SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah

SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
CST DIGITAL BULLETIN                                    JUNE 2020


SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
CONGREGATION                                             CLERGY & STAFF                                                             EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                                                                    Daniel Petcher, President
                                                   JOSHUA ROSE, x 101                     ILANA CLOUD, x 103
SHAARIE TORAH                                      Rabbi                                  Marketing & Communications                Sara Staggs, Vice President
                                                        Peter Lyman, Treasurer & Past President
920 NW 25th Ave. Portland, OR 97210                                                                                                 Raphi Rosenblatt, Secretary
                                                   AARON VITELLS                          LESLIE PETCHER, x 100
PHONE: (503)226-6131                                                                                                                Rick Cohen, Men's Club Rep.
                                                   Cantor                                 Receptionist
FAX: (503)226-0241
                                                   JEMI KOSTINER MANSFIELD, x 105                     Judy Freeman &
CEMETERY: (503)774-8577
                                                   Executive Director                     ALEKSEY BURLAY                            Jackie Pelner-Frankle,
                                              Facilities Manager                        Sisterhood Co-Presidents
                                                   JACKIE VAN ANDA, x 104       
                                                   Bookkeeper                             BILL SCHAFFLER & LEO LOPEZ                BOARD MEMBERS
Our offices and building are currently
                                                        Cemetery Supervising Caretakers
closed to all visitors. Please continue to visit                                                                                    Melissa Cohen
                                                   JUDE KASSAR, x 106           
our website for updated information                                                                                                 Mitch Cohen
                                                   Education Director                     IRINA BURLAY
regarding re-opening and in-person                                                                                                  Tamir Heyman
                                                      Kitchen; Head Chef
programming. Email is the best way to                                                     We miss Irina's yummy food and look       Daron Horwitz
                                                   LINDA HARRISON, x 102
reach our staff at this time.                                                             forward to a time when we can eat         Linda Singer
                                                   Congregational Affairs Coordinator
                                                            together again!                           Rob Sturtz

     MORNING MINYAN                                           MISHEBERACH                                                                  We offer sincere condolences
     Virtual Morning Minyan is held every
                                                       Bless those in need of healing with refu'ah sh'layma. The renewal of                to the families of:
     Sunday, Monday, and Thursday at 8:00 am.
                                                       body, the renewal of spirit. Jeff Weinstein, Dodie Harrison, Ed
     This time remains the same on Rosh                Wiener (Yitzchak Beryl ben Rivka), Darren Lewis, Rose Oksowitz,                     William King, z"l
     Chodesh or holidays. Visit our website for        Cindy Hahn, Shalom Feivel ben Sandy (Spencer Strauss), Elsa Scheib,                 Tillie Baderman, z"l
     Zoom information.                                 Miriam Rifkah bat Leah, Mendel ben Hanah Sara, Sabina Shalom                        Lillian Zaretsky Berlin, z"l
                                                       (Chava Shulamit bat Peshie v’Yosef haCohen), James Nelson, Michael
     SHABBAT SERVICES                                  ben Tzipora, Matilda Rosenberg, Janet Feldman, Cloe bas Bren,
     Shabbat Morning modified service @ 9:30           Gersham Goldstein, Shalom Yitzchak ben David (Shelly Petcher),                      May their memories be a
     am, live streamed from our website and            Yoseph Y’chial ben Moshe, Tzipporah bat Yoseph Y’chial, Tova Gitl                   source of blessing.
     facebook live. Visit our website to watch         bat Chana Leiba, Dvora bat Leah, Moshe ben Jeannine, Katya Amato,
     previous services or tune in live.                Avigael bat Sarah v’Itzhak, Charlie Gelber
                                                       If you know someone in need of healing, please call the office to put them
                                                       on the Refuah Sh’laymah list.

         WHO WE ARE                                                                               CARING COMMUNITY
 Shaarie Torah is an inclusive, multi-generational Conservative synagogue,                  When a Death Occurs:
 nestled in the heart of Northwest Portland. This warm and welcoming                        Please call our life cycle number at (503)785-9016. Currently, we
 Jewish community has been around since 1905, and looks to the future by                    are not regularly answering the synagogue office number. Should
 balancing contemporary and traditional Judaism. We strive to ensure that                   you need further assistance please email Jemi at
 every voice is heard and that every member is counted. At Shaarie Torah, we      
 offer extensive programming and activities that work to foster Jewish values
 of social justice through: Torah/Learning, Avodah/Service and Chesed/Loving                Clergy Visits:
 Kindness. The Bulletin is published by Congregation Shaarie Torah,                         Rabbi Rose is still performing visits to congregants in the hospital,
              920 NW 25th Avenue, Portland, OR 97210.                                       extended care facilities, and hospices on a limited basis. If you are
              All members in good standing receive this periodical free of charge.          not on our Caring Community e-mail list, please contact the office
                                                                                            to make sure you receive announcements about minyans, shivas,
                                                                                            funerals and more.
        Abby Layton
        Sharon Pollin
Helping to provide for the long-term health and security of our congregation.
Anonymous, Judy & Ron Appelbaum, Karla & Barry Benson, Lynn Bonner, Stephen Butler, Milt Carl, z"l, Frieda Gass Cohen, Bobbie & Phil Cohen,
Ellen & Richard Cohen, Carol Danish, Janet Pollens Feldman, Deborah & Larry Friedman, Diana Ginsburg, Sheldon Gloger, z"l, Maura & Joel
                                                                                                                                                                          JUNE 2020

Greenblum, Gregory & Kim Harris, Brenda Katz & Richard Hurwitz, Marje Jacobson, Sue Hickey & Sheldon Klapper, Steph Kotkins, Lowell
Lebenzon, Peter & Anna Lyman, Michael Millender, Dora & Jerry Newman, Sarah Sue & Andrew Osborn, The Zanley Perkel Family, Leslie &
Daniel Petcher, Annette Demsey & Erik Richmond, Laurie & Bert Rogoway, Channah & Rabbi Joshua Rose, Kim Rosenberg, Ellen Lippman &
Steve Rosenberg, Madelle & Stan Rosenfeld, Faye Gordon Samuels, Joan Schnitzer, Madelynne & Michael Sheehan, z"l, Roz & Mylen Shenker,
Barbara & Denny Shleifer, Linda & Gary Singer, Thelma Solomon, Shari Levinson & Marshal Spector, Sara & Tyler Staggs, David Stern, Charlotte
& Isaac Tevet, Diana & Cantor Aaron Vitells, Fran & Ira Warren, Barbara Weiland & Ron Subotnick, Susan & Bruce Winthrop,
Estelle Winthrop, z"l. Legacy Society donors make a provision to donate to Shaarie Torah in their estate planning. Every donation, of any size, provides for
the future. If you would like to become a Legacy Society donor, please contact our office: (503)226-6131.
SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah

 JUNE 11 & 18 @ 3PM                      JUNE 7, 7PM                              WEDNESDAYS &                             WEDNESDAYS @ 2 PM
 HOPE, RESILIENCE & JOY                   THE SPACE BETWEEN                       FRIDAYS @ 9 AM                            ESPRESSO YOURSELF: A
 DURING A TIME OF                         US WITH RABBI TZVI                      GOOD MORNING: 15 MINUTES                  COFFEE BREAK FOR THE SOUL
 QUARANTINE                               FISCHER (ORTHODOX)                      OF BLESSINGS & INTENTIONS                 Take a ten minute break from your
                                          In dialogue with other rabbis and                                                 work day to rejuvenate for the
  A Self Care Skill-Building                                                      Rabbi Rose will lead the group            home stretch. Rabbi Rose will
                                          thinkers Rabbi Rose will explore
  Workshop with Rabbi Rose and                                                    through blessings of gratitude,           share a bit of wisdom from the
                                          core questions of Jewish belief and
  Corey S. Pressman. This is a                                                    the Shema, the mourner’s                  Jewish tradition, we’ll share a
                                          opinion. What are the differences
  three-class series that focuses on                                              Kaddish if we have a minyan, and          word and talk about our world for
                                          and commonalities between the
  how we can leverage joy and                                                     a Psalm or other reading from             a moment. Take a moment to go
                                          various movements? Is the Torah         the tradition. A beautiful and
  insight to cope with the current                                                                                          from goal oriented to soul
                                          divine in origin? Join for a thought    positive way to start your day.
  crisis and beyond. Sign up at                                                                                             oriented.
                                          provoking conversation.

 FRIDAYS @ NOON                          JUNE 22, 5:30 PM                          SATURDAYS @ 9:30 AM                       SUNDAYS, MONDAYS
WEEKLY TORAH STUDY                        THE SPACE BETWEEN                        STREAMING SHABBAT &                       & THURSDAYS, 8:00 AM
Rabbi Rose will lead a discussion         US WITH RABBI DEBRA                      HOLIDAY SERVICES                          MORNING MINYAN WITH
about the Weekly Torah                    KOLODNY (RENEWAL)                        We are streaming services every           RABBI ROSE
Portion. Get a bit of inspiration         In dialogue with other rabbis and        Saturday morning with Rabbi Rose
                                                                                                                             Join us virtually for any Morning
and deepen your understanding             thinkers Rabbi Rose will explore core    and Cantor Vitells from our Chapel.
                                                                                                                             Minyan. During this uncertain
of the Torah and its                      questions of Jewish belief and           Join them live on our website or on
                                                                                                                             time, it is powerful to continue to
commentaries. No knowledge of             opinion. What are the differences        facebook or re-watch our recordings
                                                                                                                             gather for this morning service,
Hebrew needed. Using Sefaria: a           and commonalities between the            at any point.
                                                                                                                             even virtually. This is the standard
free library of Jewish texts online,      various movements? Is the Torah                                                    time for Minyan, regardless of
we delve into conversations               divine in origin? Join for a thought                                               Rosh Chodesh or holidays. Prayer
surrounding the text and its              provoking conversation.                                                            book downloads can be found
meaning for us today.
                                                                                                                             on our website.

Not all events are listed here. Check out our calendar on page 7 for more events this month. All Zoom links and registration information for events can be found       3
on our website at You can always view the full calendar of events on our website.

JUNE BIRTHDAYS Lowell Lebenzon, Reva Falk, Yafit Heyman, Peter Lyman, Julia Toub, David Morgenstern, Wendy Comstock,
                                                                                                                                                                    JUNE 2020

Hannah Cohen-Cline, Leonard Burda, Maxine Usher, Phillip Bloom, Claire Westerman, Philip Newman, Kim Harris, Shoshana Gordon,
Ira Erbs, Ellen Millender, Peter Beard

JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Harvey Frankle & Jackie Pelner-Frankle, Rob & Sara Sturtz, Richard & Ellen Cohen, James & Arlene Fromer,
Phil & Shira Newman, Gary & Linda Singer, Mitchel & Lynne Cohen, Ira & Fran Warren, Jack & Reva Falk, Joel & Maura Greenblum, Michael
& Lynda Ewan, Brad & Allison Fowler, Gregg & Kim Harris, Raphael Rosenblatt & David Morgenstern, Mike & Gretchen Leopold, Craig &
Susan Siege
SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
                                                    KEITH BERNE AND MIKE IMLAH
                                                    FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT

MEMBERSHIP                   RENEWAL


Look for your personalized letter and
dues form in your mailbox soon. Your
generous support is most appreciated.
This is an unprecedented and challenging time
and your membership really makes a difference.
This community is stronger because you are a
part of it. We love seeing all of the wonderful
faces joining us for minyan, zoom events, and
Saturday streaming services.
If you are in need of support, please reach
out to our executive director, Jemi at or Rabbi
Rose at Though our
office may not be open, our email inboxes are!

  4-week class: 6/30 - 7/21
  @ 4:30-6 pm

  Join us as we discover this “third chapter” of                                   4
  life with spirit, resilience and wisdom. This 4
  week class begins on Tuesdays, 6/30 - 7/21
  from 4:30-6pm. Group will be on Zoom;
                                                                                 JUNE 2020

  suggested donation of $18.
  For further information, please contact:
  Dinah Gilburd, LCSW at or
SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
The next time you are looking for a way to celebrate a joyous occasion, remember a loved one, or comfort a mourner, please consider a donation to Congregation
Shaarie Torah. When you make a gift, a card is sent to the honoree of the family, and your donation is acknowledged in the next bulletin. We truly appreciate your
support. (Donations received from April 15-June 1).

Rabbi Rose Discretionary Fund                    My mother, Esther Alhadeff                                  Kiddush Fund
In Memory Of                                      By: Dan & Janice Pitman                                    In Memory Of
My mother, Tillie Baderman                       My father-in-law, Nathan Gotesman                           My father, Herbert Ross
 By: Ron Baderman                                 By: Margaret Gotesman                                      My mother, Roslyn Ross
                                                 My grandmother, Rose Popick                                 My father, Thomas Clarke
General Fund                                     My great grandmother, Anna Popick                            By: David & Carmel Ross
In Honor Of                                       By: Eadi Popick                                            Arthur Simon Fresh Flower Fund
Rabbi Rose & Cantor Vitells for the              My mother, Augusta Olshen                                   In Memory Of
meaningful Yizkor Service                         By: Frances Lucchesi                                       My mother, Minnette Salmenson
 By: Jack & Barbara Schwartz                     My grandfather, Hyman Veltman                                By: Martin & Sharyn Schneiderman
The clergy & staff of Shaarie Torah              My sister, Sharon Goldman
 By: Mike Imlah                                   By: Margo Sercu                                            Barney Bricker Fund
Phil & Bobbie Cohen                                                                                          In Memory Of
                                                  By: Marcia Colton                                          Philip Unkeles
Peter & Anna Lyman                                By: Risa Colton-Feldman & Louis Feldman,                    By: Barry & Barbara Gross
 By: Leah Lefkowitz                              Jacob & Noah Feldman
Rabbi Joshua & Channah Rose                      My Grandfather, Hyman Veltman                               Svetlana Chudnovskaya Fund for Ill & Poor Children
 By: Eli Falk                                     By: Marcia Colton                                          In Memory Of
                                                  By: Risa Colton-Feldman & Louis Feldman,                   Our loved ones
In Memory Of                                                                                                  By: Fred & Sara Harwin
Nate Director                                    Jacob & Noah Feldman
Harold Schnitzer                                 My mother, Sylvia Katz                                      Sisterhood Sharron Scales Fund
Manny Taiblum                                     By: Irene Cancilla                                         In Memory Of
                                                 My father, Sam Schwartz                                     Tillie Baderman
Min Zidell
                                                  By: Gary & Sylvia Pearlman                                  By: Shelly Klapper & Sue Hickey
 By: Anna & Peter Lyman
Rabbi Emanuel Rose                               My daughter, Barbara Gerson
                                                                                                             Harry Nemer Kiddush Fund
William King                                     My mother, Anna Horch                                       In Memory Of
 By: Eli Falk                                      By: Rita Gerson                                           William King
Esther Rosenberg                                 My father, Joseph Lowenthal                                 Tillie Baderman
                                                  By: Barbara Lowenthal                                       By: Linda & Gary Singer
 By: Kim, Sammy, Noah & Estee
Rosenberg                                        My sister, Elaine Zusman
                                                  By: Patricia Hanson                                        Building Fund
My mother, Mae Weinberg                                                                                      In Memory Of
 By: Jack & Barbara Schwartz                     My grandmother, Annie Gottesman                             My father, Albert Tevet
                                                  By: Millard Lesch                                           By: Charlotte & Isaac Tevet
My father, Alfred Rapp
                                                 My parents, in-Laws & grandparents
 By: Allan & Judy Weingard                       Milt & Cissi Carl                                           Gan Eden Memorial Fund: Jack & Sarah
My husband, Harold Goodman                        By Barbie, Mike & Gary Enkelis                             Hornstein
My father-in-law, Dick Goodman                    My parents, in-Laws & grandparents                         In Memory Of
 By: Rosalie Goodman                             Shirley & Arnie Enkelis                                     My father, Jack Hornstein
My parents, Harry & Pearl Freeman                 By Mike, Barbie & Gary Enkelis                              By: Maury & Connie Hornstein
                                                 My grandparents Goldie & Joe Weinstein
My parents, Mattew & Rose Masser
                                                  By Barbie Enkelis                                          Gan Eden Memorial Fund: Sol and Frances Myerson
 By: Ian & Judy Freeman                          My grandparents Gussie & Nate Carl                          In Memory Of
My mother, Esther Adhadeff                        By Barbie Enkelis                                          My father, Sol Myerson
 By: David & Carol Alhadeff                      My grandparents Bessie & Nate Enkelis                        By: Sandra & Larry Wiener
My aunt, Betty Harris                             By Mike Enkelis
My uncle, Edward Harris                          My grandparents Rose & Ben Shnitka                          Sid & Ducky Weiner Study in Israel
                                                  By Mike Enkelis                                            In Memory Of
 By: Gregg & Kim Harris
                                                 My beloved aunt Mary Goldstein                              My father, Sidney J Weiner
My grandfather, David Silver                      By Barbie, Mike & Gary Enkelis                              By: David Weiner
 By: Dale Silver
My father, Frank Berne                           Kitchen Fund                                                Library Fund
My father-in-law, Mel Wasserman                  In Memory Of                                                In Memory Of
 By: Craig & Jan Berne                           My brother, Alvin Jacobson                                  Stella Cohen
My Uncle, Harry Wohl                              By: Judy Hoffman                                            By: Stephen & Arlene Cohen
 By: Leah Lefkowitz                              My mother-in-law, Ida Feistman
                                                  By: Marilyn Feist                                          Prayer Book Fund
My father, Max Lewis                             My mother, Stella Richenstein                                                                                          5
                                                                                                             In Memory Of
My mother, Sadie Lewis                            By: Victor Richenstein                                     My father, Albert Tevet
 By: Jerome Lewis                                                                                             By: Matilda & Marty Rosenberg
                                                 Education Fund
Cemetery Fund                                    In Memory Of
In Memory Of                                     My mother, Anny Rosenstein
Tillie Baderman                                  My father, Louis Rosenstein
                                                                                                                                                                     JUNE 2020

 By: Mike, Barbie & Gary Enkelis                  By: Elaine Schermer
Helen Spivak
                                                 Youth Education Fund
Henry Spivak                                     In Memory Of
Jacqueline Spivak                                My father, William Lebenzon
Victor & Alismae Nudelman                        My mother, Susan Carl
Larry & Ruth Semler                               By: Ronald & Cori Overlund
 By: Jim Spivak
SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
(**) Denotes a permanent yahrzeit plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity.
For information about yahrzeit plaques in the sanctuary please contact Jemi at 503-226-6131 x105 or

June 5-11                          Abraham Labby*                       Esther Schwartz*
13-19 Sivan                        Harry Levinson*                      David Silver
                                   Meredith Lyon                        Shmuel Troper
Esther Alhadeff                    Florence Mann*
Ida Brenner                        Jean Mazurosky*                      June 26-July 2
Carita Carl                        Yael Meir                            4-10 Tamuz
Vera Fine*                         Linda Moliver
Anna Goldstein*                    Eva Olimansky*                       Leon Angel*
Dick Goodman                       Miriam Policar                       Chuna Arik*
Annie Gottesman*                   Rose Popick*                         Sarah Arnsberg*
Lawrence Hytowitz*                 John Runstein*                       Victor Blum*
Norman Jacobs                      Samuel Schinasi                      Louis Charack*
William Jacobson*                  Maritka Schnitzer*                   Nate Enkelis*
Sam Kerner*                        Debbie Seidel*                       Meyer Gerstein
Alvin Konick*                      Abraham Sharff*                      Anthony Giangreco
Harry Lesch                        Chaim Shore*                         Leonard Goldberg
Sadie Lewis*                       Sally Slavsky*                       Sharon Goldman*
Shenah Lewis*                      Henry Spivak                         Clarice Goldsmith
Myer Rome                          Blanche Stein                        Samuel Greenstein*
Aaron Rosenbloom                   Maurice Stein*                       Paul Grunen*
Morris Rosencrantz*                Hyman Unkeles*                       Hildegard Gunter
Louis Rosenstein*                  Philip Unkeles*                      Charles Jermulowske*
Bessie Rosenthal*                  Irving Wieder                        Frank Kales*
Rose Russell*                                                           Sylvia Katz
Minnette Salmenson*                June 19-25                           Belva Kaufman*
Jack Saltzman                      27 Sivan-3 Tamuz                     Matthew Masser
Blanche Sharff*                                                         Matthew Mazurosky*
Michael Sheehan                    Jean Adler*                          Robert Menashe
Malka Stein*                       R. Esther Barde*                     Meyer Mozorosky*
Chaim Veltman*                     Lewis Buchwach*                      Vera Neslin*
Hyman Veltman*                     Tsvee Cogan*                         Augusta Olshen*
Sam Wollos*                        Edis Cohen*                          Baruch Olshen*
Samuel Zeidman*                    Stella Cohen*                        Israel Philan
                                   Yetta Cohen                          Marcia Policar
June 12-18                         Mall Croter                          Nathan Rogoway*
20-26 Sivan                        J. Donin*                            Nathan Rosenfield*
                                   Michael Dorsen                       Bernice Schlesinger
Joseph Ail*                        Sam Dworett*                         David Schneiderman*
Hymie "Hy" Baderman*               Ruth Erlich*                         Lottie Schneiderman*
Esther Berezovich*                 Benjamin Goldstein*                  Monty Schnitzer
Frank Berne*                       Eleanor Haas                         Alfred Shenker*
Eva Blond*                         Haim Hasson*                         Jake Shleifer
Sadie Blum*                        Paul Hochstein                       Harry Wohl
Eva Breall*                        Sam Holtzman*                        Charles Zidell*
Minnie Davis*                      Gertrude Isaacs
Raphael Davis*                     Esther Kerkes*
Philip Dorn                        Tisha Levenson*
Ely Fischer*                       Eli Levy
Alec Geltman*                      Badona Mink*                                                                              6
Herman Goldie*                     Leo Muszkal*
Lila Goodman                       Sarah Nadick
Harold Goodman                     Judith Nierenberg
Nathan Gotesman                    David Pincus*
Bessie Greenberg*                  Solomon Rosalasky*
                                                                                                                          JUNE 2020

Harry Grunen*                      Esther Rosenberg
Betty Harris*                      Terrye Rudolph
Edward Harris*                     Kate Savinar*
Jack Hornstein*                    Anna Schechtman*
Sarah Hytowitz                     Martin Schiff*
Abe Jacobson*                      Sam Schwartz*
SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
    SUNDAY              MONDAY          TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY              FRIDAY               SATURDAY
                        1 / 9 Sivan       2 / 1o Sivan     3 / 11 Sivan          4 / 12 Sivan           5 / 13 Sivan           6 / 14 Sivan
                     8:00am Morning                                            8:00am Morning        9:00am Good
                     Minyan on Zoom                       9:00am Good          Minyan on Zoom        Morning Blessings       Nasso
                                                          Morning Blessings
                                                                                                     12:00pm Torah Study     9:30am Streaming
                                                          2:00pm Espresso                            on Zoom                 Shabbat Services
                                                          Yourself: Coffee     2:00pm Hope,
                                                          Break for the Soul   Resilience, and Joy
                                                                               with Rabbi & Corey    6:00pm Zoom Gali Gali
                                                                               Pressman              Shabbat
                                                          7:00pm Craft
                                                          Night with Ann &                           8:38pm                  9:39pm

  7 / 15 Sivan           8/16 Sivan        9 / 17 Sivan     10 / 18 Sivan         11 / 19 Sivan         12 / 20 Sivan           13 / 21 Sivan

                                                          9:00am Good          8:00am Morning        9:00am Good             Beha'alotcha
8:00am Morning                                                                 Minyan on Zoom
Minyan on Zoom       8:00am Morning                       Morning Blessings                          Morning Blessings
                     Minyan on Zoom                                                                                          9:30am Streaming
                                                                                                                             Shabbat Services
                                                                                                     12:00pm Torah
                     12:00pm Gates of                                                                Study on Zoom
                     Light Class on                       2:00pm Espresso
                                                          Yourself: Coffee     3:00pm Hope,
                     Zoom                                                      Resilience, and Joy   6:00pm Farewell
7:00pm The Space                                          Break for the Soul
                                                                               with Rabbi & Corey    Zoom Gali Gali
Between Us with                                                                Pressman              Shabbat
Rabbi Tzvi Fischer

 14 / 22 Sivan         15 / 23 Sivan     16 / 24 Sivan      17 / 25 Sivan        18 / 26 Sivan          19 / 27 Sivan           20 / 28 Sivan
                                                                                                     9:00am Good
8:00am Morning                                            9:00am Good          8:00am Morning        Morning Blessings       Sh'lach
                     8:00am Morning                       Morning Blessings    Minyan on Zoom
Minyan on Zoom       Minyan on Zoom
                                                                                                     12:00pm Torah           9:30am Streaming
                                                          2:00pm Espresso                            Study on Zoom           Shabbat Services
                                                          Yourself: Coffee
                                                          Break for the Soul
                                                                               3:00pm Hope,
                                                                               Resilience, and Joy
                                                          7:00pm Craft         with Rabbi & Corey
                                                          Night with Ann &     Pressman              8:45pm                  9:45pm

 21 / 29 Sivan        22 / 30 Sivan     23 / 1 Tammuz      24 / 2 Tammuz          25 / 3 Tammuz         26 / 4 Tammuz          27 / 5 Tammuz
                                                                                                      9:00am Good
8:00am Morning                                            9:00am Good          8:00am Morning         Morning Blessings      Korach
                     8:00am Morning                       Morning Blessings    Minyan on Zoom
Minyan on Zoom       Minyan on Zoom                                                                  12:00pm Torah           9:30am Streaming
                                                                                                     Study on Zoom           Shabbat Services
                     12:00pm Gates of                     2:00pm Espresso
                     Light Class on                       Yourself: Coffee
                     Zoom                                 Break for the Soul
                     5:30pm The Space
                     Between Us with                                                                                         9:45pm
                     Rabbi Deborah                                                                   8:45pm

 28 / 6 Tammuz         29 / 7 Tammuz    30 / 8 Tammuz
8:00am Morning       8:00am Morning                                                                                                                7
Minyan on Zoom       Minyan on Zoom

4:00pm Annual
                                                                                                                                                JUNE 2020

                                                                                  920 NW 25TH AVE.
                                                                                  PORTLAND, OR 97210
SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah SHAARIE TORAH - Congregation Shaarie Torah
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