School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year

Page created by Dolores Ball
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
School of Languages Handbook
    Foundations Development Year
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
The information in this booklet is subject to the decisions of Executive Board of Sabancı
University and the regulations approved by YOK ( The Higher Education Council). Throughout
   your studies at Sabancı University, it is your responsibility to follow all new and updated
                    arrangements and regulations via our official web site.
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
           01   School of Languages Director

           02   School of Languages Program Coordinator

           03   School of Languages Courses

           04   Level Descriptions For The Foundations Development
       		Year (FDY) English Program

           06   Assessment of English Courses

           07   Communication Skills in Turkish for Foreign Students

           08   Civic Involvement Projects (CIP)

           09   English Language Assessment Exam (ELAE)
           11   Turkish Language Assessment Exam (TLAE)

           12   Spring Freshman – General Information

           13   School of Languages- General Rules

           16   Frequently Asked Questions

           20   School of Languages Foundations Development Year

       		       English Program Exit Level Descriptors

           22   School of Languges Route Progressions Maps

           36   Overview of Route Progressions & CEFR Levels

           37   Student Comments on School of Languages
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
School of Languages Director

                                                  differs from other ‘preparatory’ or ‘Hazırlık’
                                                  programs in Turkey in a number of ways. A
                                                  major difference is that the SL offers not only
                                                  English courses but also a Communication
                                                  Skills in Turkish course aiming to enrich your
                                                  skills and knowledge in Turkish. A second
                                                  difference is that our course assessment
                                                  is not only exam-based; the fulfillment of
                                                  course requirements plays a very important
                                                  role in advancement from one level to
                                                  another. Another difference is that our course
                                                  materials are both theme-based and content-
                                                  based. In addition to helping you develop your
Dear Students,                                    English language proficiency and academic
                                                  skills, these materials help you to expand
Welcome to the School of Languages and            your knowledge of the world in a variety of
Foundations Development Year.                     areas. To this end, we have designed and
                                                  developed our own set of course books,
The aim of this handbook is to give you
                                                  Beyond the Boundaries: English in an
detailed information about the Foundations
                                                  Academic Environment for use during the
Development Year (FDY), the courses
                                                  different routes of study you will take. We
we offer, course assessment and general
                                                  strongly believe that with this learning, you
rules and expectations. Please read all the
                                                  will go beyond the boundaries and develop
information very carefully and consult your
                                                  an excellent level of language and academic
instructors, the Program Coordinator, Nurdan
                                                  skills as well as a knowledge base to help you
Çoksezen Metel or myself if you have any
                                                  in your academic studies.

                                                  We will do our best to support your learning
The FDY courses offered by the School of
                                                  during your time with us. For effective
Languages (SL) are an integral part of the
                                                  learning, however, it is vital that you attend all
education offered at Sabancı University
                                                  classes, study hard and regularly, participate
and aim to provide you with the necessary
                                                  actively in class, do the assigned homework,
foundation skills and knowledge to excel in
                                                  and be punctual in all aspects of your work.
your academic studies. More specifically, we
                                                  Please also make full use of the support
would like to help you to attain an excellent
                                                  systems and facilities available both in the
level of language proficiency, develop
                                                  School of Languages and in the University
academic skills in the areas of listening,
                                                  since these provide valuable opportunities for
speaking, reading and writing, develop learner
                                                  further learning and development.
autonomy and study skills, critically appraise
your own skills and abilities, develop creative
                                                  I wish you all a very good academic year. I am
and critical thinking, and be well equipped
                                                  certain that your learning experience at the
with general background knowledge.
                                                  School of Languages will be challenging but
                                                  highly rewarding.
I would also like to mention that the FDY

School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
School of Languages Program Coordinator                                                                                                              School Of Languages (SL) Courses

     Dear Students,
                                                                                                         1.   Non-credit Intensive English Courses:
     Welcome to the School of Languages.               the university. I can provide you with guidance
     And welcome to a journey of learning and                                                                 ENG 0001 – English Route 1
                                                       in reflecting on your language development
     developing, of exploration and discovery. This    and in exploring effective study skills. You           ENG 0002 - English Route 2
     will be a challenging yet rewarding journey       may also contact me to seek information                ENG 0003 - English Route 3
     and will require time and patience as well as     about progression across routes in the School
                                                                                                              ENG 0004 - English Route 4
     perseverance and motivation.                      of Languages and the courses offered.

     In the School of Languages some of you will       To consult on any academic matter, please feel
     be introduced for the first time to the English   free to contact me either by email (pgunduz@      2.   Non-credit Turkish Courses:
     language and to the world of academia,   or phone (9741). My office is
                                                                                                              TLL 001 - Communication Skills in Turkish
     while for others this will be an opportunity      located in the School of Languages building
     to strengthen and expand the skills and           (office number: 1007).                                 TUR 001 - Communication Skills in Turkish for Foreign Students
     knowledge already available to you. Each and
     every one of you has come here with different     Enjoy your journey,                               3.   Credit Courses:
     learning experiences, different study habits,
                                                                                                              AL102 Academic Literacies (in Spring)
     different levels of knowledge and motivation.     Pınar Demiral Gündüz
     Therefore, the time it takes and the strategies   Program Coordinator, School of Languages               Second Languages: Arabic, French, German, Italian, Latin, Ottoman Turkish, Spanish, and
     you need to employ to reach your destination                                                             Persian (offered to students starting from their Freshman Year)
     will vary.
                                                                                                              TLL 101 & 102 - Turkish Language & Literature I and II

     As the School of Languages Program                                                                       TUR 101 & 102 - Basic Turkish I & II (offered to foreign students as a Second Languages)
     Coordinator, you can contact me on all matters                                                           ENG 300 Professional Communication Skills in English
     of an academic nature. More specifically, I can
     provide you with information and guidance on
     the academic support that can be offered by
     the School of Languages and by other units in

02                                                                                                                                                                                                       03
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
Level Descriptions For
     The Foundations Development Year (FDY)
     English Program
                                                                                                           Critical Thinking for the Social Sciences                General Information About Foundation
                                                                                                           (CTSS) (For Route 4 Students)                            Development Year

                                                                                                           This course will help you to further develop             One academic year in FDY consists of fall
     English Route 1 - ENG 0001                         to start their freshman studies. The course        critical thinking skills important in freshman           and spring semesters, each of which is 16
                                                        focuses on academic skills, critical thinking      year social science courses like SPS 101 and             weeks. Students’ English level is determined
     This course aims to effectively and efficiently    and the language of Maths and Science.             102. The main goal is to introduce you to                according to English Language Assessment
                                                        Content-based and on-line learning support         language and methods of critical thinking                Exam (ELAE) at which level they start their
     raise students’ standard of English from a
                                                        materials play an essential role in achieving      typically used in the social sciences, as well           education. For a successful completion of a
     minimal level to one that allows for basic
                                                        this aim.                                          as teach you content that will be useful in              level, students should fulfill the attendance
     communication. This is achieved through
                                                                                                           freshman year social science courses. You                requirements for a course and has to complete
     intensive language support based on grammar,       English for Maths and Sciences (EMS)               will learn to think critically by analyzing and          the level by successful performance at a given
     vocabulary and skills work as well as the use of   (For Route 4 Students)                             evaluating texts about a historical topic. You           level, which is assessed through in-class work,
     theme-based and on-line learning materials.                                                           will also complete writing and speaking tasks            mid-term examinations, final exam. Maximum
                                                        You will be attending lectures one hour per        based on the different texts.                            education period for FDY is two academic
     English Route 2- ENG 0002                          week on a certain day to help you prepare                                                                   years. Maximum education period calculation
                                                        more effectively for freshman Natural Science      SL Proj 001 (For Route 4 students)                       is being done as of 2014-2015 Academic year
     The aim of this course is to help students         and Maths courses. The lectures will be given                                                               according to Law 6569 published on official
     develop their language skills to be able to        by faculty members and the language sessions       Throughout your studies at Sabancı University            gazette numbered 29187.
     start to function effectively in a variety of      will be given by SL instructors. The main aim      you will undertake many collaborative
                                                        of this part of the course is to familiarise you   projects. SL Proj 001 is the first of these              Please click the link below for further
     written and spoken contexts in English. This
                                                        with the language of maths and science in          projects and is similar to the types of project          information:
     is achieved through the use of content-based
                                                        English as well as refreshing and or extending     you will complete in your undergraduate
     and on-line learning support materials which                                                                                                                   h t t p : // m y s u . s a b a n c i u n i v. e d u / s r/ e n /
                                                        your previous content knowledge of maths           studies such as Proj 101 and Proj 102. This is
     contribute to students’ language knowledge         and science. In addition, you will have the        an extended academic project (it takes the               foundation-development-year
     as well as their knowledge of the world.           opportunity to practise academic skills, such      whole semester) which requires hard work
                                                        as note-taking, and identify recording and         and commitment.
     English Route 3 - ENG 0003                         learning important vocabulary in a real-life
                                                        situation.                                         Proj 001 will help you to develop a range of
     The aim of this course is to help students                                                            skills and knowledge to help you throughout
     further develop their language skills to be able                                                      your studies and to help you develop as a
     to function effectively in a variety of written                                                       Lifelong Learner. Of course, the main aim
     and spoken contexts in English. Content-                                                              of the project is to help you develop your
     based and online support materials play a key                                                         academic English language skills, your level
     role in supporting the learning process.                                                              of linguistic ability and give you confidence to
                                                                                                           speak and write in English to other people.
     English Route 4 ENG 0004
                                                                                                           You can refer to the ‘Foundations Development Year
     At this level, students not only develop their                                                        English Program Exit Level Descriptors’ on page 26 for
     abilities to read, write and speak very fluently                                                      detailed information on learning outcomes for each
     and highly accurately in English, but also learn                                                      language and skill area at each level.
     to become more advanced communicators
     who possess sufficient general knowledge

04                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     05
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
Assessment of English Courses                                                                                                               TLL 001 - Communication Skills in Turkish

     The form and number of the assessments             Mid-term and Final exams: On each course
     of English courses in all Routes are very          you will have Midterm/Progress exams and a
     similar. Your overall grade will be made up        Final exam. These exams will test your ability
     of course-based and exam-based assessment.         in reading, listening, and use of grammar and
     All courses are 16 weeks long and the passing      vocabulary.
     gradeis 65%. The course assessments and
     exams are as follows:                              Language exams: There will be a number of
                                                        short Use of English exams which will test your
     Writing: Writing is only assessed through          knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary
     exams. The exams are based on the kind of          which you have learnt on the course up to that
     writing tasks that appear on first year faculty    point.
     courses. The assessment of writing is made
     up of:                                             Attendance:   You will be awarded points
                                                        according to your level of attendance during
          a) short answer questions                     the semester.
          b) a longer piece of writing which is
          based on texts that you will be given.
                                                        Homework and Participation: You will be
          c) a writing portfolio, which is a set of
                                                        assessed on your participation in class and
          short writing tasks based on your course
                                                        attendance at tutorials, as well as on the
          material and your experience as a
                                                        quality of your homework.
                                                        At the start of each course, your teacher
     During the course, you will be given support
                                                        will give you details of the assessment tasks     TLL 001-Communication           Skills in Turkish     through an efficient perception and practice
     and guidance on how to approach these kinds                                                          is a non-credit, two-semester course for              of the multi-layered nature of academic
                                                        and exams on your course, the value of each
     of writing tasks. This will be done first of all                                                     Foundation Development Year students, which           work (research, pre-writing preparations,
                                                        assessment and exam, the submission dates
     through work in class. In addition, you will do                                                      aims at the improvement of FDY students               drafting, revising and rewriting); and to
                                                        and the criteria which are used to assess your
     a number of writing assignments, and you will                                                        academic thinking and writing skills through          help FDY students comprehend academic
     receive written feedback from your instructor                                                        the mastery of Turkish. The main objectives           communication as a process of collective
     on these assignments. You will also have “one                                                        are to display the interconnectedness of              learning through peer evaluation tasks. FDY
                                                        With hard work and determination, it is
     to one” tutorials with your instructor on your                                                       skills such as critical thinking, reading, writing,   students are expected to write several essays,
                                                        possible for you to successfully complete
     assignments. As you progress to higher levels                                                        listening and speaking; to teach practical            prepare an oral presentation, carry out peer
                                                        the program in one year and enter Freshman.
     and become a more experienced writer, you                                                            techniques for more effective use of these            evaluation, and engage in some listening and
                                                        For those of you who are starting in Route 4,
     will be expected to produce longer and better                                                        skills; to orientate FDY students towards a           reading comprehension tasks throughout the
                                                        passing the course in the first semester will
     quality written work.                                                                                critical and analytical use of the language           course.
                                                        be very challenging. There is a lot to learn
                                                        about English in an academic context, but it
     Oral Assessment: Your oral discussion skills       is certainly worthwhile as you can start some
     will be assessed through a pair or group           of the University Courses earlier. In order
     discussion.                                        to achieve this goal, you will need to work
                                                        consistently throughout the entire 16 weeks.
                                                        Good luck!

06                                                                                                                                                                                                               07
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
Civic Involvement Projects (CIP)                                                                                                         English Language Assessment Exam (ELAE)

                                                                                                         The School of Languages (SL) is responsible       ELAE 3- at the end of the academic year –
                                                                                                         for ensuring that all students entering their     in June: For those students whose status is
                                                                                                         Freshman year have the required level of          inactive, for those students who have the right
                                                                                                         English as well as the academic skills needed     to continue to study at FDY* and for students
                                                                                                         for success at SU. This is assessed through       who have not gained the right to start their
                                                                                                         the SL’s own English Language Assessment          faculty studies after studying one academic
                                                                                                         Exam (the ELAE), a proficiency exam with a        year at FDY .
                                                                                                         pre-determined standard of achievement.
                                                                                                         The ELAE is a test of English proficiency         *These students may be using their right or
                                                                                                         which tests your reading, listening and writing   not.
                                                                                                         ability. Any student wishing to enter the
                                                                                                         degree courses must pass the ELAE or an           Is there a make-up for the ELAE?
                                                                                                         internationally recognized proficiency exam at
                                                                                                         an equivalent level or they must get an overall   There is no make-up for the ELAE.
                                                                                                         score of 65% or above from FDY Routes 4.
                                                                                                                                                           How are the ELAE Stage 2 results
                                                                                                         Which FDY students can take the                   announced?
                                                                                                                                                           The ELAE results are announced according to
     Civic Involvement Projects (CIP) is a non-credit course designed to foster an awareness of the
                                                                                                         1.   Students who have won a place at             the following letter grades:
     individual`s role in society by encouraging involvement in civic and community organizations.
                                                                                                              Sabancı University in the University
     All students are required to participate in CIP during the first year of enrolment at Sabancı            Placement Exam.                              A-SL: 85-100
     University. While taking part in CIP, students work in teams of 5 to 10 students and projects are   2.   Students who have not gained the             B-SL: 75-84
     carried out without interfering with students’ academic work during the week, evenings, and              right to start their faculty studies after   C-SL: 65-74 (satisfactory grade)
     weekends and in the summer. The projects are assessed on a Satisfactory (S)–Incomplete (I)               studying at FDY for one academic year.       D-UL: 55-64
     basis by other students and project supervisors. CIP courses are offered by Civic Involvement       3.   Students who did not hand in a valid         E-UL: 45-54
     Projects (CIP) unit.                                                                                     external exam score                          F-UL: 0-44                                                                      When can I take the ELAE?                         SL: Satisfactory in the ELAE
                                                                                                                                                           UL: Unsatisfactory in the ELAE
                                                                                                         The ELAE is administered three times during       NA: Non attendance (Evaluated as UL)
                                                                                                         the academic year:                                EL: Exempt from ELAE by submitting a valid
                                                                                                                                                           external exam score
                                                                                                         ELAE 1- at the beginning of the academic year
                                                                                                         – in August or September: For those students
                                                                                                         whose status is inactive, for those students
                                                                                                         who have the right to continue to study at
                                                                                                         FDY* and for new students who successfully
                                                                                                         passed ELAE stage 1.

                                                                                                         ELAE 2- in January: For those students whose
                                                                                                         status is inactive, for those students who have
                                                                                                         the right to continue to study at FDY*.

08                                                                                                                                                                                                           09
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
Turkish Language Assessment Exam (TLAE)

     Can I take another proficiency exam
     score and use that instead of taking the
     In accordance with the change in the
     Instruction Letter of the Higher Education
     Council (YÖK) regarding Foreign Language
     Education and Foreign Language Medium
     Education and the decision taken by the SU
     Academic Council, valid scores from some
     external exams will exempt students from
     the SU Foundation Development Year. The
     following link gives information about these
     exams. Please consult SL Directorate for
     further information.

     Can doing lots of exam practice for the            At the beginning of the academic year, in         Spring Freshman
     ELAE help me pass?                                 addition to the ELAE, newly registered foreign
                                                                                                          Route 4 students who score 65% or above
                                                        students are required to take the Turkish
                                                                                                          as their total overall grade, as well as, those
                                                        Language Assessment Exam (TLAE) which
     The ELAE is a language proficiency exam.                                                             students who submit an external exam result
                                                        consists of an oral and a written component.
     The ELAE tests your language proficiency in                                                          of the appropriate level within the required
                                                        Students who receive a Satisfactory grade
     reading, listening and writing; therefore, in                                                        period are admitted to the University as
                                                        (SL) in this exam or who bring a valid external
     order to pass the ELAE your level of English                                                         Spring Freshman students during the Spring
                                                        exam result (EL) do not have to take TUR 001
     needs to be Upper Intermediate. It is important                                                      semester. This will give those of you who pass
                                                        course. They are advised to take either TUR
     to understand that you cannot rely mainly on                                                         the opportunity to complete some of the
                                                        101 or TUR 102 or TUR 201 course, depending
     exam practice for language development.                                                              core University courses, which are normally
                                                        on their level of language.
                                                                                                          required of students in their Freshman year,                                                             during the second semester. Courses you may
                                                        Newly registered foreign students who
                                                                                                          take are as following:
                                                        receive an Unsatisfactory grade (UL) in TLAE
                                                        are obliged to take TUR 001 course designed
     What happens if I receive                    an                                                      CIP 101N (no credit)
                                                        specifically to help students develop their
     Unsatisfactory grade in the ELAE?                  Turkish language knowledge and skills further.    •    IF 100 (3 credits / 2 shours + 2 saat
                                                                                                               problem solving = 4 hours)
     If you are a student who has just won a place at
                                                                                                          •    NS 101 (4 credits / 2 hours video course
     SU, you will be placed at one of the Routes in
                                                                                                               + 2 hours+ 2 hours problem solving = 6
     FDY. If you are a student who already studied
     one year at FDY, you may have the right to
     choose to study at FDY again. Please contact                                                         •    MATH 101 (3 credits / 3 hours + 2 problem
     the School of Languages Admin Office for                                                                  solving = 5 hours)
     more information.
                                                                                                          (Students who pass the MATH 101 exemption
                                                                                                          exam can take MATH 102 with the same
                                                                                                          credits and hours)

10                                                                                                                                                          11
School of Languages Handbook - 2019-2020 Foundations Development Year
Spring Freshman – General Information                                                                                                               School Of Languages - General Rules

     •   HIST 191 (2 credits / 2 hours)               this is the case, students will be informed by   1. Attendance                                          The classroom is one of the few places where
                                                      the FDP Directorate in due course.                                                                      you will have the opportunity to listen to and
     •   TLL 101 (2 credits / 2 hours)                                                                                                                        speak English. Therefore, it is important that
                                                                                                       Attending classes and tutorials is a vital part
     •   SPS 101 (3 credits / 2 hours + 2
                                                      For further details:        of your learning experience at the SL. You are         you always use English in lessons and that you
                                                                                                       expected to attend all classes and tutorials,          try to use English whenever you meet your
         discussioni=4 hours)
                                                                                                       and be ready to start work at 9:00 each                instructors at other times outside of class.
     •   The total number of credits per semester                                                      morning. You are expected to attend classes
         is 17. Students who are exempt from IF                                                        regularly, including the first and last days of        4. Homework
         100 and/or MATH 101 could choose                                                              the course.
         another course instead of the course(s)                                                                                                              Your instructor will give you work to do
         they are exempt from. World Languages                                                         If you miss your class for health reasons or           outside class. You are expected to complete
         Courses (WLC) are among their options.                                                        for urgent, unpredictable situations, you must         all homework on time. It is also important to
                                                                                                       inform your instructor beforehand if possible;         complete homework in order to be able to
     •   World Languages Courses:                                                                      if not, at the latest, on the day following your       fully participate in the lessons.
                                                                                                       absence. If it is a health related-matter, you
           ·   GER / German                                                                            need to have the University Health Centre              5. Statement of Academic Honesty
                                                                                                       email your medical report to your teachers.
           ·   ARA / Arabic
                                                                                                       If you get a medical report from a University
                                                                                                                                                              For full details of the rules and regulations
           ·   PERS / Persian                                                                          approved Medical Centre, you then need to
                                                                                                                                                              please see, ‘Principles of Academic Integrity’ in
                                                                                                       submit the original copy of your health report
                                                                                                                                                              the instruction letter,
           ·   FRE / French                                                                            (approved by the University Health Center,
                                                                                                                                                              h t t p : // m y s u . s a b a n c i u n i v . e d u /
                                                                                                       please see section 7) within 3 working days of
           ·   SPA / Spanish                                                                                                                                  surecharitasi/sites/mysu.sabanciuniv.
                                                                                                       the end of the medical report to the School of
                                                                                                                                                              e d u . s u re c h a r i t a s i / f i l e s/a k a d e m i k _
                                                                                                       Languages admin office.
           ·   ITA / Italian                                                                                                                                  durustluk_eng.pdf
                                                                                                        *Please see the “Exams and Health Reports”
           ·   LAT / Latin                                                                             section below.
                                                                                                                                                              Please note that your assessed work should
           ·   TLL / Ottoman Turkish                                                                   2. Class participation                                 conform to the standards of academic honesty.
                                                                                                                                                              Academically inappropriate behavior includes
     •   In WLC beginners start with basic course                                                      You are expected to complete all classroom             incorporating other people’s ideas or information
         110/110D, others may start with a higher                                                      and tutorial tasks to the best of your ability.        in essays without acknowledging the source,
         level course depending on the result of                                                       This includes full participation in joint activities   having your assignment done by somebody else,
         the Placement Test. All WLCs are offered                                                      with classmates and positive behavior that             or doing somebody else’s assignment. These
         5 hours a week, 3 credits. Additional                                                         will help you and other students to learn. You         are considered serious academic offences, and
         language courses affect Grade Point                                                           are also expected to bring all course materials,       any suspected examples of these infringements
         Average (GPA) but do not count towards                                                        including dictionaries, and pens/pencils and           will be examined by committees of FDY English
         graduation requirements for FENS                                                              paper every day, as well as your laptop on the         and FDY Turkish instructors and may result in
         students.                                                                                     specific days your instructor requests.                penalties ranging from loss of credit to referral
                                                                                                                                                              to the university disciplinary board.
                                                                                                       3. English language
                                                                                                                                                              6. Assignment deadlines
                                                                                                       In the FDY Intensive English Program, the
     Please also note that there may be some                                                           medium of communication is English. All                Throughout the year you will be required to
     changes in the courses offered to students. If                                                    classes will be conducted entirely in English.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13
submit a number of assignments for assessment.       on the day of the exam, please telephone                 9. Mobile phones
     You will always be given enough time to              the Administrative Office of the School of
     complete your assignments; therefore, all work       Languages.                                               You can use your mobile phone within the SL
     MUST be handed in before the official deadline.                                                               building, however you must respect fellow
     Any work submitted late will not receive a full      b) If you reside on campus, please seek                  students and instructors and TURN OFF
     grade. Computer failure, printer problems and        necessary medical treatment at the University            your mobile phone when you are in classes,
     other technical difficulties are not valid excuses   Health Center and obtain a health report from            tutorials, exams or lectures.
     for late work. Make sure that you complete your      them. Then University Health Center will inform
                                                                                                                   10. Smoking
     work and print it out one day before the official    the instructor of the course through e-mail.
                                                                                                                   Smoking is strictly forbidden inside the SL
                                                          c) If you reside outside the campus and receive
                                                                                                                   building. Please fully exit the building if you
     If you miss any stage of your writing tasks for      treatment in an approved medical institution
                                                                                                                   would like to smoke. Please do not smoke inside
     health reasons or for urgent, unpredictable          other than the University Health Center,
                                                                                                                   the non-smoking area.
     situations, you must inform your instructor          obtain a health report from there and have it
     beforehand if possible, if not, at the latest, on    approved by the doctors at the University Health
     the day following your absence. If it is a health-   Center. Then you need to hand it in to SL Admin
     related matter, you need to have the University      office within this 3-day period. Your instructors
     Health Centre email your medical report to           will be notified by the Admin Office.
     your teachers. If you get a medical report from
     a University approved Medical Centre, you then       d) Any health report should reach the School
     need to submit the original copy of your health      of Languages Administrative Office within 3
     report (APPROVED by the University Health            working days following the end of the medical
     Center, please see section 7) within 3 working       report, and be accompanied by a PETITION.
     days following the end of the medical report,
     to the main instructor of the relevant English       Please click on the link below and read SU
     course and submit a copy of the report to the        Health Center’s Guidelines for Student Health
     relevant instructor of the Communication Skills      Reports* carefully.
     in Turkish course.                                   h t t p : // m y s u . s a b a n c i u n i v . e d u /
     7. Health Reports and Exams

     It is important that those students who are          8. Objections to Grades
     unable to take the writing exams, the oral
                                                          If you would like any exam result to be remarked
     assessment, the midterm or the final exams
                                                          you need to give in a petition to the School
     or students who are unable to attend classes
                                                          of Languages Directorate. For ELAE results,
     during portfolio task writing for health reasons
                                                          the petition must be handed in within three
     adhere to the following:
                                                          working days of the release of grades, for any
                                                          other exam the PETITION must be handed in
     a) We would appreciate it if you could contact
                                                          within 7 WORKING DAYS OF THE RELEASE OF
     the main instructor of your class either through
                                                          EVALUATION RESULTS.
     e-mail or by telephone 1 day before the exam
     at the latest; or for urgent, unpredictable
     situations, and if you are only able to call

14                                                                                                                                                                   15
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

     1. Academic Issues                                  offers endless language learning and practice                                                        2. Technology
                                                         opportunities. The SL website (http://            I would like to learn a second foreign language.   Related Issues
     What materials will I be using to learn English designed for FDY             Can I take a second language course?
     during my time in the SL?                           students includes weblinks, podcasts and                                                             I am not very good with
                                                         study tips. There are also numerous other         You can take a second foreign language             computers. What kinds
     The SL has designed and produced its own            websites for practicing grammar, reading          in your Freshman year but not in your              of services does the
     set of coursebooks, “Beyond the Boundaries”,        newspapers, and listening to audios and           Foundations Development Year. This is              Information Technology
     which are the books mainly used at all Routes.      podcasts. Your instructors will provide you       because you need to devote a considerable          (IT) unit offer to
     The “Beyond the Boundaries” coursebooks             with many helpful websites available.             amount of time to the required academic load       students like me?
     are both content and skills based and focus                                                           in your FDY studies. However, those of you
                                                         What additional academic support is available?    who successfully complete FDY studies can          The IT department offers a wide range of
     specifically on the academic skills of listening,
                                                                                                           take courses in French, German, Italian, Latin,    support for students. The official IT website
     reading, speaking and writing as well as on
                                                         In addition to the required tutorials focusing    Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Persian or Spanish in     link is located on the MySu portal (http://
     study skills. In addition to the “Beyond the
                                                         on your assessed writing and your progress,       the Spring term.                                There     you
     Boundaries” coursebooks, you may be using
                                                         individual tutorials with SL instructors are                                                         will find many answers to frequently asked
     supplementary books for language (grammar
     and vocabulary) and/or skills development.          always available for students at all levels of    If I pass the ELAE, do I also pass the             questions as well as a link for ‘Students’ under
                                                         the program. For example, you can ask for         Communication Skills in Turkish (TLL 001 or        ‘New Users’.
     You will also be using a wide variety of
                                                                                                           TUR 001) course automatically?
     tailor-made supplementary materials. These          extra grammar support, you can discuss
                                                         your learning strategies or you can ask for                                                          What is SuCoursePlus and how does it benefit
     are selected or created by your instructors                                                           NO! Please be reminded that the TLL 001 and
                                                         clarification on anything that you have studied                                                      me?
     according to your particular academic needs.                                                          TUR 001 courses are evaluated independently
                                                         but still have questions about. All tutorials
                                                                                                           of whether you pass or fail the ELAE. In other     SuCoursePlus is a course management
                                                         are held after formal class time and are a
                                                                                                           words, FDY students who pass the ELAE do           system which is basically like a virtual
     How can I practise my English outside the SL?       great opportunity to receive some one-to-one
                                                                                                           not autumatically pass the TLL 001 or TUR          classroom and used at Sabancı University to
                                                         assistance. Although all SL instructors and
                                                                                                           001 course, too. If they pass the ELAE but fail    support all University courses. When you log
     Regularly check the announcements on                the SL Director have an ‘open door’ policy,
                                                                                                           the TLL 001 or TUR 001 course, they still have     onto SuCoursePlus you will find several tabs.
     the University`s internal website for the           in order to ensure availability for additional
                                                                                                           to retake it.                                      One of them will be for your Level (Route
     workshops, seminars, guest lectures, films          support, please make an appointment.
     etc. that are being held on campus in English.                                                                                                           1,2,3,4) & another one will be for your Section.
                                                                                                           *Please see section “Tur 001- Communication        There will also be other tabs for your Turkish
     Once you start to look for these opportunities      The Center for Individual and Academic
                                                                                                           Skills In Turkish For Undergraduate Foreign        course (TLL) and Civic Involvement Project
     you will realize that there are many.               Development (CIAD) also offers support and
                                                                                                           Students”                                          (CIP). This platform contains your course
                                                         houses Academic Communication (AC).
     Also, the Information Center (IC) is a              Academic Communication helps students                                                                information, materials that supplement your
     wonderful resource for practising your English.     develop their academic English and critical                                                          course books as well as self-study activities
     It is stocked full of DVDs and English books        thinking. AC supports the development of                                                             to develop your reading, writing, listening and
     specifically written for learners of English for    reading, writing, listening, and speaking. FDY                                                       language skills. There are also links to other
     you to borrow. The IC also has reading and          students can get support from AC in individual                                                       recommended sites where you can practice
     listening comprehension books with answer           tutorials or small study groups.                                                                     your language and study skills. In addition, you
     keys and CDs so you can test yourself.                                                                                                                   will be able to find and listen to the course
                                                         Academic    Communication      also    offers                                                        book audios using your Level SuCoursePlus.
     As Sabancı students, you also have access to        workshops for classes of FDY students.                                                               For some courses, SuCoursePlus is also used
     SUCoursePlus an online Collaboration and                                                                                                                 as a forum for web-based discussions and
     Learning Environment which supports the SL          For more information on the programs offered,                                                        postings. As SuCoursePlus is available 24
     courses you will be taking (see Part 2 of FAQ       please refer to their website at: http://ciad.                                                       hours a day, 7 days a week, you will have the
     for more details about SUCoursePlus).                                                                    opportunity to review, revise and learn on
     The Internet is another rich resource that          en/about-us                                                                                          your own or with a study partner – anytime.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
At the beginning of the semester you will be      3. Social and Individual Support                      You will also have a tutor throughout your         5 students, it is possible to form a new club
     registered automatically on SuCoursePlus                                                                Foundations Development Year. Your tutor           on campus.
     pr OLSP team will introduce you to the            I feel very stressed out and don’t feel that I am     will be an instructor from the SL. They will       For information on the campus sports
     SuCoursePlus site for your course.                doing well in adjusting to university life. I would   always be available to assist you in your          activities, click on the “spor” link on the mySU
                                                       like to talk to someone. Where should I go?           learning and point you in the right direction      page.
     What are the printing facilities offered on the                                                         particularly in academic matters.
     campus?                                           The Center for Individual and Academic                                                                   The University also has its own Performing
                                                       Development (CIAD) offers free individual             You can also attend any group sessions,            Arts Centre (Sabancı Gösteri Merkezi)
     Cemil Copy Centre will assist you with your       counseling to all Sabancı University students.        workshops, etc. organized by CIAD on a variety     which offers an opportunity for you to enjoy
     printing needs. You can send the document you     A counsellor will be assigned to you by CIAD          of topics. Information on these activities is      performing artists and groups, including
     want to print to     to help you throughout your first year.               announced on the internal website.                 concerts, dance performances and plays. As
     Also, you can call copy center at 9460.                                                                                                                    well as performances, it organises activities
                                                       You also can make an appointment for a                I feel a bit isolated since the campus is so far   for you to get involved in cultural and artistic
     Another alternative is sending your document      confidential individual session with a CIAD           away from the city. What kind of activites         pursuits.
     to and getting your       counselor by clicking the link here.                  can I get involved in during the evenings on
     print-out from any of the Xerox/printing           campus?                                            Please refer to the following link for more
     machines on the campus.                                                                                                                                    detailed information on what the Centre
                                                       Counsellors will be happy to provide you              Sabancı University has approximately 50            offers:
     Will I learn how to use computers in my class?    with individual support in matters regarding          student clubs on campus, as well as a wide
                                                       university life, social relationships, emotional      range of evening and afternoon sports
     At the beginning of each academic year Online     issues, time management, exam anxiety, etc.           activities, such as tennis and basketball,         All social activities are announced on http://
     Learning Support Project (OLSP) Team              If you feel overwhelmed or just need some             aerobics and dance classes that are offered Make sure you
     from the FDY will give you presentations on       advice, make an appointment with them. If             to both students and faculty. You may get          check the announcements regularly.
     SuCoursePlus and MS Word basics. Your FDY         you are unable to contact them for any reason,        involved in various activities ranging from
     instructors will also give you further support    please visit CIAD in the University center on         learning to play bridge, to horseback riding,
     in class.                                         the first floor.                                      sailing and debating. Also, with a minimum of

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
Foundations Development Year
     English Program Exit Level Descriptors
                               ENG 0001 (A2)                                ENG 0002 (A2+)                                 ENG 0003 (B1)                                             ENG 0004 (B2)

                              Has a limited repertoire of short             Has a repertoire of basic language which      Has sufficient language to be able to give    Has sufficient language, including a range
                              memorised phrases covering predictable        enables him/her to deal with predictable      clear descriptions and make and support       of complex structures, to be able to give
                              situations; frequent breakdowns and           classroom situations.                         claims on factual topics under study, using   clear detailed descriptions, present claims
         General linguistic

                              misunderstandings occur in non-routine                                                      some complex structures to do so.             and develop arguments in most academic
                              situations.                                   Can give short descriptions and make                                                        situations.

                                                                            simple claims on factual topics under
                              Can use basic sentence patterns and           study.
                              communicate with memorised phrases,
                              groups of a few words and formulae about
                              familiar topics under study.

                              Can understand phrases and expressions        Can understand the main claims made           Can understand straightforward factual        Can understand the main claims of
         Overall listening

                              related to familiar topics provided speech    in standard speech, provided it is clearly    information about topics under study,         propositionally and linguistically complex
                              is clearly and slowly articulated.            articulated and the speaker is sympathetic    identifying general messages and specific     speech on both concrete and abstract
                                                                            to the language ability of the listener.      details, provided speech is clearly           topics delivered in standard dialect.
                                                                                                                          articulated in a familiar accent.

                              Can communicate in simple routine tasks       Can interact with reasonable ease             Can communicate with some confidence          Can interact with a degree of fluency
                              requiting a simple and direct exchange of     in structured situations and short            on familiar topics under study.               and spontaneity that makes interaction
     Spoken Interction

                              information on familiar topics under study.   conversations, provided the other person                                                    with speakers of standard English quite
                                                                            helps if necessary.                           Can connect ideas together most of            possible.

                              Can handle very short social exchanges                                                      the time at a varying speed to convey a
                              but is rarely able to understand enough to    Can convey a simple overall message,          clear message, despite some pauses and        Can connect ideas together coherently
                              keep conversation going of his/her own        despite frequent language errors and          language errors and slips.                    at a fairly natural speed, with occasional
                              accord.                                       frequent hesitations.                                                                       unobtrusive language errors or slips.

                              Can read short, simple texts containing the   Can read extracts from simple coherent        Can read coherent introductory texts on       Can read independently in a university
                              highest frequency vocabulary.                 texts on familiar topics of a concrete type   factual topics under study and can extract    context, adapting style and speed of
     Overall Reading

                                                                            which consist of mainly high frequency        the overall meaning and locate relevant       reading to different texts and purposes,
                                                                            vocabulary.                                   details when directed to do so.               and using appropriate reference sources.

                              Can write a series of simple phrases and      Can write connected texts with reference      Can write coherent texts with reference to    Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety
                              sentences linked with simple connectors.      to knowledge from previously read or          previously read or heard texts, using some    of topics under study, and of a length and
     Overall Written

                                                                            heard texts, consisting of a series of        complex language.                             organisation suitable to their purpose.
                                                                            phrases and simple sentences.
                                                                                                                                                                        Can also synthesize and evaluate
                                                                                                                                                                        information and arguments from a number
                                                                                                                                                                        of sources to do so.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21
Foundations Development Year English Program
     Route Progressions Maps
     1. All Routes - Route Progressions

                   FALL                             SPRING

                                          90-100               65-100

                     R1                   65-89
                                                      R3       65-100    ELAE

                     R2                   65-100

                     R3                   65-100              65-100


                                                                        Faculty   The right to study in Foundation Development Year
                                                                                  summer school is given to:

                                                                                  •   Students who successfully complete Route 2

                     R4                   65-100    Faculty
                                                                                  •   Students who do not complete Route 2 successfully
                                                                                      but who score a grade “D” in the ELAE at the end of
                                                                                      Spring Semester
                                                                                  •   Students who successfully complete Route 3
                                                                                  •   Students who do not complete Route 3 successfully
                                           0-64                                       but who score a grade“D” in the ELAE at the end of
                                                                                      Spring Semester
                                                                                  •   Students who do not complete Route 4 successfully

22                                                                                                                                          23
2. Route 1 Fall → Spring Progressions                       3. Route 2 Fall → Spring Progressions

                  FALL                               SPRING              FALL                                     SPRING

                                                                          R2                              0-64      R2
                                             0-64      R2

                   R1                        65-89     R3

                                                                                                         65-100     R4

                                         90-100         R4

24                                                                                                                            25
4. Route 2 Summer Progressions


                                                            A, B, C      Faculty

                                                ELAE                                   S                    Faculty
                                                            D, E, F   Summer School
                          R2          65-100
                                                                                       U                 Route 4 in Fall

                                        0-64    ELAE        A, B, C      Faculty

                                                                                       S                    Faculty
                                                              D       Summer School
                                                                                       U                 Route 4 in Fall

                                                                                      Replaced with ELAE stage 1
                                                             E, F                     Replaced with stage 1 Sept.
                                                                                                in Fall

26                                                                                                                         27
5. Route 3 Fall → Spring Progressions

                                             FALL            SPRING

                                             R3      0-64      R3

                                                    65-100     R4

28                                                                    29
6. Route 3 Summer Progressions


                                                            A, B, C      Faculty

                                                ELAE                                   S                      Faculty
                                                            D, E, F   Summer School
                      R3              65-100
                                                                                       U                  Route 4 in Fall

                                        0-64    ELAE        A, B, C      Faculty

                                                                                       S                      Faculty
                                                              D       Summer School
                                                                                       U                  Route 4 in Fall

                                                                                       Replaced with ELAE stage 1
                                                             E, F                     Replaced with  stage 1 Sept.
                                                                                                in Fall

30                                                                                                                          31
7. Route 4 Fall → Spring Progressions

                                             FALL            SPRING

                                             R4      0-64      R4

                                                    65-100   Faculty

32                                                                     33
8. Route 4 Summer Progressions


                    R4                65-100                             Faculty

                                                            A, B, C      Faculty
                                                                                      S      Faculty
                                                            D, E, F   Summer School
                                               Guaranteed                             U   Route 4 in Fall

34                                                                                                          35
Overview of Route Progressions & CEFR Levels                                         Student Comments On School Of Languages

                                                    Taner Aytun - Basic Starter                           Sinan Büdeyri - Intermediate Starter

                                                    First of all I have to say that Sabancı University,   It may seem like the main achievement of this
                                                    School of Languages expects high quality              course is passing the ELAE. However, this
                                                    work from students. I think this is to the            course is not for passing exams, but is useful
                                                    students’ benefit. With an advanced command           for your entire academic life.
                                                    of English we will be more successful (may be
                                                    privileged and have an advantage over the
                                                    others) both in our faculties and future life.        Başak İçten - Basic Starter
                                                    Since the beginning of the semester we really
                                                    improved our reading, writing and listening           It’s been one of the most pleasant school
                                                    skills and enriched our vocabulary and                years. The joy of learning English and the
                                                    grammar knowledge and, as a natural result            nice attitudes of our instructors have made it
                                                    of all of these, we improved our speaking             possible for us to cope with this difficult year.
                                                    abilities. While learning the skills mentioned
                                                    above, our instructors guided us on how to            Ceyhun Işıkel - Basic Starter
                                                    reach our aims and left the rest to us. We
                                                    understood that success is in our hands, which        Taking French lessons at high school has made
                                                    is quite different from what we experienced in        me more experienced in learning languages.
                                                    high school. During this preparatory period we        That’s why, I can make comparisons. I believe
                                                    tried to adapt to university life. With the help      that the teaching techniques are up-to-date
                                                    of small class sizes we were able to build good       and the teachers are very successful. Teachers
                                                    friendships.                                          give importance to equality in every respect.
                                                                                                          I have also benefited a lot from SUCourse
                                                    Ceren Saygı - Basic Starter                           during the course.

                                                    I think SUCourse helps us a lot to learn English      Ebru Hüsrevoğlu - Intermediate Starter
                                                    and improve our reading, listening, vocabulary
                                                    and grammar. I used SUCourse links quite              My English really improved. I feel I have
                                                    often for self-study so thanks to our laptops         improved in reading, writing, speaking and
                                                    and our teachers.                                     vocabulary. It’s not just that I feel it, but this
                                                                                                          is so evident and clear. I have now come to a
                                                    Gülan Barçın Çağlar - Upper Starter                   stage where I can read articles which I would
                                                                                                          definitely not have been able to read before.
                                                    My studies at the SL are helping me in many           The discussion opportunities were also very
                                                    ways such as the vocabulary knowledge and             effective in terms of helping me develop my
                                                    reading strategies I gained, which help me a          thinking and my English.
                                                    lot in NS, MATHS and Arts&Social Sciences
                                                    courses. They also help me to understand              Aydan Uyar - Basic Starter
                                                    SPS. Both ENG & TLL courses help me in
                                                    writing academic essays.                              FDY courses were very effective in developing
                                                                                                          reading skills. Thanks to FDY, I don’t have
                                                                                                          difficulties in reading; in SPS, for example, I
                                                                                                          can easily guess a vocabulary item in a text
                                                                                                          from context.

36                                                                                                                                                             37
You can also read