Neil deGrasse Tyson An Evening With - MON, JAN 26, 2015 | Overture Hall

Page created by Evelyn Ruiz
Neil deGrasse Tyson An Evening With - MON, JAN 26, 2015 | Overture Hall
An Evening With
Neil deGrasse Tyson

    MON, JAN 26, 2015 | Overture Hall

                     Neil deGrasse Tyson | OVERTURECENTER.ORG   1

  1 | Pedrito Martinez Group
 THU, FEB 12 | 7:30 PM | $32
   Post show Meet the Artist

2 | Juan de Marcos González         1                          2
     Pedrito Martinez Group
            Pre Show Lecture

                                                                   H U S S EI N KATZ
   THU, FEB 12 | 6 PM | FREE
  Sponsored by OMAI, UW-Madison

       3 | Over The Rainbow
            A Musical Tribute
             to Judy Garland
         Featuring Hilary Kole
THU, FEB 26 | 7:30 PM | $35+

          4 | An Evening with
               Molly Ringwald
   FRI, MAR 27 | 8 PM | $35+
   Come early for a wine tasting!

   5 | T. Oliver Reid Cabaret
      A Tribute to Bobby Short      3                          4
  THU, APR 23, 7 PM | $84+
                 Dinner on the
Capitol Theater Stage included!

                6 | Kurt Elling:
          Elling Swings Sinatra
   SAT, APR 25 | 8 PM | $50+

  2                                 5
    OVERTURECENTER.ORG | Neil deGrasse Tyson                   6
                                                     Neil deGrasse Tyson was born and raised in
                                                     New York City where he was educated in the
                                                     public schools clear through his graduation
                                                     from the Bronx High School of Science.
                                                     Tyson went on to earn his BA in Physics from
                                                     Harvard and his PhD in Astrophysics from

                                                     Tyson’s professional research interests are
                                                     broad, but include star formation, exploding
                                                     stars, dwarf galaxies, and the structure of our
                                                     Milky Way.

                                                     In 2001, Tyson was appointed by President
                                                     Bush to serve on a 12-member commission
                                                     that studied the future of the US Aerospace
                                                     Industry. The final report was published in
                                                     2002 and contained recommendations (for
                                                     Congress and for the major agencies of the
                                                     government) that would promote a thriving
                                                     future of transportation, space exploration,
                                                     and national security.

In 2004, Tyson was once again appointed by President Bush to serve on a 9-member commission
on the implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy, dubbed the Moon,
Mars, and Beyond commission. This group navigated a path by which the new space vision can
become a successful part of the American agenda. And in 2006, the head of NASA appointed
Tyson to serve on its prestigious Advisory Council, which will help guide NASA through its
perennial need to fit its ambitious vision into its restricted budget.

In addition to dozens of professional publications, Dr. Tyson has written and continues to write
for the public. From 1995 to 2005, Tyson was a monthly essayist for Natural History magazine
under the title Universe. And among Tyson’s ten books is his memoir The Sky is Not the Limit:
Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist; and Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution,
co-written with Donald Goldsmith. Origins is the companion book to the PBS-NOVA 4-part
mini-series “Origins,” in which Tyson served as on-camera host. The program premiered on
September 28 and 29, 2004.

Two of Tyson’s recent books are the playful and informative Death By Black Hole and Other
Cosmic Quandaries, which was a New York Times bestseller, and The Pluto Files: The Rise and
Fall of America’s Favorite Planet, chronicling his experience at the center of the controversy over
Pluto’s planetary status. The PBS/NOVA documentary “The Pluto Files”, based on the book,
premiered in March 2010.

For five seasons, beginning in the fall of 2006, Tyson appeared as the on-camera host of PBS-
NOVA’s spinoff program NOVA ScienceNOW, which is an accessible look at the frontier of all
the science that shapes the understanding of our place in the universe.

                                                   Neil deGrasse Tyson | OVERTURECENTER.ORG           3
During the summer of 2009 Tyson identified a stable of professional standup comedians to assist
his effort in bringing science to commercial radio with the NSF-funded pilot program StarTalk.
Now also a podcast, StarTalk Radio combines celebrity guests with informative yet playful banter.
The target audience is all those people who never thought they would, or could, like science.

Tyson is the recipient of eighteen honorary doctorates and the NASA Distinguished Public
Service Medal, the highest award given by NASA to a non-government citizen. His contributions
to the public appreciation of the cosmos have been recognized by the International Astronomical
Union in their official naming of asteroid 13123 Tyson. On the lighter side, Tyson was voted
Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive by People Magazine in 2000.

In February 2012, Tyson released his tenth book, containing every thought he has ever had on the
past, present, and future of space exploration: Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier. In
2014, Tyson hosted the television series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, a sequel to Carl Sagan’s
1980 series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. In 2015 it was announced that he will host a late-night
talk show entitled Star Talk on National Geographic Channel.

Tyson is the first occupant of the Frederick P. Rose Directorship of the Hayden Planetarium.
Tyson lives in New York City with his wife and two children.

4   OVERTURECENTER.ORG | Neil deGrasse Tyson


                                                                                                  The PBS KIDS logo is a registered mark of PBS and is used with permission.
                                                                                                  TM & © 2012 The Jim Henson Company. All Rights Reserved.

SUN, FEB 22, 1 & 4:30 PM | $25+
The popular PBS KIDS show comes to life as Sid, May, Gabriela,
Gerald and Teacher Susie explore with interactive activities,
cooperative problem solving and plenty of laughs to go around.
Visit the Madison Central Library FEB 22, 1 PM – Neil
                                                 4 PM    for Science
                                                      deGrasse         Sunday!
                                                               Tyson | OVERTURECENTER.ORG    5
Called “simply amazing” by the
                                               Chicago Tribune, this show is
Fri, MAr 13, 8 PM | $22+                       packed with new mind-blowing
OVErTUrECENTEr.OrG | 608.258.4141              illusions and a trademark off-
                                               the-cuff personality. A great
                                               family event!

6   OVERTURECENTER.ORG | Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Madison’s Premier Benefit for the A

                   SAT, JAN 31 , 201 5
    GALA 8 —11 PM |       AFTER PARTY 11 PM— 2 AM

                        L IVE AUCTION

               GAL A + AFTER PARTY | $1 25
                AFTER PARTY ON LY| $7 5
                    A portion of the ticket price will be
                       a tax-deductible donation.

                               with support from
                        DOWNTOWN MADISON, INC.


                 ove rtu rec ent er. org /fr ost iba ll

                                         Neil deGrasse Tyson | OVERTURECENTER.ORG   7

                                         INDIVIDUAL GIFTS
Thank you! Overture gratefully acknowledges the following contributors to Overture Center for the Arts.

Local Legend ($100,000+)            Artist ($1,000- $4,999)              Dryden Geronimi
Lau & Bea Christensen               Anonymous (6)                        Saul C. & Melody K. Glazer
F. Joseph & Mary Ellyn              Linda L. Albers                      Judith Ann Green
   Sensenbrenner                    Carla & Fernando Alvarado            Lee & Don Grubb
                                    Kristine & Paul Ashe                 Jan Hamik & Larry Studesville
Lead ($10,000- $24,999)             Rajai & Chickee Atalla               Lisa Hanrahan &
Anonymous (1)                       Mark Aulik & Michael Beere             Walter Jankowski
Diane Endres Ballweg                George Austin &                      Curt & Dawn Hastings
Nancy E. Barklage &                    Martha Vukelich-Austin            Steve & Elaine Hathaway
   Teresa J. Welch*                 Jeff & Angela Bartell                Ann & Roger Hauck
Betty Harris Custer &                                                    Linda & John Hughes
                                    Tom & Maryann Bast
  J. Corkey Custer                                                       James Imhoff
                                    Dean & Nancy Baumgardner
Marjorie Devereaux & David Hall                                          Stanley & Shirley Inhorn
                                    Tom & Martha Beach
Driftless Studio:                                                        Patricia & Doran Jason
                                    Dianne Benson & Kristin Koeffler
  Nature Gallery & Gifts*                                                Maryl Johnson, MD
                                    Judy & Mark Bunge
Deirdre Wilson Garton                                                    Arlan & Lori Kay
                                    Jim & Cathie Burgess
Martin & Martha Haslanger                                                Keller Family Charitable Trust
                                    Brian Butler &
Kathleen J. Hempel                                                       Charles & Valerie Kime
                                       Carolyn Lazar Butler
Susan Horwitz & Tom Reps
                                    Michael   Caliva & Marcy Seiler      Scott & Mary Kolar
Penny Hubbard*
                                    Jeff  & Robin  Cherwinka             Rudy & Patricia Korsmo
Jim Imhoff
                                    Dennis & Lynn Christensen            Mark & Laura Kruck
Ron & Deborah Krantz
                                    Richard Christofferson               Daniel & Jennifer Kuehn
Peggy Lindberg
                                    William A. & Judith S. Craig         Richard & Judy Kvalheim
Dick Moll*
                                    Steve & Shirley Crocker              Timothy Lardinois
Jim & Carol Ruhly*
                                    Tony D’Alessandro &                  Gerald Lefert
John & Mary Schroeder
                                       Alison TenBruggencate             Roma E. Lenehan
Cameo ($5,000-$9,999)               Susan & Richard Davidson             Rudy Lienau
Anonymous (2)                       Karen R. Davis                       Willis Long
Pat & Dan Cornwell*                 Mike & Lee Ann Dillis                Peter & Jill Lundberg
Ted & Gail DeDee                    Greg & MaryAnn Dombrowski            Jeffrey Mack
Robert N. Doornek*                  Dan Dooge & Pamela Walgren           Madigan Family Foundation
Daniel Erdman                       Alison Dorner                        Norma & Doug Madsen
Larry & Sharon Hahn                 Katie Dowling-Marcus                 Jim Matras
Terry Haller*                       James Drews                          McGann Construction
Dale & Deborah Nickels              David Egger & Julie Cullman          Gary & Lynn Mecklenburg
Gus & Mary Paras*                   Russ & Jean Endres                   Joe & LuAnn Meyers
David & Brenda Scidmore             Sue & Rob Engelke                    Bob Miller & Pam Hoffman
Judith & Stuart Stair               David Falk & JoAnne Robbins          Nicholas & Elaine Mischler
Nick & Judy Topitzes                Jonathan & Tracy Filter              John & Julie Mitby
John & Carol Toussaint              Joseph & Eva Fok                     Mike & Peg Modl
Robert & Dorothy Troller            Michael & Susan Fox                  Shelley M. Moffatt
Robb Whinney                        Mark & Becky Fraire                  Mark & Nancy Moore
John & Pat Zimbrick                 Betty & Jerry Fuller                 Peder & Jeanne Moren
   8      & Bill Zorr*
        OVERTURECENTER.ORG      | Neil deGrasse
                                    Roberta     Tyson & Lester Pines
                                              Gassman                    Brad & Kelly Mullins
Ellie & Earl Munson              Richard & Marcia Taugher             Drs. Debra & Fred Kirchner
Dr. David & Karen Sue Murdy      Jane & Tom Taves                     Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kosovec
Kathie J. Nichols                Fran & Brad Taylor                   James & Jill Krogstad
Glenda Noel-Ney & William Ney    Judith Taylor                        Marty & Mary Krueger
Paul Norman &                    LaRynda Thoen &                      Dan & Peggy Lee
 Maureen Bohorfoush                Neil Salyapongse                   Richard & Christina Lemon
Orange Tree Imports              Kate J. Thompson                     Robert Leschke
Maxine & Dennis Palmer           Denes Tobie                          Ronald Luskin &
Zorba & Penny Paster             Sal & Judy Troia                       M. Therese Ruzicka
William & Patricia Jo Paul       Brian & Jennifer Van Wyk             Hal & Christy Mayer
Laura Peck & Gregory Anderson    Rick Vanden Heuvel CPA, S.C.         Steve & Susan McCarthy
Frank Peregrine                  Ellis & Katie Waller                 Cary & Brenda McNatt
Robert Pesselman &               Laurence & Frances                   Jean & Walter Meanwell
  Gerri DiMaggio-Pesselman         Weinstein Foundation               Chris & Kelly Medenwaldt
Reynold V. Peterson              William F. White                     Laura Meffert
Evan & Jane Pizer                Neil F. Wienke                       Tom & Ann Merfeld
M. Diane Pollock                 Hal & Shirley Winsborough            David S. Morel
Catherine & David Potter         Theodora Zehner                      Marv Nonn
Don & Toni Richards              Jane (Ginger) Zimmerman              Thomas & Carol O’Connell
Jan B. Robertson                                                      Kevin Palmersheim & Kelsie Doty
Karen & Harry Roth               Chorus ($500-$999)                   Frank & Patricia Parker
Drs. Carol Diamond &             Anonymous (7)                        Connie & Scott Pernitz
  Howard Rowley                  Raymond Allen                        Karen P. Pollack
Charles & Barbara Saeman         Colin & Melissa Anglin               Tom & Jo Ann Reed
Albert F. Schams                 Randy & Areanne Arb                  Drs. David & Joy Rice
Dan & Lonnie Schmidt             Charles & Elizabeth Barnhill         Jackie & Gary Rockweiler
                                 Thomas Bergamini                     Robert E. & Barbara L. Rogan
Martha & Peter Schram
                                 Linda & Niles Berman                 Judith & Michael Rothschild
Jay & Katie Sekelsky
                                 Robert Bolles
Lynda Sharpe                                                          Edward & Julie Shinnick
                                 Barbara Borders
Shine United                                                          Susan Skinner
                                 Peter & Marcia Brenner
Jeanne & Joe Silverberg                                               Pam Smestad
                                 Peggy & Christopher Bugg
Terry Sivesind                                                        Greg & Bobbi Smith
                                 David & Wendy Coe
Maureen Skelton                                                       Alicia Stevenson
                                 Thomas, Kira & Brayden Dott
Kurt Sladky & Debra Neff                                              Patricia A. Thomas
                                 Nena & Thomas Dyhr
Brad & Nicole Smith                                                   James & Sylvia Vaccaro
                                 Jane Eisner
Ed & Jennifer Snow                                                    Steven & Kristine Vaughn
                                 Judith & Richard Ela
Hans & Mary Lang Sollinger                                            Glenn A. Weihert &
                                 Flora & Douglas Flygt
Ronald & Christine Sorkness                                             Jacqueline M. Goetz
                                 Bonita Sue Friedrich
Patty Spires-Merkel &                                                 Patricia Welch
                                 Dennis Funk
 Robert Merkel                                                        David L. White
                                 Jon P. & Kaaren Guenther
Jayne Squirrell & Gary Lyons     Nancy & Peter Gunder                 Michael & Maureen Wilkes
Tim Stadelman                    Matthew Hebert                       Stan & Carol Woznick
Robert & Marsha Steffen          Lorraine Hennessey                   *Proud supporters of Overture
Paul Stein                       Linda J. Hill                          Center’s 10th Anniversary.
James A. & Mercedes R. Stewart   Cynthia S. Hiteman
Susan Stites & Jerry Simon       Mark & Sandra Hoel                  Due to space constraints we are
Anne Stoelting                   Wm. Pharis & Carolyn D. Horton      unable to list donors under $500.
Tom Stolper                                                          This list covers gifts made from
                                 Alla & Tommy Howlett
                                                                     10/01/2013 to 9/30/2014.
Suad & David Stratton            Norman Jenkins
Jeff & Amy Supple                George & Barbara Johnson            To make a contribution to Overture,
W. Stuart & Elizabeth Sykes      Michelle Kamin Neil deGrasse Tyson |please
                                                                             call 608.258.4979.       9

                                         PUBLIC SUPPORT

An annual commitment from the City of Madison helps support Overture Center and the 14
community engagement programs we provide. Mayor Paul Soglin, the Madison Common
Council and City of Madison residents deserve our gratitude for their generous support.

                                         LEGACY SPONSORS


                                        CHARTER PARTNERS

Overture’s Charter Partners are visionary businesses that recognized the promise of Overture for all
the community even at its beginning stages, providing significant, valuable and long-term support for
Overture Center’s success and growth.

                                         HISTORIC SPONSOR

                                          LOCAL LEGENDS

      Joe & Mary Ellyn Sensenbrenner                           Lau & Bea Christensen
                                            CONTACT US

      Overture Center Development Department | 608.258.4979 |

 10    OVERTURECENTER.ORG | Neil deGrasse Tyson

            CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS — $20,000 – $100,000

                                                 *                              *                              *

 Mary P. Burke                DeAtley Family Jennie H. Olson Cummings Christensen
 Education Fund*              Foundation     Foundation      Family Foundation*

               CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS — $15,000 – $19,999

                                                                               Evjue Foundation –
                                                                  Kuehn Family The Charitable Arm
                                                                  Foundation   of the Capital Times
               CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS — $10,000 – $14,999

                                                           *                                *
        /Bradley Hutter

                                                                                             A. Paul Jones
                                  *                                              Dane County Charitable Trust
               CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS — $5,000 – $9,999

                John A. Johnson Foundation, a component fund of the Madison Community Foundation

               CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS — $1,000 – $4,999
Arts Midwest                  Kerkman Dunn Sweet DeMarb        Reinhart Van Deuren s.c.   Urban Land Interests
Badger Bimmer Chapter-        National Guardian Life           Russ Darrow                von Briesen & Roper s.c.
BMW Car Club of America       Insurance Company                Stark Company Realty       Wilson Foundation
Custer Financial Services     New England Foundation           State Bank of Cross Plains Wegner CPAs
                              for the Arts
Ian’s Pizza                                                    Target Community Giving
                              OPN Architects, Inc.

*Proud supporters of Overture Center’s 10th Anniversary.   This list includes gifts received between 10/1/13 & 9/30/14.

                                                           Neil deGrasse Tyson | OVERTURECENTER.ORG                 11
Welcome to Overture Center for the Arts
Your enjoyment is important to us. Please contact an usher or the ticket office if you have any concerns
about your experience here.

ORDERING & INFORMATION                                  Rentals: For information on renting spaces for
Order online at                      weddings, performances, meetings or other
By phone: 608.258.4141 from 11 AM-5:30 PM               events, call 608.258.4163 or email
Buy in person: Visit the ticket office located on
the main level just off the Rotunda Lobby
Mon-Fri, 11 AM-5:30 PM; Sat, 11 AM-2 PM;                ETIquETTE
open additional hours evenings and Sundays on           Please turn off all electronic devices.
days of ticketed performances.                          Smoking is prohibited in Overture Center.
Group orders: Groups of 10 or more receive              The use of cameras or audio recording in the
a discount on most performances.                        theaters is prohibited without written permission
Call 608.258.4159 to make reservations.                 from Overture Center and the performing
Visit for event listings, links      company’s management.
to artist websites, video, audio, directions, parking   Food, large bags and other large items are not
and much more.                                          permitted in the theaters. Bottled water and
                                                        beverages in Overture refillable theater cups are
PATRON SERVICES & POLICIES                              allowed in the theaters at select shows.
Accessibility: Request accommodations when              In consideration of audience members with scent
ordering your tickets. Call 608.258.4452 for            sensitivities and allergies, please use perfumes,
information, or to request the following:               aftershaves and other fragrances in moderation.
• Wheelchair-accessible seating
• Sign language interpretation                          RESIDENT ORGANIZATIONS
• Braille playbill                                      Bach Dancing & Dynamite Society
• Other accommodations                         | 608.255.9866
More information:       Children’s Theater of Madison
Children and lap seating: Every person,        | 608.255.2080
regardless of age, must have a ticket to enter the      Forward Theater Company
theaters for performances. Discounted lap seats | 608.234.5001
are available for some performances. Children           Kanopy Dance Company
under the age of six are not permitted at certain | 608.255.2211
performances. See our season brochure, visit our
                                                        Li Chiao-Ping Dance
website or call 608.258.4141 for information.  | 608.835.6590
Event Staff: Stagehand services in Overture             Madison Ballet
are provided by members of Local 251 of the    | 608.278.7990
International Alliance of Theatrical
                                                        Madison Opera
Stage Employees.                               | 608.238.8085
Ushering and other services are provided by             Madison Symphony Orchestra
Overture volunteers. For information, visit    | 608.257.3734 or
                                                        Wisconsin Academy’s James Watrous Gallery
call 608.258.4962.                             | 608.265.2500
Lost and Found: Visit the information desk in           Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra
the Rotunda Lobby or call 608.258.4973.        | 608.257.0638
  12   OVERTURECENTER.ORG | Neil deGrasse Tyson
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