St. Vincent de Paul Parish

Page created by Laura Sandoval
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
                                          The St. Vincent de Paul community lives out the Vincentian charism by
                                                serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception.

                                                                                           May 9th, 2021

                                                                                        Sixth Sunday of Easter
                                                                                  “The Lord has revealed to the nations
                                                                                            his saving power
                                                                                                               — Psalm 9

                                                                                 Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M., Pastor

                                                                                 Parish Center:

                                                                                 1010 West Webster Avenu
                                                                                 Chicago, IL 6061
                                                                                 Phone: 773-325-861
                                                                                 Fax: 773-325-862
                                                                                 Email: info@stvdep.or

                                                                                          Mass Schedule
                                                                                 10:00 am
                                                                                 5:00 p
                                                                                 8:00 pm (CCM)

                                                                                 8:00 am








St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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                                            Sunday Scripture Re ection

                             St. Louise de Marillac Reflection
                              “Louise’s Sending on Mission”
                                        May 9, 2021

It was the spring of 1629. Louise was living in Paris. She was 37 years old, a young
widow with her husband’s death having been about 3 years prior. Her son, Michel was 17
and away studying at a seminary. She was receiving spiritual direction from a priest named
Vincent de Paul, whom she initially found “repugnant” (her words, not mine), but she had
grown to appreciate him and his guidance, and he grew in appreciation of her too…
eventually giving her a nudge, an invitation that would shape the course of the rest of her
life (and his too if you think about it).

Vincent wrote her a letter inviting her to join him in visiting the Confraternities of Charity
in Montmirail, which were parish-based charitable groups of wealthy lay women who
assisted the poor in various ways. Vincent wrote:

        Father de Gondi sent me word to come by coach to see him in Montmirail. That will perhaps prevent me from
        having the honor of seeing you because I am leaving tomorrow morning.         Do you feel like coming,

Evidently, she DID feel like coming, and traveled to visit the charitable works. She reviewed the functioning of the
Confraternity, its finances, and the role of each of its members, even asking about the members’ spiritual life. She would
also visit the poor, especially taking interest in the education of young girls. After each visit, she would send a report to

So, a question from Vincent, “Do you feel like coming, Mademoiselle?” became the answer to the rest of her life. Often,
we are invited by others to try something new, perhaps go outside our comfort zones and journey into the unknown.
Sometimes others see things in us that we haven’t discovered within ourselves quite yet. Louise was discerning what was
next in her life as a young widow… her son was away at school… she had a passion for service… and a deep
spirituality… she was comforted by the Lumiere experience about 6 years prior, and she was still desiring to discover and
follow God’s Will. Perhaps Vincent saw her leadership potential, her organizational skills, her passion for not only
charitable works, but a desire for unity with our Lord and others in that Charity. Vincent sent the invitation, a little nudge
perhaps, and she said YES! She took the risk of answering that call, trusting in God’s Providence.

So, as we reflect on this moment in the life of Louise, perhaps you can recall moments in your life that were little nudges
or invitations that ultimately led you to where you are today. Louise didn’t know how this YES to Vincent’s invitation and
journey out of town would set the course for the rest of her life. Pay attention to the nudges from people, events, and
circumstances of your daily life. Be aware of invitations to try something new or step outside your comfort zone. Those
moments can help uncover gifts or talents you might have never discovered, gifts and talents the world so desperately
needs. Now you get to share them, responding to that call of loving service!

Sister Kara Davis, DC

Sr. Kara is a Daughter of Charity who typically attends the Sunday 5:00pm mass here at St. Vincent’s. She currently serves
as a Speech-Language Pathologist and Disability Services Coordinator at Marillac St. Vincent Family Services, a social
outreach and early childhood education center located here in Lincoln Park at St. Vincent DePaul Center (right up the
street on Halsted) and Marillac Social Center in East Garfield Park. She works closely with children with special needs,
and assists families in accessing the resources necessary to support the continued growth and development of their

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                                            May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                                          3

                                                    Pray : Serve : Share

                   The face of need is mothers and children.
                   The face of hope is you.
                   Your gift to the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection ensures that mothers with children—
                   those bearing the disproportionate impact of the pandemic—will have access to the food,
                   rental assistance, and counseling they need to rebuild.

                   What better way to honor the mothers in our lives than helping other moms support
                   and strengthen their families?

                   Please text HOPE to 878787, send your gift to Catholic Charities using the
                   envelope provided at the back of your church, or use the QR code below.

                                                                                   scan to make
                                                                                     your gift


Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                                                    May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                                                     4

                                                                                      Pray : Serve : Share

                           The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers has been addressed in numerous papal documents. Excerpts
                                    of documents that have addressed this theme of Catholic Social Teaching are below.

                           Work should be the se ng for this rich personal growth, where many aspects of life enter into play:
                           crea vity, planning for the future, developing our talents, living out our values, rela ng to others, giving
                           glory to God. It follows that, in the reality of today's global society, it is essen al that "we con nue to
                           priori ze the goal of access to steady employment for everyone," no ma er the limited interests of
                           business and dubious economic reasoning. We were created with a voca on to work. The goal should
                           not be that technological progress increasingly replace human work, for this would be detrimental to
                           humanity. Work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human
                           development and personal ful llment. Helping the poor nancially must always be a provisional solu on
                           in the face of pressing needs. The broader objec ve should always be to allow them a digni ed life
                           through work. (Pope Francis, On Care for Our Common Home [Laudato Si'], nos. 127-28)

                           In many cases, poverty results from a viola on of the dignity of human work, either because work
                           opportuni es are limited (through unemployment or underemployment), or "because a low value is put
                           on work and the rights that ow from it, especially the right to a just wage and to the personal security
                           of the worker and his or her family." (Pope Benedict XVI, Charity in Truth [Caritas in Veritate], no. 63)

                           Work is, as has been said, an obliga on, that is to say, a duty, on the part of man. . . Man must work,
                           both because the Creator has commanded it and because of his own humanity, which requires work in
                           order to be maintained and developed. Man must work out of regard for others, especially his own
                           family, but also for the society he belongs to, the country of which he is a child, and the whole human
                           family of which he is a member, since he is the heir to the work of genera ons and at the same me a
                           sharer in building the future of those who will come a er him in the succession of history. (St. John Paul
                           II, On Human Work [Laborem Exercens], no. 16)

                           As the Church solemnly rea rmed in the recent Council, "the beginning, the subject and the goal of all
                           social ins tu ons is and must be the human person." All people have the right to work, to a chance to
                           develop their quali es and their personali es in the exercise of their professions, to equitable
                           remunera on which will enable them and their families "to lead a worthy life on the material, social,
                           cultural and spiritual level" and to assistance in case of need arising from sickness or age. (Blessed Paul
                           VI, A Call to Ac on [Octogesima Adveniens], no. 14)

          Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                                                                May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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                                                      Pray : Serve : Share

                                  Baby Bottle Project
               Please return Baby Bottles this Sunday, May 9th
               after Mass or return to the parish center this week.
                 Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 – 5.
                                            If you are making a donation by check,
                                                   please make it payable to:
                                                     The Women’s Center
                                        You can also go directly to their website at:
                               or call 773-794-1313 to donate.

                             Thank you to all who participated!

    Encouraging women to build friendship and community in our parish through faith and service.
                             Join us to Pray the Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

                             Visit our website for more information:


 First Communion will be celebrated at the Sunday, 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, May 16th.
 Due to this special occasion and the a endance of the families and guests of the children receiving First
 Communion Mass reserva ons will go quickly. Please plan to register for your mass sea ng early.
 Sunday, 5/16 5:00 PM Mass reserva ons will not be impacted by the celebra on of First Communion.

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                                     May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                        6

                                       Pray : Serve : Share

                             Virtual Book Discussion

                               “Zipporah, Wife of Moses”
                                        By Marek Halter
                         From the internationally bestselling author of Sarah
             comes the riveting story of the remarkable woman who walked beside Moses.

                         Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 7 – 8 pm
          We will meet via Zoom. Sign up is required for zoom link.
              Please RSVP to Ginny at

 Although she is a Cushite by birth—one of the people of the lands to the south—
 Zipporah grew up as the beloved daughter of Jethro, high priest and sage of the
 Midianites. But the color of Zipporah’s skin sets her apart, making her an outsider to
 the men of her adopted tribe, who do not want her as a wife. Then one day while
 drawing water from a well, she meets a handsome young stranger. Like her, he is an
 outsider. A Hebrew raised in the house of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Moses is a fugitive,
 forced to flee his homeland. Zipporah realizes that this man will be the husband and
 partner she never thought she would have.

                             All are welcome to attend!
                                  Vincentian Women
                                St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                   May 9, 2021
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St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                    7

                             Pray : Serve : Share

Sixth Sunday of Easter                              May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                         8

                                          Pray : Serve : Share

 Weekday Morning Mass for the Lincoln Park –
 Old Town Parishes at 8:00 am
 The five parishes in our Renew My Church Grouping are working together to offer a weekday Mass.
 You will need to follow the same procedures for health and safety as you would for attending
 Sunday Mass.

 Monday- St. Joseph Church
 Tuesday – St. Michael’s in Old Town
 Wednesday – St. Teresa of Avila Church
 Thursday – St. Vincent de Paul Church
 Friday – St. Josaphat Church

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                  May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                   9

                                                          Pray : Serve : Share

                                       Our local council of knights at St. Vincent de                         Our local c
                                       Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action                                 Paul Parish
                                       Programs, activities designed to serve our                             Programs,
                                       community while building upon core values of                           community
                                       charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.                             charity, un
                                       Membership is always open and we invite you                            Membersh
                                       to learn more about us.                                                to learn mo
                                       For more information? Contact Justin Tucker                            For more in
                                       at                                              at jmtucke

                                       Service and charity are at the heart of the Knights. Founded to       Service and ch
                                       meet the needs of immigrants, refugees and families suffering         meet the need
                                       from the death of a breadwinner, the Knights began as a small         from the death
                                       service organization and has grown into a worldwide financial         service organiz
                                       and charitable organization.                                          and charitable

          VOLUNTEERS FOR CHURCH                                           SOUP KITCHEN SERVICE

          We are in need of more volunteers to greet people       Our soup kitchen needs volunteers to help serve
          and act as ushers. Currently, we have mass at           on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in the
          10am and 5pm on Sunday and 8am on Thursday,             morning from 7:30-10am. In addi on, volunteers
          in addi on to bap sms and weddings on                   are needed to pick up dona ons at Costco on
          Saturdays. The number of masses and the                 Sunday morning at 9:15am. If you would like to
          celebra on of daily Mass depends largely on the         volunteer or want more informa on, please
          availability of volunteers. If you would like to help,  contact Nelson Mendoza at
          and are not part of the vulnerable popula on,  or register at h p://
          please contact Fr. JeremyOurat
                                           local council of knightswww.rotundaso
                                                                    at St.
                                                                                     de                         Our local c
          or 773-325-4155.                                        Seton_SandwichKitchen?enroll=1
                                       Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action                                Paul Parish
                                       Programs, activities designed to serve our                            Programs,
     Sixth Sunday of Easter            community while building upon core values of                          community
                                                                                                         May 9, 2021
                                       charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.                            charity, un
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                              10

                                                       Pray : Serve : Share

                                          DO YOU RECEIVE PARISH EMAILS?
                           Did you know that we send out weekly emails with parish updates, events
                           and the e-bulle n? If not, please go to our website ( and
                           subscribe to our newsle er. As we begin to have public mass, this will be
                           your opportunity to get the link for pre-registra on for masses every
      Thursday. Also, please check to make sure it’s not going to your spam folder!

                                                      St. Vincent de Paul
                                                   Emergency Assistance Fund
      Are you or someone you know struggling with keeping up with bills or rent at this me? Thanks to
      some generous donors, we have created an emergency assistance fund. This will provide a one-
       me, short-term, emergency nancial support to parishioners, and those who are sponsored by
      parishioners. It is designed to give an extra hand to those of you who may be struggling nancially.
      Any of you who need this help are invited to apply here.

                                                   Ministry of Praye
     While we are separated from each other physically, we are all connected in one
     spirit in Christ. “Being Church” means more than coming to a building. The Church
     is you and me – all of us together – living out our mission. This con nues even if we
     are physically separated. Let us pray for each other.

     We have formalized a Ministry of Prayer by asking the members of the Vincen an
     Women and Men’s Prayer group to pray for your inten ons each day. We now
     would like to invite anyone from the parish to par cipate. If you would like to join,
     please email Leslie Linke at

     If you have any prayer inten ons, please email Fr. Jeremy at
     or send a message to our parish Facebook page. As Catholics, we believe that our
     prayers make a di erence in the world. Now, more than ever, we must band
     together as a community of faith and keep this prac ce alive.

     Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                          May 9, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                    11

                                                   Pray : Serve : Share

     St. Vincent de Paul Parish
     Masses in the church:
     Sunday Mass at 10:00am, 5:00pm,
     and 8:00pm (DePaul University)

     (10:00am also streamed live on

     Thursdays at 8a

     Parish Center Hours:
     9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

                   living out the Vincentian
                         charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception

                                               Financial Stewardship

                                                    Actual                                     Budget
                                          Current            Previous   Variance       Current Mo          Variance
               March 2021                 FY 2021             FY 2020                     FY 2021
                    Collec ons    $       26,648    $         28,317        -6%    $      31,500                -15%
                         Easter   $          145    $              -               $           -
                         Other    $       22,956    $         19,981        15%    $      25,015                 -8%
                          Total   $       49,749    $         48,298         3%    $      56,515                -12%

                  YTD                                                                         YTD
                    Collec ons $         252,713    $        310,551       -19%    $     298,200                -15%
                         Other $         194,159    $        236,584       -18%    $     214,135                 -9%
                          Total $        446,872    $        547,135       -18%    $     512,335                -13%

     Thank you for your continued support of St. Vincent de Paul Parish! Your commitment is vital to the scal
     health of our parish. For convenient regular giving, please consider using our auto-withdrawal program.
                                 Visit for more information.

     Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                               May 9, 2021


St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                     12

                                                 Pray : Serve : Share

                                             Calendar of Events
 Sunday, May 9               Return date for baby bottles for the Women's Center, Church
                             Mass, 10:00 am, Church (registration required) and on Facebook:
                             Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (registration required)
                             Young Adults Pizza Party, 6:00 pm, Courtyard
                             CCM Mass, 8:00 pm, Church

 Monday, May 10              Divine Mercy Chaplet - 7pm

 Tuesday, May 11             Music, Stillness, Solidarity - 5:30pm-6:30pm

 Wed., May 12                Pray the Rosary - 6pm
                             Vincentian Women Virtual Book Discussion, 7:00 – 8:00, Zoom (sign up required)
                             Evening Prayer in the Style of Taizé, 8:00 pm, CCM Facebook Live (@depaulccm)

 Thurs., May 13              Mass, 8:00 am, Church, no reservation required.

 Sunday, May 16              Mass, 10:00 am, Church (registration required) and on Facebook:
                             First Communion, 10:00 am Mass, Church
                             Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (registration required)
                             CCM Mass, 8:00 pm, Church

 The Archdiocese of Chicago's O ce of Young Adult Engagement has gathered a list of online
 resources for your use during this time of social distancing and beyond.

 Visit to nd resources about local and national
 prayer opportunities, mental and physical health, books to read, podcasts to listen to and so
 much more. These resources are speci cally geared toward young adults to help them stay
Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                                May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                  13

                                                                News & Notes

                                   MOTHER’S DAY
                                            Copyright 2021 by John B. Reynolds (

          Early in Lent, I mentioned that I often pray the rosary when I’m out for a run. One of my home parish’s
          former pastors--Fr. Tom Paprocki--brought this notion of running with Mary into focus for me years ago
          when we were out for a few miles. He later showed me a ring with ten little bumps on it that helped him
          keep track of the Hail Mary’s. I asked my daughter to make me an embroidery oss bracelet with knots
          to serve the same purpose. She did, and I’ve been running with it--or its various replacements--pretty
          much ever since

                    Fr. Paprocki is now Bishop Paprocki, and while he’s known for his Churchly acumen, he’s
          known, too--at least by many of his runner friends--for his presence on the path. He’s a year or so older
          than me, so he’s been around the block a few times. That’s guratively as in, he’s got some years on him,
          and literally as in, he’s run 20+ marathons. As such, I was quick to seek out a copy of his new book,
          Running for a Higher Purpose – 8 Steps to Spiritual and Physical Fitness. Having read his earlier
          o ering--Holy Goals for Body & Soul--I looked forward to another engaging sports-and-faith

                   Bishop Paprocki delivers. In spades. An inside-front-page holds high praise for his e ort from
          runners and religious alike. For my two cents, the book is a great read lled with solid advice that easily
           nds us wherever we might be in the moment on both our spiritual- tness and physical- tness journeys.
          Well into the book, Bishop Paprocki references one of his favorite verses in Scripture, the exhortation in
          Hebrews that we “…persevere in running the race that lies before us.” I think that his sports-and-faith
          conversation in Running for a Higher Purpose can only strengthen such resolve in all of us

                                 Fittingly on Mother’s Day, I can tell you that Paprocki has great love for our
          Blessed Mother. Besides devoting several pages in Chapter 4 to running with her via the rosary, he tells a
          great Mary story in Chapter 7 that’s worth the price of admission. He also quotes St. Ambrose on the last
          page: “Let Mary’s soul be in each of you to proclaim the greatness of the Lord.” All of which brings me to
          one of my favorite verses, from John. Here, Mary ignores her son at the Canaan wedding feast when Jesus
          tells her--harshly--that the wine supply is not his concern. She simply says to the servers, “Do whatever
          he tells you.

                                And this is especially telling now given the last line of today’s Gospel (also from
          John) when Jesus directs his disciples during the Last Supper: “This I command you: love one another.”
          Simple. Profound. And per usual, everything connects. All good mothers believe in their children. My
          mom, for example, thought that everything I ever wrote was Pulitzer-worthy. My wife is quick to give
          props to our children whenever the opportunity presents itself. Mary believes in Jesus the same. “Love
          one another,” the son says, and “Do whatever he te s you,” the mother implores. Yeah. Running with
          Mary--in one fashion or another--is totally cool. And with her companionship and counsel on the path,
          we’re more likely to keep in mind the Higher Purpose the good bishop is talking about. Happy Mother’s
          Day! Run like the wind.

          Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                            May 9, 2021



St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                          14

                                       Re ection om Fr. Murphy

     Sixth Easter

     Email me at

     Sixth Sunday of Easter                                      May 9, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                         15

                                             News & Notes

 Mass offerings are available for all weekend masses
                and weekday masses

Request a mass to be o ered on behalf of your loved one. You
can reserve one for the anniversary of a death or support
someone during a di cult time, o er one for a birthday or
wedding celebration, or however else you wish.

We are still taking requests, but please contact Fr. Jeremy
directly by email ( instead of calling
the Parish Center.


DONATE with Zelle                                        DONATE online

• Select “Transfer $ using Zelle”
• Enter
• Enter an amount to donate
• Send!
• Register as a parishioner so we
  have your contact information

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                    May 9, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                             16

                                             Weekly Intentions

                                 Please Pray for Our Sick
Let us remember all those here at St. Vincent’s who are ill and in need of God’s healing and
comfort. Let us keep them in our prayers and thoughts, especially: Sue Maris Allen, Elaine
Anderson, Alyssa Beverly, Phil Bogert, Margaret Charles, Sommer Churchill, Danica Djalovic,
John Garrity, Leticia Gross, Mary Hayes, Laura Linke, David Neesan, Ruth Ohrem, Natalia De
Los Rios, James Schwake, Joyce Wals

  Please contact Ginny in the parish center to inform us of those who are ill and
  in need of God’s healing and comfort. They will be listed in our bulletin for 4
  weeks. Renewal of prayers for the sick is available by contacting Ginny at
  that time. If you would like Fr. Jeremy to visit the person (if they live in the
  area), please let Ginny know when you add them to the list.
  If you would like a mass intention for any open date, as well as other dates in the future, please
  contact Fr. Jeremy at to schedule. He continues to celebrate mass for
  your intentions in private.
                                                Mass O erings
                             10:00 am – Evelyn Storto and The Cunningham & Kelly Families,
 Sunday, May 9th
                             5:00 pm –Marilyn George

 Monday, May 10th            Tracy Dolce (living)

 Tuesday, May 11th           Thomas G. Elder

 Thursday, May 13th          Thomas Buchanan

 Saturday, May 15th          Leonor Alba

 Sunday, May 16th            10:00 am – Mary Grecoina, 5:00 pm – People of the Parish

 Welcome New Parishioners:
 Jenn Moore, Brandon & Taylor Thompson

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                                                                        Contact Us

     Parish Sta
     Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M.
            Pastor ......................................................................................................................
     Robert Beatty
            Director of Music and Community Development ……………………………………..
     Rebecca Simons
            Evangelization & Faith Formation Coordinator ………………………………………. rcarmic1@depaul.ed
     Christopher Allen
           Communications Director ……………………………………………………………………….
     Mary Carter
           Administrative Assistant & Records ……………………….………………………………
     Ginny Costigan
           Administrative Assistant ………………………………….……………………………………..
     Suzanne Hannau
           Assistant Director of Music & Young Adult Ministry ………………………………….
     Jen Olson
           Director of Operations ………………………………………………………………………..
     Jose and Salvador Perez

                    Bulletin Information

     Articles must be submitted on or before Noon on Saturday for the next weekend’s bulletin (earlier, for
     the week preceding holidays). Microsoft Word attachments are requested. Please make sure to indicate
     which Sunday date(s) you’re requesting.
     Please DO NOT send content by email, but instead use the Bulletin Submission Form: Contact Christopher Allen ( with any questions
     Website Information
     Submit news items, photos, PDF announcements, and similar promotional materials at any time to
     Christopher Allen. Please include your complete contact information in case we need to reach you.

                    The Word Among Us ( is a Catholic
                    devotional magazine with the daily mass readings and
                    re ections.

                    The US Conference of Catholic Bishops                                    DePaul University ( has a
                    ( has a daily video re ection on                     variety of resources regarding St. Vincent de Paul and
                    the mass readings, as well as the readings                               the Vincentian Family, including articles, podcasts and
                                                                                             interviews, in “All Things Vincentian.”
                    Busted Halo ( is an “online magazine
                    for spiritual seekers” sponsored by the Paulist Fathers.                 Saint of the Day ( provides a
                    It includes re ections on faith and popular culture.                     short biography of the saint for the current day.

     Sixth Sunday of Easter                                                                                                                     May 9, 2021



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