Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020

Page created by Brenda Wilson
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
       November 22, 2020
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH                                                                    SEEKONK, MASS.

                                                                                                  Your donations are more
                                                                                                    important than ever.
                                                                                                  Please visit our website,
                                                                                                 and select “Online Giving.”

Saturday, 11-21   8:00 a.m.  William Boyle
                  9:00 a.m.  Recollection for Women                         Report for November 15, 2020
                  4:30 p.m.  Kyle Blythe,
                              4th anniversary                  Weekly offering:                               $5,212
Sunday, 11-22     7:30 a.m. William P. Fitzgerald Jr.
                  9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
                  10:45 a.m. Robert Damiani,                   Use our online giving system
                              1st anniversary                  Our online donation and payment system works directly
                                                               through our eCatholic website and provides a safe, simple, and
Monday, 11-23     9:00 a.m.    John Tavares and                convenient way for parishioners to tithe or contribute gifts for
                                 John and Maria Cabral         a specific need. This helps eliminate the need to locate check-
Tuesday, 11-24 9:00 a.m.       William Boyle                   books, remember weekly envelopes, or mail in funds. Espe-
Wednesday, 11-2 9:00 a.m.      James Antonelli                 cially during this difficult time when many are not in church
                7:00 p.m.      Mass of Thanksgiving            weekly, parishioners can give directly on the parish website or
Thursday, 11-26 9:00 a.m.      Jorge Rijo                      set up a recurring account to give automatically. As you know,
Friday, 11-17   9:00 a.m.      Souls in purgatory              everything we do as a parish, from the upkeep of the church
Saturday, 11-28   9:00 a.m.    Gail Nunes                      and Parish Center to the ministries we offer, comes from the
                  4:30 p.m.    Lupoli and Joyce families       generosity of parishioners. So, thank you! To use the system,
Sunday, 11-29     7:30 a.m.    For the people of the parish    visit www.olmcseekonk.org and select “Online Giving.”
                  9:00 a.m.    John Kelleher
                                                               If you can help financially but do not wish to give online,
                  10:45 a.m.   Frank Santoro,
                                                               you may drop your donation in the black mailbox outside the
                                5th anniversary
                                                               parish office, or mail it to: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish,
The sanctuary lamp is burning for Frank Santoro.               984 Taunton Ave., PO Box 519, Seekonk, MA 02771. Dona-
                                                               tions also are collected during Masses on Saturday and Sun-
            All Masses are livestreamed.                       day. Every little bit helps, so thank you.
    Watch on the parish website, olmcseekonk.org,
      or Facebook page, @OLMCSeekonkMA                         Mass intentions for 2021 now being accepted
                                                               The parish office is taking Mass intentions for Masses between
                                                               Jan. 1- June 30, 2021. There is a limit on the number so eve-
Parish office hours                                            ryone will have an opportunity to request Masses (two Sunday
The Parish Office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and       Masses and three weekday Masses). Come by the office during
Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you need to drop off any-   office hours or call the parish secretary, 508-336-5549. The of-
thing or to pick up paperwork outside regular hours, items     fering for each Mass is $10. A Mass for a person who is living
can be placed in the drop box installed outside the parish     will be listed as a “Special Intention” but any Masses for decea-
office, or mailed to you. The phone number is 508-336-5549.    sed loved ones or a general intention (such as “For Vocations”)
                                                               will be listed as such. Please make sure you spell out the names
Bulletin access: Sign up to receive the bulletin by email at   of those you wish the Mass to be offered for so it will be accura-
parishesonline.com. Read the bulletin online on Our Lady       tely recorded. There are still weekday Mass intentions available
of Mount Carmel’s website, www.olmcseekonk.org. Email          through Dec. 31. After Jan. 1, we will increase the number of
notices to vickianndowning@yahoo.com.                          Masses you may request.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020
Pastor’s Page
This week we enter into the last week          es, we have started to have one extraor-
of the liturgical season with the great        dinary minister of holy communion
celebration of Christ the King. This           helping with communion. When there
solemnity helps us remember, in the            are two deacons at Mass, then we will
face of different challenges, how we are       have two communion lines in the center
participating in this eternal kingdom          aisle coming forward, since having one
of the Lord and how he reigns. In his          extraordinary minister will allow us                 Father Kevin Cook
reigning, Jesus calls us to participate in     to have four stations. If there is only     senior at Bishop Connolly High School
it by uniting all things in our daily life     one deacon at Mass, then we will have       and has been an altar server here for the
to him. Sometimes we can feel over-            just one communion line in the center.      last 10 years, collected new masks for
whelmed, which often leads to anxieties        Some of the extraordinary ministers         seniors who were participants in the Re-
and fears, but when we remember it             are nervous about giving communion          hoboth Senior Center (which was closed
is his kingdom that is victorious and          on the tongue, so if you wish to receive    due to a fire recently). Many thanks to
eternal and all he asks of us is to trust in   communion on the tongue, please come        so many of you who donated new masks
him while we face daily life, then it leads    to me or one of the deacons, since we       to help some seniors in our area as they,
to a deeper peace and joy in our hearts        are comfortable giving communion on         like us, face the pandemic.
and minds. This awareness also can help        the tongue (and the faithful do have
us be more mindful of God’s blessings.         a right to receive communion on the         Placement Exam for Bishop Connolly
                                               tongue as reiterated by the Vatican in      High School: Bishop Connolly High
As a nation, we are approaching the            the document Redemptionis Sacramen-         School will host placement exams for
great holiday of Thanksgiving, which           tum #72). Once the pandemic hopefully       Grade 8 L.E.A.P. and Grade 9 applicants
we will celebrate this Thursday. It is an      comes to an end, then the extraordinary     on Saturday, Dec. 5, and Saturday, Dec.
opportunity for us, as we see the Lord’s       ministers will be expected to give com-     12. For details and online registration,
victory and blessings, to offer greater        munion on the tongue.                       visit BishopConnolly.com.
acts of thanksgiving to God. Know-
ing so many feel overwhelmed in our            Please Keep in Your Prayers: Please         Placement exam for Bishop Feehan
society, how can we help them see God          keep in your prayers Robert                 High School: The placement exam for
is very much at work? How can we help          Guertin who passed away last week.          Bishop Feehan High School will be held
our family and friends to have hearts          Bob’s funeral was Thursday, Nov. 19.        virtually on Dec. 5 and Dec. 12. You
of gratitude in the face of crosses? Let       Please keep Bob and his family in your      must pre-register at our BishopFeehan.
us ask the Lord for the grace to grow          prayers during this difficult time.         com/Admissions
not only in gratitude, but to give us the
grace to help others we love to see the        Novena for Our Lady of the Immac-           Placement exam for Bishop Stang
truth of God’s blessing and lead them in       ulate Conception: Beginning on Nov.         High School: The Scholastic High
prayer to give God thanks.                     30, we will have our annual Novena for      School Placement Test for Bishop Stang
                                               Our Lady of the Immaculate Concep-          in Dartmouth will be given on two
Mass of Thanksgiving: This Wednes-             tion. The novena will run from Nov. 30      Saturdays, Dec. 5 and Dec. 12, from
day, Nov. 25, at 7 p.m. we will have a         to Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. each evening. Each      8-11 a.m. Incoming 9th grade applicants
Mass of Thanksgiving to give thanks to         evening we will have Adoration of the       may choose either date for virtual or
God for all that God has blessed us with.      Blessed Sacrament, a talk given by a        in-person testing. Visit bishopstang.org
This is the evening before Thanksgiving        different priest or deacon, a chance for    to complete the pre-registration. Merit
so it gives us a great opportunity to spir-    Confessions, praying the Rosary, and        scholarship incentives are available.
itually enter into the holiday with the        Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. It
awareness of the best way we can thank         will also be livestreamed. The theme for    Thinking About Becoming Catholic?
God. There will also be the opportunity        this year will focus on Our Lady and the    To learn about The Rite of Christian
for those who come to this Mass to give        spiritual dynamics we must be mindful       Initiation for Adults (for those who are
dry and canned foods toward our food           of in these trying times. More details on   thinking about becoming Catholic or
pantry and show our gratitude by help-         speakers to come.                           who are baptized Catholic but never
ing others who are in need.                                                                received First Communion and Confir-
                                               Many thanks to those who gave new           mation), please contact Chris Gregorek
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-           masks: The last two weeks our young         of the parish Evangelization Team.
munion at Mass: For the Sunday Mass-           parishioner Hannah Caouette, who is a                                    — Fr. Kevin
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH                                                                                 SEEKONK, MASS.
                                                                             Society of St. Vincent de Paul

                                                                                                    Incline your ear, Lord, and answer me,
                                                                                                     for I am poor and oppressed.
                                                                                                    Psalms 86:1

        St. Joseph Adoration Chapel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish offers perpetual adoration                   Do you know someone who needs help? Please call the Society
of the Blessed Sacrament 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in               of Saint Vincent de Paul at 401-603-8888 so that, together, we
the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel.                                             can help the suffering and the poor.
To conform with social distancing, the chapel is limited to                  The next meeting will be a virtual meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 8,
nine people. Make sure you use the hand sanitizer at the en-                 at 7 p.m. If you are interested in becoming a member, please
trance. When you leave, please disinfect any part of the chair               call the number above.
and kneeler you may have touched.
We are in need of adorers. To become a regular adorer or a
substitute, please contact Linda Nason, adoration coordina-                  If you’re in need, please reach out
tor, 508-463-6723.                                                           Are you in need with help with food, clothing, shelter, or other
                                                                             needs? Throughout the year there are many needs that spring
To discover the Eucharistic Jesus is to discover a priceless                 up, but especially in this difficult time there may be many of
treasure and to work with Him is the root of power and suc-                  you who are struggling to make ends meet. Please do not hes-
cess. — Venatius Oforka, The Art of Spiritual Warfare                        itate to contact our parish St. Vincent DePaul Society to see
Adorers are needed:                                                          what type of assistance they can provide. Explain your current
• Saturday: 4 p.m, 6 p.m., 8 p.m., 9 p.m,                                    financial need and they will see what they can do to help you,
• Sunday: 1 p.m., 3 p.m, 5 p.m.                                              whether it is with that direct need, or possibly by providing aid
• Monday: 2 a.m., 9 a.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 9 p.m., 10                 with some other need in daily life that frees you to address the
p.m.                                                                         need you are currently facing.
• Tuesday, 5 a.m., 10 a.m., Noon
                                                                             Building a Culture of Vocations in November
• Wednesday: 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 6 p.m.
                                                                             Every month we pray for different vocations to support those
• Thursday: 2 p.m, 5 p.m., 8 p.m.
                                                                             who are responding to the Lord’s call. In the month of Novem-
• Friday: 3 a.m., 10 p.m.
                                                                             ber let us pray for Fr. Juan Carlos Munoz, parochial vicar at the
Substitutes are needed:                                                      cathedral in Fall River; Deacon Dave Harum at Holy Ghost
• Saturday: 8 a.m.                                                           Church in Attleboro; Deacon Peter Scheffer, and our parishio-
• Sunday: 11 p.m.                                                            ners Dee and Dave Berube, for the gift of the bond of marriage.
• Monday, 11 a.m., 2 p.m.
• Tuesday: 2 p.m., 7 p.m.                                                    Parishioners: Update your contact information
• Thursday: 2 p.m., 8 p.m.                                                   Have you moved? Eliminated your landline? Changed any
• Friday: 10 p.m.                                                            contact information? If you are a registered parishioner and
                                                                             need to update your personal information with the parish, for
Contact information for adorers:
                                                                             example: change of address, phone number, or email, please
Midnight-5 a.m. Donna Castle                  401-524-5219
                                                                             use the form on the parish website,
6 a.m.-11 a.m.  The Andrades                  508-252-5254
                                                                             www.olmcseekonk.org/update-your-info. Thank you for help-
6 a.m.-11 a.m.  Loretta MacDonald             508-252-4475                   ing us keep our records current!
Noon-5 p.m.     Linda Nason                   508-463-6723                   Also, to sign up for Flocknote, a new method of parish com-
6 p.m.-11 p.m. Maureen Sanders                508-243-4104                   munication, text OLMCSeekonk to 84576. You can choose
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed in the adoration chapel Monday         whether to receive text or email notifications.
through Saturday at 3 p.m.
A rosary for priests and all vocations is prayed in the adoration chapel
every Thursday at 2:30 p.m.                                                  Sign up for Formed: Take advantage of the resources on
A novena to St. Anne for the protection of children is prayed every Friday   Formed.org by visiting olmcseekonk.formed.org and register-
at noon in the adoration chapel.                                             ing. You may also download the Formed app to any device.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020
                                                                        Thoughts about the return to Mass
                                                                        As we are a few months into being in the church for Mass, I
                                                                        just want to make a few reminders for everyone (and as some
                                                                        are returning more recently, I want to help them be aware of
                                                                        the different options and responsibilities). It is important for
Faith Formation has begun                                               us to remember we need to social distance when sitting in the
We have started up the new program for Faith Formation. This            pews (sitting six feet apart unless we are sitting with people we
year parents are using the program Project Nazareth, which              live with), when coming up for communion (there is blue tape
entails conversations about the faith, as well as praying with          on the floor to indicate the six feet spacing), and when leaving
their children throughout the week. The goal is just to help            after Mass (we need to work on this a little more, spacing out
families talk more with each other about different aspects of           from others as we leave). We should wear our masks in the
the faith that maybe would not normally come up in discus-              church, covering our nose and mouths. After every Mass we
sion in home. Also, some families pray together, but not all,           sanitize all the pews and when the temperatures are not too
so it’s a unified effort to help foster family prayer. Think of the     hot we will open the windows to circulate the air.
words of Venerable Patrick Peyton: “The family that prays to-
gether stays together.”                                                 We are working on having ushers at all the Masses to help
It is a different approach, so for some families it may take a little   greet and sit people, take the collections, and hand out bulle-
time getting used to it. With the busyness of so many people’s          tins after Mass. As for seating, if the church is full due to social
lives, this is not intended to be just one more thing that parents      distancing, downstairs we are projecting the Mass and have 40
have to do, but actually something that can help foster the faith       chairs set up throughout the hall for people to still participate
in the home in a very natural way. That is why each lesson is           (one of the deacons or extraordinary ministers will bring com-
intended to be talking for maybe five to ten minutes a few days         munion downstairs). Those still not comfortable coming into
a week. It is not meant to be an hour-long classroom style.             the church can sit outside in their cars and hear the Mass on
Our Evangelization Team is here to offer different tools to help        their phones (a sheet in the narthex explains how to do this)
the parents grow in their knowledge of the faith and ways to            and then come to the front door to receive communion when
share the faith with their kids.                                        it is time. We also livestream every Mass for our homebound.
Any parents who have not registered their children in the pro-          When coming up for communion, one should have one’s mask
gram will need to contact the Evangelization Team this week             on. After we say “The Body of Christ” and you say “Amen,”
to do so (also, if they have not picked up the needed materials         then you receive communion. If you are receiving on the
from the office, please do that as well). Please keep all families      tongue, remove the mask after saying “Amen” and then re-
involved in your prayer so that this will bear fruit in the faith       ceive. I know some people are concerned about someone re-
lives of the children and their families.                               ceiving on the tongue but I cannot deny someone since they
                                                                        have a right to receive on the tongue if they wish. I know the
Join us for Youth Nights for Grades 8-12                                bishop’s guidelines say people cannot receive on the tongue,
All youths in Grades 8-12 are invited to join our monthly Youth         but the Vatican has stated in different documents “each of the
Nights. The first Friday of the month is for boys, the second           faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on
Friday of the month is for girls. We will meet from 7-9 p.m.            the tongue” (Redemptionis Sacramentum, 92), so no bishop
downstairs in the church for competition, snacks, discussion,           can command that people cannot receive communion on the
and prayer. We will adhere to Covid guidelines.                         tongue. We follow these guidelines: If someone comes up to
Youth Nights are part of Confirmation Preparation for Grades            receive on the tongue, if we make any contact with them, we
8 and 9.                                                                then dip our fingers first in a little bowl of water on a table next
                                                                        to us (to purify our finger first of any possible particles of the
Pray for the Souls in Purgatory every Thursday                          Eucharist), then dry our fingers, then dip our fingers in the
The Catholic Church consecrates the month of November                   sanitizer that we have in another bowl on that table. There are
to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Are you aware that there is a           many at Mount Carmel who receive on the tongue, so I must
Holy Souls Apostolate at Our Lady of Mount Carmel? We meet              respect their desires and right to receive on the tongue.
every Thursday at 9 a.m. in the main Church for one hour of             With all this there is a challenging balance we have to foster.
prayer devoted to the Holy Souls. Our mission is to gain release        There are people who come to Mass who are still overcome by
for the souls in Purgatory who can no longer help themselves.           fear of the pandemic and others with anger about the pandem-
Prayer books and pamphlets are provided free of charge. Plea-           ic and government policies. While trying to be safe, I am try-
se stop by even if you cannot remain for the entire time. For           ing help people to focus on the Lord (rather than on COVID)
more information see our brochure located in the Narthex and            because they need his grace and guidance as they face the chal-
by the back entrance, or call Dolores de Paiva at 508-252-4826.         lenges of daily life along with the challenges of the pandemic.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 22, 2020
                 984 Taunton Ave., PO Box 519, Seekonk, MA 02771
                            Website: olmcseekonk.org                                                        ORGANIZATIONS
                          Email: office@olmcseekonk.org
                Facebook: OLMCSeekonk Twitter: @OLMCSeekonk                                  Gathering Grandmothers
                        Formed: OLMCSeekonk.formed.org                                       Jan Smart, 508-336-5118
                                                                                             Meets at noon Fridays in St. Joseph Adoration
                Pastor: Rev. Kevin A. Cook, fr.cook.olmc@gmail.com                           Chapel to pray Novena to St. Anne for protection
                       Permanent Deacon: Matthew Sweeney                                     of children.
                         Transitional Deacon: Peter Scheffer
          Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.                   Holy Souls Prayer Group
               Office telephone: 508-336-5549      Fax: 508-336-9010                         Dolores de Paiva, 508-252-3826
                                                                                             Meets at 9 a.m. Thursdays in the church
             Parish Center: 508-336-9015       Rectory: 508-336-9022
          Administrative Assistant: Kelley Nieviera, kelleyolmc@gmail.com                    Jordan Ministry
                Secretary: Laure Lynch, lmlyncholmc@gmail.com                                508-336-5549
                          Rectory Assistant: Meg Mulvey
                            Maintenance: Dave LeClair                                        Knights of Columbus
                                                                                             Rolland St. Pierre, 508-336-2102
                           Custodian: Sheila Ducharme
                                                                                             Meets 3rd Friday

                                                                                             Men of St. Joseph
                       EVANGELIZATION AND FORMATION                                          Bob Bertoncini, 401-447-8136
                                                                                             Meet 2nd Thursday at 7 p.m.
         Baptism Preparation, Registrations, Family Faith Formation (1-7),
                    Youth/Young Adult Ministry, Adult Ministry:                              Men’s Prayer and Fellowship
               Lori Lavigne, L.Lavigne.olmc@gmail.com, 508-233-3312                          William Kearney and Marty Doyle,
       1st Communion/Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage Preparation,                     Meets 1st Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
                              RCIA/Adult Sacraments:
            Christine Gregorek, c.gregorek.olmc@gmail.com, 508-336-5549                      Ministry to the Sick
                                                                                             Pat Swanson, 508-336-5549

                                                                                             Parish Nurses
                                  MUSIC MINISTRY                                             Elizabeth Charnecki, 508-252-5718
                                                                                             Blood pressure clinics Wednesdays after Mass,
Director of Music: Jean Kusiak, 401-225-3700, JMKusiak@comcast.net
Choir performs at 10:45 Mass and special liturgies. Rehearses on Tuesdays 7-8:30 p.m.,
September-June.                                                                              Prison Ministry
Children’s Choir performs at special liturgies, 9 a.m. Mass. Rehearses the Sunday of,        Frank Gibbons, 508-336-5461
8:15-8:45, lower church.
                                                                                             Prayer Group
                                                                                             Barbara Craveiro, 508-889-6472
              ALTAR SERVERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, LECTORS                                  Meets 2nd Wednesday at 7 p.m., lower church
Schedules: www.olmcseekonk.org
(Select “Liturgy” from the top bar, then “Liturgical Ministries,” then “Schedules.”)         Pro-Life Group
For scheduling: Laure Lynch, lmlyncholmc@gmail.com, 508-336-5549                             Ron and Claudette Larose, 508-252-4336
To become an altar server, Eucharistic minister, or lector: 508-336-5549
                                                                                             St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                                             Marie Morrell, 401-603-8888
                                       SACRAMENTS                                            Meets 2nd Tuesday at 7 p.m., Sept.-May
Confessions are heard in the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel on Saturday from 3:15-4 p.m.,
and on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 4:30-6 p.m.                                Seekonk Catholic Cancer Support
Baptisms: Congratulations! Please contact Lori Lavigne at the parish office to register in   Elizabeth Charnecki: 508-252-5718
the parish and sign up for Baptismal Preparation as soon as possible. Preparation can be     Meets 1st Saturday
done prior to baby’s birth, if preferred.
                                                                                             Senior Luncheon Committee
Marriage: Congratulations! Please notify the parish office eight months in advance of        Call to register: 508-336-5549
your wedding.                                                                                K.C. Hess
Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Friday at the 9 a.m. Mass.                    Jay Brennan
                                                                                             Paco Pedro
                                       MASSES                                                Luncheon held 2nd Tuesday except June, July, Aug.
                 Monday-Saturday: 9 a.m. (except Thursday 6:30 p.m.)
                                                                                             Vocation Committee
                 Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
                                                                                             Joanna Young, 508-336-3473
                   HOLY DAYS : 9 a.m., noon, 7 p.m. (Vigil 5:30 p.m.)
(401) 434-7744 • (508) 336-7979
                                                                                   John E. Rebello (Director) • Kenneth Hughes (Director)
                                                                                             Elizabeth Januskiewicz (Director)
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