The Messenger - Connect Suite

Page created by Adam Hines
The Messenger - Connect Suite
GUARDIAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                                          FALL 2022

The Messenger
4920 Brentwood Ave, Suite 201 Jacksonville, FL 32206         904.765.1920
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                                                                                                         SCHOOL 2022

                                               Celebrating Carla Harris
                                               Carla Harris is Vice Chairman, Managing Director
                                               and Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley. She is
                                               Guardian Catholic School’s most famous graduate,
                                               having attended one of the Guardian legacy schools,
                                               St. Pius. Carla went on to Bishop Kenny High School,
                                               then Harvard University, graduating Magna Cum
                                               Laude with a degree in economics. She received her
                                               MBA from Harvard Business School with Second Year
                                               Honors before becoming the number-one woman
                                               on Wall Street.
 Celebrating Carla Harris “Lead to Win” Book
 Launch Event takes place November 8, 2022 Today, Carla is an internationally acclaimed speaker,
 at the Florida Blue Conference Center.
                                           author and Gospel singer. Her successful 30-year
  career is filled with numerous awards and honors from universities and corporations, non-profit
  charitable organizations, the Catholic Church, and an appointment under President Barack
  Obama to chair the National Women’s Business Council. Carla’s singing career includes four
  sold-out concerts at Carnegie Hall and several albums including Carla’s First Christmas, Joy is
  Waiting and Unceasing Praise.
  Carla serves on the national Boards of Walmart and Cummins and is involved philanthropically
  with many charitable organizations. The books she has authored, including Expect to Win
  (2010) and Strategize to Win (2014), have received wide acclaim, and now her third book,
  Lead to Win, is being released with an outstanding event on November 8, 2022, that will
  benefit Guardian Catholic School’s Scholarship Program. The event is sold out with more than
  600 guests expected to attend. Presenting Sponsor Florida Blue is hosting her presentation
  as a fireside chat alongside President and CEO of GuideWell and Florida Blue Pat Geraghty
  where they will discuss what corporations, businesses and communities must do to attract
  and retain the next generation of leaders.
  It is with immense gratitude that the Board of Directors of Guardian Catholic School thanks
  Carla Harris, Florida Blue and our many incredible sponsors for their support for the mission
  of Guardian. Through the provision of scholarships, we offer access for students to realize
  their God-given potential through a strong education that emphasizes character, Gospel
  values, academics, and a strong work ethic.

                             With gratitude,

                             Jane R. Lanier, CFRE
                             Board Chair
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Message from Sr. Dianne
                               Dear Friends:

                               Thank you for your many gifts to Guardian Catholic School
                               that provide the resources we need for every child to receive an
Board Members
                               education that instills character, Gospel values, and a strong work ethic.
Jane R. Lanier – Chair
                               Every child attending Guardian Catholic qualifies for financial assistance, and a scholarship
Michelle Sammet – Vice Chair
                               helps them build a solid foundation for their future…a future of hope recognizing their
Kristi Aiello
                               God-given abilities and strengths.
Msgr. Jim Boddie
                               On August 11, Guardian welcomed nearly 400 students back to campus. The theme for
Beth Brockelman
                               this year, “Sowing Seeds of Faith, Knowledge, and Excellence,” is inspired by Jesus’s Parable
Nancy Chartrand
                               of the Sower (Luke 8:15). This theme reminds us that, just like seeds sown in the proper
Mark Dawkins
                               environment can grow into strong fruit-bearing trees, potential is unleashed when young
Ed Fleming
                               minds are offered a safe, supportive learning environment.
Keesy Goebertus
Bill Hendrich                  Your gifts allow us to continue to fund scholarships and innovative programs that will develop
Laurrie Leonard                the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and problem solvers. Below are a few examples of
                               how your gift can be used when you respond to this appeal.
Susan Masucci
Gregory Redmon
Thomas Szwed                                       YOUR GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE
John Whitehouse
Donna Williams

Honorary Members
Jay Demetree
Dan Rice
Jim Selzer
Bob Shircliff*
Bobby Stein
Patricia Tierney
Louis V. Walsh IV
Lt. Col. Alton Yates

Ex-Officio Members
Deacon Scott Conway
Sr. Dianne Rumschlag, snd
Sr. Cynthia Shaffer, snd

Leonard Brown, Jr.
Jay Demetree
Michael DuBow                  Gifts of any amount help Guardian Catholic School in its mission to protect the potential of
Paul Jones                     each child, regardless of their family’s income, religion, or other social impacts. Thank you for
Mark Lamping                   your consideration of a gift today to help ensure our future leaders are ready for success.
Dan Rice
Darnell Smith
Bobby Stein
Dwaine Stevens
Ron Townsend                   Sister Dianne Rumschlag, SND
                               Head of School

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Celebrating Carla Harris                                                             NOV 8, 2022
                    “Lead to Win” Book Launch
                    Benefiting the Guardian Catholic School Scholarship Program                      Florida Blue
                                                                                                  Conference Center
                    With special appreciation
                    to Presenting Sponsor:

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Entrepreneurs and Emerging                                        Guardian Gold and Blue Sponsors
 Leaders Sponsors
                                                                  The Bailey Group
Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund                                   Black Knight
The Dianne T. & Charles E. Rice Family Foundation                 Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q
The Dick & Diane Erickson Family Scholarship                      Beth & Mark Brockelman
                                                                  Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Book Sponsor                                                      Fidelity Investments
The Walsh Investment Consulting Group                             First Citizens Bank
 of Wells Fargo Advisors                                          McDonald’s of Gainesville
                                                                  NorthStar Group at Morgan Stanley
Invitation Sponsor                                                ruckus
Haskell                                                           W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor, Inc.

Menu Sponsor                                                      Silver Sponsors
The Coggin College of Business, The College of                    Bishop Kenny High School
 Education & Human Services, and The Office of                    Dr. & Mrs. Jefferson R. Edwards, III
 Diversity & Inclusion at University of North Florida             Lotus Commercial USA LLC
                                                                  Mayo Clinic
Platinum Sponsors
Anne & John Baker                                                 Bronze Sponsors
Anonymous                                                         The Adecco Group
Ascension St. Vincent’s                                           Bank of America
Brooke & Hap Stein Foundation                                     Bishop Snyder High School
Nancy & Gary Chartrand                                            Brooks Rehabilitation
Jacksonville Jaguars                                              Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. – Jacksonville
Jacksonville University                                            Alumnae Chapter
THE PLAYERS Championship                                          Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp
                                                                  Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Guardian Eagle Sponsors                                           The James Stallings Family
Beaver Street Fisheries                                           Jaxport
The Bolles School                                                 JEA
Florida State College at Jacksonville                             The Lighthouse Wealth Management Group
Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Foundation                           at Morgan Stanley
The Norcross Foundation                                           Notre Dame Club of Greater Jacksonville
Chuck and Pat Parliment Family Foundation                         Rumlin Insurance Agency
Rise Up                                                           Shircliff & Sisisky Company
Mrs. Mary Virginia Terry                                          St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Wounded Warrior Project                                           Synovus
                                                                  UF Health Jacksonville

                                                                  In-Kind Sponsors
                                                                  Barton Productions
                                                                  Cox Media
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Our special thanks to those who have given
                            generously. Thank you for designating your
                            giving to Guardian Catholic School!

    The Adecco Group                   Mr. Travis Cummings                    Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gaskins
    Helen Albee                        Mr. Ron Currey                         Mrs. Nancy Geary
    Mr. Jason Allen                    Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D’Alesio, Jr.        Mr. John M. Giorgianni
    Anonymous                          Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darby             Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Grant
    Mary Jo Antone                     Dattilo Family Foundation Inc.         Mr. Walter W. Green
    Arlington Toyota                   Mr. Mark C. Dawkins                    Mr. Young E. Hall, Jr.
    Ascension St. Vincent’s            Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter – Delta   Carla Harris
    Auld & White Constructors, LLC       Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc            Haskell
    Dr. Scott Bailey                   The Jack & Betty Demetree              Msgr. Vincent Haut
                                         Family Foundation
    The Bailey Group                                                          Mr. Sean Healy
                                       Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Denny V
    Baker Constructors                                                        Mr. Frank Heath
                                       Mr. Carl A. Dietz, Jr.
    Anne and John Baker                                                       Ms. Laura E. Heggie
                                       Gayle Bulls Dixon
    Mr. Robert B. Baker                                                       Dr. Maryanne D. Helffrich
                                       Dostie Homes
    Bank of America                                                           Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Helow
                                       Mr. Richard Dostie
    Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Barbour                                                Margaret & George Helow Family Foundation
                                       Ms. Sharon Dover
    Barton Productions                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hendrich
                                       Dennis Doyle State Farm Insurance
    Beaver Street Fisheries                                                   Mr. and Mrs. David Henry
    Ms. Christina Behnam                                                      Mr. Nathaniel R. Herring, Jr.
                                       DuBow Family Foundation
    Bishop John J Snyder High School                                          Ms. Mary Hice
                                       Dr. & Mrs. Jefferson R. Edwards III
    Bishop Kenny High School                                                  Mr. Ralph Hill
                                       Episcopal School of Jacksonville
    Black Knight, Inc.                                                        Mr. Paul Hitchcock
                                       Mr. Richard Erickson, Jr.
    The Bolles School                                                         Holy Family Men’s Club
                                       The Dick and Diane Erickson Family
    Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bono, Jr.        Scholarship                          Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Horner
    Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q                 ETM                                    HUB International
    Mr. Kenneth Bow                    Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fairbairn         Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Hudson
    Mr. John Brewer                    Mr. Roland Ferrizzi, Jr.               Mr. Dick Hulcher
    Beth and Mark Brockelman           Fidelity Investments                   Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Hutton
    Brooks Rehabilitation              First Citizens Bank                    The Jacksonville Jaguars
    Mr. and Mrs. James Buckner         Mr. Raymond Fisher                     Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation
    Mr. Jason P. Burhyte               Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleming            Jacksonville Jetport
    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campana       Florida Blue                           Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp
    Mr. Adam Campbell                  Florida Blue Foundation                Jacksonville Transportation Authority
    Mr. Rick Cannington                Florida Prepaid College Foundation     Jacksonville University
    Mr. Phil Caruso                    Florida State College                  Jaxport
    Catholic Foundation                  at Jacksonville                      JEA
    Dr. Keisha Chambers                Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Foody             Ms. Susan Johnston
    Champion Brands                    Ms. Marie Foy                          Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaminsky
    Bob & Ginny Chapa                  Mrs. Deborah Frankland                 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller
    Nancy and Gary Chartrand           Mrs. Robbin L. Frazier                 Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk
    Christ the King Catholic Church    Ms. Lori Frazier                       Mr. Eugene Kovarik
    Chuck and Pat Parliment            FRP Holdings, Inc.                     Ms. Jeanette Kowkabany
      Family Foundation                Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fullenwider       Mr. and Mrs. David Kulik
    Mr. and Mrs. Brian Corrigan        Mr. and Mrs. Russell Furtick           Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lahey
    Mr. Michael L. Corrigan, Sr.       The Jim and Tabitha Furyk              Mr. Dennis Lanahan
    Ms. Sharon Covert                    Foundation                           Mr. Michael J. Lanahan
    Mr. James C. Cox, Jr.              The Gase Family Foundation             Jane and Randy Lanier
    CSX Foundation                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lennon
The Messenger - Connect Suite
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leonard        Our Lady Star of the Sea            Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Stein, Jr.
The Lighthouse Wealth Management     Catholic Church                   Chelsea Sweeney
  Group at Morgan Stanley          Pablo River Partners                Synovus
Mr. Steven C. Lloyd                Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Palma            Mrs. Mary Virginia Terry
Mr. James Logue                    The Paris Company, Inc.             T.L. Canon Management Corporation
Ms. Lee Lomax                      Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parliment      THE PLAYERS Championship
Lotus Commercial USA               Daphnanie Patton                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomasino
Mrs. Jeanne MacDonald              Mr. and Mrs. Willard Payne, Jr.     Mr. John T. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maguire       Kim Perry                           Mrs. Patricia Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manahan       Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Peters          Tompkins Family Trust
Mr. Eric K. Mann                   PGA TOUR                            Mr. R. Kenneth Tonning
Waleed Manzoul                     Ms. Mary Barrett Phelan             Mr. and Mrs. Joel Toomey
Margol & Margol, P.A.              The PMK Foundation                  Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Townsend
Mary Queen of Heaven Parish        Queen of Peace Catholic Church      Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Tutwiler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauser         Florence K. Redick                  Mr. William Tutwiler
Mayo Clinic                        Mr. Gregory Redmon and              UF Health Jacksonville
Mrs. Colleen McCafferty              Dr. Estrellita Redmon
                                                                       The Coggin College of Business,
Dr. James J. McCall                The Dianne T. and Charles E. Rice     The College of Education and
                                     Family Foundation                   Human Services, and The Office
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McDonagh
                                   Rise Up                               of Diversity & Inclusion at the
McDonald’s of Gainesville
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rollins, Jr.       University of North Florida
Mr. Mark McKenzie
                                   RS&H                                University of North Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney McLauchlan                                           Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McMillan                                            Mr. Rudolf Urban
                                   Rumlin Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mechenbier                                         Mr. James M. Volk
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Rumschlag
Merrill Lynch                                                          W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc.
                                   Mrs. Michelle Sammet
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Mohr                                          Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Walsh IV
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scagliarini
Mrs. Marcella Molyet                                                   Walsh Investment Consulting Group
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mona                                                of Wells Fargo Advisors
                                   Mr. William F. Schueth, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Monfort                                                      Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Foundation
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schuppert
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan                                              Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Josh Scobee
Mr. Mark Morrison                                                      Mr. Mark A. Werner
                                   Mr. Victor Sellier
Ms. Janet Morton                                                       Mr. Richard Werner
                                   Mr. and Mrs. James Selzer
MUFG Union Bank                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. White, Jr.
                                   Sexton Wealth Advisory Group
Lynn and Richard Mullaney                                              Mr. and Mrs. John Whitehouse
                                   Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaffer
Irak Myskow                                                            Paula Wilkerson
                                   Shircliff and Sisisky Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Nahm                                              Donna and Buckley Williams
                                   Mr. Mark Shrzypczak
The Newton CLT III – 1997                                              Mr. James Williams
                                   Mr. Joe Simon
Mr. Joe Nicosia                                                        Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Willis
                                   Mr. Mark Sirota
The Norcross Foundation                                                Mrs. Patricia Wilson
                                   Mr. Richard Sisisky
Nitya Noronha                                                          Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Winters
                                   Mr. Bob Smith
Northstar Group at                                                     Mr. Edward Witt
  Morgan Stanley                   Dr. Michael Spencer, D.D.S.
                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodward
The Notre Dame Club of             Mr. Dan St. John
                                                                       Wounded Warrior Project
  Greater Jacksonville Inc.        St. John Paul II Catholic Church
                                                                       Lt. Col. and Mrs. Alton Yates, USAF, Ret.
Mr. Germond Oatneal                St. Paul’s Catholic Church
                                                                       Mr. Michael Zatawa
Wendell Oatneal                    The James Stallings Family
                                                                       Any omissions are accidental.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike O’Hare           Brooke and Hap Stein Foundation
                                                                       Please let us know if an error has been made.
                                                                       Thank you again for your support!
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donor spotlight
    The Jim & Tabitha Furyk Foundation

    The Guardian music program recently                On behalf of the Guardian Catholic School Board of Directors,
    received a big boost thanks to The Jim             we wish to thank The Jim and Tabitha Furyk Foundation for
    & Tabitha Furyk Foundation. The nearly
    $16,000 gift brings a host of percussion
                                                       their tremendous support for Guardian’s music program
    instruments as well as new keyboards               funded by the Foundation. Tabitha spoke          “Because of Tabitha and Jim’s generosity,
    and xylophones.                                    with the young students about her own time       our students have many new musical
    “There are so many amazing things Guardian         playing the French horn during high school       instruments, and they are learning to read
    Catholic School is trying to accomplish            and the importance of music education.           music — even our second graders! Quality
    and given our foundation focus on specific         “Having a drum line at Guardian will further     educational opportunities like this found at
    projects, this is a perfect match,” said Tabitha   round out our program, and bring so much         Guardian give every child an opportunity
    Furyk. “Learning to read music truly gives         excitement to our sporting events,” said         to succeed. The Furyks’ tireless work for
    these students an opportunity to grow their        Timmons, who joined Guardian Catholic last       children, particularly the most vulnerable,
    future and being able to give them these           year after graduating from Edward Waters         is recognized and appreciated by all of us
    instruments and watch this program grow            University where he served as drumline leader.   at Guardian.”
    will be amazing. We’re glad to be part of it.”     “Helping children as young as first grade to     A group of a dozen Guardian student
    The Furyks were moved to action upon               read music and understand the fundamentals       ambassadors was also invited to attend
    learning of the desire to expand the               often fuels a lifelong passion for music. I’m    the Constellation FURYK & FRIENDS golf
    Guardian music program, a goal of the              excited to start my own traditions at Guardian   tournament on Friday, October 7. The
    school’s new music teacher, Winston                including a band program; my vision is to get    students, most of whom had never visited
    Timmons. Much of The Furyk Foundation’s            more and more kids to learn about music.”        a golf course before, had a great time
    gift went toward efforts of establishing a         “On behalf of the Guardian Catholic School       watching the players and learning about the
    drumline. Tabitha Furyk paid a visit to Mr.        Board of Directors, we wish to thank The         sport. The tournament, now in its second
    Timmons’ music class on September 14,              Jim and Tabitha Furyk Foundation for their       year, raises funds for local charities in the
    during which students performed exercises          tremendous support for Guardian’s music          Jacksonville community.
    on the new glockenspiels and drums                 program,” said Jane Lanier, Board Chair.

    alumni spotlight            Khadija Jones                                the foundation I received in my
                                                                             earlier education has prepared
    The summer before my seventh         and encourage me to do my           me to meet the challenges. I feel
    grade year, my mom moved to          best. After graduating in 2017,     so blessed with the gifts God has
    the north side of Jacksonville.      I attended Bishop Kenny High        given me throughout my life.
    I had three cousins attending        School. There, I was a member       Advice I would give to Guardian
    Holy Rosary School and their         of the junior ROTC program and      Catholic students is to stay
    moms, my aunts, recommended          received the ROTC leadership        balanced. Remember that the
    Holy Rosary. They thought it         award twice.                        reason you are at school is to
    would be a great fit for me          I am now a sophomore at Florida     learn. Stay focused; take school
    and it was! Naturally shy and        State College at Jacksonville       seriously; don’t stress too much;
    not very outgoing, I quickly         and am on a career path in          and have fun. To keep my life
    made friends at this Guardian        digital media. My goal is to get    in balance, I like to make gift
    legacy school and gained             a job with a marketing firm and     baskets and gift bags to give out
    self-confidence through the          use my skills to create flyers,     to my friends and family to keep       College Foundation. This
    teachers’ encouragement.             banners, webpages and other         them uplifted.                         opportunity will provide the
    The two greatest assets at           visual media.                       I am so grateful to have been          financial support I need in
    Guardian were my friends and         The academic world will always      awarded a four-year college            order to successfully meet
    the teachers who were always         pose challenges, and I know         scholarship from the Schuppert         my career goals.
    there to give me additional help     it will not always be easy. But     family and the Florida Prepaid
The Messenger - Connect Suite
board member spotlight
                                                          Associate Dean for academic programs and
 Mark Dawkins                                             director of diversity relations at the University
                                                          of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. Most
 Mark Dawkins serves on the Board of Guardian             recently, he served for a five-year term as the
 Catholic School and in his own words does so             Dean of the Coggin College of Business at
 as a way of giving back to his community where           the University of North Florida. He continues
 he grew up on the northside of Jacksonville.             to serve on the faculty at UNF.
 Mark attended St. Patrick’s Catholic School              Mark is one of seven boys in his family. His
 from kindergarten through 8th grade then                 dad was a medical physician and his mom,
 continued to Bishop Kenny High School. He                a retired nurse. They believed that a great
 went on to receive his bachelor’s degree in              education made all the difference in the
 management from Georgia Tech. He holds an                opportunities each of their children would              Mark Dawkins brings his expertise to the
 MBA and accounting masters degree from the               have. His brothers are all professionals in             Guardian Board in so many ways, serving on
 University of Florida and a PhD in accounting            the fields of law, medicine and business.               the Finance Committee, as co-chair of the
 from Florida State University.                           Mark is married to Janyce, and they have a              Strategic Planning Committee and leading
 Dr. Dawkins recently was named as the first              son finishing his residency near Tampa as an            a speaker’s bureau series for Guardian’s
 African American President of the American               internal medicine physician and a daughter              middle school students. We are blessed by
 Accounting Association. His career experience            who is a nurse at the nationally acclaimed              his commitment to Guardian Catholic School
 includes serving as Associate Professor and              Shepherd Center in Atlanta.                             and his great work for our community.

                                                                            guardian catholic school
                                                                            Outdoor Learning Center
                                                                            The legacy of Guardian Catholic School has always been to create
                                                                            first-class spaces for advanced educational opportunities for our
                                                                            students regardless of their religious preference or economic
                                                                            status. Guardian is the great equalizer that will give them the ability
                                                                            to succeed in school and in life. Now in its sixth year on the new
                                                                            campus, the school continues to provide education that instills
Underwater Robotics Station & Drone Launch Station
                                                                            Gospel values and builds character for around 400 children in the
An outdoor Science and Technology center will feature many                  inner-city of Jacksonville.
opportunities for hands-on learning including an underwater robotics
station and a drone launch site.                                            Guardian plans to establish an innovative Outdoor Learning Center
                                                                            on its campus that will include all the components of STREAM –
                                                                            Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, and Math. We are
                                                                            excited to share with you a few renderings of some of the components
                                                                            of this project, which will offer students new opportunities for
                                                                            interdisciplinary learning in the great outdoors.
                                                                            We are grateful to the engineers and architects from RS&H for their
                                                                            generous pro bono work in collaboration with a team of outstanding
                                                                            faculty and staff under the direction of the Sisters of Notre Dame to
                                                                            create these preliminary conceptual drawings.
                                                                            We believe community leaders will wish to consider this project in
                                                                            their philanthropic plans. Investing in a school like this and in the
Outdoor Music & Performing Arts Center                                      children we serve changes a community for the long term.
An outdoor music and performing arts center will feature
amphitheater-style seating beneath a flexible shade canopy and
outdoor musical instruments to showcase students’ music and                     Please contact Julia Zimmerman at 904.765.1920 or
theatrical performances.                                               for more information
                                                                                and naming opportunities.

                                                                            Outdoor Fitness Track & Movement Center
                                                                            A fitness track and movement center will have stations that offer children
                                                                            an opportunity to build strength, stamina, and muscle through daily exercise.
                                                                            The track is designed for safety and will utilize a soft, durable, spongelike
                                                                            surface that reduces injuries. There is a rest and observation area to the side
                                                                            with a shade canopy stretched above for a respite from the Florida sun.

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            Jacksonville, FL 32206                                                                                                           PERMIT #836

Your gift to Guardian Catholic School is an      By Mail:
investment in our community and in the           Guardian Catholic School
                                                 4920 Brentwood Ave., Ste 201
lives of the students we serve. Your valuable
                                                 Jacksonville, FL 32206
dollars ensure that our school can continue to
provide unparalleled educational and spiritual   Online:
opportunities to children and families in
                                                 Use PayPal or credit card
Jacksonville’s urban core.

        SAVE THE DATE                                            Thank You to Last Year’s Golf Classic Sponsors

          TH   ANNUAL

         TH    ANNUAL
                                                                                                 FRIENDS OF
                                                     PABLO RIVER                                BOB SHIRCLIFF                                         THE PMK
                                                      PARTNERS                                TOM DATTILO & DAVE KULIK

                                                                     NANCY & GARY CHARTRAND                                     ASHTON & AMANDA HUDSON

                                                  ED & DEBBIE
     FEBRUARY 20, 2023

                                                                                                                         DUBOW FAMILY
                                                 DENNY DOYLE STATE FARM                                                   FOUNDATION
                                                  INSURANCE COMPANIES
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