Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah

Page created by Jose Solis
Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
Iyyar—Sivan 5779
                                                                         June 2019
                                                             email: office@shir-tikvah-homewood.org
                                                             1424 183rd Street, Homewood, IL 60430

                          Rabbi’s Message
                          On June 9 and 10, our community, like Jewish communities throughout the
                          country, will celebrate the pilgrimage festival of Shavu’ot. Literally translated as
                          weeks, Shavu’ot marks the end of the period of seven weeks between Pesach and
                          the barley harvest. In the Torah, it is noted as one of the shalosh regalim, the
                          three pilgrimage festivals on which our ancestors made the trek to Jerusalem in
                          order to bring offerings of the first of their harvests before God. Since the
                          destruction of the second Temple, however, the holiday’s purely agricultural
                          theme, has shifted to a celebration of the giving of Torah lest Shavuo’t be wiped
                          off the Jewish calendar all together in the absence of a central space for sacrifice.
                            Today, Shavu’ot celebrates the moment that, standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai,
                            our ancestors became a nation. Through the giving of Torah, the Children of
Israel who were freed from slavery in Egypt, became one people, devoted to one God. Today, that Torah
still serves as our guide and our history book; a rich heritage passed down from generation to generation.
                                                                                               (Continued on page 2)

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
Yet there are those who would, forgive my use of the term, ‘take the words of the Torah hostage.’ Those
individuals believe these words to literally be those of God – and the rabbis – at Sinai, and as such, their
content is to be taken at face value, and to apply,
as is, to all people, at all times. These individuals
read only what is printed on the parchment of our
holy text, and in so doing, they alienate many for
whom the text has always been beloved, even if
It is ironic, because the very act of celebrating
Matan Torah, the giving of the Torah at Sinai at
Shavu’ot, is itself a reform of the words of the
Torah. In adopting the theme of Matan Torah for
Shavu’ot, the rabbis taught us a valuable lesson about the malleability inherent in its words. The book of
Deuteronomy tells us that if a matter arises, it must be brought before the judge sitting in that time. And
if nearly two-thousand years of commentary, filled with different opinions - some conflicting with their
predecessors – doesn’t tell you that this text is far deeper than the deepest sea, I don’t know what will.
Like an onion, the Torah’s words have layer upon layer of meaning, though I suspect they smell a little
sweeter… The context of times in which we read and reread them, helps us to reach new, sometimes
intriguing and sometimes complicated conclusions. This relatively modern reinterpretation of the
festival and its theme helps this ancient text remain ever relevant in our lives.
A few weeks ago, in a D’var Torah on Parashat K’doshim, I quoted Rabbi David Greenstein who teaches:
“The public reading of Torah should never be allowed to become a tool that supports the promulgation
of fear, contempt or hatred of others.” This is a lesson, that especially in this age of rising hatred among
so many, we would do well to heed. Let us
use our reading and study of Torah to
promote love and understanding. Let us
place a wide-angle lens upon its words, so
that past, present, and future, can all be
seen, remembered, and applied to make the world a better place.
Have a happy and meaningful Shavu’ot!

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
Presidents’ Message

Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday to us!          Shabbat kiddush. These changes have also
Over the past year, we have talked a lot             been represented by physical changes in our
about birthdays and new years, both in the           building. Please take time to thank the
religious calendar and in the secular                members of our facilities committee and Bob
calendar. Judaism can be said to be a joyous         for our beautiful and safe building. Our ritual
religion because so many times we are                committee chose to unite with two co-chair
celebrating or giving blessings for the power        people who have been working ceaselessly
of G-d, victories obtained from our struggles        during the year to ensure that the services
and challenges throughout our history, and           and rituals fairly represent both the Reform
life cycle events filled with joy. Of course,        and Conservative observances, as well as
during these times, we also remind ourselves         meeting individual needs.
of the sorrows that people have experienced,
                                                     Our other committees have also been
but, today, let us be thankful and delighted.
                                                     working hard all year to help with the growth
One year ago, we came to the two respective
                                                     of the new congregation. Most importantly,
congregations, B’nai Yehuda Beth Sholom
                                                     the Board needs to be thanked for all they
and Congregation Am Echad, for a vote on
                                                     have done. No matter how bad the weather
consolidation to allow the two to become
                                                     was or how they felt, the Board members
one, and Shir Tikvah was formed. Our request
                                                     came out for all the meetings and
came after an evolution that led to a year of
                                                     volunteered to do the work that was
hard work by a task force consisting of
                                                     necessary to have a functional congregation.
representative members from both
congregations. During the year, we kept              We still have more changes to make and
returning to the boards and to the rest of the       work to do, so if we ask for your help, please
membership asking for feedback and                   say, “Yes!” Thank you everyone for all you
suggestions.                                         have done this past year, and, again, let us
                                                     sing, “Happy Birthday.”
We also had a website where we posted
minutes from all the meetings. You
supported us with a unanimous vote and we
became one. We had the marriage, and now
the honeymoon period began. As with any
marriage, there were some
misunderstandings and adjustments had to
be made. We learned each other’s language
and dialogues were held. Rabbi Harari was
essential in helping us to learn the customs
of each other. Starting with Yom Kippur
Havdalah and break fast, we have united for
some holiday celebrations and for the

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
    August 25th

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
We Say It’s Our Birthday!
We are going to have a good time!
It’s been one year since the formation of Shir
Tivkah and it’s time for a party.
Save the Date for a Birthday Party, Sunday,
August 25
at 4:00 PM
Look for invitations in your mail box toward the end of June.
 Here is what you can do to help get the party started:
Offer your time, talent or special item for the Goods and Services
Auction. (see accompanying article)
  • Volunteer to help the day of the event.

  • Offer to bake a dessert.

  • Help with mailing the invitations.

If you know past members or supporters of TBY, BYBS or Am Echad
who would appreciate an invitation to our event, send the contact
information to celebrateshirtivkah@gmail.com.
Stay updated through Shir Tivkah emails and Facebook.
Contact Gayla Cahan or Laura Eisenwasser with any questions
regarding the event and Janet Herbstman regarding the auction.
Use the new email address celebrateshirtikvah@gmail.com or
reach out to us in person.

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
Shir Tikvah’s First Birthday Celebration Goods and
Services Auction August 25th
We are going to have a silent auction at the party and we need your donations!

Goods:                                   Services:
Any special item that you think          The sky's the limit! Some ideas:
someone attending the party might like   Your favorite cake
to purchase                              Challah
Jewelry                                  Your famous casserole
Art                                      Homemade candy
Art glass                                Any other delicious food in which you
Pottery                                  specialize
New or very gently used Judaica          A dinner party catered by you. e g “a
                                         Shabbat dinner for 6”
                                         Tickets to a baseball game
                                         Tickets to an opera
                                         A day, weekend, or week at a vacation
                                         Lessons: anything you know well and
                                         are willing to share: knitting, tennis,
                                         jewelry making, a computer program,
                                         Entertainment e.g. a magic show
                                         A photography session
                                         Anything else - use your imagination!

So, please put on your thinking caps and help us make our auction a great

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
Women of Shir Tikvah
O      n April 29th, 8 volunteers met to work on the “Lipstick Project” to assist the Crisis Center for South
       Suburbia. The Crisis Center serves of 2,000 victims of domestic violence and offers a variety of services
that include a 24-hour hotline and residential services, to name a few. The Lipstick Project was designed to
provide women an inconspicuous place to keep an escape plan. Inside the lipstick tube is a sheet of paper
with a checklist of necessary paperwork, emergency numbers and checklist for a quick exit. Together, we
cleaned out and completed 100s of lipstick tubes donated by various companies. We will take on more of the
projects in the future.

W        hat an amazing five days I have just had the honor
         to have experienced. I attended both The Social
Justice Conference 2019, sponsored by the WRJ, in
Washington, DC on May 17-19 , and The Consultation on
Conscience on May 19-21, also in Washington, DC. Both
sponsored by the Religious Action Center.
The WRJ Conferences was their inaugural event
purposely meant to segue into the RAC’s conference —
an event for Jewish women to become better educated
and trained on social justice issues, learn advocacy skills
to utilize at home and on a larger scale, all in a welcoming all-female environment.
Workshops included issues on immigration, pay and gender equality, domestic violence,
global warming, issues on Israel and, of course, we ate and supported the YES fund. We
prayed alongside of 300 of our WRF sisters and were lead in song by none other than
Julie Silver. On Saturday night we were entertained in songs of social justice by Stacy
Beyer and Julie Silver, which was truly memorable.
Son Sunday, the Consultation on Conscience began and we hard from the leaders of the
Reform community, Jonah Pesner and Rabbi David Sappersetein.
Donelle Macey, Co-President, Women of Shir Tikvah

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
Service Times for June, 2019
Reform Services                                  Conservative Services
Saturday, June 1, 10:15am                        Saturday, June 1, 9:45 am
Parashat Bechukorai                              Parashat Bechukorai
Torah: Leviticus 27:1-27:34                      Torah: Leviticus 27:1-27:34
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14                   Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
Friday, June 7, 7:30pm                           Saturday, June 8, 9:45 am
Shabbat Evening Service                          Parashat Bamidbar
                                                 Erev Shavuot
Saturday, June 8, 10:15am                        Torah: Numbers 3:14-4:20
Parashat Bamidbar                                Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22
Erev Shavuot
Torah: Numbers 3:14-4:20                         Sunday, June 9, 9:45 am
Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22                           Shavuot I
                                                 Confirmation for Aliyah Moore
Friday, June 14, 7:30pm
Shabbat Evening Service                          Monday, June 10, 9:45 am
                                                 Shavuot II
Saturday, June 15, 10:15am
Parashat Nasso                                   Saturday, June 15, 9:45 am
Torah: Numbers 7:1-7:89                          Parashat Nasso
Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25                         Torah: Numbers 7:1-7:89
                                                 Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25
Friday, June 21, 7:30pm
Sisterhood Shabbat Evening Service               Saturday, June 22, 9:45 am
Celebrating Judy Lohr-Safcik                     Parashat Beha’alotcha
                                                 Torah: Numbers 10:35-12:16
Saturday, June 22, 10:15am                       Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7
Parashat Beha’alotcha
Torah: Numbers 10:35-12:16                       Saturday, June 29, 9:45 am
Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7                     Parashat Sh’lach
                                                 Torah: Numbers 15:8-15:41
Friday, June 28, 7:30pm                          Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24
Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, June 29, 10:15am
Parashat Sh’lach
Torah: Numbers 15:8-15:41
Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24

                                                Candle Lighting Times

                                        Friday, June 7                      Friday, June 21
                                        8:04 pm                             8:10 pm
                                        Friday, June 14                     Friday, June 28
                                        8:08 pm                             8:10 pm

                                                Candle lighting times are for Homewood, IL

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
WEEK OF               WEEK OF                   WEEK OF                  WEEK OF
JUNE 7                JUNE 14                   JUNE 21                  JUNE 28
Aheron Alfille        Frank Ascher              Moses Adler              Israel Arvey
Bertha Arvey          Sophie David              David Anger              Florence Baker
Ida Blonsky           Elaine Dworkin            Bella Brown              Reuben Brower
Jack Brin             Alfred Eisen              Lotte Buchsbaum          Emma Bruder
Esther Davidson       Lillian Fendelman         John Eulenberg           Hannah Cahan
Belle Ephraim         Kurt Hollander            Boris Faynshteyn         Miriam Chesler
Jack Fisdel           Ruth Kaiser               Gladyce Friedman         Louis Cohen
Dieter Frankel        Isidore Kharasch          Jeanette Friessner       Bessie Deicher
Alex Garden           Esther Koslen             Amelia Gaby              Marjorie Epstein
Manfred Goldschmidt   Sylvia Lasker             Sam Garb                 Jean Eulenberg
Gertrude Greenburg    Abraham Lippman           Barbara Gerber           Shirley Feigenbaum
Sam Hasan             Edna Lustig               Irving Ginsburg          Morris J. Figatner
Al Holtz              Sam Lustig                Jacob Ginsberg           Rose Friedman
Herman Hyman          Jacob Noven               Max Goldstein            Samuel Gorelick
Joseph Kessler        Mollie Weiner Rosen       Elizabeth Goodman        Samuel Hirschbruch
Darwin Krucoff        Miriam Rutzky             Irma Jane Gordon         Anna Jaffe
Edythe Leibowitz      Solomon Salk              Ben Kaplan               Lena Klein
Tillie Levin          Louis Schneider           Helen Lang               Sarah Lacob
Regine Lion           Morris Shabelman          Sidney Lasker            Rebecca Levinson
Dan Malis             Helen Singer              Charles Levin            Alma Levy
Mel Noven             KateGoldman Singer        Pauline Litton           Luis Neves-Hatchwell
Ben Pollock           Flora Sostheim            Miriam Marcado           Mary Reich
Irene Reznick         Irwin Srulevitz           Joe Mollin               Dan Ritter
Haskell Rosen         Adeline Stern             Dr. Harry Noskin         Solomon Ritter
Morris Rubin          Herman Stern              Adolph Pahn              Helen Rubin
Eugene Runes          Sol Tannebaum             Esther Papermaster       Barry Ruche
Florence Schechter    Max Wasserman             Ida Pfeffer              Max Sherman
Gretel Schrimmer                                Mae Podwol               Sylvia Sherow
Moshe Serlin                                    Dr. Herbert C. Pollack   Lena Shuchter
Maurice Sherman                                 Ruth Reisler             Sarah Siegel
Sarah Singer                                    Max Shepet               Adele Weinhouse
Solomon Spector                                 Fannie Sherman           Matilda Yochelson
Belle Stein                                     Celia Silverman
Willard Vinik                                   Harold Silverman
Lee Wohl                                        Anne Chiz Stern
Samuel Zeiger                                   Dr. Saul Sultan
                                                Leo Wagner

Iyyar-Sivan 5779 June 2019 - Shir Tikvah
June Birthdays                                July Birthdays
    1   Caryl Chudwin                            1   Ray Hamad
    2   Anthony DeFilippo                        1   Willard Bransky
    3   Shelley Ritter                           2   Susan Bayer
    5   Jeffrey Sporn                            3   Diane Wolf
    8   Rachel Malis                             5   Richard Zucker
   11   Margo Rannells                           9   Manny Katz
   11   Danielle Rafalovitz                     10   Dr. Lauren Kern
   12   Andreatte Brachman                      11   Ruth Friedman
   12   Jeremy Lieb                             13   Bari Wolf
   13   Nancy Burrows                           14   Jake Eisenwasser
   14   Susan Johnson                           14   Fawn Gottlieb
   14   Roz Herbert                             18   Larry Simon
   14   Sharon Lorsch                           19   Mitchell Simon
   15   Marilyn Goldberg                        21   Hillary Sigale
   16   Ben Ritter                              22   Bea Kamen
   18   Manny Chudwin                           25   Marcia Sime
   18   Alice Davis                             26   John Kern
   18   Michael Sitrin                          27   Henry Lorsch
   19   Stephanie Greenberg                     28   Leslie Sigale
   19   Shana Plolfsky                          29   Ron Rutzky
   21   Sanford Rusnak                          29   Barbara Sitrin
   22   Sidney Barsuk                           29   Peter Wilkins
   24   Mandy Sigale                            30   Ignacio Tejeda
   25   Eric Rusnak                             30   Irwin Friedman
   26   Alexander Reich                         31   Ron Dieckman
                                                31   Lester Katz
                                                31   Miriam Nissly
June Anniversaries
    2   Dr. Manny & Caryl Chudwin
    2   Dr. Bernard & Marcia Heilicser        July Anniversaries
    8   Dr. Douglas & Eila Koltun                2   Linda & Peter Wilkins
    8   Keigh & Larry Malis                      5   Sandi & Keith Reich
   11   Miriam & Burt Garbow                     5   Richard & Carol Zucker
   12   Debbie & Dan Greenberg                   6   Dr. T. Michael & Ida Anger
   14   Alan & Rori Narter                      12   Barbara & Lawrence Cohen
   15   Rabbi Leo & Helen Wolkow                15   Walter & Gretchen Falk
   17   Lenny & Burt Zeiger                     27   Stuart & Nancy Friedman
   18   Shari Cohen & Robert Mayer
   18   Ellen & Richard Kaplan
   19   Arnie & Cheryl Bernstein
   21   Barry & Susan Bayer
   23   Joel & Gail Kaufman
   24   Marcie & Harold Reisler
   24   Gary & Barbara Schwarz
   29   Janet & David Herbstman
   29   Sherry & Scott Wolf
   29   Sara & Barry Marks
   30   David & Bonnie Rubin

 Rabbi’s Discretionary           & Larry Machtinger               Koltun, Elliott           Sisterhood
    Fund                       Walter Sporn from Alan             Greenberg, Brenda           Tributes
 In memory of                    Sporn and Rebecca                Burton, Margie Copen,     Sympathy
 Samuil Abramov from             Sporn                            Jake & Laura              To the Himmel family in
    Grigoriy & Tat’yana                                           Eisenwasser, and Dan         memory of Joyce from
    Abramov                    Get Well Soon!                     & Debbie Greenberg           Ron & Alene Rutzky
 Rose Aisuss from Vivian &     To Harlene Friedman from                                     To Ernie Ratowitz & family
    Sandra Stelzer                Laura & Jake                 Mazel Tov!                      in memory of Ruth from
                                  Eisenwasster                 To Dan & Debbie                 Ron & Alene Rutzky,
 Marilyn Kay Levinson from
    Ronda Lebold                                                  Greenberg on the birth       and Linda & Larry
                               Adult Education & Prog.
 Joseph Mirsky from Mark                                          of their granddaughter       Simon
    Mirsky                                                        from Laura & Jake
                               In memory of                       Eisenwasser
 Jack Sevelow from Gussie                                                                   Get Well Soon!
                               Dorothy Ulman from Barb &       To Alene Rutzky on her
    & Jill Sevelow                Larry Cohan                                               To Norm Weil from Linda &
                                                                  retirement and special       Larry Simon
 Lazarus Stein from David
                                                                  recognition by the JUF
    Stein                      Sympathy
                                                                  from Edith Feldmann
                               To Dan & Debbie                                              Women of Shir
 General Fund                                                  To Sarah Smason on her         Tikvah
                                  Greenberg in memory of
 In memory of                                                     special birthday from       Sisterhood
                                  Jonathan Greenberg
 Bertha Chiz from Helene          and Amy Greenberg
                                                                  Edith Feldmann              News
    Cox                           from Aaron Wishnoff          To David & Janet             Gold cards are available at
                                  and Edith Buntman               Herbstman on the birth       a cost of $5.50. Please
 Rebecca Gabovitch from
                                                                  of a grandson from           send your request to
    Janice J. Heiss            To David & Shira
                                                                  Laura & Jake                 Carol Zucker.
 Dolores Gbur & Cassie            Hoambreaker in
    Gbur from Tommie &            memory of David’s
    Dan Gbur                      brother from Alene and                                    When you shop—think
                                  Ron Rutzky                   Family Concerns/Shiva         of us! Purchase
 Burt Heilbrunn from Sybelle
                               To Ernie Ratowitz and               Fund                      your Jewel Cards to
                                                               In Memory of                  benefit the Women
 Renee Kaminsky from              Family from Cathy
                                                               Dorothy Ascher from Margo     of Shir Tikvah
    Aaron Wishnoff                Burnett & Family,
                                  Marianne & Stuart Switt,         Rannells
 Harold Kenis from Dorothy
    Kenis                         Tommie & Dan Gbur,           Alice F. Cap from Larry &
                                  Harlene & Irwin                  Barb Cohan
 Eva Machtinger from Dory
                                  Friedman, Eila & Doug

           We mourn the
              death of
          Ruth Ratowitz.
  May her memory forever be
        a blessing.
                                                 Mazel Tov to Dan & Debbie              Mazel Tov to Janet & David
                                                    Greenberg and Elliott               Herbstman on the birth of a
I want to thank everyone for their              Greenberg on the birth of Aria         grandbaby boy born May 20th
  good wishes as I continue my                      Rae, born May 6th to               at 2:35 am in New York, NY to
             recovery.                            Stephanie & Adam. Aria                  Judy Herbstman and Josh
            ~Norm Weil                           weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces                      Wertheimer.
                                                   and was 19.5 inches tall                He was 7 pounds 1 ounce

News You Can Use
 Mazel Tov to Barry Sturm and Marilys Ewa
                                                      When you shop at Jewel — think of
 on their marriage Sunday, May 26th.
                                                        the Sisterhood!
 If you’d like a congregational card sent out         Purchase your Jewel Cards to
 please notify Diedre in the office (suggested          benefit the Women of Shir
 donation is $10). If you’d like a sisterhood
 card sent out please notify Carol Zucker
 (suggested donation is $5.50).

                                                             Funeral Plan
                                                             A funeral plan with Chicago Jewish
                                                             Funerals is available for members and
                                                             their immediate families at their
                                                             option. To select this plan, simply call
                                                             Chicago Jewish Funerals at 847-229-
                                                             8822 and tell them that you are a Shir
                                                             Tikvah member. They will handle all
                                                             the details. The plan includes
                                                             professional services of funeral
                                                             director and staff, custodial and
                                                             general care of remains, the option of
We are planning our rummage/yard sale at the                 a tahara (the traditional Jewish
end of July! Please keep us in mind when cleaning            preparation of the body) a hearse
out your closets, etc. to consider donating your             graveside transfer vehicle, staff and
unwanted items.                                              equipment or chapel and a graveside
                                                             or synagogue service. Merchandise
                                                             includes a simple, dignified semi-oval
                                                             traditional casket of dark stained
                                                             wood, muslin shroud (optional, not
                                                             mandatory), register book, shiva and
                                                             yizkor candle, kriah ribbons, service
Is a subsidized                                              folders, use of prayer books, kpot and
senior transportation                                        50 standard acknowledgement cards.
options for Jewish
                                                             The funeral price is $6,400. For further
seniors facing
                                                             details, call the Shir Tikvah office or
barriers in the Southern Suburbs. This                       Chicago Jewish Funerals. The plan is
program broadens our transportation                          offered as a convenience for members
service area to better serve the Jewish                      and their families
community. For more info, please                             at a time of
contact the South Suburban Coordinator,                      stress, but there
at 312-357-4746, or Alex Fuchsman at                         is no obligation to
312-357-4656.                                                use it.

June 2019 Iyyar-Sivan 5779
     SUN            MON               TUE        WED        THU              FRI            SAT
STR = Shir Tikvah Reform                                                               1
STC = Shir Tikvah Conservative
                                                                                       STC 9:45am
                                                                                       STR 10:15am

2               3                4          5          6                7      8:04p   8 Erev Shavuot
Annual                                                 6:30 pm        STR 7:30pm       STC 9:45am
Meeting                                                JCC Film Fest                   STR 10:15am
10am                                                   at Homewood
                                                       Science Center

9 Shavuot I     10 Shavuot II    11         12         13               14     8:08p   15
Aliyah Moore    STC 9:45am                             6:30 pm          STR 7:30pm     STC 9:45am
Confirmation                                           JCC Film Fest                   STR 10:15am
at Festival     Office Closed
                                                       at Shir Tikvah
16              17               18         19         20               21     8:10p   22
Father’s        JCC Trip to                            6:30 pm          Sisterhood     STC 9:45am
                the Holocaust                          JCC Film Fest    Shabbat        STR 10:15am
Day             Museum                                 at Shir Tikvah   7:30pm

23              24               25         26         27               28     8:10p   29
                                                                        STR 7:30pm     STC 9:45am
                                                                                       STR 10:15am


July 2019                                                  Sivan—Tamuz 5779
      Sun                Mon             Tue            Wed               Thu        Fri           Sat
STR = Shir Tikvah   1               2              3                 4           5 8:09 p
STC = Shir Tikvah                   Rosh Chodesh   Rosh Chodesh                  STR 7:30pm
Conservative                        Tamuz          Tamuz
                                                   Women of Shir
                                                   Tikvah Birthday
                                                   Lunch 12:30 pm

7                   8               9              10                11          12 8:06 p    13
                    Board Meeting                                                STR 7:30pm   STC 9:45am
                    8:00 pm                                                                   STR 10:15am

14                  15              16             17                18          19 8:02 p    20
                                    CJC Meeting                                  STR 7:30pm   STC 9:45am
                                    7:00 pm                                                   STR 10:15am

21                  22              23             24                25          26 7:56 p    27
                                                                                 STR 7:30pm   STC 9:45am
                                                                                              STR 10:15am

28                  29              30             31

                     Rummage Sale Set Up/Take Down with Event on the 30th/31st

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