Page created by Sandra Burgess
                                                EST.   1884
                    120 West Main Street Front Royal, VA 22630
                540-635-3780(tel) 540-635-2683(fax)

Welcome to St. John’s Church
Mass Schedule
Sundays: 5:00pm (Saturday Vigil)
         7:00pm (Saturday Vigil Spanish)
         7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am
         12:30pm (Extraordinary Form)

 Monday - Saturday: 8:30am
 Wednesday: 7:00pm (Spanish)
 Tuesday & Thursday: Noon
 Extraordinary Form Weekday Masses:
 Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat at 7:00am

 Monday-Friday, after 8:30 Mass
 Monday-Friday, 6:30pm
 Saturday, 9:00-10:00am & 3:00-4:00pm

 Saturdays at 10:00am
 Parish membership is required and an
 instructional class is required for parents.

 Arrangements must be made at least six
 (6) months in advance. Parish member-
 ship is required.

              December 19, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Advent
MASS INTENTIONS                                                 DECEMBER 19, 2021
DEC 20 - 26, 2021                                              Fourth Sunday of Advent
Late Advent Weekday                  This Week at a Glance...
 7:00am Rev. John Paul Heisler
 8:30am Paul Brock                   •     Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (Winchester)
                                           Penance Service: Wed Dec. 22 at 7pm
TUESDAY DEC 21                       •     Parish office closed on Dec. 24 and 27
Late Advent Weekday                  •     There will be no Confessions on Saturday,
 8:30am Rev. Jonathan Smith                Dec. 25
 Noon Christine Centrella            •     Please see the bulletin insert and St John’s
WEDNESDAY DEC 22                           website for the full Christrmas schedule
Late Advent Weekday
 7:00am +John Philip Patterson       READINGS for the week
 8:30am Rev. Joseph Townsend         Monday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 1:26-38
 7:00pm Rev. Phillip Cozzi           Tuesday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12,
                                                20-21; Lk 1:39-45
THURSDAY DEC 23                      Wednesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56
Late Advent Weekday                  Thursday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66
 8:30am Elijah & Emily Jones         Friday:    2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79
 Noon Andrew D’Andrea                Saturday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29;
                                                Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]
FRIDAY DEC 24                                   Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14
Late Advent Weekday                             Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20
 7:00am Bodoh family                            Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18[1-5,9-14]
 8:30am +Jay Lucas                   Sunday:    Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-5
CHRISTMAS VIGIL                                 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or 1 Jn 3:1-2,
 5:00pm +Marie Kelly                            21-24; Lk 2:41-52
 7:00pm +Mary Alice Goldsmith
                                     Keep in Touch
SATURDAY DEC 25                      Sign up to receive St John’s EMAIL UPDATES
Nativity of the Lord                 by going to to subscribe.
 Midnight Special Intention          Facebook: SJTB DRE
 7:00am Marie Davis                  YouTube: SJTB DRE                                    Thank you!
 8:30am Special Intention            Website:            The Second Collection on Dec 25/26
 10:30am Parish Family                                                       will be for Christmas Music.
 12:30pm James & Lois Elliot
             and their descendants   ATTENTION ALTAR SERVERS & their families:
SATURDAY VIGIL                       Due to travel and family schedules, we will not be assigning servers
 7:00pm +Jim Ripp                    for Christmas weekend. Please email the parish office to let us know
                                     if you would like to serve at a particular Mass on Christmas Day
SUNDAY DEC 26                        and/or Sunday, December 26. Thank you so much!
The Holy Family
 7:00am +Rocky Ryan                         ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 25/26
 8:30am Miller&Bodoh Families
 10:30am Parish Family               7:00pm         Erik Reyes, Juan Aviles, Homero Salazar
 12:30pm Rev. Joseph Townsend        7:00am         Aidan & John Barragan
 5:00pm Rev. Jerome Fasano
                                     8:30am         Mark & John Bockrath, Ben Schmeidicke
CONFESSION                           10:30am Matt Clark, Liam & Marty Clark
                                     12:30pm Nicholas Elliott, John Paul Hill, Joseph & Jack McGuire,
Monday - Friday                              Francis Starry
after 8:30am Mass and at 6:30pm
Saturday                                 Call the parish office if you’d like to volunteer as an altar server, lector,
9:00 - 10:00am and 3:00-4:00pm             usher or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Thank you!

                                                                             Rev. Daniel Gee
                                                                             Rev. Tom Shepanzyk
                                                                             Parochial Vicar
                                                                             Deacon Rafael Goldsmith
                                                                             Permanent Deacon
                                                                             Deacon Mark Jerge
                                                                             Permanent Deacon
                                                                             Deacon Gerald Solitario
                                                                             Permanent Deacon
                                                                             Patty Sonak
                                                                             Administrative Assistant
The Lord Loves a Cheerful Giver … 2Cor 9:7                                   Kathy Brown
                                                                             Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper
Social Outreach Organization                                                 Karen Pondo
Thank you to all who came to the organizational meeting to help              Parish Secretary
coordinate the social outreach efforts in our community. We will have        Tina Furtado/Michelle Bodoh
another meeting in early January. If you are interested in assisting in      Parish Secretaries
this very important mission, covering various aspects of the corporal        Phil Rexrode
and spiritual works of mercy, please contact Deacon Goldsmith.               Facilities Manager
Help C-CAP this Advent Season!                                               Dr. Jeffrey M. Alban
The Front Royal-Warren County Congregational Community Action                Director of Music & Organist
Project (C-CAP) needs new and gently used warm blankets. If you              David Wallace
would like to donate, please drop off at the parish office during business   Director of Religious Education
hours (M-F, 9:00am-4:00pm). For more information about the work of
C-CAP, visit their website:                             Parish Office Hours
                                                                             Monday - Friday
Christmas Gift Cards                                                         9:00am-Noon & 1:00pm-4:00pm
We are collecting Martins and Walmart gift cards for our Christmas           540-635-3780 (phone)
outreach. Each year we assist many local families with providing their       540-635-2683 (fax)
holiday meals. Gift cards (or monetary donations) may be dropped off (email)
at the church office or in the collection basket in an envelope labeled
“Christmas”. Thank you!                                                      Parish Membership
                                                                             Welcome! Registration forms are
                                                                             available on the pamphlet rack in
                                                                             the Church. Please notify the of-
Covid Helper Master List                                                     fice when you are moving outside
We are compiling a Covid Master List so that we may better orchestrate       or within the parish and if your
to serve the needs of our Community. If you have or if you know of           contact information is changing.
someone who has already recovered from Covid and is willing to go to
the homes of others who have contracted it and are in great need of help     Hospitalized & Homebound
or..... If you yourself have COVID or know of someone who does and           Parishioners
would like in-home assistance to be arranged, please contact :               Please notify the office if a parish-
Roma Gniewek: Call: 518-269-8890 or                    ioner is hospitalized or home-
Note: This is with the knowledge that though your information will be        bound that they may receive the
somewhat protected, it may be shared with others in our community as         pastoral care of the Church.
we coordinate to serve those involved.
Donations are appreciated to help get medical supplies (medicine, neb-       Bulletin Deadline
ulizer, oximeter, etc.) and supplements for those who have COVID and         Tuesday of the previous week at
do not have the monetary means. Please drop off cash or checks to the        10:00am. All announcements must
church office. Make checks payable to St. John the Baptist Catholic          be in writing or sent via email.
Church adding to the memo or envelope “Donation for Covid Help
                        David M Wallace, Director| | (540) 635-3780
                        Darryl & Susan Adams, Confirmation Coordinator & RE Assistant

                        During Vespers (Evening Prayer) from December 17th until the 23rd, the Church prays the
                        “O Antiphons” at the Magnificat. These are the source texts for the popular hymn “O Come
                        Emmanuel.” The antiphons for each day this week are provided below, with scriptural refer-
                        ences for deeper study and reflection as we approach the Nativity of our Lord: O Sapientia
                        (Dec 17): “O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, you govern all creation with your strong yet
                        tender care: Come and show your people the way to salvation” (Wis 8:1; Is 11:2-3; 28:29;
                        Prov 8:1-36; Jn 1:1-5). | O Adonai (Dec 18): “O Sacred Lord of ancient Israel, who showed
                        yourself to Moses in the burning bush, who gave him the holy law on Sinai mountain: Come,
                        stretch out your mighty hand to set us free” (Ex 3:2; Is 33:22; 63:11-12; Mic 6:4; Acts 7:30-
                        31). | O Radix Jesse (Dec 19): “O Flower of Jesse’s stem, you have been raised up as a sign
                        for all peoples; kings stand silent in your presence; the nations bow down in worship before
                        you. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid” (Is 11:1, 10; 52:15; Rom 15:12). |
                        O Clavis David (Dec 20): “O Key of David, O royal Power of Israel, controlling at your will
the gate of heaven: Come, break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of
death; and lead your captive people into freedom” (Rev 3:7; Is 22:22; Jer 13:13; 51:19; Mt 4:16; 16:19; Lk 1:79). | O
Oriens (Dec 21): “O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: Come, shine on those who dwell in dark-
ness and the shadow of death” (Zech 3:8 LXX; Is 9:1; 58:8; 60:18-20; Mal 4:2; Lk 1:78-79; Jn 8:12; Rev 22:16). | O
Rex Gentium (Dec 22): “O King of all the nations, the only joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch
of man: Come and save the creature you fashioned from the dust” (Is 2:4; 11:10; Ps 47:8; Jer 10:7; Dan7:14; Hag 2:8;
Rom 15:12; Eph 2:14, 20). | O Emmanuel (Dec 23): “O Emmanuel, king and lawgiver, desire of the nations, Savior
of all people: Come and set us free, Lord our God” (Is 7:14; Mt 1:23; 1 Tim 4:9).

Join us Monday evenings in Padre Pio Hall (6:00-7:00pm) for RCIA. The classes are open to all parishioners;
please join us to learn more about our Catholic Faith. We are prayerfully reading through the Compendium of the Cat-
echism of the Catholic Church. There are no classes this week. We’ll resume on Jan 10, 2022.

           VOCATIONS                                                                         ~Opportunities
    God chose to become man
        to lead us in a path            30% off Christendom College’s Best Week Ever
          of righteousness,             This Christmas, give your high school juniors a life-changing experi-
         is God calling you             ence that will strengthen their Faith, connect them with other like-
       to grow in holiness?             minded young Catholics, and immerse them in a joyful Catholic culture.
      He may be inviting you            Use the promo code CHRISTMAS21 by December 25 to save 30% on
  to the priesthood, diaconate or       Christendom College’s highly ranked Best Week Ever summer pro-
          consecrated life.             gram. Each year spots go quickly, so act soon! To learn more and apply,
  Contact Fr. Michael Isenberg,         go to
        michael.isenberg@             Royal Pike Motors Salesperson Needed
        or (703) 841-2514.              If interested please call George at 703-713-2913. When calling, mention
                                        that you are from St. John’s church.

    Blessing of Religious Items         Fr. Bjorn Lundberg will be the spiritual director of a pilgrimage to Vien-
If you have something you would         na, Salzburg & Budapest from Sept 19-28, 2022. Cost is $3,999/person.
like to have blessed, please bring      Fr. Eric Shafer will be the spiritual director of a pilgrimage to Greece &
it to the priest’s sacristy after any   Turkey from Nov 9-21, 2022. Cost is $4,999/person.
Mass. Our priests will be happy to      For more information and brochures, contact John Tagnesi at 1-888-544
     bless your items for you.          -4461 or email
Activities & Events!

St Andrew Christmas Novena         The Christmas Story & Carols!           Youth Events
To be prayed 15 times/day from     All are invited to an evening of
November 30 - December 25.         Christmas Carols and the Christ-        New Years Eve Teen Party
                                   mas Story with Deacon Goldsmith         Ring in the New Year in style at
                                   on Sunday December 26th in Fr.          St. John's Drama's New Year's Eve
                                   Ruehl Hall from 6-8:00pm. Bring         Ball! Teens ages 13-18 are invited
                                   your instruments!                       to dance the night away on De-
                                                                           cember 31st from 8:00 pm - 1 am.
                                   Be Prepared!                            in Father Ruehl Hall. There will be
                                   End-of-Life Considerations              refreshments, party favors, music,
                                   and Evening of Discussion               dancing, and a non-alcoholic toast
                                   Please join Fr. Gee and former          at midnight to celebrate the start of
                                   parishioner Antonia Cummings, a         2022. Tickets are $10 per person
                                   licensed funeral director, as well as   and can be purchased at St. John
                                   lawyer Doug McCarthy, for an in-        the Baptist Catholic Church's of-
                                   formative evening as we consider        fice or you can contact us at
                                   various issues relating to the end
                                   of life, funeral services and estate    Modest formal attire is requested.
                                   planning. This event will be held       This will be a fully chaperoned
                                   on Thursday, January 20, at 7pm         event.
                                   in Father Reuhl Hall. The evening
                                   will consist of a brief presentation
                                   by the individual presenters, fol-
                                   lowed by an opportunity for dis-
                                   cussion and questions. For more
                                   information, please contact Jacinta
                                   Whiting at

Ongoing Activities
                                                                           Help for Troubled Marriages
                                                                           RETROUVAILLE is a program
Scriptural Reflections             Young Adults of St. John’s              designed to help couples who are
Led by Deacon Goldsmith each       Are you in your 20's or                 experiencing the loneliness, disil-
Thursday in Padre Pio Hall from    30's? You're invited to attend          lusionment, and pain of a marriage
10 - 11am.                         events hosted by the Young Adults       in trouble. If you are thinking of
                                   of St. John's!                          separation or divorce or you are
Children’s Holy Hour               Follow event info on FB
Every Thursday 3:00-4:00pm.                                                already separated but want to try
                                   @youngadultsofstjohnthebaptist,         again - RETROUVAILLE can
Questions? Please email            IG @st_johns_young_adults_va or                                                help. If your marriage has become
                                   to join the e-news-letter email         unloving and uncaring, if your re-
Crown Of Creation                  youngadultsofstjohnthebap-              lationship has grown cold and dis-
For girls ages 16-18. Wednesdays                         tant, if there is little or no mean-
7-8pm at the Frassati House.                                               ingful communication, or if you
Questions?                         Wonderfully Fashioned
                                                                           feel disappointment - even despair           Girls aged 14-18 meet monthly to        - we encourage you to contact us.
                                   discuss modesty in light of Cathol- or 703
SJTB Seniors Group                 icism. Faith, fashion and fun!          -351-7211
We meet twice a month. For in-
formation contact Mick Tamas at    RCIA classes
                                                                           Event Dates: February 25-27,
540-692-2815 or                    Mondays from 6-7pm in Padre Pio
                                                                           2022 and July 8-10, 2022            Hall. Resuming Jan 10.
Knights of Columbus                                                ST. FAUSTINA OF
     John Carrell Jenkins Council #7771                                       THE DIVINE
                                                    MERCY SAID:
                                                                              "Two days before
Council Newsletter - Did You Read It?                                         Christmas, these
The Council's newsletter "Knights in Action" was sent                         words were read
by e-mail to all members on November 30th. Please contact Leo Carling         in the refectory:
(540-631-7555) if you didn't receive it or need to update your e-mail ad-     Tomorrow is the
dress.                                                                        Birth of Jesus
TMIY Finished for the Semester. Join us when we return in January for         Christ according
the Spring semester and set your eyes on the ultimate prize of eternal life   to the flesh. At
with perseverance and precision. Experience a journey into the heart of the   these words, my
kingdom and heart of the Father.                                              soul was pierced by the light and
                                                                              love of God, and I gained deeper
Time to pay your 2022 Dues                                                    knowledge of the Mystery of the
Dues notices for 2022 will be distributed in the coming weeks. Please take    Incarnation of the Son of God.
a few minutes to pay your dues in a timely manner. There are 3 ways to do     How great is the mercy of God
so: Through the Council’s website using the PayPal feature (use the “Pay      contained in the Mystery of the
Dues” button on the right side of the screen)
                                                                              Incarnation of the Son of
By check made out to “KofC 7771” (include 2021 Dues in the memo field)
and mailed to PO Box 375, Front Royal VA 22630                                God!" (St. Faustina Diary, 1433)
                                                                              Used with permission of the Marian Fathers
In person (check or cash) at either of the Council’s monthly meetings         of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM.
If there are any questions about your dues, please contact the Financial
Secretary (Darryl Adams, 540-305-9639).
Dec 23 – St John of Kanty                                                                   FORMED
“Fight all error but do it with good humor, patience, kindness and love.        The revolutionary digital platform
Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.”                that gives you unprecedented access
                                                                              to video-based study programs, fea-
Contact us                                                                     ture films, audio presentations, and
GK Tom Balint:                                          eBooks from the Church’s foremost
Field Agent Jim Ulmer:                                                 presenters.
                                                                                     Parish Code: QBKRGW

                                                                                        Digital Bulletin
                                                                                Would you like to receive the
                                                                              bulletin directly to your inbox each
                                                                                 weekend? Sign up at https://

                 Women of St. John’s
                                                                                            Please pray
                 Welcome to The Women of Saint John’s Group!                      for the repose of the souls of
                 For all women parishioners 18+
                 Connect with us! Email list: thewomenof-                             GEORGE STIVERS
                 womenofstjohns/                                                 MARJORIE FORRESTER

                      May you and your families have
                          a very merry and blessed Christmas!
PRAYER LIST                                               St. John’s Contact Information
                                                                      St. John’s (general): 540-635-3780
Ignatius Ehlinger       Susan Bill          Norman Hunt                   Fr. Daniel Gee, Pastor:
Jeanne Vasko            John Janaro         Gabby Abril
                                                                     Altar Guild                  Marlene Lundberg, 635-0541
Tahlia Fernandez        Judy Ratigan        Vicki Bailey
                                                                     Altar Servers (ages 11-18)   Call Church Office, 635-3780
Judith Thompson         Mary Shaffer        Susan Kirby
Sophie Shannon          Pat Schubert        Anee Stanford            Church Environment           Linda Saker, 636-4556
MaryAnn Carlson         Gabrielle Tuttle    Rozie Baker              Communion for the
                                                                                                  Call Church Office, 635-3780
John William Rice       Kathy Elar          Mabel Riordan
                                                                     Dominicans Third Order       Call Church Office, 635-3780
Sean Becket Berry       Dan Schneible       Erik Jurek
Roxolana Armstrong      Gabbi Rodgers       Eileen Hawkins           Eucharistic Adoration        Mary-Margaret Price, 635-0645
Mitch Mumford           Carmela Rao         Colleen Stivers          Knights of Columbus          Tom Balint,
Peter Monfasani         Clara Anne Duda     Pricilla Landers         Lectors                      Mary Kay Moose, 635-7628
Matthew A. Skube        James Trim          Mary A. Rice             Legion of Mary/Adults        Andrew Armstrong, 540-631-4620
Peter Centrella         Robert Rice         Tim Ehlinger
                                                                                                  Maureen Nyman, 540-671-1173
Raymond McInerney       Al Dudeck           Ned Farinholt            Legion of Mary (Juniors)
                                                                                                  Meetings-Thurs. 4:30-6:30pm PPH
Barbara Woodward        Mary Belton         Rob Jones                                             Anita Townsend
                                                                     Little Flowers (Gr. 1-5)
Deacon Goldsmith        Scott Lavey         Tom Kosten                                  
Tony Casarotti          Grace Herlihy       Gloria Smith             Meals for New Moms /
                                                                     Postpartum Support
 Please pray for all homebound members of our Parish                 Music & Choirs               Jeffrey Alban, 635-3780
           and for those impacted by Covid.                          Parents’ Support Group/      Winnie Ehlinger, 636-1688
                                                                     Children/Special Needs       Laurie Adams, 540-683-1767
                                                                                                  Johanna Naccash
                Active Military Prayer List                          Padre Pio Academy
Peter Hickson          Manuel A. Vicente    Robert Cooke                                          Marlicia Fernandez, 622-2637
                                                                     Prayer Chain
Devon Smith            Lxex Robles          Nathan T. Christman                         
Vince E. Cruz          Truman Sayre, Jr.    Brady Anderson           Prison Ministry              Chris Manion, 540-635-9166
Steven Gregg           Kristina Grdina      Ben Cabreva              Religious Education          David Wallace, 540-635-3780
David Kelleher         Andrew Shorter       Dominic Vieira           RCIA                         Parish Office, 635-3780
Bobby Saxon            Seumas X. O’Reilly   Clement M. O’Reilly                                   Mick Tamas, 540-692-2815
Alex Rojas             Chris Reinhard       Kieran Vieira            Senior Group
Richard Skelton, Sr.   John Bowes           Elisabeth Crooks         Saint Johns Athletics
Jonathan Hamilton      Justice M. Parrott   Sean Conroy              That Man is You!             Tom Balint, 540-671-3094
David Rogers           Zachary Francis      Stephen L. Jerome
                                                                     Ushers                       Call Church Office, 635-3780
Mark Belton            David Larsen         David Schmitt
                                                                                                  Marlicia Fernandez, 622-2637
Joseph Marsch          Christine Marsch     Brian Tilley             Vocations Cross
Forest Selby           Steven Held, Jr.     Stephen Bill
                                                                     Women of St. John’s          Parish Office - 540-635-3780
Benjamin Gregory       David Parnes         Heather Bill-Blanchard
Timothy Smith          Jeffrey Bayne        Sean Smith                                            youngadultsofstjohnthebap-
                                                                     Young Adult Events
David Berry            Jason Pettingill     Esther Alger                                
Matthew Farrall        Emma Morgan          Jasmine Frank            Youth Ministry               Parish Office—540-635-3780
Jamie Troutman         Christian Carino     Daniel Heywood           Youth/Drama        
Shannon Brugh          Kevin Corella        Keegan J. Thomas
                                                                                  Catholic Community Contacts
Paul Shannon           Trey Dusseault       Michael Wood
                       Michael Reuwer                                Front Royal Catholics        Tom McFadden, Sr. 540-252-9138
                                                                     Civic Educational Group
                                                                     Chelsea Academy              John DeJak, 540-635-0622
                 Thank you for your prayers!
                                                                     Divinum Auxilium             631-0086
  Any name added to the Prayer List will remain there for 3          Academy            
 months. The request may be renewed by calling the parish
                                                                     John XXIII Montessori        Laura Accettullo, 540-631-0900
office. Please let us know when a name can be removed from           Center             
      either prayer list. You may also request prayers by            John Paul the Great
contacting our parish prayer chain at                                 540-535-5820
                                                                     Montessori Academy
     or St. Dominic’s Monastery prayer intention email:              Loaves and Fishes            Jeanne Jackson
                                 (Catholic Charities)         540-407-0348 or 540-252-4320
                                                                     Natural Family Planning      Susannah Cavanaugh, 540-431-1992
     Pope’s Prayer Intention for December 2021                       SHELL (Supporting Home       Laura H. Clark, 635-3192
                                                                     Education and Love of
                       Catechists                                    Learning)          
 Let us pray for the catechists, summoned to announce                St. Edith Stein School for
the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with cour-               Girls                        Abigail Thomas 540-481-9696
 age and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.             St. John’s Community
                                                                                                  Michael Turner,
You can also read