning. First, there is
the background of a starry sky wrapped in the darkness and si-
lence of night. We represent this not only out of fidelity to the
Gospel accounts, but also for its symbolic value. We can think of
all those times in our lives when we have experienced the dark-
ness of night. Yet even then, God does not abandon us, but is
there to answer our crucial questions about the meaning of life.
Who am I? Where do I come from? Why was I born at this time
in history? Why do I love? Why do I suffer? Why will I die? It
was to answer these questions that God became man. His close-
ness brings light where there is darkness and shows the way to
those dwelling in the shadow of suffering.
Our Parish Food Pantry will open on Wednesday, April 20 from
10:00-11:30 AM. The Food Pantry is located in the basement of
the Religious Education Building. Please use the side entrance
basement door on the side of the building facing the church build-
ing. Non-perishable food donations may be dropped off anytime
on the table located in the Church vestibule. We can always use
paper goods including toilet paper, napkins, and kleenex. Thank
you for supporting our Parish Food Pantry.
                                                                            As the earth brings forth its shoots,
              SIMON THE CYRENIAN SPEAKS                                   and a garden makes its seeds spring up,
                 He never spoke a word to me,                           So will the Lord GOD make justice spring up,
                  And yet he called my name.
                                                                              and praise before all the nations.
                  He never gave a sign to see
                   And yet I knew and came.                                               Isaiah 61:11

                   At first I said, “I will not bear
                     His cross upon my back-
                   He only seeks to place it there
                    Because my skin is black.                              CATHOLIC APPEAL 2022 STATUS
                 But he was dying for a dream,                           As of 4/5//22, donations from St. Mary Parish
                    And he was very meek:                                        total $20,235 from 73 families
               And in his eyes there shone a gleam                           (52% of our assigned financial goal)
                    Men journey far to seek.

                It was Himself my pity bought;                           St. Mary’s Assigned Financial Goal: $39,012
                      I did for Christ alone                             Donor Response Goal: 108 families
            What all of Rome could not have wrought
                  With bruise or lash or stone.                                  Thank you for your support!
                         - Countee Cullen

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Domingo de Ramos                                                                                                    10 de Abril del 2022
  “Imitemos, pues, hermanos míos, el ejemplo de la pasión del                                      NOTICIAS:
                                  Señor en cuanto podamos.             •   DOMINGO DE RAMOS, Abril 10: solo habrá una misa
                                              (Sn. Agustín)”               en español a las 11am. No habrá misa a las 6pm ese día.
Hermanos y hermanas,                                                   •   Quinceañeras: Para los padres que desean celebrar la vida de
                                                                           sus hijas. Llamar a la rectoría y hablar con el P. Fernando.
         Nuestra Semana Santa abre sus puertas entre hosannas y        •   Grupo de Renovación Carismática: Se reúnen todos los
aclamaciones que festejan al que viene en el nombre del Señor.             domingos a las 7pm en el salón de abajo de la iglesia.
Así fue recibido Jesús, que se presentó en la ciudad santa monta-      •   Legión de María: Se reúnen a rezar el rosario a la Santísima
do en un borriquillo y rodeado por sus discípulos: como el que             Virgen María todos los lunes y Viernes a las 6:15pm y tiene
venía en nombre del Señor para cumplir su plan, para llevar a              sus reuniones los días martes a las 6:00pm en el edificio de
cabo su designio de amor. Por eso es festejado y aclamado; por             educación religiosa.
eso, extienden a su paso mantos y enarbolan ramos de olivo. Es el
                                                                       •   Para citas con el P. Fernando por favor llamar a las oficinas
enviado del Señor. Es el Mesías.
         La liturgia de hoy se abre con la procesión de Ramos.             parroquiales o deje su mensaje de voz para que los pueda
Más que la bendición de los ramos mismos, lo importante es la              llamar al 781-891-1730
participación de la comunidad agitando los ramos en esta proce-
sión. Se trata de un homenaje a Cristo, que entra en Jerusalén co-         MISA DE SANACION & PROTECCCION DE NINOS
mo Rey de los mártires. La procesión expresa de manera sensible                  Este año marca el vigésimo aniversario de la aprobación
lo que ha sido nuestro peregrinar de Cuaresma: es la culminación       de la Carta Nacional para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes
de subir con Cristo a Jerusalén para vivir con él la Pascua. Por eso   (National Charter for the Protection of Children and Young Peo-
la segunda lectura de la misa (Filipenses 2, 6-11) es una llamada a    ple). Durante ese tiempo ha habido muchas lecciones aprendidas.
compartir los sentimientos y actitudes de Cristo que actuando          Entre los más importantes está el mensaje de que no debemos
como un hombre cualquiera se rebajó hasta someterse incluso a la       dejar que este tema pase a un segundo plano y se olvide. Debe-
muerte y una muerte de cruz.                                           mos continuar ayudando a aquellos que han sido abusados a sa-
         La liturgia del domingo de Ramos incluye los dos polos        nar, y debemos permanecer siempre vigilantes en nuestros esfuer-
del Misterio Pascual: rechazo y aceptación, sombra y luz, muerte       zos por mantener seguros a todos nuestros niños.
y vida. De la alegría de la procesión, pasaremos a la contempla-                 El cardenal Sean O'Malley ha establecido el fin de sema-
ción de la Pasión. Estos dos polos encuentran su expresión más         na del 2 y 3 de abril como un tiempo para que las parroquias oren
completa y perfecta en el altar de la eucaristía que, al mismo         por la sanación continua de aquellos que han sido abusados, para
tiempo que sacrificio, es banquete festivo de los hijos de Dios. En    orar por todos los afectados por el abuso, para ofrecer una oración
el Oficio de Lecturas de hoy, la segunda, de san Andrés de Creta,      de agradecimiento por el trabajo de todos aquellos que se enfocan
nos propone muy bien los sentimientos espirituales con que debe-       en la seguridad de los niños, y volver a comprometerse con las
mos participar en la celebración hoy: “...Ea, pues, corramos a una     prácticas en curso diseñadas para mantener a todos los niños li-
con quien se apresura a su pasión, e imitemos a quienes salieron a     bres de abuso. El fin de semana marca el comienzo del Mes Na-
su encuentro. Y no para extender por el suelo, a su paso, ramos de     cional de Prevención del Abuso Infantil en los Estados Unidos y
olivo, vestiduras o palmas, sino para prosternarnos nosotros mis-      es un buen momento para que todas las parroquias presenten este
mos, con la disposición más humillada de que seamos capaces y          problema. Oremos por todas las victimas y los que han sufrido
con el más limpio propósito, de manera que acojamos al Verbo           por estos abusos.
que viene, y así logremos captar a aquel Dios que nunca puede ser
totalmente captado por nosotros... Y si antes, teñidos como está-      Señor, en tu misericordia, buscamos el perdón por nuestros peca-
                                                                       dos, por nuestras acciones e inacciones, que resultaron en el daño
bamos de la escarlata del pecado, volvimos a encontrar la blancu-
ra de la lana gracias al saludable baño del bautismo, ofrezcamos       de los niños que deberían haber estado a salvo bajo nuestro cuida-
ahora al vencedor de la muerte no ya ramas de palma, sino trofeos      do, te pedimos por todos aquellos que fueron abusados, para que
                                                                       puedan encontrar seguridad, curación y especialmente por aque-
de victoria".
                                                                       llas víctimas que han muerto, especialmente aquellas que murie-
                                        Hasta la próxima semana!       ron por suicidio o adicción, incapaces de sobrellevar el dolor,
                                                                       para que ahora puedan vivir en paz con Cristo, todo esto te lo pe-
                     Lecturas del Domingo:                             dimos por Jesucristo Cristo Nuestro Señor. (3 Ave Marías)

        Procesion:                 Lc 19, 28-40
        Primera Lectura:           Is 50, 4-7
        Salmo responsorial:        21, 8-24
        Segunda Lectura:           Fil 2, 6-11
        Evangelio:                 Lc 22, 14-23, 56

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Palm Sunday                                                                                                                  April 10, 2022

                                                                               SAINT MARY PARISH
                                                          Parish Office (Rectory): 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-209-0555
                                                          Parish Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 10am - Noon
                                                          Mailing Address: 133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451
                                                          Parking Lot & Rel. Ed. Bldg: 30 Pond Street, Waltham, MA 02451
                                                          Email: Please contact us via the website
                                                                (WHO WE ARE > PRIESTS & STAFF)

                                                                   The church is open every day from 8:30am - 7:30pm
                                                                 La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30am - 7:30pm

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas                                    QUINCE AÑOS
 Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia      4:00 pm                            Llamar al Padre Fernando para programar la celebración. La joven
 Sunday/Domingo                      9:00 am                            debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.
                                    11:00 am      Español             BAPTISM/Bautismo
                                     1:00 pm      Luganda               Parents must call the parish office for information about preparation
                                     6:00 pm      Español               and baptism. Parents and godparents must attend a preparation class.
 Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 12:10 pm                            Para Bautismos padres deben llamar a la oficina. Padres y padrinos
 Mon. & Fri./Lunes y Viernes         7:00 pm      Español               deben asistir a la preparación.
 Friday/Viernes                      8:00 pm      Luganda             SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación
  Holy Days/Dias de Precepto           12:10 pm                         Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of
                                        7:00 pm Español                 Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must attend preparation
                                                                        classes. Call the parish office for information.
CONFESSIONS/Confesiones                                    SEE PAGE 2
                                                                        Los adultos y niños (7+) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bau-
  Sunday/Domingo                   10:00 am - 10:45am
                                                                        tismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases
  Mon thru Thurs/Lunes-Jueves 11:30 am - noon             LENTEN MASS
                                                                        de preparación para los sacramentos. Llamar a la oficina.
  Friday/Viernes                   11:00 am - noon       & CONFESSION
  Saturday/Sábado                   3:00 pm - 3:45 pm SCHEDULES! MARRIAGE/Matrimonio
                                                                        Call the parish office to arrange a meeting./Llamar a la oficina.
MORNING PRAYER/ Oración Matutina
  Sunday/Domingo                    8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.             STAFF
                                                                        Pastor/Párroco                        Rev. Michael Nolan
PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario                                        Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par.          Rev. Joseph Diem
  Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 11:30 am                           Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par.          Rev. Fernando Vivas
  Sunday/Domingo                       10:30 am Español                 Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy
ADORATION/Adoración                                                     Sexton/Sacristán                      Michael Welch
  Friday/Viernes                   12:45 pm - 5:45 pm                 CATECHESIS/Catequesis
                                                                        Melanie Kana 781-577-2262 /
Comunión a los hogares y enfermos                                     AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM/Programa Después de la Escuela
  Call the parish office 781-891-1730                                   Maria Schellinger 781-577-2262 /
  Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730                                    IN RESIDENCE/En residencia
                                                                        Rev. John Bosco Lugonja
                                                                        Rev. Jude Kaggwa

                                                   FAQ: How can I make a donation?
Thank you!                                                                                                                         Gracias!

                    Drop in basket at                Mail to:               Online via website              Venmo
                     weekend Mass                  St. Mary’s               (click DONATE)              @stmarywaltham
                                                 133 School St.
Webale nnyo!                                   Waltham, MA 02451                                                                     Merci!

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                           Pilot Bulletins                    Saint Mary, Waltham, MA   4804
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                                     Pilot Bulletins                                                 Saint Mary, Waltham, MA                4804
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham) SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - April 10, 2022 / 10 de Abril del 2022 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
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