VCE / VCAL Student Handbook 2020 2020

Page created by David Farmer
VCE / VCAL Student Handbook 2020 2020
VCE/VCAL Student Handbook                                  2020

       VCE / VCAL

                            Noble Park Secondary College      Page 1
VCE / VCAL Student Handbook 2020 2020
STATEMENT OF VALUES                                    1
SENIOR SCHOOL TEAM                                     3
VCE/VCAL TEACHERS                                      4
ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS                                7
ABSENCES                                               8
ASSESSMENT                                             9
SPECIAL PROVISION                                      14
EXAMINATIONS                                           15
VCE / VCAL Student Handbook 2020 2020
VCE/VCAL Student Handbook                                                                                2020

      At Noble Park Secondary College, our vision is to provide a nurturing, supportive and safe learning
      environment for all members of the Noble Park Secondary College community where:

      Every Teacher:
           Knows their students and how they learn
           Plans for and implements effective Teaching and Learning practices
           Demonstrates individual student growth
      Every Student:
           Works co-operatively with their teachers
           Is actively involved in their learning growth
      At Noble Park Secondary College, we take pride in our traditional values of:
           Respect
           Excellence
           Teamwork
           Responsibility
           Integrity
      Our values set out our behavioural expectations of all members in this learning community, and it
      respects the diversity of individuals in our school community.

      As teachers and non-teaching staff, we will:
          •   implement the Student Code of Conduct in a manner which is fair, logical and consistent
          •   create a safe, orderly and positive learning environment for all students
          •   actively support the College in its efforts to maintain a positive teaching and learning
          •   undertake Professional Learning and share that knowledge with the appropriate areas in the
          •   monitor their learning environment and the resources they use
          •   work with each other to present a consistent set of expectations with the aim of achieving the
              highest possible standards of performance for their students
          •   know how students learn and how to teach them effectively
          •   know the content they teach
          •   be familiar with the diversity of their students and the implications of this on the student’s
              ability to learn
          •   plan and assess for effective learning
          •   use a range of teaching strategies and resources to engage students in effective learning, in
              accordance with the agreed College Teaching and Learning Framework
      As parents, we will:
          •   actively support the College in its efforts to maintain a positive teaching and learning
              environment by supporting Council policies
          •   assist their own children to accept responsibility for their behaviour and actions and support
              the agreed consequences for those actions
          •   actively support the College’s attendance policy by ensuring their child’s regular attendance,
              including all scheduled College events
          •   promote and model respectful behaviour towards all members of the College community

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             •   support the written agreements (re: Student Code of Conduct, Uniform and for Internet and
                 Digital Technologies) signed on enrolment in which they recognise their obligation to uphold
                 and support the College rules and expectations
             •   engage in regular and constructive communication with school staff regarding their child’s
         As students, we will:
             •   be prepared to learn and bring all required equipment and books to every class
             •   allow other students to learn and teachers to teach in an environment free from disruption,
                 discrimination and harassment
             •   accept responsibility for their behaviour and actions
             •   work consistently towards achieving their highest possible standards of performance by
                 setting challenging personal goals and pathways
             •   treat others fairly and equally irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, sexuality, health and
                 economic circumstance
             •   arrive at the College on time to begin the school day and to attend all classes and assemblies
             •   maintain the physical environment of the school in a tidy and hygienic condition at all times
             •   demonstrate care and show respect for the property of the College and other students
             •   wear the correct College uniform with pride in a neat and tidy manner at all times and in a
                 way that positively reflects the College

         Consequences for failing to uphold the statement of values:

         Upon enrolment and in transitioning from one-year level to the next, students/parents/carers are
         expected to sign and return to the College:

             • Student Code of Conduct Agreement
             • Acceptable Use Agreement for Internet and Digital Technologies
             • Uniform Code Agreement
         When students do not meet the expectations, a staged response is implemented consistent with the
         consequences and strategies outlined below. Consequences will be graded and logically connected to
         the breach of rules where appropriate to encourage students to learn from their mistakes. The
         consequences imposed will reflect the nature, frequency and severity of the breach.

         Consequences for inappropriate behaviour may include:
             •   Discussion of inappropriate behaviour
             •   Contact with parents or carers
             •   Referral to the Year Level Coordinator, Student Welfare Coordinator or Year Level Leading
             •   Detention [before or after school or during recess or lunch break]
             •   Conduct Card and/or Homework Card
             •   Withdrawal from privileges like excursions, camps, interschool sport or other activities
             •   Sent home from excursions, camps, other activities at parents' expense
             •   Suspension - either internal or external
             •   Assisted transfer [in line with DET guidelines]
             •   Expulsion [in line with DET guidelines]
             •   Conferencing
             •   Mediation

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                                     Pam Dyson                            Helen Karagounis
                                   College Principal                      Assistant Principal

             Suzanne Menezes                             Mary Soumplis                            Mark Ward
         Leading Teacher Year 11 & 12              Year 12 Level coordinator             Year 11 Level Coordinator

                                   Annette Beattie                         Scott Caughey
                            Leading Teacher Year 9 & 10              Year 10 Level Coordinator

                Sandra Vaina                           Tegan Williamson                         Lynda Chapman
              Careers Counsellor                       VCAL Coordinator                         Student Wellbeing

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   Year 11
   11 VCE Accounting                            Russell Turnbull

   11 VCE Biology                               Tuan Le      

   11 VCE Business Management                   Angie Delfinis

   11 VCE Chemistry                             Ash Dangerfield

   11 VCE English                               Emily Vuong  

   11 VCE English                               Barbara Smith

   11 VCE English Additional Language           Jim Nikolakopoulos

   11 VCE English Additional Language           Evan Lazarus 

   11 VCE Food Studies                          Elizabeth Roshiah

   11 VCE General Math                          Jan Purkis   

   11 VCE General Math                          Mark Ward    

   11 VCE Health & Human Development            Shannon Keane

   11 VCE Legal Studies                         Mary Soumplis

   11 VCE Math Methods                          Gregory Crowe

   11 VCE Math Methods                          Ken Huynh    

   11 VCE Physics                               Ken Huynh    

   11 VCE Psychology                            Emily Cotela 

   11 VCE Specialist Math                       Melissa Fraser

   11 VCE Sport & Recreation (Cert III – VET)   Shannon Keane

   11 VCE Visual Communication Design           Annette Beattie

   11 VCAL Literacy                             Damian Mateljan

   11 VCAL Numeracy                             Halime Bajrektarevic

   11 VCAL Personal Development Skills

   11 VCAL Sport & Recreation                   Jamie Sweatman

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   Year 12

   12 VCE Accounting                     Trevor Barry  

   12 VCE Biology                        Tuan Le       

   12 VCE Business (Cert II/III – VET)   Trevor Barry  

   12 VCE Chemistry                      Yil Hilmi     

   12 VCE English                        Maria Theoharis

   12 VCE English Additional Language    Jim Nikolakopoulos

   12 VCE English Additional Language    Emma Ritchie  

   12 VCE English Additional Language    Evan Lazarus  

   12 VCE Food Studies                   Elizabeth Roshiah

   12 VCE Further Math                   Halime Bajrektarevic

   12 VCE Further Math                   Jan Purkis    

   12 VCE Health & Human Development     Sean Dickson  

   12 VCE Legal Studies                  Mary Soumplis 

   12 VCE Math Methods                   Yil Hilmi     

   12 VCE Math Methods                   Melissa Fraser

   12 VCE Physics                        Mark Ward     

   12 VCE Psychology                     Suzanne Menezes

   12 VCE Specialist Math                Melissa Fraser

   12 VCE Visual Communication           Annette Beattie

   12 VCAL Literacy                      Tegan Williamson

   12 VCAL Numeracy                      Ken Huynh     

   12 VCAL Personal Development Skills   Jim Nikolakopoulos

   12 VCAL Sport & Recreation            Jamie Sweatman

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         The minimum requirement for satisfactory completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education is 16
         units that must include:
             • three units from the English/EAL group, including a 3-4 sequence (passing both Unit 3 and 4)
             • at least three sequences of Unit 3 and 4 studies other than English/EAL, which may include
                 any number of English sequences once the English requirement has been met
         Note: The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) advises that for the calculation of a student’s
         Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), satisfactory completion of both Units 3 and 4 of an English
         sequence is required.

         At Noble Park Secondary College, students are generally required to study 10 units (5 subjects) in Year
         11 and then 10 units (5 subjects) in Year 12. This gives students a possible total of 20 units towards
         their VCE. In addition, students may choose to enrol in VCE language subjects taught at other venues.

         There are specific eligibility requirements for students who enrol in:
            • English as an Additional Language (EAL)
            • VCE Second Language studies in Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese

         The VCAL’s flexibility enables students to undertake a study program that suits their interests and
         learning needs. Fully accredited modules and units are selected for VCAL’s four compulsory strands:

         The program is divided into four areas with students being required to make a course that covers the
         requirements of each area.

         The areas are:
         Strand One: Literacy and Numeracy
             • E.g. English and Math
         Strand Two: Industry Specific Skills
             • The program must include industry specific units from VET Certificates or VCE VET Courses.
                 The school offers VET Business and VET Sport & Recreation in 2020.
         Strand Three: Work Related Skills
             • Specifically developed VCAL Work Related Units gives students the choice of undertaking
                 either structured workplace learning or part-time apprenticeship/traineeship or part-time
         Strand Four: Personal Development Skills
             • Specifically developed VCAL Personal Development Units. These units will help students
                 develop better team skills, communication skills and organisational skills.

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      Students are expected to attend all timetabled classes and parents are asked to assist by not allowing
      students to stay home unless they are too sick to attend school. All doctors/dentists/driver permit etc.
      appointments should be made, whenever possible, out of school hours.
      There are three levels of attendance requirements, which must be met. Students should ensure that
      they meet all three.
          • Overall school attendance.
          • Attendance requirements for the satisfactory completion of the VCE/VCAL units
          • Youth Allowance requirements for attendance and punctuality of Youth Allowance


      1. All students are required to be on time to school for the start of period 1 each day.
      2. All students are to remain in the College during class, lunch and recess.
      3. No student is to leave the college during the day unless they have an Early Leavers Pass from the
         Year Level Coordinator on receipt of a note from the parent/guardian.
      4. In the case of a teacher absence Year 12 students will study in the Senior Centre.


      Students who are consistently absent or late cannot possibly meet the requirements for satisfying the
      achievement of the Key Knowledge and Key Skills required under VCAA guidelines.

      The College policy is that students must have 90% attendance of scheduled classes in each VCE/VCAL
      unit they undertake.

      A student whose attendance is less than 90% and cannot demonstrate that they are meeting the
      required VCE outcomes will be followed up immediately and assisted to meet the requirements of
      the study design; parents will be notified in writing. If, despite all efforts, the student still fails to
      meet the minimum requirement, in consultation with the senior school team, the student may be
      given an N for the unit.

      The VCE/VCAL subject teachers, the VCE/VCAL Team and the Student Management Team will
      consistently monitor student attendance. At the completion of each progress report cycle, attendance
      will be reviewed and the following procedures will be implemented:

          •   Parent contact
          •   Parent meeting
          •   MIPS referral

      In the event of any absence, students will be expected to:

          •   keep ongoing communication with classroom teachers regarding work missed (e.g. Compass)
          •   commitment to completing set tasks / work requirements
          •   submission of work by the negotiated date

      Special provision may be granted for medically documented absences; however, students who have
      attended less than 90% of scheduled classes may be deemed not to have attended sufficient classes
      to allow teachers to verify satisfactory understanding of the outcomes, irrespective of special

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         A student cannot have more than 5 unexplained absences per term. A late arrival is counted as a half-
         day absence. If students do not meet these requirements, youth allowance payments may be reduced.

         It is the student’s responsibility to present a note (or parent phone call) for all absences. Notes are to
         be presented to Year Level Coordinator on the day of return. These will not be counted as ‘approved


         Absences will be approved for school activities (e.g. sport, excursion, legal/court appearances and
         welfare), Medical Certificates and funerals. Year Level Coordinators will consider this calculation when
         supporting students whose actual attendance is low and for rescheduling of missed SAC’s. Approved
         absences will not count towards the student’s required 90% attendance. It is the student’s
         responsibility to produce documents for approved absences (e.g. Medical Certificate) to the Year Level


         Students who have missed a SAC due to an approved absence will be asked to present their
         documentation (e.g. Medical Certificate) to their Coordinator so an opportunity to reschedule the SAC
         can be arranged. The SAC reschedule will occur the following week on a Wednesday afterschool in the
         senior centre. Note - SAC’s will not be rescheduled for non-approved absences and students will
         receive a score of ‘0’ for the SAC.

         Should a student be absent for a scheduled SAC due to illness they are to bring a medical certificate
         for the date of the SAC’s/Assessment Tasks missed. This should be presented to the Year Level
         Coordinator on the day of return.


         Should a student be absent on the day of a SAT submission they will only be able to submit their SAT
         the following school day if it is an approved absence.


         Holidays during school time will not be an approved absence. Absence due to extended holiday will
         contribute to the students’ overall number of days absent and may impact on Student Outcomes.


         We acknowledge that students may have cultural or religious events during the school year. They vary
         between religions. Therefore, we cannot determine the dates and we cannot schedule our program
         around all possible events, consequently students who are absent for such an event will have it
         recorded as an unapproved absence. Absence due to religious observation will contribute to the
         student’s overall number of days absent.

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      1. The Subject Teacher will notify the Coordinator and Leading Teacher of student absence from
      2. On the day of returning to school, the student will present appropriate documentation for their
         absence to their coordinator (e.g. Medical Certificate).
      3. If the absence is approved, the SAC Reschedule will occur the following week on a Wednesday
         after school in the senior centre.

      VCAA States:
      For satisfactory completion of a VCE unit, a student must demonstrate achievement of the set of
      outcomes for the unit as specified in the study design. The decision about satisfactory completion of
      outcomes is based on the teacher’s assessment of the student’s overall performance on assessment
      tasks designed for the unit. This decision is distinct from the assessment of levels of performance.

      The key knowledge and skills and the advice for teachers included in the study design, will assist
      teachers in making this judgment. The key knowledge and skills do not constitute a checklist of
      elements that needs to be assessed separately.

      In those studies, where the set of assessment tasks for School-assessed Coursework scores covers all
      outcomes designated for the unit, satisfactory performance on these tasks is sufficient evidence to
      award S for the unit.

      To successfully complete a unit a student needs to satisfy the outcomes of the unit as stated in the
      approved VCAA study design for that unit. To achieve an outcome, the student must:

          •   Produce work that meets the required standard
          •   Submit work on time
          •   Submit work that is clearly his/her own
          •   Observe the VCAA and school rules

      If the teacher judges that all outcomes are achieved, the student satisfactorily completes the unit.

      To satisfactorily meet the outcomes students must have met the attendance requirements, completed
      the required coursework and have shown an understanding of the required key knowledge and skills
      for the unit.


      School Assessed Coursework (SAC) and School Assessed Tasks (SAT) are assessment tasks that are set
      by VCAA and can be found in the Assessment and Reporting Guidelines for each Study.

      These SACs and SATs do not solely determine whether an outcome has been achieved. Students are
      able to achieve outcomes through work done in class that does not form part of the SAC or SAT.

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      The SAC and SAT are the graded assessments that contribute towards the students’ Study Score in
      each VCE Study and ultimately towards the student’s ATAR.

      The VCAA sets down seven rules that students must observe when preparing work for assessment.
      These rules apply to SACs and SATs. They are:

      1. A student must ensure that all unacknowledged work submitted for assessment is genuinely his
         or her own
      2. A student must acknowledge all resources used, including:
         • Text, websites and source material
         • The name(s) and status of any person(s) who provided assistance and the type of assistance
      3. A student must not receive undue assistance from any other person in the preparation and
          submission of work
      Acceptable levels of assistance include:
          • the incorporation of ideas or material derived from other sources (e.g. by reading, viewing or
             note taking) but which has been transformed by the student and used in a new context
          • prompting and general advice from another person or source, which leads to refinements
             and/or self-correction

      Unacceptable forms of assistance include:
         • Use of, or copying of, another person’s work or other resources without acknowledgment
         • Corrections or improvements made or dictated by another person

      4. A student must not submit the same piece of work for assessment in more than one study.

      5. A student who knowingly assists other students in a Breach of Rules may be penalised.

      6. A student must sign the Authentication Record for work done outside the classroom at the time
         of submitting the completed task. This declaration states that all unacknowledged work is the
         student’s own
      7. A student must sign a general declaration that he or she will obey the rules and instructions of the
         VCE, and accept its disciplinary provisions

      SATs are to be submitted in person, on the due date to the class teacher who will liase with the Year
      Level Leading Teacher as needed.

      Students must submit the original SAT with ID Sheet attached. Note: Drafts of the written work where
      required must be signed and dated by both student and teacher. A photocopy of the written
      component, where applicable, must also be submitted. Students will sign the “Receipt of SAT Form”
      on submission.

      In order for teachers to be able to authenticate level of performance for SATs, students MUST be in
      class, participating in the learning process. Work completed outside of the class can be used to
      determine satisfactory completion of an outcome providing that the students sign the authentication
      form and in the teachers’ judgment, the work submitted is consistent with the style or standard of
      work the teacher has observed from the student.

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          •   Units 1 and 2: Assessment Tasks are scored pieces of work in Units 1 and 2 derived from the
              Outcomes. NU is the code for an assessment task not undertaken and NA is the code for work
              submitted after the due date and hence not scored.
          •   Units 3 and 4: SACs and SATs are graded according to the Assessment and Reporting Guide
              provided by the VCAA.

      Students will receive the annual SAC/SAT/AT Schedule at the beginning of the school year. This will be
      available on Compass, in the School Resources Folder. (Please note there may be minor amendments
      to the SAC/SAT/AT dates during the course of the year.)
      Students will receive a minimum of 1 weeks’ notice of an assessment. This information can include:
            • Date and Time
            • Proportion of coursework (Unit 3 and 4 only)
            • Materials to be brought to the SAC
            • Criteria they are being assessed on.
      It is the STUDENTS responsibility to put all information in their planner or equivalent.

      Should the students’ performance in a SAC be considered to be unsatisfactory by the subject teacher
      they may be given the opportunity to re-sit the SAC so that they may show an understanding of the
      required learning outcomes. The score for the original SAC will remain. This ‘re-sit task’ may be a
      modified task that addresses the required learning outcomes. The re-sit of the SAC should occur
      within 1 week of the original SAC return.
      In most circumstances, there are NO extensions of times allowed for SACs and SATs. In exceptional
      circumstances, students may apply for special consideration by seeing their Coordinator.

      The VCE/VCAL subject teachers, the VCE/VCAL Team and the Student Management Team will
      consistently monitor student progress. This judgment will be made on progress in SAC’s, SAT’s,
      Assessment Tasks and Classwork. To ensure that this judgement can be made it is required that work
      is submitted on time and is clearly the student’s own. At the completion of each progress report cycle,
      progress will be reviewed and the following procedures implemented:

          •   Parent Contact
          •   Parent Meeting
          •   MIPS Referral

      The General Achievement Test will be conducted in the middle of the year for all students studying a
      Unit 3-4 subject. This is used to monitor SACs and SATs. All students should attempt to do as well as
      possible to ensure their marks are not downgraded.

      All Unit 3 and 4 results undergo statistical moderation by VCAA. This means that school based results
      are compared to the GAT and final exam performance. This comparison may lead to results being

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      adjusted up or down. This process is undertaken to ensure equity for school based results across
      The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) will receive results from VCAA. VTAC will use these
      scores to determine the ATAR for each VTAC applicant and the applicant will be notified of that ATAR
      by VTAC at the same time as the applicant receives his/her global scores from the VCAA.
      The ATAR is an overall measure of a student’s achievement in their Year 12 studies in relation to that
      of other students. The ATAR allows tertiary institutions to compare students who have completed
      different combinations of VCE studies. It is calculated by VTAC solely for use by institutions. The ATAR
      shows the position of a student relative to their age group in a given year.
      Calculation of the ATAR
      Your ATAR is developed from an aggregate produced by adding your results for up to six studies as
           • the scaled study score in English, EAL, Literature or English Language
           • the next best three scaled study scores permissible (which together with the English study
               make the “Primary Four”)
           • 10% of any fifth and/or sixth permissible scores that are available (these are called
      If you have more than six results, the six permissible results that give the highest ATAR are used.
      Restrictions on subject use in the ATAR calculation
      There are some restrictions on how certain combinations of studies may be counted for your ATAR.
      In each of the study areas of English, Mathematics, History, Information Technology, LOTE (Languages
      Other Than English) and Music:
          • at most two results can contribute to the Primary Four
          • at most three results can contribute to the ATAR, the third being counted as a 10% increment
              for a fifth or sixth study
      For more information regarding subject restrictions, refer to “”
      There will be no restrictions on the number of scored VET results that can be counted in the ATAR.

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      VCAA states:
      Principals are responsible for the administration of VCAA rules and instructions in their school. One of
      these rules is that a student must ensure that all unacknowledged work submitted for assessment is
      genuinely his/her own.

      The teacher may consider it appropriate to ask the student to demonstrate his/her understanding of
      the task at or about the time of submission of the work.

      If any part or all of the work cannot be authenticated, then the matter must be dealt with as a breach
      of rules.

      Students will be clearly informed of the timelines and the conditions under which assessment tasks are
      to be conducted, including whether any resources are permitted. Students are not permitted to use
      electronic translators for Unit 3 and 4 SACs.

      Most assessment of unit outcomes and School-assessed Coursework will be completed in class.
      However, this does not preclude normal teacher expectations for a student to complete research and
      learning activities that contribute to the student gaining the key knowledge and skills outside of class
      time. This will require additional work and study outside class as part of the students’ regular learning
      program. The setting and marking of work with a formative focus provides a student with the
      opportunity to develop his/her knowledge and skills and for teachers to provide diagnostic feedback.

      A task for the assessment of unit outcomes may require preliminary preparation and activities
      associated with the task, for example, gathering necessary research data. The amount of work to be
      completed as homework is decided by the study teacher, taking into account the nature, scope and
      purpose of the task. Students should be advised just prior to beginning the task that some information
      or data may be collected outside the classroom.

      For School-assessed Coursework done outside class time, teachers will monitor and record each
      student’s progress through to completion.

      Students must provide evidence that the work submitted is their own and/or was completed in
      accordance with VCAA requirements.
      In order to obtain the necessary evidence, students may be required to:
          • provide evidence of the development of the work
          • discuss the content of the work with the teacher and answer questions to demonstrate their
              knowledge and understanding of the work
          • provide samples of other work
          • complete, under supervision, a supplementary assessment task related to the original task
          • attend an interview or complete a test to demonstrate understanding of the work

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      Special Provision allows all students to have the maximum opportunity to complete their VCE studies.
      Students are eligible for Special Provision for school-based assessment if their ability to demonstrate
      achievement is adversely affected by:
          • Illness – acute and chronic
          • Impairment – long term
      Personal circumstances
      There are four types of Special Provision available to students:
          1. Student Programs: students may apply to the Senior School Leader for variations to the
              number of subjects that students are expected to undertake.
          2. School-based Assessment: students may apply to the Senior School Leader for extensions to
              deadlines, additional time to complete tasks or rescheduling of tasks.
          3. Special Examination Arrangements: students may apply to VCAA through the Senior School
              Leader for special arrangements during VCAA examinations.
          4. Derived Examination Scores: students may apply to VCAA through the Senior School Leader
              a derived examination score for VCAA examinations.

      Students eligible for special provision include:
          • Those disadvantaged by a disability or impairment including learning disabilities
          • Those significantly affected by illness or by factors relating to their personal circumstances
              and environment.
      Students wishing to apply for special provision will need up to date documentation from an
      appropriate professional e.g. doctor, psychologist. Students will need to speak to the Senior
      School Leader, who will assist students to fill out the appropriate forms.

      Note: VCAA requires applications for existing conditions to be submitted by the beginning of March in
      the year in which a Unit 3 & 4 subject (year 12 subject) is studied. “Emergency applications” for new
      conditions or illnesses that occur can be made at any time during the year, but not later than 7 days
      after the student has completed their Unit 4 examination.

      Students that meet certain criteria may be eligible to apply for special entry or scholarships for a
      university placement.

      SEAS Access and Equity is open to all students whose education has been adversely affected by their
      life circumstances during the course of their VCE, for example: difficult family circumstance, personal
      disability, long-term medical conditions. Students are required to show how their circumstances have
      impacted on their studies. Applications must be accompanied by supporting evidence from an
      independent source, which may include a medical practitioner, psychologist, member of the staff or
      Wellbeing team. Full details of criteria and the requirements for meeting them are available on the
      VTAC website (

      Scholarships are available to Deakin, Monash, RMIT and The University of Melbourne. Refer to the
      VTAC and university websites for full details.

      Students can only apply for SEAS through the VTAC website within the timeframes set down by VTAC.
      Students are strongly advised to have spoken to the Senior School Leader about SEAS when they are
      in Year 11 and should have all requests for supporting evidence submitted to Wellbeing or Senior

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      School Leader by July in their final year. The Senior School Leader will endeavour to assist students
      with their application and supporting evidence, however students are responsible for ensuring their
      application is submitted with all necessary evidence by the VTAC deadline.


      Calculators and other technology
      In any examination where a calculator may be used, the following conditions apply:
          • No student may borrow a calculator from another student after entering the examination
          • Supervisors have the right to check any student’s calculator taken into the examination
          • Calculators must not be used during reading time.

      Calculators of any type are not permitted in any other examinations, including the General
      Achievement Test (GAT). Students who do not comply with these rules shall be in breach of
      examination regulations and will be subject to disciplinary action.

      Calculators in Mathematics studies
      Further Mathematics
       Examinations 1 and 2: • An approved graphics or CAS calculator or CAS software is permitted
                                   and their full functions may be used.
                              • A scientific calculator may also be used.

      Mathematical Methods
       Examination 1:      •        NO calculators of any type are allowed.
       Examination 2:      •        An approved CAS calculator or CAS software is permitted and its full
                                    functions may be used.
                                •   A scientific calculator may also be used
                                •   A graphics calculator is not allowed
      Specialist Mathematics
       Examination 1:        •      NO calculators of any type are allowed.
       Examination 2:        •      An approved CAS calculator or CAS software is permitted and its full
                                    functions may be used.
                                •   A scientific calculator may also be used

      Other technology
      Computers, mini-computers, pocket-organisers, laptops, palmtops, calculator models that can
      communicate with other calculators, notebooks and the like are excluded from use in any
      examination, except under specified circumstances for which prior approval has been given by the

      Dictionaries must not contain any highlighting or annotation. Electronic dictionaries are not permitted
      in any examination.
      A dictionary which contains a thesaurus in the same volume is not permitted in any examination.

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VCE/VCAL Student Handbook                                                                                2020

      An English and/or bi-lingual printed dictionary (but not a thesaurus) may be used by students in the
      English examination, the English (EAL) examination and in the GAT. In these examinations, dictionaries
      may be consulted during reading time and throughout the examination.
      In the written component of LOTE examinations, students may use any printed monolingual and/or
      bilingual dictionary in one or two separate volumes. Dictionaries may be consulted during reading
      time and throughout the examination.
      Dictionaries are not permitted in the oral component of any LOTE examination.
      Students are not allowed to use dictionaries in any other examination, except for those examinations
      where the one bound reference allowed may be a dictionary.

      Supervisors have the right to check any student’s dictionary taken into the examination room/centre.

      Students sitting for examinations are permitted to bring basic stationery items into the examination.
      This includes pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners and rulers.

      Normal stationery does NOT include aids for curve sketching, Mathomat, Math Aids or geometrical
      drawing instruments such as compasses and protractors

      Correction (white-out) liquid/tape and blank sheets of paper are NOT allowed in any examination.
      For some examinations, students are permitted to bring specific materials into the examination as

      Approved material for specific examinations

      Accounting Examination
         • Pencil should be used where calculators are required
         • One scientific calculator

      Biology Examination
          • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet

      Chemistry Examination
         • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet
         • One scientific calculator

      English/English (EAL) Examination
           • An English and/or bilingual printed dictionary
      Note: The dictionary must not contain any highlighting or annotation or added materials. Electronic
      dictionaries are not permitted.

      General Achievement Test (GAT)
         • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet
         • An English and/or bilingual printed dictionary. The dictionary must not contain any
             highlighting or annotation. Electronic dictionaries are not permitted
      Note: Calculators are not permitted.

      Geography Examination
         • Pens, pencils, coloured water-based pens and markers, erasers, sharpeners and rulers

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VCE/VCAL Student Handbook                                                                               2020

      IT applications Examination
          • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet

      LOTE Examinations: Written component
         • Any monolingual and/or bilingual printed dictionary in one or two separate volumes.
             Dictionaries may be consulted during reading time and throughout the examination.
      Note: The dictionary must not contain any highlighting or annotation. Electronic dictionaries are not
      Dictionaries are not permitted in the oral component of any LOTE examination.

      Further Mathematics Examination 1
          • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet
          • One approved graphics or CAS calculator or CAS software and, if desired, one scientific
          • Ruler
          • One bound reference that may be annotated

      Further Mathematics Examination 2
          • One approved graphics or CAS calculator or CAS software and, if desired, one scientific
          • Ruler
          • Normal stationery – pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners and rulers
          • One bound reference that may be annotated

      Mathematical Methods (CAS) Examination 1
      This is a technology-free examination.
          • Normal stationery only – pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners and rulers.

      Mathematical Methods (CAS) Examination 2
         • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet
         • One approved CAS calculator or CAS software and, if desired, one scientific calculator
         • One bound reference that may be annotated
         • Ruler, protractor, set square and aids for curve-sketching

      Specialist Mathematics Examination 1
      This is a technology-free examination.
          • Normal stationery only – pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners and rulers

      Specialist Mathematics Examination 2
         • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet
         • One approved CAS calculator or CAS software, and, if desired, one scientific calculator
         • One bound reference that may be annotated
         • Ruler, protractor, set square and aids for curve-sketching

      Music Group and Solo Written Examinations
         • A pencil and eraser should be used for musical notation

      Physical Education Examination
         • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet

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VCE/VCAL Student Handbook                                                                                 2020

      Physics Examination
          • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet
          • One scientific calculator
          • Up to two pages (totalling both sides of one A4 sheet) of pre-written notes
      These notes may be typed or handwritten. They may be from any source. Commercially available
      materials are acceptable.
      Psychology Examinations
          • Pencil (and eraser) to use on multiple-choice answer sheet

      Visual Communication and Design Examination
          • Pencils, coloured pencils, water-based pens and markers, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners,
              rulers, set squares, protractors and compasses.

      Material not authorised for the examination centre

      Mobile phones and other electronic devices
      Mobile phones and other unauthorised electronic devices such as organisers, iPods, MP3 players,
      dictionaries and computerised watches, which are capable of storing, receiving or transmitting
      information or electronic signals, are not permitted in an examination room under any circumstances.

      Students will not be permitted to wear watches of any type during an examination. All watches must
      be removed and placed at the top of the student’s table/desk, where supervisors can see them clearly
      and easily.
      Where there is any doubt about the functions of any watch displayed, supervisors are authorised to
      direct students to remove the watch from the table/desk for the duration of the examination.

      Supervisors’ right to inspect material
      Supervisors have the right to check any student’s dictionary, reference material (if permitted), pencil
      case, asthma inhaler or calculator case taken into the examination centre/room and remove any non-
      compliant material for the duration of the examination.

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