Page created by Betty Morales
312 Ridgedale Avenue
                                                                                 East Hanover, New Jersey 07936

BULLETIN                                                                                             June 19, 2022

 This weekend, as we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, our parish is joining the Diocesan Annual Corpus
 Christi Food Drive. Saint Rose is being asked to collect canned beans (pinto, black, white) and/or deodorant to
 help keep the shelves full over the summer months at Catholic Charities food pantries in Passaic, Morris and
 Sussex Counties. We may also donate any other non-perishable foods. To make the food drop-off convenient,
 we will have the parish truck in the church parking lot beginning Friday afternoon, June 17th until Monday morn-
 ing, June 20th.

 The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted those living in poverty the most and Catholic Charities, Diocese of Pater-
 son’s 3 Food Pantries (Father English Center, Paterson; Hope House, Dover; and Partnership for Social Services,
 Franklin) are giving out more food than ever before.

 Most months, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson gives out food to 5,000 - 7,000 people at their 3 food
 pantries. Through COVID-19 this number has more than quadrupled, with our pantries assisting 20,000 children,
 women and men monthly! In November of 2021, we gave out food to nearly 29,000 individuals!

 Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Charities and our brothers and sisters in need. Also, thank
 you for your regular support of our parish food pantry, and a special thank you to Joanne Caronia who runs it.

 It has been a year since Bishops of New Jersey made the
 decision to lift the Covid-19 dispensation of the Sunday
 obligation. Many of our parishioners returned to Sunday
 Mass in-person since the Feast of Corpus Christi 2021.

 The Feast of Corpus Christi reminds us of the gift that
 Jesus gives to us when we receive His Body and Blood
 in Holy Communion and of our need for that spiritual
 nourishment. We are more fully the “Body of Christ” when
 we all gather around the table of the Lord. Those of our
 parish family who do not attend Sunday Mass are greatly
 “missed”. If you are among those who have already
 “come back” to Mass, please invite family, friends, and
 others to “come back”.

                    “Every year the feast of Corpus Christi invites us to renew the wonder and joy
                       for this wonderful gift of the Lord, which is The Eucharist.” Pope Francis

 Those who still do not leave their home because of health concerns, can watch our masses online and receive
 Holy Communion in their cars in our parking lot every Sunday at around 1.05 pm, after the 12.15 pm mass. I would
 like to thank Deacon Ron, Deacon Alfredo, and Bill Wahlers who have been helping with the distribution of Holy
 Communion every Sunday in the parking lot.
 Yours in Christ,
 Fr Matthew

Sunday, June 19th
7:30 † For the People of the Parish
        † Antonio DeFranco by Teresa Falduto
        † Salvatore M. Trocchia by The Trocchia Family      OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS
10:30 † Paul Valente by Elizabeth Paizis                    June 12th- $12,325.95
        † Ralph D’Aries by D’Aries Family                   Total Ukraine Fund collection: $ $38,061.10
12:15 † Angelo Cedola by Quarques & Cedola Families         We are very grateful for your weekly contribution to
        † Annibale Spiniello by Lynne Werner & Family       St. Rose! Your generosity is vital to meet our expenses
7:00 † Bernard Gesuelli by DePinho Family                   and continue our many ministries. Please note that
        † Carlo-Aldo Venturi by Wife and Children           you can give online by visiting our website, mail your
                                                            envelopes to the rectory office, use our “drop-off” box
Monday, June 20th                                           by the office entrance, use one of the donation boxes
9:00 † Evelyn DeFillipps by Fr. James DeFillipps            in the church
       † Robert Joseph Nolan by Chris and Peter Rosoff

Tuesday, June 21st
9:00 † Maureen Lazur by Dan & Dolores DiBernardo            Congratulations to the Parents of our newly baptized:
        † John Mucchiello, Sr. by Franchesca, Annamarie &   Lucille Antonia Carsillo
         John                                               Valerie Rose Surgent
                                                            Theodore Luke Follett
Wednesday, June 22nd                                                      GIANNA MARIE TAVAGLIONE
9:00 † Anna DeFranco by Teresa Falduto
      † Peter Gizzi (1st Ann.) by Jim & Cathy McHugh

Thursday, June 23rd
9:00 † John Mucchiello, Sr. by Annamarie, John, Jr. &
       † Geri Wyszynski by Jack and Pat Scullen

Friday, June 24th
9:00 † Angelina Liggeri by Lisa and Anthony Paradiso
         † Jorge Delgado by Gricel Comesanas

Saturday, June 25th
9:00      Intentions to The Blessed Mother (Other)
        † Izabel Alexandre by Michele Burke
        † Maureen Lazur by Kathy Bayarski-sister
        † Gerardo DiSalvo by Bill & Sharon Iellimo          ROSARY PRAYER INTENTIONS
        † Robert Blun by Ron & Joan Rosania                 Glorious Mysteries: For all graduates of our town that
5:30 † Carmine and Emilio Marrano by Jeanne Taylor          they use their gifts well.
        † Antal Gabler by Sons                              Sorrowful Mysteries: For the sick of our parish that
        † Mairead Dowling (1st Anniv.) by Cremin Family     they will be filled with courage.
                                                            Joyful Mysteries: For the children of our parish who
Sunday, June 26th                                           are on summer vacation that they will stay close to
7:30      For the People of the Parish                      God and attend Mass regularly.
        † Thomas “TJ” Pall by Stephen Rudy                  Luminous Mysteries: That all adults of our parish will
        † Myun Woo by Brian and Helen                       find time to rest and relax this summer season.
10:30 † Vito & Delores DiAntonio by Donna Grasso
        † Thomas M. Hunt by Ellen and Don Cohen
12:15 † Mary Valvano by The Valvano Family                  RESPECT LIFE
        † Joan P. Lucciola by The Prioletti Family          We invite you to pray with us the “Rosary for Life”
7:00 † Ralph D’Aries by D’Aries Family                      Save the Date - July 16th, at 2pm in the cafeteria
        † Maureen Lazur by Family                           under the church. NJ passed a Bill to permit abortion
                                                            throughout all 9 months. Please come and pray with

FOOD PANTRY                                                   as a catechist or as an aide, please email Cathy Olsen
Thank you all for the generous donations. The pantry is in    at cathyolsen@saintroseoflimachurch.org
need of all condiments, rice, coffee, cereal, pasta, jarred   To register online for 2022-2023 please visit
tomato sauce, fruit drinks, baking products, detergent,
cleaning products, all personal products (hand soap,          BLOOD DRIVE - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
shampoo, toothbrushes). The pantry is open the 2nd and        Tuesday, June 28th 1 pm – 7 pm Hosted by Knights
4th Saturday of the month from 10 am to 11 am. Please         of Columbus - St Rose of Lima lower level
check expiration dates.                                       To schedule an appointment visit:
                                                              smarturl.it/NJBS_BloodDrive Sponsor Code: 08812
 PARISH CENSUS                                                Or call/text Amanda: 908-380-9265 us.
 Saint Rose of Lima is implementing a Parish Census.          ANNUAL CORPUS CHRISTI DRIVE
 Please help our Parish to update your records by visiting    The Annual Corpus Christi Food Drive is coming up
 saintroseoflimachurch.org/census. The Parish Census          Our parish is being asked to collect canned beans
 needs to be completed by everyone who already is a           (pinto, black, white) and/or deodorant to help keep
 parishioner, who would like to become a parishioner, or      the shelves full over the summer months at Catholic
 who participates in our parish life online.                  Charities food pantries in Passaic, Morris and Sussex
                                                              Counties. We will have the parish truck in the church
                                                              parking lot beginning Friday afternoon, June 17th until
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                           Monday morning, June 20th.
The Early Bird Registration for Religious Education classes
for grades K-6 for 2022-2023 is open. It will remain open     SECULAR FRANCISCAN INTRODUCTION
until midnight June 30, 2022. To register online for 2022-
2023 please visit saintroseoflimachurch.org/ccd               The Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) is a branch of the
For the discount code and to volunteer as a catechist or as   worldwide Franciscan Family. The OFS is a secular
an aide, please email Gina Liebhauser at                      movement, established by St. Francis of Assisi almost
reled@saintroseoflimachurch.org                               800 years ago. Our purpose is to bring the gospel
We all remember traveling to a new place, and it is always    to life where we live and work. We look for practical
easier when someone helps us with the directions, ac-         ways to embrace the gospel in our lives and help oth-
companying us through the turns. I believe this is why the    ers to do likewise. We work, worship and play in the
voice navigation system is more popular than reading a        community where we live. We are single and married.
map! Our children need to be guided into a life with God
and we are looking for someone to help our Second Grad-       We are having a “Come and See” gathering on Mon-
ers journey to their Sacraments in Spring 2023. We will       day, June 20th, 7:30 p.m. at Holy Angels Church (St.
accompany you, providing the materials, encouragement,        Francis Hall), 473 Main Street, Little Falls. If you want
and prayerful support…no one is alone. If you hear the call   to enhance your spiritual life, support the marginal-
of the Holy Spirit asking you to accompany the children on    ized through apostolic ministries, and continue your
their journey, please contact Bernadette at bcaponegro@       education in your faith, come join us. Light refresh-
saintroseoflimachurch.org                                     ments will be served. For further info, please con-
                                                              tact Linda Pasquale (pasqualelinda14@gmail.com) or
CONFIRMATION                                                  call (973) 316-8726 or Chris Leone (cleoneofs@gmail.
The Early Bird Registration for Confirmation classes for      com) or call 908-528-0865.
Grades 7 & 8 for 2022-2023 is open. It will remain open
until June 30, 2022. For the discount code or to volunteer

                         ARE YOU NEW TO ST. ROSE OF LIMA?
                         Whether you are looking to register as a parishioner or just want to learn more about
                         our parish community, call 973-887-5572 Ext 128 Monday through Friday 8:00am–
                         3:00pm or visit our website: saintroseoflimachurch.org. Thank you for visiting us!

saintroseoflimachurch.org                                                                                            3
A few weeks ago, members of the finance council were surveying
the needs of our parish facilities. As we entered the church itself
something odd happened, something that used to occur when I
was a seminarian giving tours of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. I was
speaking, pointing out features—in this case, things in need of re-
pair. Crossing the threshold of the church, I lost the attention of
my companions. They were staring into space, gawking not at the
glory of St. Peter’s Basilica but, wistfully, at the walls of their own
parish church.

                                                          I love Saint Joseph’s, but it is no St. Peter’s. I could claim that
                                                          it is the loveliest church in central Kansas, but the state is full
                                                          of such treasures, testaments to the faith of a different era.
                                                          So, how did I lose my listeners? They were gazing in silent
                                                          awe because they were home again, because they were
                                                          standing in a spot whose very stones they love. Everyone
                                                          concurred when a couple of members said, “I haven’t been
                                                          in here for weeks” and “I didn’t realize how much I missed it.”
                                                          The feeling that came over my companions was something
                                                          like seeing, after years of absence, the inside of the home
                                                          where you grew up or the house where your grandparents
                                                          once lived. It is not that the space is sacred, at least not in the
                                                          first blush of that word.

It is that the space is you. You are like an animal seeing its own carapace. This was once your shell. The place that
protected you. Your home.
The feeling that came over my companions was something like seeing, after years of absence, the inside of the
home where you grew up or the house where your grandparents once lived. It is not that the space is sacred, at
least not in the first blush of that word. It is that the space is you. You are like an animal seeing its own carapace. This
was once your shell. The place that protected you. Your home.
The Feast of Corpus Christi was created in the 13th century to reverence the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In
the 21st century, this time of virus has revealed an imbalance in our understanding as Catholics. We seem convinced
that holy Communion is the most precious of sacred objects, even if most Catholics are normally content to receive
it the relatively few times a year that they come to Mass.
The problem is that we have reduced the Mass itself into something that exists only to create the Eucharist. Some
Catholic leaders are now even urging, “Let’s have Mass as quickly and as often as possible to get Communion to
the faithful.”
If “concept feasts” were the answer—feast days drawn not from the lives of Christ and his saints but from doctrines
like the Holy Trinity or Divine Mercy—then maybe we need four more of them because there are “real presences”
that we are scanting, if not, perhaps, even scorning.
“Sacrosanctum Concilium,” the Second Vatican Council’s Document on the Divine Liturgy, teaches five ways in
which the Lord Jesus is present to us in the Eucharist. Remember that the word “Eucharist” refers both to the meal
and to the food received.
     To accomplish so great a work, Christ is always present in His Church, especially in her liturgical
     celebrations. He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister, “the same
     now offering, through the ministry of priests, who formerly offered himself on the cross,” but especially
     under the Eucharistic species. By His power He is present in the sacraments, so that when a man baptizes
     it is really Christ Himself who baptizes. He is present in His word, since it is He Himself who speaks when
     the holy scriptures are read in the Church. He is present, lastly, when the Church prays and sings, for He
     promised: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matt.
     18:20)” (No. 7, emphasis added).

 4                                                                                       saintroseoflimachurch.org
Maybe we still need Corpus Christi to remind us of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist: Not all of the council mem-
bers took a knee when we came into the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, as we insist that our students do. Yet
all recognized that they had entered a holy place, a place like home, a spot made sacred in five ways, not just one.

As those who believe that God took flesh in Christ, we do not have a liturgy that stands above the weaknesses to
which our flesh is heir. But this is our faith; it is not a cause for shame. The shame would be reducing a meal to the
food received, either in a family or in the church. Either way, a home is lost.
                     The Rev. Terrance W. Klein is a priest of the Diocese of Dodge City and author of Vanity Faith.
                                                                   Reprinted with permission of America Press, Inc., 2022.

In 1675, Jesus told St Margaret Mary that He wanted the Feast of the
Sacred Heart to be celebrated on the Friday after the Corpus Christi
octave. In 1856, the Feast of the Sacred Heart became a universal

St John Paul II, a great devotee of The Sacred Heart, said, “This
feast reminds us of the mystery of the love of God for the people
of all times.”

                   12 Promises of the Sacred Heart

(1) “I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.

(2) I will establish peace in their homes.

(3) I will comfort them in all their afflictions.

(4) I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.           The Prayer to the Sacred Heart

(5) I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.           Oh Lord Jesus Christ, to Your most Sacred
                                                                            Heart I confide this intention {name pe-
(6) Sinners will find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of          tition}. Only look upon me, then do what
    mercy.                                                                  Your love inspires. Let Your Sacred Heart
                                                                            decide. I count on You. I trust in You. I throw
(7) Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.                                    myself on Your mercy. Lord Jesus, You will
                                                                            not fail me.
(8) Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
                                                                            Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.
(9) I will bless every place in which an image of my Heart is               Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your
    exposed and honored.                                                    love for me.
                                                                            Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your kingdom come.
10) I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened           Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked You
                                                                            for many favors, but I earnestly implore this
11) Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names
                                                                            Take it, place it in Your open Heart.
    written in my Heart.
                                                                            When the Eternal Father looks upon it,
(12) I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-          He will see it covered with Your Precious
powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion            Blood.
on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of                It will be no longer my prayer, but Yours,
final perseverance; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without          Jesus. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe             I place all my trust in You. Let me not be
refuge in this last moment.”                                                disappointed. Amen.
                                                                                                                                       For the complete parish
                                                                                                                                       directory visit our website:

    Address			 312 Ridgedale Avenue, East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
    				Parish Office: 973-887-5572           Fax: 973-884-0476
    				Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–3:00pm
    In case of a TRUE EMERGENCY, death or funeral, after office hours, please call 973-887-5572 and press “3” to reach a priest

    Pastor			           Fr. Matthew Kranc		            Ext. 125 		                        fr.matthew@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Bishop Emeritus 		   Most Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli 		                                 www.bishopserratelli.org
    Permanent Deacons 		 Deacon Vincent Leo             973-985-8832                       pegleo5@gmail.com
    				Deacon Ron Forino                               973-887-2963                       ronforino@aol.com
    				Deacon Alfredo Fanelli                                                             assisi410@aol.com

    Parish Secretary 		                  Cathleen Seborowski          Ext 128 		           cseborowski@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Director of Religious Education & Youth Protection Coordinator
    				Bernadette Caponegro                              973-887-0357                     bcaponegro@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Youth Ministry & Confirmation Coordinator
    				Cathy Olsen		                                                 973-599-2944 cathyolsen@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Bulletin Editor; YM & Confirmation Assistant
                                  Tanya D’Souza                      973-599-2944          tdsouza@saintroseoflimachurch.org

SACRAMENTS                                   PARISH OPPORTUNITIES
Baptism                                      RCIA                                                     Devotion to Padre Pio
To make arrangements for Baptism             Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program      Following the 9am Mass on Friday
please call Fr. Matthew.                     for people who seek full initiation into the
                                             Catholic Church. Please contact Deacon Ron                Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Reconciliation                               Forino.                                                   Every Tuesday 8am-8:45am
 Saturdays at 8:15 - 8:45am & 4:45                                                                     Every Wednesday 1pm-2pm
- 5:15pm                                     Miraculous Medal Novena                                   First Fridays at 6pm
 Due to COVID-19, we take strict             Following 9am Mass on Saturday
 precaution measures to protect
                                             Knights of Columbus                                      First Saturday Devotion to
 priests and our community.                                                                           Our Lady of Fatima
                                             Grand Knight: Richard Koscielak 973-632-6407
                                             •   Masks are optional.                                  Following 9am Mass
Please contact Fr. Matthew and set           •   Officers Meetings - 1st Wednesday of the
up an appointment.                               Month - 7:30 PM - Lower Cafeteria                    Porziuncola Fraternity, OFS
                                             •   General Meetings - 2nd Monday of the
Anointing of the Sick                            Month 7:30 PM - Lower Cafeteria
Please notify the parish office of any       •   Resume 4th Monday of the Month 7:30 PM               Rosary Altar Society
need for a home or hospital visit.               - EH K of C Lounge Use & EH K of C Social            Welcome to all of our new members To join the
                                                 Gathering                                            rosary society, please email Mary Ann Keiser at
                                             •   Interested in Joining the Awesome EH K               rosarians@saintroseoflimachurch.org. Our next
                                                 of C - Contact -- Membership Director Bob
                                                 Leach - (908)-447-7785                               meeting is Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00
                                             •   New “EH K of C Lounge” - (Next to Lower              pm
                                                 Cafeteria) - “Now Open To Brother Knights”

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                                                      THANK YOU TERRIE NEUMAN AND TKO PROPERTIES FOR YOUR CONTINUOUS
                                                      GIFT OF THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN THE PLANTERS IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH

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