The Chimes Dreaming Big Dreams - Amazon AWS

Page created by Darren Conner
The Chimes Dreaming Big Dreams - Amazon AWS
February 2023

The Chimes
Dreaming Big Dreams
                                                                                 WORSHIP IN FEBRUARY
                                                                                 FEBRUARY 5
                                                                                 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
                                                                                 Rev. Doug Lofton Preaching
For the last two weeks, I have been with my wife at one of our favorite
spots. Edisto Beach, S.C. is a very quiet place this time of year and we have    FEBRUARY 12
spent the days beach walking, reading, talking, and reflecting on life in        Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
general. It has been a time for re-centering and realizing just how blessed      Rev. Doug Lofton Preaching
we are.

We had planned this trip last summer, well before I knew that I would            FEBRUARY 19
be sharing the journey of the last few months with you. And while I              Transfiguration Sunday
am grateful for this downtime, I am just as grateful for the time we are         Rev. Doug Lofton Preaching
spending together during this time of transition at Central.
                                                                                 FEBRUARY 22
First and foremost, let me tell you from an outsider’s perspective what a        Ash Wednesday
great church you are! Not only does Central have an unmatched history            Details coming soon.
in our denomination, but you have everything it takes to have an equally
exciting future. With the right match of leadership and vision, this church      FEBRUARY 26
truly can say that with God’s help all things are possible. With this in mind,   First Sunday in Lent
continue to pray for your Senior Minister Search Committee as they               Rev. Doug Lofton Preaching
begin talking to possible candidates about serving at Central. Also pray
that God will prepare the heart of the one to be called. Often, the right
person is not even considering a move and it is amazing how the spirit can
work to open their spirit to the opportunity.

All of this said, we will more than likely have several more months
together. Your staff will be meeting in a half-day retreat to plan Lent and
Holy Week. We have already decided on a theme which should be familiar
to all of you – “A Place For You” will be the focus over several Sundays
and into Holy Week. This theme was identified as a part of a branding            INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
exercise at Central several years ago and, while the church has claimed          • Senior Minister Search
it, we have never really lived fully into it. During Lent, we will explore the     Committee Update
opportunities found in this identity and begin to dream of what it will          • Watkins Building and Holtkamp
                                                                                   Pipe Organ Updates
take, both spiritually and structurally, to get there. This promises to be an    • Summer Camp and Mission Trip
exciting series which will prepare us to live into a season of sacrifice and       Information for Children and
resurrection individually and as a church.                                         Teens
                                                                                 • Chroma Collective Music and Art
While I journey with you, we will continue to prepare the way for the              Experience
calling of your new minister. We will be taking our first steps into our next    • And More!
chapter and we will be dreaming big dreams. These are exciting times
indeed. Please plan to come back to Central during this season as we
open our spirits and hearts to God’s love and leading. These are great
days and the future looks even brighter!
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COMMITTEE                                                    Now that we are settling into 2023, excitement
The Senior Minister Search Committee has been                continues to build as we anticipate the reinstallation
working hard and has grown in trust and respect              of our renovated and enhanced Holtkamp pipe organ.
for one another. Recently, we met with Central’s             However, we now know that installation will begin
executive staff to learn more about how our ministry         after Easter. Before installation can begin on-site
team works and to explore how it could work in the           at Central, Holtkamp is still awaiting some crucial
future. We have submitted our “Search and Call”              supplies from Organ Supply Industries and A.R.
document and job description to the Christian                Schopp’s Sons Pipemakers (one of the nation’s most
Church in Kentucky regional office and have prepared         respected makers of high-quality organ pipes, having
our interview questions. We are ready to receive             been in business for over 120 years). Once Holtkamp
applications and evaluate candidates.                        receives these final materials, the instrument will be
                                                             completely assembled, tested, and the initial voicing of
If you would like to provide the committee with              pipes will happen in the same Cleveland shop where
senior minister candidate names, please send them            our instrument was first built in 1960. It will then be
to Rod Brewer at rod@exceptionallivingcenters.               disassembled and trucked to Lexington for installation
com. During this time of discernment, we ask that you        to begin on-site at Central.
continue to keep the committee in your prayers.
                                                             Installation is not a quick process. It will take
Central Senior Minister Search Committee:                    approximately three weeks of work to load in and
Rod Brewer                 Kim Joyner                        carefully assemble the pipe organ. Following that,
Martha Dryden              Amy Kate Smith                    there will be a pair of two-week periods of fine tuning
Dwayne Fletcher            Erin Surratt                      on all the pipes and voicing the pipes specifically for
Connie Hubbard             John Tackett                      our sanctuary’s acoustics. This is a silver blessing
Paul Jones                                                   in that it really is a process best initiated at a “slow”
                                                             time, rather than during one of the busiest seasons
                                                             of the church (Lent, Holy Week, Easter). This will also
WATKINS BUILDING PORCH UPDATE                                allow us the calendar space to truly celebrate the
                                                             instrument; throughout the summer, fall, and beyond.

                                                             Even as they await the delivery of final components,
                                                             work on other aspects of our instrument continues at
                                                             the Holtkamp shop in Cleveland. The framework and
                                                             structure of the instrument that supports and holds
                                                             all of the pipes – as well as the heavy, pressurized
                                                             chests on which they sit – is coming along nicely, as is
                                                             our new console (the console is the “control” system
                                                             of the organ, with all the keyboards, pedals, and
                                                             buttons that you see the organist play in the chancel).
                                                             The care and attention to detail that Holtkamp is
                   Column replacement has begun              providing has been wonderful. Indeed, they have even
                   on the Watkins Building. As you           matched a wood sample from our chancel furniture
                   can see from the photographs,             for the stain of the console, seamlessly blending the
                   the two outer columns have now            new installation to our existing aesthetic.
                   been installed. As the weather
                   permits and construction crews are        We offer a special thanks to Central’s Facilities
                   available, the other four columns         Coordinator, Gary McCracken, and Carl Soper,
                   will be replaced. A small group of        maintenance staff, as well as all of the contractors
                   volunteers and professionals (along       who have been preparing the organ pipe chamber for
                   with staff) are continuing to work        the reinstallation of our beloved instrument!
on other renovation needs, such as roof and gutter
replacement, carpentry work, and painting. Hopefully         MUSIC AND ART EXPERIENCE
by early spring, the renovations on our beloved              Sunday, February 19 | 9:30 a.m.
Watkins Building will be completed.                          Chroma Collective will lead us in a creative experience
                                        – Mollie P. Sawyer   on Sunday, February 19, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
The Chimes Dreaming Big Dreams - Amazon AWS
in the Fellowship Hall. Chroma           Please consider donating by bringing your items to
                      Collective is a Boston-based             the Shop any weekday from 12-3 p.m., or by calling
                      chamber ensemble and nonprofit           Jane Knapp at (502) 802-5263 to set up a more
                      organization co-founded by               convenient time.
                      Abby Temple, a frequent guest
                      trumpet player for Central’s             AND—we always need more volunteers to help “mind
                      worship services. The experience         the store” alongside a more seasoned worker. Bring
                      on February 19 will meld music           your spouse for a fun afternoon of serving, or call your
                      and art together in performance,         neighbor who may just be looking for a way to get out
                      engaging the audience by having          and about. For questions or more information, call Liz
us make art (using colored pencils, paint, etc.) while         Huffman at (859) 338-8509.
the Chroma Collective ensemble plays music. It will be
fun for people young and old, for those who would                                          COMMUNITY CLOSET
call themselves creative and those who would not. Art                                      FREE CLOTHING
supplies are provided, so all you need to bring is an                                      MINISTRY IS OPEN
open spirit. Visit to learn more                                      The Community Closet is
about the ensemble.                                                                        our shared ministry with
                                                                                           Christ Church Cathedral,
                                                                                           offering free clothing to
OUTREACH UPDATES                                                                           our neighbors in need. We
THRIFT SHOP UPDATES                                                                        first opened for business in
Central’s Thrift Shop has been going strong for nearly         the Watkins Building on Saturday, December 3. This
50 years! A dedicated group of church women set                ministry is jointly sponsored and staffed by volunteers
up shop in the early to mid 1970’s, and one can only           from both Central Christian and Christ Church, each
imagine the number of folks who have come through              Saturday morning from 10 a.m. until noon. We utilize
our doors since then. Why, in just the last four months,       the lobby area of Watkins for shopping and move all
we have welcomed around 1,000 shoppers, and since              our racks and supplies back into the café space at the
we re-opened in April (after the pandemic shut-                end of service. We offer adult and children’s clothing,
down) we have raised more than $10,000! These are              including winter essentials like shoes, gloves, hats,
pretty impressive numbers, but we believe we can               and scarves. We are currently open every Saturday
do even more; more shoppers from a broader range               (incliment weather and holidays notwithstanding).
of the population, more dollars to continue to fund
Outreach Ministries, and maybe most importantly,               Through January 17, we have served a total of 162
more folks who are shown the love of Christ by our             people. It has been a fulfilling experience to provide
dedicated volunteers. Please pray for those goals as           clothing to people who are in desperate need.
we move forward into 2023.                                     Shoppers are allowed to select three items, one of
                                                               which can be a coat, and one pair of shoes. Shoppers
It’s a joy to greet all of our shoppers, but it’s especially   with children may also select three items for each
rewarding to see our “regulars,” many of whom live             child.
next door at Central Apartments. Be on the lookout
(coming soon) for a video about the Thrift Shop,                                             We are now settled on
featuring one of our favorite neighbors as she talks                                         procedures and would
about what the Shop means to her. We love carrying                                           like offer volunteer
on with Laverne – she asked the other day what she                                           opportunities to anyone
might expect in the way of royalties for her guest                                           interested in helping
appearance!                                                                                  one (or more) Saturdays
                                                                                             per month. Jobs include
As we serve by sorting and selling your wonderful                                            setting up the space
donations, we could really use some specific help from                                       before opening, checking
you, the congregation. Here are our current needs:             shoppers in, assisting shoppers who need help
• Books! Paperback and hardback, children’s and                finding clothes, check-out and bagging, and resetting
   adult’s                                                     the lobby at end of service. There is no heavy lifting
• Children’s clothes, all sizes                                nor long periods of standing. This would be great
• Magazines, even if they’re a year or two old                 volunteer opportunity for teens and families who
                                                               have some time before noon on Saturdays.
The Chimes Dreaming Big Dreams - Amazon AWS
If you are interested in
                             volunteering or would like
                             to drop in on Saturday
                             to observe the Closet in
                             action, please contact
                             Gail Kennedy (gailkenn@      STUDENT MINISTRY SERVE SUNDAY
                    or (859)           February 26
                             227-2601). Thank you         Donations accepted at the red table throughout
for supporting our first joint outreach ministry with     February
another downtown church!                                  In February, we will pack toiletry and snack bags for
                                                          Natalie’s Sisters. Natalie’s Sisters is an organization
                                                          that extends hope, support, and God’s unconditional
St. James Place has received approval of a grant with
                                                          love to sex-trafficked and sexually exploited women
the city for a shared social worker position (half-
                                                          through a first-touch approach, providing respite,
time at St. James, half-time at Central Christian).
                                                          relationship, and referrals to community resources.
This person will need to be comfortable working
with people experiencing homelessness and
                                                          Donation needs for the toiletry bags: Travel-size
working people who fall below the poverty line – any
                                                          deodorant, soap/shower gel, shampoo, conditioner,
experience in this area is a plus. The combined hours
                                                          baby wipes or wash cloth, toothbrush, and toothbrush.
will be full-time with benefits. A more detailed job
                                                          Additional items are fine too, including travel-size
description is available upon request. If you know
                                                          lotion, razors, tissues, chapstick, nail polish, etc..
someone who would be a good fit for this position,
let us know. Please share this job opportunity with
                                                          MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER MISSION
any social workers you know. For more information,
please contact Liz Huffman at hopeenterp1@aol.
                                                                                           Mark you calendars!
com or (859) 338-8509.
                                                                                           We are partnering with
HELPING HANDS MINISTRY COORDINATOR                                                         Be The Neighbor this
NEEDED                                                                                     year for our mission
This important ministry serves people experiencing                                         trips. Be The Neighbor is
homelessness and working people who fall below                                             a justice-based service-
the poverty line. Kathryn Zink has done a great job                                        learning trip ministry
leading this ministry for many years, expanding the                                        empowering youth and
ministry started by some ministers-in-residence           adults to put faith into action through service and
years ago. A new ministry coordinator is needed as        justice in ways that are relational, sustainable, and
Kathryn transitions out of this role. Twice a month for   dignity-affirming. Be The Neighbor equips groups with
two hours, volunteers greet our neighbors and hear        biblical, theological, and social tools to make service
prayer concerns, provide personal hygiene and first       and justice a way of life.
aid items, offer small food items, and distribute bus
passes. They also provide “Welcome Home” baskets          Middle School Mission Trip
to the new residents of St. James Place. Coordinator      Nashville, TN | Nashville Homelessness and
responsibilities include ordering the items to give       Housing Justice
our neighbors and scheduling volunteers for the           June 18 – 23
two days each month. If interested or for questions,      Groups participating in Nashville Homelessness and
please contact Liz Huffman at (859) 338-8509              Housing Justice will learn to put faith into action
or Cindy Adlesh in the church office (outreach@           through service and justice in ways that are relational,                                 sustainable, and dignity-affirming. Groups will work
                                                          with and learn from organizations with whom we
                                                          partner year-round.
(Middle and High School Students)                         Each day includes morning biblical reflection and
                                                          videos to learn about housing justice and our partner
MEETING TIMES                                             organizations. Evenings include a justice-based
Sundays | 9:30-10:45 a.m. | Student Ministry Room         curriculum to help our group connect what we are
                                                          doing on the trip with how we will put our faith into
                                                          action upon returning home.
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High School Mission Trip
Mayfield, KY | Kentucky Housing Justice                    KIDSCENTRAL
June 25 – 30                                               WAKON’ DA-HO 2023 CAMP DATES
December 10, 2021– A tornado tore through                  Registration to begin in February
western Kentucky, resulting in widespread                  Camp Wakon’ Da-Ho dates are now available at
catastrophic damage. Homes, businesses, schools, , and listed below*. Please visit the website
and more were destroyed in and around Mayfield, Ky..       to learn more.

Our high school students will partner with Week of         Spring Youth Retreat Work Weekend – March 17-19
Compassion, Be The Neighbor, and local leaders to help
in the community recovery. Mayfield is intentionally       Mini Camp | Grades 2-3 | June 2-4 | (Chris Teesdale
rebuilding in ways that make homeownership and
                                                           CYF 1 | Grades 9-12 | June 5-10
safe affordable housing more available. We will work
                                                           Eighter’s Camp | Grade 8 | June 11-17
on construction re-building projects while developing
                                                           Junior 1 | Grades 4-5 | June 19-23
relationships with community leaders and people
                                                           Camp 101 A | Grades K-1 | June 23-25 | (weekend camp)
affected by the disaster. We will learn about housing
                                                           CYF 2 | Grades 9-12 | June 26-July 1
justice and best practices for making housing more
                                                           Chi Rho 1 | Grades 6-8 | July 3-8
accessible for all people by partnering with neighbors
                                                           Chi Rho 2 | Grades 6-8 | July 10-15 | (Mindy and Amy Kate
in ways that are relational, sustainable, dignity-
affirming, and trauma-informed.
                                                           Junior 2 | Grades 4-5 | July 17-21
                                                           Camp 101 B | Grades K-1 | July 22 | (one day only)
High school students will learn how Central can
become disaster-ready, so that in the event of a
                                                           Y’ALL Camp | September 2-4
disaster in our community, we will be equipped and
                                                           Fall Family Fest | October 7-9
prepared to lead in offering assistance, care, recovery,
and love for our neighbors.
                                                           *All grades listed are for grades completed in 2023.
Our group will stay in Paducah, about 40 minutes
from Mayfield. We will travel to Mayfield each day.        GREEN CHALICE MINISTRY
Tools and equipment will be provided. No previous          CLIMATE SURVEY UPDATE
construction experience is required (although skilled      The following is a brief summary of the climate change
participants are very helpful). We will have a site        survey conducted at church. 76 people responded
director and summer staff with our group throughout        to the survey and a majority of the respondents
the week. Participants must be 14 years old and older.     agreed that climate change and environmental
                                                           issues are important matters requiring our attention.
UPCOMING STUDENT MINISTRY EVENTS                           29 respondents think it is important that Central
February 1 – Middle and High School Mission Trip           Christian Church addresses these matters.
Informational Zoom Meeting | 7 p.m.
                                                           The climate change survey shows that nearly 78.9
February 5 – Church-wide Souper Bowl Cook-Off              percent of the respondents consider global climate
Noon | Fellowship Hall | Register on Realm                 change a problem, and 55.3 percent believe it will
                                                           affect them during their lifetime. Most people (39.5
February 19 – Chroma Collective                            percent) ranked their knowledge of climate change
9:30 a.m. | Fellowship Hall                                (on a scale of 1-7) at a five. 84.2 percent of the
                                                           respondents were interested in reducing climate
February 26 – SERVE SUNDAY                                 change damage. Respondents wanted additional
9:30 a.m. | Student Ministry Room                          information in the following areas: 1) recycling
We will be packing toiletry bags for Natalie’s Sisters     updates, 2) personal impacts on climate change,
and making sandwiches for HopeMobile (Donations            3) the health effects of climate change, 4) planting
may be left in the container at the red table on           native plants to enhance the environment, and
Sundays)                                                   5) composting. People expressed a preference in
                                                           participating in Zoom presentations rather than
                                                           in-person environmental meetings and trainings.
                                                           Respondents also expressed a willingness to donate
                                                           approved native plants, to contribute funds for
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purchase of such plants, or to donate funds for other      Our office is located to the right of the Welcome
uses.                                                      Center in the church lobby. We are available most
                                                           Sunday mornings before and after the 11 a.m.
JUSTICE CORNER                                             service to assist with questions about various
                                                           health issues, provide resources and information,
JUSTICE MINISTRY UPDATES                                   and offer minor injury consultation. We are also
The nonpartisan KyPolicy Conference (co-sponsored          equipped to help you monitor your blood pressure.
by Kentuckians For The Commonwealth) was an                Knowing your blood pressure numbers and
opportunity to learn more about the tax system in          whether or not you are at risk is important for a
Kentucky. We know there is a great need for mercy          healthy heart. According to the Center for Disease
ministries, but we learned more about some of the          Control, about 1 in 3 U.S. adults (or about 75
factors exacerbating this need, including the Kentucky     million people) have high blood pressure, but only
tax system. Beyond low wages, inadequate access            about half (54%) of these individuals have their
to healthcare, food insecurity, and lack of affordable     high blood pressure under control.
housing, people are struggling with the additional
burden of unjust tax legislation.                          Be sure to stop by our red table event on February
                                                           12 and let us help you get on the road to a healthy
You can be a significant voice for justice. Advocacy can   heart.
be messy and sometimes frustrating, but we are called
as Christians to advocate for justice. One way to get
involved is by contacting your state representatives,
encouraging them to oppose HB1, which proposes
                                                                                    EASTER FLOWERS
a decrease in income tax and increase in sales tax                                  Easter Sunday stirs images
(this disproportionately affects families in the lower                              of a flower-filled sanctuary
income bracket). Currently, this bill is in the senate                              at Central. Decorating the
and will be voted on February 7, 2023.                                              sanctuary with beautiful
                                                                                    flowers is an important
Be prepared to respond to upcoming calls to action                                  part of our tradition and
organized by Kentuckians for the Commonwealth,                                      celebration that Christ is
the Poor Peoples Campaign, and the Kentucky                                         risen!
Council of Churches. All three organizations are
active in protecting and caring for the most vulnerable    Central staff and Worship Committee have
in our community.                                          collaboratively decided to transition from lilies
                                                           to colorful, potted geraniums or azaleas by
YOUR HEALTH AT CENTRAL                                     Pemberton and Sons Greenhouses which can be
AMERICAN HEART MONTH                                       replanted.
February is American Heart Month and your Parish
Nurse Team will be hosting a red table event on            This year, our tradition of remembering loved
February 12 before and after the 11 a.m. service.          ones with memorial flowers will be made available
We will be offering blood pressure checks and              with the purchase of these Easter flowers. (Please
providing literature regarding heart health.               note, at Christmas we will continue to decorate
                                                           the sanctuary with poinsettias, but we will not be
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the         offering poinsettias for purchase as memorials.)
United States. Fortunately, up to 80% of heart
disease is preventable and there are things you            Pemberton’s is finalizing their spring prices and will
can do to decrease your risk for stroke and heart          have their information out in the next week. The
disease:                                                   estimated cost will be $16-20 per plant and the
• Be physically active                                     last possible date by which we need to receive your
• Manage your stress                                       order is March 20. Recognition of the memorial
• Eat healthfully and reduce your sodium intake            flowers will be included in the Easter Sunday (April
• Quit tobacco use                                         9) worship bulletin. Please keep an eye on the
• Limit alcohol consumption                                Friday blast in the next couple of weeks to place
• Raise your awareness – here is where your Parish         your order.
    Nurse Team can help
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In Memory of:
                                                        PATRICIA CAUDILL
                                                          (for Operating Fund)
                                                            Ann Thompson

                                                        JOLANE COLONESE
                                                            (for God’s Pantry)
SNOW POLICY                                                        by
As we are already in the midst of winter and             Steve and Debbie Rice
subject to periodic inclement weather, we wanted
to communicate our policy for weather-related
closures. Generally, we will follow the lead and         FILSON GRAHAM
guidance of Fayette County Public Schools for             (for Operating Fund)
weekday office and Outreach program closures, as
well as weeknight meetings and events, whereby              Marsha Pendley
it pertains to hazardous road/travel conditions.              Patricia Noel
Any such closures will be communicated on our        Brenda and W. Waverley Townes
Facebook page and on                Ann Thompson

Decisions regarding potential weather-related           JESSIE SINGLETON
weekend closures (including Sunday morning                (for Operating Fund)
services) will be made by church leadership and
communicated via email blast, local news channels,         Nancy McKenney
and posted to our Facebook page and website.
                                                           DEE STEWART
FEBRUARY MEN’S BREAKFAST                                    (for God’s Pantry)
Saturday, February 11 | 8:30 a.m.
                                                         Steve and Debbie Rice
All Central men are invited to the next Men’s
Breakfast on Saturday, February 11, at 8:30 a.m..
Our guest speaker will be Joseph (Joe) R. Miller
II. Please consider joining us for a hearty home
cooked breakfast, hot coffee, and good fellowship
in the Fellowship Hall.

Reserve a spot for the February Men’s Breakfast by
registering on Realm.

              Our Sympathy
    We express our sympathy as a congregation
            to the following people:

     David Singleton in the death of his wife,
         Jessie Armstrong-Singleton.

 Leah Boggs and family in the death of her father,
                 Dick Cooper.

 Janie Judy in the death of her husband, Jim Judy.
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205 East Short St.
Lexington, KY 40507
phone: 859- 233-1551
fax: 859-252-9287
Volume LXXX

The Chimes (USP -097-160) is published monthly by
Central Christian Church. Periodicals postage paid
at Lexington, KY 40511. Postmaster: Send address
changes to:

The Chimes, Central Christian Church
219 E. Short St., Lexington, KY 40507

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