June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival

June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
June 6-9, 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
Photo by Bernie Coulson

Welcome to the
12th Annual Highlands Motoring Festival

         e attempt to create a family friendly      cal non-profit. Over the years, the net pro-
         event that appeals to everyone. The        ceeds have gone to many different charities.
         focus, of course, is the field of over     This year, REACH of Macon County, Literacy
125 classic cars. Owners of their collector         Council of Highlands, and the Community
pieces have gone to considerable effort and         Care Clinic have been selected as the char-
expense to put these cars on the show field         ity partners. Spectator entry to the show field
for all to enjoy. These owners have prepared        is free, but a contribution to our charities is ap-
their cars for judging in one of eight different    preciated.
classes. An eclectic field of entries will ensure               Highlands Motoring Festival is pow-
that there is something for everyone.               ered by an all-volunteer group. In addition
            On site are public restrooms, wa-       to the dozen Festival Committee members,
ter features, shelters, and benches. Kelsey-        there is another group of core workers, the
Hutchinson Founders Park is located one             “Friends of the Motoring Festival.” In 2018
block from Main Street, with Bank of America        there were nearly a hundred people who vol-
and Entegra Bank providing further space ad-        unteered their time and talents to the festival.
joining the park. Volunteers will be cooking                    Backing the festival are a garage-
and selling hot food.                               full of boosters. The Town of Highlands has
            Beyond the cars are the car people,     always supported the Motoring Festival and
both owners and spectators. With a 12-year          found ways to accommodate a growing
tradition, HMF has become a homecoming              event. The Highlands Chamber of Com-
for multiple generations of enthusiasts. When       merce has provided promotional resources.
spectators walk through the display of cars,        Platinum-level sponsors are Harmony Motors
nostalgia is everywhere. Cars from all eras will    (Porsche/Audi/VW), BMW of Asheville, Skyland
be on display to spark memories.                    Mercedes and Ferrari Maserati of Atlanta.
            Highlands Motoring Festival is a lo-

2 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
Schedule at a Glance
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Monte Carlo Night at Highlands Falls Country Club-

Friday June 7, 2019
“One Lap of the Mountains” Driving Tour-
      Kelsey Hutchinson Park, 7:30am-4:00pm
Welcome Parade and Party -
      Kelsey Hutchinson Park/High Dive 5:30pm-8:00pm

Saturday June 8, 2019
“Cars in the Park” Car Show-
       Kelsey Hutchinson Park, 10:00am-4:00pm
Music in the Park-
       Kelsey Hutchinson Park, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Sunday June 9, 2019
High Octane on Main - Car Show/Gathering
      Wright Square, West Main Street, 8:00am-12:00pm

3 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
Car Classes and Judging
2019 Judging Classes and Criteria

       he Saturday car show, “Cars in the Park”,      at the Hilton Head Concourse event. The other
       is a judged event and welcomes a broad         judges, each authoritative in their own field, hail
       assortment of vehicles in eight judged         from Atlanta, Greenville, Jacksonville, Sarasota
classes, ranging from pre-war classics to trucks.     and other important classic car areas. Several
We strive to create a friendly, welcoming, and        are from Highlands.
positive experience for participants. We see             There will be an award for Best of Class in
some rather spectacular automobiles. Some             each class. In addition to there will also be Out-
come by trailer, but most are driven by their         standing in Class awards; quantity determined
proud owners. All are welcomed and appreci-           by the number of registrants in each class. As in
ated. Despite the judging, remember the fun is        past years, there may be an invitational, non-
in meeting other enthusiasts and displaying your      judged, class, such as vintage race cars. The
pride and joy.                                        decisions of the HMF Selection Committee,
   Highlands Motoring Festival focuses on au-         regarding both acceptance into the field and
tos from the pre-computer car era. Cars from          class designation, are final.
model year 1989 and older are eligible for entry         The trophies are custom, locally produced,
into Saturday’s car show. Owners of later cars are    pieces of pottery commemorating HMF2019. All
encouraged to display them at Sunday’s “High          cars must carry an up to date fire extinguisher.
Octane on Main”. There is no judging for the          On behalf of the Highlands Motoring Festival, we
Sunday Car Show.                                      look forward to getting to know you, and your
   The festival committee strives to assemble a       car, and sincerely appreciate your support.
field of judges (often two per entry class) who are
not just knowledgeable, but typically are own-
ers of similar cars. Note that they are prohibited
from entering their personal cars for judging.
   The Honorary Head Judge, KB Pearce is widely
known in the Southeast for his vintage Mercedes
Gullwing, and has long served as a senior judge

4 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
HMF Judging Criteria                                89). Examples include cars from the big three
                                                      from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Examples: 1962
                                                      Chevrolet Impala, 1955 Ford, 1989 Thunderbird,
   Cars will be judged on overall quality of res-     Chrysler 300, Pontiac LeMans, etc.
toration, authenticity, historical significance,         American Sport: American-made sports
provenance, and presentation. Areas that will         cars, pony cars, and high-performance mod-
be judged on correctness and cleanliness are:         els. This class is intended to include Corvettes,
exterior paint & body, interior, engine compart-      pony cars, and factory muscle cars (1949-1989).
ment, and trunk. The car’s underbody, and             Examples GTO, Mustang, Camaro/Firebird, Bar-
chassis as viewed from underneath, will not           racuda, Olds 442, Roadrunner, AMX, GTX, GS,
be judged. Correctness to the minute detail is        XR-7, Z-28, Trans Am, etc.
not criteria. Our judges are knowledgeable car           Foreign Classic: Sedans, coupes, station
collectors/restorers, but they will not be inspect-   wagons and convertibles (pre-1990). Examples:
ing for authentic hose clamps, as an example.         Mercedes 280SE Convertible, Rolls Royce, Bent-
Judges will also take into consideration an own-      ley, Jag sedans, VW Beetle, etc.
er’s knowledge of their car, enthusiasm, and             Foreign Sport: Sporty roadsters and coupes
additional presentation effort (i.e. period attire,   (Pre-1990). Examples include: MG, Ferrari, Austin
factory brochures on display, etc.).                  Healy, Porsche, Sprite, Mercedes Gullwing and
   We recognize that many collector cars are          SL’s, BMW 3.0CS, etc.
driven regularly so modifications for safety and         Modified, Custom, and Street Rod (Applica-
drivability are given special tolerance when our      tion Class): Highly modified American or Euro-
judges consider originality. Acceptable modifi-       pean cars originally constructed prior to 1990. In
cations: seat/shoulder belts, modern tires, up-       addition to body work changes, modifications
graded brakes, battery, hoses, and belts. Ve-         include changes to: engine type, transmission/
hicles with deep modifications will be classed        drivetrain, and suspension type. Examples are
(based on space availability) into the Modified/      resto-mods, street rods, T-buckets, custom built
Custom Class. These modifications include: en-        cars, re-bodied or re-powered cars. Owners
gine type, wheelbase, track, transmission/drive-      must apply for entry into this class. The applica-
train, suspension type, and body lines.               tion form is available at www.HighlandsMotor-
  HMF Judged Classes                                  ingFestival.com.
   Touring: Pre-1949, American passenger ve-             Trucks/Utilities (including pre-1949): Trucks,
hicles. Examples: Model T, Model A, 1940 Ford         all-wheel drive, and utility vehicles. Examples:
Sedan, 1913 Buick, 1936 Packard.                      Jeep, Ford trucks of all eras, VW Thing, tractors,
   American Classic: American made sedans,            military vehicles.
coupes, station wagons and convertibles (1949-

5 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
One Lap of the Mountains Driving Tour
Beginning at Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park | Friday, June 7 | 7:30 AM

       he annual One Lap of The Mountains will         at 7:30 AM. Because of the logistics involving
       be held on Friday, June 7. This exhilarat-      rest room stops, sight-seeing stops and restau-
       ing driving adventure is a technical rally as   rant seating, we will depart in two groups of 25
opposed to a timed rally, designed to give driv-       cars each. The first cars will depart K-H Park at
ers a chance to enjoy the scenery while staying        8:30 AM sharp and the second group at 9:00
together as a group. Event organizers plan a dif-      AM sharp. Pre-register if you plan to participate
ferent course every year on roads chosen to pro-       as One Lap has become so popular it fills up
vide the ultimate mountain driving experience.         quickly. Please designate your preference as to
   One Lap of the Mountains VII is scheduled to        the 8:30 AM or 9:00 AM departure. We will do our
roll on Friday morning. You are invited to join the    best to accommodate your wishes, but spots
fun as forty lucky drivers, with their passengers,     will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.
drive beautiful mountain “less traveled” roads         One Lap of the Mountains 2019 will be capped
and experience the comradery the One Lap-              at 50 cars.
pers from past years have enjoyed. One Lap of             The first driver’s meeting will begin at 8:00
the Mountains will begin on Pine Street in Kelsey-     AM sharp for Group #1 and at 8:30 AM sharp
Hutchinson Park, also site of the Saturday event,      for Group #2. Each driver and one passenger
Cars in the Park.                                      will receive a HMF hat. Drivers will also receive
   A complementary continental breakfast               a 2019 HMF poster. Instructions for the day and
will be available to all participants beginning        detailed drivers log will be handed out and cov-

6 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
ered in the driver’s meetings.                            This year’s route will encompass an approxi-
    One Lap of the Mountains 2019 registration         mate total of 150 miles of the back roads of
is $150.00 per car and includes the driver an          western North Carolina. There will be an orga-
one passenger. The charge for each additional          nized lunch along the route where you can or-
passenger is $25.00 which includes a HMF hat.          der from a menu. If all stays on schedule, we
The continental breakfast is included in the reg-      should return to Highlands no later than 4:00 PM,
istration price, but participants pay for their own    and in plenty of time to rest up and prepare for
lunch.                                                 the Friday night Welcome Party and Parade at
    Awarding of points to those One Lap partici-       The High Dive Tavern.
pants who also show their driven car on Saturday
was a big success last year and will be contin-
ued in 2019. All “interesting” cars are invited to
participate in the One Lap, but please be ad-
vised that we will be navigating very mountain-
ous and curvy roads. Make sure your choice of
wheels is up to the task!

Route Tour Guide
           ver the years of Highlands Motor-           of a route guide book. The book includes the
           ing Festival, the most popular driving      six most recent “One Lap” routes; each updat-
           event has been the “One Lap of the          ed and verified. There are also two new routes
Mountains” driving tour. Each year a new route         with sections of unpaved surface. And there are
has been designed for a perfect combination            additional bonus routes and photos. The book
of road condition, scenery, and terrain. Every ef-     is authored by the originators of the event, Jan
fort is made to avoid high traffic areas. Breaks       and Gus Lard.
and lunch stops are selected to accommodate               The publication, “’One Lap of the Mountains’
the enjoyment of a group activity. Points of inter-    Route Guide”, will be available for sale to the
est and local history add color to the detailed        public on June 6-9, 2019, at the merchandise
instructions. Each route is repeatedly test driven     tables of the Highlands Motoring Festival. It is
and verified.                                          also on sale anytime at the Highlands Chamber
   Now, detailed directions, just like on the origi-   of Commerce.
nal “One Lap” tours, are available in the form

7 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
Festival History
                                          The vision for Highlands Motoring Festival was con-
                                       ceived in 2007, at a lunch table after a Rotary Club of
                                       Highlands meeting. The mission was to contribute to local
                                       charities and the Highlands business community by at-
                                       tracting Gear Heads to our beautiful area. The Highlands
                                       Motoring Foundation, a 501(c)(.3) was incorporated.
                                          The inaugural event took place in September 2008
                                       with 114 cars in attendance. The show venue was cre-
                                       ated by blocking off Pine Street and utilizing the park and
                                       the parking lots of Bank of America and Entegra Bank.
                                       The cooperation of the Town of Highlands and both
                                       banks made the event possible. Good weather brought
                                       a large turnout of spectators. Support of the Highlands
                                       business community was solidified. Local car enthusiasts
                                       stepped up and volunteered to help. The vision of an an-
                                       nual event became reality.
                                          Since then, the festival has continued uninterrupted
                                       with net proceeds going to many local charities includ-
                                       ing The Hudson Library, Rotary Club of Highlands, The
                                       Emergency Council, REACH, Cashiers-Highlands Hu-
                                       mane Society, Community Care Clinic, and the Literacy
                                       Council of Highlands. Over the past three years, over
                                       $100,000 has been raised from the festival and donated
                                       by Highlands Motoring Foundation. The festival operates
                                       as an all-volunteer organization, with no paid staff.
                                          For the first four years, the Motoring Festival was held
                                       during the month of September. To eliminate conflicts
                                       with some of the major car shows, the event was moved
                                       to July for two years. Finally, the second Saturday in June
                                       was determined to be optimal, a tradition that started
                                       in 2012 and continues. And the event has expanded
                                       in scope, now including driving and social gatherings
                                       spread over four days.
                                          When major infrastructure work was required for Pine
                                       Street Park in 2013, the Motoring Festival venue moved

8 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2018
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
to Highlands Rec Park for two years. For 2015 the event
moved back to Pine Street and the renamed Kelsey-
Hutchinson Founders Park.
   In 2012, the Organizing Committee was approached
by the Alfa Club about special recognition. That group
promised and delivered a strong field of Alfas, compet-
ing in the event’s first Featured Marque class. In suc-
ceeding years, featured marques have been Porsche,
British Cars, Mercedes, BMW, the Cars of Italy, and Vin-
tage Race Cars. For 2019, The featured marque will be
the Cars of Carroll Shelby and “Pre-War Orphans” will be
a featured theme. Both of these classes will be invita-
tional. An application for entry can be obtained from the
festival’s website: www.HighlandsMotoringFestival.com.
   Many very interesting cars have graced the show field
of the Highlands Motoring Festival. There have been past
LeMans entrants, one-of-a-kind customs, pre-war clas-
sics, muscle cars, antiques, sports cars, utilities, mid-cen-
tury classics, and sedans of every ilk from America, Eu-
rope, and beyond.
   One of the most memorable was a collection of three
Mercedes 300SL Gullwings, some of the most coveted
cars existent. The most unusual was probably the Tupolev
Cosmonaut Retrieval Vehicle. One year, a full-blown fun-
ny car was given permission to startup and demonstrate
with some revving but was derailed by a dead battery.
The Highlands Fire Department came to the rescue with
a jump from one of their fire trucks to the cheers of by-
   Every car on the show field is special to someone. And
that’s the point of the event. These Gear Heads turned
out to be very social and generous people. The High-
lands Motoring Festival is delighted to host them, every
year, on the second Saturday of June.

    9 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
June 6-9, 2019 - Highlands Motoring Festival
“Cars in the park” Classic Car Show
Kelsy-Hutchinson Founders Park | Saturday, June 8 | 10 AM

   Saturday, June 8, from 10:00 A.M. until 4:00     sented at 3:00 P.M.
P.M. is the main event, the Classic Car Show,          Spectators will see classic (prior to 1990) and
at Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park. Organizers      unique, sometimes very limited edition, cars
expect 125 entrants and more than 2,500 visi-       in eight judged classes. Each class will have
tors on show day. The early on-line registration    a Best in Class winner and an Outstanding in
fee to enter a car is $35. Last year the show was   Class winner, and there will be an overall Best
sold out by mid-May. Early registration is urged.   of Show award. At the judge’s discretion, addi-
There is no charge for spectators, but donations    tional awards can be given for unique cars or
to the charity partners are appreciated. Judg-      circumstances.
ing begins at 11:00 A.M. and awards are pre-           Volunteers will be cooking and selling hot

10 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
food on-site. Merchandise tables will have fes-       lovers have brought cars from Ferrari, Alfa, Fiat,
tival posters, hats, polo shirts, “One Lap of the     Maserati, and Lamborghini. Race cars have
Mountains” tour books, and other festival items       included Lotus, Lola, and McLaren. Antique
for sale.                                             Model As, muscle cars, and many other clas-
   Previous year’s shows have featured a col-         sic cars round out the collection. Sometimes a
lection of cars that includes a chauffeur driven      word can spark an image; icons such as Coun-
vintage Rolls Royce limousine, 1939 pre-war           tach, Miura, Testarossa, Stingray, Gullwing have
BMW race car, and a BMW M1. In 2016, a trio           graced the HMF show field.
of Mercedes 300SL Gullwings where on display.            Trophies for the winners are one of a kind,
One year there was a “flower child” of the 60’s. It   much like the cars they are awarded to, and
was a rare yellow 1969 Plymouth Barracuda with        are pottery, designed and produced by High-
the “Mod Top” option. Another car in the HMF          lands Mayor (and renowned master potter) Pat
collection of past entries is an early 50’s Jaguar    Taylor.
XK-120, with its long flowing front fenders, bring-
ing British elegance to the gathering. Italian-car

11 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
“Octane on Main” Sunday Car Show
Wright Square, Highlands | Sunday, June 10 | 8:00 AM

           inding up a perfect Highlands Motor-    from 9:00 until 11:00 A.M, and during the winter
           ing Festival weekend is the annual      months from 10:00 A.M. until noon, you’ll find
           “High Octane on Main” Car Show at       sports and classic cars parked in front of the
8:00A.M. on Sunday, June 10, at Wright Square      bench, and car lovers drinking coffee and talk-
on west Main Street. All vehicles are welcome at   ing cars.
this more casual car show. Cars of any age are        Over the years these mornings have evolved
invited, there is no entry fee or judging, and a   to include passing motorists who notice the
modest “For Sale” sign is allowed (no “For Sale”   cars and stop to join the gathering. Car clubs
signs are permitted on Saturday’s show field).     often travel to Highlands; and, more and more
Refreshments will be available.                    often their members make it a point to stop to
                                                   talk shop and show off their cars. One year a
   This informal gathering is a great way to as-   Model A club joined the fun on their weekend
semble one more time with fellow car enthu-        in Highlands. All are welcome here, and on the
siasts, share a few war stories, make plans to     weekend of the Motoring Festival, it’s a great
meet again next year, and say goodbye. It’s a      place to be.
uniquely home-grown event, an extension of a          Old and new friends will find this the opportu-
weekly gathering of local car lovers known as      nity to exchange contact information, tell one
Butts on the Bench with its own FaceBook page.     more story, make plans for HMF2020, and bid
Every Saturday during the summer months            each other a fond farewell.

12 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
Featured Marque “The Cars of Carroll Shelby”

          merica’s most iconic name was earned           “Orphans” and survive a failed business. High-
          by the crusty Texan when he took knowl-        lands Motoring Festival will include recognition
          edge from his early success as a racing        as “Orphan” those brands, which failed, and
driver and conceived and produced some of                decades later the badging rights where used
America’s most legendary high-performance                on modern cars (Bugatti for example).
cars. Shelby is the subject of a new Matt Damon             Featured Theme: “Vintage Race Cars II”
film telling the 1966 story of when Shelby and              Following last year’s success, this popular un-
Ford ended Ferrari’s eight-year reign at the “24         judged class is back with a new group of invited
Hours of LeMans” race.                                   “Vintage Race Cars”.
   Highlands Motoring Festival 2019 “Featured
Marque” will include cars driven, influenced, or
built by Carroll Shelby in the years prior to 1968.
Entry into this invitational, unjudged class, will re-
quire application (available on website).
   Featured Theme: “Pre-War Orphans”
   This special judged class is for cars produced
prior to 1942, whose brands have subsequently
gone out of business (Packard and Oldsmobile
for example). These marques are referred to as

13 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
Highlands, NC

14 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2018
Main Street, Highlands
 Highlands, NC
   This unique resort village is known as the         in attitude and prospective, too enamored of
“Highest Town East of the Rockies.” It sits on the    its natural surroundings to be totally indifferent
eastern continental divide in the Blue Ridge          to them, and just isolated enough and small
Mountains of North Carolina at an average             enough to be anxious about the benefits and
elevation of 4,000 feet producing mild sum-           setbacks of growth and development.
mer temperatures. For decades it has been a               Today, the village is vibrant with almost a
popular destination for golfers, hikers, and fly      hundred shops, boutiques, and restaurants
fishers. The town is surrounded by national forest    concentrated along a three block stretch of
and connected by some of the finest moun-             Main Street. A dozen private golf clubs in the
tain roads to be found. Many miles of driving         area bring thousands summer residents. World
pleasure await visitors on these well banked          class lodging brings wedding parties as a new
and nicely paved roads surrounded by natural          generation learns about this hidden gem of the
beauty of mountain views and waterfalls.              South.
   Since its creation in 1875, the demographic            Located in the center of town, less than 100
mixture of Highlands has been remarkably              yards from Main Street, is the Kelsey Hutchinson
unique. Founded by hardy pioneers from all            Park, a vast community green space. It is used
over the nation, sober industrious tradesmen          year-round for events ranging from craft fairs to
from the north, Scotch-Irish laborers and crafts-     ice skating. On the second Saturday of June, it
men from the surrounding mountains and val-           is the show field for Highlands Motoring Festival.
leys, and wealthy aristocratic planters and pro-      The town of Highlands is an integral part of the
fessionals from the south, the town has served        motoring festival. Every effort is made for the
as a cultural center for well-known artists, musi-    Motoring Festival to reflect the unique village
cians, actors, authors, photographers, scholars,      charm of Highlands NC.
and scientists who have thrived in its natural set-
ting. The result is a town too cosmopolitan to
be provincial, too broadly based to be singular

15 | Highlands Motoring Festival 2019
Contact Info:
Highlands Motoring Festival website has further infor-
          mation and registration details:
        Highlands Motoring Festival
                P. O. Box 404
            Highlands NC 28741

               See us on Facebook

         Festival Committee Contacts:
      Steve Ham- 2019 Festival Chairman

       Mark Chmar- 2019 Vice Chairman

            Publication Sponsored by
 Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center
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