M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...

Page created by Kristen Floyd
M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...
M other of God Church
                                                  119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: 859.291.2288 • FAX 859.291.2065
                                                          www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: motherofgod@mother-of-god.org

                                                                                                         Rev. Michael E. Comer, Pastor
                                                                                                         Parish number: 859-291-2288
                                                                                                         Cell: 859-816-3198
                                                   when the advocate comes
                                     whom i will send you from the father,                               Victor Canfield, Facilities
                                                                                                         Judy McGovern, Secretary
                                                                                                         Patricia Steinmetz, Business Office

                                                 that proceeds from the father,
                                                                                                         Office Hours
                                                     he will testify to me.                              Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9:30 am-4:30 pm
                                                           JOHN 15:26                                    Wednesday – 9:30 am-1:00 pm

                                                                                                         Sunday Mass Schedule
                                                                                                         9:30 am – Traditional Music
                                                                                                                   Andrew Allen, Organist
                                                                                                         11:30 am – Contemporary Ensemble
                                                                                                                    Cindy Duesing, Director
                                                                                                                    (ASL Interpreted)
                                                                                                                    (Children’s Liturgy of the Word)

                                                                                                         Weekday Mass Schedule
                                                                                                         Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – 12:05 pm

                                                                                                         Parish School
                                                                                                         Prince of Peace Catholic Montessori
                                                                                                         625 Pike Street, Covington, KY ~ 859.431.5153
The Descent of the Holy Ghost, Titian (c 1545)

                                    Please call the Parish Office to Register, to inform us of changes in your contact information,
                                     to let us know how our parish can serve you, or to inquire about volunteering in the parish.

                                    Baptism of Infants:                              Reconciliation:                           Marriages:
                                          Contact                                  Tuesday at 11:00 am                 Contact Judy McGovern at
                                     Judy McGovern                                Saturday at 11:00 am                 Least 9 to 12 months prior
                                         (M, TU, F)                                    in Church                      To the desired wedding date.

                                                                                                    Sacraments of Initiation:
                          Anointing of the Sick:                                        For Adults:                           For Children:
                        Communion and otherhome                                   Baptism, Confirmation,            Sacraments of Reconciliation,
                                 visits:                                          and First Communion:               Eucharist, and Confirmation:
                          Contact Parish Office                                    Contact Parish Office                 Contact Parish Office
                                                                                                                                          Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, Pietro Lorenzetti (1320)
M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...
MOTHER OF GOD                                                                                                     COVINGTON, KY

                      MAY 23, 2021                                      Even as we rejoice, we acknowledge that this pandemic is
                                                                     not over. Many of our people have not yet been vaccinated and
       PENTECOST SUNDAY                                              are still at risk because of that. Schools are still trying to figure
                                                                     out how to handle face-to-face education, with most children
                                                                     not being vaccinated. Even more serious are the countries
               FROM THE PASTOR                                       throughout the world that lack the scientific and technological
COME HOLY SPIRIT!!!!                                                 resources to provide the vaccine for their people, where the
   In my homily last week, I addressed the question, “Who            virus is still raging. We must help our brothers and sisters, so
is the Holy Spirit?” As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost          that this scourge can be completely eliminated from the earth.
this weekend, I want to further develop our reflection on the           Bishop Foys has not yet lifted the dispensation from attending
Holy Spirit. Last Sunday, we heard Jesus tell the Apostles that      Mass on Sunday, but I think that will be coming soon. Some
they were to return to Jerusalem and wait, and they would            dioceses throughout the country began lifting that a month or
receive power from on high when the Holy Spirit came to              two ago. Even though the dispensation is still in place, it is time
them. Pentecost is about that coming of the Holy Spirit and the      to come back to Mass. I am very concerned that being away
demonstration of power that flows from that event.                   from the Mass for over a year, many people will have lost their
   The Greek word that is translated as “power” is “dynamis,”        sense of connection to the Eucharist and to the Church itself.
which is the root of the words dynamite, dynamic, and                   If you have not been attending Mass, I implore you to begin
dynamism. This is an explosive power that changes and alters         to do so. If there are people you know who could be attending
reality. Think of the Big Bang, the explosion that set the entire    Mass, but who are not doing so, gently and lovingly invite them
universe in motion. The Big Bang continues to expand the             to return. If someone you know might appreciate a call from
universe and to create new suns and galaxies and worlds even         me, let me know.
now. It was not just a singular event, but is an ongoing reality.
Pentecost is the Big Bang that brought about the birth of the        CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL GRADUATES
Church, recreating the face of the earth, and it too is an ongoing      We are in the season of graduation. It amazes me that we
reality.                                                             have graduation ceremonies for everything from preschool
   At the very beginning of the Second Vatican Council, Pope         to graduate school. Perhaps we should redefine birth as fetal
John XXIII prayed for a new Pentecost, a new outpouring upon         graduation. We could slip a tiny little cap and gown on them as
the Church that would set each of us on fire with the love and       soon as they emerge into this world, and greet them with the
power of the Holy Spirit. You and I have received the gift of the    words, “Good job, little one! Now the tough part begins!” We
Holy Spirit in our Baptisms and our Confirmations and possess        don't want them to feel left out.
this spiritual dynamite. Unfortunately, most of us are unaware          In all seriousness, I do want to congratulate those who are
of this “dynamis” living within us, and do not really know how       graduating from any level of education and preparation for
to access it or use it. It is important that we discover the Holy    the next stage of their lives. You have put in much hard work
Spirit as a dynamic and powerful reality in our lives.               (some more than others), and this is an exciting time for you.
   Ask for the renewal of the Holy Spirit that already dwells        May God bless you and keep you, and may you keep God close
within you. As Saint Paul said to Saint Timothy, “Remember           to your heart, and listen to him every day.
to stir into flame the gift that you received when I laid hands
on you.” We must do the same. Make the “Come, Holy Spirit”           THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY,
prayer part of your daily life. Reflect on the Holy Spirit and
speak to him directly. Remember, He is every bit as much a
                                                                     THE MOTHER OF THE CHURCH
                                                                        The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the
person as is the Father or Jesus. And as Jesus told the Apostles:
                                                                     Church, is this Monday, May 24. It is a recent Feast of the
wait. This is an expectant waiting, knowing that God will give
                                                                     Church, established in 2018, just three years ago, at the request
you the Spirit. As Jesus said, “If you who are sinful know how
                                                                     of Pope Francis. It is to be celebrated every year on the Monday
to give good things to your children, how much more will your
                                                                     after Pentecost, reminding us that Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”
                                                                     and Mother of the Church, was in the Upper Room with the
                                                                     Apostles when Pentecost came. She had already come to know
REFLECTIONS ON NEW                                                   the Spirit in the Annunciation of her Son, Jesus, and is known
PANDEMIC STATUS                                                      as the Bride of the Spirit. He certainly helped the Apostles to
   The Masses this past weekend were particularly wonderful,         prepare themselves for this great event.
as most of us were able to gather without wearing masks, and            Mary is your Mother and mine. She loves each of us with
with the whole church open for our use. The joy on people's          the same love that she has for Jesus. Mary's love is maternal,
faces was obvious, as was the sound of the participation of the      nurturing, protective, comforting and supportive. As she
congregation without the muffled sound of masks. We must be          demonstrated her concern for the family at the Wedding Feast
thankful to God for having brought us through one of the most        of Cana, so she recognizes our needs and presents them on our
difficult years in our lifetimes.                                    behalf to her Son, Jesus.
M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...
PENTECOST SUNDAY                                                                                                  MAY 23, 2021

   When Pope John Paul II was just a boy, his mother passed
away. He had already begun to develop a special connection to        PARISH RECORDS:
Mary, and at that time he said to her, “From now on, you must        In an effort to determine the accurate number of
be my mother.” He became the most Marian of all of the Popes         parishioners at our parish, a parish registration form was
we have ever had, trusting that she was with him, supporting         sent to all people we have on file. It was requested that
him, loving him, healing him in all of the events of his life.       you fill in the form and return to the office. Currently,
   Mary wishes to have that same loving, maternal relationship       we have about 1/3 of the parishioners’ responses. We
with each of us.                                                     need to hear from you if you consider yourself an active
                                                                     parishioner at Mother of God Church. If you contribute
POPE SAINT PAUL VI                                                   by check, but have not officially registered and wish to
   On Saturday, May 29, the Church honors Pope Saint Paul            be a member, we need to hear from you. Please help us in
VI. Many of us remember Pope Paul. He inherited the papacy           this effort, which is important for various reasons. Please
from Saint Pope John XII, and the Second Vatican Council,            call the office at 291-2288 if you wish to be considered
which John had begun. One of the three sessions of the Council       an active parishioner. Thank you to those who have sent
(over the years of 1962, 1963, and 1964) had already taken           in registration forms. You do not need to call the office
place when John died. Pope Paul made the decision to continue
the Council and his signature is on all of the documents.
   Saint Paul VI led the Church through the turbulent times        VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:
following the Council. He brought forth the new liturgy in the     PARISH KITCHEN, a ministry of Catholic Charities, needs
vernacular, and the other many changes that were called for by     your help! Parish Kitchen is busy making plans for opening
the Council Fathers. He is also remembered for his encyclical      their dining room to guests soon. In order to do so, they are
entitled Humanae Vitae (On Human Life), and his apostolic          looking for more volunteers to help serve their lunch meal
exhortation on Evangelism in the Modern World. Known as            from 11:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Regular or sub opportunities are
the Pilgrim Pope, Paul VI visited six of the seven continents,     available for weekday and/or weekends, once a month or more.
coming to the United States to address the United Nations in       Volunteers must be willing to be VIRTUS Compliant. VIRTUS
1965.                                                              training is available through the Diocese of Covington. If
   The Holy Father died in 1978, which is known as the Year        interested in volunteering at Parish Kitchen, please fill out
of Three Popes. He was succeeded by Pope John Paul I, who          a volunteer application at www.parishkitchen.org. A staff
died after only 33 days. His successor was Pope John Paul II.      member will contact you as soon as possible.
                                                                   Vicky Bauerle, BA
                                                                   Institutional Advancement Manager
                   PARISH NEWS                                     859-581-8974, ext. 116
FUND A FAN:                                                        vbauerle@covingtoncharities.org
It's THAT time again. The Miglio family is working with the
Brighton Center to collect monetary donations that will be
used to purchase box fans. Last year, with your generosity,
we were able to assist more than 170 families in the area with       We extend our sincere sympathy to Paul and Peggy
much-needed fans to keep them cool in the Cincinnati summer.         Tenkotte on the loss of their father, Harry Tenkotte. You
Our goal is to help more than 250 families this year. Brighton       and all your family will be held in our thoughts and
Center accepts applications for the fans and provides them to        prayers. May he rest in peace.
families in need of assistance over the hot summer days.
If you would like to donate, you can mail a check to FUND
A FAN at our home address, 454 Ward Avenue, Bellevue, KY
                                                                    COLLECTION FIGURES NOT AVAILABLE
41073. If you prefer to donate via Venmo, you can send your
payment to @TonyMiglio. Please be sure to put “Fund a Fan” in             AT TIME OF PRINTING
your message, so that we can be sure to add it to the donations.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.                                          DIOCESAN NEWS
Tony, Betsy, Pete, Maisy, and Vinny Miglio                         THE MUSTARD SEED COMMUNITY (MSC),
                                                                   a charismatic prayer group in our diocese, is resuming First
                                                                   Friday Mass on June 4th at 7:00 p.m. at Thomas More
  NOTICE:                                                          University (Mary Seat of Wisdom Chapel). The MSC Third
  If you are giving online or through a bank draft to our          Tuesday Prayer Meeting will be held on June 15th at 7:00 p.m.
  church and are still receiving budget envelopes, please let      at Blessed Sacrament in the Undercroft. COVID-19 protocols
  us know if you wish to cancel receiving budget envelopes.        will be followed. For further information, contact Carol Hodge
                                                                   at 859-341-5932.
M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...
MOTHER OF GOD                                                                                                COVINGTON, KY

CATHOLIC CAFÉ                                                     HCHS BOYS BASKETBALL
Returns to St. Anne Retreat Center                                SUMMER YOUTH CAMP:
On Mondays 9:30-11:00 a.m.                                        Holy Cross High School Boys Basketball Team is hosting
We are pleased to announce the return of Catholic Café to         a summer youth camp June 7-10 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
St. Anne Retreat Center. The Cafe will run from 9:30-11:00        for boys entering grades 2-9 during the 2021-22 school
a.m. and will feature talks by Monsignor Bill Cleves. One         year. The cost is $60.00 before May 28th or $65.00 after
change from the past is that because of continued COVID-19        May 28th. Register at www.hcindiansbasketball.com. For
protocols in place, we will not serve coffee or food. You are     more information or questions, contact Coach Grammer at
welcome to bring your own. We will be holding the sessions        hcindiansbball@gmail.com or at 859-409-2944.
in Assembly Hall to allow for proper social distancing. Masks
will be required during the sessions. We have truly missed        ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH in Covington is not able
seeing everyone out here for Catholic Café. In order to be able   to have their Summer Festival in 2021. There are just too
to continue, it is imperative that we follow the COVID-19         many unknowns regarding COVID-19. They will, however,
protocols set forth by the Diocese. Your health and safety are    have a Split-the-Pot Raffle. Tickets can be purchased online
a top priority for us here at St. Anne. Please invite a guest!    or at the Parish Office. The goal is to sell 4,000 tickets! Please
No charge to attend! We will also make every effort to post       see the parish website for more information at https://www.
recordings on our website!                                        staugustines.net, or call the Parish Office at 859-431-3943.
Cindy Smith                                                       Thank you!
Administrative Assistant, St. Anne Retreat Center
Email: csmith@covdio.org
www.stanneretreatcenter.org                                       MARY, QUEEN OF HEAVEN PARISH is selling
                                                                  raffle tickets instead of having their Annual Festival. Tickets
Phone: (859) 441-2003
                                                                  are $20.00, and the Grand Prize is $10,000.00, 2nd prize is
                                                                  $1,000.00 and the 3rd prize is $500.00. You can purchase
NOTRE DAME URBAN                                                  tickets on their parish website at https://mqhparish.com/. The
EDUCATION CENTER:                                                 drawing will be on June 27, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Thank you for
NDUEC is seeking adult and high school volunteers to tutor        your support.
children in grades 1-9 in reading, English and math in our
Summer Academics program held in June. Come and make a            ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY FESTIVAL:
difference in the life of a child. For more information, please   The Sisters of Notre Dame will celebrate their 99th Annual
call NDUEC at 859-261-4487, visit www.nduec.org, or email         4th of July Festival this year! Although there won’t be an in-
Sister Maria Therese at smtherese@nduec.org. Volunteers 18        person gathering, you can still enjoy an online auction, boxes
and older must be VIRTUS compliant.                               of homemade baked goods, delicious rib and brisket dinners
                                                                  to-go, and a grand raffle with DOUBLED PRIZE AMOUNTS.
SUMMER ACADEMICS PROGRAM:                                         Raffle tickets are $5.00 each with a limited number available.
NDUEC has open registration for the Summer Academics              1st prize: $5,000.00; 2nd prize: $2,000.00; 3rd prize $1,000.00.
program held from June 1-24 for students in grades 1-9. The       Order tickets online at tinyurl.com/SNDraffle or mail a
Early Learning Program for 4- and 5-year-olds is now              check to Sisters of Notre Dame Raffle, 1601 Dixie Highway,
accepting registrations. Early Learning begins in August,         Covington, KY 41011. You can go to our website at sndky.org/
2021, and ends in May, 2022. For more information, please         festival.
call NDUEC at 859-261-4487, visit www.nduec.org, or email
Sister Maria Therese at smtherese@nduec.org.                      PROJECT RACHEL:
                                                                  Help after an abortion experience. Contact us at 859-392-
HOLY CROSS GIRLS                                                  1547 or projectrachel@covdio.org. All correspondence is
BASKETBALL SUMMER CAMP:                                           confidential.
Holy Cross High School Girls Basketball Team is hosting a
summer camp June 14-17 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. for girls en-         SPRING CLEANING:
tering grades 5-8 and from 1:00-3:30 p.m. for girls enter-        As you are starting your Spring cleaning, think of The Sisters
ing grades 1-4 during the 2021-22 school year. The cost is        of Notre Dame. We are in need of new items for the 99th
$60.00 before June 14th or $70.00 for walk-ins. Pre-register at   Annual 4th of July Festival for our Silent Auction. Items we
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fL65eSRzHrRG6c-                  are looking for include: sports items, vacation rentals, artwork,
TOA0zP4uyHPtizOX2g9zccTkxT4k/edit?fbclid=IwAR1                    antiques and collectibles, jewelry, gift certificates, etc. If you
JxTLxEYB5OaN6ITPkkY29bq3Wm8WxgmCt7oX7sLjw-                        have items that you would like to donate, please call Margie
gAF4Ajdsw9WL9zA. For more information or questions,               Schnelle at 859-392-8229 or email mschnelle@sndky.org.
contact Coach Arlinghaus at tarlinghaus99@hotmail.com.            Arrangements can be made for pick-up or drop-off. Thank you.
M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...
PENTECOST SUNDAY                                                                                                   MAY 23, 2021

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) meets EVERY
Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Catholic Charities. It
provides continuing education and support, at no charge, for
parents with a son, daughter or spouse suffering from addiction
to alcohol or drugs. No cost. Just come. Catholic Charities,                        MASS INTENTIONS
3629 Church Street, Latonia, KY. 41015. Contact Paula Weber          May 23   9:30 a.m.      Parishioners and Memorials
at 859-581-8974 or www.covingtoncharities.org for more                       11:30 a.m.      Ed Hunkemoeller
information.                                                         May 24  12:05 p.m.      Jim Bunning
                                                                     May 25  12:05 p.m.      Robert Nagel
              JOB OPPORTUNITIES                                      May 26 		               No Mass
                                                                     May 27  12:05 p.m.      John & Betty Habermehl
                                                                     May 28  12:05 p.m.      Edwin H. Duhme
The Diocese of Covington’s Catholic Charities office is
                                                                     May 29  12:05 p.m.      Fr. Rick Frazier
seeking candidates for two full-time positions. The Volunteer
                                                                     May 30   9:30 a.m.      Shirley Hensley
Coordinator position is involved with all aspects of volunteer
                                                                             11:30 a.m.      Joseph Early
recruitment, training, appreciation, and retention. The
Controller position assists the office’s Executive Director in
managing Catholic Charities’ finances, including its Parish
Kitchen ministry. To apply, email or fax a letter of interest,
CV or comprehensive résumé with compensation history and a
minimum of five references with their contact email addresses
to Stephen Koplyay, SPHR, at skoplyay@covdio.org or fax                       SCRIPTURE FOR MAY 23, 2021:
859-392-1589.                                                                              Acts 2: 1-11
                                                                                            Psalm 104
PART-TIME NURSING POSITION:                                                        1 Corinthians 12: 3b-7, 12-13
The Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg Monastery in Villa Hills,                          John 20: 19-23
KY, are seeking an LPN for Sundays and Mondays, 7:00 a.m.-
3:00 p.m. and possible PRN. This position will be responsible
for a wide variety of patient care functions ensuring for the care
and comfort of the residents of our infirmary. Please contact Sr.
Stella at 331-6979 for information.
                                                                              LET US PRAY FOR OUR SICK
                                                                     Trudy Koehling                    Hannah Donoghue
CUSTODIAN AND SUMMER HELP NEEDED:                                    Marcie Arnett                     Jill Felix
St. Catherine of Siena parish in Fort Thomas is looking for a
                                                                     Lois Knochelmann                  Jack & Rilla Kerns
full-time custodian. Duties would include all normal cleaning
                                                                     Ralph & Gloria Kunkemoeller       Jim White
that is involved with a school and a church as well as light
                                                                     William Fredie                    Frank Sutthoff
maintenance as needed. Hours during the school year are
                                                                     Chris & Melissa Zapanta           Kenneth Schuler
second shift and an early first shift during the summer. They
                                                                     Chris Haddix                      Carl Gerrein
are also hiring summer help – one full-time and one part-time
                                                                     Debbie Prior                      David Verkampr
position. Duties would include anything associated with the
                                                                     Stuart Walker                     Dolores Gibson
cleaning and preparing of the school for the upcoming school
                                                                     Dave Kohorst                      Special Intention
year. No experience required. Hours are early mornings until
                                                                     The Erpenbeck Family              D. W. and Family
early afternoon (no evenings or weekends.) Competitive pay
                                                                     Gary Becker                       John Renzelman
offered, perfect for college or older high school students.
                                                                     Joe Legner                        Bonnie Silva
Applicants must pass a background check and have or
                                                                     Carylanne Duncan                  Rick Lanfear
obtain Virtus certification. Please send résumé to dkramer@
                                                                     Louis Sharoff                     Bessie Plymesser
                                                                     Special Intention G.C.            Jeanie McKinley
                                                                     Jimmy Nussbaum.                   Nancy Correll
DIRECTOR OF CLINICAL COUNSELING:                                     Joann Roth                        Shana Holtkamp
Are you looking for a job where you can make a real                  Mark Amabile                      Teresa Bowman
difference while living out your Catholic faith? Join our team!      Kent Miles                        Bob Gosney
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Covington is hiring a Director        T. J. Singler                     Dan Steinmetz
of Clinical Counseling. For more information, visit www.             Prayers for Cliff                 Lauri Boggs
covingtoncharities.org.                                              Kim Berling                       Jeff Clayton
M other of God Church - 119 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: FAX www.mother-of-god.org e-mail: ...
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                                                                                                        Debbie Schnuderl                                                                        TOM JARACZ,
                                                                                                          859-760-6408                         859-356-3700         TOM  JARACZ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cincinnati  405
                                                                                                                                                                                             | tjaracz@premierplanning.net
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cincinnati   OH 45202
                                             859-341-1200                                                                                                            CERTIFIED FINAN-                513-621-6030
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                                Lisa & Kris Knochelmann, Owners                                                                                                       CIAL PLANNER™           www.premierplanning.net
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                                                                                            Heaven and Earth! – Psalm 115:15                                                                                                               www.premierplanning.net
                                                                                                                                                                                            are not affiliated with Premier Planning Group, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                      CIAL PLANNER™
    Need New Flooring For                                                                                  RON KIRN – OWNER                                                                                                              tjaracz@premierplanning.net
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      & We’ll Expertly Install It                                                                   &

                                                                                            AUTO REPAIR & SALES INC.                      Our bulletin is printed    at no
                                                                                                                                                                    following business names: Premier Planning Group, LLC—
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